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Turner Farm : Helping to unlock potential

How to get in the media

The Good Times Celebrating the organisations and projects making a difference across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

March 2018

First Taste: bridging the generational divide

Welcome THE GOOD TIMES has come out of hibernation and transformed into an e-zine over the winter months! We hope you like the new format and additional features. The e-zine aims to shout about charities, social enterprises, public sector organisations and businesses making a difference across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Do get in touch if you want to share the impact you make and any lessons you've learned with like-minded folk. Or perhaps you’re providing services to the third sector and could give us your ‘Top Tips’ or provide some commentary on a 'Hot Topic'. We'd love to hear from you. Please keep THE GOOD TIMES rolling by sharing with colleagues and on your social media channels. We'd also welcome any feedback via email: Enjoy reading. Kate Dawson, Editor

Contents p4-5 First Taste charity helping to foster friendships across the generations

First Taste: bridging p6 Spotlight On: Simon Redding, co-founder of the generational divide

Monkey Park - Chesterfield's social enterprise hub


P7 Oxfam: get the low down on the scandal and what charities can learn from it

p8 -9 Turner Farm: find out how Valley CIDs are helping young people to achieve their potential

p10 Top Tips for getting your story into the media

Contributors Kate Partlow, First-class (hons) PR and media graduate, budding journalist and avid reader. Using her writing skills for the greater good. Read her feature about the First Taste charity on pages 4-5, and interview with Simon Redding of Monkey Park on p6 Beth Crackles, freelance charity consultant focusing on fundraising, strategy and planning. Read her article on the Oxfam scandal on p7

THE GOOD TIMES is produced by Kate Dawson, a freelance communications consultant working as Well Read PR. The opinions, views and values expressed by contributors to THE GOOD TIMES are those of the authors of that content and do not necessarily represent my opinions, views or values. Nothing in the magazine constitutes advice on which you should rely. It is provided for general information purposes only. I do not accept liability for products or services offered by third parties. Links to third party websites are provided solely for your convenience. THE GOOD TIMES has not reviewed these third party websites and does not control and is not responsible for these websites or their content or availability. We therefore do not endorse or make any representations about them, or any material found on them, or any results that may be obtained from using them. If you decide to access any of the third party websites linked to THE GOOD TIMES, you do so entirely at your own risk.


First Taste: sowing the seeds of friendship across the generations

by Kate Partlow

Florence, Florence, 10 , shows 10 years Sandra, with91 xxxxx some wild flowers By Kate Partlow

Apart from grandparents, few children will have the opportunity to get to know people who are generations older. Thanks to the First Taste charity, care home residents across Derbyshire are making friendships with local pupils seven and eight decades younger and reaping the wellbeing benefits to boot.

facing older people, such as hearing loss and memory loss, as well as providing guidance on starting conversations. “We are trying to change society’s attitudes toward the care of the frail elderly,� said Iris Wagstaff, Hon. Sec, First Taste.

First Taste was set up 20 years ago to improve the learning opportunities for elderly people in care. On their intergenerational projects professional tutors facilitate interactive sessions spanning arts and crafts, horticulture and IT, as well as games and quizzes.

Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School (DHFS) began working on the project with First Taste three years ago, taking volunteers from year nine into several care homes after school.

Before they go into the care home, First Taste run an introductory session with the pupils, to introduce some of the issues

purchase Ipads, laptops and printers on long term loan, for the students to show residents how to use the internet.

First Taste: bridging Funding had alloweddivide First Taste to the generational 4

It was clear to see the barriers between young and elderly being broken down, and relationships forming as they completed the activities together. “The kids develop an appreciation of other people’s needs and are more engaged in class as a result,” said Paul Wilde, South Darley headteacher

Mara, 10 and John, 83

Rosalind Hobson, music teacher at DHFS, said it improved the kids' confidence and many continued to visit The Green after the programme had ended. A group of year five children from South Darley CofE Primary School are visiting nearby Ivonbrook Care Home each week (until July 2018) to carry out gardening Florence, 10 years with xxxxx activities with the residents. THE GOOD Florence, 10 , meets Sandra, 91 TIMES attended one of the sessions. Florence, age ten, said “I love coming here because it’s fun doing activities and meeting new people.” Clare Bufton, First Taste tutor , said: “The children bring a different energy into the room which is lovely to see.” Several of the residents are diagnosed with advanced dementia. “There’s often a stigma around dementia, but these sessions teach kids to see past this.” said Neil Hare, Manager at Ivonbrook. The session involved the participants placing plants into the pots they’d hand-painted the previous week. 5

The VOYAGE 7 project at Ivonbrook care home is principally funded by Derbyshire County Council Community Leaders Fund, Ivonbrook Care Homes (Kingwood Services), South Darley Parish Council, Derbyshire Dales District Council Local Projects Fund, Derbyshire County Council Intergenerational Service and The Open Gate Trust. Iris Wagstaffe, First Taste's founder, shared some of what she’s learnt over the past twenty years… • It’s important to recognise that grant funders' criteria all differs, so be explicit about how your work meets their specific requirements. • Have a website which really gets to the heart of what you do, combined with good leaflets about your work. • In addition to direct delivery, our training and support for care homes via out Tutoring Older People in Care (TOPIC) model of care has helped us achieve our aims.

