St. Viateur's College Journal, 1887-12-17

Page 1


















Opp. Ill Centrnl R. R. D epot.


~ T <l.nage r.


ENTIRELY NEW .Accurate Maps, sh01ring 1ntest Di:;wveries and Boundaries, Concisf. Desc.:Tiptive Text with 1wijorm Top ical Armngenumt, Supe-rb and Ap11mpriatP

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139 and




K. EAGLE. L UJY.I:EER.. A large and complete assortment of Lumber, Lath, Shing les, P osts . Snsh, Doors, Blind s and Mouldings alwny s on hall(l. Filling lnrgc ordei-s for Dimcntion Lumber a Specialty. Yards, on E :1St A venue, Kankakee, Ill., 2nd. Yard North Court Street, ~ nil nt l\Iomence, he tween C. & L. I . and River. Address,

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Th!' P rmtagra ph Est.

P.U10r.I 1N(;'f0N. ILl..




~· ~~nt.tzs,


Stationery ~tore k ept at the COLLEHE BOO K I;TOHE.

J . T. RO:--IEY .

THE CO .\L\fERC[A L H OTE L. A . F . lUALLORY Prop'r

Attenti o n! Tlle Pantagr aph, ornam ental P Pn cil T All LETS WlLL PLt A.'F. YOU ; :>.•k for tl>Pm at your


14 1




Monroe Street, CHICAGO.


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Kankakee Illinois.

Nt;w, and present, with the gt·e ate~ t accuracv, the res ults of th e Jatast iHve!'~FEELEY & CO. /$-tiuatiOJis a11d exploratioll!". 'fh ey have blfen cln\wn after Joug :~nd patient ~ t11cly and compari son of tlie best a nth o riti c~ . Gold and Silversmiths. statisti cal, descriptive and cart.ogrnphi cJ. K. EAGLE, KANKAKEE, ILL. al. CHURCH ORNAMENTS. ' The names on nll the. maps are collect- -----------------------·----e d in an alphabetically arranged index. HEADQUAR'l'EH,S FOR in which is indiCilted, not only th e m ap, Religious, Craduating & Reward but the precise place on the map in whi ch each name can be fonnci. 'fhis "Rearl y Medals, Refere nce Index" contains nearl y 10,000 names of citi es ami towus ou the I First Y ard N orth of Court Street, l maps. ( OpJlOsi te Johnson' s Grain I:luuse. f Of Choice Designs and Fine Text.-A large, clear aud tli ~ tinct stile of type is used. - -- - ·-·- - - Workmanship. By the use of two sizes of t y pe, a longer and a shorter course are i nd icat.ed. Hanl Coal Direct from Breaker at AU, GOODS AT FACTOHY PIU CES. MA'I.'HFlMAT I C.AL and P HYSl f:.-1.1, 0KOGl!A-



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S. Tetreault. hndin my stor e. Give me a tri:tl.

Bourbonnais Grove.


Something Interesting If you h ave t'\c hool 1~ool1s which you li O not care to l>ee p, 1 will t<1l'e them in exch an~;e for

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J. A. LANGLAIS. Bookseller , Stationer a11cl Wine Merch ant. 177 :st. Joseph Street, St. Hoell , (Qn e ll ec) Proprietor of the celebrated French C la ssic~ by E. ROBERT , a ucl a.lso of "A New Courtie of Cana<li >cn Penmanship " in 9 Nos . (French a.Jll l E ngli s h) $ 1 0.~0 a gross-of ·•La Senmin e i:l aiute~ " witllmusi c, 180. l1alf bound , $G.00 'lil clz.-o f "Le Par oissien Note," 18o, full clot h: $10.80 'tjl cl z; half bom•d $12.00 'lll dz. H as always on h it.nd, a ncl at th e lowest prices, <til k inds of F r ench a nd Engli sh class ical goods. Depot or t.he Celebrat ed " GOLDEN Cl\OSS," Fin e Cut. Est<lblishecl l 856.

S. AU>INER, M;,nufacturcr or FINE CIGA.l~S a)l(l dealer i n Smol<iflg >tnd Ch ewing Tobaccos and all Kind s of. Smokers' Articles .

' .,

No. 22 East Ave. Kankakee, I ll.


~ ~ ~

0 0



01 tu



~adnr ~unaus, in g reat vari eties;

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CUSTOM CLOTI-IING. T hey Gt1m·antee Pri ce, QualiLy of Workm ~1nsl1ip and Satisfactio n to all Favoring th.em with tll elr Patronage .. . .. ..... . .. . . . CALl, AN D SEE US.





BiiRIJII!I& GBOVE.lLL. SATURDAY, Dec. 17, 1887.




an happiness and prosperity, and the consolation to see increase and become -a power for ·good:the intellectual movemen~ to which he has 'given rise.




LEGRIS. ••••.•••••.•..•..•••••••... '88.

PAvL· WtLSTACu•.•••••••••••••••••••• • •••• '89. CRAs. It BALL..•••.•••.•.•••...•••.••...• '89.

*-1.50: *0.75.

One year



- · Si~ months -

Payable in advance.

For advertising, see last page. A

d contrlb . utlons or

u.· s iidents-· o1· Uie

()()U . . . ege are 1nvlted to sen

matterfor\beJouRNAr.. All communications- should be addresSed "St. Vlateur's college Journal," Boubonnai&-Grove, Ka.n~Qdtee co., m.


HONOR AND GLORY to .our beloved and learned Holy Pontiff Leo Xlll I

... •

THE LITERARY and Debating society of St. Patrick latel_y .celebrating the 12th anniversary of its foundation, ,was enooaraged in the earnest . pursuit of the noble aims of-its members: the acquirement of ·a. refin~ liter.ary. taste·and ability to clothe ·their thoughts· in themostproperstyle,connectthem · in the most" effective order, and deliver them with ! the rl1t'lWer of '' true eloquence. These young gentlemen, by their devotedness to their association and 1 their rea'diness and constancy to labor to make it the instrument of their own . improvement, show ! that they under.stand the excellency of intellectual attainments. They are ·certainly deserving of the applause and rencouragement · which · appreciators of ·the mindJs goods. so ·freely bestow upon their efforts·


THE JOURNAL lays its tribute of abundant THE 'MEMBERS of St. Patrick's Society return admiration and deep affection at the feet of our glo- :thanks to the honorary members and Rev. guests riously reigning Pope Leo XIII. who contributed to make their late fete a day which • was in every way delightfal for everybody, and one •• THAT PROVIDENCE may long spare the ·which may well · be-chroni-cled as the most enjoyWO'tl~ th-e ..,ery precions life of our Leo and make ~&ble and most enjoyed in the calendar of college his years as full of happiness as of good works is !feasts. our· sincere wish and Otu' constant prayer t0 Heay. •*• en. AGAIN FR. LAMBERT steps into the arena of ••* religiuus politics and gives us the most interesting LEO XIII has particuhirly · end$1red' himself to tournament we have yet witnessed between himself gtudents hy numifesting a deep ifiteregt in the stud- alld the high"created knight of .infidelity, Colonel ie& tb ·ty purtme, by selooting and proposing to their Robert G. Ingersoll. "rractics on Infidels," of which miftd& tlte- most !~pproved, {l()rrect, and effective.sys- a notioo ,appears in -this issue, is a book which tem of thought-~lt~ the philosophy of the great ev,erybody &h:ould read, because it is full of everySt. Thomss. For this really paternal -i nterest in our thingmrhioh 1interests us all• a.t this hour. It is full of intellectual welfa-re we canno"· feel Qtherw.i'lile' •bhan :' scibDoo, iuU of wit, 1fnll of truth and close logic-- a sinoorely grateful; wlre,clore on ·tOO •oooaaton'' 'Of reiOOrlcable book ' '\\'hich is destined to do a great his all-hailed Jnbilee we do gladly wish tl'le·Teacller deal of gOod. ·





