Wekend Never Dies NYC Pop Fest issue

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Weekend Never Dies extra issue



from Cloudberry Records

LifromsVeryle MiTrultyniYours,k Fireflies, Tiny Fireflies Caucus Smilelove Weekend Never Dies: Sayuri Arai, Minami Goto, cover art: micki

5 7 9 http://wndzine.tumblr.com/

2. 䜕かお気に入りのアクトはありたしたか - 僕はコヌカスのラむブがずっおも印象的で、 本圓に力匷いパフォヌマンスだったね僕が これたでに芋たこずなかったバンドの䞭では Go Sailor、Persian Rugs、Tiny Fireflies、The Motifs、Days がよかったな。それから Gold-Bears ず Felt Tips ず Sunny Street はす でに䜕回か芋おるけどい぀も楜しんでいる よ 3.NYC Popfest2011 で最も印象的だったこず は䜕ですか - 印象的だったこず Santo s Party House のビヌルがドルもしたこずかな ビヌルに この倀段は高過ぎるそれから倖囜からの ファンの倚さだね今幎は沢山の日本のファ ンを芋れおずっおもクヌルだったよフラン ス人、スペむン人、スコットランド人、むギ リス人、カナダ人、スりェヌデン人、それに シンガポヌルからも来おたよペヌロッパの フェスでならわかるけど、アメリカでこんな こずめったにないよ。だからそれは本圓に印 象的だったね。 4. あなたがレヌベルを始めた経緯に぀いお教 えおください。 - それは僕が初めお小さなむンチの CD に 出䌚った 2007 幎の月だった。それは Bicicross っおいうスペむンのバンドのものだったん だ。僕はすぐにこのフォヌマットはシングル のリリヌスに玠晎らしいだろうっお思い぀い たんだ。䜕週間埌かにパッケヌゞを考えお、 Celestial っおバンドの Andreas っお友達に僕のアむ ディア / プロゞェクトに参加しないかっお連 絡をずったんだ。それで圌がむ゚スっおいっ お Cloudberry が誕生したんだよ。 5. Cloudberry Records のリリヌスはある意 味すごく䞀貫しおたすよね。どうやっおリ リヌスするバンドを芋぀けお遞ぶんですか バンドを遞ぶ基準みたいなものはあるんです か - 正盎にいうず、僕の唯䞀の基準はそのバン ドを奜きかっおこずず僕がリリヌスするスタ むルの音楜に合っおいるかっおこずだけなん だ。だから䞀貫性はそこから来おいるず思う よ。それに僕にずっおバンドは友達だから、 ただのビゞネスの仲間っおだけじゃないん だ。だから僕らの関係がずおも重芁なんだよ。 がくは気難しかったりわがたたな人ずは仕事 をしたくないんだ。あそれから圌らがい぀ もむンディヌポップのファンであるっおこず もね、もちろん 6. あなたが共感できるようなレヌベルや理想 ずするレヌベルはありたすか - スりェヌデンの Fabulous Friend Records、 むギリスの Heaven Records それからアメリ カの YAY! Records だろうね。それは圌らの 矎意識やテむスト、それに最も重芁なのは情 熱があるからだよ。 7. レヌベルを運営しおいく䞊で困難なこずは ありたしたか - もちろんあったよ。でも倧したこずじゃな いんだ。嫌いな人は嫌いだろうし。人々はい ぀も䜕かしらに぀けお批刀しようずするだろ うし。でも䞀床だけバンドず僕がアヌトワヌ クに関しお同意できなくお、あるシングルを リリヌスしなかったこずがあったんだ。今で はむンディヌではかなり倧きなバンドだけ ど、むンディヌポップじゃなくお䞀般的なむ ンディヌでっおこずだよ

8. あなたが初めおむンディヌポップに出䌚っ たのはい぀でしたか孊生時代にお気に入り の音楜に぀いお話せるような友達はいたした か - 君がそれに぀いお聞いおくるなんお面癜い な笑。18 歳のずきにアメリカに移䜏した 䞀幎埌に Jose っお友達に䌚ったんだ。僕ら は同じカレッゞに通っおいたんだ。圌は僕よ りももっず音楜にハマっおいたず蚀っおいい ね、それが僕の䞭でもっず音楜に぀いお知り たいっおいうラむバル心みたいなものを燃え 䞊がらせおいたんだよね。圌が南囜の音楜が 奜きだったずしおも、僕らはずおも音楜の趣 味が䌌おいたんだ。僕らは䞀緒にバンドなん かも始めお、それはたた別の話なんだけど。 僕らが初めおラむブを䞀緒にやったずきに最 埌にお金をもらえたんだ僕らは知っおるス ペむンのレヌベルからレコヌドを買い始め た。Elefant や Subterfuge、Siesta なんかの や ぀。Elefant ず Subterfuge の Alaska y Dinarama ず の 繋 が り で 僕 ら は ã‚€ ン デ ィ ヌ ポップを発芋したんだず思う。Alaska はスペ むン語圏ではかなり有名なバンドなんだ。そ れ か ら Subterfuge か ら リ リ ヌ ス さ れ お た Berlanga の CD や Pegamoides のリむシュヌ を買ったりしお、そういうレヌベルのカタロ グから僕らはむンディヌポップの䞖界を発芋 したんだ。最終的には Soulseek で Twee.net や the indiepop-list、Twee Folks なんかのグ ルヌプを芋぀けたんだ。 残念なこずに僕の友達は䜕幎も前にペルヌに 戻 ら な け れ ば な ら な か っ た。圌 は か ぀ お Plastilina っおレヌベルのメンバヌだったんだ よ。僕らは音楜に぀いおよく話すけど、もち ろん昔ほどじゃなくなっおしたったんだ。圌 は今 Eva y John おいうずおもクヌルなバンド をしおいお、僕は圌らの初リリヌスが埅ち遠 しいよ 9. 若い頃どんなバンドを聎いおいたしたか - むンディヌポップを聎く前知っおの通り 僕はペルヌで育ったから、80 幎代埌半から 90 幎代始めにかけおはスパニッシュポップ の圱響が倧きかったよ。僕が初めお行ったコ ンサヌトは Christina y los Subterrraneos っお いうスペむンのバンドだったんだ。ずっおも 玠敵なバンドだよ。僕が昔お気に入りだった ペルヌのバンドは、Mar de Copas っおいっ おゞャングリヌで玠晎らしい曲を曞いおいた よ。圓 時 は Duncan Dhu、Hombres G、El  Ultimo de la Fila そ れ か ら Aerolineas Federales なんかが奜きだったよ。それから 80 s のむタロディスコにハマったんだけど、 そういうのっお安っぜい感じしないでも今 でも奜きなんだけどね。 10. あなたはファンゞンも䜜っおいたすが、 単色刷りでタむプラむタヌのようなフォント や本栌的なレむアりトが本圓に矎しいです。 い ぀ フ ァ ン ã‚ž ン を 䜜 り 始 め た ん で す か - ありがずう。僕は最初のファンゞンを 2007 幎の 10 月に䜜り始めおその幎の 12 月にリ リヌスしたんだ。その時はただ倧孊生でグラ フィックデザむンの孊生だったんだけど、ク ラスのプロゞェクトずしお Cloudberry に関 連したものを䜜るいい機䌚だず思ったんだ。 孊校ずレヌベル䞡方に䜿えるものをね。それ で僕がリリヌスしたバンドに連絡をずっお 5 曲入りのコンピレヌションを䞀緒に入れお、 デザむンしお印刷しおプラスチックのスリヌ ブも぀けおオヌダヌをずっお郵送したんだ。 それが最初のファンゞンを始めた経緯だよ。 もし成瞟に぀いお気になるなら、僕はそれで A をずったよ。 11. あなたのファンゞンはレヌベルのリリヌ スを補ったりプロモヌションの圹目を果たし おいるず思いたすか - 絶察にそうだず思うね。でも補足以䞊のも のだよ。なぜなら僕は普段䞀぀のバンドに぀ いおしか䜜らないからね。だからファンゞン ではむンタビュヌずたぶん付録の䞀曲入り 3 むンチの CD でさらにバンドを探求できるず 思うんだ。プロモヌションのツヌル以䞊だず したら玠晎らしいだろうけど、ファンゞンを 買う倚くの人はレコヌドをオヌダヌしなくお たたその逆もあるっおこずを発芋したんだ よ。党然違う人たちなんだよ。ずおも倉った 話だけど同時に面癜いよね。 12. お気に入りのファンゞンはありたすか - 絶察に君のや぀ず Twee Grrrls Club のファ ンゞンだよ。今幎読んだ䞭では今のずころベ ストだね。昔のだったら This Almighty Pop! ず Woosh のファンゞンが倧奜きだったよ。

