What the Health Fall 2015

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FALL 2015

EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Melissa Espinal Morgan Taylor


SENIOR EDITORS Jaye Michelle Harris, Gulnza Khan, Alexis McDonell, Khija Rockett, Gabriella Salkin

ASSISTANT EDITORS Haley Champion, Madeleine Fournier

WRITERS Emma Baty, Hayley Champion, Madeleine Fournier, Kateri Gemperlein-Schirm, Caleigh Gran, Nicole Harris, Jaye Michelle Harris, Danielle Hay, Mariana Hiotis, Katie Intner, Gulnaz Khan, Emily Kuettel, Tatyana Laird, Nicole Pal, Meghan Reilly, Khija Rockett, Mia Rossi, Gabriella Salkin, Alessandra K.S., Nicole Shapiro, Taylor Vill

BLOGGERS Sydney Hughes, Sydney Hughes, Julie Kameisha, Sarah Kinzler, Corrina Nichol, Annemarie O’Sullivan, Courtney Rosser, Lina Sullivan


MULTIMEDIA DIRECTORS Taylor Vill, Lexey Watson







PHOTO DIRECTOR Pritcia (Beaux) Wongwaisayawan


DESIGNERS Maddie Clark, Nicole Davis, Allie Feick, Paula Hughes, Cheli Kalina, Minjung Kim, Allison Leung, Joey Marion, Sam Schwartz, Diana Steinmetz

ILLUSTRATOR Juliana Meddick




PR STAFF Tatyana Laird


05 11 19 25 43 51

Warm Up 12 14 15 16 18

Alternative Grind Food for Comfort Get the Fats Straight Protein Overdose Close to the Ground


“I’m 20 and Competed in My First Bodybuilding Competition”

30 37 40

Light Up the Night: Lululemon Selfies Toxic Shock Syndrome

53 54 55 56

20 22 23 24

Hit the Gym It’s a Shoe Thing Crew-Cut Calm, Cool, and Collected


Get Well Thinking Outside the (Lunch) Box A Glass a Day... Made-to-Order Munchies Clocking Your Zzz’s Get Out of Town: Method 360

Zen Sayings to Live By Got Yogurt? Word on the Street Every Last Drop Detox Your Toiletries

Eat Smart

Feel Great


06 07 08 09 10

44 46 48

No Juice, No Problem Soothe Your Mind The Cardinal Rules of Napping


Supplement Your Life

Cool Down FALL 2015


Letter From the Editors Morgan is an early riser; waking up energized by the time the clock strikes 8 a.m. is common for her. Melissa, on the other hand, finds her energy peak after 8 p.m., making her an avid night person. You won’t often see her waking up before 11 a.m. Although we are as different as night and day, that’s more than okay. We find balance, and it works for us. We share a noted passion for all things wellness—but we are individuals, like each of you, and we celebrate individual difference. Maybe you’re a morning bird like Morgan; you revel in the early morning sun, but you always feel that midday slump. You might be interested in looking into alternative coffee options on p. 12. Or perhaps you’re a night owl, like Melissa, pushing 2 a.m. every night before bed, but you rise from the dead each morning for your early classes. You may want to learn how to reset your internal clock on p. 55, or maybe even brush up on napping techniques on p. 48. Our bodies are all different, and that’s beautiful. Just look at Kelsey Coughlin on p. 26, showing us all what the body is capable of. Or how anyone, no matter how different, can obtain an athlete’s body with the tips on p. 20. When you make an effort to take care of your body, all differences should be celebrated. And this fall, What the Health encourages you to celebrate the little things that make you unique. Read on and gather the tools you’ll need to keep your mind and body strong, happy, and well. WTH love,

Melissa Espinal & Morgan Taylor Editors-in-Chief



Warm FALL 2015





let you rself become

living poetry Rumi

leap do not fear the fall when it is the

that will set you free

You can cut all the flowers

people of


Barely sit back and let things happen to them Leonardo da Vinci

True nobility is being superior to your former self

Ernest Hemingway

CLOUDS come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my


but you cannot keep

SPRING from coming

summer winter


every human has a finite number of heartbeats


Neil Armstrong



Pablo Neruda




John Steinbeck



Rabindranath Tagore

i don’t intend to watse any of

Tyler Knott Gregson

Albert Einstein

RESPOND to every call that excites your




GOT YOGURT? Everything you need to know about this classic dairy snack By Mariana Hiotis Protein and calcium and probiotics—oh my! It’s no wonder why yogurt has become so popular. Yogurt is a nutrient powerhouse made from cultured milk. The probiotics help to maintain a healthy digestive tract, the protein helps repair muscles after hitting the gym, and the calcium helps build strong bones and teeth. With that being said, not all yogurts are created equal.

Skip the Sugar

Culture Shock

“The lower the better,” says Jane Uzcategui, M.S., R.D., and instructor of nutrition at Syracuse University. Yogurt contains natural sugar called lactose, which isn’t problematic, but you’ll want to limit added sugar. One serving of yogurt should contain no more than 20 grams of sugar; but also be aware of sweeteners such as stevia, aspartame, and sucralose—which can lead to ingesting empty calories.

Those microscopic living organisms that convert pasteurized milk to yogurt during fermentation are extremely beneficial to your digestive health. Next time you’re at the grocery store, grab a yogurt with the “live and active cultures” label—your stomach will thank you.

Protein Punch When it comes to protein, go Greek. Greek yogurt is made by straining out whey, or the liquid that remains after milk has been strained. This makes the yogurt thicker and causes it to have about twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt.

Yogurts to Yield Dessert, Anyone? Yogurts that come topped with cookie pieces, granola, and candies can pack on additional calories, fat, and sugar. Instead of going topping-crazy, take vanilla yogurt and make your own yogurt sundae by adding dried fruit, chopped almonds, or dark chocolate chips.

Fruit on the Bottom Just because there’s fruit in yogurt, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy. The fruit in this type of yogurt is more likely a form of jelly with hidden sugar, not actual fruit. Instead, choose a low-fat or nonfat yogurt and top it with real, fresh fruit such as berries, bananas, or apples. Add a drizzle of local honey for extra sweetness. Frozen Yogurt Although increasingly popular, froyo is often a fro-no when it comes to nutrition. This ice cream alternative usually contains excess sugar and additives, such as thickeners and artificial flavor. Add in all of those extra toppings and you’re in for a caloric disaster. The next time you head to Yogurtland, fill the smaller cup up a third of the way with plain tart froyo and top with healthier options like strawberries, walnuts, and coconut flakes.

FALL 2015




Cramps are usually the best way to describe that time of the month, but let’s not forget about the cravings that also come with the most dreaded four to five days of the lunar cycle. Many women are curious—and we assume that you are too—about why you experience cravings while on your period. We decided to get some professional advice on why we crave what we crave on our period. Samuel Badalian, M.D., Ph.D., and board–certified obstetrician and gynecologist, says that period cravings are due to hormones, oxygen deficiency, and electrolyte deficiency. Some women crave things such as cheese and other dairy products because they may be deficient in calcium, says Badalian. He says other women crave sweet things, such as chocolate, because they lack oxygen during menstruation and the sugar helps to keep their blood pressure up. All women are different, so of course the nature of their period cravings vary. While your monthly visitor is in town, you may find yourself devouring a giant slice of chocolate cake, craving weird combinations of food, or craving nothing at all. If you think your cravings can be crazy, you are definitely not alone. What the Health interviewed women around campus to learn what kinds of cravings they feel when on their period.



1 2 3

“I crave a lot of sweet stuff but my favorite would have to be chocolate. Normally I try to be healthy, but when I am on my period I don’t care about being healthy.” Rachel Y.

“I just crave food in general, even before my period starts. Your homegirl eats like a 800-pound bear going into hibernation. I am usually not a sweets type of person, so I rarely crave sweet treats on my period. However, one type of food that I do crave is cheese—but I am all about cheese all the time.” Jackie N.

“I don’t get my period very often, but when I do I like to eat refrigerated dark chocolate with sea salt.” Paulina G.

4 5 6

“I don’t get any cravings.” Beaux W.

“I crave lots and lots of chocolate. My favorite chocolate treats would have to be chocolate cake and brownies.” Sophia B

“I crave salty and sweet at the same time. I love the combination of Lays BBQ chips and grocery store chocolate cake with heavy chocolate icing.” Jessica S.

Every Last Dr p WARM UP

Brighten up your beauty regimens with these natural oils

By Katie Intner

GO COCO for Coconuts Coconuts originate in the tropics, and were first used by early Spanish explorers for their nutrients and long list of health benefits. Today, coconut oil is popular in the vegan community due to its ability to provide energy fast, but many have learned that this oil is also an excellent beauty tool.

Properties • •

Contains vitamin E, which promotes silky hair Contains anti-aging antioxidants like capric acid, which keep the skin looking young Increases hair growth for long, healthy locks

Uses • • • •

Frizz tamer and dandruff eliminator Makeup remover Balm for chapped lips Moisturizer for rough skin

So, It’s Not Moroccan Oil?

Mistakenly called Moroccan oil, Argan oil comes from the Argan tree, which is native to Morocco. Argan oil is a rare and exotic oil that dates back to 1550 B.C., traditionally used by the wealthier class for cosmetic purposes.

Properties • •

Contains vitamin E and tocopherols, which protect skin from sun damage Contains saponins, or skinsoftening agents

Uses • • • •

Deep conditioner for shiny, smooth hair Cuticle oil for strong, reflective nails Fades stretch marks and scars Smooths cracked heels and dry soles

Combines with facial moisturizer for glowing skin

More Than an Italian Favorite

Olive oil, the classic Italian kitchen staple, works for more than just your homecooked meal. This universal oil has been used for beauty regimens since the days of Cleopatra.

Properties • • •

Contains vitamins K and E, which protect skin from premature aging Doesn’t clog pores; instead provides a cleansing effect Contains hydroxytyrosol, which prevents free radical skin damage

Uses • • • •

Moisturizer for lips, face, and neck Shaving cream for smooth legs A natural exfoliant when mixed with sea salt Cuticle oil and eye makeup remover


Jojoba oil is an odorless and colorless oil that comes from the seeds of the jojoba plant, which can grow up to 10 feet tall. The plant is native to Arizona, California, and Mexico.

Contains • • •

Acts as an anti-microbial and an anti-inflammatory Balances the naturally-occurring oils in our skin Contains anti-aging agents

Aussie Approved

Originally used in Australia for antiseptic purposes, tea tree oil has been a popular essential oil for nearly 100 years. The oil is made from the leaves of the Australian tree, Melaleuca alternifolia.

