Waldorf Magazine: Spring 2016

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Spring 2016







Volume 112 // Number 2 // Spring 2016

As a reminder, the Waldorf Magazine is your publication. It is largely funded by donations to the Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation. We thank you for your continued support and welcome your input for future articles. Please contact the alumni office at alumni@waldorf. edu or 641.585.8148 with your ideas.

Spring 2016


Managing Editor

Amy Thorson ’03 Editors

Janet Berhow Nanci Elder Molly Maschka ’16 Designer

Tara Kingland ’15


Robert Alsop Ray Beebe Nanci Elder Tara Kingland ’15 Nancy Olson ’75 Matt Oliver

The Waldorf Magazine, a combined effort of the Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation and Waldorf University, is published for alumni and friends of Waldorf University. Please help us keep track of you by notifying the Foundation if you get married, move or change your e*mail address. Contact Janet Berhow at berhowj@waldorf.edu or 641.585.8140. Waldorf University 106 South 6th Street Forest City, IA 50436 641.585.2450 or 1.800.292.1903

Contents Alumni Alumni Events recaps................................................................................ pg. 7 Alumni Spotlight: Joe Obermeyer ’05.................................................... pg. 14 Homecoming recap.................................................................................. pg. 21 Reunion Classes........................................................................................ pg. 22 Distinguished Alumni............................................................................. pg. 24 Alumni Spotlight: Nicole (Robertson) Van Every ’06.......................... pg. 26 Alumni Spotlight: Ashley (Young) Schryver ’06................................... pg. 27 Class News................................................................................................ pg. 38 Alumni Tour 2017.................................................................................... pg. 54

Campus Letter from President................................................................................. pg. 4

Alpha Chi.................................................................................................. pg. 11 Faculty/Staff News.................................................................................... pg. 12 Library Anniversary................................................................................. pg. 17 Hall of Fame recap.................................................................................... pg. 18 Sports Updates.......................................................................................... pg. 32 Christmas with Waldorf recap................................................................ pg. 36 2016 Graduation preview........................................................................ pg. 54 Like Fire..................................................................................................... pg. 54

Features My Journey to a Bachelor of Science Degree........................................... pg. 8


Alumni Office

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www.waldorf.edu www.waldorffoundation.org www.waldorf.edu/magazine © Copyright Waldorf University 2016

College to University................................................................................ pg. 28 Cross Country Achieves New Heights................................................... pg. 34

Foundation Association of Congregations................................................................. pg. 13 Foundation Priorities............................................................................... pg. 36 Letter from Foundation Chair................................................................ pg. 37


Online Faculty.......................................................................................... pg. 16 Master's Degree........................................................................................ pg. 17

Stay Connected

As faithful stewards of our resources and an effort to “go green,” please let the alumni office know if you prefer not to receive a hard copy and would rather view the magazine online. A digital copy is available online at http://www.waldorf.edu/ magazine. The Waldorf Magazine is published each spring and fall. If you do not currently receive the Waldorf monthly e-newsletter and would like to sign up for it, please contact the alumni office at alumni@waldorf.edu. Cover: Waldorf College transitions to Waldorf University! New stone sign outside Salveson Hall, along with new signage on the building. Left: Close up of new stone sign lit up at night outside of Salveson Hall..







was standing in line at the large grocery store, Publix, in Orange Beach, Ala. Two days earlier I had made the announcement on campus that due to the increase in enrollment, the diversity of degree offerings, and the success of the graduate program, Waldorf College was changing its name to Waldorf University. In my hands I had about four dozen doughnuts that I was purchasing for a Waldorf Orange Beach staff meeting to further discuss the change. A gentleman behind me started to joke around about all the goodies and said, “I’m going where you’re going, but you have to give me the address for my GPS because I’m from Minnesota.” “What part of Minnesota?” I asked. “The Twin Cities,” he said. I noted that I had grown up in Duluth, Minn., but lived in Iowa now. “Really,” the man replied, “I went to a small college in Forest City...Waldorf College. Ever heard of it?” You could have knocked me down with a feather! What were the odds? We spent the next several minutes talking in the store and parking lot. The gentleman’s name was Bill Kidder (I kid you not), a proud graduate from the class of ’69. With Bill was his lovely wife, Judy. While not a Waldorf alumna, she is a wonderful and kind person. (I’ve noticed this about all non-Waldorf spouses. I’m not sure if this demonstrates good judgment on the part of Waldorf graduates in choosing a spouse or the influence of being married to Waldorf alums.) The last time Bill was on campus was his 40th reunion in 2009. It was there that Bill learned about the change of ownership at Waldorf, and he wondered then what it would all mean to the college he clearly loved. I felt somewhat qualified to get Bill and Judy up to date with what had transpired over the last six years or so. I was able to explain that the campus was flourishing with record enrollment in the fall. And when you added in the online students and graduate students to the campus students, we were nearly at a total of 3000 students. Because of this enrollment growth and the diversity of degrees from certificates to associates to baccalaureate and now graduate, I explained, we were changing our name from Waldorf College to Waldorf University. To be honest, I can’t quite remember all the topics we covered in this chance encounter. I do remember watching Bill’s excitement rise as I informed him that campus ministry

was thriving and this year’s involvement seemed as high as I can remember in my 17 years at Waldorf. I may have discussed the upgraded athletic facilities through our partnership with the Forest City School District, the City of Forest City, and the Hanson Foundation. I hope I mentioned our commitment to the Fine Arts. And, due to growing enrollment in music and theatre, standing room only at concerts, and additional needs from the community, we are getting ready to announce the construction of a new Fine Arts facility close to campus that would be funded in the same model as the athletic facilities. I could see Bill’s pride grow during the discussion–as mine did after listening to his stories about Waldorf. The conversation reaffirmed the importance of this branding initiative. There is a need to introduce and reintroduce Waldorf to our alumni, to our community, to our state, and to the world. The name Waldorf University best represents where we are as an institution and where we are headed. But the name change is just one part of the branding initiative. To assist with the branding initiative, we have been working with the advertising firm Flynn Wright from Des Moines.

They have spent a great deal of time on campus, reviewing feedback from focus groups, interviewing staff and students, and conducting surveys. Through their work, the team identified four themes, or pillars, that best describe the Waldorf experience: Tradition, Passion, Community, and Success. These Four Pillars are foundational to Waldorf ’s history, reflective of Waldorf ’s present, and aspirational to Waldorf ’s future. The first pillar is Tradition: When I think of Waldorf ’s tradition, two important and related elements come to mind: faith and the liberal arts. First, Waldorf is a faith-based institution, we see that in our curriculum, in our vibrant campus ministry program, and our commitment to service. These markers represent the ethos of our Lutheran vocation. As defined by Frederick Buechner, “vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.” A Waldorf education is going to do great things for students. It is going to prepare them for a career, a thoughtful and reflective life, and leadership in their communities. As a faith-based institution we understand this Waldorf education is a gift from God and the focus should not be exclusively on what kinds of occupation(s) our graduates find, but how they use that work, and indeed their entire lives, to meet the world’s deep need. Our motivation for this comes in response to God’s grace shown through the redemptive power of His Son’s sacrifice. The second tradition is Waldorf ’s distinctive understanding of the liberal arts. If you read Jim Hamre’s history of Waldorf, it’s clear that Waldorf ’s take on the liberal arts has been different than many other Lutheran institutions. When Waldorf initiated associate degrees in the 1930’s the church body with which it was affiliated passed a resolution urging Waldorf to specialize in terminal or vocational courses. Waldorf ’s emphasis on teacher training and business training, however, were paired with the values of the liberal arts and “true Christian philosophy of life” (45-46). Waldorf has not defined itself as a liberal arts college because of the number of its liberal arts majors, but because of the value it places on critical and creative thinking, ethical decision making, and a broad understanding of how the world works. With the Department of Education, the media, and others fixated on career preparation, Waldorf ’s history as an institution that recognizes the needs of employers, while at the same time values life-long learning, positions itself to lead in the 21st century. The next pillar is Passion: Whether it is a group of outside visitors or a family of a prospective student, a common refrain I hear from any visitor is how passionate the faculty and staff at Waldorf are. This is evident in the National Survey of Student Engagement that puts us in the top 10% of all schools for student-faculty engagement. Whether by assisting a student with their financial aid or solving a quadratic equation, we do all we can to help our students be successful inside and outside the classroom. But it’s not just the faculty and staff. Our students are very passionate. Our residential students are not only passionate about getting their degree, but also finding complimentary passions while on campus. For some, it is playing on the volleyball team or performing on the stage. For others, it’s enriching their faith through campus ministry or involving themselves in service projects. While others follow their passions through academic clubs and research.

I am so impressed with the passion our online students display to reach their educational dreams. Many of our online students have families and full-time jobs, getting up early, using breaks and weekends, or staying up late after putting the kids to bed to study. I am reminded of the fire fighter who was hospitalized after being caught in a backdraft. Even though he was on a ventilator and could not talk, he wrote on the board “get me my books; I need to study!” That is Waldorf passion right there! The third pillar is Community: There is something special about Waldorf ’s community. In the national Survey of Student Engagement, we rank in the top 10% for supportive learning environment. But Waldorf ’s community transcends time and place. This is clear when I speak to alumni who have not been to campus for decades, but are so passionate about what they experienced here. Or the online student who has never been on campus, but feels that same intense loyalty to the purple and the gold. We might think of ourselves as a small school, but with over 3000 students on campus and online, I assure you Waldorf nation is quite large and growing every day. The last pillar is Success: In our mission statement we talk about “equipping students to succeed and to serve in the communities where they live and work.” What does that mean? The easiest measurement is placement rate, etc., right? But at Waldorf we see success in broader terms–in living life abundantly. This comes from a fulfillment in purpose with family, church, community, and work. At graduation this year, we heard from 1974 Waldorf graduate, and Citizen of the Year nominee, Kar Woo, who has used his passion for art to serve the homeless, mentally ill, and addicted of Kansas City. His non-profit, “Artists Helping the Homeless” has helped thousands and saved the city of Kansas City an estimated $10M over the last six years. On March 17, we held a community celebration to mark the official date of our new name, Waldorf University. While Waldorf University represents a new chapter in the long history of an institution that began as an academy, it was also, as these pillars suggest, an affirmation of what has always made Waldorf such a special place. These are the pillars of our foundation and our future. They are a part of where we came from, who we are and where we are going. Now that I think of it, I should have offered Bill and Judy a doughnut. Sorry about that. I’ll have some ready when you visit Waldorf University! Sincerely,

Robert Alsop, Ph. D. Waldorf University President



GREETINGS! Everyone has a story. Every Waldorf student, alumnus, professor and staff member has their own Waldorf story. As the new Director of Alumni Relations, one of the best parts of my job is getting to hear yours. Whether it be of how you met your spouse, the lifelong friends you made at Waldorf or a rather scandalous story that you’re only now starting to tell some 30+ years later, the stories are out there and they tend to bring a big smile to one’s face, perhaps a tear and sometimes both. My Waldorf story is one that runs deep. As a 3rd generation “Waldorfian”, I grew up hearing about Waldorf and remember looking through my parent’s 1968 yearbook as the prized possession that it was. One of my dad’s favorite stories to tell when I was younger was of us sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner. He asked if I was going to go to Waldorf when I grew up. As a child whose parents had unknowingly missed the registration deadline for pre-school, my response was “Daddy, I can’t even get into pre-school!” But, fast forward to my senior year of high school and I found myself, with my parents, on the Waldorf campus experiencing Homecoming for the first time. From the moment I stepped foot on campus, Waldorf felt like home. Fast forward to life after college and my closest friends are friends I met at Waldorf. Fast forward again to how I met my husband and, even though he’s not a Waldorf grad (although he did take a class here as a Forest City High School student!), we were introduced by mutual Waldorf friends. And now I get to work at Waldorf! God’s timing and plans for us may catch us by surprise but they have a funny way of working out. In this edition I’m excited to have you read the stories of fellow alums and how Waldorf shaped their lives. Whether it be the stories of more recent, residential alums or an online grad who came to Waldorf via a working career in Saudi Arabia, you’ll hear their Waldorf stories. The stories are ones that connect us and make us proud to be a Waldorf Warrior. It’s an honor and privilege to serve you, the wonderful alumni of our beloved alma mater, and I hope to meet you in person to hear your story soon! Speaking of sharing stories, I invite you back to campus for Homecoming, October 7-9, 2016. Come and see Waldorf in all its glory and experience the sights, smells and sounds of Homecoming. You’ll be glad you did! Sincerely,


Director of Alumni Relations Waldorf University/ Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation


Director of Institutional Relations Waldorf University/ Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation


Database & Gift Processing Manager

Amy (Bahr) Thorson ’03 Director of Alumni Relations

Waldorf University/ Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation

SAVE THE DATE Homecoming 2016–October 7, 8 and 9. Mark your calendars to return to campus October 7-9, 2016 to share your Waldorf stories, renew old friendships and reconnect with Waldorf University. Reunion year committees are being formed now; contact Amy in the Alumni Office at alumni@waldorf.edu if you're interested in helping reach out to classmates and plan any informal gatherings. Also keep an eye on our blog at www.waldorffoundation.org/blog to view a lost classmate list for each reunion year. Get in touch with the alumni office if you have current info for a classmate. Classes with a significant reunion year this year include: 1946, 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2011. We especially look forward to welcoming the class of 1966 back to campus to celebrate their 50th class reunion!




EVENTS Arizona

Alums gathered in Surprise, Mesa and Tempe, Arizona, January 20-21. Those in attendance included (Left, Top down, in order): Surprise, Ariz.–(L to R) Front row: Nancy Olson ’75, Amy Thorson ’03; Back row: Paul ’52 and Delores Mork ’51, Marion ’51 and Dick Erickson, President Bob Alsop, Dr. Natalie Alsop, Anita Egemo and Carroll Egemo ’53. Mesa, Ariz.–(L to R) Front row: President Bob Alsop, Pete Hermanson, Janet Hermanson ’53, Nancy Olson ’75, Shirley Boyken ’71, Avis Savre ’50; Back row: Oscar Lenning ’61, Former Academic Dean Bob Homann, Natalie Alsop, Stan Severson ’51, Duane Boyken, Amy Thorson ’03 and Richard Johnson ’53. Tempe, Ariz.–Those in attendance included: Jerry Tonneson ’72, JoAnne ’67 & Keith Helland ’67, Jessica Hess ’10, President Bob Alsop & Dr. Natalie Alsop, LeRoy Holt ’68 & Mary Holt, Tim ’68 & Sharon Bahr ’68, Justin Brandau ’97, Alicia Danielson ’11, Seth & Amy Thorson ’03, Nancy (Bergland) Olson ’75 and Marjorie Tardiff ’48.

Minneapolis, Minn.

(Right) On February 18 an alumni event was held at 612 Brew in Minneapolis. The brewery was a great setting for the event and nearly 30 alums attended.

Albert Lea, Minn.

(Fourth down, right and left) Over 60 alums along with Waldorf staff and faculty attended the alumni gathering in Albert Lea on January 30 during a home hockey game. Because of the great turnout we look forward to making this an annual event!

West Des Moines

(Bottom) On Thursday, April 14, a group of area alums gathered at Bravo Cucina Italiana in West Des Moines for dinner and conversation. Those in attendance included: (Bottom three) President Bob and Natalie Alsop, Seth and Amy Thorson ’03, Nancy Olson ’75, Allison Cox, ’03, Carrie La Rue ’98 and Jason Hall, Ashley Schryver ’06 and children Zoey and Hudson, Heather Lilienthal ’94, Sarah Titman ’96, Roger and Jan Rosdail-Aegerter ’72, Jeff Bodensteiner ’13, Nathan ’02 and Lisa Anenson and sons Luke and Levi, Andy ’04 and Amanda ’04 Braun and son, Walter.






By David Haigler ’15

(Background) David standing by Waldorf College sign while on campus to receive his diploma. (Top) David standing by statue by Lund Pond while on campus to receive his diploma. (Bottom) David on his motorcycle in the desert



n October 2015, I received my notification of graduating Summa Cum Laude while sitting in the Registrar’s office on the main campus of Waldorf College in Forest City. Nothing particularly special, but the journey I had taken to get to this point may not be the norm. Being 51 years of age, I have been blessed to see much of the world: Chad, Cameroon, Angola, Morocco, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Iraq. How did I get to all these places? I will say the same thing that was posed to me when I was in my early teens by an elderly gentleman I knew. He said to me, “Don’t sit on the porch and go ‘what if.’" As indicative of youth, it took me several years to truly understand what he meant by that statement, but once I did, there was no looking back. I started making money when I was barely 10 years old. My first job was picking up rocks on a farm. The couple that lived there was a retired principal and a high school superintendent who had lived all over the world teaching. Each weekend I would go to work on their farm. Graciously, they would provide lunch and I would be loaned a book to read, with the direction that I would have to talk about the contents of the book on my next trip to their home. The books painted in my mind a tapestry of a world beyond the environment I knew and inadvertently placed a seed within me to see more beyond the horizon. Throughout my youth, grade school and high school were quite difficult for me. It was mainly due to the fact that I am not what you can deem a “conventional learner.” I had a difficult time with the formal “one way only” teaching/learning style prevalent within the education system at that time. Consequently, my grades reflected this. Once I graduated high school, barely, I began to train privately with a Southern Chinese Combat Martial Arts instructor. Simultaneously, I started working in different fields, one of which was that of an EMT. That course began to show me different ways to learn and since I did quite well in it, I began to take other types of training and education. I covered various disciplines such as EMT-P training, flight medic, law enforcement, assorted building trades and deep sea Commercial Hard Hat diving. The types of work environments associated

David with Academic Dean David Rask Behling.



with these types of skills were diverse and difficult. Subsequently my employment took me to many various locations. These austere and difficult assignments all led to me gaining the opportunity to a transitional career path and my current employment within Health, Safety & Environmental. Having commenced along the path of lifelong learning, I began to realize that I needed to consolidate all my world knowledge and training and go back to school. In 2005, while in central Iraq during the second Gulf War, I started this process by enrolling in Columbia Southern University (CSU). Due to the fact I was in a different country, I took one course at a time. The self-discipline to plan study time around this arduous work schedule was paramount. At this period of my career, I was working twelve to sixteen hour days, seven days a week and for a period of four months at a time. Concurrent to this was my personal life; I married and had children. Throughout it all, I continued to work at one or two classes along with juggling lots of “life” issues omnipresent in anyone’s life. In early 2013 I was living in Saudi Arabia with my family and working for a major oil company as an HS&E manager for civil works. I was still taking a class at a time. During this time, I received notice that CSU had acquired Waldorf College, which was regionally accredited. Due to my company requirements for degree recognition, I had to have that allimportant regional accreditation. I contacted the Waldorf Online degree program team to discuss what my options were and what I had do to reach my target completion date of October 2015. For the duration of this effort I remained focused on two elements. First, to set a good example for my boys so they would not take the hard road as I had. Second, to always make sure that I focused on doing my best at all times. During the course of my transition and adjustment, the Waldorf team was great. They provided details of what I needed, performed my course and transfer evaluation and set everything in order. The only negative part was I would lose more than 15 credit hours in the transition, which I accepted and moved forward. The Waldorf team’s professionalism, knowledge and willingness to aid me is what made them so outstanding. As I accepted the fact my degree was going to require serious effort, with the help of the Waldorf team I made up all of the lost credit hours and completed the remaining classes on time with high marks. In late September 2015 I completed my last course work required. I then flew from Saudi Arabia to my home in Missouri. After talking with the Waldorf team, I fired up my Harley, riding straight to Forest City. I would meet with the Dean and the Registrar for the collection of my official transcripts the following morning. The necessity of this rapid exchange was motivated by the fact that in just a couple of days I had to fly back to Saudi Arabia. I had no variance allowed for this



David with Darrell Barbour receiving his diploma and Summa Cum Laude cord.



leave cycle or subsequent timeline constraints required for my degree submission to my employer due to the yearly evaluation cycles. When I arrived at Waldorf I was very surprised to hear I had made the Dean’s list and graduated Summa Cum Laude. Happy, but surprised. After collecting all the paperwork, I met with all of the wonderful staff. Then, after having had a chance to walk around the campus that made it all possible, I carefully packed everything and rode straight back to Missouri. A couple of days later I departed for Saudi Arabia, a graduate of Waldorf College with a Bachelor of Science in Fire Science Administration behind my name and a large smile upon my face. So what is the message of this tale? First, for those of you who are adult learners, or those considering returning to education, I would say to you that if I can do it so can you. Do not underestimate your life skills, your job training or your academic endeavors. Life’s path may not have been what you thought it would be, but as the old adage goes “as one door closes another opens,” you just need to walk through that door to move forward. Second, I would say to those who are leaving school and looking to progress with their education, to reflect on the comment made to me many years ago by that elderly gentleman, “Don’t sit on the porch and go ‘what if ’.” You have the chance to use your education to grab whatever you wish to obtain and to go places that you want to see. It is very much for you to define where your life takes you and to subsequently not live with the regret of ‘what if.’

aldorf ’s chapter of the Alpha Chi National Honor Society inducted 15 new members at their Fall 2015 induction ceremony held September 27, 2015. New inductees included Megan Brandrup, Kaylie Brindley, Julia Brunner, Brook Groe, Nathan Guillermo, Orlando Guzman, Andrea Hartmann, Nicholas Heimerman, Jennifer Hensley, Karsen Houck, Andrew Larsen, Megan Perkins, Jenna Quina, Isa Rabel and Briley Sullivan. Furthermore in November, Alpha Chi awarded two Waldorf students $500 grants each for undergraduate research. Students interested in applying had to write a proposal and submit a research statement that included a detailed description of their project, an overview of the anticipated time span for the project and a proposed list of expenses. The winning submissions were from Marisa Donnelly, “The Art of the Story,” and Gulnara Novbatova, “Pharmacological and Fluorescence Microscopy studies of Mutant Lamin-Induced Muscular Dystrophy in Fruit Flies.” Founded in 1922, Alpha Chi is a coeducational society whose purpose is to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students and to those who achieve such distinction. As a general honor society, Alpha Chi admits to membership students from all academic disciplines. A member institution, which must be a regionally accredited, baccalaureate degree-granting college or university, may invite to membership no more than the top 10 percent of the junior and senior classes. Membership in Alpha Chi, extended by the faculty of the college, recognizes previous accomplishments and provides opportunity for continued growth and service. As a phrase from its constitution suggests, Alpha Chi seeks to find ways to assist students in “making scholarship effective for good.”


This fall, Waldorf ’s division of Amnesty International hosted a chapel service on human trafficking and held an evening discussion about rape culture with guest speakers Professor Heather Yeoman (Religion, Communications, and English) and Dr. Kristen Paul (Education). Waldorf ’s Amnesty group also sent out nearly one hundred letters in support of Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign. You can like the group on Facebook at Amnesty InternationalWaldorf College and at https://waldorfamnesty. wordpress.com/welcome/events/.