fl. t~ d hi s ~, l'i · e' S g·.e ni tlS;, ~hrc h WOUld ha ve a ll fo r its d omai n, mu st acce pt th e barren ~·ock of . - - .- •. !\.., ~ iJ i.U.<.. . H ... J. ,.-, r .. !i/ , ·,· .•· · ") ' 11 . · · iL · ·~W_;!?:tl;!iiu'g:l:mi'i.~; and tll i$ too P..t the The tim e is rapi1H)' fip[it'oiiBling 'irllCl t- 1ho I ov i n~' han d s (If !Jis m ost r elentles:; eucmy. And vile pnp:1.cj·, h ~1.nds <l f C:1tholic p eoi>h~,; of ev~~ ry bn<l sh:tl.l pl n_c e,)}li. \\'<IS its cxiste uce a t au e ll'd ? It r o::;e Jruu1 i ts seeming t.h e f<·e t of t lte ir vr n~" rn l f' <1 fll :cl ~ uprcme Pp iri tmtl ruiu IYit.ll u ew stretwt h '~HY. Tl'ate · ...~,lQJ_:~.d.,.,c; . ·-·· .. ,._,_.. >-?..- ='· ·---- " - · . rul er 1 the it• rieh nn<'l v:1rierl p:ifts; ·1Il"''lJ'i fiJii.1elii'oi :~I'Cio!, ... o ( mtlt iff;· fi~.v e silt in t.Le i:h;tir of Pe Agai t1, but .a f -,w

1 1

l1is fifti e th yrnr of' priesthnwt. . ·~· . ~? £1i l!~.t l'"', ~•• ~'1;~: · ~\,f. I ,( , • ~ I, ' • .\1-.• \ ' The j n i n t offe rin gs of ~!'t o poor :ts we ll as i uc].ivicl t~~. . · pr~srnts ofthnve!\1thy··; co stl ,y vemri1e7o t:S fitifl''j) iTC:;i ess gems., th 0 ')/!'OR nets of the E>~st A ·n<i th oc.e ~JF t h e we~t : worl~s o £ nrt., works ()f nn.t ure; the t.rihnfe of the r'> net. n.nrl th e lahol'i ous rosuH:s qf ::;~ienee-a,ll wHI he g-at he re d togi-! the r nnd will mnnirPst to the world tlto l ov.e · nn <~ venern.t.inn o f cntholie h('~ll'ts in e very lnncl, for t h e g rent, tl wugh imprisotwtl, Snj>ren1e ).'~nt.iff'; .. . · Anrl. not 011fy cttholic ·perip1p>, ~n1f e ·1thrJLic prit)ces<' ning t~ prrsen t him with t b'e ir ·g ifts, hiit ·e~en PrusRi:t's ."1\inn of' Iron ," . Brsmn.rk, Et1glanrl's Roy~ll \J_:_

.mnjest.v, and the rul ers or other 1 n·n·1 ~ . nre en..fre r to pre· f s~nt th e ir tokens of estef\m: Some h onor him fo1· hi s )earning; othe rs lnok upon ·!Jim ··as the potiti<! Jel'lrlel' of n constituen cy comtn'l.ncl ing respect ke for its t::tlent , its energy ::~.n d its ntHtlhers; btJt eathoJi Cll g l,>r.Y iit\ hini ~sin one who , th ough ~tr ip of hi s p0~ses<; ions, impri. f' On ed in his own c ity, nn :l th1enle.n{)d o n every s icle by foes whom th e wo rl <l est0e ms powerfli l, n evcrthel t:ss . turns a. calm m1rl i.mcl:lnnt<,cJ ft'o nt t n ench i;~penrl ing cl anger; t.he,v h ope in hin'l a nd as on e rl t·stin erl to hrin g to nauglit. the p t' erl iction of' wonlci -b e p r o'p b cts ann ]earl t he chu rch ·t .o TJ:CW victo ri es. D espoi l th e Pope of his terr itory'· tea r fr o m Ltis bro w the r c1y::tl din.dem , sa id , but a few Yenrs ago, i he fr ic> n rl s of mocl ern t ltnno·ltt.. an n t.he' world will ri rl it self o f supersti.t·i on noel "th e "l'itiherm P- n·' of ttH3 Tiber 'wi ll be · wit.hout p-ower anc1 without si1 cessor~. France's "Man of D e"tiny ," at ·whose frown m orlr rn R m ope trembleil , t ho ug ht Lh f'l t he h a d clepl'iv eci Piu s VII of power w he n be se izecl upon the p~tri mony of tbe chnrch an d he ld it.s rnler ca ptive. H e thonght thnt;1. w eakol,] m a.n won lcl not rhre to r es ist his comm tn rl~, when prin ces iltlfl kings f'n r more powerfu l t ha n he in tc>mpora l resources suhservi ently b owecl their wills at the least m a nifes t::otion of his p lef'l sure ; or . ifthi s pri ,on er r efu se d to nccerl e to his d em ~,nd s, . ancl rn.iseC! hi s voice in threats, th ~t he , whose wi ll ~\·a s unac. qnainte ti with re, isf:l.n('e a.m1 whose_ nimi es ha c1 nev<'r known defent, mi g ht laug h a1. ancl <l e.spi se h1s t hreats as so mnny vnporings of a feeblf<: 1 nci totte rin g mind . Tint a "fia t'' we nt forth from t l10 b nll s of divin e jnst icc, soon en ter ed i nto hi s coun ci ls, nnh carcl of defeat a nd disaster w ith clogge d m ein pr<·sscd npon t he footsteps of his sol<l iers : the sun of his g lo ry w:1.s eclipsed at vVa t e rloo . . ' his iron 11 ill was fo r cecl to bear the tett·ersof a cnptive ,

id . r·'

·~ rl· 1-e N ortll, not a king 1w r ru · e.mi~er' r, , b~~~ l~e~~~~l.::>t?.:;£!\<.l ..tU) r f · ~ ·" ;icl'l..;~l·Wf !,;~p lBd.ge4iu_ ltgs,c ie t 1., th·e ·'X c.l _ . ~ ·1 •i l,tl' crau~ ..vf bilttl.e' lly ttJ.•:tflip ltligu\:>cm th Affgiflus 'ri b ! LS 0 '!tiS ca'thulie Stt l!j eets. F rom petty · a:nc1 .. iit de pe ucl en1 l1 rin ci pal iti <•s he had l.Jt!Ji · f:Jp' ,..a ~ mi· w, iter · ¥~!,, ·rfiri"! ,J pire; A us1 Lri:_t's proud e:1gle"J.n.1id ttdi~~-'<'!f ~t_ri . ol~J:L~~.~.fu!J.<l_g,Lb.;lt.tle before the stnncl:t rd o t~.t-JN~c 3"!Gt!. g, P russ ia n giant; he ha d h um v lerl in the dust tb e pow er o~· th~f.~ 'Yn 'IV' -.• #Niun, from WhtlBe c:q)ith l eivfHie'd' ·l<.:uro pe !,..ps_l· j · if ll} ~ n ·rs , fr(~l.ll wlh)se t'llr~Hle\\r:is :oi ~l:1 e ~~~i.~)_ n."'9}1 ;,:~'R_'c~i\ :h i ell ~-rongj_lt J) ~ iHHi pr.o.s<Jr;_w.;,s . •t-- {J~<tlt~tm lly.. to· . n a-

