Applause Magazine – August 1997

Page 12


As part of their Lost Musical season, the Barbican are putting on the little,known

Jubi! ,a Cole Porter show packed with some of the composer's greatest songs. Dick Vosburgh looks at its histor .

n thl! winter r 1935, with Kin!: Geor"e V and Queen Mary planning their ilver Jubilee celebration the following spring, ole POrter and MLl Han Ie ided to write a holl' about Il mythical royal tUllllly on the eve (l their jubilee. who begin [0 douht rheir popularit with rhe people. One of them, Prince s Diana, I' weary { f her royal Jutle~ and longs (or roman c. The King lung ' to C$ ape hb mun lane TOpl dUI ies and work lln hlS magi tri k , Prmce Jame. long, Cl> mee[ h18 Jream girl. [he beautiful nightcluh star Kare.n O 'Kane, who h 'populari cd the newest dance ,em9ti n, the Beguin' , The )ueen long: tLI Illeet her drealll man, Charlie Rausmiller, who plays the 'Timan-like M ll \\' ~lIl'n the cre'e n, whlic Dmna's J~am man i the UIlVC IIcwr-ditecmr- ompo er,hnclSt- playwrigl1t Eric Dilre, II character modelled nn (jel OW<lfJ, \ nward had a younger Im)rher named Eric, and W'l; amu eJ h Ha rt". pnv,l[1! jokl!,) At the end of the hl)w, the Royal Family knight Enc n,m:, who receives [hiS accoladc 45 years befure hi prototl'pe_

MtI!) B,,J.,~d mid MelVille COUperi'l ,h~ t1rQ.!i,w/ / IU5 />r"dl/Cllm"'flu hll"~




n arurJ'lY. :eptemb..:r 20, co chma.'\: hi current ninth season of Discover the Lost Musiwh, Ian Mal'lhall Fisher IS pre 'enting)llb,lee in the Barbic~n Hall, accompanied h ;, iull concert orchestra, TIle perl Jrmance will he ree, nleJ. 1I< rhe Ir~r-ever Last album of a spark ling 'Core Ihat Include, J\1 't One ut Th{)se Thmgs, Begin the BegUine anJ Wh huuldn 't P 'I've alwlly, felt rhm [he unly ching mis ing In the 'e perft mlance " 'lly' Fi 'her, 'wa the soun lo( an or hesua. Especially (m a how like thIS one, which i ~ even mo re musi -hea\路y than Ki~s Me , Karc. We usually do our LoSl MIt.~ic<lL~ in rhe Barb, a n cmema, but that nnly scars 2 O. Domg Jubilee in the nncert Hall. whi h scats 2,000, means a lot more peuple will ahle to :mend: Jubilee has qlll'llifieJ as a Lo t Mu leal ever since it closed on Bmadway In 19 6, In 19 2 in the wwn of ecaucus, ew Jer~ey. a huge wateh use wa, (nunt.! to contain a pTI dt!s~ cache of mate.n~1 hy [he Gershwl11s. RoJgers and Hart, Jewme Kern, oel Coward, Vernon Dukc. Harr ' Warren, Victor Herbert, Leunard Bern'tel11 :lIld Vincent YOllman. , There were also thirty manu flP b ' Ie Purter, mcluding rhe ongmal orchestral score uf Jllbilee, That orche'mllll1l1 will be heard 111 I'tcml:1er, accompanying i1nl)rh..r of Fisher' hand-picked Wcst End ca 'r"

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