VIP News Premium - March 2019

Page 10


MARCH 2019

Yourope Announces Members Annual Report 2018 Allan McGowan

In-depth report on the present state and performance of European Music Festivals associated with Yourope • Analysis of European Artists performing at, and Audiences attending, Popular Music Festivals • Festival Season 2018 Results for Yourope Festivals •

Yourope, the Pan-European association of


music festivals, has published the results

festivals and associated members in 26





of its members survey for 2018. The study

European countries. The events associated

provides an evaluation of the settings and

with Yourope range from large scale festivals

conditions of its member festivals, with

with more than 70.000 visitors to small and

reports on the characteristics of popular

medium sized events with less than 5.000

music festivals in general, including artistic

visitors. The current survey is one of the

profile and audience observations for these

very first research reports on a European

events. The report furthermore underlines

level, investigating in detail the main age

The study is now available for download on

the relevance of popular music festivals as

groups for popular music festivals, findings

the website

culture indicators for young Europeans on a

on cross border effects on events attracting

European level.

an international audience and the resulting

Yourope, founded in 1998, is the leading

accumulated economic results.

association for popular music festivals, representing nearly 100 live events and

Christof Huber, General Secretary of Yourope,


comments: “In particular reference to the






overall development in the number of events, festivals have become a very meaningful

In the second half of 2018 Yourope undertook

cultural phenomenon in Europe. Taking into

a members survey in order to evaluate market

consideration the fact that the main age

results and findings regarding previous year’s

group for festival attendants is between 25

festival season and beyond.

and 29 years, it is clear that popular music festivals are supporting cultural exchange

Data Assembling Period: September -

between young Europeans by providing

December 2018.

essential stages and performance spaces for artists and their audiences.”

Compiled & evaluated by: Lisa Rüegg.

Along with other observations, the survey

Yourope: Bettina Tari-Kirsch, Robert Adamik

revealed that up to 70 percent of festivals

& Manfred Tari - Pop10 - February 28, 2019.

associated with Yourope promote their

Christof Huber


events outside their domestic markets, with

Here, we give a brief summary of the

54 percent of their artistic programmes

conclusions from the findings of this

predominantly featuring European artists.

important survey:

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