Exposed Magazine February 2010 Edition

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INDUSTRY Eric Galarza

Calvin Boone

Infinity g35

Media Xtraordinaires


Danny Holmes


Mixed martial arts

GAMESPEAK • peter Wodarczyk • WHAT”S HOT • G-Status

EXPOSED rising Stars uncovered


FEB 2010



cabrones! Welcome to the first, and hopefully not the last edition of Exposed Magazine. I was getting pissed, because local media wasn’t really covering area performers and artists, so I decided to take “el toro” by the horns, and do it myself. The mission of this magazine is to cover the undeground, the not so mainstream, people that live next to you and me, that are doing amazing things. I wanted to take a few lines to encourage everyone to donate what you can to help our brothers and sisters in Haiti. I always wondered why things like these always happen to the people who are already struggling as it is. Anyway, I hope you support this magazine and don’t hate. We are high school dropouts that wanted to do something positive for the fellow upcoming musicians, artists, extreme sport athletes, comedians, filmmakers, models, photographers and anybody out there who is gettin’ it in. If you would like to suggest someone worthy of gracing the pages of this masterpiece, dont hesitate and email us at


Apple’s iPad

WHAT’S HOT•What’s not Finally, the much anticipated

secret gadget from Apple has been revealed. Months and months of speculation about the features of this tablet made the hype even bigger online. Not bad for a product no one officially even knew existed. Well now its here and its called the iPad. The name has already unleashed a stream of jokes relating it to a woman’s monthly visitor protection, so feel free to join the fun. As predicted, the iPad is essentially a giant iPod Touch: aluminumbacked, half-inch thin, with a 10inch screen surrounded by a shiny black border. At the bottom, there’s the standard iPod/iPhone connector and a single Home button. It will be available in models ranging from $499 (16 gigs of memory, Wi-

Fi) to $830 (64 gigs of memory, Wi-Fi and 3G cellular). The cellular signal will be provided by AT&T for $15 a month (250 megabytes of data transferred -- think e-mail only) or $30 a month, unlimited. Amazingly, those AT&T deals involve no contract. You can cancel whenever you like. And since this thing isn’t a phone, you don’t have to worry about dropped calls; you’re paying exclusively for Internet service. The iPad features a web browser, an email client, a photo app, iTunes, iPod app, video playback, app store,

and iBooks, which is an application geared towards e-book readers. A lot of Apple fans are excited about the iPad, and others are very disappointed. Some were expecting a front facing camera for video conferencing with facial recognition that would load a person’s profile on startup. Others thought its would run a sort of mobile OS X operating system as opposed to the iPhone operating system. Just how revolutionary the iPad will be has yet to be determined.The hopes are that the iPad will do for print media what the iPod did fior the digital music industry.

Calvin Boone Media Xtraordinaires T

he advances in technology and the growth of the Internet in the past 20 years have made filmmaking more accessible to the masses. Websites like Youtube, UStream, and JustinTV has made it possible for upcoming filmmakers to share the visions and creativity. Calvin Boone, born and raised in Cumberland County, New Jersey, has been evolving as a filmmaker since his younger days…

What first got you interested in filmmaking?

“I remember when I was young, I was a movie buff. I would try to figure out the plots of the movies

I watched. I would also listen to music such as 2-Pac and Biggie Smalls and envision their videos.”

 hat are some influences? In movies, I like Hype Williams, Spike Lee, Clint Eastwood, James Cameron among others. In music videos I like Joseph Kahn. 

kind of equipment do you currently use?

I currently own two Canon XL1s, which I edit on a Mac using Final Cut Studio.

What projects are you currently involved in?

I’m currently in pre-production for an artist documentary. I am also producing a series of dance battles, plus I am filming social events.

Where can people find more information about your services?

They can visit my website www., they can email me at:§

Cool name, where did it come from?

Roades? Haha that came from the two founding fathers (myself, Devin Tuso and Jacob Agronsky). We happened to be watching the tube and came across some credits rolling and the name Roades came up and so it began.

Who are the members in Roades?

Devin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm/Lead Guitar, Writer, Composer. Peter (December) - Backup Vocals, Rhythm/Lead Guitar, Composer. Tim - Bass, Troop - Drums (Thunder)

What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences?

