Canterbury VCC June 2017

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June 2017


Official magazine of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (inc.) 1

The Autumn Run line up at Jollies Pass.

THE HUB Newsletter of: The Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ INC


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004


Main Committee


Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

342 9110


John Coomber (Christine)

03 310 7056


Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)

365 1938

Club Captain

Greg Lamb (Gail)

960 3077

Vintage Convenor

Paul Seaton (Margaret)

021 205 9101

359 7600

Veteran Convenor

Tim Palmer (Barbara)

021 338 692

03 313 3952

Assistant Club Captain Rod Thrower (Lynda) P Group Convenor

George R Kear (Jorden)

Commercial Convenor Mark Drury

338 2320 027 221 4332

347 0315

342 9297

Cover photo: Don and Heather Le Compte 1952 Citroen in the Ethelton Valley on the Autumn Run.


2016-2017 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor

Les Freeman (Margaret)

027 339 0962

Spare Part Shed Rep

Des Fowler (Janet)

342 9974

9-90's Co-ordinator:

John Kuipers

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333

Maintenance/ Clubrooms

Mike Foster

359 8260

Bar Managers

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

389 7066

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

327 5743

Noggin Displays

Don Muller (Marlene)

385 6850


Owen Genet

358 2514

Assistant Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

Swap Meet Chair

Colin Hey (Jenny)

Swap Meet sites

Kevin Clarkson (Shona)

021 0270 6525

Barn bookings/ Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

027 407 5344

03 312 7255

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

027 446 6964

421 2426

North Canty Noggin

Jeff Rogers

022 131 7235

03 313 8432

027 424 2670

352 6266

027 279 9195

Hub Editor Cindy Hey (Peter) Hub Com. Advertising


358 4549

352 5217 359 8737



Sun Sat-Mon Wed Sun Wed Sat Wed Sat

4 3/4/5 7 11 14 17 21 24



Sun Thur Sat-Sun

2 6 8-9



Wed Sat

19 29

Maintenance Committee Work Day Noggin and Natter Mid Winter Motorcycle Run - pages 10 and 16 9-90s Outing - page 12 Motorcycle Noggin Commercial Noggin Fish and Chip Run

6 12 27

Winter Run Around the Bays Motorcycle Run Night Trial and Dinner

August Sun Sat Sun

Maintenance Committee Work Day Irishman Rally 9-90s Outing - page 12 Restoration of the Year - page 14 Motorcycle Noggin AGM - pages 10,16 Dance - page 15 Commercial Noggin - page 11 Fish and Chip Motorcycle Run (see page 10 for new meeting place) Branch AGM - pages 8, 14

Thanks to everyone for the articles this month and to Rose and Mick Mariner for the Rural Run photos, Andrew Morison for the Autumn Run Photos and Les Freeman for the Scooter Run.


Chairman’s Report As Tony and I have been away on holiday during the last month, I haven't been able to attend branch events, so I will leave it to the branch committee members to report back to you in this issue, regarding them. Our Branch Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 25 June (at 2.00 pm) and in the AGM booklet you will find the nominations received by the due date for positions on the Branch Committee. At the time of print, we still have vacancies. Please give consideration to taking this important task on, or give your suggestions for a member to be approached for nomination. It is vital (of course) that these positions be filled.

We welcome Daniella Judge who has started training with Cindy with the view of taking over from her as Hub Editor. Thank you Daniella for volunteering for this very important position. This will be my last report in the Hub to you, as Chairman of Canterbury Branch. (I will stay on the committee, in a background capacity, for one year as Immediate Past Chairman.) I would like to thank you all for your support over the last three years, especially Tony, who has continued to be my sounding board and right-hand man during my varied positions in the branch and club. I look forward to seeing you at our AGM. Leigh

