WKL-Summer 2011

Page 22

cancer support if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer


Natural Support for Children’s Allergies, Coughs, and Colds

Friends of Cancer Support Community – Central Texas (CSCCT) is quickly coming together to become a much-needed partner of the Austin and central Texas communities. In November, 2010, Tere Holmes and Kate Cleary met during the filming of a documentary where they told their stories about their own cancer experiences. In the course of friendly conversation, they identified gaps in the cancer support services in central Texas and agreed that community, education and hope are a winning combination in the journey to wellness in the face of a health crisis. While both Tere and Kate are naturally gifted with an optimistic outlook, they recognized a mutual need to help others find that strength. The next step was to ask experienced social worker, Kelli Sureck, to join them in approaching the Cancer Support Community’s national office. The Cancer Support Community is internationally known for providing no cost, high quality emotional and social support online and in person through their more than 50 affiliates and over 100 satellite locations. To their surprise, Tere and Kate learned there is currently no CSC affiliate or satellite in central Texas. So they established Friends of Cancer Support Community – Central Texas, which will soon become an affiliate of Cancer Support Community’s global psychosocial support network. As an affiliate, they will offer free services like support groups, counseling, education and healthy lifestyle programs to anyone whose life has been impacted by cancer. Friends of Cancer Support Community – Central Texas is seeking 100% tax-deductible donations as a nonprofit corporation registered in the State of Texas. As a 501(c)3 organization, Friends of Cancer Support Community – Central Texas is eager to find a physical location and offers naming opportunities to those who make significant contributions to the Community. The founders appreciate any monetary or service donations that can be made to help with the initial organizational phase of Cancer Support Community – Central Texas. Please visit facebook.com/cscct to join our circle of friends, make a donation and find a place for yourself in our community. Contact us via email at: info@cscct.org

Article by Amy Tyler, ND


ecent studies raising safety concerns about children’s OTC medications, as well as several product recalls, have left parents wondering how they may safely offer relief for common childhood ailments. In January of 2008, the FDA issued a public health advisory recommending that children under 2 years of age should not be given OTC cough and cold medications due to an increased risk of non-allergic side effects such as rapid heart rate and convulsions. There are not any conclusive studies establishing a minimum safe age for these medications, and although these drugs may offer symptom relief, they do not cure the child of the virus or shorten the duration of the illness. Recently, numerous recalls of children’s medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, and Zyrtec have further added to parent’s confusion about the safety of OTC products. Many childhood ailments are self-limited, and respond nicely to rest, hydration, and simple supportive measures. Of course, if a child’s symptoms are more serious such as high fever or difficulty breathing, it is best to seek medical care. Parents are grateful to learn that there are many natural, non-toxic options to support their kids’ immune systems and provide comfort. Recent recalls and safety issues with many children’s OTC medications have prompted parents to seek natural support for their kids’ allergies, coughs, and colds. Parents are pleased to find that offering gentle support in the form of herbs, homeopathy, and nutrition provides their kids comfort and a quicker return to health!

ALLERGIES Home Remedies:

Store-Bought Solutions:

Nettle Tea- Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp of dried nettle leaves, cover, steep for 5 minutes, and strain. Children under age 6 can drink ¼ cup 3 x per day, and kids aged 6-12 years can drink ½ cup 3 x per day. Kids over 12 and adults may drink 1 cup 3x/day. Many kids prefer it sweetened with a small amount of honey. Fresh nettle leaves have fine hairs that sting and cause skin irritation, so use caution if harvesting fresh nettles

D-Hist Jr. by Orthomolecular Products contains ingredients like quercetin, vitamin C, and nettles. It’s designed to stabilize the cells that release histamine, thus decreasing the allergic response.

NutritionEnvironmental allergy symptoms are often worsened by foods such as bananas and dairy, which increase mucous production. In addition many kids have unidentified food allergies or food sensitivities that can increase allergy symptoms; typical culprits include dairy, wheat/gluten, corn, soy, and sugar.

Homeopathic allergy drops by companies such as Complimed and Professional Health Products are available for specific allergens (dust & mold, pet dander, grasses, and trees). Sinus IrrigationOlder children may benefit from sinus rinses such as Pediatric Neil Med, which uses a gentle saline solution to flush pollen, mucous, and debris from the nasal passages. Nasal saline drops and mists are also available for infants and younger children.

COUGH AND COLD: Home Remedies:

Store-bought Solutions:

Warming Socks- Moisten a pair of cotton socks in cold water, wring them out, then place on feet. Place a pair of wool socks over the cotton socks. Place the child in bed and wrap them in warm blankets. A reflex arc between the head and feet will help to drain congestion from the upper body, and the socks will be hot and dry by morning. For older kids and adults, more dramatic improvements may result from freezing the cotton socks (rinse, wring, freeze) rather than just using cold water.

Children’s Chestal Homeopathic Cough Syrup by Boiron provides support for kids experiencing cough and congestion. Gaiakids Warming Chest Rub is applied topically to the back and chest to help loosen congestion.

Integrative Therapeutics ViraClear Eps 7630 is an herbal extract of Pelargonium sidoides, which has been evaluated in over 20 clinical trials demonstrating it may shorten the duration and Onion & Garlic Syrup- Dice a severity of upper respiratory large red onion and 4 cloves infections. of garlic. Mix the diced onions and garlic with 1 cup Black Elderberry Syrup is a of honey, and let it stand in a time honored herbal remedy covered container for several for respiratory viruses, with days before straining. Use recent studies backing its 1-2 teaspoons to soothe sore efficacy. throats and ease coughs. It is generally recommended to avoid giving honey to children under 2 years old due to the potential of botulism spores.

*This article is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Summer 2011 | WholeLifestyleMagazine.com | 43

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