·. f


tiOtJs_::wliic~~ fo r its devoti01~ to th ~:~~afh c;i ac ,~ff{!~eJ tae. tJt>tilc "l'l·rst Daug hte r oJ t4e · l1 nrc;'B ' ~ '" e rs o"f long~ . _ ~~ -,- Mf-' t·i. f1 ~..,,It'"!·'* dom s Wn.tcbe rl with fLil .Xic t ; 1liS m ove m"ellt!" 3 d 'Y4tited tl pOtl h/S.. ,.VorcfS-~v)~ll. fe;ll'. VV;~7~·1J~t --~oA0; ~ man be f<•r e wl 1 Hs~w i~ ·~1·n~:si·dc ' ll~ttQ ll El';'tre-~~;p·j6rT"~it'Q~r~lc....tli.'(~e ;fm. me uncl•jr !tis d o minio n iu t he' itl:m~1 ei-' ~vbi 'e fi he IYil lerl? ·Ce. r'taln ly ' ~n e.'.J:iil1 iflqy~ , CIJ.spf-JL. lt1-rS>f witltont arn1 ies nu.d ~vitl·lcO~t;.Ad,enrls· '·Wt:Jt tlrl not ·rl:ii:C to C'IJ'tie:l:"'tllre"'i~'S't ·. itt . J ' • ·~pl I u , . :t trifr,"'Wl':'i l e"''ilJl~i ;; w ~ e rs e~tee m ed Lh et ns~P,~s lln.ppy ', 'n'u:t to fee l Lhe stren gt.h of hi s n.r m. Y et Lhis wns w!J a~ ,h< l J>,)_)e 1ecl: , , : 1· , , · "Leo c':in1ii-the Kin.g ~1n'oiote,0 : w1 ic!L ' a ~:; t~.· :~J Hp l)£ ~:: tu Pl: ' j. ~ ~~· !} l:i s s ign, "' Ana tlt e Li g h t of I:Ic ~~ Vd1l d awni ng sh .. wc(l C(1 ri :;t's 1 promise sti l·l divi ne, : .' · · · · ' '·, · · ·• Ancl t he a.ncieQt d ev ils ·fl.eei m'b,: c:rd·e'ct '0 1'\.rf'e . tl le 'Wor ld is Llt ine." '' Leo ca m e: ~ t:1tes w er e no t hi s ; l~ um o:1~ r eso nrces were not hi s ; bu t in llim Bi s m aJo·ek,,l'lY~·t " ~·i.s .;n~s tle t ;.' {'J., { Leo X IIllt e tli scMers n. ~uperior fo~;ce. with w~tich,JH; must - ..,. n f ., ac-coun t; n.ncl w ith ft ~ ltr ew dtwss ~ n c good- sense <,;,ha..rac,, i"' . ' -"!. "" ~.t er istiC of rea l ge niu s, ' i he Gerrt1 n11 C hn.ncel lm: r ealizes ~. that t be Papacy is:\ p(> ~'e r wb'ieh the mighty of this world must r rspec'., a nd that, it is saf'e~ to meet it as an ally thfm as an e nemy. :r-." or .d icl bis vic tori es cease llere: for whe n dis pute aros,e ,h e tweefl" '@e t'tJ1&1i-y ~~ d. I s,~ain i n regnrd to th e possession of.tlte ·OaJ"olinH Isla nas L eo is made th e arbitet': I-;Ie is mad e. ar.bit.e r ,and .t he w:urlct Hpp1am1s-tb:tt,. worlr1 which was: sp f<.t t£1:.¥ rejoi.e iQ_g at t.he clownf~tll of the parincy, which w.~s ! ~op ing n.ud prophesying that it wo uld nev er again ari se fr om ' its fa ll ;a:nd which had f0-r so 'long a time carpe d a t and cond~~ned tLat il~ terference with affa-irs st ate exe:·cised by Lh e tiapacy in ' 'Cat.bofic" E uf'ope"'i'h tlte middl e ages.-.. · Tt npplnuds; for, in tL e papacy so moderate a nd con-




. ,



1 •





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?r>-1!""= <· ........-v-, ...a=-: · ~::r=z

:;.e.rv~tiv e , !Le IoY er:> of peace see tlj(~ uuly " ~Y fo r the

h tun:w co nd uct and <:orr11pts it. On t he eont;-nry, if u ui versa! d isarm:tm ent , of the anne .! c.trn ps of Europe, . . men's miud s :ll'e sc:UIIll nnd 1 s, ,j jdJ y 01; tru e princi nud the r e~tu rat iv e to wclet y o f Llwt C'qu iliurium ~Vh ie h · ples, thC' n iu(k erl will b e Lrnug!lt forth very mnny revolutj;iuu e,tusc<l it to lose. LeneO t:ial l'E'S ll l ts r( . j' both Jlll h li e :tlld pri V:t te W<·l l:l I e."