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


SECRETARY’S REPORT The branch AGM will be held on Sunday 25 June and all members are welcome. There will be a membership card check at the door. We encourage all members to attend. This is your opportunity to have your say and give your committee support and guidance for the year ahead. Although we often speak about our membership ageing, the good news is that in May 2017 our national membership stands at 8,544 members which is the highest it has ever been, and 2,000 more than in January 2000. I reported to you that the March Executive meeting had decided to hold a National Day for the VCC, with events held by all branches and the proceeds to go to a national charity. The aim is to raise our profile in the media and with the public. Our President has just announced that the date of the National Day will be Sunday 27 August this year, and the charity we will be raising funds for is the Cancer Society. This will be closely aligned with Daffodil Day. This coincides with our High Tea and Night Trial, so we need to urgently give some thought to how we can involve this with our National VCC day. I would appreciate any ideas or comments being made to the branch committee as soon as possible, as the timeframe for planning is short. We need to make this a really good day, as this event will be placed on our national calendar of events in the future. Some branches like South Canterbury have been doing this in conjunction with Daffodil Day and raising a lot of money for the Cancer Society for several years. John Coomber Branch Secretary.


Club Captain’s Report In many of my reports, I have invited your involvement and feedback into the running of your branch. Out of thirteen hundred members, I would have thought at least some would reply. Our membership has increased and membership involvement has decreased, which is worrying. There are many factors for this trend, as in many other clubs. The increase and involvement of younger members has to be encouraged, as they are the future of our organisation. As the committee has vacancies at the end of this term, I urge you to give serious consideration to either volunteering yourself or forwarding a nomination of another person. Without a committee, you have no club. Respond now, as there is little time before the A.G.M. Happy Motoring Greg.


May 2017 Noggin Display. The May Noggin Display was, some of the Mopeds, Scooters and Motor Cycles up to 249cc from recent rallies. Thank you to Kurt Ebrecht, Les Freeman and Gary Hodder for organizing it and to the 8 owners, for displaying their motorcycles. Future Displays. July:

Irishman Rally Winner, Plus - Restoration of the Year Winners.


Datsun display.

I have 3 motorcycles so far, for the “Motorcycles / mopeds etc, Under Restoration display�, for the October Noggin. Is there anyone else, restoring a moped / Motor cycles etc and would like to display it ? Please give me a phone call, Thanks. Don Muller. Ph. 3856 850




Motorcycle Report

Past Events. 29 April – Scooter Run. Picture perfect weather and 28 scooters enjoyed a great run, organised by John Benn, but Les looked after the day. Russell Barnard declared winner, Harry Dawber got the hard luck prize. 29 April – Fish & Chip Run, 9 bikes journeyed to Darfield to meet the Scooter Run participants for lunch. 10 May – Noggin at Smash Palace. 12 people turned up. Not a very nice night weather-wise so the shine was taken off it a bit… 14 May – Working Bee, mulching new trees around Motorcycle Corner. 12 people spread about dozen bales of straw about, including other places around the Cutler Park site. This was after the contractor delivered more bales about midday. Now all looking good! All went really well, a big Thank You to those who assisted. Coming Events. 27 May – Fish & Chip Run. Starting at PMH at 10.30 am, riders decide on destination. 28 May – Rough Run, 10 to 10.30 am start, at McLeans Island. Usually a BBQ lunch at Motorcycle Corner. 14 June – AGM and Noggin, The Barn, McLeans Island. Advance warning of AGM, please come along to vote in the committee you want to run your affairs the next 12 months. Think of whom YOU would like as your committee representatives, or perhaps have YOU thought of doing your bit for the section? Usually, a bit of a feed (supper) put on afterwards. 24 June – Fish & Chip Run. 10.30 am start, at the Coffee Culture in Redwood. Address is 286 Main North Road, but entrance to the car park is just around the corner, off Daniels Road. It is planned the next few Fish and Chip Runs will start from this coffee house and go out in different directions for a while.


8-9 July, Mid-Winter Run. See page 16 for details. A circuitous route to Cheviot has been decided upon. YOU need to organise your OWN accommodation. However, if you wish to share accommodation and have not organised with anyone to share, then contact Mike Glenday and he will co-ordinate this. Cheviot Trust Hotel and Cheviot Motels and Motor-camp have suitable accommodation; for single blokes, contact organiser – Mike Glenday – who will assist. Other details see the notice on page 16. As we enter a quiet time of the year for motorcycling now is the season for fettling, repairs, and maintenance. Those little “jeese, better remember to fix that…” moments, now is the time… CML.

Until next month, keep the rubber to the road and ride safe.

