2011 ELC Internship Portfolio

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CooperRiis Healing Farm Community: Intern Stephanie Ng Ping Cheung CooperRiis Healing Farm is an intentionally designed and built community for individuals dealing with challenges of mental illness and is guided by its Life Skills program. Taking part in Life Skills helps residents learn how to navigate personal responsibility, punctuality and working as part of a team. Much of my time was focused on the agricultural responsibility to the farm. Another focus was rotating between the different crews depending on what crew needed extra support. I eventually settled in working mostly with the art barn and the wood shop. I learned a lot from these two crews that complemented each other, allowing me to improve skills as a leader. The types of work varied. With the art barn these included felting bracelets or felting squares which were sewn together to make a community blanket. I also did clay work assisting in bowl, plate and mug making. With the wood shop crew, projects varied from building storage and shade structures to building West African drums. A significant success was the relationships and bonds formed with the residents. I played music and sang songs, went for ice cream, watched movies, had deep, meaningful and intimate conversations. On my last day, multiple residents thanked me for listening, for making them laugh, for making them smile. I needed to thank them for showing me that there is strength in being vulnerable with people and that seeking support plays a huge role on the road to recovery. Making real and meaningful connections with people was my biggest achievement, no doubt. I am excited to go back to school and incorporate what I have learned. I believe that communication skills, the ability and capacity to listen and help problem solve are transferable into all areas of our lives and I am thankful to have had to opportunity to grow and evolve in this way.

“I am excited to go back to school and incorporate what I have learned. I believe that communication skills, the ability and capacity to listen and help problem solve are transferable into all areas of our lives and I am thankful to have had to opportunity to grow and evolve in this way.�


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