July Magazine 2012

Page 137

I speak here of Nicole Ayers, June 5th 2012 was a normal day for many but for a family in New Jersey it was an unexpected, shocking blow to the heart, on this day in history two names will never be forgotten for they shall forever be penned in the history books of New Jersey, along with the brutal crime which history will never allow us to forget. This day will stand out as a memory of how depraved the human mind can become with no value or sacredness for human life and no mercy or compassion to the mournful pleas of the innocent victim. This day will also stand as a memory to the people of New Jersey constantly reminding them and us how innocence can be taken out of the world in the blink of an eye and how we ought not to take one moment of life, loved ones, and those less fortunate for granted. Nicole Ayers was a promising 22 year old Softball star she dominated the game fully, she attended Deptford high and held a school record of 920 strikeouts she later attended Fordham University on an athletic scholarship, one of her dreams was to play for Rutgers-Camden she transferred to Rutgers University-Camden where she signed up for her major to be sociology. However her dream was never realized because her young and precious life was brutally taken from her by Stephen Headley a 30 year old registered sex offender who was finishing five years of probation for endangering the welfare of a child when he brutally without conscience stabbed Nicole multiple times in the head, neck, and back in September of 2010 and left her body in the woods of south Jersey to rot. On June 5th Stephen Headley admitted to stabbing Nicole Ayers age 22 multiple times, during a hearing in the Superior court in Mount Holly, the 30 year old Headley was asked the following question by his defence attorney Cedric Edward, “your intention was to cause her bodily injury to lead to her death?” Headley responded “Yes” without emotion or showing remorse. 137

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