We See It | Vol 2

Page 17

WSI : You recently had an exhibition named ‘Wilderness’ - tell us about it? AJ : Wilderness is a series of artworks revolving around the idea of a modern world co-existing with the woodlands that exist in my dreams. It is inspired by my childhood and “The Magic Faraway Tree” series by Enid Blyton. The artworks explore a series of portraits of characters that live within a world equally inhabited by humans and animals. WSI : What advise would you give to people hoping to get their illustrations seen and recognized? AJ : Don’t be afraid to put it online – but ensure you know how it should go up and understand the risks. Your images should be web quality and if you are worried about people taking your artwork for their own, put a watermark on it, but on the same note don’t slap a huge gaudy one on them because they are ugly. Have a central spot that everyone can go online to find you whether it be a website, blog, shop or facebook page. Let them know who you are and what you create, and why. Be open to feedback – not everyone will like what you create, so learn to take a few knocks. On the same token you’ll find so many people who love what you create, and nothing warms the day then finding out someone purchased an original illustration off of you that will go up on their wall. Or they’ve bought a pocket mirror for a friend. Or you’ve just seen a CD in the shops with your art. Amazing things happen to those who put themselves out there, so take the leap

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