Properties •

Has cicatrisant properties, which heals shallow wounds and fades scars It’s a sudorific substance; it acts as an anti-inflammatory and flushes toxins

Uses • • •

Scalp smoother and dandruff eliminator Prevents hair loss Treats acne with just a few drops

Essential oils smell nice and

can bring us to a relaxing beach or field of flowers, even on a bad day. But what if we got the same calming qualities from what’s in our kitchen pantries? What the Health found some of the best treatments for your hair, nails, and skin using only natural oils.

Uses • • • •

Soothes the redness and pain of sunburns Conditions hair and promotes its growth Treats acne, eczema, and psoriasis Fades scars

FALL 2015




hen it comes to our bodies, proper hygiene is a vital component that affects our health and personal wellness. Our daily routine involves morning and evening activities that include cleaning various parts of our bodies, but what many people don’t realize is that the dirt and bacteria they remove from their body actually stays on the products they use. Combined with multiple uses and the humid climate of a bathroom, a surprising amount of bacteria accumulates on our day-to-day products over time. Keeping track of your loofah usage might seem like a hassle, but your body will thank you for it. Here’s What the Health’s guide to help you ensure that all of your toiletries stay clean.

TOOTHBRUSH A study in the Indian Journal of Dental Research found that millions of microorganisms live on our toothbrushes, including ones that cause strep throat and staph infections. Most of these bacteria thrive in wet environments, which means that as long as your toothbrush is dry by the next time you use it, you’re probably safe. TIPS • Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after each use. • Never share it with other people, no matter how otherwise intimate you may be with them. • Store your brush upright so that water and bacteria can drain down the handle. • Don’t store your toothbrush in the bathroom; but if you have to, keep it stored in an anti-bacterial solution and as far away from the toilet as possible. If you use a toothbrush cover, make sure it has ventilation. WHEN TO REPLACE IT Buy a new toothbrush once every three months or after you’ve been sick. Look for fraying bristles—but don’t rely on them. If it’s been three months and they’re not frayed, replace your toothbrush anyway.

HAIRBRUSH Fortunately, hairbrushes don’t harbor bacteria the same way that other tools do; but it’s a good idea to clean them every now and then, depending on how much hair product you use. Hair products and oils build up between the bristles, and that dirt can be transferred to your hair. Luckily, hair brushes are easy to clean.



How to come clean about your bathroom essentials

By Caleigh Gran TIPS • Use warm water and soap or shampoo, but don’t submerge the brush in water because it can weaken the bristles and cause them to separate and break off. • Take an old toothbrush to gently scrub away dirt and oils from between the bristles with the soapy solution. WHEN TO REPLACE IT Swap your old hairbrush for a new one when the bristles start to break off, otherwise you could accidentally cut your scalp and allow bacteria direct access to your bloodstream. Yikes.

MAKE UP BRUSHES It’s important to clean your cosmetic brushes because—surprise!—harmful bacteria can grow on them too. A study conducted by Loyola Marymount University found that the amount of bacteria on a makeup brush doubles by the end of the second week of its use. TIPS • The Derm Institute recommends cleaning makeup brushes every one to two weeks. • Use any antibacterial soap with warm water while working your fingers through the bristles in a downward motion. Rinse and let it sit to dry. • Brushes used for liquid foundations and concealers need to be cleaned more often than those used for loose powders. Powders can be tapped off, but creamy makeup products stick to the bristles. WHEN TO REPLACE IT As long as you’re cleaning your makeup brushes often, you can keep them as long as you like.

LOOFAH According to the Journal of Clinical



Microbiology, loofahs are breeding grounds for bacteria. The dead skin and dirt that comes off of your body in the shower, paired with the wet, humid environment where loofahs are stored creates the perfect storm for bacteria production. If you have any cuts or nicks from shaving, the bacteria can easily enter your body while you’re washing and lead to a nasty infection. TIPS • Never share your loofah with another person. • Don’t use it to wash your face or genitals. Contact with bodily fluids is what can cause a rash-causing bacteria to grow on your loofah. • Instead of hanging it in your shower, store it in a cool, dry place. WHEN TO REPLACE IT Be sure to switch to a new loofah at least once a month.

TOWEL Similar to loofahs, bacteria live in the dark crevices of towels. When you repeatedly use the same towel, you’re giving bacteria a second chance to return to your skin. TIPS • The Schweiger Dermatology Group says it’s okay to reuse a towel if you’re just drying your face with it. But if you’re using it to remove makeup, washing it each time is a must. • Never use the same towel you use on your body for your face. • Wash bath towels after three uses. By then, millions of dead skin cells will have accumulated. WHEN TO REPLACE IT Never! As long as you wash your towels regularly, you can keep them around for as long as your heart desires.





Alternative Grind Ditch your daily cup of joe and still power through your 8 a.m. By Haley Champion

Both coffee and caffeine have been getting a lot of slack the past few years. These days, it’s hard to tell how much coffee is considered a safe amount to drink and what kind of health consequences come with caffeine consumption. Karen Nardella, M.D. and physician at Syracuse University Health Services, says that like other chemical substances, caffeine intake may lead to physical dependence. “The reason there may be increased controversy surrounding caffeine is because of its growing misuse,” says Nardella. Students who rely on coffee for everyday function are more likely to experience the side effects of caffeine over-consumption. Side effects can include insomnia, dehydration, upset stomach, a higher risk for withdrawal symptoms, and increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. For many, coffee is a crucial part of the day. If you don’t see yourself parting ways with the beverage, it’s important to note that the best way to maintain a healthy level of the stimulant is by keeping your daily caffeine intake below 400mL, or 13.5 ounces. Those who have high levels of anxiety, nervousness, or restlessness should seek out caffeine alternatives. People who do not experience any of these symptoms can drink caffeine, but are still recommended to enjoy it in moderation. Another thing to consider about coffee consumption is how your coffee is prepared. The use of added sugars and flavor enhancers like milk and creamers are high in saturated fat, which increases caloric intake and the risk for diabetes and obesity. On the other side, coffee also boasts some health benefits. Those who have been consuming coffee in moderation for a long period of time experience



increased alertness and concentration. Research also shows that veteran coffee drinkers have less intense headaches, better controlled asthma, a reduced risk for Type 2 diabetes, and a protective barrier against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. While some people may react well to a moderate amount of coffee, many still experience side effects like insomnia and anxiety. One way to continue consuming caffeine while avoiding these side effects, is to be conscious of the time of day that you drink your cup of joe . Throughout the day, it’s common for the body’s cortisol levels to fluctuate. When you ingest coffee or other caffeinated products during high cortisol periods, it can increase your anxiety level since cortisol is a stress related hormone. High anxiety levels disrupt one’s REM cycle while sleeping. A Harvard study states those on a 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily schedule should consume their morning coffee between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., and their afternoon cup between 1:30 and 5 p.m. This time period may need adjustment depending on one’s own sleep schedule, but caffeine should always be avoided around meal times, especially after dinner. Coffee, and caffeine more specifically, can still be part of a healthy diet. But if you want to cut back on caffeine, or you simply don’t enjoy coffee, here are some healthy, energy-boosting alternatives.

1. Green Tea • • •

Rich in antioxidants Burns fat, boosts metabolism, and improves physical performance Improves dental health by killing bacteria, lowering infection risk

2. Nutty Smoothie

4. Carob Powder

6. Almonds

• •

• • • • • • •

Cashew milk, nut butter, and other nut products help elevate blood sugar levels Smoothie recipe example: 1 banana 1 handful of strawberries ⅕ 1/5 cup protein powder ⅛ 1/8 cup flax seed 1 handful of nuts 1/2 cup almond milk

3. Wheatgrass Juice • •

Easily digested Many vitamins and minerals (vitamin A, B, and C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium) Powerful detoxifier, especially for the liver and blood

• • •

Non-dairy chocolate alternative Mix with any type of milk, add a bit of honey or sweetener for a yummy taste High in protein Lowers cholesterol Available at most health food stores

• • •

5. Lemon Water • • • •

Aids in digestion and flushes toxins from body Boosts immune system to help fight viral infections Promotes weight loss Add the juice of ½ lemon to full glass of water to push away that sluggish morning feeling

Easily portable and great for snacking Source of protein, vitamin E, magnesium, and copper Contain a high level of healthy unsaturated fatty acids Contain bioactive substances like fiber and antioxidants that may prevent cardiovascular disease

7. Morning Workout •

• • •

Whether for five minutes or an hour, getting active in the morning is a sure way to wake your body up for the day Improves concentration Stimulates release of endorphins— proteins that promote pleasure Sleep will come more easily at bedtime

FALL 2015





December in Syracuse—it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. But with the stress of constant snowfall, packing for winter break, and studying for finals, there’s barely any time to celebrate the season, let alone resist the urge to order in Domino’s and Insomnia Cookies on a regular basis. But not to fear; instead of binge-eating sugar cookies while watching holiday movies in bed, What the Health found three healthy, delicious, and comforting recipes that can be enjoyed without the risk of morphing into old Saint Nick himself.

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese WHY IT’S HEALTHIER • Substitutes heavy cream with fatfree Greek yogurt • Incorporates butternut squash, providing a serving of vegetables Ingredients • 2 cups of cubed butternut squash • ½ cup of chicken stock • ½ cup of milk • 1½ to 2 cloves of garlic • 1 tablespoon fat-free Greek yogurt • ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese • ½ cup grated parmesan cheese • 1 lb. macaroni noodles • 1 tablespoon butter • ½ cup panko breadcrumbs • Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, bring butternut squash, stock, milk, and garlic to a boil. Then reduce to a simmer until the squash is tender (about 20 minutes). 2. Remove from heat and add to a blender with Greek yogurt, salt, and pepper. Blend on low and slowly increase the speed. Blend until smooth and add in cheddar and parmesan cheese. Blend again until combined and cheese is melted. Pour into a large bowl and set aside. 3. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.



4. Cook the macaroni noodles according to package instructions. 5. Meanwhile, heat butter in a medium pan over medium heat. Add panko breadcrumbs and cook until golden brown, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and set aside. 6. When pasta is done, drain and add directly to cheesy squash mixture. Mix and serve with panko breadcrumbs sprinkled on top.

Turkey Chili WHY IT’S HEALTHIER • Fat-free turkey is a lean substitute for beef • Good source of fiber and protein Ingredients • 2 lb. 99% fat-free ground turkey • 1 yellow onion, chopped • 5 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 (28 oz.) can crushed tomatoes, no-salt added • 1 (15 oz.) can petite diced tomatoes, no-salt added • 3 tablespoons tomato paste • 1 (15 oz.) can kidney beans, no-salt added, drained and rinsed • 1 ½ teaspoons sea salt • Pinch of pepper • 3 tablespoons chili powder • 2 teaspoons oregano • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper Directions 1. With olive oil, sauté onion and garlic in a large pot until fragrant, about three minutes. Add ground turkey and cook until crumbled and brown, draining excess liquid as necessary. 2. Add in all the rest of the ingredients and slow-cook on medium-low heat for about an hour.