Well, we try our best to stick to plain classic balls to the wall Rock’N’Roll but, every once in a while we’ll throw a metal or classic rock song in. We try and use a lot of Jake E. Lee style guitar chords mixed with some mild Van Halen soloing, plus throw in some 80’s Black Sabbath in there and some teeth metal and you’ve got us! haha. Dio is a major singing influence as well.

When was the band formed? What inspired your style of music?

Well as we go threw so many band members we’ve not known each other too long but most of the musicians in Roades were referred to me (Devin - Founder) by women I know or friends I’ve met over the years.

This is our time to write our best and prepare ourselves for the future.

Well Roades was forged in the summer of 06 by myself and Jacob Agronsky (Original drummer and co-founder), and basically our lives and times inspired our tunes (as most artists)

Are you signed to a record label? Are you a member of any music How long have you known organizations? each other? How did you No sir, nothing, hopefully soon but meet? you’ve got to crawl before you walk.

Where have you performed? Do you have any upcoming shows?

Man we’ve been all over God’s green earth playing every venue, birthday party, party, and show we can snag. Gigs are tough to get and when there’s no cash for a manager you’ve got to know how to beat through the cut-throat competition. We just had an awesome show at Hangar 84 in Vineland last week.

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs?

All songs are written and composed by myself mostly, lead guitar parts and bass parts are spiced up by Tim and December. I write about everything and anything I think people ought to hear. The message that ought to be delivered. Whether it be a lesson that should be learned or a wrong that should be made right. That’s what people are failing to do these days, deliver that message. Thats what we’re all about.

Do you think these topics will change over time?

Never. This band was made for two purposes: To change music. To Deliver.

How is your music-making process?

Most songs start out as a guitar riff but, if I had to tell you how I wrote my songs, I’d say there’s no method, no formula, none but Inspirado.

How has your music evolved since you first began playing music together?

Our music has only gotten better and more complicated since we’ve started. New members means new influences on their part, everybody brings their own little something to the table.

What has been your bigWhat advice do you have gest challenge as a band? for upcoming bands? Finding gigs is the biggest challenge for us. We’ve got the package. We just need a delivery truck.

What’s your ultimate direction for your band?

A lot of bands out there, let’s face it, they scream their lungs out, play a blast beat, throw a break down in, and say they wrote a song. I once heard a line that stuck with me, and that’s “Where’s the song?” (Alice Cooper). That’s what I say to myself when I go to a show, and that’s the last thing a guy should have to say after watching a band. At least 5 people come up to us and say “Man you guys just play the music and deliver the message. you sing clear and I can actually understand the guitar and drums, something I rarely see.” Rock’s not dead. We’re here to deliver the song, the goods, the Rock. Rock’N’Roll lives on through us and it’s about time it’s struck again in the hearts of youth. We’re here to bring it all back.....even the hair.

BE YOURSELVES. Don’t play what everybody else is playing. Play what they don’t. Be as different as you can be while being yourselves. Don’t change to get the crowds, the crowds need change.

How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? Do you have a website with sample songs or a demo CD?

Your main source to count on is definitely here, Roades12. We’ve got all our news up there, shows, how to get tickets, etc. Just check out our upcoming shows and come up to us and ask for a demo, they’re there for the taking! haha.

Any last words?

Don’t stay in a rut with music, expand. If it sounds good to you, listen to it. Don’t fear change, encourage it. Rock is everyone’s music, spread the love and support local and original artists because without your support, there is no music.¶


raveling through a myriad of farms and evergreens, I arrived to the City of Bridgeton located in Cumberland County, New Jersey. With the sun slowly fading behind the hills surrounding the Cohanzick River Waterfront as our backdrop, I sat down with Brian Smith a.k.a “The Industry”.

Why did you choose to call yourself “The Industry”?

I chose this name because it doesn’t categorize me in the normal hip hop box, and it allows me to make music for all fans of music whether its a movie soundtrack, theme song, rock, pop, rnb, or hip hop. The industry also describes my business mind, entrepreneurship, and capability to be a CEO, Executive producer, host, founder, and entertainer in the reality show industry, talk show industry, movie industry, and fashion industry. The name allows me to be creative with my business plans, marketing plans, music, and my approach when presenting my projects to resources, record label executives, investors. etc... “I Am The Industry”

In your music, who are your major influences?