First Taste: bridging the generational divide To find out more visit the charity's website:

Spotlight on...

Simon Redding, cofounder of Monkey Park

Monkey Park was founded three years ago by a group of local Chesterfield residents. Kate Partlow of THE GOOD TIMES chatted to co-founder Simon Redding about Monkey Park’s success so far. 1. What exactly is Monkey Park, and how did it come about? In 2015 myself and a few like-minded neighbours in Brampton founded a community centre because we wanted to create a welcoming space that provided various facilities for local residents. Loneliness was on the increase and there was a desperate need for somewhere to build community capacity. We created Monkey Park as a social enterprise so that profit would go back into the community. 2. How has it evolved since first opening? It’s become much more owned by the community. We welcome ideas from local people. One lady asked to run a Lego club, and she’s now a director! We now host an array of events that reach out to people on a personal level, such as a mental health café and tinnitus café. 3. What benefits does it bring to the local community? It provides a space for people to support each other, to learn and to socialise. People can come and work affordably in our shared workspace.

4. Have you faced any major challenges? Yes, getting people to understand what we’re all about; the fact that it's more than just a café. Funding is always difficult too. We've used a number of innovative approaches, such as receiving loan funding from local residents under HMRC's Social Investment Tax Relief scheme. 5. Is there anyone or anything in particular that inspires you? I have been hugely inspired by the Camerados movement. They have a wonderful saying that “you beat tough times by having two things: friends and purpose.” 6. What’s next for Monkey Park? We’ve bought the building and we’re hiring a manager to run it more efficiently. We're also exploring partnerships with other bodies to keep helping our local community, for example collaborating with the health service to help improve people's health and wellbeing. To find out more about Monkey Park visit the website:


Hot topic What charities can learn from the Oxfam scandal Beth Crackles, a charity strategy consultant, argues that the behaviour of Oxfam's international development staff provides a sage lesson for other charities, namely that brand management and good governance go hand in hand. Here she explains more. Recently Oxfam has been harshly criticised in the media and by the government as details of the historic conduct of its international development team in Haiti unfolded: sexual harassment, use of sex workers, threats of physical abuse and broader bullying. Ultimately, they dismissed the rotten apples and following an internal investigation, enhanced their safeguarding measures. Other incidences of alleged misconduct, however, were dropped from a leadership team meeting. It was a ticking time bomb.

Staff engagement, policies and training are critical to achieving a brand which is truly at the core of an organisation. Oxfam’s fuller public apology demonstrated a belated transparency, empathy and regret, but their plight could have been avoided if they had acted more swiftly and decisively. So, what can charities do to protect themselves from similar debacles? Well, they can update their safeguarding and whistle-blowing policies. See the NCVO templates in Karl Wilding’s blog. Also check that your safeguarding training is robust – see the Charity Commission's advice.

While much of Oxfam’s communications has been spot on, Chief Executive, Mark Goldring’s comment that nobody “murdered babies in their cots” was ill-judged.

And finally, your Leadership Team must ensure that your brand values permeate the whole organisation, not just the glossy front of house staff.

Trust is the greatest antecedent to giving: how money is spent, transparency and communications all playing their role in achieving this. Brand values are not just spin, they are demonstrated in the way staff Beth Crackles is a freelance charity fundraising and strategy consultant. See interact with others. her website: 7

Turner Farm: unlocking potential by Kate Dawson

In the same way that a pet cat or dog can nurture a child’s empathy and sense of responsibility, the pigs, goats and chickens at Valley CIDs Turner Farm, in Swanwick, Derbyshire, are pivotal to the alternative educational programme for children aged 11-16 years. Georgie Butt, who leads Valley CIDs Alternative Education provision, the Blend Youth Project, explained: "Students 'learn by stealth' - they may come here extremely averse to the classroom, refuse to attempt academic tasks, or need an immediate and necessary purpose in all they do."

Florence, 10 years with xxxxx Florence, 10 , shows Sandra, 91 some wild flowers

At feeding time the pupils follow charts and instructions to prepare each animals’ meals and are duly rewarded with pleasing oinks, bleats and clucks, whilst developing their aptitude and confidence with numbers and comprehension.