Home cooking without the postmeal food coma

By Meghan Reilly

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies WHY IT’S HEALTHIER • Uses oat flour and rolled oats instead of bleached flour • These oats provide more fiber and minerals than bleached flour Ingredients: • 1 cup oat flour • ¾ cup old-fashioned rolled oats • ½ teaspoon baking powder • 1/3 teaspoon baking soda • ½ teaspoon salt • ½ cup sugar • 1/3 cup canola oil • 1/3 cup plain soy milk • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract • ¼ cup chopped walnuts or other favorite nut • 1/3 cup dark chocolate chips Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350°. Combine first six ingredients in a bowl. Whisk together oil, soy milk, and vanilla in a separate bowl. Add wet ingredients to dry and stir to combine. Fold in walnuts and chocolate chips. 2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Scoop dough onto pan and bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown, turning the baking sheet halfway through. Let it cool on a wire rack.



STRAIGHT Learn the truth behind healthy fats By Mariana Hoitis


at is more than a feeling. It’s an essential nutrient, meaning it must be consumed as part of a healthy diet. With low-fat options lurking on the shelves at Wegmans, and with the constant push to eat heart-healthy fats, it’s no wonder why the facts on fat can be confusing.

Fat is found in a variety of oils and foods. This essential nutrient is a key player in making up cell membranes, reducing the risk for heart-related diseases, and helping the body soak up vitamins A, D, E, and K. When it comes to fats, what matters the most is choosing healthy options. The three types of fats naturally found in foods are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are found to be the healthiest. Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which help sharpen your brain power. It’s important to note that omega-6’s are abundant in everyday food products like salad dressings, soybean oil, corn oil, margarine, chicken, and eggs. Omega-3’s, however, are harder to come by because they’re only found in walnuts and oily fish like salmon and tuna. Omega-3’s are more protective of overall health because they fight against inflammation, expand blood vessels to provide more oxygen to the body, and prevent blood clots. Monounsaturated fats are found in an array of oils including canola, olive, and peanut oil, and can also be found in foods like nuts, avocado, and nut butters. Saturated fats, on the other hands, can prove detrimental to one’s health. They are typically solid at room temperature and are found in dairy products, red meat, and baked goods. This type of fat comes primarily from animals and may increase your risk of heart disease. Tropical oils, such as coconut oil, also fall under the category of saturated fats. Despite the positive hype around coconut oil, it’s important to note that it should be used in moderation because its saturated fats still raise bad cholesterol levels. Research shows that although it has some health benefits, it should still be used sparingly. When eating saturated fats, moderation is key. When consuming any kind of fat, being mindful of your intake makes all the difference. Chef Mary Kiernan, M.B.A., a food studies instructor at Syracuse University, believes that portion control is a must due to the high caloric content in fat. “It’s about making conscious choices,” says Kiernan.

Fats in the Kitchen

A simple guide to cooking with healthy fats. • Canola, soybean, corn, and grapeseed oils have a neutral flavor. Perfect to combine with various seasonings for a refreshing dressing. • Olive oil has a rich flavor. Use for sauteing, as a replacement for butter on bread or vegetables, or for your homemade salad dressing. • Peanut oil has a nutty flavor. Due to the high smoke point, this is the perfect oil for frying. It is great for stir-frys. or to use as the base in a spicy ginger dressing. • Sesame seed oil has a strong flavor. Add to Thai dishes for extra zing. A little goes a long way, so use sparingly and to taste. • Coconut oil has a sweet, nutty flavor, with a neutral taste. Works for sauteing vegetables, baking, and asian cuisine. Remember to use saturated fats in moderation.

Swap It Don’t Stop It

Lose the unhealthy fats, without sacrificing the flavor. • Swap that heavy whole-milk for a refreshing 1% or skim option. • Swap sour cream on your baked potato for creamy low-fat plain Greek yogurt. • Swap cream cheese on your morning bagel with a natural nut butter. (Added bonus: the nut butter adds protein). • Swap that basic mayonnaise on your sandwich for a smooth spread of fresh avocado. • Swap the traditional dip for your veggies with any flavor of hummus for a Mediterranean twist. • Swap the butter on your roasted vegetables for heart- warming olive oil with sodium-free seasonings of your choosing. • Swap Crisco in baked goods for applesauce or bananas for a healthy, sweet sensation.

Fat in any form adds up calories quickly, so it’s crucial to be aware of how much is used in food preparation. The cooking method is important as well because the way foods are prepared can cause a loss in nutrients and an increase in unhealthy fat. When choosing food options, it’s better to go for foods that are steamed, poached, or grilled as opposed to those that are fried, in order to cut down on added fat and calories, while maintaining the flavor of the dish.

FALL 2015



OD How much protein is too much protein? By Emily Kuettel

Some say strong is the new skinny. People are swapping running shoes for dumbbells and juices for protein shakes in order to gain strength, energy, and of course, a killer body. While protein is naturally crucial for muscle gains, some people take this to the extreme with the use, and often the obsession, with protein powder and bars. With the convenience of a scooper and the drive to quickly gain muscle mass, people are likely to consume double, sometimes triple the amount of their recommended daily protein intake. What they often don’t realize is that consuming so much protein is never necessary, and can even prove hazardous to your health.

First, you should figure out how much protein your body requires to stay healthy. Everyone is different, so it makes sense that everyone’s protein intake should be different too. According to the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans, we should get about 10



percent to 35 percent of our daily calories from protein. This is about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men—an amount equal to about two to three servings of protein-rich foods, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

When trying to gain muscle and lose fat, protein is the key. Aim to increase your protein intake to 0.8 or one gram per pound of body weight. Protein allows for quick muscle recovery after working out and boosts your metabolism. It also contains fewer calories per gram than fat and makes you feel fuller compared to carbohydrates or fats. With all of the positive hype about protein, it’s hard to imagine that anything could go wrong. But some people are overdosing, or consuming more protein than their bodies can use, making them gain weight that isn’t

muscle. If the body is not able to use the calories that are provided by protein, it will store the excess as fat. Sudha Raj, Ph.D. and instructor of nutrition at Syracuse University, explains that overdosing on protein could lead to more serious health problems. “Consuming a large amount of protein is a burden on the kidneys,” Raj says.

Protein powders also present a number of different health issues. In July 2010, Consumer Reports tested 15 different protein powders and drinks. They found that each one contained traces of at least one toxic metal, and exposing your body to excess metals can lead to side effects such as cancer or kidney failure.


Instead of killing your kidneys with excessive scoops of protein powder, try some of these What the Health tips to stabilize your protein intake the healthy way:


Make the simple switch to whole grains over white. Whole grains keep the natural proteins that are removed in the process of making white flours. Check ingredient labels for highprotein grains like buckwheat, barley, and rye.


Always choose grilled proteins over fried. Grilled meats and tofu contain less fat, are more nutrient-rich, and retain more protein per calorie.


Make your salad count. Add lean meat, low-fat cheese, or chickpeas to your healthy green dish to include good protein in your meal. Leafy greens are loaded with powerful nutrients and layers of fiber, helping you digest them slowly. By adding lean or nutty proteins, you’ll increase the bulk of your meal while maintaining minimal calories, leaving you satisfied and energized.


Always keep high-protein snacks available in your fridge or school bag to help hold you over until your next meal. Low-fat yogurt, nuts, natural nut butters, seeds, hummus, and string cheese are great high-protein snack options that will help you power through your busy day.


Try to switch up your snacks and meals—variety is key. Each source of protein contains different kinds of amino acids that our body requires to function properly. There are nine essential amino acids, and the body cannot produce all of them on its own. A ‘complete protein’ comes from either animal products, like meat or eggs, or a combination of other non-animal protein sources.

FALL 2015










Clean eating ends the era of fad diets By Tatyana Laird Carbohydrates have been under attack since the mid-1990s, largely due to the misconception that cutting them out of your diet is the best way to lose weight and attain better health. These attacks came in the form of fad diets, convincing the public that in order to look a certain way, you have to eat accordingly or cut out major food groups. These health trends are popularized by the media, but they are only temporary fixes for weight control. The Atkins diet, one of the most wellknown eating plans when it comes to losing weight, started gaining popularity in the early 2000s after first being introduced in the 1970s. In 2002, the company debuted The New Atkins Diet Revolution, a revitalized version of the weight-loss method. It was based on the idea that having a low intake of carbohydrates signals the body to burn stored fat for energy. The South Beach Diet was next to capitalize on the fad diet craze. This plan was developed by Florida-based cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston. Unlike the Atkins diet, which prohibits most carbohydrates, this particular method includes beneficial carbs like vegetables and whole grains. It focuses more on cutting out refined carbs like sugar and white flour, which lack essential nutrients and are more detrimental to your health. The issue with low-carb diets is that omitting entire major food groups like carbohydrates makes it difficult to maintain a well-balanced meal plan. Inadequate intake of carbohydrates also leads to dehydration and prohibits the body from being able to retain the proper amount of water needed to function properly. People have gone to even more bizarre lengths to slim down, trying strange methods to help them lose weight.



One crazy fad that gained short-lived popularity is the Twinkie diet, which became well-known in 2010. Dieters ate only Twinkies for two months in order to achieve their ideal swimsuit body. Although they did experience weight loss as a result of low caloric intake, this strategy comes with the risk of developing high blood sugar levels that may cause serious health issues such as Type 2 diabetes. Eventually, people rejected each of these fad diets and sought out a plan that was both wholesome and nutrient-dense.

for their daily meals, rather than be stuck in a restrictive eating plan. Younger generations are also the most aware of issues within the food industry because of how quickly information is spread in today’s society. Because of exposé documentaries like Food Inc., millennials want to know where their food is coming from and tend to favor organic products. Grocery chains like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods have been a crucial part of the clean eating movement by offering a large inventory of organic products and fresh, local produce to their customers.

Jane Uzcategui, M.S., R.D., and instructor of nutrition at Syracuse University, says the issue with fad diets is that their sole purpose is to help people lose weight, rather than aid in overall health and wellness. “All diets work if you follow them, but they are usually not balanced or sustainable,” says Uzcategui. “They all have a ‘yo-yo effect’ where people diet, they lose weight, and then go back to what they were originally doing.” Lately, there has been a decline in such weight loss techniques and a global movement toward consuming more holistic foods, a lifestyle that many refer to as clean eating.

Eating holistically doesn’t mean giving up all of your favorite foods, it’s just a matter of making smarter decisions more frequently. When you’re grocery shopping, pay more attention to the ingredient labels and less to the general nutrition facts. The artificial additives that are commonly seen in everyday products have been found to negatively affect mental and physical health. Clean eating focuses on the quality of nutrients in food; so if an ingredient is unrecognizable or can’t be easily pronounced, chances are it isn’t great for your body.