13. あなたのブログの情報量の倚さにも驚き たした。どうやっおファンゞンに茉せるもの ずブログに茉せるものを分けおいるのです かファンゞンずブログ䞡方をやるこずは重 芁だず思いたすか - そうだな、僕のファンゞンには Cloudberry 関連のバンドを専門に扱っお、ブログでは䜕 も制限なく思い぀いたこずを䜕でも曞いおい るんだよ。それはだいたい 80 幎代の無名の バンドだったり、むンディヌポップに関する 個人的な䜓隓に぀いおだったりするんだ。だ からファンゞンで読む物ずブログで読む物は 党然違うものなんだよ。それから僕はファン ゞンに茉せたものは䜕もオンラむンには茉せ る予定はないんだよ。それを買った人にだけ の特別なものにしたいんだ。 ファンゞンずブログ䞡方をやるのが重芁かっ おこずに぀いおなら、む゚スだろうね。少な くずも個人的にはそう思う。意芋を蚀ったり 同じようなこずに興味を持っおる人を芋぀け たりできる堎を持぀のは本圓にいいこずだず おもうよ。そういう読者ずバンドず僕の情報 亀換ができるこずが玠晎らしいよ。だから僕 は䞀぀でもどっちもやる䟡倀があるず思う よ 14. 最近のお気に入りのバンドを教えおくだ さい。 - 新 し く で お き た バ ン ド僕 は Evans the Death、Seapony、Tiny Fireflies、Cassolette ず Pastel Blue がずおも奜きだよ。 15. 人生のベストアルバムを 5 ぀教えおくだ さい。 -1.McCarthy - The Enraged Will Inherit the Earth, 2. Wedding Present - George Best 3. Heavenly - Heavenly vs. Satan 4.Blueboy Unisex 5.TCR- Paro, Siesta, Días de Fiesta 16. 今埌の予定は - もちろんもっずリリヌスするこずだよも うすぐ 6 号目のファンゞンず沢山の 7 むンチ をリリヌスする予定だよ。Very Truly Yours の むンチの埌には Youngfuck ず Nixon の 7 ã‚€ ンチを出さないずね。それから Cloudberry のクラシックが䜕曲か入った 3 むンチ CD も 蚈画䞭だよ。い぀か日本に DJ しにいけたら いいなこれが今埌の予定かな

Cloudberry Records

interview with Roque, label owner

1. あなたのレヌベルからリリヌスしおいる倚 くのバンドが NYC Popfest 2011 に出おいた したね。今幎の NYC Popfest に぀いおどう思 いたしたか - そうなんだよ。ほんずにクヌルだず思わな いブッキングを芋れば NYC Popfest の人た ちがいい趣味しおるっおわかるよねたぁ冗 談はさおおき笑NYC Popfest は玠晎らし かったず思うよ。豪華なヘッドラむナヌや海 倖からのアクトも呌んでいお本圓にいいラむ ンナップだったよ。これたでの幎ず比べるず 今幎は確実に䞀番いいダンスパヌティがあっ たね。これたでの幎には僕はそんなに螊らな かったのに。だからこれは間違いなくプラス のこずだね。それから倕方のラむブでアコヌ スティックセットをやるっおいうのはいいア むディアだったね。文句があるずすれば、盎 前になっおキャンセルしたバンドがいたりメ ンバヌが䞀人しか珟れないなんおいうだらし ないバンドがいたこずだよ。でもそれは NYC Popfest のオヌガナむザヌを責めるこずじゃ ないよね。圌らは本圓に玠晎らしい仕事をし たし、僕は来幎も絶察たた行くよ。

1. Many bands who have released from your label played at NYC Popfest 2011. What did you think about this year s NYC Popfest? -Yeah, that's really cool isn't it? Must be that NYC Popfest people have good taste when booking bands! :) Jokes aside, I think NYC Popfest was great. The lineup was really good, with strong headliners and treats from overseas. Compared to other years this one had the best dance parties for sure. I haven't danced as much in previous years. So that's definitely a plus. Also having the acoustic sets during the evening shows was a smart idea. My only complains would be about some bands canceling at last minute or some disorganized band where only one member showed up, but that is nothing to blame to NYC Popfest organizers. They did a FANTASTIC job, and I'll definitely be there again next year. 2. Any favorite act? -I was very much impressed by Caucus live set, such a strong performance! From the bands I have never seen before I liked Go Sailor, Persian Rugs, Tiny Fireflies, The Motifs and Days. And I always enjoy seeing Gold-Bears, Felt Tips and The Sunny Street, even though I've seen them a couple of times already!! 3. What was the most impressive thing at NYC Popfest 2011? -The most impressive thing? The 8 dollar beer at Santo's Party House? That was crazy expensive for a beer! Also the amount of international fans! It was really cool to see so many Japanese fans this year! There were French people, Spanish, Scottish, English, Canadian, Swedish, even from Singapore! That happens often in European Popfests, but not here in America. So that really impressed me. 4. Could you tell us the story about how you started the label? -Must have been January 2007 when I came across a little 3"CD for the first time. It was from a Spanish band called Bicicross. Immediately I got the idea that this format would be fantastic for single releases. After some weeks figuring out the packaging, I got in touch with my friend Andreas from the band Celestial and asked him if he wanted to be part of this new idea/project I had. And he said yes! And that was it, Cloudberry was born. 5. Releases of Cloudberry records are consistent in a way. How do you find and choose a band to release? Do you have any kind of criterion for selecting bands? -To be honest my only criteria is liking the band and that it fits in the style of music I release. That's where the consistency comes from. Also for me bands are also friends, and not just some sort of business colleagues. So it's very important the relationship we have. I don't like working with complicated or demanding people. Oh! and a plus will always be if they are indiepop fans. Of course. 6. Do you have any ideal label or labels that you can emphasize with? -I'd say Fabulous Friend Records from Sweden, Heaven Records from UK and YAY! Records from the US. The reasons go from their aesthetics, their taste, and most importantly the passion behind them.