I consider my music to be Hip Hop. As an artist, my major influences are artists like Biggie Smalls, Tupac, Big Pun and Jada Kiss. As a music mobile/ entrepreneur, my major influences are artists such as 50 Cent, Jay Z, Sean “Puffy” Combs, Ice Cube, Snoop Dog, Will Smith and LL Cool J.

for more information: • • •

Where have you performed? Do you have any upcoming shows?

I have performed in venues in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, as well as in area universities & colleges. In 2010, I have a few performances with, Desert Storm, and Respect The Grind Entertainment. For exact dates and locations you can check out

Are you currently signed with a record label or belong to any music organizations?

At this point in my career, I am not signed with any labels or belong to any music organizations.The options are out there, but I’m still visualizing which path is the right one for me to focus on. This year I will make these decisions a top priority in my career.

Are you the main writer of your music? What are your topics about? How has your craft evolved over time?

I write 98 percent of my songs. I recently chose two original tracks with hooks already on them. I will NEVER let anyone write my lyrics, maybe a hook here and there but never my lyrics.. I take pride into my lyrics and i put my heart, mind, and soul into the pen and the pad. The main themes or topics for most of my songs are the females, the club scene, and inspirational. I had the opportunity to experience the street life, the college life, and now a professional life, so I feel that my music will help encourage others to follow my path. In all of my songs I preach maturity, success, positivity, fun, the negatives of the street life, the positives of education, respect

for self, and all of the above. Behind the metaphoric lyrics, dope beats, and catchy hooks lies a hidden positive message. I do not think my topics will ever change because encouraging others to become successful and enjoy life is what I live for. Therefore, the message in my music will never change. I will always have females songs, club songs, and inspirational songs. The only thing that may change is the maturity of the lyrics as I mature and experience new things in life.

How would you describe your music making process?

I can honestly say that an instrumental track is my best friend forever. The track actually talks to me and I respond with a pen and a pad. As soon as I hear a dope track, I instantly come up with a concept and a style to the hook. After I develop the concept and style, I begin to fit the lyrics into the style (rhythm). Then I create a catchy 8 bar after hook and song

format. Whether it be a two 12 bar verse, pre hook, and after hook or simply 3 hooks with three 16 bar verses. I often like creating new formats with two 12 bar verses when I create songs. The final stage is simply creating a new style for the verse and then writing the verse. This might sound like it’s complicated but to a great artist this comes natural like walking and running. Depending on the environment and topic and concept of the song this process usually takes me between 25 minutes to 60 minutes to complete.

How has music evolved since you began making music?

Different styles of music are like trends, they come and go. That’s why it is so important to create your identity as an artist, so you don’t fade when the style of music you are following fades. Artists who create there own category of style, music, and image are usually the artists that remains relevant when music evolves. I created my

own image, style, and music so no matter how the game evolves. I will always be able to create my own category in the game.

Besides your creativity in your music and image, what separates your from other artist?

What separates me from the rest of the artists is my personality, my ability to entertain, to promote, event plan, and creativity with marketing plans. Another thing that sets me apart is my entrepreneur mind set. I am currently the founder & CEO of a Non-Profit Performing Arts Program for at-risk high school students. My program is in the process of developing a reality show pitch to present to sponsors, donors, tv networks, and major film producers. What separates me from the rest is that i am simply “The Industry”. I am music, mobile, and entrepreneur who just happens to be an artist.

What’s the ultimate direction for your music? My ultimate direction is to literally change the world with my music. I am determined to bring the definition of “cool” back. Steve

Harvey said, “Us, as an African American culture went wrong when we replaced cool for being hard. Back in my day we dressed for women so the females can look at us and feel nice about us. Nowadays, these dudes dress for dudes. Pants sagging, 6x

t-shirts when you wear a medium, boots not laced, and bandannas under your fitted, is not dressing for females. That dress code is designed for your boy to look at you and say “yeah that look hard and gangster”. Now, artists don’t want to smile on album covers any more. We lost the definition of cool, so now, we don’t even know how to talk to a lady the correct way and the new mistake of the ladies is accepting hard. Since we don’t know how to talk to the ladies, we call them out all of these names and degrade them in our music and videos. African Americans are the only race who degrades there own kind in videos and music.” Again, my ultimate direction is to change the World and bring the definition of “COOL” back. Make it’s cool to mature, be educated, dress professional, dress “grown & sexy”, and still be from the hood.§