Clean eating is generally defined as eating more organic, fresh, and whole foods while eliminating anything that is processed. “It’s fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, having lean sources of protein [like] chicken, fish, lean beef—all of those are fine,” says Uzcategui. “I tell my kids all the time, if it looks like a food that came from the earth, it’s a good choice.” Clean eating focuses on the idea that by eating organic, nutrientdense foods, it will lead to better health, improved energy, and increased levels of happiness.

A holistic diet is more than just a trend. It will benefit you in the long run by reducing your risk for diseases such as cancer and other health issues. Worrying about caloric intake is less important than being aware of where your food comes from, how it’s made, and whether or not it has been highly processed with harmful ingredients. “Eat consistently, [don’t] worry about calories all the time,” says Uzcategui. Look at eating simply as a mean for good health, and your mind and body will thank you.

This lifestyle has been especially popular with millennials. CPG Marketing Trends, which studies consumer behavior in the food sector, states that only 12 percent of millennials report trying dieting trends. Millennials tend to want well-balanced and various options



FALL 2015




how much h2o do you really need when working out? Staying hydrated at the gym is one of the most vital parts of an effective workout. Drinking water before, during, and after a workout is absolutely essential. In one hour of exercise the body can lose more than a quart of water—depending on factors like exercise intensity—which can send the body into a state of dehydration.

To Avoid Dehydration For moderate to highintensity exercise, you should drink 17-20 ounces of water two to three hours before exercising, according to The American Council on Exercise. Between 20 and 30 minutes before your workout, it’s recommended that you drink about eight ounces of water. During your workout, you should drink seven to 10 ounces every 10-20 minutes.



Athlete: “a person who is trained in or good at sports, games, or exercises that require physical skill and strength.” Merriam-Webster Dictionary If an athlete is defined simply as a person who is “trained in or good at sports,” why can’t we all be athletes? Who says you must be a professional athlete to look like one? Well it turns out, you don’t.

Squats for the Win

When hitting the gym, it’s best to do compound workouts such as power cleans, squats, overhead presses, and deadlifts. These compound movements use multiple joints, incorporating more muscles at a time than other moves. The more muscles being used, the more to be gained. Veronica Tearney, Syracuse’s Strength and Conditioning Olympic Sports Director, emphasizes the importance of compound movements. “They’re the most bang for your buck,” says Tearney. If you have a limited amount of time and limited days for your workout, compound movements are the way to go. “If you are trained in doing them and have the proper techniques, they’re great for a workout program,” she says.

Slow-Digesting Carbohydrates and Protein, Anyone?

Emily Resnick, a freshman on the SU women’s lacrosse team, discloses her favorite pre-practice meals and a trainer’s inspirational motto that sums up what it’s like to train like an athlete. Resnick attributes her high performance ability to her food-fuel prior to playing. “Oatmeal is probably my favorite meal before a game or practice,” she says. According to science, she’s not wrong. Oatmeal contains slow digesting carbohydrates, which produce a relatively slow increase in blood glucose and a modest insulin release. The carbs

in the oatmeal give sufficient energy for a great workout. Although her coaches don’t necessarily instruct them on what to eat, they do encourage the team to eat a light, protein-filled meal before breakfast with a good amount of carbs, such as yogurt or peanut butter with fruit, or Resnick’s favorite, oatmeal. Besides nutrition advice, Resnick says her trainer Matt Mancz, known as “Muscle Matt” by his athletes, offers this general piece of wisdom: “Water is power. Food is fuel. Sleep is key.” Muscle Matt has instilled this unforgettable philosophy in his trainees along with great admiration, as told by Resnick’s large smile in response. Resnick believes that the first step to training like an athlete is to start eating right, and then make a schedule to workout everyday. She says this with conviction, as those two steps have helped her transform into the warrior athlete she is today.

A Kick in the Butt: Dynamic Stretching

Blair Greenwald, a sophomore on the SU women’s club lacrosse and soccer teams, believes attaining an athlete’s body can be as simple as learning basic, proper stretching techniques. “A simple way to incorporate fitness in your everyday life is do some stretching, especially dynamic stretching,” says Greenwald. Dynamic stretching involves slow and controlled movements, differing from static stretching in that the stretcher doesn’t remain still in the pose. A study done by The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research concluded that dynamic stretching improved power, while static stretching reduced performance for up to 24 hours after training. Some dynamic stretches are

t the gym How to train your body like an athlete By Gabriella Salkin

goose-step-march, knee lifts, and butt-kicks. To achieve a proper goose-step march, lift your leg in front of you and alternate as you walk normally. If you hope to perform a killer knee-lift, jog or walk while bringing your knees up with power towards your chest. Thirdly, an effective butt-kick can be done by bending and lifting one knee behind you as if you were kicking your butt, as the name suggests. Do several controlled 30-second repetitions of each to stretch your way into your athlete body.

Relax and replenish

Along with nutrition and exercise, sleep is vital for building muscle, thus preparing you for the ultimate athlete’s body. It’s recommended that you get seven to nine hours of snooze time for a proper night’s sleep. During sleep, your body goes into an anabolic, or muscle building, state which is optimal for muscle growth, repair, and to recharge. Tearney emphasizes the importance of sleep and believes going to the gym is “only as effective as how you treat yourself outside of the gym.” Tearney says that while nutrition and exercise are crucial to training towards an athlete’s body, other general health requirements are important to keep in mind. “It’s the people who find the balance of eating well, physically living well, getting the rest your body needs, and adding the proper exercise routines, that will have long-lasting benefits,” she says. Tearney also stresses the importance of rest days. “If you aren’t recovering well and giving your body a chance to rebuild, you won’t be seeing gains.” So lace-up those sneakers, grab your water bottle, and get to work—the athlete body of your dreams is patiently waiting.

FALL 2015



It’s a

Shoe Thing Here are some tips and tricks to having show-worthy and healthy feet By Kateri Gemperlein-Schirm Students are constantly on the go. Whether they’re at the gym, in their dorm, or trudging through the inevitable Syracuse snow, students are always on their feet. Spending too much time walking without giving them enough time to rest can really take a toll on the toes. Feet are susceptible to many problems―like athlete’s foot, warts, sores, general soreness, and more. Despite these possible complications, there are ways to prevent contracting these uncomfortable and rather disgusting ailments. Achieving proper foot care doesn’t take weekly trips to the podiatrist; it just takes some practice in TLC. The most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to proper foot care is this one tip: always wear shoes when showering. This is the main principal to maintaining healthy feet in college. Shower shoes protect us from all the possible bacteria and fungi lurking in the warm and damp environment of the highly dreaded communal bathrooms. These bacteria can lead to many unfortunate foot problems, most commonly athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, and various forms of warts. The cure for such ailments usually comes in the form of an over-the-counter medication or foot powder. So do yourself a favor and head down to the nearest drugstore

to pick up a pair of flip flops suitable for the shower. This will save you from the embarrassment of future ointment purchases and the pain of a nasty foot sore. Syracuse University’s large campus, exacerbated by the grudging walks uphill, makes proper footwear a must. If you’re experiencing soreness of the feet, you can most likely blame it on your brand-new, but less-than-comfortable heeled boots. According to the Podiatry Services of Central New York, the healthiest shoes for your feet are flats with a heel of one inch or less, for both men and women. It’s also best to look for shoes with a shock-absorbent sole, since the sole reduces impact to the bottom of your foot. Completing your outfit with improper footwear can lead to a number of problems. Studies by the Podiatry Services of CNY reveal that seven out of ten women develop a foot deformity due to ill-fitting shoes, in contrast to men who are less likely to develop one. Try alternating your footwear day-to-day. Doing so will remedy the harm other shoes may cause and ensure maximum comfort with minimal wear-and-tear. If you believe your feet require more than just a basic shoe, consider looking into orthotics. Orthotics come in varying

sizes and structure, and are used to correct foot abnormalities or provide additional support and comfort. Poor footwear can also cause calluses, ingrown toenails, and hammertoes, which are permanently bent toes caused by shoes that are too tight. Your feet, especially if you’re an athlete, develop calluses due to repeated friction. Calluses are not necessarily unhealthy, but can be visually unappealing and many of us would prefer to do away with them. Consistent use of a pumice stone removes dead skin on the bottom of your feet, allowing healthy skin to grow in its place for a clean, smooth, and polished look. Ingrown toenails may develop from improper footwear, poor nail trimming, or natural circumstances. Clipping and filing prevents the development of this health issue that sometimes needs professional removal and possible antibiotics if the toes develop severe infection. The Podiatry Services of CNY recommends cutting and filing them straight across and keeping the length a bit longer than the ends of your toes rather than cutting for curves along the edges. It’s important to pay attention to how your feet feel to avoid these problems, especially if they cause you any sort of pain. Consider these tips next time you hop in the shower; after putting on your shower shoes, of course. Your feet are your main form of transportation in life and need to be tended to with proper measures. So next time you are at the shoestore checkout counter, be wary of more than just the price tag. Happy walking— hopefully in sensible shoes!



CREW - CUT You don’t have to be on the crew team to benefit from this full body workout By Jaye Michelle Harris At first glance, the rowing machine seems pretty intimidating—especially now that crossfitters have adopted it into their intense training circuits. But because of the countless benefits that can be attained by using it, there’s no need to fear this total-body workout machine. The erg—properly known as the ergometer—is an exercise machine that simulates the fundamental actions of rowing a boat on the water without the effects of wind and current. On a larger scale, the erg measures the amount of power exerted by a muscle, or a group of muscles in Watts, calories, or time splits of 500 meters. Created by two brothers in the forest of Vermont, the modern erg was originally made from old bicycle parts. Today, it serves as more than just an off-thewater substitute for crew athletes; it’s a piece of equipment that’s incredibly effective for all ages, body types, and fitness levels. Of the most physically demanding sports, crew and cross-country skiing are tied for first, says SU’s women’s rowing assistant coach, James Lister. Rowing is one of the only sports that engages all major muscle groups, making the erg an especially great exercise tool. A smooth, powerful rowing sequence engages your glutes, quads, triceps and biceps, hamstrings, abs, deltoids, and lats, just to name a few. “The erg is a truth-teller,” says Lister. “You really get to measure your fitness on the erg. There’s no way to cheat it. It’s very revealing and telling of your fitness and power.” Erging is an all-around great workout that can target any gym-goer’s needs, whether it’s cardio, strength-training, or weight loss. You can burn up to 800 calories in a one hour workout. “I think that’s the unique feature of the erg,”

says Lister. Since it’s such a low-impact machine, the erg is great for all levels of fitness and is especially useful for postinjury rehab. The erg is a must-have machine in the gym—if used properly, Lister warns. Most people, when they decide to try their hand at rowing, attempt it incorrectly, he says. “It’s not easy. People get on the erg and go, ‘oh, this is hard,’” he observes in beginners. If not done correctly, the consequences can be tolling on the body. A major misconception is that rowing uses a pulling action, rather than a pushing action. “People want to pull right away,” Lister notes. Beginners want to feel the resistance and use the wrong muscle groups, he says, which can lead to exhaustion or injury. Pain in the hands, wrists, and shoulders are all indications of using the machine incorrectly. “You want to feel it in the lower extremities: in the legs, in the hips, in the lats. Those are the larger muscle groups that can do more work for a longer period of time,” says Lister.