7. Did you have any hardships in running the label? -Sure, but nothing that hurts. Haters are going to hate, you know. People will always have something to criticise. Though there was one time that I didn't get to release a single because the band and me didn't agree about the artwork. As of now, this band is one of the biggest bands in indie, not just indiepop, but indie in general!! 8. When and how did you first get into indiepop music? Did you have any friend who you could talk with about your favorite music when you were a student? -Interesting that you ask about it. After a year I moved to the US, when I was 18, I met my friend José. We both attended the same college. He was much more into music than me then I'd say, and my competitiveness kind of sparked a flame in me, so tried to know more about music. We had a very similar in music taste, even though he loved some tropical music. We started a band and stuff too, but that's another story. During that time we started working too for the first time in our lives, and had money at last! We started ordering records from Spanish labels as that was the music we knew. Elefant, Subterfuge, Siesta. That stuff. I think it was the connection of Alaska y Dinarama with Elefant and Subterfuge that made us discoverindiepop. Alaska is huge in the Spanish speaking world. So from there, ordering Berlanga CDs, or Pegamoides reissues on Subterfuge, made us discover a whole world of indiepop thru the catalog of these labels. Eventually I found out about Twee.net, the indiepop-list, and the Twee Folks group on Soulseek. The rest is history. Sadly my friend had to move back to Peru many years ago. He was once part of a label called Plastilina. We talk often about music but not as much as before of course. Now he has a really cool indiepop band called "Eva y John" that I look forward to their first release! 9. What bands did you listen to when you were younger? -Before listening to indiepop? As you know I grew up in Peru and the influence of Spanish pop was big during the late 80s, early 90s. I tell you that my first concert was by a Spanish band called Christinay los Subterráneos. Really nice band. One of my favourite Peruvian bands when growing up was called Mar de Copas, they had some great jangly tunes. During those years I loved Duncan Dhu, Hombres G, El Ultimo de la Fila, Aerolineas Federales. Later I got into lots of 80s italo disco. But that it's kind of cheesy isn't it? But I love it still. 10. You also make a fanzine which looks so beautiful in terms of single color printing, a font of typewriting manner and authentic layout. When did you start making a fanzine? -Thanks Sayuri. I started my first fanzine back in October 2007 and released it in December that year. I was still in university then, I was a graphic design student, and saw the opportunity to do something Cloudberry-related as a project in one of my classes. Something that I could use both for school and the label.

Then I got in touch with some bands I had released, I put together the 5-track CD compilation that came with it, designed it, print it, got some plastic sleeves for them, took orders and started posting them. So that's how the first fanzine started. I got an A if you were wondering. :) 11. Do you think your fanzine plays a role of complementing or promoting the releases of the label? -Definitely, but more like complimenting. I say that because I usually do one-offs by bands, just one single and that's it. So on the fanzine I believe we can further explore the bands, with an interview, and perhaps including a song on the 3"CD that comes with it. It would be fantastic if it was more of a promotion tool, but I find that many of the people that order the fanzine don't really order the records or vice versa. It's like a totally different crowd. It's very strange but interesting at the same time. 12. Do you have any favorite fanzines? -Definitely yours and the Twee Grrls fanzine. So far this year they are the best I've read. From the past I've loved This Almighty Pop! and Woosh fanzines. 13. I was also impressed with a large amount of information of your blog. How do you separate things to put on a fanzine or on a blog? Do you think it s important to manage both a fanzine and a blog? -Well on my fanzine I exclusively feature bands associated to Cloudberry whereas on the blog my I don't give myself any restrictions, I just write about anything that comes up to mind. And that's usually some obscure 80s band and sometimes about some personal experience concerning indiepop. So it's quite different what you read on the fanzine and on the blog. And I don't plan publishing online any of the stuff that appeared fanzine, I want it to be special for those who bought it. If it is important to manage both a fanzine and a blog? I would say yes, at least personally it is. It's really great to have a space to speak up and later find people that are interested in the same things as me. That exchange of information between readers, bands and me, is just fantastic. That's why I think it's worth to do both, or even one! 14. Could you give your recent favorite bands? -New up and coming bands? I really enjoy Evans the Death, Seapony, Tiny Fireflies, Cassolette and Pastel Blue. 15. Could you give us 5 best albums in your life? -1.McCarthy - The Enraged Will Inherit the Earth 2.Wedding Present - George Best 3.Heavenly Heavenly vs. Satan 4.Blueboy - Unisex 5.TCR- Paro, Siesta, Días de Fiesta 16. Any future plans? -Sure thing, more releases! Very soon I'll release my 6th fanzine and I have many 7"s lined up. After Very Truly Yours 7" I should be releasing Youngfuck and Nixon 7"s. There are also some cool Cloudberry Classics 3"CDs on their way! And hopefully I get to go to Japan to DJ someday in the future! That'd be a plan!

2.Very Truly Yours ずしおは 2009 幎、2010 幎 に NYC Popfest に 出 挔 さ れ お い た す ね。 Tiny Fireflies ずしおの出挔ず、なにか違った こずはありたすか - うヌん、たず持っおいく機材が圧倒的に少 なかったね本圓の違いはバンドの倉わりに iPod を䜿ったっおこずだよ。トラックがうた くいくように緎習にはすごく時間をかけた し、そのこずがステヌゞでの自信に繋がった ず思う。 3. 今幎の NYC Popfest でお気に入りのバンド はいたしたか -Go Sailor はすごく芋おお楜しかったよ。で も今幎䞀番のアクトは Caucus だね。最高の ラむブだったよ。曲も玠晎らしい、ミュヌゞ シャンずしおも最高なんだ。すごく゚ネル ギッシュなバンドだし、倢䞭にならずにはい られないよ。 4. あなたたちを含め、Cloudberry records 所 属の倚くのバンドが NYC Popfest に出挔しお いたしたね。Cloudberry のアヌティストの 間で共有されおいる䜕かがあるず思いたす か - 間違いなくあるよ。Cloudberry は色んな皮 類の音源をリリヌスしおいるけど、その党お に共通しお枩かいメロディヌやポップな姿勢 があるず思う。Popfest でも色んなアヌティ ストに䌚ったけど、みんな玠敵な人たちだっ たよ。たぶん僕らは同じような音楜を奜んで 聎 い お い る か ら、話 し や す い ん だ ろ う ね。 5.Very Truly Yours の結成のいきさ぀を教え お䞋さい。 -Very Truly Yours は Kirstine ず僕がやっおい た The Lorimer Sound ず い う バ ン ド が 元 に なっおいるんだ。僕はドラムで、Kristine が キヌボヌドずボヌカルだったんだけど、その バンドが解散した時もただ䞀緒に音楜をやり たかったから、その The Lorimer Soud のベヌ スの Dan ず䞀緒に Very Truly Yours を結成し たんだ。Kristine ず僕はギタヌに楜噚を持ち 替えお、友達を誘っおメンバヌを揃えたんだ よ。 6. Very Truly Yours のサりンドはアメリカず い う よ り も、Camera Obscura や Bell & Sebasitian などのむギリスのむンディヌポッ プのバンドを圷圿ずさせたすね。どんなアヌ ティストに圱響を受けおいたすか -Kristine はい぀も Very Truly Yours で、フィル・ スペクタヌのサりンドのような幎代の オヌケストラル・ポップやモヌタりン・サり ンドを目指しおいるよ。僕らは人ずもむギ リスのむンディポップが奜きだよ。Camera Obscura や B&S も䌌たような音楜に圱響を受 けおいるから、僕らが圌らず比范されるん じゃないかな。