FACULTY/STAFF NEWS Kristin Pickett, MPA-CJC, criminal justice online program director and criminal justice department chair, has received the following accolades: International Women’s Leadership Association named her the Higher Education Delegate, the National Association of Distinguished Professionals named her Higher Education’s Women of Distinction 2015. Elite American selected her as an Elite Educator in the Higher Education field. Recently she was recognized as a Who’s Who Pinnacle Professional Member for Higher Education and was honored with membership to the National Association of Distinguished Professionals and The National Association of Professional Women.

and Good Reads. Since the book was released, Bascom has been a guest author at the Des Moines Arts Center, Simpson College, Central College, Prairie Lights Bookstore, the Mason City Public Library, and the Iowa Public Radio show “Talk of Iowa” with Charity Nebbe (to listen, go to: http://iowapublicradio.org/post/runningfire#stream/0). Bascom also published a craft essay in the Fall, 2015 issue of the online journal Assay “As I See It: Art and the Personal Essay.” In addition, his personal-experience essay “My First Baptist Winter” is forthcoming in the spring 2016 issue of the journal Creative Nonfiction. Tim’s short story “Consider the Ravens” is also due to come out in the Spring, 2016 issue of the journal, Small Press. Recently last November, Bascom took 10 creative writing students to the Streamlines Undergraduate Conference in Dubuque, where three presented on panels, representing Waldorf University very well!

Dr. Debra Lindh, Ed.D., adjunct professor, was named on Psych Central’s list of “21 Mental Health Doctors & Therapists You Should Be Following on Twitter.” Their description: Award-Winning #Stress Consultant, Speaker, Trainer, #PTSD SurvivorAdvocate. #MindfulEffect Chat. PostStress Growth, Practical Mindfulness, Transformative Learning. Why follow her? Debra’s twitter stream provides great content on stress reduction in which she is an expert on mindfulness techniques. Her stream will help anyone incorporate simple, easy and effective stress reduction techniques into their daily routines. You can follow Dr. Lindh at the handle– @DebraLindh

The American Library Association (ALA) named Derrick Burton, director of the Luise V. Hanson Library, as one of their Emerging Leaders for 2016. Derrick is one of 50 people chosen for this honor. The program is designed to enable library staff and information workers to participate in project planning work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity early in their careers.

Director of Creative Writing Tim Bascom’s new memoir Running to the Fire (April 2015, University of Iowa Press), received strong reviews from Books and Culture



The Emerging Leaders program kicks off with a daylong session during the ALA 2016 Midwinter Meeting in Boston. Following the kickoff session the program will continue in an online learning and networking environment for six months. The program culminates with a poster session where the 2016 Emerging Leaders will showcase the results of their project planning work during the ALA 2016 Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla.

Michael Farndale, associate professor of Physics and Mathematics, attended a meeting of the Iowa Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at Central Academy in Des Moines. Michael Wilson, head men’s soccer coach, was named the 2015 North Star Athletic Association (NSAA) Coach of the Year during his first season at Waldorf. Under Wilson’s leadership, the Warriors doubled their winning total from the previous year as they turned in an 8-9 record and earned second place in the NSAA regularseason standings. The team had a 3-1 league record during their first year in the conference. Clinching the No. 2 spot in the NSAA Tournament marked the best seed Waldorf has earned in a conference tournament since becoming a four-year college and joining the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). Kelsey Riggins, director of men’s & women’s cross country and track & field. The men’s cross country team finished runnerup in the NSAA Championships (Conference Meet) on November 7th where two individuals qualified for the NAIA National Meet, which was held in November in Charlotte, N.C. Over the course of the season, Waldorf ’s Men’s team broke the school record. As a team, the Men’s team recorded the fastest times in school history. This is the most

Kelsey is in her second year with Waldorf and Associate Head Coach Corey Bins and Assistant Coach/Graduate Assistant Ashley Conway are in their first year. Jason Ramaker, dean of students, was recently elected chair of the Winnebago County Task Force Coalition. This is a newly formed group of parents, law enforcement, county health and concerned citizens that meet monthly. Community members collaborate to educate, prevent and reduce youth substance use in Winnebago County. The coalition recently was awarded a half million-dollar grant and has hired a program director and coordinator to assist in unifying county and coalition efforts for the 5 year grant. Nancy Olson, CFRE, director of institutional relations, renewed her CFRE certification in October. CFRE stands for Certified Fund Raising Executive and she received her initial CFRE certification in 2006 from CFRE International. Dr. Larry D. Hill, interim associate dean of graduate programs, attended the 2015 Iowa Hunger Summit held at the Des Moines Marriott. Hill represented a team from Waldorf University that has focused a discussion both residentially and online regarding hunger at home and abroad. The Summit was the kickoff for the three-day event culminating

with the awarding of the World Food Prize. The team of Professor Tina Wixom, Professor Steve Smith, Interim Academic Dean David Rask Behling, Dr. Rebecca S. Hill and Dr. Larry Hill prompted the hunger discussion. The team is seeking input on how we, as Waldorf University residentially and online, define hunger and what can we do to help alleviate the hunger issue in our local environment as well as a more global scale.



national qualifiers Men’s Cross Country has ever had at Waldorf University, having the largest team in school history with 12 members.

Former Board of Regents member Eugene Sukup received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Iowa State University at the December 2015 commencement.

WALDORF LUTHERAN ASSOCIATION OF CONGREGATIONS HELD ANNUAL MEETING The 2015 annual meeting of the Waldorf Lutheran Association of Congregations was held Thursday, October 1 in the Salveson Ballroom. Eighteen churches were represented with 23 delegates and 10 pastors attending. Led by Association President Rev. Matthew Griggs, Pastor of Central Freeborn Lutheran Church in Albert Lea, Minn., the group heard devotions given by Pastor Rod Hopp, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Forest City, along with a general college update and a campus ministry update. Ray Beebe, chair of the Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation, spoke to those in attendance about Waldorf students having a “Waldorf story” and “Waldorf experience” that is unique to them and one that changes lives. The group also heard from Student Outreach Coordinator, Antoine Cummins ’15, about the active student ministry and volunteer groups on campus and what they are doing for small group Bible studies, volunteer projects and worship nights around campus. An update was given on the campus ministry students’ mission trip to Belize last year. In March of 2016, the Spring Break mission trip will be to New Orleans. Next year’s meeting will be held on Thursday, September 29, 2016 in the Salveson Ballroom. If interested in joining the Association or learning more about it, please contact Amy Thorson at amy.thorson@waldorf.edu or 641.585.8148.

Association of Congregations meeting





By Joe Obermeyer ’05


have been on a great life’s journey since graduating from Waldorf. After Waldorf, I spent three years working as a para professional at a sc Throughout those years, I felt God’s calling to go into ministry on and off. It would be there awhile, then I would be comfortable and stay of 2008, I began earning my Masters of Divinity degree at University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. During the four years of seminar within the ministry field. I graduated from Dubuque in the spring of 2012. In April of 2013 I was hired as the Youth and Outreach Coordinator at Bdecan Presbyter Woodlake on Spirit Lake Reservation in North Dakota. In this position I wear many hats. First, I lead the children’s programing at the church. program during worship, and a KICK (Kid’s in Christ Kingdom) program Wednesday evenings. The attendance at KICK has grown from 5 kid the fall of 2015. Bdecan is also growing their youth group for middle and high school students Sunday evenings. As part of the community, I outreach to them and the mission teams that come to Bdecan. One of my jobs is managing the Bdecan Food members of the church help pack boxes of food for the community. My main job is to keep track of the numbers that come in and place the m bank. I communicate with the mission teams that come to work at our church. I help to plan their mission trip and to get the supplies they nee Another duty I help with is the fundraising for the ministry at our church. I write newsletters and fundraising letters to those who have do about our ministry in the Northern Plains Presbytery. These funds help the ministry that goes on at the church, my salary, and the food pantry My education at Waldorf helped me become who I am today. My past experience working with the youth in college has helped me to wor Bdecan. I loved the experiences that Waldorf had given me, and the lessons I have learned from those experiences. Waldorf has given me frien I would not trade anything for the education Waldorf has given me.

Joe Obermeyer is a graduate of the class of 2005 and, during his time at Waldorf, was involved in choir, theatre, campus ministry and worked with Church. He was also crowned Waldorf ’s Homecoming King his senior year.

rian Church, located near . We have a Sunday School ds in the fall of 2013 to 25 in

Pantry. Once a month, many monthly order with the food ed for their arrival. onated. I go out and present y. rk full time with them at nds I still keep in contact today.

h youth at Immanuel Lutheran


Matt Mirowski ’04, knows a thing or two about drive and determination. After graduating from Mason City High school, Matt attended Waldorf College and graduated in 2004 with a BA in History. He then went on to the University of Wyoming where he received his MA in History. Matt worked for a couple of years at the Diamond Jo Casino as the Recruiting and Training Coordinator in the Human Resources Department and then at Waddell & Reed as a Financial Advisor/ Broker Dealer for a few years. Most recently Matt spent five years as a Legal Assistant for an Albert Lea Credit Agency and is currently a Legal Assistant for an attorney in Albert Lea. The same determination that drove Matt in his professional career also spilled over into how he spent his time outside the office. Matt played semi-pro football from 2011-2013 and was offered multiple contracts with teams all around the Midwest in a professional indoor league (formerly the Champions Professional Indoor Football League). While playing for the Albert Lea Grizzlies on their offensive line, Matt also served as team president. He earned high praise for his tireless work ethic and dedication to the men on the team and was instrumental in the team’s development. However, Matt’s accolades don’t end there. In his spare time Matt is a competitive bodybuilder with the National Gym Association. Competing in the Peoria Natural Championships in October 2015, Matt placed 1st in the Heavyweight Novice and Open Divisions. He also signed his first sponsorship deal with P4PMuscle out of Madison, Wis., in November 2015.




Nick Trask ’05, is an honorable guy with a history of success in the classroom and on the court. Nick is a 2001 graduate of Charles City High School and graduated from Waldorf Summa Cum Laude in 2005 with a degree in History Education. Nick is currently in his 11th year of teaching and coaching at Mason City High School. He teaches U.S. and World History. In 2014, he became the Head Varsity Boys’ Basketball Coach. Prior to that he was the Head JV Girls’ Basketball Coach and Varsity Assistant for 9 years. According to a 2014 Mason City High School press release, “as a member of the girls coaching staff, he helped turn a struggling program into a program with a tradition of success as was evident with the three consecutive years of state appearances and several conference titles.” But Nick’s passion for his students doesn’t end there. He is in his 4th year of serving as the Head JV and Assistant Varsity Boys Soccer Coach and 3rd year as the Assistant Varsity Football Coach. Nick and his wife, Kathleen, live in Mason City where she is also a teacher at Mason City High School and serves as the coach for volleyball and girls’ basketball. They have two daughters, 3rd grader Machaela who is 8 years old and 1-year-old Kylie.


chool near my hometown. y where I was. Finally in the fall ry, I gained a lot of experience



By Tony Wical ’04

Professor Steven Bardwell– M.S., EFO, CPM Professor Steven Bardwell has been with Waldorf since the birth of the Waldorf online degree program in 2010. He currently teaches in the Undergraduate Fire Science Administration Program where he serves as the Program Director and teaches in the new Master’s Program under the Executive Fire Service Leadership concentration. Steven resides in Jackson, Mississippi, and is active in the Mississippi State Fire Academy as a Certified Public Manager, Chief Instructor and is involved in the American Heart Association as a Basic Life Support Instructor. He also serves as an instructor for First Aid, AED and CPR. Steven is active in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), The United States Fire Administration and the National Fire Academy; where he holds an array of instruction for departments in over 15 states around the south east. Professor Bardwell completed his Master of Science Degree in Executive Fire Leadership, from Grand Canyon University in 2008. “My objectives are to provide leadership, vision, and support with my team, while working to accomplish the missions on my team,” states Bardwell. Students that have had Bardwell in a class have responded on how the classes are operated at a team level and have thoroughly enjoyed his instruction style and leadership.

Misti Kill, Ph.D. Dr. Misti Kill has been with Waldorf since May of 2014. She currently teaches in the undergraduate program for Emergency Management and she serves as the program director. Dr. Kill will also be teaching in the new Master’s Program within the Emergency Management Leadership concentration. Dr. Kill serves as the Interim Assistant Provost for the College of Safety and Emergency Services and the Academic Program Director for Emergency Services Management and Technology with our partner institution, Columbia Southern University. Dr. Kill completed her Masters of Science in Sociology in 2008, and defended her Dissertation for her Ph.D. in Emergency Management in 2011, both from North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota. Dr. Kill and her family currently reside in Fargo and includes in her faculty biography, “we not only have freezing cold and blizzards, but also yearly flooding in the spring. Fargo was voted as having the most extreme weather in the United States by a nationwide poll conducted by the Weather Channel in 2011, so we are very familiar with disasters and managing them.” Her extensive training and involvement in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and continued professional studies has helped bring extensive training into the classes that she has both written and taught for Waldorf. Students routinely ask, upon completing a course with her, “What course is Dr. Kill teaching next term? I want to be enrolled right away!”





By Dr. Larry Hill ’74

In her 2013 article in U.S. News and World Report, Lindsay Olson pointed out “many entry level jobs today now require a master’s and virtually all senior management and senior professional positions require a master’s.” Later, in the same article she states, “having a master’s degree can increase your annual earning potential beyond your annual compensation without a master’s.” A study by New York University Graduate School of Arts and Science reported United States Census Bureau findings that those holding Master’s Degree will earn nearly 30 percent more in average annual salary. The findings by NYU placed an emphasis on the sense of accomplishment gained by earning an advanced degree and job satisfaction compared to other college/technical program graduates.

So why a Master’s Degree from Waldorf University?

Often Master’s Degree programs are classified as either professional or academic. Waldorf University has learned from the experience of others who have a blended residential/online student population. The Waldorf University philosophy is anchored in Waldorf ’s 112 year heritage of helping Waldorf graduates “aspire to lives of service.” A Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership at Waldorf University develops a student’s leadership skills and equips them to use those skills as an instrument for organizational change. Your degree centers around one of seven concentrations:  // Human Resource Development  // Public Administration  // Teacher Leader  // Emergency Management Leadership  // Sport Management  // Criminal Justice Leadership  // Fire/Rescue Executive Leadership

For more information regarding Waldorf University Master's Degrees, visit waldorf.edu or call 877.267.2157 WE ARE WARRIORS!


By Derrick Burton


have moved a lot. Houses, apartments, libraries, you name it. I have changed states, schools, zip codes, big cities, and small cities. Probably more than I care to remember. Depending on whom you ask, I may know a lot, or maybe just a little, but one thing I do know is there is always history. In October 2015, the Luise V. Hanson Library celebrated her 10th Anniversary at Waldorf, right in time for Homecoming. I wasn’t around when she was built, or even a librarian when she opened. But in my time here, I’ve had the chance to hear stories from those who were, and I always find the most enjoyment in the details. One alumni remembers being disappointed; they had hoped Waldorf would add a pool to the Fieldhouse. At another point, there was apparently talk of building a chapel rather than a library. In the “Continuity and Change: 100 Years-Waldorf College,” former Waldorf President Dr. William E. Hamm speculates that we have Luise V. Hanson herself to thank for the building. During the small birthday party we hosted, Dr. Kristín Taylor, now Chair of the Music Department, mentioned that she still remembers playing the piano outdoors at the groundbreaking and the various opportunities for the program that came out of that performance. As we passed out cake to a few students, a young woman remarked that she had never actually been in a library before and was surprised by how nice it was, which made me think of my own first time inside. Although a librarian never forgets their first library, I’ll always consider the Luise V. Hanson Library to be the trophy wife. Entering her tenth year, she only gets better with age, being visited by more students, more classes, and more Forest City Residents, while continuing to be an integral part of the Waldorf community. On Fridays, when everyone is gone and the lights are off, I often give the old girl a pat and wish her a good weekend, more so for my own peace of mind than hers. I know she’ll be there waiting on Monday and many Mondays to come. Because there is history here, our history. Happy Birthday LVH Library! Here’s to 10 more. #WEAREWARRIORS



By Matt Oliver

Craig Volk ‘96 Craig Volk went on to star on the basketball court at Waldorf College after graduating in 1993 from New Hampton High School in New Hampton, where he was a three-sport athlete. Craig helped lead the New Hampton boys’ basketball team to three consecutive state tournament appearances. As a senior, he helped the Chickasaws win the 1992-93 state championship while earning firstteam all-conference honors. Craig also guided the team to a third-place finish in the 1990-91 state tournament. He was a second-team all-conference selection during the 1991-92 season and garnered



all-conference honorable mention recognition in 1990-91. In addition to playing basketball, Craig also excelled in football and track. Success on the hardwood continued for Craig at Waldorf as he immediately made an impact for the Warriors. As a freshman, he was part of a team that scored 100 or more points in eight games under Coach Chad Brown’s up-tempo, high-scoring offense. Craig averaged 12.7 points per game as a freshman while leading the team with 2.6 steals and 4.8 assists. He capped his first year with second-team all-Region XI honors as Waldorf posted its first-ever 19-win season, ending the year with a 19-10 record and a 12-4 conference mark. The Warriors fell to North Iowa Area Community College in the Region XI Tournament semifinal game. Putting together a stellar sophomore season, Craig served as a team captain during the 1995-96 campaign. The Warriors set a school record for wins, notching their 20th victory of the season at Clinton. Despite defeating NIACC during the regular season, Waldorf once again saw its season come to an end at the hands of the Trojans in the Region XI Tournament quarterfinals. The Warriors closed out

the year with a 20-10 record. Craig was honored as a first-team all-Region XI selection while averaging 15.3 points, 6.1 rebounds, 3.4 assists and a team-high 3.13 steals. Craig’s achievements stretched far beyond the court. He was named a Distinguished Academic All-American by the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) during the 1994-95 and 199596 seasons. He received the Forest City Lions Club Sportsmanship Award at the conclusion of his career with the Warriors and the President’s Award. The proudest achievements in Craig’s athletic career include the three state tournament trips at New Hampton. His high school coach, Scott Hogeland, said, “Craig is the best point guard in the history of New Hampton High School. Craig had no weaknesses on the court. He could score, defend, pass and rebound. His unselfish play and incredible court awareness made his teammates so much better, but his mental preparation is really what separated him from the rest.” Craig earned an associate’s of arts degree from Waldorf in 1995 and graduated in 1996 with a bachelor’s of arts degree in finance and management. He has served as a wealth management

advisor for Northwestern Mutual in Minneapolis for the past 16 years. Craig and his wife, Nicky (Veldhouse) Volk–a fellow 2015 Waldorf Hall of Fame inductee–reside in Lakeville, Minn. with their three children, Reece, 10; Macklin, 5, and Sutton, 3. Craig remains active in the community as a volunteer at All Saints Catholic Church and also coaches a traveling boys’ basketball team and an AAU squad. Two-time all-Region XI selection in basketball, two-time NJCAA Distinguished Academic All-American, member of Waldorf ’s record-setting 20-win finish during the 1995-96 season, the President’s Award and Forest City Lions Club Sportsmanship Award winner–Waldorf Warrior Hall of Famer–2015–Craig Volk.

Nicky (Veldhouse) Volk ‘95 Nicky (Veldhouse) Volk started her athletic career as a three-sport star athlete at West Hancock High School in Britt. At West Hancock, Nicky was a firstteam all-North Iowa Conference selection in volleyball, basketball and softball. As a senior, she was honored with the Athlete of the Year Award. Nicky was also a member of the school’s pep club and choir. Continuing her career at Waldorf, Nicky excelled as a member of the volleyball and basketball teams from 1993 to 1995. Each year Nicky competed in volleyball for Waldorf, the Warriors produced a 30-win season. Waldorf went 30-10 in 1993 and Nicky was second on the team in aces and kills. The Warriors followed up with a 31-13 record in 1994 while finishing third in the Region XI Tournament. Nicky also earned first-

team all-Region XI and all-Region XI Tournament Team honors as a sophomore while leading Waldorf in aces and kills. As a freshman on the basketball court, Nicky ranked fifth in Region XI with a 55.5 field-goal percentage and Waldorf was third in the nation in field-goal percentage. She averaged 11.9 points and pulled down 168 rebounds. During her sophomore year, Nicky was fifth in Region XI and 11th in the country in field-goal percentage, knocking down 55 percent of her shots. She averaged 11.5 points per game and totaled 153 rebounds, leading the team in both categories. Nicky was named a firstteam all-Region XI selection and was the Most Valuable Player in Waldorf ’s regional quarterfinal matchup. During Nicky’s basketball career, the Warriors tallied a 35-26 record. As a freshman she helped Waldorf to a 17-12 season. The following year, the Warriors went 18-14. She currently ranks 34th in points (702), 15th in field-goal percentage (55 percent), 30th in rebounds (321) and 12th in blocked shots (62) among career leaders at Waldorf. At the conclusion of her sophomore year in 1995, Nicky was recognized as Waldorf ’s Female Honor Athlete. Denny Jerome coached Nicky in basketball and said, “Nicky’s best attributes as a 5-foot-10 post/forward was a quick left and right drop step. Equally important was her positive attitude and outgoing personality that energized and lifted up her teammates and coaches.” Following her two-year career at Waldorf, Nicky completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Northern Iowa. She graduated in 1997 with a bachelor of arts degree in sociology. Nicky currently resides in Lakeville, Minn., where she is an active volunteer for All-Saints Church and All-Saints Catholic School. She and her husband Craig–a fellow 2015 Waldorf Hall of Fame inductee–have three children, Reece, 10; Macklin, 5, and Sutton, 3. First-team all-Region XI basketball and volleyball player, Waldorf Honor Athlete– Waldorf Warrior Hall of Famer–2015– Nicky (Veldhouse) Volk.