“ You have to beat

the erg, and not ” be afraid of it...” -James Lister Lister adds that back pain is another common injury among novices—a result of bad technique. Back pain can occur with poor posture and poor core activation; engaging the core protects the back from stressing.

The Catch: Start with your legs close to your chest so that you are slightly leaning forward, hold onto the bar, and extend your arms out in front of you. Your knees should be directly over your heels, and your elbows directly over your knees. Here, your triceps help you reach forward, and your quads are positioned to push you back with maximum energy. The Drive: For the drive, push on your heels with the power in your legs while straightening your back to open up your chest; begin pulling the bar towards your chest. The drive engages your shoulders, triceps, glutes, hamstrings, and upper and lower back muscles to propel your body backward on the slide. The Finish: Continue to unfold your body and drive your legs to full extension, lean back slightly to increase your arms’ range, and pull your elbows past your torso. Keep the bar at chest level. During the finish, your abdominals, glutes, and quads are contracted to keep your body in this position. The Recovery: During the recovery, bring your chest forward, and slide yourself back into the catch to repeat the fluid motion. “You have to beat the erg, and not be afraid of it,” Lister tells his athletes. So next time you’re at the gym, hop on the erg. Give it a chance. Even if it’s only for ten minutes at a time, you’ll be amazed at just how total body your workout becomes.

The Perfect Rowing Sequence The perfect sequence has four steps: the catch, the drive, the finish, and the recovery. Going through all four of these steps properly will work every muscle group in your body. “Learning the sequencing, what muscle groups are being used, and the activation of certain muscle groups at different times is really beneficial to be able to perform longer,” says Lister. “You’re learning how to be efficient.”

FALL 2015



, l o o C , m l a C d e t c e l l o C d n a

How adding a cool down to your workout can maximize success By Danielle Hay You exercise because your doctors told you to, or perhaps because you want to shed a few pounds or become the strongest version of yourself. During your workout, you’re dedicated to pushing yourself through the next mile or cycling your hardest to reach the top of the hill. You channel the voice of a workout instructor, coach, or motivational gymbuddy who recites the phrase no pain, no gain—in order to get stronger, you have to break your muscles down and rebuild them. So, you continue on and power through to the end of your workout. After you have made it to the next mile or to the top of the digital hill, you feel accomplished. Everything burns and your face is bright red, but you’re glad you didn’t quit. The torture is over, and you can’t wait to go home and just relax on the couch for a while. You don’t want to stay at the gym any longer than the amount of workout time you mentally prepared yourself for. Without even hesitating, you jump off your machine and head home looking like a cherry tomato. Skipping your cool down feels like necessary relief in the moment, but it may be doing more harm to your body than you think. Spending a few minutes cooling down post-workout can have great benefits. Cool downs are an essential ending to any workout because they help transition the body into a mode of recovery. It’s imperative that your body gradually returns to a normal activity rate, with your heartbeat slowing to below 120 beats per minute. You’ve spent all that time breaking down your muscles to rebuild them later, and now they deserve some restoration. Stretching after workouts also helps prevent muscle soreness. A study by the University of Sydney in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that



32 percent of exercise participants who did not stretch post-workout experienced muscle soreness the following day. On the other hand, only 25 percent of participants that did stretch felt soreness the next day.

easy method for slowing yourself down until you can stretch the primary muscle groups you’ve just worked.

Post-workout stretching also aids in flexibility. “The period following exercise is the optimal time to increase flexibility because the muscles are already warm and most responsive a stretching series,” says Adair Springfield, a professional Cardio Barre instructor. Stretching allows the blood to circulate oxygen and nutrients through the body and helps prevent a buildup of lactic acid. By dedicating a few extra minutes to stretching after a workout, you reduce muscle stiffness and prepare your body for your next workout. Targeting your muscles when they are at their warmest, which is after exercise increases your flexibility, enhances your posture, and expands your range of motion.

Resistance training involves weights and training areas of the body that cause stress to specific muscle groups. The cool down goal after training with weights is expansion and recovery, with exercises dedicated to lengthening the muscles. Working with weights contracts your muscles, so a thorough stretch is essential for the muscles to be relaxed and lengthened. In Springfield’s Cardio Barre class, she dedicates 53 minutes to strength-building exercises and seven minutes to work on flexibility. “Stretches must be held for at least 20 seconds for them to even be effective, and breathing is absolutely the most important part,” says Springfield. Our bodies crave oxygen after strength training, so deep breathing is important. It propels the body forward and extends you deeper into your stretch.

If these reasons aren’t enough to convince you of the importance of a cool down, consider the emotional benefits. We all rave about endorphins and feeling elated after a workout, but without a proper cool down you won’t be able to achieve a full release of endorphins or return your hormones to balance. Restoring your body to a relaxed state of equilibrium is the purpose of any cool down, but be warned—not every cool down is created equally. Different exercises require specific stretching and cool down routines.

Balance and flexibility training done in yoga classes focuses on replenishing the muscles to bring the body to a relaxed and replenished state. Similar to resistance training, yoga and barre classes focus on smaller, repetitive movements that break down and contract muscles. Doing spinal twists and lengthening out different regions of your body are practical and effective ways to restore your body’s equilibrium. Deep stretching—along with strong and focused breathing—is the best way to cool down and restore your body.

Cardio exercises on a treadmill or elliptical should be followed by cooldowns that focus on decreasing your heart rate and restoring your body to a relaxed state. Focus on a gradual release by still performing the same movements as you were during your workout, but simply decrease the intensity until you arrive at a comfortable and relaxed pace. You may find walking to be an

When you’re drenched in your own sweat and ready to head home, remember to take some extra time to stretch it out and cool down. By taking a few moments to offer the same love and support to your muscles as they’ve just lent you, it will leave your body feeling more refreshed than ever.

Features FALL 2015





COMPETITION Kelsey Coughlin took her newfound passion for lifting to the big stage By Taylor Vill



FALL 2015




At first glance, Kelsey Coughlin looks like your typical Syracuse University student. The Ohio native is a television, radio and film major, a nutrition minor, a former HBO campus agent, and a member of a social sorority. What many people don’t know about Coughlin is that she competed in her first bikini competition this past September. A self-proclaimed “aspiring bodybuilder,” Coughlin owns her passion for fitness and weight lifting. In high school, Coughlin cheered and played tennis; but she did it all simply for the social boost, rather than the joy of fitness. She felt like she had to participate in the sports, but was never passionate about them. She says she “did athletic things, but wasn’t an athletic person.” In her senior year of high school, Coughlin fell in love with running. She lost 25 pounds and during her first semester at Syracuse, she ran in the Empire State Half Marathon. Coughlin, like many young girls, began following different fitness models on Instagram. She would always look at their photos and tell herself that one day she would start lifting, just like the girls she had always admired. In the



November after her first half marathon, she began to weight-lift. As a freshman, Coughlin began to dedicate herself to lifting and even started her own fitness Instagram account the summer before her sophomore year. Through following other models of strength and fitness on Instagram, she was inspired to compete in fitness competition. At the end of her sophomore year, she finally decided to enroll in one. Kelsey found a local coach through Instagram who coached her through the ten weeks of preparation that came before her first competition. She insisted that her coach would train her the healthy way, and emphasized that there are many unhealthy ways to train for this kind of competition. Coaches often have the girls restrict their diet so they are only consuming 800 to 900 calories a day prior to the competition. Coughlin refused to train this way. In order to train for the competition, Coughlin’s coach had her follow a dieting program called IIFYM: If It Fits Your Macros. Counting ‘macros’ means counting the macronutrients of carbohydrates, fat, and protein on a daily basis. Coughlin’s coach allowed

her a specific number of grams for the macros she consumed each day, and her coach adjusted them each week. Counting her macronutrients allowed Coughlin to reach her fitness goals without feeling restricted. During the last four weeks of training, she ate the same five meals each day with a gallon of water. As Coughlin explained the rigorous amount of training and dedication she endured to train for the competition, it begged the question: how did this impact her social life at school? What college student doesn’t want to indulge in late night pizza sometimes, or enjoy a fun night out with friends? Coughlin says she chose to do the competition in September because she would only have to train during the first two weeks of the fall semester, and wouldn’t miss out on as much during the school year. Before she started training, Coughlin had already been lifting five days a week with one day of cardio. For her training, she exercised six days a week and did much more cardio than her body was used to—high intensity interval training (HIIT) for 25 minutes three times per week. During the process she actually

FEATURES lost some strength, due to cutting calories and doing so much cardio. But although the physical preparation for the competition was purely diet- and exercise-based, the mental strength she gained was the most important outcome of the process for her. “I was ready to push myself and grow as a physical and mental person,” Coughlin says. Before the competition, much of her free time was spent daydreaming about winning the competition. She says that by the end of it all, she felt extremely accomplished. She had just done something she never would have dreamt of doing before. “You can do what you don’t think you can,” Coughlin says. The competitions consist of two shows, one that happens in the morning and another that is held at night, where the women’s bodies are judged. There are a several types of female body competitions: bodybuilding, bikini, figure, physique, and fitness. Bikini competitions differ from typical bodybuilding competitions in that the woman’s bodies have more body fat and a “softer” look. At her competition, Coughlin impressed the judges. She won both of her divisions, Bikini Novice and Bikini First-Timer, and then qualified to compete in Bikini Open divisions in future competition. Though she loved competing, Coughlin does not intend to compete multiple times a year due to the extreme amount of focus and time-dedication required for the competition—and she wants to enjoy her years at college. After the competition, she began reverse-dieting by increasing her ‘macros’ every three or four days; doing so allowed her to add more carbohydrates, protein, and fat to her diet each day. This ensured that her metabolism would return to where it was before competition prep, and if done right, she would gain weight in muscle rather than fat. Now that her intense training is over, Coughlin’s weekly exercise regime consists of lifting heavy incremental weights and only doing cardio one day per week. So if you see a girl squatting 165 pounds at the gym, it is most likely Kelsey Coughlin. Don’t be shy; Coughlin would welcome a friendly “hello.” Her enthusiasm and friendly spirit is obvious. “I love answering people’s questions,” she says. And she would absolutely love to have you help spot her lift.