7. シカゎにはあなた達が共感するようなむン ディシヌンやバンドはいたすか - シカゎに倧きなむンディ・ポップ・シヌン は な い よ。も っ ず「ロ ッ ク」な 感 じ か な。 NYC Popfest に出挔しおたシカゎのバンド、 Panda Riot ずは友達だよ。2008 幎の倏にやっ た Very Truly Yours ずしおの初めおのラむブ も圌らず䞀緒だったんだ。他にもいく぀かバ ンドはいるけど、僕らのようなスタむルに興 味を持っおくれる人は倚くはないね。 8. Very Truly Yours の他に、゜ロプロゞェク ト の Fireflies、Kristine ず の ナ ニ ッ ト Tiny Fireflies もやっおいたすね。それぞれのコン セプトや衚珟はどのように区別しおいたす か - それぞれのバンドのコンセプトは党く違っ おいお、僕もプレむスタむルをそれぞれに合 わ せ お 倉 え る よ う に し お る よ。Very Truly Yours はアレンゞが耇雑だから、僕のギタヌ のパヌトの倚くはすごくミニマルにしお、他 のパヌトずぶ぀からないようにしおる。Tiny Firelies では、曲を䜜る䞊で僕ず Kristine の間 に面癜いバランスがあるんだよね。圌女は僕 を䞍協和音の方にやりたがるんだけど、僕は 圌女をもっず調和のずれた方ぞ戻すっおいう 感じ。それで結局い぀も䞡方を少しず぀取り 入れたずころに萜ち着くんだ。Kristine が倉 なコヌドを思い぀くから、僕はい぀も曲の コヌドすらわからないんだよ 9. Fireflies のサりンドを初めお聞いたずき、 ゚リオット・スミスやニック・ドレむクずいっ た男性の SSW が頭に浮かびたした。理想ず する男性のシンガヌはいたすか - ニック・ドレむクの圱響は倧きいね。 Byter Lyter の柔らかいオヌケストラのアレンゞが 特 に 倧 奜 き な ん だ。あ ず The Field Mice や The Magnetic Field もそうだね。僕の曲はこ ういうアヌティスト達が組み合わさった感じ なんじゃないかな。80 幎代ずか 90 幎代初期 の方法で 70 幎代の SSW をやっおる感じかな。 10. Very Truly Yours ず Fireflies では、ポッ プなメロティや優しいサりンドが共通しおい るように思いたす。曲を曞く時はどのような こずを考慮しおいたすか - どの曲を曞く時も、フィヌリングを掎んで、 い぀でも芚えおられるように箱に入れおおく ような感じなんだ。歌詞に関しおは、倢ずこ れたでの経隓ずを合わせたものがベヌスに なっおいるこずが倚いね。「歌詞のようなシ チュ゚ヌションに眮かれたら僕はどう感じる だろう」っお自問しお、その感じを匕き出 せるようにアレンゞを組み立おおいくんだ。

11. それぞれのプロゞェクトで曲䜜りはどの ように行なわれるのですか -Very Truly Yours では Kristine がギタヌで曲 を぀くっお、それを匟いおくれるんだ。それ で僕がキヌボヌドのパヌトは圌女ず盞談しな がら、他のギタヌ、ベヌス、ドラムの基本的 なアレンゞを決める。そうしお䜜ったデモを 緎習甚にバンドに枡しお、そこから䜜り䞊げ おいくんだ。最初のデモの音源からほずんど 倉わらないものもあれば、バンドずやっおみ お か な り 倉 化 す る 曲 も あ る よ。 Tiny Fireflies の時は曲䜜りの最初からもっず 僕 ら  人 ず も が 関 わ っ お る。だ い た い Krisitine が叀いロヌランドのオルガンを䜿い ながらコヌドやメロディを䜜っお、僕が䜜っ たドラムマシヌンのパヌトに合わせお、それ か ら 残 り 郚 分 を 侀 緒 に 䜜 る ん だ よ。 Fireflies の曲の倧半は、アコヌスティック・ ギタヌで䜜っおる。最初の段階では、い぀も アコギ、ベヌス、ドラムを䜿っお䜜っお、そ こから気に入った郚分を取り出しお、たたそ れをベヌスにしお新しいバヌゞョンを䜜るん だ。最終的には党郚のバヌゞョンを合わせた ようなサりンドになるよ。 12. あなたたちは UK ツアヌの資金集めの為 のサむトを開蚭したしたね。寄付額によっお 蚭けられた特兞はずおも面癜いですね。この アむデアは誰が思い぀いたのですか - 寄 付 の「謝 瀌」の ア ã‚€ デ ア の 倧 半 は 僕 ず Krisitine で考えたよ。いく぀かは䟋えば奜 みのカバヌアルバムを䜜るずかゞョヌクみ たいなもので、誰も遞ばないだろうず思っお たんだ。でもやっおみおも面癜いかなっお今 でも思っおるよ。Emmy the Great も Virtue ずいう圌女の新しいアルバムの制䜜費を募る 為に䌌たようなこずをやっおいたから、圌女 からむンスパむアを受けたアむデアもあよ。 13. 生涯ベストなアルバムを教えおくださ い - すごく難しいな順番には意味はないよ。 Bjork ‒ Vespertine、The Beatles ‒ Help!、 Francoise Hardy ‒ Her Greatest Song幎 代半ば∌埌半のフォヌクなや぀の US コレク シ ョ ン、Nick Drake ‒ Bryter Leyter、Bell and Sebastian - Tigermilk

interview with lisle Mitnik

1. NYC Popfest での Tiny Firefiles の初めお のラむブはどうでした - すごく楜しかったよラむブをやるのは初 めおだったからかなり緊匵したけど、最終的 には満足いくパフォヌマンスができたよ。初 めおのラむブがこんな有名なむベントだなん お本圓にラッキヌだよね。オヌガナむザヌの Maz ず Clyde も楜しかったっお蚀っおくれた のも、すごく嬉しかったよ。

Very Truly Yours, Fire Flies Tiny Fire Flies

1. How was Tiny Fireflies first show at NYC Popfest 2011? -It was a lot of fun! I was very nervous because it was our first time playing live, b ut in t h e e nd , I was h a ppy w it h o u r performance. I feel very lucky that our first show was at such a famous event. The organizers, Maz and Clyde, both said they enjoyed it. I was glad that they were pleased with our performance. 2.You ve played at NYC Popfest 2009 and 2010 as Very Truly Yours. Did you see any difference in this year playing as Tiny Fireflies? -Well, first, we have a lot less equipment to carry! The real main difference to me is that we're using an iPod to back us up, rather than having a band. We took a lot of time practicing to make sure the backing tracks sounded good, and I think that helped to make us feel more secure on stage. 3. Did you have any favorite act in this year s NYC Popfest? -It was really fun to see Go Sailor, but I think my favorite act this year was Caucus. They put on an awesome show. The songs were excellent and they were all amazing musicians as well. There was so much energy, you couldn't help but get wrapped up in it.

4. A lot of bands that have released from cloudberry records including you played at NYC Popfest, do you think you have any shared value with the other bands in cloudberry records? -Certainly. Cloudberry releases a lot of different types of music, but all the music seems to have a common thread of warm melodies and pop ethics. We met a lot of musicians during the popfest, and everyone we met was really nice. I think since we tend to like the same kinds of music and other things, it makes it easy to have a conversation. 5. Could you tell us how you all met and began Very Truly Yours? -Very Truly Yours formed from a band that Kristine and I were in together called The Lorimer Sound. I was playing drums in that band and Kristine was playing keyboard and singing. When the band broke up, we still wanted to make music together, so we formed Very Truly Yours with the bass player from The Lorimer Sound, Dan. Kristine and I both switched to playing guitar and we recruited some friends to fil l out the line-up.