Commercial Report The May Commercial Noggin 2017 was held at my residence on a very cold, wet night. Surprisingly, a good number of members attended. Mostly held inside, with a warm fire blazing, we visited my sheds outside for a short time before retreating back inside to the warmth of the fire. Thanks to all that made the effort to attend. Our next Commercial Noggin will be held on the 21st June at the usual time. Please ring Mark Drury for more information. Ph 342 9297. Mark Drury


This month Ray and Linda Maginnes organised the outing. We started from the Rolleston Community Centre after we all made it there in thick fog. 45 cars and 79 participants. Our first stop was at the home of John and Jillian Winchester. 20 old cars and tractors on show. All the cars were registered and warranted. It was an absolute haven for Henry Ford’s vehicles. The garage is a dream and the cars absolutely tops, each and everyone of them. It was very damp outside so we were lucky to be able to have lunch in the garage. We had a good raffle. John Winchester very conveniently closed the doors so no-one could escape without buying raffle tickets. After lunch we progressed to a robotic dairy farm. For people who come from a city it was an eye opener. The work, the money, the effort they make to be as environmentally friendly as possible is amazing. I think everyone was very impressed. I sure was! A big thank you to James and Jimmy Geddes, John and Jillian Winchester and also to Ray and Linda Maginnes for organising this outing. We did have a few ladies who were more attuned to Chanel perfume than to the smell of the cow manure!

9 - 90s

June 7 Organiser Ross Andrews Meet at the Peg Carpark, Belfast Hotel at 10am. This will be a rally through North Canterbury and the Cust Motorbike Circuit and we will finish at the barn where a blazing fire will welcome us. Make sure you have a full tank of gas. July 12 Mid Winter Christmas Lunch. Meet at The Barn at 11.30am. Home made food only please. We will do it the Maori way again. Bring for two and eat for one. August 9 Organiser Geoff Townsend. Meet at the Peg Carpark, Belfast Hotel at 10am. Our first stop will be a shed full of treasures at Loburn. A stop at the Karikaas for the cheese connoisseurs on our way to Oxford for lunch and after lunch a visit to the Oxford Museum. I have been there and I am looking forward to going again. Hope to see you all again in June. JK and the Team 12


Tony Becker Phone 421-2426


Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events CANTERBURY BRANCH A.G.M. Sunday 25 June, 2017 2.00pm Held in the Club Rooms Remember to have your membership card with you, as there will be a check at the door.

Restoration of the Year Sunday 11 June The Restoration Of The Year Rally is open to all club members to attend, whether you are entering for a trophy or not. It is a small run, starting from the clubrooms around 10am and returning for a picnic lunch around midday. While lunching in the sun, cars that are entered for a trophy, will be judged in front of the hall. This year, to make things easier for the judges, we request that the form on page 37 be completed by those who wish to enter for a Trophy. This will allow the judges to have more information on the vehicles before the day and understand their history. There is no cost for entering, but the close off date for this information is 3rd of June. Only cars entering for a trophy need to provide this information. You just need to turn up on the day if you wish to join the rally. Send To: George Kear, 40 Rossendale Road, RD 5,Christchurch 7675


Celebrity Dance, Sat 17th June

Bar opens 8.00pm Band “Smooth Talk� $20 Single Dress in Theme Light supper provided Tickets available from the bar, and committee members




Motor Cycle A.G.M. Wednesday 14 June 7.30pm in the Barn Supper to follow

To all heading off on the Irishman Rally this coming Weekend. Good luck and here’s hoping for no rain and crisp clear frosty mornings.

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8.00-5.00 Saturday 8.00-12.00

96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630


Looking ahead – 25/35/50 year badges. Our Awards Dinner is being held Saturday 23 September this year. If you are due for 25, 35 or 50-year membership badges, please contact me for forms and confirmation of your joining date. It is particularly important to contact me as soon as possible for a 50-year application as they are required to be into National Office at least 3 months before presentation. Leigh Craythorne Badge Coordinator Telephone - 342 9110 Email -

North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm


Autumn Run, 2017 Destination Hanmer Springs

From Top Marshall and Donna Harkerss with their 1939 Austin. Above Peter and Wendy Shaskey 1977 Triumph. Left line up of cars waiting to turn led by Tony and Annette Meikle in their 1956 Morris Minor. Below Left: Katryna and Bryce Shaw in a 1975 MG Below John Smith and Helen Gordon in a 1926 Oldsmobile.


