Applause Magazine – March 1997

Page 12

in (h e Na(io na l Theane produc(i on of Joshua

af(er Ghetto,' she says, '(har I decided I was

Sobo l' s G hwo. Se( in (he (Own of Vilna, now

passiona(e abo u( wha( I did an d (h a( I didn '(

Vilniu s, in li(huani a, i( is a musica l pl ay (h a(


(e ll s (he s(O ry of (he Vilna YidJish Thea n e

loved wha( I dJd and a lways rook i( seri ously.

group and i( s ex (inc(io n , along wi(h i(s

Bu( I didn'( have a 1m of self-bel ief. I had an

audience, by (he N az is. She had no( knc,w n (ha(

age n( wh o fil(er ed audi(i o ns

he r granJpare ncs ca me fro m Vilna uncil she

someone who coulJ guide my career. So I juS(

received a (e le gra m from her fa(her whi ch read:

(Ook (he jo bs I was of(ereJ.

audi(io ns wi(h (he big compan ies , so I d id (he

When, a few years Ia(e(, her farher died

less exci(ing scuff, (hings li ke Bwter~ ies are Free.

be(wee n her (Wo one- wo man sho ws a( (he Donmar, i( was a devas(a( ing loss. She told me

I did Therese Raquin in (he top room of a ru b in

(h en, 'I'm lucky in (ha( I can rue rain in(O my

from of five pe orle in a nc) raks. And an abridged

songs. I('s a gif( I gO( from him and my mum a nd rrobably from genera( io ns before (hem.

version o f Romeo and}uliet fc) r sc hoo ls. Bu( wi(h Ghetto I me( N ick Hyrner 束(he d irec (Or) and I

For me, mu sic is a need, I have

sudde nly fel( (ha( being a n ac (Or \Vasn'( juS(


do it. '

Her music is of (he und ying kind, (he

si n ging, dancing and entena inin g, (h a( you

songs of George and Ira Gershwin, Weill,

co uld reall y communicate some (hing

Sondheim, Arle n, Brei, Berns(e in, Harnick

I( is

huge a (hing



people .

say (ha( i( can change

and Bock , Rodgers and H an, Comden and

reo ple' s liv es because i( does n'(. Bu( I( enhances (hem, ma kes peorl e (hink. I fel ( (ha( I


'I lo ve

coul d be invo lved in some(hing (ha( \Va s (es(ing

so ngs wi(h s(Ories,' she says, 'songs wi(h

and de mand ing, bo(h for myself and, hopefull y,

characre r. Mc,s( of (he POI' songs (alk abou(

(he aud ie nce .'

one emoti o nal s(a(e. I go fo r things I ca n charac(erise. My singing, I like


She h as no r rot-Iem wi(h ma king herself ugly if (he ra rt reyuires it. [n (he S(e[,hen


is ac( ing

Sondheim/ Jame s Lap ine

Where she can, she (akes grea( pains - a nd

Pa.\S IUn

1",( yea r she

bec ame yUI(e sc, ur and mad as a \\'"man who

grea( expe nse - o ver (he a rrangeme n(s

obsess i\'e!y sdks a man . lr ran for I(S scheduled

of (he songs, r ay ing for (he hes(, working wi(h

six mo nrhs in (he Wes ( End bu( k)s ( money and

(h e arranger for ho urs at a (im e. This is no(

divided (hea tregoers and cri(ics a like. ' I( wasn'(




d ifficu l( whe n (he arrange r is Jere my Sa ms, (he

abou( perfect love,' she says, 'bu( an

comroser, Iyricis( and (heane direc (O r, her

unco mfo rtabl e, di stressing story (c) wa(c h.'

panner and fa(her o f her (hree year olJ hoy,

She was offered o(her \Xies( End sho ws 足

To by. 'We n ea( a song,' she sa ys , 'as if no o ne

'big, cc)mmercia l (h in gs ' - and turned (hem

h as eve r sung i( before, as if no o ne has e ver

down, desri(e (he loads o f mo ney in vo lved. ' I

heard ie. '

love go ing (0 see (hese (hings' she sa ys , 'bu(

She could no( be exrec (ed


res is( Lady in


d o (h em e igh( (imes a \Veek " She pull s a fac e.

the Dark wi(h i(s score by Ira G e rshwin a nd

Nor was she inre res(ed in (he (el ev isi on offers.

Kun Weill. To (hose

She describes (hem as 'gi rl-friend pans, (he kind


she adds Moss H an.

Tha(,' she sa ys, 'is a preny heav y cock(ail.' There was (he scrip(,

(00 .

'I lo ved (he ide a of

o f wo man who has a pulse o nly when (h e man 's in (he room.' [f (e le visio n h ad ()ffered her her

a r lay se( in (he 1940s wi(h (he world a ( war

own so ng show she would have jum ped a( ie.

and a wo man in a pos i(io n of au(hority running

Bm o nly if she had comple(e control of (he

a very successful co mra n y a nd fi nding (ha( her

mate ri a l. Mo re (han a ny(hing else , she woulJ

life , her work and h er relm ion shirs we re all


imperilled because of he r emo (i onal sta(e.

music OU(

'I( has resonance a nd re leva nce fo r (Oday, (00 .

Wh a( isn'( so radica l (Oday is (ha( she (akes

her proble ms


a psychi a ni st. Then i( was


(ake o ver (he Albert H a ll (0


'ge( my

lo (s of people.'

Af(e r Lady in the Dark she has (he mo re realis(ic , s( i11 risky, ambi(to n


(ake her o ne足

woma n show, which includes a lor of Broadwa y

absolurely new ground. H er famasies beco me

show songs , (0 Broadway. 'I ' m nm fri gh(e neJ of

reali(ies in he r drea ms and

(ha(,' she says. 'I fee l I'm very sa fe wi(h a 12足


are nm qui (e

sure which is which as (he (Wo wo rlds cc) llide.

piece band and (he suppo r( of (he music, a ll

N e arl y all (he mu sic happe ns wi(hin (he

(hose wo nde rful chords, notes and words.'

dreams; (he res( of i( is like a stra igh( r lay.' The ac(i ng is n ow as impor(anr


her as

(he mu sic. She harks back to G hetto, in 1989 . 'I ( was



Green, Po n e r and Vernon Duke. Th e Bea rles and Randy Newm an co me into i(


me hu( no (

lo(s of straigh( (he a(re before, hu ( I neve r gO (

keering rheir (hough(s and wo rds a live. '



'They were n'( a ll singinc j0 hs. I had don e

'Yo ur granJrare ncs love and (h ank you fo r


do any(hing else. Ur uncil (hen I had


Wha(ever comes up, (he o nl y offers she will re fu se are, as she pu(S i(, '(he (hings (ha( dc' no( make my hea n bea ( fas(e r.' lr see ms (ha( she needs (ha( (ightrope .

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