Brian Grunzke ‘77 Brian Grunzke put together a solid two-year career as a member of the Waldorf baseball and football teams. Brian returned to Waldorf and became a tremendously accomplished coach, leading the Warrior baseball program as head coach for 16 seasons. A native of Minnesota Lake, Minn., Brian was a four-sport athlete at Minnesota Lake High School. He was a two-time all-conference selection in baseball, football and basketball. Brian also competed in track during high school. As a senior, he was named Minnesota Lake’s Athlete of the Year in 1975. Continuing his education and athletic career at Waldorf, Grunzke helped the Warriors to an undefeated season on the gridiron as a freshman. The 1975 team posted a 9-0 record and was ranked No. 4 in the nation. The Warriors were considered for the Wool Bowl and finished the year ranked fourth in the country in rushing and second in overall defense. On the baseball diamond, Brian served as a team captain for Waldorf during the 1977 season. On the football field, he played under Hall of Fame coach David Bolstorff, who would become a colleague and mentor of Brian’s during his coaching career at Waldorf. Coach Bolstorff said, “As a player, Brian was a defensive back who wouldn’t win many races, but had the knowledge and a knack of seeing the whole field and being in the right place, doing the right thing at the right time with a true passion for the game.” After graduating from Waldorf in 1977, Brian went on to attend Mankato State University and later earned a bachelor’s of science degree in health science from the University of ArkansasLittle Rock. He spent 11 seasons as an assistant football coach, helping the Warriors reach three RC Cola Bowls. #WEAREWARRIORS


Brian also was an assistant coach for Waldorf ’s baseball team for six seasons and in 1991, he began his tenure as head coach. Guiding the Warriors as head coach for 16 seasons, Brian is the alltime winningest coach in school history with a 387-340 record. The 1993 team was ranked 20th in the preseason poll. In 1994, the team got on a roll with a 23-game winning streak and set a school record for victories in a season, finishing with a 40-17 record. In his 16 seasons as head coach, Brian coached nine AllAmericans, 14 Academic All-Americans and numerous all-region players. Aside from coaching at Waldorf, Brian spent two seasons as assistant baseball coach at Arkansas-Little Rock, one year as assistant coach at the University of Northern Iowa, two seasons as head coach at the University of IllinoisSpringfield and five years as assistant coach at South Dakota State University. In 2000, Brian had a successful season as Forest City High School’s head coach. He led the Indians to a 24-5 record, a North Iowa Conference championship and a No. 9 ranking in the final poll. During that season, Forest City went on a 15-game winning streak, cranked out a schoolrecord 42 home runs, sported a .338 team batting average and the pitching staff boasted a 1.91 earned run average. Witnessing Brian’s transition from an athlete to coach, Coach Bolstorff highlighted Brian’s integrity and natural coaching ability saying, “As a person, if there ever was a person born to be a coach, it was Brian. Yet at the same time because of his wit and personality, could be counted on to liven up the conversation, while at the same time, possessing the loyalty, trustworthiness, work ethic, integrity and genuineness of a true friend. He was that way with his colleagues and he was that way with his players.” Brian currently resides in Brookings, South Dakota with his wife, Dawn. They have three grown children and seven grandchildren. Waldorf ’s all-time winningest baseball coach, leader of a team that set a school record for wins in a season, coach of nine All-Americans and 14 Academic All-Americans, member of Waldorf ’s undefeated 1975 football team, 27 years of service to Waldorf–Waldorf Warrior Hall of Famer–2015–Brian Grunzke.



Bob Backlund ‘70 Bob “Tiny” Backlund came to Waldorf following a three-sport career at Princeton High School in Princeton, Minn. At Princeton, Bob was a standout athlete in football, wrestling and track and field. In wrestling, Bob was a state finalist. He also competed in a wide variety of track and field events. At the Elk River Invitational during Bob’s senior year, he won four events with a time of 10.2 seconds in the 100-yard dash, won the shot put at 52.6 feet, the discus at 165 feet and anchored the winning 4x220-yard relay. Bob represented Waldorf from 1968 to 1970 as an outstanding member of the Warrior football and wrestling teams. As a freshman, he started as a linebacker and an offensive guard on a Warrior team that went 5-3. The following year, Bob started as a defensive end and offensive guard. The 1969 Waldorf football team went 8-0 and finished the season ranked ninth in the nation. Bob led a defense that ranked seventh nationally in yards allowed, third in passing yards allowed and ninth in rushing yards allowed. The Warriors scored 207 points on the year and allowed only 17. Bob earned All-American recognition while averaging 14 tackles per game. During Bob’s freshman year, he wrestled in the 191-pound weight class. Over the course of the year, he compiled a 17-2 record, including 12 wins against heavyweights. Bob closed out the year with a state title and earned All-American honors with a third-place finish in the national tournament. During his sophomore year, he repeated as an AllAmerican. Bob defeated the top-ranked wrestler in the nation on his way to a runner-up performance in the national tournament. In the spring of 1970, Bob was presented with the prestigious Honor Athlete Award and received a standing ovation from the Waldorf faculty, staff and student body.

Bob concluded his collegiate athletic career at North Dakota State University, where he continued to play football and wrestle. On the gridiron, Bob was a twoyear starter as a defensive tackle. As a junior, he helped the Bison post a 9-0-1 record and capture the NCAA College Division Western Division championship with their Camellia Bowl win over Montana. In this showing, Bob recorded 22 tackles and two fumble recoveries. In his senior year, North Dakota State compiled a 7-2 record while he added 11.8 tackles per game, along with a forced fumble and fumble recovery. On the mat, Bob became North Dakota State’s second national champion in school history. In 1971, he claimed the NCAA Division II crown in the 190-pound division. Bob wrestled as a heavyweight his senior year and placed fifth at nationals. He graduated and was inducted into North Dakota State’s Hall of Fame in 1983. After college, Bob continued his career professionally. He started in the American Wrestling Association and worked his way into the World Wrestling Federation, now known as World Wrestling Entertainment. During his time in the WWE, Bob was a two-time world heavyweight champion. His reign from 1978 to 1983 stands as the second longest in WWE history. Bob has faced numerous wrestling greats such as Harley Race, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Andre the Giant, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, George “The Animal” Steele, The Iron Sheik and Sergeant Slaughter. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2013. Bob and his wife, Corki, currently reside in South Glastonbury, Connecticut. Today, Bob holds the distinction of being one of three two-sport AllAmericans in Waldorf history, joining 1997 Hall of Famer Gabby Pierce and 2014 Hall of Famer Lindsey (Pleuss) Hyman. Four-time wrestling All-American, AllAmerican football player, Waldorf Honor Athlete, North Dakota State Hall of Fame Class of 1983, multi professional wrestling champion–Waldorf Warrior Hall of Famer–2015–Bob Backlund.


Waldorf College held their Homecoming 2015 festivities Friday, October 9 thru Sunday, October 11. The weekend kicked off Friday evening in the Salveson Ballroom with the Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Banquet. 2015 inductees were: Bob Backlund ’70, Brian Grunzke ’77, Nicole Veldhouse Volk ’95 and Craig Volk ’95.

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Friday night at 9 p.m. was the coronation of the 2015 Homecoming King and Queen, Joshua All Hail to Thee, O Waldorf Forrest and Abigail Buehler, followed by the Warrior Bonfire and Pep Fest in the south parking Homecoming 2015 lot of the Fieldhouse. Homecoming Court candidates were Kristen Wilke, Haley Rubin, Carlee Von Holdt, Abigail Buehler, Shaye Sutherland, Dirk McOmber, Caleb Gilbertson, Joshua Forrest, Dylan Basil and Cody Clark. (Pictured left) Saturday began with the Homecoming Parade at 10 a.m. led by Grand Marshalls Michael and Nancy Farndale, longtime Waldorf employees. Following the parade Reunion lunches were held in the Atrium open to all alumni and their guests. The class of 1965, back for their 50th class reunion, had a special luncheon in the Salveson Ballroom. (Pictured below) An annual tradition, the Comm. BBQ, was held outside between Salveson and Thorson Halls for any alums who were Communication majors. A tailgate lunch was open to the public at Bolstorff Field prior to the Warriors hosting Mayville State for the Homecoming football game. The Warriors came up short losing 33-25. The Annual Homecoming Arts & Craft Fair was Saturday from 1-4 pm in the Salveson Lobby and at 3:30 was an Alumni Choir Sing-a-long in the Recital Hall of the Music Building. Former directors and choir members were back for this honored Waldorf tradition. Saturday evening at 5 p.m. was the Taste of Waldorf Dinner in the Atrium. The college’s highest honor for alumni, the C.S. Salveson Award for Distinguished Service, was awarded for only the third time in the school’s history. This year’s honorees were Gerald Boman ’55 and Mary Jo Hanson Boman ’57 of Forest City, honored for their exceptional leadership and performance that has resulted in important and significant contributions to the mission of Waldorf College. Receiving the Alumni Distinguished Service Awards were: Marion Helland ’46 from Golden Valley, Minn., for lifelong dedication to teaching and tirelessly serving as an advocate for human rights and Mike Stensland ’73, Iowa Falls, for outstanding achievement in the financial profession and for dedicated service to church, community and Waldorf College. For the first time in school history the Waldorf Encouragement Award was presented to Owen Solomonson ’59 of Lake Mills, for his faithful support of Waldorf College, continual encouragement of faculty and staff and presence at numerous Waldorf events.

(Left) During Homecoming 2015, on the last day of her four-year term as member of the Waldorf College Alumni Board of Directors, alumna Vivien (Aasland) Hansen ’59 from Humboldt, had a confession. After a brief update from President Bob Alsop during the Board’s Homecoming meeting, Vivien stopped him before he walked out the door, telling him she had something to return to the college. Here’s the story in her words... “It was the end of May, 1959, and I was so involved with graduation from Waldorf, packing up, the “trauma” of leaving, saying good-bye to those who would turn out to be life-long friends, lots of tears and hugs. When I arrived home I reached into a pocket and found a KEY for room 330 of Rasmussen Hall, Viv & Lucy’s room! I have always held Waldorf College in my heart as a “key” to my future–teacher, wife, mother, librarian, grandmother of five! Time went on. The key held a special place, always lying in my jewelry box FOR 56 YEARS! Waldorf days were among my happiest! I confess!” #WEAREWARRIORS



The weekend wrapped up with the choir and band performing at the Homecoming Music Concert held Saturday night in a packed Immanuel Lutheran Church followed the next day by Homecoming Worship, also at Immanuel.


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Pictured are: (L to R) Georgette (Vikingstad) Valle ’44, Ruth (Oppedahl) Jones ’44 and Arlys (Fredrickson) Swingen ’46

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10/28/15 1:30 PM

Pictured are: (Front row, L to R) Darlene (Tesdell) Hetland, Lorraine "Chris" Christensen, Karen (Howlett) Olien, Diane (Morreim) Stark and Gloria (Danielson) Fitzsimmons. (2nd row, L to R) Mary Beth (Kamish) Wooldridge, Al Oertwig, Stephen Hammer and Laurel (Brunsvold) Erickson. (3rd row L to R) Duane Hetland, Gene Challgren, Duane Coppeler and Jim Stark

Not pictured was the class of 1980. Due to technical difficulty their photograph was lost. In attendance were Kim Wettleson, Kari Fossum, Loralyn (Johnson) Trost, Joel Kimm and Greg Boman



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Pictured are: (Front row) Carol (Peterson) Edwards, Ruth (Hattebe Jorgensen. (Back row) Jim Erickson, John Johnson, Phil Oppedahl,

Class edits.indd 1

Pictured are: (Front row, L to R) Tim Tarris, Marlys (Boler) Nail, J (Olson) Brown and Alice (Weisz) Hodgson. (Back row L to R) Mik and John Sandager

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erg) Johnson, Joan "Jo:" (Isvik) Williams and Carmen (Brandt) John Koop and Gerald Boman

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Janet (Schwartzlow) Fugate, Jane (Schwartzlow) Vance, Jennifer ke Hodgson, Paul Felix, Bob Backland, Craig Russell, David Lynn

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10/28/15 1:32 PM

Pictured are: (Front row, L to R) Liz (Larson) Skov, Janice (Bornholdt) Nelson and Susan (Bergeson) Rotvold. (Back row, L to R) Carl Sunde, Joan (Olson) Kloster, Helen (Rustad) Senne, Carol (Thompson) Kleveland and Marilyn (Courrier) Malmanger

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10/28/15 1:31 PM

Pictured are: (Front Row, R to L) Kris (Myhrwold) Meyer, Pam (Swanson) Burtnett, Linda (Drewes) Hall, Evelyn (Peterson) Holmstrom, Rhoda Ulring, Mark M. Young, Mike Luepke, Mark Robinson, Cindy (Erickson) Robinson, Deb (Anderson) Miller, Gina (Sundry) Laaveg, Nancy (Bergland) Olson, Elaine (Docken) Hanson, Dan Hanson and Pat Hall. (Back row, R to L) Steve Olson, Gene Fjeld, Bruce Breun, Janet (Grube) Gaylord, Steve Dummett, Don Tweet, Phil Holmen, Dennis Litterer, Murray Mckee, John McKean, Kim (Struthers) Linduska, Kathy (Monsoon) Gronemeyer, Mary (Johnson) Urtel, Ann (Riekena) Thorson, Kim (Wright) Miller, Tom Ball and John Johnson



DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI HONORED AT HOMECOMING The family of C.S. Salveson Award Recipients Gerald ’55 and Mary Jo Boman ’57 pictured here are: (L to R) Becky Boman, Greg Boman ’80, Mary Jo (Hanson) Boman ’57, Gerald Boman ’55, Janet (Boman) Coe and Rob Coe.

Waldorf Encouragement Award Recipient Owen Solomonson ’59

for outstanding encouragement and dedication to Waldorf College The Waldorf Encouragement Award has been created to honor an alum who truly loves Waldorf College, exemplifies the Waldorf spirit, and demonstrates a fierce loyalty to his alma mater. Whether it is Waldorf ’s homecoming, a Christmas event, Commencement, Honors Day, or other college function, this alum is present. He is usually one of the first to arrive and one of the last to leave—he’s not a “just show my face” type of person. During Waldorf ’s transition beginning in 2009, several took a “wait and see” approach and temporarily disconnected from the college. Not this alum--his support to the college never wavered. In fact, it was during this period that he established two scholarships in honor of family members. This alum writes letters of encouragement to both college employees and students. He stops by often to say hi and visit. He is literally a walking encyclopedia of Waldorf trivia. His sister stated, “He definitely has a heart for his alma mater, and he doesn’t miss an opportunity to talk about the value of a Waldorf education, what’s happening in the lives of the friends he made from his time there or someone he just met



who was in so-and-so’s class at Waldorf. He also loves to talk about the students (past and present) who he has come to know due to his participation in helping fund various scholarships. Waldorf certainly made an indelible impression on him, and he dearly loves the place.” Another sister shared, “He is nothing if not faithful to Waldorf! I’m so proud of him for how much he’s done with the little bit of income he has in terms of scholarships and Waldorf support. Every time a relative dies, he thinks of Waldorf first with memorials!” For his extraordinary support and love for Waldorf College, it is with great honor that the inaugural Waldorf Encouragement Award was presented to Owen Solomonson, Class of 1959.

Alumni Distinguished Service Award Recipients Marion Helland ’46 for lifelong dedication to teaching and tirelessly serving as an advocate for human rights. Marion Helland ’46 has dedicated her life to teaching and advocating for civil rights. She got her start in human rights when she saw an ad in an American Federation of Teachers newsletter titled “Teachers wanted to teach freedom.” She spent three summers working in the movement in Gadsden, Ala. to help set up a Freedom School and help with voter registration. The Democratic Party


headquarters where she worked was bombed in 1965 and later repaired, but left seven bullet holes as a reminder of the violence. The next summer she was sent to Jackson, Miss. to help integrate the local playground, tennis court, library, coinoperated laundry and theatre and to organize petition drives, boycotts and picket lines 125 miles southwest of Jackson. A cross burning from the KKK was attempted in front of the house where she stayed so she fled to live with a family on a farm for the remainder of the summer. In 1968, Marion traveled with the Minnesota delegation to Resurrection City in Wash. D.C. for the Poor People’s campaign. She continued to work on local issues in Minn. with the American Indian Movement and through the state Human Rights Commission, including workshops, forums and classes on race, ethnicity, poverty and hate crimes. She served as secretary of the League of Minnesota Human Rights and is a member of the Robbinsdale Community Collaboration Committee for Desegregation and Integration. She received Golden Valley’s Envision Global Award in 2010 for her work on the Golden Valley Human Rights Commission. In 2000, she received the “Dreamkeeper’s Elder Award” from the Governor’s Commission on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observance and the State Council on Black Minnesotans, in recognition of her lifelong dedication to human rights. She is a former adjunct faculty member at Hamline University, a former instructor in critical thinking and a member of Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity. She has also worked with Hands Across the Campus program for Educational Resources. She has a letter dated Oct. 1. 1965 (to SCOPE Volunteer) signed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., thanking her for her efforts. Marion lives in Golden Valley, Minn.

Mike Stensland ’73 for outstanding achievement in the financial profession and for dedicated service to church, community and Waldorf College. Mike Stensland ’73 has been a member of the Million Dollar Round Table–the Premier of Financial Professionals, for 13 years. Attaining membership is a distinguishing career milestone and is based on outstanding client services, ethics and professionalism. He has been a consultant for Thrivent Financial since 1996 and will be inducted as a member of the 2017 Hall of Fame class for Thrivent Financial. Early in his career Mike was a teacher and coach, and then got into banking before starting at Thrivent. Mike has served his community in numerous ways: as chairman of the Hansen Family Hospital Board and chair of the hospital’s 30 million dollar campaign. He also worked tirelessly as one of seven committee members to raise 5.7 million dollars in 11 ½ weeks for the Vision 21 campaign in Iowa Falls, benefitting the new library, new waterpark, and the CarnegieEllsworth Building. The committee exceeded their goal. Mike’s input was of great value and he always accentuated the positive. Mike and his wife had the vision of starting/building a new church in Iowa Falls. Mike served as chairperson for the effort and saw it through to fruition. He has also been instrumental in Wing's of Refuge, a home for after care of females who have been commercially sexually exploited. It is a Christ-centered

organization that focuses on 3 aspects of human trafficking survivors–RESCUE, RESTORE & RISE. Mike has sponsored many charitable events in Iowa Falls and the surrounding communities. He contributes annually to help finance a Christian concert in the park for young people. He is known for his integrity, honesty, unselfishness for charitable purposes, and for faithfully supporting his local Christian fellowship. He is a former member of the Waldorf College Board of Regents, the Iowa Falls School Board, and the Barlow Memorial Library Board, and the Iowa Falls Development Board. He is a 30 year member of the Lions Club and is very active in his church. Mike is married to Molly Mackrill Stensland ’74. They have two children and five grandchildren.

C.S. Salveson Award of Distinguished Service Gerald ’55 & Mary Jo Hanson Boman ’57 for

extraordinary distinction in service to Waldorf College. The C.S. Salveson Award for Distinguished Service was established at Waldorf College to honor extraordinary distinction in service to Waldorf College. The Salveson Award may be conferred upon individuals who have contributed to the building and development of the College through exceptionally valuable and noteworthy service to the College. The following citation was read during Homecoming as the Bomans were presented their award. Whereas, Gerald and Mary Jo Boman are dedicated and proven leaders in their local community, nationally and internationally, and Whereas, Gerald and Mary Jo Boman have consistently and substantially demonstrated the ability and willingness to work positively and effectively with others to accomplish mutual goals, and Whereas, Gerald and Mary Jo Boman have been outstanding leaders in church and community service, serving as directors and board members of various business-related organizations, and continuing the generous legacy of the John K. and Luise V. Hanson Foundation, and Whereas, Gerald and Mary Jo Boman have faithfully served Waldorf College from both the philanthropic dimension and from a leadership position contributing to positive changes in the priorities and procedures of the College, with Mary Jo having served for many years on the Board of Regents, Now Therefore be it Resolved, that for performance that consistently and substantially exceeds in quality that which is normally expected of individuals, and for performance that has set superior standards of excellence and efficiency in relation to the mission of the College, and for performance that has resulted in important and significant contributions to the College, Waldorf College bestows upon Gerald and Mary Jo Boman the C.S. Salveson Award for Distinguished Service to honor extraordinary distinction in service to Waldorf College.



ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Nicole (Robertson) Van Every ’06


o borrow from a quote spoken in one of my favorite classic movies (Sabrina): Waldorf is always in my pocket, and I carry it with me wherever I go. My adventure in Forest City began in August 2002, when, upon graduating from Marshalltown Senior High, I packed my bags, drove North, and moved into my semi-permanent home in Breen Hall. Although only a couple hours from my hometown, I initially found the transition to be difficult. However, with the help of my new friend and roommate, Sarah Beck, my Aunt Sandy and Uncle Dave (residents of Forest City), frequent visits by my parents and sister, plus numerous warm hearts and smiles throughout town and on campus, I soon found my bearings and quickly learned that Waldorf was a very special place. I came to Waldorf with every intention of graduating with a degree in Journalism. Also a lifelong lover of music–I had played piano since age 10 and grew up singing alongside my mom. I decided to audition for the Waldorf Choir and pick up voice lessons on the side for fun. Little did I know, that “fun” would evolve into a 14-year journey to pursue a doctorate in Music. After my first voice lesson with my teacher, Julie Holtan, I was coaxed to pick up a major in Music in addition to my major in Journalism. Although the class schedule was rigorous during my four years, I enjoyed living in the multidisciplinary world of music and journalism. I would spend my days soaking up as much information as I could from my wonderful professors, learning about Web Design, piano & voice performance, newspaper writing, music theory & history, editing, choral conducting, and, The Beatles (a wink to Uncle Dave, Waldorf professor of communications). I will always be thankful for my decision (helped by many along the way) to become involved in many Waldorf activities. I was the managing editor for the campus newspaper, The Lobbyist, for two years. I was a resident assistant and assistant hall director for Tanner Hall–a shout-out to the second floor Tanner gals! In 2005, I was named Waldorf ’s Homecoming Queen. I was also active in Waldorf Theater productions, playing Emma Goldman in Tintypes, Huckabee in The Fantasticks, and Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors, among others. I frequently sang at Waldorf events, whether with the Waldorf Choir, as a member of Christopher, as a soloist, or with my friends in our independent jazz combo Half Past Nine. Each year’s Christmas with Waldorf, especially, will forever be in my heart.