Above Marty and Judy Christie with passengers John and Sylvia Bartlett in their 1957 Vauxhall at Beckenham Hills Ethelton.

Above: Beckenham Hills Homestead. Left Hanmer Springs Forest Camp.


Above Bruce and Elizabeth McCormick 1937 Ford V8 and Kevin Burgess and Ngaire Ford 1974 Triumph. Right: George and Maryanne Kear in their 1986 BMW.

Left; Lyn and Val Scott 1935 Chevrolet. Below Left is the Meikles Morris Minor and Grant Lomax and Pauline Delores 1970 Ford Fairmont. Below: Triumph Line-up.


Rural Run

Above: Vic and Kay Daniel Dodge Sedan 1938

Above: Ken Macklan winder with the oldest car 1915 Ford Tourer.

Paul Seaton and Kay Daniel Right Alan and Barbara Hill 1930 Ford Pickup


RURAL RUN The day started with a great turn out of cars. The weather on the dull side with light rain, but this did not seem to be a problem. Luckily, as the day went on, we had blue skies and sunshine Most of the rally was on the back country roads, which were in good condition. The scenery was outstanding, with the trees at their very best, with the beautiful colours of autumn . First stop was for lunch at the Hawarden War Memorial Hall. By now all the cars had changed their colours to a muddy grey, but never mind. The sun was now shining and every one was in good humour. After lunch, off to a local private Museum and car collection. There was also some lovely quilting, just to keep the ladies happy, which was great. Back into our cars and on the road again. More wonderful views. Great to see all the cars in line, enjoying the fun being out with a group of like minded people . Our afternoon run took us to the Iron Ridge Quarry. The owner makes and displays many of his wonderful sculptures. Many of them move with the wind and some are there just to have fun on. You may have seen some of his work in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens - the large daffodil, the big rose and also the three autumn leaves -a very clever man. While we were there he made a poker with a twist in it and a curve in the handle. He made this and at the same time, he was telling us all how he had transformed the lime stone quarry into something quite beautiful. The poker was sold to Jack Porter. He still has a log burner so he will find it very useful . The winner with the oldest car was Ken Macklan and the lucky over all winner was Kevin Campion. We will all look foreword to your rally Kevin Many thanks to Rod Thrower Sam Greg and all your helpers for a very enjoyable day. Rose and Mick Mariner 23


South Canterbury All British Day


South Canterbury Restoration Rally


West Coast Rosco Trials

South Canterbury All British Day Sunday June 4 - Queen’s Birthday Weekend 9am Caroline Bay Car Park Northern End Open to all owners of British Vehicles $15.00 entry

Ross and Lorraine Andrew 1976 Triumph - Autumn Run



QUIZ NIGHT Another successful Quiz Night was enjoyed at the clubrooms on Saturday 20 May. 65 people supported the night, which was appreciated by the small committee formed to organize it, as it was a very cold night for anyone to venture out. They were welcomed to a nice warm venue and settled down to answer (in teams) the varied questions in seven rounds, with an added couple of extra brain teasers. After many years of organizing the Quiz, Lorraine Stewart and Selwyn Cox are standing down this year. They have perfected a spot-on formula for the evening and we thank them for always ensuring a successful event, which involves background research and quiz sheet preparation.

Linda and Taylor White, along with Don and Judy Bennetts, have also helped with the organization of the quiz, preparing questions, sorting the catering side, marking papers etc and they are also thanked. Once again, the friendly service from the bar staff (Gill and Kevin Stevenson, Amanda and Wayne Franklin) was appreciated. Leigh (Stop Press – the Quiz night will still be on the calendar next year – Gill Stevenson and Ruth Ann Arps have volunteered to pick this up, so we can look forward to another enjoyable night again in 2018.)

INSURANCE Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit.



OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4.30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7.00pm.