To Leo the credit due for tuis r estcr ation <,f the n ' lt :lt wil l be t ll c d fect o t t il l · f-hly Fall tE' r':; tu rning t he tuis ra pid and uul ookec1 -for r estoration of intellectual :l::,pcct (>[th e el:nrc ll to th e view of' tiin :1ge? its prestige. The lustt·e of his virtues, the g en tlen ess of As says awrit.erin the last issn eoftJ, p,••Catlw lic 'i' orlcl" .his mauucrs, t,he depth of his gen ius, the ~Visdom of i1is it will "c:<use sound pbilosophi c:1.l sturlies to ntt rn ct the diplomac·y command everyon e and everywhere. in te ll ect more t han t ue so-call ed sci en tifk in vestigations : )f the beuefit:> of hi.; r eign were to st o p here, if ·at pn·sent i n v og ue can <'l o. It will mnkc th e experim enthere were no other field for tile exercise of hi s genius tali s m of n:1turn l science subservient to t he ethi cal anrl and the gai·uiug of new vic.tories, they of them:; metap b ys i c~l. The beiug aud att ri b utes of the Creato r would be amply sufficent to gain our admiration a nd and Lord of all things, t he immortality of man's soul, gratitude. Bnt there are ·other regi ons towards which freedo m anu respons ibili ty of that soul ior it:s conthe imprisoned pontiff directs hi s gaze and to which he duct, the future reward a nd punishment of good a nct calls the :1.ttention of tlle learnec1 both within and with- eve! d one in this life-th ese, rather t ha n the study of . on·t tll~ pale of the church, a11d against which be is di- the phenomena o f the vi 6ib lc 'vorld sball hold first recting all the forces at his command. False philos9phy r ank' ' And those races first, says the same wr iter, is the enemy be now attacks. "whose domirianl. natura l trait is rather tile intellectual H is an intellectual war; and his weapon is the old than the emotional, will be found movin g to the front, philosophy of S t. Thom as. H e warns the worlc: that so- and among them will ensue a powerfu l development of called advanced society is followin g· false guid es in her the s tudy of phi losophy and t heology. Protestm1t naphilosophical speculati ons,· and that a re t urn to the tions also will feel the effect of this movem ent, and medireval. philosophy of the scholasties is imper atively bring it face to face with Catholicity; for the root error neces<;ary both for th e best interests · of religion and of ot Prote~ta ntism is an intellectu al error and must be true science , as also for th e m oml a nd even material fo ug ht with intellectual weapons; Protestautism makes weHare ·Of hum a n soci ety. t he criterion of truth su bjective : Catbt,lic ph.ilosophy What ! relurp to th e "dark ages'' after the appearance makes it obj ective, or, according to S t. Thom as, it is ofsueh lumin11ries ns Bacon, D escartes, Locke, Kant, the transposition of the object into the subj ect." F ichte, Selie I ling, Cousin, Comte and Herbert· Spencer? L astly although directly t he intellectual t o ne of CathIt is more thau :1.bsurd, sny our "advanced thiu hers'': oli city will not affect t he ele ments of the political world, His au insult to o ur :1.dvanced and en lig htened af;e; it yet indire ctly it will affect every thing. is a cledantiuu of war not only agai11 st mod ern philosThis principally is tbe work to which he rlirects all ophy , but nga in st all modern cu lture. hi s energ ies. Is be acting wisely ? Is the time ri pe for vVe migbt, ns we ll be asked to cast aside gunpowder, such a movement? Time alone will telL At least no one dyn ami te a.nct Krupp gu:1s, anc1 to go to war with j ave- is in a better position to jud ge of this than Leo XIII lin s, spPars llnd cross-bows. Y et absurcl a ud repugnant hi mself and every true Catho lic spontaneo usly fee ls t o prirle as it may seem, with this ancient weapon he called to follow the direc tion of t he Sovere ig n Pont.itf. takes up the wage· of battle. O'B. We consider philosophical speculation but a harmless pastimeotidle book-worms;he might smile at thE- abs urd vag~tries of those who imagine th ey are progress in g, AT INGERSOLL AGAIN. whilst tbey seldom drift a way e ven fro m ordinary common sense. But they are not idle :,;peculations; for, as says FATHER LAMBERT's " T ACTI CS OJ!' INFIDELS." . the Holy F a th er, "if anyone consirl ers the state of pubThe monumental hypocri sy, meagre logic and rickety lic and private affai rs, he will perceive that the fruitful rhetorical <'hams of the "picturesque infid el" have all cau se, both of the Pvils whkh affiict us anr'l of those again been un ceremoniously unv eiled by the learned whie lt we fe:1.r . co~s is ts in this, t.hat mischievous prinand witty Fr. La1~ben, who is well known a nd endeared cip les, which long ngo c;> forth from the schools or to all t hose who follow the progrC'ss of id eas in our COUllphilosophers, hrnc penet rnte(l int_n ni l r:1llks of ,ociety try. In hi s "]{ofes on Ingersoll" F r. Lambert had exa 1,d have been ge nern lly acce]•ted. For since it is in llllposed the 1idheics rtn<l absurrl itics or Ingersollism and mnn nature to fol low ren,son ns a r11le of C< ,nrlu ct, if l ite invited ;t refutation of his argulllc nts; whereupon 1\l r. intell igence goes wron g, tbe will is cnsi ly perverted; Lncy, a tli:>ciplc of Ingcrso ll, to tile re~ e u c of hi s aml thus it h:1.ppens thnt the pcrvcrf'ity of opinions, ~worthy goo(l m:1ster, allll Fr. L:uuul'l't wa s o lJl ige d to whose seat is in the intclligcncfl, exert:-! its intlLt enee ou ch~ncb; ·fur



write ano lh<'r hnnk ti•r the t\trther· e nli g·hte nrn e nt of the inridt'l~ ~llld flll1 H"P lll Pilt or the r ~ st. of 111'\ll kiu rl. Iu rending- this h sL a nd t r ul y rcnull·lm ble book, •·Tactics of' lttjidels,'' one is at a Ills ' w li ieh t v ndmire lll ost, the cl••i'-e t'l:'-~ls · m i ng of th e logieitm, t he 1<-lll'Lliug ul t hH theul~•gian, t. he ' hrt-IY<I l't' l ); ll' l<'l~ o f t he pole m ic!, o r tha rc !in· t>d wit t•f lht• F.ttln•r. T he boz,k i · n' m:t rka h! e because iL has all these ft~atun•;:, whic h ass ll rudly makP it no t on ly au aunt:;ing cO ill i•·mi o n. h u t ft re li:tb lo i nstr th:tor. It, is a ph::t,;i•lg pec u liarit y ur thi s wo r k . t-hat it h:u!l!ltS g t"l\'1:' q •tt- ' titHtS a nd'S th E:' m of t heir i111pute1l ohjcetiuw, uot iu long ubst nhe ph ilosoph icn.l or t.heologieal P.Xposit ion,;, b n t in short, c lc:1 r, c!o ·e nnd pithy ehnptcrs. Tlwre is d epth with a l. ~ ~~co u nte rfei t logic, or hct-<', or tc x ~s nrc P'11m erl otf o u t he Fr. a:; geuHi lle :ll'tide". Jic iS Wl dC :lWllk t" ; IW ma kes llll<l insists on d is t i t~ di u ;. s a u<l uu wett vPs the "hono r lH·ight" c•on. victious an d s we•'p:ug nsser ti u ns of the Ingers .t lianl'. The F r. mo1von·r is a ware tha t logic , sc ie nce an d truth nre no t. t he o11ly anus with wh ich to en ute nc l ng:ti ll:5t I ng<>l ~" 11, who, by tho wny n,;•-s truth and ~c i ­ enee :1n rl log ic ve ry !< pa r ing ly . l 11g <> no ll's for·t li (>S l'l\ther in h i ~ hu mo r, his ·n1·e:1sm, hi!:' g n uc1y Vt> rbosity nml h is irre veren t S tUi t:f~· ing Of the holiest lind g mnc]es t thn uu- hts and acre<lc.;t SC!I tim e nts or 1111\nkin d. H e is o nly "'a co lfer, a log ic.'l l buffonn par e x ce llen ce. .Ien's i u, nud t hu t a lon e, makes l nger;<.oll popu la r. W he n t hey peree i ve t hnt li e hns a rnusecl Lhem nt tho Px pen:>e o f w h'lt they h o ld clearest-they can bu t h:1te and llesp i s•~ h im . T ue F r. urings out in m n uy 11 n nh le ' ·tlly o { wi t nn rl keen satire t he ineonsi t e nci(•s of his oppou ents ; a.n .l thu ' the pres t igP, the gr:11111 Hit"B o f the infidds nrc c :.m~id e r.J l.>ly si mplified, a11 <i t he ir " houo r bright" \':lll is hcs piLi full y a n•l cum pl e te ly . Such book s a rc HIU C!I ncenetl to·d ay whr, n t he t ine o f in fi·leli ty is c"; •st.:lllLiy swe lling a nd th rente ns to be. come a puulic d ::u .gcr. A re w£>goingto beco m e a G orlless people ? ~o ! 11·e s inee rely ho pe. T he t e nd t" f1 ('}' t o f(•rg et G od , howe ver, and t.o c hoose mamm o n e v ery cl ay increnses. W e are weigheu d own by ou r o wn steam a nti el ec tric i ty, hy nil ou r ma te na l e n v iron me nt s. Y o uth e:1s ily ririfts into indifth·e ntis m, whi ch i hu t a s t r p fro m iufi tl eli:y. T here jog n e ecl of an a w,d<e nin g, not of m o re ea rt hly t ho •.1gl1t or of mo re mate ri a ! ~pec u lnt i O l •S , but of nobler t hough t, of m o re e levating c onv i c ti o n ~ , wl.Ji cl.J will be t he safcgna rd o f Oll r 11:1.tion:d iustitnlio ns and t i.Je s,afe wny to o ur better destiny . A bor) k t he n wh ich p laces clenrl y befi>re t he co mm o n mi 111l n.nct se nse o f t he people th e a bsurd ity an cl th e a wfu l, but logiea l co nsequ e nces o f infl.d . . Ji t_r, is fl. tim e ly v o ice of wa rn in g and o ug ht t o be heecl eo bv all. \ Ve wil l exa min e so m e o f Fr. L a mbert's in te re~ti n g pages and qu o te a few pass:1 g cs. Tl1e I nficl e ls h~ve the hab it vf ma kin g theiT in ca pac ity t o co nce i v e or imag. i ne t he ' ·h ow" of a t l1ing t h e meas ure o f i ts poss ib ili ty