FALL 2015



Light up

the Night with Lululemon



FALL 2015




Fleecy Keen Jacket III Swifty Tech Short Sleeve Crew High Times Pant 32



Kaileigh Define Jacket Sunset Salutation Long Sleeve Studio Pant II Lined

Teresa Define Jacket Wunder Under Pant (Stirrup) Cool Racerback FALL 2015



Gunn Surge Warm Half Zip Pace Breaker Short Catalyst Short Sleeve

Antonis Metal Vent Tech Half Zip Kung Fu Pant 2.0 Catalyst Short Sleeve




Randy Commission Pant Catalyst Short Sleeve City Sweat Hoodie

FALL 2015







Selfies Healthy self-image or narcissism?

By Gulnaz Khan

FALL 2015


“I don’t care what you think unless it is about me.” Kurt Kobain

arcissus was a hunter, known throughout ancient Greece for his unparalleled beauty. But Narcissus was a proud man, and the gods soon took offense. Nemesis, goddess of divine retribution, led Narcissus to a pool where he peered into his own glassy reflection and fell in love with it. Enraptured by his own image, Narcissus wasted away in front of the river, ultimately drowning in it.

was proclaimed word of the year by the Oxford English Dictionary, immortalizing its place in the English lexicon.

Ovid’s myth of Narcissus captured an ancient belief that it was unlucky to gaze upon one’s own reflection—a warning against the perils of excessive self-love, or narcissism. In our modern age of technology and social media, like Narcissus we have reflective rivers of our own: the selfie.

Social media research is a relatively young field, however a growing body of studies have examined the connections between social media, narcissism, and attention-seeking behaviors.

sel•fie /‘self / noun informal a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media According to the Pew Research Center, two-thirds of adults now own a smartphone, and more than half of American internet users post photos online. Although self-portraiture has been around for centuries, the use of the selfie increased 17,000 percent between 2012 and 2013. In 2013, “selfie”



The rise of the selfie in popular culture has sparked heated debate on its merits among the masses and scientists alike. While some social scientists argue selfies are a sign of narcissism and promote an obsession with physical appearance, others believe they are a healthy part of identity formation.

Narcissists are characterized by their inflated, unrealistic concept of self. Studies suggest that they are exceedingly concerned with physical appearance, overestimate their own physical attractiveness, and spend more time on self-grooming than the average person. As a result of this preoccupation with physical appearance, narcissists seek relationships which promote and maintain their positive self-concept. Social networking sites provide a unique platform for self-promotion, including the opportunity to post frequent status updates, garner a large numbers of ‘likes’ and followers, and selectively choose language and photographs.

Social scientists propose that people with narcissistic personality traits seek attention from their social networks by posting a larger number of selfies. Early studies support this hypothesis to some extent. In one study, psychologists Jesse Fox and Margaret Rooney studied a national sample of men aged 18 to 40 years old in the United States. They found that narcissism predicted the amount of time spent on social media sites, the number of selfies posted, and the selective posting of edited selfies. But lying about appearance may be rooted in evolutionary drives. Fox and Rooney cite previous research, which found that narcissists may lie about their appearance for self-gain, particularly as a mating strategy. However, selfies aren’t an obsession exclusive to narcissistic personalities. They may also signal and exacerbate low self-esteem. When the quest for the perfect selfie doesn’t yield the expected positive feedback from social networks, it can actually be damaging to confidence and self-esteem. But the verdict on selfies isn’t all bad; some think they may even hold some mental health merits. In Psychology Today, Pamela Rutledge, Ph.D. writes that she believes selfies allow you to explore your identity and your ideal self.


“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” Oscar Wilde

She also says seeking approval isn’t always a bad thing—it’s simply a human thing. Psychologist Jill Weber, Ph.D, agrees that seeking validation is normal. She tells Teen Vogue that the problems arise when people base their self-worth on the approval of others. Girls in particular tend to view themselves as lovable only if others do, she says. Since the dawn of MySpace, millions of selfies have been sent into the digital world—pixel shrines to ourselves. Evidence has made it clear we are living in the age of the selfie. Instagram alone hosts hundreds of millions of photos tagged with some variation of #selfie, and nearly 300 million photos tagged #me. Regardless of which end of the selfie spectrum you may fall, researchers agree that forming real-life, meaningful relationships trumps social media ‘likes’ when it comes to creating happiness. Next time you pose in front of your bathroom mirror tinkering with the lights, just remember, your reflection can’t love you back. If Narcissus had an iPhone, would he look so different from the modern millennial? Maybe we are an entire generation of Narcissuses— drowning in a perpetual digital river.

“Narcissu s weeps t o find th image do at his es not re turn his love.” Mason C ooley

FALL 2015







By Emma Baty

Lauren Wasser thought she was coming down with the flu three years ago when she was rushed to a Los Angeles hospital with a fever of 107 degrees. She had been asleep for days, and was found by a friend and police officer when they were sent to her apartment. According to an article published by the June 2015 issue of Vice, doctors said Wasser was ten minutes from death by the time she arrived at the hospital. Her organs were shutting down and she had suffered a massive heart attack. Although doctors eventually stabilized her, they were forced to amputate one of her legs at the knee. The culprit? A Kotex Natural Balance tampon. Wasser had toxic shock syndrome, or TSS, a serious disease commonly associated with tampon use. Now, Wasser and her family are suing Kimberly-Clark corporation, the company responsible for manufacturing the brand of tampons she was using when she got TSS, along with the grocery stores that sell the tampons. Her legal team argues that the synthetic materials used in almost all tampon brands are dangerous, and they believe that the tampon company is in some way responsible for Wasser’s case of TSS. But they may be arguing for something too rare to be relevant to most people. TSS is not the most prominent disease in the world. In fact, only one in 100,000 menstruating women in the United States will contract it each year. Although it’s rare, the risk for TSS is not something to write off entirely. Here are five important things to keep in mind about TSS.

1. TSS IS CAUSED BY STAPH BACTERIA One of the main causes of TSS is the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. About 30 percent of humans carry this bacteria. It can be found anywhere on the human body, but is mostly seen in the nostrils and other damp regions. You may have heard of this infamous bacteria before, especially if you know someone who has caught a staph infection. 2. TSS MAY NOT BE VERY COMMON, BUT IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TSS is fairly uncommon. The National Institute of Health reports, however, that the disease can be fatal in roughly 50 percent of cases. Because of this, every tampon box carries a warning label that reads: “Tampon use has been associated with toxic shock syndrome. TSS is a rare but serious disease that may cause death... Use for eight hours maximum.” And survivors of TSS are not immune to catching the bacteria again. Up to 30 percent of women who have had the disease will get it again. Although it doesn’t happen every day, TSS should not be taken lightly. 3. THE SYMPTOMS OF TSS OFTEN LOOK LIKE THE FLU One reason why TSS is so dangerous is because it is easy to mistake its symptoms for something else more common. The Mayo Clinic states that symptoms often include a sudden high

FALL 2015


FEATURES fever, muscle aches, vomiting, and a rash resembling a sunburn. In Wasser’s case, she struggled to stay upright and just wanted to sleep, according to her interview with Vice. At one point her mother called to ask her if she needed an ambulance, but Wasser said her sickness was so severe that she couldn’t make the decision for herself. Her experience serves as a lesson to all: listen to your body’s warnings. 4. MORE THAN A THIRD OF ALL TSS CASES INVOLVE WOMEN UNDER 19 Anyone can get TSS. Men, women— menstruating or not—and children could all possibly contract it; but more than a third of all TSS cases happen in women under 19. “Toxic Shock Syndrome is a disease of the youth,” says Philip Tierno, a professor of microbiology and pathology at the New York University School of Medicine, in a September 2015 interview with Vice. A study done between 2000 and 2006 showed that the number of TSS incidents per 100,000 was .52. In other words, less than one person per 100,000 people contracted TSS. But when the researchers looked at women ages 13 to 25, the number of incidents nearly tripled. 5. YOU CAN HELP PREVENT IT In the 1970s and ‘80s, there were far more reported cases of TSS, and the fatalities made headlines across the United States. The girls who had died from the disease were all using a certain brand of super-absorbent tampons that were eventually taken off the market. Although tampon manufacturers are no longer allowed to use the same materials, you should still take precautions. The Mayo Clinic staff recommends changing tampons every four to eight hours, and alternating between tampons and pads. They also recommend that you use panty liners in lieu of tampons on lighter days. It is helpful to use lowabsorbency tampons on those days, so opt for a regular one instead of a super whenever possible. If you start to feel symptoms associated with TSS, be sure to remove your tampon immediately, and don’t hesitate to check yourself into the nearest hospital—it could save your life.




FALL 2015



Detoxing without the maintenance By Nicole Shapiro Toxins enter our bodies every day through the things we eat, drink, and breathe in. When these toxins build up in the body, they can lead to negative health consequences like fatigue, skin problems, and digestive issues. Juicing detoxes boast all kinds of miracle claims, from achieving a bikini body in a week to producing zen-like concentration. But juicing can be timeconsuming, expensive, and intimidating, and there’s active debate among health professionals as to whether these aggressive cleanses actually help or harm our health. Extreme detoxes can produce adverse side effects, ranging from headaches and fatigue to intense hunger pangs. While celebrity detoxes sound like a good idea in theory, there are safer and more economical methods of detoxing that don’t involve living off of water, cayenne pepper, and laxative tea. Detoxing can be implemented into your daily routine by making it a normal part of each and every day. Whether you’re trying to overcome fatigue, constipation, or acne, try these simple detoxes for a total mind and body revival.

More Sleep Means Healthier Choices Everybody loves a few extra hours of beauty rest. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, inadequate sleep is associated with chronic disease and poor mental health. Lacking in energy not only interferes with your daily activities, you’re also more likely to make poor health choices like skipping workouts or opting for unhealthy fast food instead of a homecooked meal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends



“...there are so many other routes to take than just juicing for a week or so.” adults get seven to eight hours of sleep every night. If you have trouble sleeping, try keeping a consistent sleepwake schedule, avoid caffeine before bed, remove electronics like TVs and computers from the bedroom, and only use your bed for sleeping and sex.

Get Sweaty Exercise is one of the best forms of getting rid of toxins. When you sweat, your body releases toxins that have built up in your body. Another benefit to choosing exercise as your detox method is that you can choose the way in which you exercise. Yoga and Pilates are great ways to sweat a little while toning your body. You can also hit the sauna after a workout to relax your muscles and intensify sweating.

Drink More Water According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, water eliminates toxins from the body through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements. Water helps keep your skin clear, controls calorie intake, regulates digestion, and energizes your muscles. You may need to drink more or less water depending on your level of activity, the climate you’re constantly exposed to, and any personal health conditions you may have. If you think you aren’t getting enough water, try carrying a water bottle for easy access,

choose water instead of soda when dining out, and add a lime wedge to improve taste.