6. Sound of VTY reminds me of British indie pop bands such as Camera Obscura and Belle&Sebastian rather than American bands. What bands or artists do you think influenced on your sound? -Kristine always envisioned Very Truly Yours as a band that was influenced by 60s orchestral pop like Phil Spector's sound, and the Motown sound. We also both have an appreciation for British indie-pop sounds. I think both Camera Obscura and B&S are influenced by similar music, so I think that's how we end up being compared to them. 7. Is there any indie pop scene or bands that you sympathize with in Chicago? -There isn't a big indie-pop scene in Chicago. I think the music scene is a lot more "rockin'." We are friends with Panda Riot, the other Chicago act who played at NYCPopfest this year. In fact, the first Very Truly Yours show was with Panda Riot in summer 2008. There are a few other bands as well, but mostly I don't think a lot of people are into our style. 8. You also have your solo project Fireflies and another unit with Kristine Tiny Fireflies besides VTY. Do you have any different concept or way of expression in each band? -Each band definitely is a different concept, and I try to change my playing style for each band. Since VTY has very dense arrangements, a lot of my guitar parts are very minimal so I'm not competing with all the other parts.Tiny Fireflies is an interesting balance of Kristine and my songwriting. She's always pushing me towards dissonance, and I'm pushing her back towards harmony, and we usually end up with a little bit of both. I often don't even know what key the songs are in because of the strange chords Kristine comes up with! With Fireflies, since everything is played by me, I'm free to do whatever I want. I can do indulgent things like layer 5-6 guitar tracks, or add interesting instruments like koto. I often make several versions of songs to seewhat style works best. 9. Fireflies sounds more like male singer song writers. Elliott Smith and Nick Drake came to my mind when I first heard your songs. Is there any ideal male singer or artist? -Nick Drake is definitely a big influence on me. I especially love the soft, orchestral arrangements of "Bryter Layter." I also identify a lot with The Field Mice and The Magnetic Fields. I think my songs are like a combination of all these artists. It's sort of like 70's singer-songwriter style by way of 80's / early 90's indie. 10. I think what VTY and Fireflies have in common are pop melodies and gentle sound. What do you bear in mind when you write songs? -Each of the songs I write is an attempt to capture a feeling and put it in a box to always remember it. My lyrics are usually

based on a mix of dreams and past experiences. ask myself, "What does it feel like to be in the situation of the song?" I then try to build the arrangement of the song to elicit that feeling. 11. How does song writing process work in each of your project? -For VTY, Kristine writes songs on guitar, and plays them for me. I usually put together a basic arrangement for the guitars, bass and drums and consult with her for keyboard parts. We bring our demo to the band to practice and build from there. Some songs stay close to our original demos, and others change quite a bit after the rest of the band is involved. With Tiny Fireflies, both of us are more involved with the initial writing process. Kristine usually comes up with chords and melodies using her old Roland Organ, playing along with drum machine parts that I make. We then write the rest of the parts together. For Fireflies, most of the songs are written on acoustic guitar. I usually make a 1st draft with acoustic guitar, bass and drums and then take my favorite parts from the 1st draft, and build a 2nd version based on my favorite part. The final version often ends up being a combination of all the versions 12. You found a site for raising money for your UK tour. A list of perquisites according to the amount of contribution seems quite interesting. Who came upwith this idea? -Kristine and I came up with most of the "rewards" for donation. Some of them (like doing a cover album of your choice) were sort of jokes that we didn't expect anyone would really pick...but we thought it would still be a lot of fun to do. Part of the idea was inspired by Emmy the Great, who had a similar campaign to fund the making of her new album, "Virtue."

13. Could you give us 5 best albums in your life? -This is really hard! These are not in any particular order: Bjork - Vespertine The Beatles - Help!, Francoise Hardy - Her Greatest Songs (USA Collection of mid-late 60's folky stuff), Nick Drake - Bryter Layter, Belle and Sebastian ‒ Tigermilk

2. アメリカのレヌベル Cloudberry から 7 むン チシングルをリリヌスしたしたが、それはどう いう経緯だったんですか Cloudberry やレヌベ ルメむトのバンドず䜕か共有する䟡倀芳はある ず思いたすか - 僕らは東京で Pains Of Being Pure At Heart ず共 挔したこずがあっお、圌らのラむブが凄く奜き だったんだ。それに本圓にいい人たちだったし だから圌らの昔のリリヌスを調べおお Cloudberry に 思 い 圓 た っ た ん だ よ。僕 は Cloudberry のリリヌスが倧奜きだったから、ロヌ クに僕らの音楜を出さないかっおメヌルしおみ た ん だ。そ れ が リ リ ヌ ス の 経 ç·¯ だ よ。他 の Cloudberry のバンドず共通しおるず思うずころ は、みんなクリ゚むティブで DIY 粟神を持っお るこずだず思う。それからみんな新しくおオリ ゞナルなこずをやっおるけど、同時に叀き良き 䌝統にも敬意を払っおるこずかな。 3. 日本だけではなく SXSW や NYC Popfest など アメリカでもラむブをしおいたすが、日本ずア メリカでお客さんの反応に違いはありたすか - あるよ。日本人は倚くの堎合話したこずない人 に察しおはシャむになっおしたうし、文化的に hi ずか ラむブよかったよ ずかあんたり蚀 わないよね。すごく瀌儀正しいんだけど、たぶ んあたりに瀌儀正し過ぎるんだろうね。SXSW や NYC Popfest に出た時は、ラむブの埌にみん なが話しかけおきおくれおすごく嬉しかったよ。 4. NYC Popfest 2011 に぀いお聞かせおくださ い。お客さんから沢山のポゞティブな反応があっ たず思うのですが、実は Cloudberry の Roque ず Very Truly Yours の Lisle にむンタビュヌした 時、圌らもお気に入りアクトずしおコヌカスの 名 前 を 挙 げ お い た し た。あ な た か ら 芋 お Popfest でのラむブはどうでした - えヌすごいラむブに関しおはベストを尜くし たず思うよベヌスのテツは今回行けなくお四 人で行ったんだけど、圌のパヌトをカバヌする のにみんなでベヌスをシェアしたのも楜しかっ たな東京にいるずきだったら僕ず宏子がベヌ スを匟くなんお想像もしおなかった。 5. NYC Popfest 2011 で䜕かお気に入りのバンドはあ りたしたか - æ²¢ å±± い た よ 
 少 し だ け 挙 げ る ず、Betty and the Werewolves、Go Sailor、Pains of Being Pure at Heart、 Gold-Bears、Persian Rugs 
 . ホントに党郚あげたら きりがないよ

6. NYC Popfest や NY で印象的だったこず、面癜かっ た゚ピ゜ヌドなどあれば教えおください。 - 䞀番面癜かったのは、泰茔ず僕が芳光客らしく豪華 なディナヌを食べようずロブスタヌの店に行った時 なんだけど、そこの人が僕らを連れおっお䞀緒の垭 に抌し蟌んだんだよ二人揃っお「ゲむじゃないっ お」っお叫んだよ。すぐ暪には人組の NYC な女 子たちが男の子に぀いお話しおおほずんどリアル Sex and the City っお感じだったね。もっずもロブ スタヌの味は最高だったんだけどね。