FOR SALE 1971 Triumph Herald 1360. Urgent sale. Car was fully rebuilt in 1990 and has done very few miles since then. Apart from minor paint blemish is in very good condition. Asking $8000 but will consider offers. Contact Snow on 07 5481140 or 021 2803311

***************************************************************** Morris Eight lubrication wall chart approximately 50cm x 80cm. Possibly pre war good order $10.00 Sockburn Airfield (Wigram) circa 1920s calendar depicting the four wooden hangars and Auro 504 k in flight $10 Display box of classic prints suitable framing includes lots of ex calendar prints of V & V cars. About 30 in total $10 Calendar with large print of classic yacht “Pastime� 1896 under sail $10 Also lots of posters too numerous to list including Rally Posters $5.00 each Phone 352 7457 Tom Clements ************************************************************************* Studebaker 1955 Champion (this vehicle is well known in the club as was previously owned by Graeme Henley) Phone Peter Marsh 027 492 7451 28

Chevrolet tune up/repair guide 1955/74 $20.00 12 “ Hawkins power hacksaw $15.00 Saw bench with 1/2 hp motor $10.00 Metalalon roof rack collapsible still in box $5.00 Phone Malcolm 365 6223

WANTED Jaguar E Type, prefer series 2 Roadster. Approximately 1968-1970 or would look at other years. Phone Brian 03 3585 322 ************************************************************************** Triumph TR6 or T110 Motorcycle wanted as retirement project. Preferably late pre-unit, 1960-2, or 1968-70 unit construction. Absolutely anything from a complete machine to individual parts considered. Preferably with documentation as necessary. Phone Clive on Tel: 03 347 8902 or 0275 382 630" ************************************************************************** Ford V8 engine. Need a rebuildable 1939-48 24 stud Flathead engine or block. If you can help, phone Gary Arps 359 8734


2017 Scooter Rally Report This run started from the Yaldhurst Hotel car park on Saturday the 29th April. The days run started in fine weather with no wind and scooters were ready to go, when I arrived at 9.15. We had a quick briefing and the rally sheets were handed out and off they went, as I was backup and last to leave another 6 scooters arrived at 9.50am. I handed them sheets with out stopping their steads and we were off. The run took the back roads using the old West Coast road as a back bone heading towards Darfield. I had my first customer a couple miles short of Darfield where we stopped for morning tea break and some refuelled. After the stop my customer was up and going again as we headed towards Hororata and did a loop around the area and headed back to Darfield for lunch. I thought I had a couple more customers but they had only run out off go juice a quick top and away they went. My original customer was again stopped but this time it was more serious so on the trailer and off to join the others for lunch. The Fish & Chip brigade joined us for lunch, making nearly 40 bikes in the small town. After lunch we headed back towards the Yaldhurst Hotel where the prize giving was held. The winners prize going to Russell Barnard and the hard luck to Harry Dawber. Thanks to John Benn for the rally routes and all who turned up for the run. See you all next year. Cheers Les.


Above and left the bikes all lined up at the Darfield Stop.

Scooter Run

Right - Harry Dawber the winner of the hard luck prize.

Hub Editor email: 31

V.C.C. Canterbury Branch Four Day Autumn Run 2017 Saturday 22nd of April, On a fine sunny morning, the run started at New World Kaiapoi, where fifty four members and family had been given permission by the owners to use part of their carpark as a starting point. Thanks New World. As first time backup, at our first Vintage Car Club Event, we were rather apprehensive at first, only knowing a couple of the members and unsure about how the long weekend would turn out. But no worries, as we couldn’t have been with a more friendly group of people. After a warming cup of tea we were off, travelling up the Main Highway North until the Hurunui River Bridge, then sharp left through Ethelton and morning tea at the picturesque Beckenham Hills Homestead. Time for a chat and a photo shoot for the proposed calendar being produced by Paper Plus Kaiapoi. Kate spoke to us about the last few years and how both the severe drought and earthquakes have taken a toll on local farmers and the small townships in the region. With the recent rain, things are slowly recovering. Thanks to Kate & Donald Anderson for their hospitality. The only incident we had as back-up during the day was a puncture on John Smith’s 1926 Oldsmobile, requiring a tyre change. After this it was a scenic autumn drive through the backroads to Cheviot. It was a shame to see it now deserted, when once it was a bustling town.