S: t~'s t.he I•'r. "'l~he fu.ct t.l~t~-t"'t,h e how of n.n net or p1'neess lS iliC-JOI·ei Vtible, is ll ' ) )JWOl th:lit it hn s \lOt· n. Jwu.1, Or tiH\t it is impossi hh•. T U.C haYJ ,pro('es.s (11' gene.flis o f thoug ht is inconceiva b le u ut t hi s ineoo cei •m b ili J,f does llO t justi tj U~ i11 ri e uyi 11 g t he f;te t ()f .t\nu { 1t. y ,,g , ~t(i. mit th tt voli t ion is a 11 u l>o! Vtl d pr•1b lem. fl ••nsolved its how i:, t h us t:n· a t least lll WOn ceivnh ltl. W 1H you tllereti)l'e d eny tl10 f:tct ot' v o lition ? H •1W a u a.cnrn be. comes 1111 oa k is i n uo u c~ iv n b le, Rll d ye t w.e must r eO(>g n ize the fact. Vvo Cr1.1HWt CI.>: ICe i ve h u1Y thJ) U.{Itt is •tt'lt llS~ terrell fl'\lm the rn intl o f th e s pO<lk ~t· to tl..le min d of fl. tiHHlSllll!! hearers, ~t nd yet i t is a ftw t. T Pil m e no t tint t he voice p 1·o• luc~s a it· w,t ves aoJ thu.t ·t lu-Jse wa v es strike th e se nsitive org : ~n-; of the ear, -nn ri tluH condu c t thought to t ile m iuti, for I s b:dl immedia te ly fl fl kt h o w an air wave C;Ul CUIIVC)' a th o ug ht. OJ' ]JOW a vi b ra t io1g nerve can trnns111i t H? No one th iuks o.f d e ny ing t hese !ne ts simply bt•cn uso h e car.not cotwe h ·e. ] ,o w they are 1-ff,·ded .... In fid e ls ha ve no •·corn er' ' o n bows." L'1ey, I ng e rsol l's ri ght UO IYe r, refnsrs to !j('e t l•e d es ign of t lte cre:ttor in the nni ve rse; still he iJd(m> d esig n from t he conrorm ·tti o n of a ni ma l's t.eeth , s ton1 ae h, etc. nnd ncc nses G -1rl o f c m r lt.y t o a ni mals. T he Fa.t.he r is not s low to 1wrceh· e t he pt1s ition L ncy nss umes 11tu l thus s hows th e cti lc m mn. whi ch su rr u n11 1ls h im: " De:-; ig n ca n be seen in n ut nre or it cn nno t.. 1f it ca.n , then I ngerso ll '.; t heory is wr o n~, a n1l n. clesig uP r exi sts. If ri es ign ca nnot be seen iu na.tu;·e y o nr r eason ing (or :1 (' c usatio n) is nil in v To ngree with Ing erso ll yon m u ,;t d eny th e ex istenue of d esign n.nri to convi c t Gocl o f bei ng th e 1} esig ner o f c rimin:d s uffc r·ing y ou m us t. ndmi t d es ig n. t rn nge :\S i t may e em , y ou try to Brivocat.e bot h t hese two con fl icting i hf'ori es . . .. l t is a gootl t h ing for a po le m ic to !w o w <•n whi c h si de of a q uestion he is, fi nd to ha ve SPn se euo ng h i o lteep it.." L:tey nnd t he infi de ls finri 1:1ultwith Go•'l'seeonomy . T ~ey c ite H im b efo re the ir t r ibuna l and H e is rl eel nrell e ither too len ient or wo tri c t. Lacy 11 ks incli g unntly : ' V hy cl idn't G ..., ,] po nis ll Su lumo n's n wi th d e n.t h ?"' Til e Fr. re pli es : " rla ri yo n n mrl t.IHl who le c hapte r 11th. Ki.ngs I. yon wo uld probably hnve b een sati a t ed w it h t he s uffe rings i nfl ic te•l o n th e s innin g m onarc h nnrl not brtv e grown io d ig nA.n t b eca use God did no t imm eri inte ly t:1ke b is li fe. It wo ul d a p pear tha t yo u r m:llze r is n.l ways wro ng wh et her H e punishes or pa rd o n~; if H e cl oes n ot kill the sinn e r H e is parti a l, an<l if H e kills him H e is c rue l. F o r the S upre me B e ing t he re is ~o esc'l pe f m m L acy. It is a m ys tery bo w the A ll- wise Be in g coul d nn int ell ige nce that c an c0rne r Him so eas ily , ho w H e " co uld creat e a being so mn •· h wise r t ha n Him se lf" On t he right to en o r th e inestima bl e privilege t o think er mr, whi ch L acy claims as a n inrli spe nsibln clelli en tofprogr ess, th e Fn th er says : ••T o err is hum a n, it is a fac t , a mis fo rtune of huma n nn.t ure- not a right. M e n

ST. VIATEUR'S COLLEGE JOURNAL. can 1ook ·with indulgence on him who. errs, but when be glories in hi s imbecility HS a right, their indu lgent ~p irit c:..anges into one of contempt." One who loves intellect ual toboggflning, th<> I:Ont=:tantly recnning ?'ecluc.tio acl absurclu.m t o which Father L ambert subjects t be infid els, wi ll prove exhi lerating S?Ort. We very mu ch recommend "Tacticsof I nfidels' to o:ur readers, being snre that it wi ll be a source o£ high intt-llectt1al r.nttrtainmcnt an rl of information fo r a ll. It is published by "Peter Paul and Bt·other, " Bufftlo, N.Y. and solf~ by Catholic booksell ers ge nerally. R.

12TH. ANN IVERSARY OF ST. PATRICK'S . Literary and D"b at in g Soc iety.