By the time May of 2006 rolled around, when it was that moment to walk across the graduation stage, Waldorf was as much a part of me as anything. I will always cherish my moments there, the professors, the staff, and the fellow students who touched my life forever. In the end, I graduated Summa Cum Laude, with a BA in Voice Performance, and minors in Humanities and Communications. My cousin, Josh Damm, graduated that same year–we were both chosen to represent our class by receiving the President’s Award. Above all, my treasured experiences in The Waldorf Choir (directed by Bradley Creswell my first year, and Blair Buffington my second year on out), led me to continue my education in music and pursue a Master’s in Choral Conducting at Truman State University in Kirksville, Mo. Upon graduating from there in 2009, I decided to keep going. In 2010, I accepted a full-ride to The University of Oklahoma to pursue a doctorate degree in Voice Performance. I chose to apply to OU for two main reasons: 1) to have the chance to study with Metropolitan Opera Baritone Kim Josephson. He has sung alongside greats such as Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, Mirella Freni, and Renee Fleming–and, I am blessed to be his student; and 2) to live in an area of the country known for its severe weather: Norman, Okla. My passion for weather was not something I talked about much during my days at Waldorf, but I grew up reading books about it due to a deep fascination that was probably genetically instilled in me from my grandfather and father. On the performance side, I have been the lead in numerous OU opera productions and have also been a guest soloist with many ensembles throughout Oklahoma and the United States. In January of 2014, I won the Metropolitan Opera National Council district auditions (which has resulted in my very own employee ID number at the MET, which is exciting for me!) This past summer, I created a professional website: http://www.nicolevanevery.com. On the weather side, I currently teach Intro to Weather & Climate Lab for the School of Meteorology, and I work occasionally at the National Weather Center, also located in Norman. My work there has included everything from helping deliver radar workshops in Shanghai, China and Taipei, Taiwan, to using weather data to analyze forensic cases. In 2010, I met my now husband, Matt Van Every. We share a passion for weather (he is an actual meteorologist; I just pretend to be). In addition to traveling and home improvement, we enjoy hunting the occasional tornado together. We purchased a home in Norman in July 2014. I am combining my passion for both music and weather by writing my dissertation on how atmospheric conditions affect the singer. Currently ABD (all but dissertation), I am finishing my document and plan to graduate OU in May 2016. Afterward, I will begin national auditions and competitions, and I will also apply for music teaching positions. In all my activities, Waldorf is always with me in my pocket, and in my heart. My experience there, and each and every person I encountered, has helped prepare me for my future endeavors. Thank you, Waldorf! By: Nicole Van Every ’06



By Ashley (Young) Schryver ’06

always knew I wanted to be a high school English teacher. When I went to Waldorf, the classes were fun and exciting for me. I took the skills I learned and ended up student teaching in Des Moines. Des Moines was very different from the schools I did my practicum observations and teaching at throughout college. I student taught at Harding Middle School and Lincoln High School. Lincoln High School is one of the largest high schools in the state of Iowa. It was definitely an eye-opening experience. However, as challenging as it could be at times, I realized that I had found my passion. Immediately after my student teaching experience, I started to substitute in the Des Moines School District. After a month and a half, I was hired to replace a teacher who had to take a leave of absence. The following year, I moved to East High School (the largest high school in the state of Iowa) and that is where I continue to work. During my first few years at East High School, I taught 9th to 11th grade. After three Ashley (Young) Schryver ’06, her husband, Andy Schryver ’06, live in Des Moines with their two children, Zoey years of teaching those subjects, I was given the and Hudson. opportunity to work in a new program that was designed to meet the needs of our most at-risk students. I worked with two other teachers from different content areas as we strived to get our most under-credited upperclassmen enough credits to graduate. This opportunity was amazing because we were given the freedom to design our classes in a way to meet the needs of individual students better. Many of our students had dropped out of school, had children of their own, had been kicked out of regular classes, or had other issues at home that prevented them from doing well in the mainstream classrooms. Throughout my three years in the lab, we had over 80 students graduate high school who may have been lost in the system without our help. I still keep in contact with many of them and quite a few of them continued on with their education. One girl in particular stands out because she started in our room with 10 credits as a senior and while it took her 2 years to finish, she stuck it out until the end and went on to attend a four year college. She wrote me a letter to tell me that she would not be where she is today if it had not been for our classroom. This is what motivates all teachers to keep working, even when the days seem long and difficult. During that time in the lab, I decided that I wanted to go back to school. I had my heart set on earning my Master’s Degree in English. I knew this was going to be a challenge, because during this time, my husband, Andy, and I also welcomed our first child. I worked full time, had a small child, and took 1-2 night classes a semester. It was quite a challenge, but I was able to enhance my content knowledge and gain the new tools I would need to teach more effectively in the future. After I earned my Master’s Degree, I had the opportunity to teach our Advanced Placement/Dual Credit Courses at East High School. I have worked with so many amazing students. Throughout my time working with our AP classes, the enrollment doubled. It is amazing what happens to students when they are given the opportunity to challenge themselves and achieve things they never thought was possible. This gave me such joy and happiness every day, even though grading papers for 200 plus students can be overwhelming at times. My degree also allowed me the opportunity to start teaching some adjunct classes through DMACC. For the past year, I have been teaching 2 online classes each semester. This year, I have once again taken a new path in the field of education. I am currently working as a TLC (Teacher Leadership Compensation) Instructional Coach. In this position, I work with teachers using an instructional framework to help them improve on their self-selected goals. I get to go into classrooms and observe, provide feedback, and sometimes even teach classes. Already, this position has given me a great new perspective on teaching and empowering both students and teachers to reach their full potential. Even though changing positions can be scary and intimidating, I think that having all of these experiences has made me a better educator and a more compassionate person. I wouldn’t change anything.





President Alsop on the steps of Salveson during the reveal on March 17




By Amy Thorson ’03


hursday, March 17, 2016, was a momentous day in the history of Waldorf as the school officially became Waldorf University. The day began with an unveiling on the steps of Salveson Hall at 10:00 a.m. President Bob Alsop spoke to the crowd of students, alumni, faculty, staff and community members and raised his arms in a proud, grand gesture, to point to the new Waldorf University signage at the top of Salveson. He then turned it over to Rev. Buford Lipscomb, Chairman of the Waldorf University Board of Trustees, and Chantell Cooley, Executive Vice President for Waldorf University, for the unveiling of the new Waldorf University stone sign at the corner of 6th and J Streets. After posing for pictures, the crowd moved inside to the Atrium for the official celebration. President Alsop welcomed those in attendance, as well as those joining online, to, what is now officially, Waldorf University and was met with raucous applause. As he began, President Alsop told the story of something that had occurred just prior to the unveiling that morning. “If you don’t think the stars are aligning for Waldorf, I want to share something with you that I just got half an hour ago.” In his hands, President Alsop held a framed copy of the celebration banquet menu for the opening night of the Waldorf Hotel. It was given to him by Forest City resident and Waldorf alumna, Anne (Bechtel) Bakke ’68. A few years ago, Anne noticed the framed menu hanging in Forest City’s City Hall and wrote everything down so she could type the menu herself. She was amazed with the foods that were served that evening, given that many would have needed to be shipped into town since they were not local to Forest City or even available at that time of year. She also noticed an invitation on the back and made a copy of that as well. In preparing to attend the Waldorf University celebration, Anne remembered that she had the copy of the menu in her possession and had gone through her things to find it. Since that event was held in the Ballroom she thought her framed copy could hang there now. The timing couldn’t have been better. President Alsop continued his story by saying, “The date for that celebration, and I lie to you not, was March 17, 1901. 115 years to the day of this celebration.” There were audible gasps in the crowd and, after the applause died down, he asked, “Did anyone else get the chills?” Following that introduction, those in attendance was able to view the completed 30 second television commercial entitled “We Are Warriors,” which is currently airing in the Iowa markets of Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and Mason City as well as the Minnesota markets of Austin, Rochester and Mankato. As President Alsop continued he said, “This is more than just a name change. This is more than just a commercial. This is an opportunity for us to tell, and retell, the Waldorf story. A story that is rooted in 113 years of great history. We have four pillars for us to tell this story: Tradition, Passion, Community and Success.”

Tradition. From having the second oldest acapella choir in the nation, to amazing athletic programs, a vibrant campus

ministry program and strong academics, the tradition that makes up Waldorf is at the core of its being. Waldorf is a faith based institution and a Waldorf education does great things for its students. It prepares them for a career and to serve in their communities, families and churches. As President Alsop stated, however, “It’s not just about you, though. It’s about a gift from God that you can take and make this world a better place. We see examples of that all the time.” From Waldorf ’s early beginnings as an academy, then a junior college, eventually a bachelor’s degree granting institution and now a full-fledged University offering advanced degrees, Waldorf remains firmly rooted in its traditions.

Passion. Passion and passionate people are at the heart of Waldorf. In a recent National Survey of Student Engagement,

Waldorf University ranked in the top ten percent for faculty/student engagement which is a testament to the passionate faculty and staff at Waldorf. Students inspire with their passion as well. President Alsop spoke of the various ways that students exude their passion around campus in their academics and extra-curriculars and said “you are involved, you are passionate and we are proud of you.” He also spoke of the online students and their passion as many work full-time jobs and still find time to make their educational dreams come true.

Community. The Waldorf community is special and something that transcends both time and place. Community for a residential student may mean one thing while community for an online student may mean another. For our alumni, many had to transfer to another institution when Waldorf was a 2-year school but Waldorf always held a special place in their heart. For others, they may not have stepped foot on campus in decades, but they still speak fondly of their time at Waldorf. Regardless of where you are, what your Waldorf experience is or was, that sense of community is what binds us all together as Warriors. Success. President Alsop spoke of the variety of ways that success can be measured. It could be in placement rates or median incomes, but where success is truly found is in the impact students have on the world. He mentioned this year’s commencement speaker, Kar Woo ’74, a Distinguished Service Award Recipient in 2014. “Kar came to Waldorf from Hong Kong with $50 in his pocket and little knowledge of the English language. After graduation, he moved to Kansas City and earned his bachelor’s degree, eventually opening his own art gallery. As he was walking the streets of Kansas City he noticed the large number of homeless people needing assistance so he formed a non-profit organization called Artists Helping the Homeless. For the past eight years he has been doing everything he can to help the homeless, addicted and mentally ill, saving that community tens of millions of dollars and providing valuable assistance and support to the people who need it the most. But more than that, it’s the impact he’s had on those lives that we define as ’Warrior Success.’” #WEAREWARRIORS


He continued, “So these are the pillars of our foundation and our future. They are part and parcel where we came from, who we are and where we are going. Tradition. Passion. Community. Success. That’s our pride.” When asked “Who are we?” The crowd responded with a resounding “We Are Warriors!” The crowd also heard from Student Body President, Austin Heeren ‘16. Austin described the changes he and his classmates have seen in their four years at Waldorf. From updates to baseball and softball fields, to a new track and field program along with gorgeous Guests had a chance to show their Warrior Pride to win track facilities, the launching of a Master’s program, increased Waldorf University product by spinning the wheel. enrollment and now, the change to Waldorf University, are all things they never thought they would get to witness. Speaking to the name change, Austin went on to highlight a conversation he had with one of Waldorf ’s International students about the change and what that will mean for them. The international student said that with the change to University, their degree will mean that much more in their home country because the words “college” and “university” mean different things outside of the U.S. By having “university” in Waldorf ’s name, it leaves no doubt that the student has a degree from a 4 year institution. The final speaker of the celebration was Waldorf University Alumni Board of Directors President, Andy Buffington ‘90. Andy said it was a great day for Warrior Nation and congratulated the faculty, staff, students, alumni, President Alsop and the Mayes family. Andy said, “As President of the Alumni Association, I have the distinct honor and privilege of representing 20,000 Warriors around this great nation and planet.” Andy talked about what’s in a name and title and mentioned various ones he’s held over the years. “Most importantly,” he said, “I’ve been a son, a brother, a husband and a father. But since 1988 I’ve held the title of Warrior.” Andy went on to say, “Today we become part of Waldorf University. We were once Waldorf Academy, then we were once Waldorf College that offered a two year degree. Then Waldorf College that offered a 4 year degree and today we sit here at Waldorf University that offers post graduate degrees. What our alma mater does has changed a little bit. How she looks has changed a little bit. And this Atrium where we’re standing today used to be open air.” Andy continued by saying, “Nothing in Waldorf ’s past, nothing in Waldorf ’s future is going to change what this place truly means to us. This is a place that collects eager young hearts and minds and turns them into Warriors. This is a place where you can’t quite explain the connection you have to it. And this is a place where the community, the staff and the faculty care so deeply about each and every student that it builds tomorrow’s leaders. It sends them out to make a positive impact on this world. Like I said, it’s very hard to explain what Waldorf means to each one of us as alumni, faculty, staff and current students, but I think it can be summed up in three very powerful words–We Are Warriors!” Following the speakers’ remarks, the Waldorf Choir performed “It Takes a Whole Village to Raise our Children.” The Waldorf Pep Band played later as well. Cake and punch were served in Atrium and there was a photo booth, games to win new Waldorf University gear and a time to take pictures with Warrick. A full video of the day’s event can be found on the Waldorf Livestream page under Archived Events.

Guests enjoyed a little dress-up and showing their Warrior Spirit in the photo booth.

Guests of all ages enjoyed the celebration. Warrick even made an appearance





Waldorf Conferences and Dining served delicious cake and punch as part of the celebration.

On March 17, 2016 Waldorf College made the historic evolution to Waldorf University. This transformation reflects on the rich heritage of Waldorf along with the continued anticipation of the future. “With the success of our graduate program, master’s degrees and a growing online population of students, the transition to Waldorf University best represents who we are and who we strive to be” states Waldorf University President Robert Alsop. “Tradition, passion, community and success are the four pillars that were determined are at the core of Waldorf,” said Waldorf Trustee Robert Mayes. “The formal evolution from a college to a university helps us with that alignment within higher education and gives Waldorf the status it deserves.” Waldorf University is an accredited liberal arts school that offers bachelor and master’s degree programs on campus and online. Founded in 1903, Waldorf began as an academy and business college. Today, we offer nearly two dozen degree programs in a wide variety of disciplines.

Waldorf Choir shares their musical talents during the launch.

Waldorf Wind Symphony shares their musical talents during the launch.

Guests join together in the Atrium to listen to the Waldorf Choir sing during the launch.


Warriors continue competitive streak in NSAA. The Waldorf football team displayed competitiveness while battling in the North Star Athletic Association (NSAA), finishing its second season in the conference during 2015. Opening NSAA play on Sept. 12, the Warriors scored a 24-17 road victory over Dakota State University. Waldorf turned in a 3-7 record for the second straight year and finished with a 2-4 mark in the NSAA standings while also earning a 2814 win over Presentation College during Senior Day on Oct. 24. The Warriors ended the season strong, rolling to a 52-3 road win over Trinity Bible College. Junior kicker and punter Dustin Wilke and senior defensive end Jamaar Crayton garnered first-team allconference honors from the NSAA for their on-field performances this season. Crayton was a first-team all-conference selection for the second straight year. Junior wide receiver LaMont Johnson, sophomore defensive back D’Angelo Tucker, sophomore offensive lineman Matt Sink and sophomore cornerback Ty’Karius Brooks earned all-conference honorable mention recognition. Seniors Adam Buehler and Wilke were honored as National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Scholar-Athletes.

Men’s XC

Waldorf turns in historic season. Completing its first year in the North Star Athletic Association (NSAA) in 2015, the Waldorf men’s cross country team challenged opponents in a season that ranks as one of the most successful campaigns in program history. Junior Nathan Meiners and freshman Luis Ramirez-Paez became the first Warrior duo to compete in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National Championships at Charlotte, N.C. Meiners raced to 291st place in the



national meet with a time of 27 minutes, 56.4 seconds on the 8K course. RamirezPaez crossed the finish line in 325th (30:07.3). They became Waldorf ’s first national qualifiers since 2012. Meiners and Ramirez-Paez established record-setting performances in their first year at Waldorf. During the NAIA Seminole Valley Stampede on Oct. 24 at Cedar Rapids, Meiners charged to 52nd (27:04) while Ramirez Paez earned 57th (27:09). Both runners eclipsed the previous school record time of 27:15, set by Alejandro Sanchez in 2012. The Warriors turned in the fastest average for five scoring runners in the Herb Blakely Invitational on Sept. 12 at Madison, S.D. behind an average time of 28:53.2 on the 8K course. Waldorf continued to make school history on the same course, chasing down a runner-up finish in the NSAA Championships on Nov. 7, which also marked the highest placing the Warriors have ever achieved in a conference meet. During the NSAA Championships, Meiners, Ramirez-Paez and senior Cody Clark captured all-conference honors. Meiners secured fifth (27:49.8) and Ramirez-Paez and took eighth (28:06.32) to punch their tickets to the national meet. Clark, who was also recognized as an NAIA Scholar-Athlete at season’s end, claimed 10th (28:21.98).

Men’s Golf

Waldorf puts together strong fall campaign. The Waldorf men’s golf team turned in several strong tournament performances during the 2015 fall campaign. Hugo Becerra led the Warriors in the fall stage of the North Star Athletic Association (NSAA) Championships, tying for first place with a 6-over-par score of 150 following rounds of 78 and 72 in the 36-hole tournament held at Oxbow, N.D. in September. The junior from Ocotlan, Mexico looks to contend for the conference championship in the spring portion of the tournament, which will be held April 24-26 at Kansas City, Mo. Waldorf closed out the fall NSAA Championships in fourth place with a team score of 645. The Warriors captured the Waldorf Invitational title in October, putting

together a score of 305 to defeat NCAA Division III’s Iowa Wesleyan University by nine strokes in the six-team tournament. Becerra was the individual champion with an even-par score of 71 at Forest City’s Bear Creek Golf Course while Nick Boswell and Rick Young tied for third with 75-stroke totals. Becerra closed out the fall with a 6-over-par average of 76.58 strokes. He recorded four top-10 finishes, three of which were in the top five. Freshmen Kole Hallmark and Zabdiel Flores also had top-10 performances. Waldorf wrapped up the fall season in the prestigious National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Preview Tournament on Oct. 19-20 at Tournament Players Club (TPC) Deere Run in Silvis, Ill.

Men’s Soccer

Warriors raise bar in historic season. The Waldorf men’s soccer team finished the 2015 season with the highest winning percentage the program has achieved as a four-year school. In the Warriors’ first season in the North Star Athletic Association (NSAA), they turned in an 8-9 record to triple last year’s win total and posted a 3-1 mark in conference play. Waldorf placed second in the NSAA regular-season standings, which was decided in a hard-fought 1-0 loss to Bellevue University in the final regular-season contest. Marco Uribe was named the NSAA Newcomer of the Year and first-team allNSAA. The junior midfielder from Santa Ynez, Calif. tallied 21 points off nine goals and three assists. Uribe nailed the gamewinning goal in a 3-2 overtime victory over Viterbo University on Sept. 30. He also became the third player in Waldorf history to accumulate multiple hat tricks in a career. Uribe registered three apiece in wins over Grace University on Oct. 6 and Presentation College on Oct. 16. Michael Wilson was honored as the NSAA Coach of the Year in his first season as the head coach for the Warriors. Seniors Kwaku Amoah, Erubey Ponce, Steven Shelley and sophomore Robert Serrano represented Waldorf as second-team all-conference selections. Amoah finished his career second among Waldorf ’s all-time leaders in

points (43) and goals (18). The forward from Albertville, Minn. delivered a clutch goal in the final seconds of a 2-1 road victory over the University of Jamestown. Ponce recorded four shutouts during the season to claim a share of the school’s single season record. The senior from Santa Ana, Calif. posted a .733 career save percentage, which also established a school record. Cristian Alvarez played a contributing role in the Warriors offense. The junior from Santa Maria, Calif. topped the NSAA in points per game (1.40) by racking up 21 points off eight goals and five assists in 15 matches. Waldorf closed out the season in the NSAA Tournament semifinals, dropping a heartbreaking 2-1 overtime loss to Jamestown.


Waldorf battles during inaugural NSAA season. The Waldorf volleyball team completed its first season in the North Star Athletic Association (NSAA) and never backed down against tough competition. This season, the Warriors finished with a 9-29 record and a 2-6 mark in conference play. Waldorf faced several NCAA Division III opponents during the course of the season, including a sweep over Bethany Lutheran College. The Warriors also dropped four-set matches to Gustavus Adolphus College and Wartburg College, which were receiving votes in the NCAA Division III polls. Those two schools, along with Cornell College–a school Waldorf took to five sets–all qualified for the NCAA Division III national tournament. Abby Buehler landed first-team all-NSAA honors and was a first-team all-conference selection for the second straight year. The 6-foot-2 junior middle hitter from Dodge Center, Minn. led the Warriors with 423 kills, 88 blocks and accumulated a .268 hitting percentage and earned American Volleyball Coaches Association/National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) allNorthcentral region honorable mention recognition. Buehler also established herself as Waldorf ’s all-time leader in kills (1,136) and blocks (305). Senior Genie Payne, junior Megan

Perkins and Buehler were also recognized as NAIA Scholar-Athletes.

Women’s Golf

Added depth boosts Warriors in fall season. The Waldorf women’s golf team used extra depth to its advantage in what was a promising fall season in 2015. Opening the campaign strong, the Warriors captured the team championship in the NIACC Fall Invitational with an 18-hole score of 342 strokes in September. Fernanda Valdes earned runner-up honors with a 7-over par round of 79 while junior Maggie Peters carded an 84 to tie for fourth. Waldorf turned in top-four performances in its first four tournaments. The Warriors closed out the fall portion of the North Star Athletic Association (NSAA) Championships in fourth place, finishing with a 36-hole team score of 701. Valdes will enter the spring stage of the tournament in sixth after firing a 162 behind rounds of 79 and 83 in the two-day tournament held at Oxbow, N.D. in September. The Warriors claimed second in the Waldorf Invitational with a 358-stroke total in October. Valdes locked up second with an 82 and Peters secured fourth with an 85. Valdes led Waldorf with a 9-over-par average of 80.88 strokes in the fall. The sophomore from Morelia, Mexico placed in the top 10 in all five tournaments, turning in three top-five finishes. Valdes continued an impressive streak, placing in the top 10 in the first 16 tournaments of her collegiate career. Peters recorded three top-five performances while sophomores Trinity Hill and Kailee Ward also contributed top-10 finishes.

Women’s Soccer

Waldorf completes first NSAA season. The Waldorf women’s soccer team turned in numerous individual career milestones during its first season of North Star Athletic Association (NSAA) play. Three players earned all-conference honors for the Warriors. Brittney Thornton

was named a first-team all-NSAA selection. The junior forward from Denver led Waldorf with 15 points off a teamhigh seven goals and also added an assist. Thornton also established school records in career points (55) and goals (25). Charlotte Madrid landed second team all-conference recognition as a goalkeeper. The junior from Las Vegas notched two shutouts while tallying 85 saves. Madrid also recorded a .787 save percentage, which set a new school record. Julia Osborne earned second team all-conference honors as a defender. The junior from Chandler, Ariz. played a vital role in the Warriors’ defensive effort during the course of the season. Mia Crail also made an impact, rewriting the Waldorf record books as she finished the season second in career points (50) behind Thornton. Senior Ashley Carmichael earned Scholar-Athlete honors from the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) for the second straight season. The Warriors completed the season with a 3-15 record and finished fifth in conference play with an 0-5 league mark. Waldorf ended the year in the NSAA Tournament quarterfinals.