7. あなた達の曲は日本語たたは英語あるいは 䞡方で曞かれおいたすが、蚀語はあなたの音 楜や掻動自䜓䟋えば海倖でレコヌドをリリヌ スしたりラむブをしたりにどのように圱響し おいるず思いたすか - 僕は小孊校のずきコネチカットずカリフォル ニアに䜏んでたんだ。僕はアメリカで子䟛時代 を過ごしたから、感情的な衚珟は英語の方が しっくりくるんだけど、僕の英語はずおも幌皚 だったりでっちあげだったりするんだ。でも宏 子は日本語しか話さないから、䞡方を混ぜるこ ずが僕らのできる面癜いこずかなず思っおる よ。蚀葉の圱響は僕らの音楜掻動にずっおはそ んなに倧したこずじゃないんだ。音楜は偶然の ものだし。蚀葉よりどういうサりンドかっおい うこずの方が僕らにずっおは重芁だよ。 8. あなた達の䞻な音楜的圱響やバックグラりン ドを教えおください。お気に入りのバンドや レヌベルをいく぀かあげおもらえたすか - ロ ケ ッ ト シ ッ プ は も ち ろ ん の こ ず、 Slumberland のバンドは倧奜きだよ。Creation Records は 僕 ら の äž» 芁 な 圱 響 の ひ ず ぀ だ ね。 Glasgow のシヌンもすごく倧奜きだよ。個人的 には、コヌカスを始めた時シアトルの Barsuk Records のバンドをよく聎いおたよ。日本のバ ンドもかっこいいよね。僕はオルタナな偎面で は Bloodthirsty Butchers を 芋 た 時、ア コ ヌ ス ティックな偎面では Tenniscoats を芋た時はほ ずんど泣きそうだったよ。僕らのい぀もお気に 入りのバンドは Yo La Tengo だろうね。で も分かるず思うけど、 䜕行かで僕らのお気 に入りのバンドをあ げるなんお䞍可胜だ よ 9. 今 埌 の 予 定 や リ リヌス / ラむブはあ りたすか - 今新しい曲を沢山レ コヌディングしおお 2012 幎のい぀かには リリヌスできたらい い な ず 思 っ お る よ。 僕らは日本で沢山ラ ã‚€ ブ を す る よ。そ れ からたぶん 2012 幎も いく぀かツアヌで海 倖 に い く か も。た だ 分かんないけど


interview with Katsuya Yanagawa

1. ç°¡ 単 に 自 å·± 玹 介 ず バ ン ド 結 成 の 経 ç·¯ を 聞かせおください。 - 東京で結成された男子 4 人女子 1 人からなる日 本のバンドです。メロディックなボヌカルず蜟 音サりンドが特城的で、たぁそんなずころかな。 2005 幎に始めたした。テツず僕は䞭孊のころか らの友達で、宏子にずっおは初めおのバンドな ん だ。達 郎 は、Bluestards Night っ お い う ã‚€ ン ディヌロックのクラブむベントで䞀緒に DJ する ようになっおからすぐ加入しお、泰茔はテツず 僕のアニメ友達で前のドラマヌが蟞めおから䞀 緒にやるこずになったんだ。たぶんコヌカスは 音楜的な繋がりっおいうよりも友達同士っおい う方が倧きいバンドかな。

1. Could you briefly introduce your band and tell us the story about how you guys got together and started the band? - We are a Japanese band formed in Tokyo, 4 guys and a girl, melodic vocals with loud instruments. Nothing too special. We started out in 2005. Tetsu and I were friends from middle school, and Hiroko's first band in her life. Tatsuro joined shortly after we met doing DJ together at a indie rock night club called Bluestars Night. Taisuke was Tetsu and my Anime friends, and got together after our previous drummer left the band. Maybe Caucus is a band that has more about friendship than musical connections. 2. You ve released the first 7 single in the US form Cloudberry Records. How did that happen? Do you think you have any shared value with Cloudberry and the bands released from the label? - We played with Pains Of Being Pure At Heart in Tokyo, and loved their show a lot. They were also really good people too! So I started out looking for their old releases and came up with Cloudberry. I fell in love with Cloudberry releases, and sent an email to Roque if he'd like our music. That's how it happened. What we think we have in common with other Cloudberry bands are that everyone loves to be creative and has DIY kind of spirit. Also I think everyone is doing something very new and original, but do respect the good old tradition at the same time. 3. You ve played not only in Japan but some shows in the US including SXSW and NYC Popfest. Is there any difference in response from the audience in the US and that in Japan?

- Yes. Japanese people tend to be shy many times, and as a culture, we don't say "hi" or "it was a great show!" so much if we have never talked with before. Very respectful, but I think it's maybe too respectful. When we played in SXSW and NYC Popfest, it was really happy to have everyone talking to us after our show. 4. Could you tell us about NYC Popfest 2011? I think you ve got many positive responses from the audience. I ve actually interviewed with Roque from Cloudberry and Lisle from Very Truly Yours and both of them gave your name as their favorite act. From your viewpoint, how were your shows there? - Wow that is awesome! The Popfest was really fun, getting to meet many good friends and music. For our show, I think we did our best! We went with 4 of us, missing our bassist Tetsu. We covered his part by sharing bass, and that was fun as well! Hiroko and I never had imagined doing bass&vocal when we were playing in Tokyo. 5. Did you have any favorite act in NYC Popfest 2011? - Many of them 
 Betty And The Werewolves, Go Sailor, Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, Gold-Bears, Persian Rugs 
 Just to name a few! I can't really name them all! 6. Could you tell us any impressive thing or interesting episode at NYC Popfest or in NY? - The funniest thing was maybe when Taisuke and I went to a Lobster place to have a gorgeous dinner as tourists. But the guy there took us and squeezed the seats together! Both of us yelled, "We're not gay!". Right next to us, there were 4 NYC girls talking about boys, and it was almost like a real "Sex and the City". Best of all, the food tasted fantastic.

7. Your songs are written either in Japanese or English (or both). How do you think the languages influence your music or your activity itself (playing shows and releasing records in the overseas)? - I used to live in Connecticut and California when I was in elementary school. Though my English is quite childish or made up, I feel more comfortable in doing emotional expressions since I grew up there in my childhood. On the other hand, Hiroko speaks only Japanese, and we think that mixing them up is something really interesting we can do. Language influences doesn't matter to our music activity so much. Music is what's happening. We consider how it sounds more than the language. 8. Could you tell us your major musical influence or background? Could you give us some of your favorite bands/labels? - We love Rocketship, you know, and also many of the slumberland bands too. Creation Records is one of the major influence that we have. Glasgow scene is also something we really like. Personally, I used to listen to Barsuk bands in Seattle when I started Caucus. Japanese bands are cool, too. I almost cried when I saw Bloodthirsthy Butchers last time on the alternative side, and Tenniscoats on the acoustic side. Our all time favorite is maybe Yo La Tengo. But as you could simply imagine, it's impossible to name our favorites in a few lines! 9. Any future plans or releases/shows? -We're currently recording many new songs, and hopefully it should be released somewhere in 2012. We're doing a bunch of shows in Japan, and maybe some touring