'\ ;\ f

Last TueJcl ay 0 Jc. 13th. w::-,s rlecirlec1ly a g lo riou s fete for t he P atri cians ami their fri ends. An article of the society's <:onsituti oo requ ires members to com mem:;t ate the fou n<l at.ion of the a:o.sociation and adoption of tbe constitution by approachi ng tbe sacraments in a body. 0C thiR rel ig iOUS d uly the members most ecl i(y ing ly ncqu itter1 thP.mselvcs nt tbe commu n ity m~~s-nt which t here was mu ;;ic a ncl an ncl<lres.; by the Rev. l\1ocleratpr, F r. E. L. Rivar1l C. S. V. He spoke of th o exce ll ency of kn owledge above o~her att:t ittmeJ1ts; of its n ece~s! ty no w in all fielrls; of the grand en<ls i t cn n ncb icve; of the great tu in gs ex pected of us and which we must fit Ottr!,elves· to p erf,mn . ".It is tb c pro1ess<·c1 aim of .St. Patrick':; nssocintion, said t ll e Rev. spenker, to in sp ire you a rl eep a nrl in telligent r eli sh of w hat is beatift d an d el!o! in li teratnre and oratory, n11cl to make yon culti vate these artt1 as the most powerful means of g guod in yo <ll' futur0 caree rs" . .. After requesting the members p io usly to ask God in their present devoti on this earuest nnd nbiding love of science to be used for His honor and glory, mass wa.s said and the morning <'xerci ses cone]uded. After brenk fas t th e mem hers congregate d in their reading room where fu n was concocted for the morning. All the imaginable game3, inside and outside, were made to contr ibute tbeir uever-lailing store of am usement. The canrl,r -pulling washy no means an uninteresting sport; nor was the masticating of said taffy less amusing. Dinner bell call ed time and gathered us in, some from the billiard room, some from tht ball-alley5, and others from the reading room or a r efreshing leisurely walk. The afternoon was spent likewise, and in the immediate preparation of our appetites (by a good walk to t he woods) for the oyster ba1~quet which awaited us at4.30 P . M. We had all returned at the appointed hour. At the tables, which were artistically and suhstantially


decorated , sat with the members, ou r we lcome and di stingnished guests, and honorary memb ers. Among them we n" Hev. P. Menard, of L::tke Lind en, Mich., Rev. M J . l\la.rsi le C. S. V., l{.ev. D r. Chas. Peborde, ReY. G. Legri s, Rev. J. R. Bernard C. 'S. V., Rev . J. Cregan C. S. V., R e v. A. D. Main ville 0 . S. V., Rev. L. A. Senecal 0. S. V., Professors J. Finn, A. Granger, T. Lyn ch, JJ Dore, J. D eveney, P. Sn l!ivan, and E. Bourget. The sprea d wns really a cul inary triumph l'vh ich we shall not essH.y to dis cri}'\e. \Vben things had proceeded far enough, Rev. E. L. Ri varcl C. S. V. arose and proposed tbe fo ll owiug "Toasts'' whi ch were answered by the Rev. gentlemen iu this order: Rev. l\1. J. Marsi le C. S. V. "The Col! eo·e a nd s•. • 0 P atrick's ~ociety ;" R~v. P. Menard, "A College Feast;'' R ev. Chas. P eborcl e D. D. ''Tbe work of Tim e;" Mr T. Ly ncb, " St. P atrick;" Mr. A. Granger, "The B on-" ornry Memb ers;" Mr. J . Finn, ''Leo X III and S t P atrick's Society;'' Rev . J. Cregan, C. S. V. "France an d St. P atrick's Soci ety ;" l\1r. J. P. Dore, ''The Intellectua l t.he Moral ar.d th e Physicrii.''-Httd I space I would glarl ly insert at full leng th these addresses which .were all full of usefu l suggestions, thanks, congratu lations, wit and rich thought. Th e soc iety is especially ·desirous of returning thanks to our Rev. guest from Micb.ig~an · who, beside the r ich menu of id eas to wl1ich he 'treated · us, also tendered a wide- b~arted i1ivitation to all the members to visit him in his interesting part of'our vast country, and enjoy not only a pleasant portion of our vacation but alw thereby to become acquainted with some t)[ the marvelous inv entions and machinery of our inventive age .... "No large cities or colleges to see in Lake Lind en, said t he Father, but hearts as large as your hu·gest cities and fine co lleges." Thanks, Rev. Fr., and may it be otu good fortune some not too distant day to avail ourselves of the cll ance yo u offer ns of meet,in g you aga in. After all this bodily and intellectual r epletion we aclj ourued once more to t be read in g room which, lit up and cozy, seemed the most inviting. The cigars were passed and a gay chat was commence•l-stories, jokes, college jokes, and other laughab le things were on the tapi(> and kept the glad boys in a constant exertion of their risibl es. At 7.30 P . l\1. we were summoned to the music room which was en jete,-tl.ilgs, inscripti ons and other decoraeions floating all around. This was the intellectual part of the day, and a seance was g iven by the i.ilembers, which elicited the applau se and hearty congratulations of the visitors. the programme was as follows: Gipsy Baron . .. . ... . .. . . ... ...... , ..... Orchestra . . Introductory ... ... ... .. . Rev E. L. Rivard C. S. V. Vocal Solo-:-Old Sexton .. ... ... Mr. Thos. Normoyle. Essay-Spanish I nquisition ........ Mr. H. J. Legris.



C l ar i onc~ So lo ... .. . . .... . . .. . .. . Mr. A ..J. F raze r. D eclnm at ivn- C urfew .. . . ... . Mr . W. P r·endergf•st. Pia no Solo-S i j'Ha is Rui .. .. . .. . Pro f'. E. Bomg-ct. Essay - E lemc11ts of E ng. L:•ng . . 1\lr. l\I. l\I urr:1y. ~on g .. . ... . . . . . . . . .• ... . . . . ... . .. . . J1,1 r. J . D ore. Essay - ~ p a11i m· d ~ in M ~'x i eo .... .. Mr. P . W il stacb . l)ianu Solo . .. . ..... . ...... . . . ..... R ev. G . Lr gri .~. E ssay -Fai lures of our Govemm ent .. lVIr. T . Norm oy le· Son g . ... . .. . . . . . . ... .. .. Rev. E . L. Rivard C. S. V. Comic Reading .. . . .. . . . . . ..... . .. Mr. J . Con d or.. ~e l ec tion . .. ... .. . ... . . .. . .. . . . .. ... .. . Orcllest ra After a few remarks from Fr. Ri vard , and can dy were ag ain free ly ci rcu lated ami a chat en joyed t ill near 10 o'clock. It was t he comm on sen ti ment that. we had had a royal goo d tirn e, ::md agreed t ba t as longasSt. Patrick's !>Ociety conv enes "to fig ht shown bat tles wi t h pen a nQ, t o ngu e" t b i ~:; ann iYersa ry be kep t sacr ed. :M :1y that be "ad m u ltos annoF.' ' Vmr-

LO CALS. - V acn,tion !l! .. . - Xmas is nigh ! .-Gaudeam~ts .igitur! - Is Youug su blim e or not ? is t he question. - The JoURNAL wi ~ h es un told j oy to all s tu dents, pttren ts, editors fri ends, and readers. - Th e hi gh-fl own lan guage of Mr. G. falls t enderly, y et sH elly, on one's im agination. - Willie acted "Garde d'honn eur.'' for Rev. M. A . Doolin g C. :::J. V . a few cl ay s ago. -Our "Bud" is thinking abo ut passi ng hi s vacati on at the college. - Mr. G ranger hn,s in11 eri ted a berret ta,- a goo d ad v ancern ent. - J. Palissarue's lat est is an Ode . - J os. Duffj' on c·e more g reets us - ibi s t im e fro m Colorado. · -Do not forget to leave on th e 22 nd. inst. and t o r eturn on th e 5th of J a n. 1883. -Rev: F. O'Reilly, of G ilm an, Ill , vi sited the coll ege last l\1(J nchy. - Mrs. Se na tor ' Vlleeler, anu Mr. ::mu l\lrs. A. Kerr of Kankakee, called to see th e boys last w eek. - ·w ell Jim mie , huw d o y ou like office paste ? -The qu estion is asked "Can t he Cincinnn,ti's beat the Louisville's?" -The " Dude" was all owed a.n ex t ra week lo get ready for the holiday s. · - From D ec. 22 nd. to Jau . 5th.- T hatJks. - .Frank Baker has no eq ufLI in foot-ball. - Pitou B . is now nu mbered fLmong the dcrils.

