C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter (Feburary 2016)

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Vol. 3 / No. 2

DOMESTIC THREAT 2016: State of Fear in the Federal Workplace

BLACK HISTORY MONTH In honor of Black History Month – The Coalition For Change, Inc. C4C launches – the C4C Radio Network. The Network shall serve as the vessel for broadcasting federal workplace abuses and lifting our voices against race discrimination in the Federal government.

Domestic Threat 2016: State of Fear in the Federal Workplace is a 12-part on-demand radio broadcast series. The series alerts the public of the haunting reality of retaliation that plagues those who expose fraud, waste, abuse and civil rights violations in the Federal government workplace. The podcast series is produced under the Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) Radio Network. It will offer first hand insight from victims of race discrimination, retaliation and related civil rights whistleblowing activity. Guest speakers, will consist of present and former employees who have been victims of workplace reprisal and who can speak to the true conspiratorial workplace culture operating in Federal departments including the U.S. Department of Justice.

‘Lift every voice and sing; until earth and heaven ring”

James Weldon Johnson wrote "Lift Every Voice and Sing" as a poem. School children performed it the first time in celebration of President Lincoln's Birthday on February 12, 1900. Johnson's brother set the poem to music. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) adopted it as its official song. It is one of the most cherished songs of the African American Civil Rights Movement and is often referred to as the Black National Anthem. {Source - PBS Maryland Public Television.}

The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter

February 2016

During episode one, Tanya Ward Jordan, the President of the Coalition For Change, Inc. (C4C) and the creator of Domestic Threat 2016 discusses the fear of retaliation in the federal setting. During upcoming episodes, the listening audience will hear from Veteran Karl McDonald (Nuclear Regulatory Agency); Veteran Paulette Taylor (Social Security Administration); and Veteran David Grogan, retired Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshal. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/coalitionforchange

Vol.3 / No. 2 (February 2016)

ISSN 2375-706X

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NEWS In Case You Missed it . . .

U.S. Federal Government Lookup https://www.federalpay.org/employees Reinstate Basic Voting Rights Protections http://action.dccc.org/page/s/reinstate-thevoting-rights-protections

AGRICULTURE Broken Promises and Careers-Wrong-doing and Corruption in the EEO Process by Nadine Chatman –Dec. 2015 CLICK HERE Letter from Rep. Elijah Cummings to Department of Agriculture’s Secretary Thomas Vilsack CLICK HERE Office of Inspector General March 2000 CLICK HERE

Lawsuit Process At A Glance https://www.howtowinincourt.com/mai lbox/mails/images/Yes-NoOnline.gif


VETERANS AFFAIRS Whistleblower Disclosures Skyrocketed Last Year, Driven by VA Employees. CLICK HERE INTERIOR Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Uncovered in Grand Canyon River District CLICK HERE NAT’L GEOSPATIAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY YOUTUBE -- CLICK HERE

EEOC Seeks Public Input on Draft Proposed Enforcement Guidance on Retaliation and Related Issues http://www.eeoc.gov//eeoc/newsroom/ release/1-21-16a.cfm

Due - February 24, 2016

Kellogg Foundation Leads Coalition to Launch Truth, Racial Healing . . . in the U.S. CLICK HERE U.N. Experts Catalog a Seemingly Endless List of Racial Discrimination in the U.S. CLICK HERE Maryland Circuit Court Judge Robert C. Nalley ordered officer to administer an electrical shock to a defendant. CLICK HERE. The C4C Federal Exchange Newsletter

Black US Marshals Class Action http://blkmarshalclassaction.blog.com


Go to --http://issuu.com/home/publications Published by The Coalition For Change, Inc.

Email: C4c@coalition4change.org “Addressing Racism and Reprisal in the Federal Sector”

Vol.3 / No. 2 (February 2016)

ISSN 2375-706X

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