Then on to Waiau, with very spectacular autumn coloured country side, despite obvious earthquake damage to roads and hillsides taking their toll on the region. It is a very nice area to visit at this time of the year. Time for a picnic lunch, tea & coffee and chat in the Village Green, where we enjoyed mingling with our fellow campers. Some of us checked out the local ice-cream shop. Afterwards some of us went to Bruce Forbes’ Coach and Livery Stables to see some beautiful old vehicles, including Corey’s favourite, a well restored grey Ferguson Tractor. Then off to our destination amid more earthquake damage but the autumn colours were spectacular through to the Hanmer Springs Forest Camp, our base for the long weekend, which is well set out and suited to all our needs.


Once we all settled in, it was time for dinner with good food and plenty of it. A big thankyou to everyone who cooked and prepared our meals over the weekend. Onto a quiz with Easter Eggs as prizes and the drawing of the raffle. A few hardy souls stayed up late and watched the Crusaders win again. A great way to finish a fun filled day. Next morning was a free day and most of us visited Hanmer township, the hot pools and some stopped at the numerous cafes for coffee or some nibbles. Hanmer was vibrant and full of tourists and Cantabrians enjoying a glorious autumn day. After a pea, pie and pud. Dinner, we had a fun night of Bingo, more Easter Egg prizes and a rousing singalong of ANZAC songs with lots of fun and laughter. Monday morning another beautiful day, crisp, but clear. Andrew and Matthew held a photo shoot just outside the camp in front of the autumn toned trees and blue skies. Due to road conditions on our intended run, we stayed in the Hanmer area and did a leisurely tour through and around the Hanmer township and immediate farmland. We had a chance to enjoy the sights and show off our beautiful cars and it was fun to see heads turn and photos snapped, as our entourage passed through. We were welcomed at the Hanmer Springs Animal Park by Kirsty and Tim (who were busy behind the counter making milkshakes and coffee). Everyone loved feeding and petting the wide variety of animals but Corey just loved the tractor. We then shared a lunch of savouries and delicious homemade scones. It was very relaxing just sitting chatting in the brilliant autumn sun. We all lingered over lunch, walking around or just talking and getting to know one another, while Kirsty told us about the Park and their plans for its future. It is a lovely place which is well worth a visit with or without children. Thankyou Kirsty and Tim for your hospitality. Monday was Fish and Chip Night, followed by a tasty pudding after which there was a rather noisy and competitive game of true or false with loads of fun. On Tuesday (ANZAC Day) some of our hardy souls attended the 6:15am Dawn Service in Hanmer, then back for a breakfast of some of Annette’s yummy fried tatties, toast and cereal. This was followed by cleaning up and loading the cars for the run home. A great big thankyou to the camp manager’s Selwyn and Elizabeth.


The facility is brilliant, great accommodation in a unique setting. On the road again, down to Waipara, to the Glenmark Railway Station where Matthew, a committee member, and Jayden opened up and organised a workshop visit while Andrew had the billy on for our final tea and coffee stop on the station platform. Hot drinks and yummy biscuits, sitting in the sun by the train tracks reminiscing about the wonderful long weekend we all had. Some of the members carried on to the Amberley ANZAC Services. We have made some lasting friendships and renewed old ones during a great weekend. It was great to be part of a bunch of lovely people who all made us strangers feel very welcome. We truly recommend these rallies to everyone and would love to be able to come again in the future. BRIAN, VERNICE & COREY WILLIAMS. (Back up for the event)

A big Thank-you to everyone who participated and helped out in many ways throughout the four day event from the organisers. GRAEME SWORD and Family.




18mm BS 1088 - $165.00. 1220x2440mm. Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm.

* High Pressure Laminate - 12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip - 18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm. * Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049

Canterbury Branch Web Site


New Members Welcome to our branch. We look forward to meeting you at our coming events and activities.

Bob McGarry and Annete Williams (Joint members). 1962 Humber 80 sedan. Colin and Leanne Cameron (Joint members) 1929 Chevrolet truck. Daniel Hope. 1926 Dodge Tourer James Lynch. 1955 Norton ES2, 1949 Ariel Square Four, 1967 Triumph Saint, 1974 Norton Commando

Below - Autumn Run Beckenham Homestead.


Copy for the July Hub closes on Friday 23 June , 2017 Post to "The Editor", Cindy Hey 6b Aztec Place, Redwood, Christchurch 8051

phone 352 6266 email The views expressed in the 'Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255

Canterbury Branch Web Site Email: Postal address: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch

Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall

A/C 03 1594 0096832 00

Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit.



June 2017


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