- 1\'Iany are calJ ed bu t. few are chosen- .o n the ball · nll ey. - W!J i:::p er il g en Lly - W !J ~ rc cl i.Ll Me. ge L ~l!a t p ipe '? - Am er is unhappy-Joe lefL wjLIJOut g iv ing him least wami ng. - Uee il s ho nld be a n ice 'IVri ter by t his tim e. H e surely get.s enough practice. - ILtrry P arker will lmvc to forfeit !Jis claim· to the champ io nship of th e turning poles it J a mes Dorsey ontin ucs to im prove the way Lte has bee1..1 impro vi ng. - Ask Sa m abo u t the m eri ts of the w ord "s tr uckl' when as an algebraic term.! - Sl :t 1fo rd and l\'[alOtJey are g et t ing up a di ction-ary ex clud i ng a ll word5 beginn ing wit h ''th. " It d 0als mostly in tbc " d e'' a ncl ' ·cl a t" b u ~in ess. - James Me. is t hinkin g abo ut slee pin g on t he hand ball alley nf ter this in orcler to have first choose i u tb e morn ing. - F red Lesage is looked upo n as the comi11g t raged ian of t he coll ege. -Coffey's l>r igatlc is eure to take the prize a t the C11d of th e year. -- T be pr obab iliti es are that Prof. t>co tt will re ma in wit h us during t he lw li rlays . - YVe hear t hat a no little arg ument p:tssed betwee n t wu of o ur Jeadiug li terary k11ig hts in which a <'luly appointed cri tic was llri ticised by th e kn ig ht he C l'it ie i z~:. d . - Ou r ge nial ••Bu d" will so<m be si ng ing hi s Christmas carols. - ' Vm. 0. is being mu ch regarrl ed in hi ~ notable nscent, especially by the book -keepers - Hy ler drew hi s check on th e F irst National B :tnk of Bourtonu ais f01: $ J.~ .50 au d no b octy didn ' t kn o;v it. - Our m usical Pedce is eage r to l>oo w if tlw word ticld le co mes t'rom th e latin fid-ibus. - W m. D. say s it is nothing t o wear a coll ar wb en you get usell t o it. - Clms. H , -Heilold , t hou a rt imwac u!ate--sin no morE' . -Justin R r efer:; to some of Pedee's elar ion et solos as having pleased the cars of A dam :•nd Ev e. Rath er ancieut airs. - Maurice 0' g i.ves lesso ns on t he Minims' hand-ball n,ll ey at eve ry reeess. - Ihrry P . and Loui s G . have ent ered a L1;uce h lHl no f urt her hos ti lities will be carriefl on, at least J uring 1l:el olicln J S. - A late un e:xpeetecl IrosL blighted some or Bro· Con lan's pret ty flowers. - The A ltar Lop; look well in their new ntti re and elegant badges. - It d ot-m' t nt all luvk likf:. ~lei ~- ritl i 1 :g jm t. 1 r w d ocs it 1\'fr. Ca.r I.




- ·P.,;ter B is~ono·ette and Philip H oude are consid ered as the best foot-bali players in the ju nior d epartment, ·and a well contested g-ame is to bf· l<•Oked for, and is gener ally play ed when Lhey are on different sines. - Tile JOURNAL gives thanks to R e v. Fr. Chouinard C. 1£, V. of Manteno, and R e v. Fr. Men~Lrcl of Lnke Liaclen, for ttwir substantial gifts. -Th e edifying exercises of the retreat con du cted by Rev. ,Fr. Daze were conclud•:!d at the parish ch urch la st Suiitley by a beautiful illnm inati(ln ancl a touching ceremony. Arter the closing ser mon a choir of little girls in white gar ments and wearing crowna of flowers passed' into t:he sanctunry, chanting a hymn to the Blessed Vil:gin before w h o~e a ltar t hey cleposi tecl their crowns. Th e scene was as l.J e;t ntifu l to beholrl as the singing was delightful to hear. People are flgreed in pronouue.i 1ig this retreat the most . numerously and r egul arly atte nd ed t hat has taken place here for some years.

Roll on deep Ocean (Ron g) ..... ..... T. Norm oyle. T RIAL OF F!:\G WING. (.Ju dge . .. . ... ........ . ....... M . Conlon. D i.-;trict A ttorn ey ... .......... F. Moran. Counsel for defencl11 nt ....... .. L. Drolet. Cl..taraclers ~ P risoner Fing W ing .. . . ... .. W. B ra.clley. Witnesses : _Sc hneider .. . .. ... .. W. Ty1~ a n. Kttty Malon ey ..... ·. T. Dowllng. LSimon Simp le . . .. ..... .·.... . . E. Ad ams. S[Lm Lucas Quartette (Song·) ...... ..... . Glee Club. Pat's Excel sior ........ . . . ...... . ... ... E. Colette. G rand March(Pian o) .... ....... . .... Prof. Bou rget. King Richard III .......... , . .......... H. L "ngle. Tivoli Galop (Piano ) ..... . .. . ..... . . Prof. Bourget.. RuGGLEss & Co. M. Rt'ggle ss ............ .. . .. A. K err. Ob:.n acters H . Mi tcbell ........ . ......... W, Shea. . R•1ggecl Tom ............ M. O'Connor.

-The battalio;1 for111ed its last clrcss-paracle on th e college campus yesterdft.)'. - Rev. E. L. Ri varcl C. S. V. uffieiatcd in Rev. F. Crowe's plare in Piper City last Su nday.- The Eng. 1:<\ench conversat ion class ;s making rapi rl progress und er t!Je di re<.:tion ofl~cv . M .•T.l\!Iarsile C. S. V. - Rev. l\1. A. Doo li ng C. S. V. _rr.nvP Li te st udents vacatio n H<1 vices whi clt il is siucerely hopeJ they wtl l c:Lrry hom e with them and put in practice, if tbey hav e at he::trt rea .l ly to, please. their parents and to be considered n.s tborOUgtl.)' Oung gentlemen. - w· e are pl ea::.ed to hear tltat our form er Prefect an d genial Prot. Mr. Mercier is now ord ained and exercising mini sterial fnnctions ~·t Porlland, Oregon. May heaven bless llis ue w earee r. ·