Animal Animalcare careisisintegral integraltotolearning learningatatTurner TurnerFarm Farm

Qualifications range from a Level 1 Employability, comprising good attendance and timekeeping, working to schedules and adherence to health and safety legislation, to short courses in Animal Care.

The Farm will soon offer a BTEC in Land-based Studies, enabling pupils to Students also take responsibility for cleaning out the animals, building shelters progress into further education. Cycle and carrying out simple maintenance tasks. Maintenance, Rural Crafts and Construction courses are also in the pipeline. “Animals don’t judge, so the pupils can come here and immediately feel they are appreciated.” explained Tony Sellman, Turner Farm teacher.

“Our approach gives pupils not only the basic qualifications, but more importantly the self-worth and the aspirations, which can change the trajectory of their lives for ever”, said Georgie

First Taste: bridging All students have the opportunity to the generational divide gain English and Maths qualifications. In addition to offering alternative education Topics such as the weather cycle, land drainage, wildlife and environmental impact are all part of the curriculum.

provision to Derbyshire County Council, Turner Farm boasts a Men’s Shed for men at risk of social isolation.


Retired Policeman Charlie Parkes, 67, volunteers at the Shed, supervising a host of carpentry projects and providing a listening ear for anyone that needs it.

Sustainability is embedded in every activity at the farm, for example donated water butts are collecting rain water for wellie washing and watering the animals, thereby reducing paid for water usage.

"We get all sorts of men, mainly in their 50s-70s. Some have been bereaved, some have dementia. It gives them something worth getting out of bed for and a chance to socialise. It gives them an opportunity to feel useful again," said Charlie The items which are crafted in the Men’s Shed are sold in Valley CIDS shops in Buxton and Bakewell. Phil Pearce, Turner Farm project manager Florence, 10 years with xxxxx explained: “Our volunteers have created Florence, 10 , shows Sandra, 91 some wild flowers stunning hand-crafted frames, mirrors and lamp stands out of disused oak fence posts. "We also welcome donated furniture which we can ‘shabby chic’, with all proceeds going back into the Shed.”

Phil summed up Turner Farm’s ethos as follows: “Our approach to the farm’s resources, is the same as the people we support here – we don’t change them, their value lies inside them, we just unlock it." Rev. Jonathan Brook, Director of Ethos Phil Pearce with donated Values and Mission, Valleypalletes CIDs, shared his experience of steering the charity forward... Animal care is integral to learning at Turner Farm

• Charities today must be innovative and entrepreneurial, as you can’t rely on funding from central sources. Funders expect youisto showtothem that are Animal care integral learning at you Turner Farm using their funds to generate income and be self-sustaining. • We have had to become savvier in our retailing - we label all the items produced at Turner Farm, describing their origins and how they have been upcycled, to appeal to the conscientious consumer. • We’ve not beentoafraid to at evolve. Animal care is integral learning Turner We Farm

were originally set up to meet the needs of young people and families, but now we support people of all ages through volunteering, the men’s shed etc.

First Taste: bridging the generational divide

Find out more on the charity's website:

Phil Pearce with some donated pallettes 9

Top tips How to get coverage in the media Getting coverage in print and online can improve the profile of your charity or project, helping you to attract donations and raise awareness amongst potential partners. The challenge is getting the attention of journalists who are looking for something that’s fresh and relevant to their readers. Here are my top five tips for getting your story in the news: 1. Tailor your pitch - it’s not the job of news outlets to publicise your business or charity, they need to write about issues that their readers care about. Link your news to a topical issue or event such as Brexit or Wimbledon to give it added currency.

4. Be savvy about timing find out when your target publications go to print and avoid issuing releases at their busiest time. Keep follow up calls for those journalists you know are happy to chat.

2. Keep it real – identify strong case studies of people whose lives have been transformed. The underpinning facts and figures are important but the real human impact will make it a tastier story. 3. Avoid PR puffery – don’t over inflate your product or service. Supporting quotes should come from a credible expert or representative. Ensure they are available for interview when your news release goes out.

5. A perfect press release isn’t always the route to coverage –if you’ve got a great story then just bashing out a quick email or Tweet to a warm journalist contact may be sufficient to secure their interest.

Kate Dawson is a freelance PR and communications consultant specialising in charities and the public sector. See her website: 10

"When you wake up in the morning, wake your forgotten and forsaken dreams up as well, wake them up like an insisting rooster!� - Mehmet Murat ildandd


"When you wake up in the morning, wake your forgotten and forsaken dreams up as well, wake them up like an insisting rooster!” - Mehmet Murat ildandd

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