Where games do the the talking It’s almost time. You remember your first descent into rapture. The present. The letter. The crash. Jack swam up struggling to get air. A purse and jewelry passed by him onto the ocean floor. Or so he thought. You remember the sights and sounds. The electricity running through your veins. The cute yet deadly little sisters. The low guttural roar of an approaching big daddy. But, most of all you remember Atlas’s maniacal laughter as his true purpose and identity was revealed. Now we take a bathysphere into the dying city once again. This time around you play as a big daddy. But not just any hulking behemoth, the first one ever. Of course

this gives you plenty more perks than last time. You are equipped with a drill and another hand to shoot plasmids with. It has also been reported that the rivet gun will be like the original Bioshock’s pistol. Plasmids work a little differently now too. You will notice that your plasmids change with each upgrade. For example, at first your incinerate will be a simple fireball. But, with each upgrade it will evolve into a continuous stream of flame. Among other new features, dual wielding with weapons and plasmids has been added. More things added include, being able to explore the ocean floor. There will be no enemies in

these segments. New enemies are also entering the fray. There are new big daddies equipped with bazookas. It is unknown if they will be accompanied by little sisters. The main new enemy is the big sister. She watches over the little sisters and appears when you are about to harvest or rescue one. Interestingly, the big sister was one of the sisters you freed from the original game. She felt that she needed to return to rapture. Now, she kidnaps little girls and turns them into little sisters. She is trying to return rapture to the metropolis it once was. That’s all I have for now. I will write more as I find more information. This time Rapture seems to be a whole other playing field. Can you survive?

Peter Wodarczyk

Peter Wodarczyk



Ready to Rumble


he first MMA events can be dated back to 648 BC in Greece. The Greeks created Pankration, a combination of two Greek words: pan, which mean everything or more, and kratos, which means strength. The sport, which was a mixture or wrestling and boxing, was one of the most popular events in the Olympics.

martial arts made its comeback to the world stage thanks to a Brazilian family. The modern history of MMA is linked closely to the Gracie family.

Danny Holmes, a fighter from Washington Township, is training hard to get his championship belt as a light heavyweight and become the next Amateur level title holder.

Nowadays, MMA is a highperformance sport, with a number of fans, which triples every year that passes.

With the rise of the Roman Empire, Pankration began to see a decline and this gave way to other sports such as boxing and wrestling which became more popular within western countries.

Southern New Jersey has seen its own explosion of MMA. Liberty Boxing, located in Turnersville, is a fairly new training facility that is grooming one of the area’s most talented MMA gladiators, Danny Holmes.

Since an early age, Danny knew he was born to fight. - “I’ve been fighting all my life. It’s something I love to do. I have a twin brother and we wrestled and fought all the time. I don’t know if this is what I was born to do, but so far, its what I feel I was born to do”.

Fighting with a mixture of different

On February 27th, Danny will be fighting in the main event for the Asylum Fight League 26, to be held at the Trump Marina in Atlantic City.§

Erik Galarza’s





Veilside Version 1 lip kit custom carbon fiber frnt and rear lip Veilside version carbon fiber hood Carbon fiber eyebrows Carbon fiber rearview mirror covers Carbon fiber 350Z Custom Front induction vent Rear roof spoiler Color matched grill Custom vinyl covered emblems 35% window tint


Nismo pedal set OEM infinity rubber all weather mats Pioneer Premier touch screen/navi/DVD


Brembo cross drilled/slotted rotors Goodridge Stainless Steel brake lines Hawk brake pads


Tokico D-specs adjust struts Eibach prokit Specialty Products rear camber kit Stillen Front and Rear sway bars


8000k hid lower beams 3000k hid fog lamp/high beams


Fugita Short ram intake Borla headers Borla true dual exhaust sys Carbon fiber engine cover w/ infinty logo Carbon fiber air shroud JDM right side battery cover


Primax 2 piece wheels with 20x8.5 up front and 20x10 rear wrapped in general UHP tires. Matched red lugs nuts

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