FINE ARTS This year the theatre performed four main stage productions, one which was written by Professor Robert AuFrance. This summer the theater will leave for a theatre tour. The music department has been busy with concerts, band tours, recitals and much more. Both choir and band will perform during graduation on May 7 and shortly after that the choir will leave for their summer tour. Our art gallery hosted a variety of art shows as well. 201516 was a great year in our fine arts department. A full Fine Arts preview will be available in the Fall Edition of the Waldorf Magazine. #WEAREWARRIORS




Waldorf duo finishes season at nationals By Matt Oliver




aldorf men’s cross country runners Nathan Meiners and Luis Ramirez-Paez became the first duo in program history to represent the Warriors in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National Championships on Nov. 21 at Charlotte, N.C. “Having two athletes at the national meet is a big step for not only the cross country program, but also for our athletic department as a whole,” Waldorf head coach Kelsey Riggins said. “When one of our teams goes to a national tournament, it is like we are all going.” Meiners closed out the race in 291st place with a time of 27 minutes, 56.4 seconds on the 8K course at McAlpine Creek Park. Ramirez-Paez crossed the finish line in 325th (30:07.3). “Nathan and Luis got a very valuable experience from competing against a field of this caliber,” Waldorf associate head coach Corey Bins said. “They didn’t have the performances that they were hoping for, which is tough for them since they now have to wait until next fall to get back out on the cross country course to get another shot at it.” Meiners, a junior from Omaha, Neb., is ready to raise the bar heading into his final season at Waldorf next fall. Ramirez-Paez, who is a freshman from San Antonio, will only continue to make strides in the years to come. “They will take away a lot of positives from their experience as now they know what the national championship is all about and know how to run the course,” Bins said. “I know they are both very motivated to do what they have to do in order to get back to Charlotte next season and be able to have another shot at running a great race at nationals.” It was a strong end to the season for Meiners and Ramirez-Paez, who recorded record-setting marks in their first year at Waldorf. They established new school records in the NAIA Seminole

Valley Stampede on Oct. 24 at Cedar Rapids. Meiners charged to 52nd (27:04) while Ramirez Paez earned 57th (27:09) as both runners broke the previous school record time of 27:15, set by Alejandro Sanchez in 2012. Meiners and RamirezPaez became the first Warrior runners to compete on a Nathan Meiners (front) and Luis Ramirez-Paez became the first-ever Waldorf duo to qualify for the NAIA National Championships during the national stage since 2012. 2015 season. “Having athletes qualify for the national meet gives them a taste of that success very lucky to have been able to work with and it leaves those who didn’t qualify these young men day in and day out since hungry to come along next year to qualify August and could not be more excited for during the indoor and outdoor track the future of Waldorf cross country.” seasons,” Riggins said. Working with Waldorf ’s runners, It was a season of all-time highs for Bins was instrumental in helping the Waldorf. The Warriors set the fastest program achieve significant success average for five scoring runners in the during his first season in Forest City. Herb Blakely Invitational on Sept. 12 “Coach Bins has been a great addition at Madison, S.D., turning in an average to the coaching staff and for our athletic of 28:53.2 on the 8K course. Waldorf department,” Riggins said. “He has a very continued to make school history on the bright future as a coach and I am happy to same course, battling to a runner-up finish have him here with us at Waldorf.” in the North Star Athletic Association Clark will graduate this spring, but (NSAA) Championships on Nov. 7. It was the Warriors return 11 members from the best team placing the Warriors have this year’s team and add Chasen Selsor, a ever earned in a conference meet. transfer from Southwestern Community During the NSAA Championships, College, during track season this spring. Meiners, Ramirez-Paez and senior Cody A solid incoming recruiting class will Clark captured all-conference honors. continue to strengthen the program in Meiners locked up fifth (27:49.8) and years to come. Ramirez-Paez and claimed eighth “The future for men’s cross country (28:06.32) to earn trips to the national at Waldorf is very bright,” Riggins said. meet. Clark, who was also recognized as “This year’s team really set the standards an NAIA Scholar-Athlete at season’s end, for performance both on the course and left it all out on the course in the final in the classroom.” meet of his career as he pulled in 10th Confidence was gained throughout (28:21.98) to end the race one place short the cross country season. Ten of the of qualifying for the national meet. 12 members on the squad were new to The performances at nationals might Waldorf ’s campus as either freshmen or not have been what Meiners and Ramirez- transfers. They came together as a team and Paez had in mind, but they helped set worked to lead the program to new heights. the tone in what was arguably the most “They grew as a team and bonded,” exciting season in school history. Riggins said. “People didn’t really know “One race doesn’t define their what to expect from our team this fall season and they should be and we couldn’t be happier that they went extremely proud of what out and battled to a second-place finish they and their teammates in the North Star meet against some accomplished this fall,” extremely developed and historically Bins said. “They were a successful programs.” great 1-2 punch for us all season and will lead our push for the conference The Waldorf men’s cross country team put together one of its most successful championship next season seasons in 2015, earning second place in the North Star Athletic Association and a team berth in the (NSAA) Championships and having two runners advance to the national meet. national championship. I am #WEAREWARRIORS


THE WALDORF LUTHERAN COLLEGE FOUNDATION PRIORITIES The Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation affirms the mission of Waldorf University to be an engaging community of learning and faith where relationships are formed and opportunities for learning and service abound. The Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that provides financial resources to honor the past ideals of the university and to enrich learning and spiritual opportunities for future generations of Waldorf University students, empowering them to impact the world through lives of service. The Foundation funds three major priorities:  // Scholarships–to help students directly with the cost of their education and allow them to have their own “Waldorf experience.”  // Campus Ministry–to help fund the cost of mission trips, Bible study curriculum, two peer minister scholarships and more.  // Alumni Relations–to help fund publications such as the Waldorf Magazine, alumni gatherings and events.

Please consider a gift to the Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation today. All sizes of gifts are appreciated and put to good use as noted above. Gifts are tax deductible as allowable by law. To make a gift by mail, please send checks to: Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation 106 South 6th Street // Forest City, IA 50436 Alumni and friends can make a gift by credit card by calling 641.585.8140 or give online by visiting www.waldorffoundation.org When making a gift to the Foundation, please designate on your check or online form if you would like it to apply to a certain priority. For information about establishing a new annual scholarship or other ways you can support the Foundation, please contact Nancy Olson at 641.585.8147 or Amy Thorson at 641.585.8148. Thank you so very much for your support!

FOUNDATION BOARD MEMBERS Ray Beebe, Chairman Richard J. Corcoran ’70, Vice Chair, Treasurer Rev. Rod Hopp, Secretary Travis Finstad ‘76 Cecilia Horner Brian Sansgaard ‘77 Karrie Hobscheidt Pringnitz ‘97


CHRISTMAS WITH WALDORF Christmas with Waldorf was held Saturday, December 5 and Sunday, December 6 in front of a packed house at Immanuel Lutheran Church. The concert featured incredible, moving performances by the Waldorf Choir, Waldorf Wind Ensemble, Schola Cantorum, Sangkor and a new men’s choir that was started this year. A Scandinavian meal, including lutefisk, was served in the Waldorf Atrium before Saturday’s concert and brunch was served in the Atrium prior to Sunday’s afternoon performance. Be sure to save the date now for Waldorf ’s 2016 Christmas with Waldorf scheduled for December 3 and 4! If you weren’t able to make it back to campus for the concert you can watch the replay at https://livestream.com/waldorfcollegestream under Archived Events.





convinced me that indeed the “Waldorf experience” can be defined. Let me share Spring is here; grass is turning from some of what these young people shared brown to green on the campus, leaves with me and I think you will find, as I are appearing on the trees and birds did, they did a great job of telling the are singing and it strikes me that all this Waldorf story. is symbolic of Waldorf University this Kaylie Brindley, a sophomore from spring–a private college that is growing Earlham, told me that her Waldorf (contrary to what is happening at a experience has been amazing. Waldorf good number of Iowa’s private colleges), has allowed her to not only further setting new enrollment records in both her education but also to participate the residential and online categories, in many extracurricular activities continuing to be one of the “best buys” and organizations; she has loved her in Iowa private education and most experience as an RA, she enjoys helping important of all, allowing more and incoming freshmen make the most out of more young men and women to have their first year and she likes to pass on the that life-changing “Waldorf experience.” love she has for Waldorf to them. How exciting this is for you and me Abigail Buehler, a senior from and all who believe in the mission of Dodge Center, Minn., says that now as a Waldorf University and what a tribute senior she looks back over her Waldorf it is to the entire Waldorf family from years and realizes how fortunate and the Mayes family and President Alsop lucky she has been to attend a school through all the Waldorf faculty and staff like Waldorf which has truly become her and Waldorf students, past, present and “second home” and given her a “second future. Waldorf University is prospering family.” and it will be changing the lives of Kyle Swiderski, a freshman from future generations just as it has for past Minneapolis, says that the friends he has generations. Thanks be to God! made at Waldorf in one semester are as As has been my practice the last few close to him as the ones he had all through years, I invited a number of Waldorf high school and that the professors and students to “Pizza with the Foundation staff are so inviting and helpful. Chair.” Most of the group is pictured Daniel Alejandro Hernandez Lopez, here. Once again it was a joy to get a junior from Mexico City, told me the acquainted with and have an open people at Waldorf have helped him conversation with this great group of adjust to a new life in a new country and young men and women. One student that he very much admires all of the truly made my day when she e*mailed educators and appreciates all the help that it was a joy to sit and talk with they give him. me. To an old guy like me, that is truly Kaitlyn Monck, a sophomore from the ultimate compliment! Once again I Colorado Springs stated: “At Waldorf received many different views and stories you’re not a number in a sea of faces, about each student’s Waldorf experience” but rather an individual with everyone but for each of them Waldorf University rooting you on.” is making a difference! Shanti Persaud, a senior from In these “pizza forums” and my Clarksville, echoed the comments many other interactions with Waldorf of others in stating that Waldorf students over the years I have served University became her home and as chair of the foundation, I almost the Waldorf community became always ask them about their “Waldorf her family. She further noted that experience,” what brought them to the teacher:student ratio at Waldorf Waldorf University, what kept them at was wonderful and if she didn’t Waldorf University, what was good about understand something in a lecture the experience, where is there room for or how to do a homework problem, improvement and such other topics as she was able to ask questions and her the students lead me to. Common themes professors were always very helpful. and responses emerge which long ago And last, but not least, Austin

Foundation Chair Ray Beebe

Heeren, a senior from Jewell, and current Student Body President, told me the education he received at Waldorf University has been more than just things taught by a professor but also a broader view of the world due to the diversity of the students and faculty and also that he could talk about his Waldorf experience all day and the experience is one he loves to share with everyone. So there you have it! Who could tell the Waldorf story any better? Please encourage the young people in your family, your community and your church to partake of this amazing experience. And please support the Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation so we can help more young people create more life-changing experiences at Waldorf University. Sincerely, Raymond M. Beebe

Chair, Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation Retired Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Winnebago Industries, Inc. (1974-2012)

Waldorf students enjoying pizza with the foundation chair.



WARRIOR CLASS NEWS You may also view all class news and updates in real time on our blog at www.waldorffoundation.org/blog. Let the Alumni Office know of your newsworthy happenings by emailing Alumni@waldorf.edu. Deadlines are February 1 for the Spring edition and August 1 for Fall edition.


After Waldorf, Harold Rorem ’46, graduated from Iowa State University in 1950. He has four sons and one daughter and is retired from Honeywell International. His wife, Betty Ruth Olson, is deceased and he lives in Minneapolis, Minn. Arlys (Fredrickson) Swingen ’46 resides in Forest City and enjoys Waldorf and Immanuel Lutheran Church. Arlys and her husband, Russell, lived on a farm near Woden with their three sons and later moved to Faribault, Minn., where their son Rodney attended the State School for the Deaf. He currently lives in New Hope, Minn. Their son, Dennis, had two children and was killed in a car accident in 1983 and their son, Mark, has three children and has had a dental lab in Faribault for 45+ years. Arlys and Russell moved back to Forest City in 1974. Russ passed away in 2005. Joann (Torgerson) Jefson ’48 continues to make her home in Lake Wilson, Minn. After driving school bus for 36 years she retired at 81 years of age. She stays busy by helping with Hospice, making dinner on Thursdays. She is active in her church as U.M.W. President and church secretary. She belongs to the Hospital Auxiliary and is in the local Lion’s Club. Her husband passed away in 1993, daughter Karen in 1989 and daughter Dena in 1994. She has a daughter, Julie, eight grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and one greatgreat-grandson.


Darlene (Engstrom) Alberts ’51 currently resides in Albert Lea, Minn. Wilbur Cordes ’51 served in the US Army from 1952-1953 in Korea and was wounded on Pork Chop Hill. He has farmed since 1954 and lives in Allison, with his wife Greta. Mary (Duea) Egemo ’51 and her husband, Bob, reside in The Villages, Fla.



Marion (Charlson) Erickson ’51 and her husband, Dick, spend their winters in Sun City West, Ariz.. Dick retired from Major Erickson Funeral Home and their son owns it now. Marion and Dick have lived in Mason City since 1959 after having a funeral home in Dows, and both have been active at Trinity Lutheran Church. Dick was on the Board of Regents at Waldorf and Marion served on the Alumni Board. Mary “Mimi” (Wareberg) Hilf ’51 currently lives in Placentia, Calif. Alyce (Thompson) Kivell ’51 lives in Northfield, Minn., with her husband Wayne and has five grandchildren. Jackie (Riis) Watermiller ’51 and her husband, Marlyn, currently live in Des Moines. Dolores (Jacobson) Weisbrod ’51 is retired and living in Ringsted. After graduating from Waldorf, Dolores attended Drake University and Mankato State. She taught K-9 for 15 years and helped in the resource room for 12 years. Dolores was married to her husband, Mel, for 57 years and lived on a farm; he passed away in 2014. They have two children, Melodee ’86 and Scott, and three grandchildren. Dolores enjoys traveling and has traveled to most states along with Denmark and Norway and spent a few summers in Cape Cod. Phyllis (Mitchell) Yelick ’51 is enjoying retirement living in a senior apartment in Birmingham, Mich. She and her husband Peter (deceased) have three daughters, seven grandchildren and, so far, two great-grandchildren. Ruth (Quam) Sible ’54 and her husband, Norman, are retired and living in Colorado Springs, Colo. Jerry Armstrong ’56 graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 1958 and taught Biology and coached in Humboldt, for three years. He then entered the life insurance business in 1961 until 2006. He and his wife, Janice (Eide) Armstrong ’56 have two children, five grandchildren and one great-grandson. After leaving

Iowa they lived in Bloomington, Minn. for 12 years, Fargo, N.D. for five years and moved to Texas in 1984. They currently reside in Arlington, Texas. Martha (Schweppe) Blue ’56 and her husband, Veryl, live in Webster City and winter in McAllen, Texas. David Dahl, MD ’56 is retired but still seeing patients at an inner city free clinic near his home in Shorewood, Wis. David also teaches Medical Ethics at the Medical College of Wisconsin and sings in the church choir. He and his wife, Janet, have a 12-year-old grandson. Marilyn (Mork) Day ’56 was a registered nurse and worked the last 22 years of her career as a night staff nurse at Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital in Milwaukee, Wis. working with newborns and their moms. She retired shortly before her 76th birthday. Marilyn lost her husband, Gordon, to cancer and two of their four children to complications of lupus. She has seven grandchildren who are the light of her life! Marilyn loves music and has been a church children’s choir director, organist and now sings in the senior choir, which in itself is a form of worship, she says. Praise be to God! Donna (Berkland) Ismir ’56 reports that her son, Troy Ismir, recently had a book published which tells the life story of his dad, Pastor Samih Ismir ’53 (now deceased). Pastor Ismir was born in Jerusalem and lived there until he traveled to Forest City at the age of 18. Pastor Sam was a graduate of Waldorf, class of 1953, and was one of the first foreign students. The book, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden: The Inspiring Life Story and Words of Hope from a Palestinian Christian Pastor, is available on Amazon. All proceeds go to Bright Stars of Bethlehem, a nonprofit which helps assure that Christianity survives and thrives in the Holy Land. Specifically, book proceeds will fund scholarships to Dar al-Kalima, the only Lutheran University in the Holy Land. Ray Leerar ’56 is retired and lives with his wife, Beverly, in Orland Park, Ill. They are the parents of two and grandparents

of four. Ray is active in church affairs and volunteers at a thrift store for tuition relief for Christian elementary and high school education. He is healthy and says that God is good.


Phil Ramsey ’56 and his wife, Joann, live in the Beacon Hill retirement home in Lombard, Ill. Longtime Spirit Lake softball coach Chuck Skogerboe ’57 was inducted into the Iowa Girls’ Coaches Association Hall of Fame on July 27, 2015, in Waukee. During his tenure at South Clay, Story City and 15 years at Spirit Lake, Skogerboe collected an impressive 425 wins. While at Spirit Lake, he coached the Indians to four regional titles and conference championships. He took the Indians to their first state tournament berth in 2003 and his 2004 squad captured the school’s first-ever state softball title. They returned to the championship game in 2005, earning a runner-up finish, and went back to the state tournament once more in 2006, finishing fourth.


Susan (Bergeson) Rotvold ’60 is enjoying retirement in Eleva, Wis. with her husband, David, on a small acreage south of Eau Claire. Eleva Lutheran Church is the center of many of their activities. Great pleasures of Susan’s include quilting for Lutheran World Relief, gardening, giving away produce and spending time with their four grandchildren and their families. Duane ’61 and Delores (Jensen) Hovick ’61 moved from Ankeny to Surprise, Ariz. in the summer of 2015. A condo in Roland will be their summer home. James Johnson ’61 is retired and living in Mineral Point, Wis. Anne (Behrens) Lackore ’61 married Gene Lackore on January 4, 2012 and resides in Garner. Oscar Lenning ’61 has been appointed a Paul T. Bucci Ph.D. LLC (PTB) Senior Associate. PTB provides higher education institutions with client-centered, professional consultative services in strategic planning, accreditation assistance, federal grant proposal writing,




A Histo

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By Bill


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Bill Haglund ’63 has written and published a book on the history of automobile racing in Iowa. Racing Through Time–A History of Automobile Racing in Iowa is a comprehensive look at the development of the sport in Iowa, beginning in 1900 and ending following the 2014 racing season. The book is more than 600 pages and contains more than 500 photos from different eras of automobile racing in Iowa. Known as a racing historian, Haglund ended a long career in journalism and auto racing when he retired in February of 2014 at the age of 70. As a newspaper editor he was honored by the Iowa Newspaper Association with its prestigious “Master Editor/Publisher Award” upon his retirement. He also is a three-time winner of the “Master Columnist Award,” also through the INA. Before ending his career as an editor, Haglund was a long-time sports editor and won the “Best Sports Columnist Award” on three occasions. He was honored by the Iowa High School Athletic Association in 1998 when he received that group’s “Media Award of Excellence” during the boys’ state basketball tournament that year. Haglund was also named to the Waldorf Athletic Hall of Fame in 2008 and was elected to the Hamilton County (Webster City) Speedway Hall of Fame in 2014.

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Lisa (Moeller) Maher ’03 Lisa (Moeller) Maher ’03, ARNP, DNP released her book, Care of the Obese in Advanced Practice Nursing: Communication, Assessment, and Treatment in December 2015. The book is available through Springer Publishing and at Barnes and Noble. Lisa is board certified as a family nurse practitioner (FNP) and is the current president of the Cedar Valley chapter of Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA) in Waterloo. Dr. Maher has been employed as a nurse practitioner (NP) at the Cedar Valley Cardiovascular Center since 2008. She specializes in treatment of general cardiology, sleep apnea, weight loss and risk factor modification. She started the Cedar Valley Center for Lifestyle Medicine Clinic in 2008 and the Cedar Valley Cardiovascular Center Sleep Clinic in 2009.




and grant project management assistance and evaluation. Karen (Weum) Meyering ’61 and her husband, Jim, are retired and living on their farm in Woden. They winter in Texas and have five children, 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Carolyn (Larson) Price ’61 recently retired as the innkeeper of Elderberry Inn Bed & Breakfast. She married her husband, Russell Smidt, in September 2014 on the patio at the Elderberry Inn Bed & Breakfast. Carolyn (Bergeson) Yost ’61 currently resides in Osceola, Wis. Since their 50th class reunion, Carolyn’s husband passed away. She said that it is not an easy adjustment to go through but by the grace of God and wonderful support from family and friends she is doing well. She keeps busy with church, singing in a couple of community choirs, garden club and volunteering. Dr. David and Jan (Edwards) Korver ’62 retired October 1, 2015 from his Optometric practice of 27 years. David and Jan have fourteen grandchildren ages 27 years to three months. Their oldest granddaughter, Dr. Brittany Korver, will be taking over the practice for him. Bob Arneson ’63 retired from his law practice in Hayti, S.D., at the end of 2015 after practicing law there for 48 years. Bob served as Hamlin County State’s Attorney for 33 years and Hamlin County Veterans Service Officer for 37 years. He and his wife, Alane, moved to Brookings, S.D., four years ago. Tom Reisetter ’64 earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Buena Vista College in 1967. He and his wife, Doreen, were married in 1968 and have two sons and four grandchildren. They live near Ardmore, Okla. and spend summers in Minnesota. Tom retired from Con Agra Foods in 2008 with 40 years of service. Dr. Michael Gross ’65 received the 2015 National Association For Interpretation (NAI) Fellow Award in Virginia Beach, Va., in November 2015. The award is NAI’s highest honor and is presented to a member exemplifying career achievement in instruction, research, mentoring,



and writing in the interpretation profession. Michael, a Professor Emeritus of Environmental Education and Interpretation at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, is married to Beverly (Nerby) ’64. His grandchildren, ages 7 and 9, celebrated his award by singing, “For he’s a jolly good FELLOW!” Dan Hanson ’65 is living in Henning, Minn. His wife, Devra (Withers) Hanson ’65, passed away April 4, 2014. A note from Dan: The Class of 1965 was a group of young people who really seemed to like and care about one another. Hopefully we took this to our new families, workplaces, communities and churches. We chose a great place to begin our new lives away from high school and home. I hope you have had a good life and you continue to express love of life to your family, community, church and workplace (if you are not retired). I hope you know all these blessings come from our Lord. Thanks be to God. Karl Porisch ’65 is retired and living in Marshall, Minn., with his wife, Shirley. Jim ’65 and Diane (Morreim) Stark ’65 are retired and living in Golden, Colo. Jim retired in 2002 from careers in law enforcement and safety management and Diane in 2015 after careers as an elementary teacher and librarian. Clarisse (Beauchaine) Sutherland ’65 retired after 35 years of teaching language arts to seventh-graders. She spends her time sewing, reading and acting as secretary for her husband, Gary, who is an author at Smashwords.com. Clarisse also writes kids’ stories and poetry and both she and Gary have won awards at writers’ conferences. Karen (Hanson) Walther ’65 lives in Santa Rosa, Calif., approximately 60 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Karen worked in the banking industry before retiring in 2011 and since then has joined a “senior” performing group in the area (you have to be at least 50 to join). Karen says it’s a far cry from the type of genre and venue of the Waldorf choir but it has been fun to diversify. You can view details about the group at www.thekutups.com. Dennis J. Appelhons ’66 retired from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources on April 1, 2015.

Ed Benson ’66 and his wife, Judy (Anderson) Benson ’67 live in Lansing. Larry Englund ’66 is retired after a career in Marketing Communications. He hosts a weekly jazz show on KFAI FM (www.kfai.org) 90.3 FM and 106.7 FM in the Twin Cities on Saturday mornings from 10:30am-noon. He and his wife, Elizabeth, reside in Saint Paul, Minn. Jim Fulfs ’66 currently resides in Portland, Ore. Russ Hitchcock ’66 has lived and worked in Spencer, since August of 1967. Russ married his wife, Susan Ham, on July 29, 1972 and they have two sons. John is a professor of Computer Science at the University of Wyoming and Paul is employed by Hy-Vee in Ames. Russ and Susan have one grandson, Owen. Russ retired in 2009. Sonja (Ausen) Honstad ’66 taught school in St. Paul, Minn., and has three great daughters and five wonderful grandchildren, ages 2-13, who all live in Minneapolis. Sonja’s husband, Les, passed away February 17, 2016 after almost 50 years of marriage. Dave Titman ’66 and his wife, Shirley (Rauschke) Titman ’66 reside in Monticello, where Dave is retired from working for the City of Monticello and Shirley is retired from Alliant Energy in Cedar Rapids. Sue (Erickson) Tjelmeland ’66 and her husband, Gordon, live in Clive and during the last 15 years, Sue has become proficient in extemporary painting. She has a studio in her home called “Citron Studio” and paints acrylics on canvases. She has been fortunate enough to sell many of her paintings. Philip Olson ’68 is retired and living in Loudon, Tenn.