Brush Your Body Our skin is our largest organ and is constantly exposed to environmental toxins. Before your morning shower, use a dry, natural loofah to brush the dead skin cells off your body. This gets rid of buildup, enhances blood circulation, and promotes generation of fresh skin cells. Just remember to replace your loofah often to avoid bacterial growth.

Tea Time Several different types of detox teas are available at the local grocery store, but a simple green tea will do your body well. Green teas are full of catechins, powerful antioxidants that can prevent cell damage, and aid in lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Take a Bath Salt baths draw toxins out of the body and are also a great way to relieve stress. Try soaking your body for 30 minutes with this simple detox bath recipe: 1/4 cup sea salt, 1/4 cup epsom salts, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar, and 10 drops of peppermint or lavender essential oil. Since detox baths can make you feel tired or lightheaded, make sure to drink

GET WELL a lot of water beforehand and get out of the tub slowly when you’re finished.

Try Superfoods Annette Lunato, a detox specialist at Natur-Tyme, a health and wellness store in Syracuse, recommends incorporating high fiber foods into your everyday diet. Superfoods like berries, spinach, and kale are packed with antioxidants,

polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals which help prevent damage from free radicals that cause poor cell function.

Don’t Re-Tox Once you commit to a healthier lifestyle, stick with it. While some toxins are unavoidable, we also willingly let them into our bodies when we make

unhealthy food, drink, and lifestyle choices. So if you’re ever tempted to pull a Beyoncé and go on the maple syrup Master Cleanse, think again. You can detox every day without going to extremes, putting your body through abnormal stress, or emptying your precious bank account.


FALL 2015


Soothe your mind with these well-practiced tips By Gabriella Salkin It’s no secret that college students sometimes become victims of anxiety during their college career. Most have to juggle academics, extracurricular activities, a social life, work, and far more. It’s no surprise that 54 percent of college students experienced anxiety at some point in the past year, according to the American College Health Association. Anxiety can be defined as the normal human emotion that comes with worry, nervousness, and most notably, fear of the unknown. Some may feel anxious before a test or in-class presentation, and some may even feel anxious in social situations. These scenarios are common, but anxiety can take a dangerous, crippling toll if it’s not dealt with properly. Having severe anxiety is like living with a “persistent, excessive, and unrealistic worry about



GET WELL everyday things,” as stated by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Dealing with the unease of anxiety in college is exhausting, but it can be alleviated in ways simpler than you may believe. Here are some tried-and-true tips to help you conquer your daily anxieties.

1. Exercise Even if you feel like you have a million things to do, block out time in your schedule for some ‘me-time’ and hit the gym. This does not have to be a highintensity workout or a five-mile run. Exercise boosts levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of well-being. Exercising helps form excitable neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved with memory and emotion regulation that can reduce anxiety signals, according to a Princeton University study. Despite how busy we are with schoolwork and extracurriculars, exercising is one of the healthiest ways to relieve anxiety and the stress of your day.

2. Get an Adequate Amount of Sleep Oftentimes chronic stress can lead to mental and physical exhaustion, and sleeping problems. To help avoid the deleterious effects of anxiety, try to get the proper amount of sleep as often as possible. Studies show that sleep deprivation negatively impacts emotional processing and cognitive performance, which can exacerbate anxiety.

Try these four easy steps and experience the calm: •

• • •

Breathe in slowly through your nose, directing the air into your lower belly for about four seconds Hold your breath for one or two seconds Exhale slowly through your mouth for about four seconds Wait a second, and begin again, focusing only on your breathing

3. Meditation Meditation is a means of transforming one’s mind with techniques that promote concentration, clarity, and emotional positivity. It helps ease anxiety through focusing on the present moment rather than the worries of the future. Meditating daily serves to detach your mind from the negative thoughts and feelings that can keep you anxious.

4. Establish a Strong Support System It’s important to try to open up to a support system made up of good friends and family. Once you feel comfortable discussing your emotions with loved ones, talking about your anxiety should feel less severe and daunting, according to Calm Clinic. Give your best friend or mother a call and start by simply talking about your day. While reaching out to your friends and family can be healing, remember that your doctor is also an important part of your support system who can provide you with expert advice on dealing with your anxiety.

a safe-haven: a place where you can feel free from fear or judgment, and truly be your authentic self.

6. Watch Your Favorite Movie or Pick Up Your Favorite Book In the book Reel Therapy, author Gary Soloman explains how “cinema therapy,” or using movies as therapeutic tools can help people cope with stress. For example, movies can help you reflect on your own life and emotions without having to go to a therapist’s office. Getting lost in the big screen is an easy way to find emotional release and inspiration while putting anxious thoughts on the backburner.

7. Breathing Exercises While often overlooked, deep breathing is one of the easiest ways to relieve anxiety. It stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for activities that occur when our body is at rest. If done properly, deep breathing slows your heartbeat and evokes a calming response.

5. Keep a Journal In moments of stress or panic, sometimes writing down your thoughts is a good way to ease your anxious mind. Jotting down your worries can help you gain more perspective. When you see your thoughts written out, you’ll eventually be able to recognize and challenge irrational thoughts. Plus, the act of journaling can be quite meditative. Look at your journal as

Signs your anxiety might have reached an unhealthy level: • • • • •

You experience constant fear and worry about the future that interfere with your daily activities or relationships Your mind races and you can’t quite seem to think straight You’re having trouble sleeping at night due to stressful thoughts You’ve been finding it hard to enjoy things lately without worrying about outcomes You’ve been avoiding social situations recently due to your anxiety

If you think any or all of these symptoms apply to you, consider visiting the Counseling Center on campus, where you can learn more about your anxiety and how to find relief.

FALL 2015



The Cardinal Rules of

NAPPING How to get the most out of your midday snooze By Mia Rossi




You head to your room after a long day of class, ready to tackle your homework as soon as you get back. Maybe you’ll even go to the gym. In fact, you’ll definitely go to the gym. You open the door to your room and drop your backpack on the floor when you finally see it: your bed. And it’s practically calling your name. Two hours later, you wake up in a groggy panic. You’re in bed, you haven’t gone to the gym, and you definitely haven’t started any homework. Once again, you gave into that guilty pleasure—the midday nap. This is a familiar scene for most college students. Naps seem like a muchneeded and well-deserved way to recharge, but they oftentimes leave you feeling groggier than before. With the busy lifestyle and many stressors that come with college, it’s hard not to slide into bed and fall right to sleep in the middle of a long day. While compulsive nappers can get a bad rep for being lazy, naps can be beneficial. According to the American Psychological Association, the brain recharges during sleep, which allows it to encode and process memories. Naps can be valuable restoration periods, but they have to be done the right way and should not replace healthy sleeping habits. Here are the cardinal rules of napping to ensure that your naptime is not going to waste.

Time it Right Naps of varied lengths can have very different results. While it can be easy to fall asleep for a few hours, this kind of nap will work against you in the long run by affecting your ability to fall asleep at night. If you’re just looking for a burst of energy, a 10–20 minute nap is most efficient. This short cat-nap will allow you to wake up feeling more alert with the boost of energy you’ll need to make it until bedtime. A 30–60 minute nap is the perfect nap to take

between classes because it will help you retain new information when you wake up. A 90-minute nap, which is a full sleep cycle, will enhance your memory and creativity. If you need a serious energy boost, try the ‘coffee nap.’ Since caffeine takes about 15–20 minutes to metabolize, drink a cup of coffee, and take a 15–30 minute nap. You will wake up recharged and ready to take on the day with a little extra pep in your step.

out of bed upon hearing my alarm? Your answer should prove helpful.

Extra tip: Late afternoon naps can interfere with your regular nighttime sleep, so try to take your nap around 2 to 3 p.m. at the latest.

Hopping into bed to catch some extra z’s may seem like a pretty mindless thing to do, but it can be tricky business and work against you if not done properly. The next time you feel your eyes falling to half mass in the middle of the day and notice your bed looking extra comfy, keep these rules in mind to get the most out of this simple pleasure in life.

Sound the Alarm The danger associated with napping is the risk of sleeping your day away and missing a class or important meeting. Setting an alarm, or several, is a napping necessity. Doing this before your nap will actually help you relax and fall asleep more easily, because you are certain that you will wake up at the right time. This way you won’t miss out on any plans or waste hours that you could have spent being productive.

Extra tip: Keeping the room where you nap both quiet and dark is crucial. Exposure to stimulating sounds and blue-lit screens, like those on your phone, computer, and TV, can affect your body’s production of melatonin, the hormone that tells your body when to sleep.

Extra tip: Napping isn’t for everyone; if you wake up feeling worse than when you fell asleep, the nap did you more harm than good. Try drinking a tall, cold glass of water, stretching, or taking a quick walk instead to fight that midday slump.

Feel the Heat Your body heat and the temperature of the room you’re sleeping in have a major effect on how successful your nap will be. Using a blanket during your nap can prevent you from waking up because you may feel too cold—and that blanket feels amazing. However, you also risk severe oversleeping if you’re napping in a room that’s too warm. It’s best to test out different blankets and heat settings to discover which napping climate works best for you. Ask yourself: Can I jump

FALL 2015



By Khija Rockett

muscle contraction.

SUPPLEMENT YOUR LIFE Know the vitamins and minerals that matter

THE STATEMENT “I’m tired,” has become one of the most common phrases used by college students. Oftentimes, we blame our sluggishness on one overriding factor rather than the fundamental component at the root of the issue. College-aged adults have to maintain a delicate, and often challenging, balance between a social life, academics, and personal wellness. Our ability to do well, pursue our passions, and live a fulfilled life requires a lot of energy, which depends on whether or not we’re fueling our bodies with the proper nutrients. Most of the thought that students lend to food is what’s edible at the dining hall, the easiest foods to snack on, and what restaurants deliver late at night. As a result, missing out on vital nutrients like vitamins and minerals becomes routine. But vitamins are absolutely essential; they bind with enzymes to begin chemical reactions that are necessary for the body to function. They also act as antioxidants that prevent cells from being damaged or destroyed. In correlation, minerals maintain and regulate these chemical reactions and other critical processes in the body. If you hope to meet your body’s nutritional needs, keep in mind the importance of the following vitamins and minerals. Keeping these in balance within your daily diet can mean the difference between living in Happy Town and Struggle City.

VITAMIN D Why It’s Needed • Vitamin D regulates the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase, which produces hormones that are essential to control mood, stress, and energy. • Muscles need vitamin D to move because it aids nerves in the process of carrying messages between the brain and parts of the body. • It is needed to absorb calcium and phosphorus for strong, healthy bones and teeth.