7. ファヌストシングル Njajaja がむンドネシ アのむンディヌレヌベル HayHo! Records よ りリリヌスされたしたが、リリヌスの経緯を 教えおください。倚くの人にずっおむンドネ シアのむンディヌシヌンお未知数だず思うの ですが、そういった海倖の DIY な音楜シヌン に぀いおどう考えたすか - 個人的に Bandcamp で音楜を探しおいた時 に pesimiscik(http://pesimiscik.bandcamp.com/ ) ずいう名前で音源をあげおるむンドネシアの 女の子ず連絡を取るようになっお、スマラブ の曲を聎かせたら気に入っおくれお、圌女に 友達でレヌベルやっおる人いるから教える ねっお蚀われたのがキッカケです。最初はそ のレヌベルの Fanzine にむンタビュヌ蚘事を 3. スマラブの楜曲はそれこそ Pavement みた 茉せおもらう話だけだったけれど、リリヌス いなバンドを挙げたくなるほどロヌファむを もしおもらうこずになりたした。 ンドネシアのむンディヌ音楜自䜓 地でいっおる感じですが、䜕か理想ずしおい ã‚€ や twee pop の圱響を受けたバンド るバンドや共感できるバンドがいれば教えお shoegazer が 倚 い み た い で、日 本 の 音 楜 ( や っ ぱ り ください。 shoegazer のバンドずか ) が奜きな人たちが - バンドメンバヌみんな、Pavement が奜きで 倚いみたいです。 集 た っ た よ う な バ ン ド な の で、や っ ぱ り 最近はむンタヌネットでいろんな囜の音楜に Pavement だず思いたす。わかる人にはわか 觊れる機䌚が倚いためか、その連絡を取っお る ネ タ で Myspace の ア ド レ ス に いたむンドネシアの人たちの音楜的趣向をみ smilelovetherockband ず぀けるくらいですか おも、日本にいるむンディヌが奜きな人たち らね。あずは、Royal We や Envelopes など。 ずほずんど倉わらないし、同じような音楜が あべ個人ずしおはドラム転向時、Deerhoof や 奜きでバンドをやっおいるような印象を受け Tiger Trap, Go Sailor などを参考に挔奏しおい たした。The Drums のカバヌずかやっおたり。 たした。 でも、個人的にだけれど、日本人よりも音楜 に察しお玔粋な印象がありたす。 4. 今幎の NYC Popfest に出挔したしたが、そ こでのラむブはどうでしたか -smilelove のメンバヌ自䜓はひろこさん、あ 8. あべさんは自身でも海倖のどむンディヌな べ の 二 人 で、ひ ろ こ さ ん が や っ お い る バンドを玹介る bloghttp://verytinysongs.word CAUCUS も NYC Popfest 出挔のため䞀緒に NY press.com/をやっおいたり盞圓むンディヌを に行っおいたので、CAUCUS の柳川くんにベヌ 掘っおいたすが、い぀からそういう音楜を聎 スを、加藀くんにドラムをサポヌトしおもらっ くようになったんですか おラむブをやりたした。あべのパヌトがドラ - むンディヌなバンドを深く探し始めたのは、 ムからギタヌに倉わっおいたしリズム隊もい ここ幎のこずでオタクずしおはすごく ぀もず違っおいたので、本来のゆるい感じが 浅 い 方 だ ず 思 い た す。そ れ ず、い ぀ 䌝わっおいるか分からなかったけれど、ラむ からかははっきりずは芚えおいないけれど、 ブ 自 䜓 は ず お も 楜 し か っ た で す。 Captured Tracks の音楜がメディア取り䞊げら あず、その時印象に残っおるこずは、もずも れ始めたあたりから、その CT 呚蟺のバンド ず知り合いではあったけれど、その日、䞀緒 や NY の Cause Co-Motion 呚蟺の぀ながりが に出挔しおいた The Specific Heats のメンバヌ ずおも面癜い、興味深いコミュニティだなず ず ル ヌ ム メ ã‚€ ト で、ラ ã‚€ ブ 芳 に 来 お い た 思っお、調べ始めたずきからだず思いたす。 German Measles/ex-Cause Co-Motion の Alex あ ず は、自 分 の ブ ロ グ で は 基 本 的 に が smilelove のラむブ埌、「よかったよ」ず声 Bandcamp最近は SoundCloud もですけど を か け お く れ お 嬉 し か っ た こ ず で す か ね。 を利甚しおいるバンドを玹介しおいるのです が、その Bandcamp を利甚する、あたり有名 5. NYC Popfest 2011 で良かったずおもうラむ ではないけれど良質なバンドやアヌティスト ブアクトは䜕でしたか がたくさん増えおきお、自分の䞭でネットで -Go Sailor! 倧奜きな Rose Melberg の歌声、挔 音楜を探すこずがすごく面癜くなっおきおい 奏が芋れおすごく嬉しかったです。Go Sailor たこずも芁因の䞀぀だず思いたす。 のラむブにカリフォルニアのバンドの Sourpatch のメンバヌずかたくさんのひずが 䞀緒に熱狂的に歌っおたのを芳おお楜しかっ たです。 2. Smilelove ずいうバンド名はすごくあなた 達の音楜性やキャラクタヌに合っおいお玠敵 な名前だず思いたす。バンド名の由来ずそこ に䜕かコンセプトやメッセヌゞがあれば教え おください。 - 途䞭から加入した自分が聎いた話では、バン ド結成の際、飲み屋で Ca-P ずいうバンドの藀 井さんず ex- マヒルノで珟 - 来来来チヌムの 匵江さんに名付けおもらったそうです。その 二人がそれぞれ䞀語ず぀思い぀いた単語を䞊 べたバンド名が smile love だず聞いおいたす。 むンタヌネ ッ ト で 怜 玢 し 蟛 い の で、繋 げ お smilelove になりたした。特にコンセプトや メッセヌゞは無い ... ず思いたす、たぶん。

9. 最近のおすすめバンドをいく぀か教えお ください。 -Abadabad, Best Friends, Birkwin Jersey, Bummer Sanders, Clockart, D.A. Dad, Faster Than Robots, Ginnels, Golden Ages, Hospitality, Island Twins, Messy Sparkles, Oregon Bike Trails, Portraits, Slow Magic, Snowmine, The Spills, Squarehead, Sugarglider, Tigercats, Tree Hopping などなど あ げ れ ば き り が な い で す が、だ い た い Bandcamp に音源眮いおある方々ばかりなの で芖聎しおみお欲しいですね。 10. Gt&Vo のひろこさんは Caucus のメンバヌ ずしお、Dr のあべさんは Girls Pancakes のメ ンバヌずしおもそれぞれ掻躍されおいたすが、 お互いの他のバンド掻動がスマラブに圱響を 䞎えたりたたその逆はありたすか - それがスマラブの圱響なのかはよくわからな いけれど、CAUCUS でもひろこさんがボヌカ ルをずる曲が増えおきおるように思いたした。 あず、自分は Girls Pancakes で今ギタヌを匟 いおたすが、パヌトは倉われど、スマラブの ずきず同じように曲の構成ずか展開ずかを考 える圹目ずしお機胜出来おるかなず思っおた す。 11. 今埌の予定やリリヌス / ラむブなどあれば 教えおください。 -11 月末くらいに Bleeding Gold Records ずい うアメリカのむンディヌレヌベルからファヌ ストシングル Njajaja を 7 むンチレコヌドで出 す予定です。※珟圚発売䞭その埌にもいく ぀ か 音 源 の リ リ ヌ ス の 予 定 も あ り た す。 smilelove 自䜓はいギタヌのしほちゃんは今幎 3 月にずおも可愛い子䟛が生たれお子育お䞭、 ベヌスのこだたはアメリカ留孊䞭なので今掻 動䌑止䞭です。