Tom Hoeg (attended ’69-’70) has been married to his wife, Beth, for 35 years. They have two children, four grandchildren and reside in Litchfield, Minn. Tom retired in June 2013 having been a Phys. Ed/Health teacher and coach.

David (Dave) Lykken ’70 is a consultant, TV commentator & speaker at DNLC Enterprises, LLC and lives in Marble Falls, Texas. He’s been married for 30 years to his wife Nancy and has two daughters, Laura (23) and Christina (18).

wife, Beverly, have been married for 44 years and have four children and 12 grandchildren. Anna (Nielsen) Crane ’73 is living in Garfield Heights, Ohio.

over 36 years of service. Dean’s labrador retriever, Rudy, received her own honors as a NAHRA Grand Master Hunter and earned another hunt test title in UKC with the title HRCH. Rudy’s puppy, Shadow, earned her first UKC title as well.

Rev. Paul Birkedal ’71 retired in March 2016 after 32 years of ministry, serving as pastor of congregations in Moorhead, Hull, rural Denver and Clermont, and as Chaplain of nursing homes in Viroqua, Wis., and Hickory, N.C. Paul’s last call was serving as Chaplain at Catawba Regional Hospice, Newton, N.C. He and his wife, Karen, have three children and three grandchildren. In retirement they are enjoying traveling to visit family.

Robin (Olson) Becker ’74 and her husband, Glenn, reside in Bloomington, Minn. and celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary in April 2016. They have two grandsons, Isaac (4) and Henry (2), and Robin is in her 34th year of doing home daycare.

Steve Ingebritson ’76 currently resides in Fraser, Colo. He says, “I feel like my skiing ability is still improving a little bit each year while my golfing ability is going the other way!” Steve is also planning on riding his first RAGBRAI this summer since he says “I’m finally old enough!”

Jeff K. Johnson ’75 announces the release of his book Cash Flow Forever–the Real Secrets of Real Estate Investing. In his book, Jeff provides a simple yet highly effective formula for those interested in building net worth and cash flow through real estate investing. He walks the reader through the step-bystep process of analyzing, purchasing, and managing commercial properties using unique examples from his own investments. Jeff was raised in Forest City. Today Jeff lives in Spokane, Wash. where he is the President of Black Commercial, Inc., one of Spokane’s largest commercial and property management companies. The book is available in paperback and eBook at Amazon Books.

Robert Klavas ’76 resides in Madison, Wis. and works in transportation logistics for Mode Transportation. He and his wife, Sarah, have two boys; Taylor (TJ), 31, and Derek, 27.

Sue (Moen) Bubolz ’71 is enjoying retirement after 28 years of teaching Elementary General Music. Sue sings in the St. James Lutheran adult choir and directs the children’s choir. She enjoys spending time with her wonderful husband, Danford, and their seven adorable grandkids near their home in Verona, Wis. Rev. John Fick ’71 and his wife, Kathy, currently reside in Grand Forks, N.D. Following graduation from Wartburg Seminary in 1977, John has served as pastor at two churches in North Dakota; first at Martin Luther Lutheran Church in Fredonia, N.D., and second at Sharon Lutheran Church in Grand Forks, N.D. In February 2016 John celebrated 35 years as pastor at Sharon Lutheran Church. He married his wife, Kathy, in 1974 and they have two children and two grandchildren. Cathy Wensinger ’71 retired in July 2015 after 40 years and four months as the office manager of Faith Lutheran Church in Seguin, Texas and is loving retirement! Since 1982 Cathy has been keeping the official score book for the volleyball and girls and boys basketball teams at Seguin High School. She also volunteers two afternoons a week at the local hospital. Greg Alpers ’72 is the director of housing & neighborhood development and his wife, Tabitha, is county manager office support staff. They have a 10-year-old son named Luke and reside in Bartow, Fla. Darrel Olson ’72 continues to work for MNDDT as a civil engineer tech and plans to retire next summer. He and his

Dennis Litterer ’75 had a great time at his 40th class reunion during Homecoming and is looking forward to getting back together in 2020! Dr. Kristine (Kris) Myhrwold Meyer ’75 recently changed careers from teaching graduate students in counseling at Buena Vista University to becoming principal of St. Paul’s Lutheran School in Waverly. Kris is married to Don Meyer ’72 and he is a sr. gift planner at Wartburg College. They have two children, Maria Meyer ’00 who lives in Mason City and Andrew who currently resides in Norway. Dean Downer ’76 was named the Outstanding Middle School Industrial Arts Teacher by the Iowa Industrial Technology Education Association. He was also honored with a plaque for

Jody (Meyer) Rodriguez ’76 and her husband, Scott, moved back to Iowa after living in Connecticut for 34 years and are happy to be in Clear Lake. Jody is retired after 32 years of teaching preschool and Scott works part time. They have a son who lives in Maine and was married in September 2015. He designs the Navy’s warships and is also a theater set designer. When he lived in NYC, he worked many off Broadway shows. Jody would love to hear from her friends at Waldorf! Don Shunkwiler ’76 is the executive director of Sugar Creek Bible Camp and has been there since 2013. Don is also a retired U.S. Navy Captain, retiring after 31 years from the Navy in 2012. Don commanded the ships USS Harper’s Ferry, USS Germantown, USS Tarawa, and commanded Expeditionary Warfare Training Center, Pacific. Susan (Rinden) Stauffer ’76 and her husband, Jeff, live in Mason, Ohio. Susan works for Great American Insurance Company as a commercial underwriting specialist in Cincinnati and they have three children; Jack, Jenna and John. Mary (Knapp) Murl ’77 and her husband, Mike, live in Rochester, Minn., and continue to work at IBM where Mike has been for 32 years and Mary for 36. They enjoy golfing, tennis, racquetball, fishing and going to Twins and Vikings games. Mary’s passion is sewing and quilting and they have three children between them. #WEAREWARRIORS



Lizabeth (Osnes) Erie ’81 is a licensed veterinary technician at Cats Exclusive Veterinary Center in Washington. Her husband, Scott, is a contractor. Brad Huxford ’81 has been in the Houston, Texas, area since October of 2007 and was married April 24, 2016 to his fiancé, Paige. Brad was the #1 sales rep in 2014 for LGI Homes, a new home builder in 10 states. Dr. Lisa (Tvelstad) Latham ’81 is currently the sr. director, talent strategy: leader & talent development at Optum (a United Health Group Company). She has her doctorate of philosophy degree in business and management with a human resources management specialization. Lisa and her husband, Chris, reside in Rosemount, Minn. Carolyn (Anderson) Lillehaugen ’81 and her husband, Mark, have four young adult sons, Paul, Timothy, Matthew and Luke. They have lived in Moorhead, Minn. for over 23 years where Mark is the controller at Concordia College and Carolyn mentors student teachers and first year teachers. She also writes for a local magazine and manages a Shaklee Health and Wellness business. Todd Oakes ’81, University of Minnesota baseball pitching coach, was honored with the fifth annual Tom Walter/Pete Frates College Baseball Inspiration Award, announced by College Baseball Insider on January 8, 2016. Oakes–who also received recognition from CBI in 2013–was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in 2012 and is currently on his third bout with cancer. In January of 2016, Todd published a book, Why Not Me? My Battle with Leukemia. The book is available at lulu.com Kimberly Florke ’84 is the 9-12 Physical Education and Strength and Conditioning Instructor for Newton Community Schools. Zoe (Dau) Fett ’85 is an ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education) teacher in Algona. Robert Davison ’86 is a full-time paramedic with the Clear Lake Fire Department and part-time Paramedic



with Iowa Specialty Hospitals in Belmond and Clarion. He and his wife, Jamie, live in Forest City. Melodee (Weisbrod) Reineke ’86 and her husband, Ernest, are musicians/ teachers and currently reside in Clear Lake. Their daughter Kirsten is a student at Iowa State majoring in music education and their daughter Kara is a freshman at Clear Lake High School. Ernest recently directed the 5th/6th grade Opus with Melodee accompanying. Angie Boeset (Aukes) Steiner ’86 is the director of business development and physician recruitment for Daviess Community Hospital in Washington, Ind. Along with her husband, Deron, their blended family includes six sons, their spouses and five grandchildren. Todd “Tiger” Strien ’86 remarried Shifra Wells on May 23, 2015 and lives in Williamston, Mich. Todd now teaches in Michigan after 25 years of teaching/ coaching in Iowa. His oldest child, Anna, is a sophomore at Luther College and plays softball for the Norse, Kaiser is a junior and youngest, I.J. is a freshman in high school. Todd has two stepsons, a sophomore in high school and Ryder who is 3 years old. The family also has a pit bull puppy named Sage. Todd wishes to say hello to everyone at “Wally World!”


Kent ’91 and Pam (Ollendieck) Anderson ’91 live in Orange City with their two children, Autumn Grace (8) and Lydia Joy (6). Kent is the finance officer for the city of Orange City and Pam teaches high school vocal music at MOCFloyd Valley High School.

Jered Nickles ’92 is a sr. service desk analyst at ABRA Autobody & Glass and has been married to his wife, Katie, since 2003. They currently live in Andover, Minn., and have two children, Brady (7) and Lauren (5). Jason says he has many fond and long lasting memories of Waldorf adding, “1992 rules!” Marcus Peters ’95 is a senior life insurance underwriter at Transamerica Life and Protection/Aegon Global. He and his wife, Jessica, currently reside in Dunkerton. Natalie (Anderson) Martin ’96 is the deputy director of the US Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service and resides with her husband, Jeff, in Allen, Texas. Amy (Monson) Teslow ’96 and her husband, Joel, currently live in Decorah. Angela (Reynolds) Young ’96 is a financial reporting specialist at FBL Financial Group in Winterset. She and her husband, Matt, a teacher, have four children: Madeline (10), Alyvia (8), Daylan (4) and Lila Cecile, born April 8, 2015. Brian Frana ’97 is an offensive coordinator/football coach at Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU). He and his wife have two children, 7 and 3, and reside in Marshall, Minn. Michele (Clements) Morales ’97 works as a development coordinator at Iowa State University Foundation. She is married to Carlos Morales who is an operations manager and they reside in Gilbert, with their son, Cruz, who is 5.

Dan Ingersoll ’91 and his wife, Crystal, currently reside in Readlyn.

Darren Reaman ’96AA/’97BA currently lives in Indianapolis, Ind.

Margo Kulseth ’91 is a librarian at the Waseca (Minn.) Public Library.


Loren Nydegger ’91 is a certified athletic trainer at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon. He and his wife, Renee, have been married 20 years and have three children. Loren says he’s still Waldorf proud! Rev. Julie Wright ’91 lives in Maple Grove, Minn., with her wife Patty.

Erik Lampe ’01 was promoted in December 2015 to Major in the US Army. He is the son of Debbe (Lampe) Nelson ’94, Accounts Payable Manager in the Waldorf Business Office. Rev. Nathan Anenson ’02 and his wife, Lisa, announce the birth of Levi Allen, June 24, 2015. He joins big brother, Luke, 2. Lisa and Nathan currently reside in Altoona, where Nathan is senior pastor at Lutheran Church of the Cross.

Janelle Davis ’02 is the K-2 teacher at Forest City Christian School and is engaged to be married to Michael Brockberg in June 2016. Rev. Tony D. Ede ’02 is the senior pastor at First Evangelical Lutheran Church NALC in Manchester. He is currently studying at Upper Iowa University for an MBA in Organizational Management and Leadership. He will be celebrating 10 years of ordained ministry this August. His wife, LeAnn (Reaman) Ede ’02, is 5th grade language arts/social studies teacher at West Delaware Community Schools and obtained her teaching license and a Master’s Degree in Special Education after graduating from Waldorf with a Business degree. Together they have three boys, Carver, 6, Liam, 3 and Burke born May 3, 2015.

Nikki Pals ’08 is a middle school special education teacher for the West Hancock Middle School in Kanawha. She is also the head middle school girls’ track coach. When not working for the school, she works at Cattleman’s at the Club in Belmond. Clay Shirk ’08 married Krista Moser on June 13, 2015 in Forest City. Angie (Von Rueden) Stephen ’08 married Ryan Stephen on May 15, 2015. Sarah Story-Comas ’08 married John Comas on June 13, 2015. They currently reside in Palisades Park, N.J. Kellen ’09 & Kayla (Fritz) Bucknell ’08 were married June 14, 2014.

Emily (Wiebke) Poindexter ’13 is a teacher in the Belmond-Klemme schools. Her husband, Troy, is a contractor. Ashley Rauch ’14 married Thomas Keeling on July 18, 2015. Lenny Sanders ’14 is the assistant fire chief for the Fort Dodge Fire Rescue. He is a member of Omicron Sigma Sigma and Sigma Alpha Pi. Lenny is the recipient of the National Engaged Leader Award in 2015. He and his wife Molly have four children: Logan (11), Liberty (7), Miles (3) and McKenna (3). Kelli Lair ’15 accepted a position to teach 5-6 general music at the American Academy for Girls in Kuwait for the 2016-2017 school year. She is currently a music teacher at the Guyana Lutheran Music Academy.

Dan and Rochelle (Hinderaker) Goodhue ’04 welcomed twin boys, John Edwin and Bryce Daniel, on January 20, 2015. Dan and Rochelle currently reside in Carlisle.

Elizabeth Bucknell ’09 and Chris Morse were married October 3, 2015. Elizabeth is a self-employed fine artist and Chris is a doctor of osteopathy at Mercy Family Medicine in Mason City. They reside in Mason City.

Lisa (Moeller) Maher ’03 and husband, Brook, welcomed son Jameson Meckley Maher on February 13, 2016.

Laura (Verbrugge) Meyer ’09 married Seth Meyer on September 5, 2015. They currently reside in Clear Lake.

Rev. Jonathan ’04 and Tiffany (Weir) Anenson ’06 welcomed Everly Elizabeth on June 9, 2015. She joins brother, Caleb, 2. Jon serves as pastor at the Des Moines campus of Lutheran Church of Hope and Tiffany is the communications coordinator.

Alyssa Porterfield ’09 and Justin Paulsen were married August 15, 2015.


Stacy Bergo ’10 of Lake Mills married Craig Anderson on October 10, 2015 in Forest City.

Joseph “Spike” Rogan ’16 currently resides in Tobyhanna, Pa. and is a constable with the PA State Constable. He said, “Waldorf is an amazing school that has propelled my life forward. I am going to law school with what I learned as a Warrior.”

Marie Schmidt ’05 is living in West Des Moines, and works at Wells Fargo. She is also involved as a leading actress with a small non-profit theatre company. Marie married Doug Fuller in May 2016.

Mary (Dickman) Fiel ’10 married Nick Fiel on June 13, 2015.


AJ Rivera ’10 and Alicia Bata ’09 were married July 18, 2015, in Bloomington, Minn. AJ plays the part of Chef Victor on the FOX television series “Grandfathered” starring John Stamos.


Nicole Warner ’06 married Loren LaValley on September 19, 2015. Nicole is a graphic designer at Decker Sports in Mason City. Bryanna (Hallberg) Burrows ’07 married her husband, Ben, in 2012 and has a daughter, Amelia, born April 30, 2014. Dennise Starr ’07 is a program coordinator for Community Based Services at Four Oaks in St. Ansgar.

Jeffrey Peterson ’11 recently moved to Minneapolis where he is a middle school PE teacher at Minneapolis Academy. He also continues to work with at-risk youth. Braden Falline ’12 works at Clay County Heritage which runs the Parker Museum and Clay County Heritage Center in Spencer.

Frank Teevan ’15 is the fire marshal for the City of Manassas and lives with his wife, Judy, in Woodbridge, Va. Donald Poole Jr. ’16 is the battalion fire chief with the Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department. He resides in Waldorf, Mass.

You may also view more complete obituaries and updates on our blog at www.waldorffoundation.org/blog. Send death notices and/or obituaries to alumni@waldorf.edu. Information below is received from family members or friends of deceased and some is also obtained from newspapers and online searches. Deadlines are Feb 1 for the Spring edition and Aug. 1 for the Fall edition.

Nella (Pederson) Halvorson ’35 of Blue Earth, Minn., died August 18, 2015. Nella taught for several years at a one room school house and farmed with her husband west of Rake. She enjoyed gardening, crocheting, quilting and hardanger hand work. She is survived by sisters Pearl Bear ’37, Madeline Helland ’41, and many nieces and nephews. Helen (Lindebak) Skartvedt ’35 died March 19, 2006. #WEAREWARRIORS


Lorraine Nyhus ’36 died October 12, 2015 in Forest City. Lorraine graduated from Forest City High School, Waldorf and Drake University. She began teaching in country school and, after ten years, started teaching in the Ventura community schools. She retired from teaching after working there 39 years. She enjoyed traveling with her sister Ruth, flowers and gardening, shopping, the outdoors, maintaining her farm and spending time with her family and friends. Marvell Brunsvold ’37 died November 21, 2015, in Mason City. He was united in marriage with Alyce Myre on June 12, 1942 in Kensett and joined the Army Air Force on June 25, 1942 serving his country in WWII. After the war he returned to farming in Bristol Township and farmed for the next 28 years. He also worked at the ASCS office in Northwood for a number of years and retired in December 1978. Marvell and Alyce enjoyed dancing at the Surf Ballroom and later took up square dancing. He is survived by his wife, four children, 11 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

Sarah Underwood ’38 died March 31, 2015 in Owatonna, Minn. She is survived by her two children, six grandchildren and, overall, 23 great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Hazel (Tellefson) Larson ’39 died April 4, 2016 in Hastings, Minn. Hazel is survived by daughter Deanne (Roger) Schnebly, son Vaughn (Deiatra) Larson ’63; five grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren.


Margaret (Skattebo) Gunderson ’40 died December 7, 2012. She married her husband, Leroy, on November 16, 1940. They had three children. Margaret served as County Auditor in Williams County, N.D., and as a Wal-Mart greeter until her retirement in 2011. She is survived by her two children, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. LeRoy Simonson ’40 died February 23, 2015 in Story City. After serving in WWII, LeRoy graduated with a B.S. degree from Iowa State University and later with an M.S. in Educational Leadership. He served as the first Vocational Agriculture Teacher in Fort Dodge, then the Audio Visual Coordinator and eventually the Assistant



to the Superintendent; a position he held until retirement. LeRoy is survived by his two children and five grandchildren. Beryl (Hyler) Abele ’41 of Garner, died December 3, 2015. Beryl taught in the rural schools of Hancock County and Garner Community Schools before moving to Ames where she worked as a school secretary. She married Loren Abele on May 28, 1950 and they lived on the family farm northwest of Garner all of their married life. Beryl enjoyed baking, gardening, reading to her grandkids and playing the piano and organ. She is survived by her three children, seven grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Frank Gillett ’41 died on May 24, 2011 in Fort Myers, Fla. During WWII he was a navigator in the Army Air Corps and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. After returning from the war, he completed his education receiving his law degree from the University of Iowa in 1949. He married Phyllis Teasdale on September 4, 1948 and they settled in Wilton. He practiced law in Wilton and Muscatine from 1949 until his retirement in 1987. He is survived by his wife, two children, three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Marie (Obe) Kittelson ’41 died August 29, 2015 in Madison, Minn. After graduating from Waldorf Marie taught at different schools in Iowa and received her Master’s Degree at Greeley University in Colorado. She and her husband, Melvin, farmed for 24 years south of Madison, Minn. where she was also a substitute teacher for 22 years. Marie enjoyed traveling and made three trips to Norway, served with Hospice and was an active member of Faith Lutheran Church. Norma (Bredvick) Snyder ’41 died January 29, 2015 in Minneapolis. Born to Norwegian immigrants on an Iowa farm, she attended nursing school after graduating from Waldorf. She was also a Norwegian rosemal artist and an antique collector. She was known for being a kind, beautiful person with a kind word for everyone. Arlet (Osnes) Vollers ’41 died July 5, 2015 in Citrus Heights, Calif. Her life was filled with Christian faith, Norwegian traditions and love of music and nature.