Deficiencies • Low levels of vitamin D may cause bone pain and muscle weakness. • It can cause fatigue, decreased energy, and is associated with symptoms of depression. • Depression symptoms may include a loss of interest in activities or hobbies that used to be enjoyable. Where to Get It • Vitamin D can be absorbed from exposure to sunlight. • It can be consumed through cheese, milk, and fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel. VITAMIN B12 Why It’s Needed • Vitamin B12 maintains nerve and blood cell health and helps in the process of making our personal DNA. Deficiencies • Lack of vitamin B12 decreases the amount of red blood cells in the body, which in turn reduces oxygen flow to your body’s tissues and organs. • It can also cause fatigue, weakness, and loss of appetite. • Constipation is also a common factor of vitamin B12 shortage. • Insufficiency may also cause numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Where to Get It • Vitamin B12 can be found in beef, clams, fish, meat, eggs, milk, and other dairy products. IRON Why It’s Needed • Iron is vital for gas transportation within the body. It makes hemoglobin, a protein which transports oxygen to cells while simultaneously carrying carbon dioxide to the lungs in order to be rid from the body. • It is also needed to build other iron-containing proteins such as myoglobin, a protein which increases the oxygen available for

Deficiencies • Lack of iron may cause anemia, fatigue, and weakness. • Deficiency may also cause headaches and decreased work capacity. • Low levels of iron also negatively affects body temperature regulation. Where to Get It • Iron can be consumed through lean red meat, seafood, and poultry. • It can also be consumed through legumes, vegetables, and grains such as white beans, kidney beans, lentils, leafy greens, and whole grain cereals and rice. COPPER Why It’s Needed • Copper helps transport iron throughout the body. • The mineral is also essential for nervous and immune system function. Deficiencies • Lack of copper increases the risk of osteoporosis. • Insufficient amounts of the mineral can cause a shortage of white blood cells, which are needed to fight off infections. Where to Get It • Copper can be consumed through cooked crab meat and mushrooms. • It can also be found in almonds, cashews, lentils, and semi-sweet chocolate. CALCIUM Why It’s Needed • Calcium is one of the most important components of healthy bone and tooth structure. • It is also necessary for the function of the muscles. Deficiencies • Low levels of calcium cause increased risk for osteoporosis. • Fractures may occur due to more bone-loss than formation. Where to Get It • Calcium can be consumed through dairy and dark green veggies.

Rigorous course loads, countless meetings, and extracurricular activities set the tone for a high-stress environment. Proper nutrition can give you the energy you need to succeed and promote future health, which can be obtained through fueling your body with these essential vitamins and nutrients.


FALL 2015



Thinking Outside the Lunch Box Because it’s time to make lunch cool again By Alessandra K.S.


hink back to second grade when your biggest decision was whether to bring lunch to school in the sandwich-shaped Crayola or Wonder Bread container. The container seemed to make all the difference. Pringles somehow taste better when eaten from their patented custom-shaped container, and there is something so comforting about using your favorite cold-weather thermos to bring mom’s chicken soup to school for your midday meal. Lunch in college often means regularly overpaying at restaurants or throwing together a compilation of food items in various sandwich bags—a method that’s no fun and harms the environment. But just because we’re a little older and a little wiser doesn’t mean we can’t have the same simplistic fun with lunch like we used to. It’s time to start saving money, reducing our environmental footprint, and restoring the fun that comes with lunchtime through the use of revamped lunch gear. Here are a few of What the Health’s favorites to help you make lunch great again.



Fruit Containers

Floral Tupperware

Just like Pringles, these small and portable fruit containers will certainly have a similar effect on your healthy snack, and save them from getting bruised in your lunch bag or backpack. Amazon.com

Give leftovers a whole new meaning with these reusable, and totally adorable containers covered in patterns so cute you’ll want to wear them. Modcloth.com

Monogrammed Thermos

Bento Box

This customizable thermos designed with your personal monogram will keep your lunch warm and untouched by jealous coworkers or hungry roommates. They’re available in tons of styles, patterns, and sizes to match anyone’s style. Cafepress.com

These organized containers from Japan are literally named for how handy they are. ‘Bento’ is the Japanese word for convenience. This age-old traditional holder is a great compact solution for anyone who keeps their meal in the mini-fridge until lunch time. Lunchbots.com


FALL 2015




MUNCHIES For when scraping the walls of the Nutella jar past midnight just won’t cut it By Alessandra K.S.

e’ve all been there. It’s some ungodly hour late in the night, and you’ve just come home from hanging out with friends or cramming for a test at the library. You somehow manage to keep your eyes open long enough to make it home, and all you can think about is how excited you are to grab your favorite comfort food before you finally get to wiggle into bed. But there you are staring into the fridge, coming to terms with the fact that you don’t have anything readily available to eat. You can either muster up the strength to cook something, or you can use your credit card to order overpriced, greasy junk food for the third time this week.

Two-Ingredient Ice Cream

Luckily, this dreaded dilemma is avoided through advanced meal preparation. Next time you come home after a long night, you won’t have to stay up an additional hour to cook or endure another parental speech about the importance of saving money. Instead, try some guilt-free recipes that don’t require a kitchen and are super easy to make ahead of time.




Yogurt Parfait

Before you head out for the evening, blend together creamy bananas with Nutella or peanut butter and stick it in the freezer. By the time you get back, you’ll have a delicious, rewarding frozen treat without all the calories and preservatives that come with processed snacks.

Combine all of your favorite snack foods in one convenient dessert that’ll be easy on your tummy right before bed. In a glass, stack layers of yogurt, granola, fresh fruit, honey, and nuts to create a breakfast-for-dinner meal that’s ready whenever you are.

Pizza Time

Mason Jar Salad Meal

Instead of spending money on a greasy pizza you’ll regret the next morning, a pita or flatbread adorned with tomato sauce and some skim-milk mozzarella makes for a Lunchable-style meal that will kick cravings to the curb.

Everyone’s favorite serving container has even more reason to be loved. Put your favorite tuna, chicken, or egg salad into the jar—but watch the mayo. Top with green apples, fresh greens, raisins, cashews, or any variation of your favorite healthy toppings. It’s a wellbalanced meal with protein to keep you full and flavor to keep you satisfied.


Clocking Your Z ZZ’s

Do you suffer from daytime drowsiness or insomnia? Your internal clock may be the culprit. BY NICOLE HARRIS

If your internal clock is out of sync , here are some tips to reset it: EXCESSIVE NAPPING during the day could prevent you from achieving quality sleep at night. If you do, nap in the afternoon and try not to exceed the 30-minute mark. This is the best way to avoid both daytime grogginess and a sleepless night.

College students have notoriously poor sleep schedules. Most stay up late on weekdays and manage only a few measly hours of shuteye before their dreaded a.m. classes. They stay up even later on the weekends and then remain in bed until noon to make up for their sleep deprivation. Though this kind of schedule is common and accepted among college students, it is certainly not a healthy one. The circadian rhythm, better known as your internal clock, controls the body’s sleep patterns. Les A. Gellis, visiting assistant professor of practice in psychology at Syracuse University, says that exposure to light makes your internal clock function on a 24hour cycle controlled by the hormone melatonin. This means your body is trained to wake up in the morning, become alert upon recognition of light, maintain alertness throughout the day, and feel sleepy when the lights go out. Staying up late exposes you to unnatural light—like that from the screens of your smartphone, laptop, or TV—therefore causing your brain to question when it

should be asleep and when it should be awake. This creates an imbalance of melatonin in your brain and sets your internal clock irregularly. “We live in a nine-to-five world where it’s very important to be up during the day,” says Gellis. “If your internal clock is disrupted, you will have a hard time getting up in the morning.” People with disrupted internal clock cycles often feel sleepy throughout the day and get a burst of energy at night, which makes the body unable to fall and stay asleep. As a result, these people have difficulty functioning during the day and may turn to caffeine, napping, or medication to prevent drowsiness. However, these solutions are only temporary and ineffective ways to combat the issue, since naps and caffeine can disturb your sleep schedule even further if misused, says Gellis. After you work to obtain a healthy internal clock, you’ll feel more energized, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world.

Gellis recommends only drinking caffeine in the morning and early afternoon. Once CAFFEINE is consumed, it can take up to six hours to eliminate even half of its presence in your bloodstream. Keep your coffee consumption early in the day to assure you can fall asleep at bedtime. Try not to get caught up in a lifestyle that forces you to have IRREGULAR SLEEPING HABITS. This might mean turning down a late-night shift at work, staying in on weeknights, or committing to an earlier bedtime. According to the National Sleep Foundation, young adults typically need between seven and nine hours of shuteye per night. Keep that in mind when preparing for that dreaded 8 a.m. FALL 2015



METHOD 360, located in East Syracuse, is one of the city’s hidden fitness gems. If you’re looking to take your workout outside of the campus bubble, this is the place to sweat it out. GET OUT OF TOWN:


Check out the method behind the madness for a great workout that offers motivation and teamwork By Gabriella Salkin

My first Method 360 class, Core 360, left me sweat-drenched and eager to try other classes the center has to offer. Core 360 is a circuit-based class in which participants continuously move from one station to the next throughout the entire workout. They spend a short amount of time at every station, each with a different exercise than the last but with equally high intensity. Jen Liddy, co-owner of Method 360, says circuit-based training workouts allow the exerciser to switch it up every 30 to 45 seconds. “You get to use six planes of motion; not only front to back, but side to side, and twisting side to side,” says Liddy. These ever changing circuit-based workouts offer Method 360 patrons something new and different for each visit—a winning feature of this popular facility. “Even if you’re taking the upper-body class every week, it will be different every time,” says Liddy. Method 360 believes in the success of circuit workouts. Its trainers help people avoid weight-loss plateaus and injuries, while the workouts keep the body guessing.



One of the best parts of the Core 360 class was our instructor Kristen’s way of leading. She was loud, full of life, and rocked a spunky hairdo. Not only did she pump up the class, she also motivated members with positive affirmations and mantras, some of which stayed with me long after attending. No judgement, no pressure; Kristen’s class kept me motivated and feeling great. Method 360 is the type of workout facility you’ll enjoy visiting. During the workout, its strong sense of camaraderie was demonstrated when one woman’s successful completion of her boxjumps was met with glowing praise and congratulations from another group member. Moments like this make Method 360 more than a workout facility; it’s a community that anyone would be lucky to be a part of. Liddy attributes this sense of teamwork to the “no toxic-talk policy,” which she says helps to create a close sense of community. Luckily for those of us living on a tight budget, Method 360 also offers a student discount—and for good reason. Not only will it provide you with a workout that your body will love, you will also experience the intimacy of a tight-knit studio and receive motivation from committed instructors and peers. The experience is truly one of a kind.

FALL 2015




FALL 2015



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