interview with Abe

6. 実は NY でラむブをする の二回目だったんですよ ね NY での思い出や印象 的だったこず面癜゚ピ゜ヌ ドなどあれば教えおくださ い 。 - 最初の NY でのラむブは 2010 幎の月で、Myspace で 連 絡 取 っ お た Beachniks/German Measles の Serge にブッキングしお もらっお䞀緒にラむブをし たのですが、その時もギタヌ ボヌカルの川䞊ずあべの二 人で枡米したした。ラむブ の際に 2 人だけでは物足り ない曲があったので、Serge にベヌスを䜕曲か手䌝っお もらい、圌らが䜿っおるリ ハヌサルスタゞオで䞀緒に 緎習しおラむブをしたずい う 思 い 出 が あ り た す。 あず、そのずき、自分がす ご く 奜 き だ っ た Cause Co-Motion や The Beets、 Crystal Stilts などのメンバヌ たちず䌚うこずが出来お嬉 しかったですね。 二 回 目 の NY で も た た Beachniks ず 侀 緒 に ラ ã‚€ ブ が 出 来 お 楜 し か っ た で す。 1. たずはじめに、簡単にバンドの玹介ず今の 党く英語しゃべれずで、コミュニケヌション メンバヌに至るたでの経緯を聞かせおくださ が䞊手く取れお無かったけれど、NY で私たち い 。 によくしおくれた Serge には本圓に感謝しお - 東 京 で 掻 動 し お い る  人 組 の indie rock いたすね。 あず、すごく嬉しかった話がもう䞀぀あっお、 band です。 2007 幎末に Gt&Vo 川䞊宏子、Gt しほ、Ba こ これたた個人的に Bandcamp で芋぀けお連絡 だた、Dr 坂本の 4 人で結成。2008 幎に途䞭か 取っおいたカナダのバンド Love Cuts のメン らあべがギタヌで加入。ドラムの坂本脱退に バヌが NYC Popfest 期間䞭にアメリカ旅行で、 䌎い、あべがギタヌからドラム転向で人線 自分たちのラむブに合わせお NY に寄っおく れお、ラむブを芳に来おくれたこずですね。 成ずなり、珟圚に至る。

1. First of all, could you briefly introduce your band and tell us the story of how the band led to the present members? -We re Tokyo based four-piece indie rock band. In 2007, Hiroko Kawakami(Gt/Vo), Shiho (Gt), Kodama(Ba) and Sakamoto(Dr) started the band. And I joined it as a guitarist in 2008. Since when Sakamoto left the band, I ve switched from the guitar to the drums. 2. I think Smilelove is a really nice name, which fits your music and characters. Could you tell us how you named your band and is there any concept or massage in there? -From what I ve heard, when they just started the band, Fuji-san from the band called Ca-P and Harie-san(ex-Mahiruno/Rairairai Team) gave the name while they were drinking together. I heard that putting the two words each of them came up together was smile love . Then I think just because it would be hard to search on the Internet, they just made it one word. There is no concept or message in particular
I guess! 3. Smilelove s music is so naturally lo-fi sound that reminds me of bands like Pavement. Do you have any ideal bands or bands that you can sympathize with? -All of us like Pavement and we actually got together for that reason, so yeah Pavement after all. Some people might notice that our Myspace url is smilelovetherockband . Also we like Royal We and Envelopes. For me personally, I played the drums with reference to Deerhoof, Tiger Trap and Go Sailor when I turned into a drummer. 4. You played NYC Popfest 2011, how was the show there? -Out of Smilelove members, only Hiroko and I went to NY but Hiroko s another band CAUCUS also played NYC Popfest so Yanagawa and Kato from CAUCUS were helping out with our show. I switched my part from drums to guitar at the show and rhythm parts were also different so I wasn t quite sure we could express our original mood of looseness. But the show itself was a lot of fun anyway. Another impressive thing was Alex(German Measles/ ex-Cause Co-Motion) who is a flat mate of members of The Specific Heats playing at the same day with us, talked to me It was a great show after we played. I was really glad to hear that even though I ve known him already. 5. Do you have any favorite act in NYC Popfest2011? -Go Sailor! I was really glad to see Rose Melberg singing and playing. I adore her. It was fun to watch so many people got crazy about the show including members from the Californian band Sourpatch. 6. It was actually the second time you played in NY! Could you tell us any good memory, impressive thing or interesting episode in NY? -Our first show in NY was in September 2010. Serge(Beachniks/German Measles) whom I ve been staying in touch with, booked the show for us and we played together. At that time also, only two of us went to the US. Some songs were not enough to be played only by us so Serge helped out with playing the bass. It was a good memory that we practiced together in the rehearsal studio where they usually use and we played the show together.

I was also glad to see members from Cause Co-Motion, The Beets, and Crystal Stilts that I ve really adored at the moment. It was great to play with Beachniks again in NY at our second time. We can t speak English well so our communication sometimes didn t go well but I was very grateful that Serge was really nice to us. Oh I have another great story. The Canadian band called Love Cuts that I ve been also keeping in tough with was traveling in America during NYC Popfest 2011 by chance and they stopped by NY for seeing us play. I was really happy about that.

-It was only a couple of years ago when I really deeply started digging indie bands so I m only a beginner as an indie geek. And I m not precisely sure when but when music media started taking up bands from Captured Tracks, I found it quite interesting to search about bands around CT and music scene around Cause Co-Motion. I basically introduce bands using Bandcamp( recently SoundCloud as well) on my blog and I think it s another reason that it s getting more interesting for me to find out music on the Internet as the number of bands using Bandcamp is increasing and they make amazing music even though they re not well-known.

7. Your first single Njajaja was released from the Indonesia based indie label HayHo! Records. Could you tell us how it happened? Most of us are not familiar with indie music scene in Indonesia, what do you think about such DIY music scenes in the overseas? -When I was personally searching some music on Bandcamp, I found an Indonesian girl putting up some songs and we started getting in touch. When I let her listen to our songs, she liked them and she introduced me her friend who runs the label. It was only about our interview to put on the fanzine of the label at the beginning, but they offered us a release too.

9. Could you recommend us some of your recent favorite bands? -There ll be no end though 
 Abadabad, Best Friends, Birkwin Jersey, Bummer Sanders, Clockart, D.A. Dad, Faster Than Robots, Ginnels, Golden Ages, Hospitality, Island Twins, Messy Sparkles, Oregon Bike Trails, Portraits, Slow Magic, Snowmine, The Spills, Squarehead, Sugarglider, Tigercats, Tree Hopping to name some. Most of them put some songs on Bandcamp so please have a listen!

10. Hiroko(Gt&Vo) and you are also playing in other bands, Caucus and Girls Pancakes respectively. Do you think your other bands There seem to be many bands that have taken influence on Smilelove or vise versa? influence from shoegazer or twee pop in -I m not sure if it s an influence from Indonesian indie music scene and they like Smilelove though, Hiroko is taking a vocal part Japanese indie music as well(especially more often in CAUCUS songs. And I m shoegaze bands). currently playing the guitar in Girls Pancakes, Nowadays, there re many chances to come even though my part is different, I think I can into contact with music from various play a role of thinking structures or countries and looking at musical tastes of developments in songs just like in Smilelove. Indonesian people, there is no big difference from Japanese indie music fans. They like and 11. Any future plans or releases/shows? similar kind of music as we like and playing in -Our first single Njajaja will be out on 7inch a band. Some band covered The Drums for record from the US based label Bleeding Gold instance. But, it s only my personal feeling Records at the end of November. (*currently though, I have an impression that they are on sale) We will have some more releases more genuine about music than Japanese. following that. Smilelove itself is not active at the moment because Shiho(Gt) had a really 8. You also have a bloghttp://verytinysongs cute baby in last March and busy rearing her . w o r d p r e s s . c o m /  w h i c h i n t r o d u c e s baby, Kodama(Ba) is studying abroad in America unknown indie bands and you seem to dig in now. so much. When did you start listening to such indie bands or music?

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