After graduating from Waldorf she moved to Southern California and became a “Rosie the Riveter” during WWII. She graduated from Pepperdine and became the founding principal of Ascension Lutheran School in LA. She and her husband, William, had two daughters and she taught for 40 years before retiring to pursue her passion to write and became a widely published poet. Marie Larsen Crock ’42 died December 27, 2014 in Mechanicsville. Marie taught school for several years and later worked in telecommunications at the University of Iowa, retiring in 1987. She was a member of the Seeds of Faith Lutheran Church in Lisbon and the Red Hatters. Marie was a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother whose memory will be cherished by all who knew and loved her. Marie is survived by her four children, 10 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and three step-children. Gloria (Ristvedt) Erickson ’42 died October 31, 2015 in St. Paul, Minn. After graduating from Waldorf, Gloria graduated from Fairview School of Nursing in Minneapolis with an RN degree. It was as a young student nurse that she met and fell in love with Luther Theological Seminary student Erling Erickson. They were united in marriage in 1945 and blessed with three children. Erling and Gloria served various congregations in South and North Dakota and, after the children grew older, Gloria worked as an RN and nursing instructor. She was passionate about Rosemaling was tickled to be asked to paint all the garbage cans in Canton, S.D., with her beautiful rosemaling. Gloria is survived by her son, two daughters, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Ardell Brua ’43 died November 18, 2015, in Lake Mills. He married Alfreda Anderson on March 14, 1943 in Lake Mills, and they had one son, Vaughn Brua ’68. The family farmed two miles southeast of Emmons for approximately 50 years before moving to Lake Mills in 1998. In March 2015, Ardell and Alfreda celebrated 72 years of marriage. She passed away on April 1, 2015. Ardell had a passion for farming, worked for the ASCS in Northwood and spent over 20 years as a rural mail carrier. He was also a talented carpenter and mechanic. Ardell is survived

by his son, Vaughn, three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Vivian (Westerberg) Charlson ’43 of Forest City died January 17, 2016. Survivors include her children, Andy, Nancy and Mark; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; siblings Marjorie Olson ’47 of Sun City, Ariz., Muriel Lowenberg ’49 of Anaheim, Calif. and Rodney Westerberg of Forest City. Stella (Hemmingson) Gfeller ’43 died September 24, 2014 in Tipton. She is survived by her two daughters and sons-in-law, three grandsons, five greatgrandchildren; sisters Elsie ’41 and Frieda ’45. Mavis (Olson) Rognes ’43 died August 10, 2015 in Lake Mills. After graduating from Waldorf she married her husband, Jerome, and together they had 10 children. After raising their children she obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Education from Mankato State in 1972. She taught in the Northwood Kensett school district until she retired in 1989. Mavis stayed active gardening, sewing and knitting and loved to study ancestry and gave many presentations regarding her Norwegian ancestors. She was a great cook and baker who loved making kringla and lefse for her family. Ruthann (Hermanson) Sayre ’43 died February 9, 2016, in Arlington Heights, Ill. Ruthann dedicated more than 35 years to teaching and over 60 years to the PEO Sisterhood. She is fondly remembered for her graciousness, smiles and positive outlook on life. Ruthann met her husband, William, on a high school trip they took to NYC for 4-H. In 1964 they moved to Wilmette, Ill., where William pursued a career in banking and Ruthann continued teaching. Both retired in 1985 and moved to Palm Springs, Calif., returning to Park Ridge, Ill., in 1996. Ruthann is survived by her four children, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Gerald E. Thompson ’43 died March 4, 2016 in West Des Moines. After graduating from Waldorf, he enlisted in the US Army Air Force and served in combat during World War II as the pilot of a B-17 aircraft. Gerald attained the rank of First Lieutenant by war’s

Ruth (Hatteberg) Johnson ’55 Ruth (Hatteberg) Johnson ’55 of Forest City, died Friday, April 15, 2016 at the Muse Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit in Mason City surrounded by her family. Ruth Joan (Hatteberg) Johnson was born in Radcliffe on January 11, 1935, the daughter of Gerhard and Tobie (Prescott) Hatteberg. Ruth graduated from Radcliffe High School, Waldorf University, and received a BS in Business Administration from Mankato State University. She married Robert Johnson on July 5, 1959 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Forest City. Their married life was the epitome of love and faithfulness to each other. She served as Church Secretary/Parish Worker for St. Andrews Lutheran in Ames for three years from 1959-1962 while Bob attended ISU. After their move to Forest City, she worked in various capacities at Waldorf in the Development Office, Student Recruitment and Student Life. She also served as Secretary to the President at Waldorf University for many years. Ruth was the first person to hold the position of Director of Church Operations at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Forest City, and served in that capacity for several years before her retirement. She was involved in many organizations including P.E.O. where she held several offices. She was an active member of the Hospice of North Iowa Board, serving as president for one year, a member in Immanuel’s Women of the Church and an alto in the Immanuel Choir for over 40 years. Ruth’s passion was serving others. She demonstrated this in so many ways by being active in many aspects of the community. One particular area was helping those who were less advantaged. On one occasion she went so far as to give away the green family van to help one family in need, much to the dismay of her husband. She was in charge of the Hospice Salad Luncheon and Hospice Golf Tournament for many years. She and Bob sponsored several Waldorf Lutheran Leaders over the years. They would also invite Waldorf students over to their house as a home-away-from-home. She never went on a shopping trip without bringing back items intended specifically for others. She spent a great deal of time assisting refugee families getting settled into the community, answering business questions, and offering advice and counsel when language was a barrier. She loved organizing coffee parties or picnics for newcomers to the Waldorf family. She enjoyed flower gardening and spending time outdoors, decorating, visiting friends and family, traveling and shopping for sales. She came from a large family that was very important to her. She was concerned about the welfare of each one. Her ultimate joy and delight was found in her children and especially her grandchildren. She enjoyed years of concerts, sporting events, musicals and plays where they were involved. Ruth is survived by her cherished husband of 56 years, Bob ’54; her two children, Kris ’83 (Ron ’83) Happel of Forest City and Greg ’87 (Liz (Harris) ’87) Johnson of Falcon Heights, Minn.; five grandchildren, Jonathan, Daniel and Sarri Happel and Julia and Charlie Johnson; one sister, Mavis Hatteberg of Story City; and several nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents; parents-in-law, Oscar and Mina Johnson; sisters, Hazel Pedersen, Rhoda Golf; brother, Gerb Hatteberg; brothers-in-law, Phil Golf and Kenny Pedersen and sister-inlaw, Patricia Hatteberg. #WEAREWARRIORS


end. Following his military service, Gerald enrolled at the University of Iowa receiving his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees; his highest being the PhD in Economics awarded in 1953. In 1947 he appeared on the cover of Life Magazine as part of a feature article on returning US veterans studying on college campuses and he married his wife, Betty, in 1950. Gerald began his career as an assistant professor at the University of Toledo in 1950 and, in 1954, joined the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he served for 42 years, retiring as Professor Economics in 1996. Survivors include his wife, Betty; son, David; brothers, Herbert and David; sisters, Marcia T. Turcotte ’42 of Lake Hubert, Minn., and Gretchen T. Hegg ’49 of Hudson. Evelyn “Evie” (Nelson) Wigdahl ’43, died February 27, 2015 in Ruthven. After graduating from Waldorf Evie moved to Des Moines and worked in the ammunition plant in Ankeny to aid in the WWII efforts. She later entered nurses training at Iowa Lutheran Hospital in Des Moines. Evie married her husband, Marvin, in 1947 and they had six children. They eventually moved back to Ruthven where they owned and operated Wigdahl Hardware for many years. Evie was a devoted member of Zion Lutheran Church where she served as organist and was active in the church circle. She was a talented seamstress, loved music, playing golf and was an avid Iowa Hawkeye fan. Marvin always referred to her as “his bride” and the “perfect wife and mother.” Evie will be remembered for her kind heart and willingness to help others. She is survived by her children, nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Marcus Carr ’44 died September 16, 2015 in Olathe, Kan. After attending Waldorf Marcus enlisted in the US Army and served in Okinawa and Korea after WWII. Marcus was married to his beloved wife of 67 years, Clarissa, and together they had two children, Diana and Brian. Marcus will be remembered for his Christ like example, sharp wit, kindness, selflessness and loyalty to the Iowa Hawkeyes. Helen (Johnson) Kohler ’44 died October 19, 2015 in Mason City. Helen was a RN for many years before retiring in 1990.



In retirement she continued her nursing practice and was a member of the Iowa Nurses Association and Trinity Lutheran Church where she enjoyed being active. She also enjoyed Bible study, fishing, camping and sewing. She is survived by four children, 10 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Phyllis (Swanson) Loeffler ’44 of Ocala, Fla., died December 21, 2015. She married her husband, Karl, on December 23, 1944, and they farmed in the Klemme and Nora Springs area before moving to Lisbon, then to Illinois and eventually to Florida in 1972. She is survived by two of her children, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Gwendolyn (Dueland) Sandven ’44 died February 5, 2016, in Cedar Falls. After graduating from Waldorf and Luther College, she taught in Crystal Lake, Hayfield, Des Moines and Eagle Grove. Gwendolyn was a choir director and an accomplished organist and pianist. She is survived by two daughters; Kim (Kevin) Engels ’82 and Michele (John) Webbink; four grandchildren, two greatgrandchildren and one sister, Cathy (Roy) Hjelmaas ’48 of Eugene, Ore. Orvin Tveit ’44 of Centralia, Wash. died October 6, 2010 Betty (Carpenter) Hill ’45 died February 9, 2016, at her home in Urbana. Betty was a devoted wife and mother, supporting children and grandchildren with her interest and encouragement. She interrupted a career as an interior decorator to raise a family and support her husband’s career and research as a professor of agricultural economics at the University of Illinois. Betty loved traveling and absorbed the cultures of more than 50 counties while assisting her husband in his international research. She captured her love of travels and other cultures in an 816-page book. Betty is survived by her two children and two grandchildren. Elaine Holte ’45 died February 14, 2016, following a celebration with family of her 90th birthday. Elaine is preceded in death by her loving husband, Vernon, who passed on Thanksgiving Day 2012. Survivors include her five children, 13 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and siblings Ann Muyskens ’48, Jean Melby ’54, Connie, Joe and Darleen.

Geneva (Osher) Knutsen ’45 died March 12, 2016 in Glendale, Calif.. She and her husband, Vance, were high school sweethearts and together had three children. Vance was a Lutheran pastor so they moved various times throughout their ministry. Geneva is survived by three children, seven grandchildren and one great grandson. Leo Blumer ’46 passed died November 22, 2011 in North Carolina. He is survived by his wife, Dixie ’46, three daughters and eight grandchildren. Roger E Field ’46 died April 12, 2009 in Ankeny. Ilah Ruth (Brumm) Johnson ’46 died September 1, 2008 in Sheldon. George Johan Peterson ’46 of Clear Lake died August 6, 2015 in Mason City. He attended Forest City High School, graduated from Waldorf College and was a US Army veteran serving during WWII from 1943-1946. He worked as an operating engineer for 35 years and the Clear Lake Water Department for five years before retiring in 1986. He was an avid stamp and coin collector and also loved collecting and working with model trains. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn, two daughters, three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and a sister-in-law. Lorraine Ardis Roselle Seim Spotts ’46 of Nora Springs died April 8, 2016 in Mason City. After attending Waldorf, Lorraine graduated from Drake University earning her Bachelor of Science Degree in Education. She taught Kindergarten for 17 years until her retirement in 1963. She and her husband, Lester, lived and farmed on the Sprotts Century Farm located west of Nora Springs where they hosted many family gatherings. Survivors include her daughter and son, five grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Lois (Erickson) Knutson ’47 died August 1, 2015 at her home in Radcliffe. An active farm wife and teacher, Lois began her teaching career in 1972 as the librarian in the Roland-Story Middle School where she taught for 30 years. Lois received the Golden Apple Award for teaching excellence. She loved spending time with her family, teaching and

volunteering her time at church and in her community. Survivors include her husband of 68 years, Caleb; their four children, Robert Knutson ’68 (Nancy), Joel Knutson ’72 (Jennifer), Lila (Knutson) Parlin ’74, and Ben Knutson (Carin); seven grandchildren; one greatgranddaughter; two brothers Richard (Mavis (Ullestad) ’54) Erickson ‘53 and Jim (Jan) Erickson ’55; one sister-in-law and many nieces and nephews. Rudolph Nelson ’47 of Lake Mills, died January 3, 2016. While at Waldorf he enlisted in the US Army and served in World War II fighting in several battles, including the Battle of the Bulge. After returning home from the war, he continued his education receiving an Associate’s degree from Waldorf in 1947 and Bachelor’s degree from the University of Iowa. He spent 38 years at Hormel Foods in Austin, retiring in 1989 as a corporate purchasing executive. To those who knew him, and to those he just met, he radiated irrepressible wit, humor and kindness. He is survived by his wife, Helen, two daughters, brother Kar Lyle ’52, sister-in-law, son-in-law and three grandchildren. Gloma (Peterson) Rosenthal ’47 died February 3, 2016, in Iowa City. After graduating from Drake University with her Bachelor’s Degree in 1951, Gloma eventually joined the Red Cross to work at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. She married Leonard Rosenthal in 1954 and they lived in Golden, Colo., Iowa City, New Orleans and eventually Iowa City again in 1963. Gloma was heavily involved in Boy Scouts, was a member of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church for almost 50 years and served as a poll worker for over 40 years. She was also an avid walker and through Volkssport, she co-founded the Hawkeye Hikers. In over 20 years she participated in nearly 300 walks in all 50 states and foreign countries. Her legacy of steadfast love and devotion will continue forever through her family: for surely “Her children rise up and call her blessed” (Proverbs 31:28). Gloma is survived by her three children and many grandchildren. Bernice (Larson) Boyum, ’48 died July 11, 2015 in Des Moines. Following the onset of WWII she served in the Navy W.A.V.E.S. from 1943-1946 which

took her from Iowa to Hunter College in NY and Store Keepers School in Bloomington, Ind. She was stationed at the Naval Air Facility in Columbus, OH. She received her BA from Luther College in 1949 and later enrolled in graduate studies at Syracuse University in NY. When she returned to Iowa she became a social worker and later served as Dean of Women at Waldorf from 1951-1953. She is survived by her son, two grandchildren and several cousins. Arlene (Valen) Bygness ’48 died February 4, 2014 in San Diego, Calif. following a brief hospitalization for an aortic dissection. Arlene was a proud graduate of Waldorf College and often recounted her experiences with the Waldorf choir and its memorable 1948 trip to New York City. She and her husband, Don, enjoyed traveling throughout the Midwest, Norway, Switzerland, England, the Bahamas and Hawaii. She especially loved “living by the lake” on Spirit Lake and Birch Lake (Minn.) where she was an ardent crafter, including beautiful hardanger. Arlene was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Don ’48; brothers Robert and LuVerne ’58, and sister Shirley. She is survived by their two sons and daughter. Merle “Don” Bygness ’48 died December 28, 2012 in Brainerd, Minn., following a brief hospitalization for bilateral pneumonia. He was a WWII US Navy veteran, dedicated teacher and school administrator in Renwick and New Hampton, and popular and awardwinning agent and manager for Farm Bureau Insurance Co. in Humboldt, Sac and Emmet (IA) counties. Don and his wife of 64 years, Arlene, were actively retired in Northern Minnesota and Phoenix, Ariz. for 27 years. Laila (Almlie) Gard ’48 died February 14, 2016, in Iowa Falls, after a short illness. Laila loved music, was a gifted pianist and vocalist and was a featured soloist on national tour with the Waldorf Choir in 1947. After she and her husband, Vernon, moved to Greene, Laila was a member of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church where she played piano and was involved in many school and community events. After the death of her husband in 1990, Laila enjoyed international travel with friends and her many trips to visit her grandsons.

Survivors include her son and two grandsons, who brought Laila much joy. Eileen Gunderson ’48 died July 18, 2014 in Emmetsburg. After Waldorf Eileen attended Buena Vista and worked as a field representative for the Social Security Administration in Mason City, Mankato and Fairmont, Minn. Eileen retired in 1987 and returned to the family farm near Cylinder. She enjoyed gardening and maintaining the building sites on the farm. In 1996 she moved to Fort Dodge and was an active volunteer transporting care center residents to and from appointments and visiting shut-ins. She is survived by a brother-in-law, sister-in-law and numerous nieces and nephews. Lucille E. (Christian) Olson ’48 from Algona, died September 12, 2015 at the home of her son, Mark, in Gainesville, Fla. She was born at the family farm in Emmons, Minn., to Elmer and Laura (Loken) Christian on July 9, 1927. She was baptized and confirmed at Silver Lake Lutheran Church in Northwood. She attended a country school near her family farm until the eighth grade, then Albert Lea (MN) High School where she graduated in 1944. She worked at a bank in Albert Lea before attending Waldorf College. It was at Waldorf that Lucille met and married Arthur B. Olson ‘48. They were married June 4, 1949 and lived in Algona for more than 30 years. Art was a social studies teacher and Lucille was a substitute teacher. She enjoyed travels with her family, reading newspapers and was an active member of First Lutheran Church. Surviving are her three children: Bruce ’70 (Dora) of San Francisco, Calif.; Mark (Jane) of Gainesville, Fla.; and Laura ’83 of St. Peter, Minn.; grandchildren: Samantha, Benjamin, Amy and Jimmy; one sister, Dee ’50 (Bob ’50) Singelstad, of Mankato, Minn.; niece, Karen Singelstad of Mankato, Minn.; and a nephew, Paul Singelstad of Denver, Colo. She was preceded in death by her husband, Art, who died on June 30, 1979, following the tornado outbreak that hit Algona; her parents and many other relatives. #WEAREWARRIORS


Joy Elaine Sanders ’48 died August 30, 2015 in Albert Lea, Minn. She was a faithful member of First Lutheran Church in Albert Lea, Minn., where she had been active in Mission Circle #27, the Friendship Club, FLCW and served on the Altar Guild for over 20 years. Arlene Stene ’48 died January 9, 2016 in Edina, Minn. from complications of Parkinson’s. Arlene will be remembered for her unwavering faith, genuinely kind heart and the way she cherished her family. She is survived by her husband of 61 years, Marlin, four children, twelve grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. Norma (Logemann) Beenken ’49 died September 17, 2015 in Mason City. After graduating from Waldorf, Norma taught 1st grade in Royal, for a year and then at Swea City. She married her husband, Orville, in 1950 and they moved into the home she was born in outside of Ledyard, and farmed for 58 years while raising their family. Norma taught kindergarten and 1st grade along with giving piano lessons. She was active at First Baptist Church as organist, pianist, Sunday School and VBS teacher. She is survived by her four children and their families, her siblings and many nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Donald Eldal ’49 of Moorland, died July 19, 2015 in Fort Dodge. Following his graduation from Waldorf, Donald served in the US Army during the Korean War in Germany. He married his wife, Joan (Sorenson) Eldal ’53, in 1958 and they established their home and farmed near Gowrie until 1979. They then moved to Roelyn and farmed until retiring in 2011. Don is survived by his two sons, three grandchildren, one sister, three brothers and sister-in-law. Ruth (Holck) McFadden ’49 died August 18, 2007 at her home in Prairie City. Warren Pedersen ’49 died August 30, 2015 in New City, N.Y. While at Waldorf Warren lettered in football and baseball and after graduation served in the Army from 1950-1953 at Fort Monmouth, N.J. He married his wife, Janice, in 1955 and was a member of Electrical Union Local 363 from age 38 until his retirement at 62. He was active in his church and helped with many projects for the church and



his friends and family. He is survived by his three sons, seven grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.


LaVonne (Gardner) Braaten ’50 died December 6, 2015. After graduating from Waldorf, LaVonne continued her education at St. Olaf College, Alliance Francaise in Paris, Elmhurst College and DePaul University. In 1951 she married Carl Braaten and they had four children. In 1969 she started her own health foods business in Chicago and for twenty years owned and operated six stores. When she retired in Northfield, Minn., she provided the start-up money to found an ecumenical organization, the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology and served as treasurer for 15 years. When the Braatens moved to Arizona, LaVonne learned Rosemaling and served as president of the Rosemaling Club. Marlas (Peterson) Reimann ’51 died March 30, 2016 in Forest City. Marlas attended Forest City High School, Waldorf College, NIACC and completed her teaching degree at Mankato State University. She taught at the Fisher school in rural Leland, the Leland school and the rest of her career at Forest City Elementary. She married her high school sweetheart, Gordon Reimann, on June 14, 1953 in a double wedding ceremony with her sister Clarine Peterson and Wayne Ambroson. This was the only double wedding ceremony in West Prairie history. One of Marlas’ passions was gardening and she took great pride in her flowers, especially roses. Marlas couldn’t wait for winter to end so she could get outside to tend to her garden. She is survived by four sons, Kent, Jan, Tracy ’83 and Steven; 12 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Kenneth H. Beenken ’52 died January 8, 2016, in Minneapolis. Ken worked as an accountant for 39 years and was known for being a quiet, reserved and patient man. He had compassion for others and taught his family how to be a gracious person and man of God. He is survived by his wife, Margaret; sons and daughters-inlaw Mark and Beth, Eric and Karen; four grandchildren and siblings Orville (Jean), Clarence (Janan), Arthur (Marlene), Leroy, Harriet (Merlyn Thompson) and Duane Beenken ’59.

Robert Haycraft ’52 died October 31, 2015 in Placentia, Calif.. After graduating from Waldorf, Bob went on to Pacific Lutheran in WA, Lutheran Seminary and the University of Kansas. He was a pastor in Wisconsin and Kansas, then a social worker at the VA hospital working with Vietnam veterans. Bob’s love of travel took him throughout the world and he wrote of every adventure. His last ten years were spent with Mimi (Wareberg) Hilf ’51 and he is survived by his daughter Laurie, son Jeff and grandson Josh. Ronald Hinderaker ’52 died September 10, 2015 in Colorado. Ron and his wife, Hazel, were married in 1951 and had three children. They moved from Radcliffe, to Arvada, Colo., in 1957 and started their own flooring business. For the last 20 years of their working lives they owned and operated R&H Sales and were able to mix business with pleasure as they traveled extensively in their sales territories and on many trips with friends. Ron is survived by his two daughters, son, six grandchildren, two greatgrandchildren, brother, niece and nephew. Roger Holtan ’52 died September 7, 2015, in Humboldt. At Waldorf Roger was active in football and choir and met his wife, Lois Bakke, while a student. They were married in 1953. Roger was active in his community serving as Mayor of Thor for over 30 years and on many church and town committees. He also enjoyed sharing his gift of vocal music on many occasions. In 1976 he joined the cast of Comedia Musica of Fort Dodge and participated in many performances over 30 years including “Curly” in Oklahoma. He is survived by his three children; eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; brothers Mark Holtan ’64 and Tim; two brothers-in-law and one sister-in-law. Marian (Wold) Njus ’52 passed away on September 30, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. Marian was a graduate of Lutheran Bible Institute, Waldorf and Luther College. She sang with her beautiful soprano voice in the college choirs and throughout her life with her husband, Irv. Irv and Marian were married for 59 years. She is survived by sisters Melba (Wold) Larson ’53 (Lyle) and Carmen Wold (Carole); a brother-in-law, two daughters, two sons, 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Dorothea Ann (Jerdee) Ofstedal ’52 died October 13, 2015 in St. Paul, Minn. She was an alum of the Waldorf Academy while her mother, Dora Jerdee, served as school nurse. After graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1956, Dorothea taught elementary school and, in 1957, married Paul Ofstedal. Together they served parishes in Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota and Minnesota. She lived to serve, bringing family together often and was an accomplished organist, pianist and choral singer. She is survived by her husband of 58 years, Paul, sons Daniel Ofstedal ’81, Joseph Ofstedal ’83, daughter Ruth and grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Anne. Eugene Smith ’52 of Humboldt, died October 13, 2015 in Des Moines. After graduating from Waldorf with his provisional teaching certificate, Eugene began his teaching career in the Merservey School District at the age of 19. He then taught in Kanawha before going to Humboldt in 1956. In 1961 he received his BS in Education from Drake University and married Marcene Becker Miner in 1967. Eugene retired from teaching in 1995 after 39 years of service to the Humboldt Community School District. Gene is survived by his wife, Marcene, three children nine grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and two brothers. Shirley (Solmonson) Wentzel ’52 of Collinsville, Ill., died September 29, 2015. Shirley was a homemaker and at one time taught school in Gruver. She was a member and very active at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, Ill., as a member of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Shirley enjoyed quilting, cooking and playing the piano. She is survived by three sons, a daughter, 12 grandchildren, a greatgrandson, brother, sister and numerous nieces and nephews. M. Joan (Sorenson) Eldal ’53 of Moorland, died September 29, 2014. After graduating from Waldorf Joan worked at Lutheran Bible Institute in Minneapolis for 2 years but then returned home to care for her parents. She was united in marriage to Don Eldal ’49 in 1958 and they farmed near Gowrie until 1979. They moved to Roelyn and farmed until

David Rasmussen ’53

David Carlyle Rasmussen, 81, of Clear Lake died Sept. 25, 2015, at Mercy Hospital in Mason City. David Carlyle Rasmussen was born in Oconomowoc, Wis., on Oct. 20, 1933, the second son of a farm couple, Carlyle and Verna (Schubel) Rasmussen. He was baptized on Nov. 12, 1933, by the Rev. L.K. Johnson, and confirmed his faith on May 18, 1947, after receiving confirmation instruction from his pastor, Rev. I.J. Tanner, son of Dr. Jacob Tanner. David grew up on a small dairy farm in eastern Wisconsin with one brother, Don. He received diplomas from Monterey School, a one-room country school (1947); Oconomowoc High School (1951); Waldorf College (1953); Luther College (1955); and the University of Northern Colorado (1960). After serving for two years in the U.S. Army, he began his industrial arts teaching career in Dows for five years and Clear Lake High School another four years. He was then invited by his college mentor, Dr. H.E. “Hap” Holmen, to teach industrial education at Waldorf College. David retired in 1993, serving twenty-seven years as professor, registrar, and assistant dean at Waldorf. On June 4, 1955, one day before his graduation from Luther College, David was united in marriage to Esther Alfseike ’53 at Elim Lutheran Church, Randall. He is survived by three children: Fay (David) Bohn ’78 of Atherton, California, Janet (Roger ’78) Christensen ’79 of Ida Grove, and Craig Rasmussen ’86 of Savage, Minnesota; four grandchildren, Andrew Bohn, William Bohn, Emily (Todd) Cavell and Isaac Christensen; and one greatgrandchild, Elijah Cavell. David held a strong conviction that God had a plan for his life and felt that his occupation and each of his community, church and employment opportunities was his calling. He was active in civic affairs (planning and zoning, Rotary club, Opportunity Village board), church activities (Sunday school teacher, church council, congregation president, Elderberries and offering counter), and professional organizations (NEA, ISEA, AIAA, IIEA). Following his retirement, he provided lay pulpit supply countless times to fifteen or more congregations in the North Iowa area. David was preceded in death by his parents, Carlyle and Verna; and his brother, Don.



retiring in 2011. Joan was survived by her husband, Don, who then passed away July 15, 2015. She is also survived by her two sons and three grandchildren. Iva (Oakland) Wright ’53 died July 18, 2015. Naomi (Gunderson) Baker ’55 of Wausau, Wis., died March 22, 2016. Naomi played piano and sang in various church and civic choirs. She and her husband were avid bridge players and she was a talented seamstress. Naomi also had the opportunity to travel in Europe and eventually to Norway where all of her family originated. She is survived by her two children, two siblings and four grandchildren. Sharon (Trail) Lett ’55 died September 9, 2010 in Naperville, Ill. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. She worked as a Home Economics teacher in Serena IL and was a member of the Kendall County IL Farm Bureau. She also researched and edited her husband’s book, “Patriot Rebel.” She is survived by her husband, Raymond; three children and nine grandchildren. George Boyum ’56 of Mankato, Minn., died October 3, 2015. After graduating from Waldorf he served in the US Navy and eventually graduated from Mankato State University with a degree in biology. George owned and operated Jarraff Industries Inc. in St. Peter, Minn. from 1978-2000. In 2000, George moved to Sterling, Alaska. He was an avid downhill skier and sailor and enjoyed hunting and fishing. He is survived by his two children, two grandchildren, sister-in-law, one niece and two nephews. Elaine (Kalvig) Hegland ’56 died August 5, 2015 in Story City. After graduating from Waldorf she taught elementary school for six years in Billings, Mont. and Ankeny. She and her husband, Merlen, lived in Jewell, for 42 years where they farmed and raised their two children, Jill and Vicki. After retiring from farming the couple moved to Ames and worked as house parents in the Greek system at Iowa State University for 16 years before retiring in 2003. Elaine is survived by her two children, four grandchildren and one great-grandson.



Marian (Kellner) Kanaley ’56 died July 29, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nev. She was a teacher in Britt, for a brief time before moving to Las Vegas to continue her teaching career. She touched many students’ lives during her 49 years of teaching and her zeal for imparting knowledge was well-known. She is survived by her son, Kelley Ramsey, two grandsons and nieces and nephews. Lars Nelson ’56 of North Branch, Minn., died October 11, 2014. He was born in Sandnes, Norway and immigrated as a baby with his family to Forest City, where he attended school and graduated. He went onto Waldorf College and the University of South Dakota and served in the US Army stationed in Germany from 1951-1953. He married his wife, Joan, in 1963 and spent his career in the insurance industry. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and spending time with his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Joan, two daughters and three grandchildren. Larry K. Torgerson ’56 of Northwood, died December 1, 2015. After Waldorf Larry went on to graduate from Drake University, Harvard School of Business in Cambridge, Mass., and Columbia University Law School in NY. He had been a legal counsel for 88 banks and served as vice-president, president or chairman for a number of organizations. Larry was a world traveler and specialized in private investment strategies. Larry loved the outdoors, fishing, hunting and his Chevrolet Corvette cars. Murial (Dokken) Eliason ’57 died September 8, 2015, in Garretson, S.D. While at Waldorf Murial was active in the choir and studied music. During her time as a student her mother, Tena Dokken, worked in the kitchen at Waldorf. Murial married her husband, Glenn, in 1960 and they lived and farmed near Renner, S.D. Murial loved to sing, teach piano and was a church organist. Murial is survived by her two children and four grandchildren. Karen F. (Tweeten) Johnson ’57 died March 14, 2016. Karen enjoyed painting and handwork, Hardanger embroidery, friends and family. She always had a smile on her face and maintained a positive outlook on life. She is survived by her husband of 57 years, Don, two sons Steven and Markley, three grandchildren


and two sisters, Audrey and Florene (Tweeten) Trentman ’51. Allen Edwards ’58 died November 4, 2015. A graduate of Buffalo Center High School in 1947, Allen attended Waldorf College, Buena Vista University and Drake University earning his Bachelor’s, Master’s, Specialist and Educational Doctorate degrees. He was a lifelong educator, returning to teaching in retirement for high school science and biology classes. He firmly believed all people should receive a quality education. Allen is survived by his wife, Carol (Peterson) Edwards ’55, three daughters and three grandchildren. Gary George ’59 of Northwood, died August 11, 2015. In 1965 Gary and his father, Carroll, started the first major industry in Worth County, Iowa. The Northwood plant started with just four employees and grew to over 200. He was proud of every of every one of his employees and retired from CGI in 1998. He enjoyed fishing, golfing and woodworking and was a 28 year member of the Northwood Volunteer Fire Company. He is survived by his wife, Gloria, two daughters, one son, one granddaughter and brother.


Rev. Sherman Coltvet ’60 died January 30, 2016 in Rochester, Minn. Sherman met his wife, Rachel Maakestad, while at Waldorf and went on to graduate from Augsburg College and Luther Seminary. Sherman and Rachel were married in 1964 and served various churches throughout Sherman’s time as a Lutheran pastor. He retired from active ministry in 2003 and in retirement enjoyed driving motor coaches around the country. Sherman had numerous interests including restoring and building cars and had a lifetime love of music. He is survived by his wife, Rachel (Maakestad) Coltvet ’60, three children and seven grandchildren. Nancy (Kamish) Jensvold ’60, passed away December 27, 2015 after a long battle with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. After graduating from Forest City-Leland Community Schools, Nancy attended Waldorf College where she studied teaching and sang with the Waldorf Choir. She married her husband, Bill, on December 22, 1959 and they had

five children. Nancy is remembered as a kind, loving and playful mother who had a great sense of humor and loved them unconditionally. She instilled in each of her children an appreciation for music, a dedication to serve others and an ability to find joy and laughter in even the most heartbreaking of circumstances. Nancy is survived by her husband, Bill Jensvold ’61; children, Bill (Dawn) Jensvold ’82, Lynn (Mark ’81) Beenken ’81, Ann (Mark) Tendall ’87, Sarah (Rob) Slover ’98 and Heidi (Mitch) Engelbarts ’02; siblings, Mary Beth Wooldridge ’65 and Frank (Brenda) Kamish ’71; and a continually expanding number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Myra (Hanson) Peterson ’60 of Austin, Minn., died July 9, 2015. She was a surgical nurse for 42 years in the Austin, Minn., area and was active in her church, bowling league, saddle club and sang with the Sweet Adelines. She was also an avid quilter and enjoyed sewing, gardening and canning and was known for her bread making. She is survived by her husband, Ray; two daughters, five grandsons, sister Evelyn Cross ’65, brothers Lyle Hanson ’68, Lowell Hanson ’68 and many nieces and nephews. Helen (Rustad) Senne ’60 of Northwood, died December 14, 2015 after a six-year long battle with lymphoma. Helen took great pride in her Norwegian heritage and was greatly known for her ability to make kringla, lefse and rommegrot. After graduating from Waldorf where she sang in the choir, Helen married Edwin Senne on November 26, 1960 and they had two children, Mark and Mary Jo. Helen was a church organist and also served Worth County for 35 years as Treasurer. She is survived by her two children, four grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and sister Margaret Berge ’45. Danny Buckley ’64 died February 4, 2016, in Florida. Danny enjoyed riding his Yamaha Vstar with friends, The No Name Riders, and road all over the US and Eastern Canada. He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Debby, two children and four grandchildren. Roger Kenneth Espe ’64 of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., died March 8, 2016. After Waldorf, Roger graduated from Illinois State University with a degree in Elementary

Education and owned and operated several businesses including Champion Builders, Bayland Sports Store and Espe Painting. Roger loved to spend his time fishing. Survivors include three children, Kim (Greg) Jacobson, Jill (Kurt) DeGrave, Jeff (Valerie) Espe ’93; ten grandchildren, three grandchildren and special friend, Donna Bazile. John Dixon ’65 died September 12, 2014. He is survived by his wife, Jane (Schmidt) Dixon ’65. Devra (Withers) Hanson ’65 passed away April 4, 2014 at her home in Henning, Minn. After graduating from Waldorf and the Jackson Vocational Institute, Devra was united in marriage to Dan Hanson ’65. She followed Dan with the Air Force while he served in Texas and Colorado. Devra held various jobs over the years in retail sales, insurance, investments, administrative, personnel and management. She worked for Good Samaritan Center in Albert Lea, Minn. and from 1987-1992 was the Shared Ministries Coordinator for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, S.D. She helped develop and implement the Stephen Ministries program at that time. Devra is survived by her husband, Dan ’65, daughter Kristina, three sisters and a brother. Robert “Bob” Helland ’65 of Oelwein, died January 30, 2016. After attending Waldorf, Bob graduated with his BA from Wartburg College, served in the US Air Force and worked at DeKalb Ag Research in DeKalb, Ill. He was plant manager at the Oelwein (IA) facility from 1985 until his retirement in 2000. Bob enjoyed helping family and friends with their harvesting and was an active member of Zion Lutheran Church where he served on church council and sang in the choir. He also enjoyed woodworking, gardening and spending time with his family, friends and grandchildren. Bob is survived by his wife, Dianna; four children, three grandchildren, brother Clifford (Kay ’57), sister and brother-in-law. Ordell Sorum ’65 of Decorah, died June 4, 2015. He and his wife, Bonnie, had three children, Erik, Rona and Andrea. Ordell taught and coached at South Winneshiek from 1967-1974. He then worked as a salesman for Ralston-Purina

and also farmed and sold dry goods. For the last 17 years he was a salesman for Troy Corporation. Ordell enjoyed reading and attending all of his families’ activities along with coffee club at McDonald’s. He was a member and very involved with Glenwood Lutheran Church and the I.O.O.F., Winneshiek Lodge #58. Donna (Anderson) Asleson ’68 died December 5, 2012 in Coon Rapids, Minn. She is survived by her husband, David, sons Joshua and Seth and four siblings. The loves of her life were her family, teaching and the kids she taught. Darwin Bruesewitz ’69 died September 11, 2015 in Isle, Minn., after a 22-year battle with cancer. He married Jeannine Tonneson ’69 in 1971, after they graduated from Concordia in Moorhead, Minn. The couple had two children. He taught vocal music for nine years in Ogilvie, Minn. and the next 25 years in Milaca, Minn. Darwin was a member of MMEA and the American Choral Directors Association. For one year he was the Northeast Chair of ACDA. He had a church choir in Milaca and later at Malmo, Minn. Working with music was his passion. He loved the process of teaching and creating music with his choirs. He is survived by his wife, Jeannine; son Jeffrey; daughter Jana Bruesewitz ’96; one granddaughter; his mother and brother, Dean Bruesewitz ’71. Mark Evenson ’69 died February 14, 2016, in Neenah, Wis. At the age of 1 ½, Mark and his family sailed to South Africa where his parents served as Lutheran missionaries until 1965. There he made many lifelong friends and developed his passion for caring for animals. When the family returned to Minnesota, he met Linda Enstad, his wife of 44 years. Mark attended Waldorf College and the Lutheran Bible Institute in Seattle, Wash. In 1971 he was drafted into the US Army and was stationed in Germany. After his service he trained at WWII in biomedical electronics and spent his entire career in that field. Mark loved #WEAREWARRIORS


Ron Moritz ’58 Ron Moritz ’58, the son of Hans and Edna (Jorgensen) Moritz, was born July 22, 1937 in Estherville. Ron departed this life on Sunday, August 23, 2015, at the Good Samaritan Society in Estherville, at the age of 78. Ron was the second of six boys growing up on the family farm north of town. He attended school in Estherville going on to Waldorf College in Forest City. Ron then spent two years at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minn., followed by a time at the Lutheran Bible Institute (LBI). In 1962, he met his wife, Gloria (Lacho) while on a trip to Israel and they married December 14, 1963. Ron served his country six years while in the Air National Guard. Ron and Gloria lived the first eleven years of their marriage in Minneapolis, moving back to Estherville in 1974. He was employed by Sears and then ran the catalog store until it closed. Ron gave his heart and life to Jesus at the age of 17. This relationship has been his love and purpose in life. He served as a Gideon for many years. Left to cherish Ron's memory is his wife, Gloria (Lacho); children, Daniel (Jennifer) Moritz, and children, Max and Kennedy of Beaver Dam, Wis.; David (Theresa) Moritz and children, Trent, Cade and Bren of Norwalk; Michael (Cristina) Moritz and children, Carlotta, Michael and Brandon of Willmington, Ohio; Ruth Ann (Lloyd) Myers and children, Alexander and Carson of Ankeny; brothers, Robert (Carol (Miller) ’57) Moritz ’57 of Grinnell; Kenneth (Mary Ann) Moritz of Slayton, Minn.; Leonard Moritz ’63 of Estherville; James Moritz of Venice, Fla.; and aunt, Martha Jorgensen. He has been preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Dennis, Dale and sister, Virginia. After his death, Gloria found some of Ron's memories he had written down of his time at Waldorf. The following is one of these memories: The Warriors [men’s basketball team] finished the 1957-1958 season with a 17-8 record. The Warriors won 13 of their last 15 games. To this day I still remember the locker room scene. We had just played the biggest game of our Waldorf career and we were totally exhausted. A victory against Fairbury would have given us a trip to Hutchinson, Kan., to play in the National Junior College Basketball Tournament. I was sitting next to Dave Tieg. We were so thankful for our two years of basketball at Waldorf. This was our last game. It was hard for us to take off our uniforms for the last time. We were so close to reaching our goal of going to the national tournament. But, more than anything I was thankful to be a part of a very special basketball team. The memories still remain and I will always have a place in my heart for Waldorf.



animals, the outdoors and gardening. He is survived by his wife, two children, three grandchildren and two siblings. Ruth Nuetzel ’69 died May 6, 2015 in Ohio. Ruth was a teacher and is survived by her brother and three nephews.


Peter Epke ’71 passed away on January 14, 2014 in Batavia, N.Y. Carol Ann McClement ’71 of Forest City died April 3, 2012. Stacey (Olson) Strempke ’71 died May 17, 2015 in Texas after battling cancer. Richard Dwaine “Dick” Hatlevig ’72 died December 6, 2015 at his home near Lanesboro, Minn. After graduating from Waldorf, Dick attended Sioux Falls University and played football while attending both colleges. He later received his bachelor’s degree in education from Winona State University and special education certification from the University of Minnesota. Dick married Patricia Noonan on January 26, 1974 in Sioux Falls, S.D. and taught special education in the Caledonia (MN) School District for 24 years. His two loves outside of his family were hunting and coaching. He is survived by his wife, Pat, mother, five children, nine grandchildren and five siblings. Dennis Opdahl ’72 of Lewiston, Idaho, passed away on July 28, 2015, after a brief and courageous battle with cancer. Dennis met his wife, Jill, while singing in the Waldorf choir. They were married in 1974 and moved to Idaho were Dennis was a logging truck driver for many years. He went back to college and earned his Bachelor’s degree in business administration and worked for Opportunities Unlimited, Clearwater River Casino and Asotin County/Community Living right up until his passing. His hobbies included snowmobiling, hunting, drinking coffee with friends and potlucks. He is survived by his wife, Jill (Jensen) Opdahl ’72; children Jeremy and Jennifer Opdahl ’01; grandchildren Keegan and Maddisyn; mother Violet (Mino) Opdahl ’49; sisters Cynthia (Opdahl) Moore ’74, Janet (Opdahl) Holzer ’75 and Betty (Ophdal) Weeks ’80; and brother Martin. He is also

survived by his two favorite chocolate labs, Griffin and Mocha. Richard Milburn ’75 of DeSoto, died July 16, 2015 in Des Moines. After graduating from Waldorf, Richard went on to earn his degree in Industrial Education at Iowa State University where he met his wife, Colleen. He taught Industrial Arts and was also a member of the Iowa National Guard serving as an avionics technician. Richard was a jack-of-all-trades, had a great sense of humor, a passion for flying his Nieuport 17 and was an avid reader. He is survived by his parents, wife, three children and three grandchildren. John C. Swanson ’77 of Eden Prairie, Minn., died January 5, 2015.


Timothy Baldridge ’81 died September 26, 2012. Duane Clark ’82 of Shell Rock died December 4, 2015 in Waverly. Duane graduated from Waverly-Shell Rock High School, Waldorf College and Eastern Illinois College. Following his education he worked at Wal-Mart and later started his taxidermy business that he ran for 30 years. He was united in marriage with his wife, April, on July 3, 1992 at the Little Brown Church in Nashua. Duane was a member of the Sportsman Club, NRA and Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater, Okla. His wrestling career included State Champion, two-time All-American and Pan AM Gold medalist. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping, collecting coins, watching sports and gardening. His great passion was spending time with family and friends. He is survived by his father, wife, two children and three brothers. Kris Easter ’89 died Monday February 1, 2016, in Waterloo, of a heart attack. Kris was a patient care coordinator at VGM Homelink for the past 10 years and a cashier at Jim Lind Service Station. She was a member of Ascension Lutheran Church and was passionate about baseball and politics. Kris is survived by her son, Dalton Williams (Michaela Stitchman); grandson, Henry Williams; her mother, brother and two nephews.

and nine grandchildren. Lynn loved to garden and loved to learn as evidenced by graduating magna cum laude from Waldorf with an art degree. She was well known for her artistic abilities and willingness to share her talents with others. Lynn was active in 4-H, Leland Women’s Study Club and VFW Auxiliary. She is survived by her husband, children, grandchildren and two sisters. Florence “Flower” (McGrady) Gadzinski ’93 died July 3, 2015, in an automobile accident in Madison, Fla. Flower enjoyed living in Glenwood Springs, Colo., the outdoors and spending time with family. She is survived by her son, Alex; Alex’s father, Eric Gadzinski; her son, Brandon; her father, Chuck McGrady and his wife, Jennifer; five siblings and numerous nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles. Travis Schwenneker ’93 of Hudson, died October 11, 2015. He worked at the warehouse for Standard Distribution for nearly 20 years and attended Prairie Lakes Church, Cedar Falls. He married Jennifer Lynn Wacha on October 12, 1996 at Nazareth Lutheran Church, Cedar Falls. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, his parents, a sister and aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.


Former Waldorf academic dean, Rev. John Sorenson, ’75, died November 2, 2015 at his home in Hickory, N.C. After he left Waldorf he became executive vice president and dean of Lenoir-Rhyne University. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Ruth Sather Sorensen, former faculty member; two children, Olav and Kari and five grandchildren. Daniel Kunau, Waldorf Board of Regents member from 1983-1994, died on August 26, 2015 at his home in Preston. Dan was passionate about his faith, family and community and will be greatly missed. He is survived by his wife, Jan; four children; five grandchildren; three brothers; two sisters and nieces and nephews. C. Elaine Gapp, ’91, died January 22, 2016 in Forest City. Elaine was a former switchboard operator at Waldorf. She had a love of music and was an accomplished pianist, organist and also played the vibraharp. She loved God, the Bible and church and her faith was a vital part of her life. Elaine is survived by her three sons, nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Nathan Goecke ’94 of Des Moines died home at February 24, 2016. Nathan graduated from West Marshall Community Schools and received his AA from Waldorf in 1994. He then attended Drake University and received his Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design. Nathan will be remembered for his intelligent mind, creative spirit and witty sense of humor. He is survived by his parents, siblings and grandparents.


Onyekachi Emmanuel Osuchuwu III ’14 died November 15, 2015 in Washington, D.C. “E” came to Waldorf in 2013 to study Criminal Justice. He was also a member of the football team for the 2013-2014 seasons and a fixture at home athletics events.


Lynn (Pyatt) Hill ’91 died August 12, 2015 in Leland. She and her husband of 44 years, David, had four children #WEAREWARRIORS




We are in the initial stages of planning an alumni group tour to Orange Beach, Ala., February 25-March 4, 2017. Included in your tour would be:  // 4-Seasons Vacations Tour Director, Jenny (Schweikert) Gilbertson ’86  // 7 nights' accommodations  // Deluxe motor coach transportation  // 7 breakfasts  // Admission to: Gateway Arch, Graceland, Columbia Southern University, Grand Ole Opry and Abraham Lincoln's home  // Luggage handling for one suitcase We would depart from Forest City on Saturday, February 25, visit the Gateway Arch and stay overnight in St. Louis. The next day we continue to Memphis where we would visit Graceland and stop overnight in Jackson, Miss.

Commencement ceremonies for the last graduating class of Waldorf College (now Waldorf University) were held Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in the John K. and Luise V. Hanson Fieldhouse in Forest City. Dr. Buford Lipscomb, President Robert Alsop and Darrell Barbour, Registrar, conferred the degrees. Fifty-six students received their Associate of Arts Degree, 366 their Bachelor of Arts Degree and 26 their Master of Arts Degree. Kar Woo ’74 was the featured commencement speaker. Please look for a full graduation recap in the fall edition of the Waldorf Magazine.


We would arrive at our destination in Orange Beach, Ala., where the campus of Columbia Southern University (CSU) is located. CSU and Waldorf staff would give us a full tour and we would enjoy three nights in Orange Beach at the Hilton Garden Inn located right next to the beautiful white sand beaches that Alabama's southern coast offers. We would depart for Nashville on Thursday, March 2 and take in the Grand Ole Opry. Friday we would stop at Lincoln's home in Springfield, Ill., and arrive back in Forest City on Saturday, March 4. Approximate cost would be $1,129 per person, based on double occupancy, and this would be open to any alums and friends of Waldorf. If you have any interest, please contact Amy in the Alumni Office at alumni@waldorf.edu. The trip would not be guaranteed until 20 people have paid the $200 initial deposit fee.

Photos are of different community service projects, group events, home coming parade and ministry meeting that Like Fire participates in every year.



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106 South Sixth Street // Forest City, IA 50436


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Great turnout for our Waldorf University reveal on March 17, 2016.

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