Yfr. M. P. McSoreley, Prof. of the second elocution class, introduced his boys to the coll ege aucli.encfl htst Monday D ec. 12th. In the course of hi s remarks be said that most of his actors were abo ut to make their debuL, and t hat Le therefore hoped we wo uld listen indul gently and overlook the possible hitches. The young orators deserve credit for the f.wltless way in · which they had committed their lin es and the ir able manner of "elocuLi ng" them. The evening was very enjoyable and the listeners all say "encore.'' Fo llowing is the well deversified programme: Overture-Zethus . . .. . .......... .... . College Bancl. IntroduGtion ... .... ............... . . Mr. McSorley. The d):ing Glad~ator .... . .......... .. ... .W. Shea. De r Bahy , . .. . ............... . ... .... . . L Fosse



Friday and Sat urday , the 16th. a no 17th. I n st., were J ays chosen by Archbishop F eehan ·Jf Chicago to confer Holy Orders on some -of his subjects. On Friday the toll o wing gentlemen fi·om St. Viateur's College we ~· ~ tbe happy recipients of Orders as follows: Rev. Stanislaus Nawroski, Sub-Deaco n, was promoted to Dcacqnsb ip, Mr. J ob n Finn, Mi nol' Orders, wa s promoted to SubDeaconshlp. T he next day, Revs. Nawroski, J enn ings, '84, aucl R empe, Deacons, were ed prie sts. Rev . .!!'inn, Snl.J-deacon, was raised to Deaconsbip. Mecsrs. Bern::trc1 Fio ~,d and Joh n Do re, from St. Viateur's, r~~­ ceived Minor O rd ers. Mr. P atrick ~ullivan, also from St. Viateur's, entered the clerical state by the cere mony of Tonsure. The above gentlemen have the Jo uRNAL's warmest congratulations and most siuccre wishes of happi ness.


Messrs. D. Ricou, a nd J . Ke arney lately enli~ t ed . The last r egular meeting was held last W ednesday evening, at which it was agre ed to in tror1ur;e se veral needed impr ovemen ts in the library, and reading -room. The Seasons were discussed in an al.Jle a nd amu sing manner by the following young g en t.lemen, Messrs V· Lamarre, J. O'Counor, l.VI. O'Beirn and .J.\11. L enn artz. lVIr. C. H. Ball lectu red and " The Only Source of Govermental Authority.'' The Rev. 1\locleratortJ.J.en addr>Jssed the society words of congratulation for the very satisfactory work of t be sea:oon now ending. H e attributed all success to the iudi vid ual and earnest efforts of




~T .

VlAT JW H' S C<J.LL.l:!X7:1£ JO UHN A L.

each m emb er; he en un1cmlerl :;:ome of t he m : t 1 ~y wny 6 1 B l'i to n ; po nr in it a st ro ng sulu l ion of AngJo S,~:~xop , in whi cl.l we m:ty in the f utu re lll <tke our eve 11 ings sti ll wb k h will lutve the effect of d ecomposing and a lmost. , mor 0. in te resting a11;l p ro fi tab le- if every b od y as h er~ ­ co m p letely neut nd iz ing t l.le Celt. Let dro p in t he latj n to for c r e~t rl i l y pr rfo nn s h i:> task; lll1Cl h e conc:l nded h i~ of t he ecclesiastics in s mal l p roport ion. Th is mixes ill; r emarks by wis hi ng t he soc iety full e1,j oy m ent of til e b nt it's in now !-:Now un cork yunr No r l1Ja.n B'ren ch jug coming h olidays, a i\1e;TY C hristmas and a lwppy N e w- [1.11 <1 mak e it contr ib ute a strong cuncn t; the mix ture Year . A roya l C'ln p. At'j uu rnment sh ows ~ ig 1 1 s of :1g iLnt io n ; it fumes~ lw il s and bubb les t ill The Atlantic Mon tldy,Scvibner' s M ngrrz ine, The pub- it ove rtl.l WS Lll e j ar ! A goou tl eal or ou r No r ma n F rench . lic Opinion, Th e Anu:r i ca n Jlrfaga<.iJte a re a(nong t he e leme n t is t hereby cx pr ll ecl ,:w d :tfcer t l!e exe ited liqu id eools, yo n see g:Ltheri"g at tJ1e bo ttom a r ich layer of !l e w a rr iva ls i n tl1e re: Ldi ng l'OOl ll . clear, St•lid A ng lo S n.xo n, s tudd ed h ere and th ere wi1·h DR A l\1 A TIC. cristn ll izatio ns ~ f L ::ttin a nd .Norman F r ench.. T his is the Th e Th cs pi:w s r ece iv ed fro m He v. C . Pelwr c1 ~ D. D. E ng lish L:w g unge s uch as i t was i n its brgin'nings nnrl a n iuter es t i ng hi storie:< l rl nun :t, ·•Kin g A lfred," wlt i(: h firs t cl ev8lop ments. Now t hi s pri rnn ry com po nnd h::td n Yery WOnC1'e rfu l pro perty-it WnS ma g net ie-th:Lt is it is ad mi rab ly s uite <l t o coll ege stag •~ . Th ey wi ll pn•b :1.bly p repare it for tlJC oecas io n of Rev . Fr. L nj o ie's vi sit nt h ad th e power to :1t t r·act an <l ass im ila t e uu to itse lf t he e nd of J :mu a.ry . The T J1e3p i:m s ~ in ce r e ly t4 n.nk th e ir e lem ents f wm a ny a n dll ll f( H·e ign lnng unges ; so m ueh so th[l.t th ere is sca rcely a l angu ~ge to cl ny, liv in g o r cl ead, fri end t he Re v. do nor. whi ch has not b een des poil ed of some of its fa irest je wels TI-m ST. VI AT EU R' S ALTA R SOD ALITY. by t~i s a ll-po w erfu l 1ong ue ti s m o f the E ng l ish . T he Thnrscln.y las t t h t~ Altar boy s m et aud e rec t ed th em_ r es ul t of a ll t hese ver bn.l p lu nd erin gs is t.bnt t he E ng lish sel ve~ into a regu la r soc ie t-y with a co ns tituti on a ncl Lrw g nage, which is still in n ivi du all y nn cl di st in c;.ly th e by, and ru lrs. Th ey ca ll t hemsel v es S t. Via.te ur's E ngilish Lr~ngunge, i ~ t he ri c bes·t a nrl the most expres< i ve So d alist s, arf, J are und er t he s pi r itual d ir ecti on of R ev · 0f m odern vel1ic les of t ho ug ht. It m ay uo •, possess LJ, e M. J. l\h rsil e C. S. V . nnd th ~ p res irl eJJ C.)' o f R e v . l\1. C. g[l.ity a nd v i v:w ity o f th e F re nch, or t he smooth ness Conlan C. S. V. a 11cJ ba r mo ui o nsness of t he It:tli nn or Span is h; yet it hns The offi cer:> ar e as fo llows : W . T y na n, V. Presdt; l\'I. t be tli g ni ty a nd th e ab u nd ance nnrl p ower of i ts own C on lan, Secty ; C. Q u inlin, l\'l:Lst er of Rul es. M embers nativ e A lbion . On it is im pre., sed as o n t he tong n e ~ of nnmher 18. other nations, t he character of t he peop le who spen k W e r e turn t h[l.nkf. t o R ev . F r. G . L eg ris for hi s sub - it ~ i. e. t be ser iousness, m oocl,r t houg htful nest:, t he alnioo;t sta ntia l g ift which will enab le us t o proc ure the ha nd- m elan ch oly,of its T e u ton ic fo un de r s. T his c11 n1·ncte r is so me b adges no w b ein g d esi g ned . A lso o ur thank s to fo und by critics as still t he mos t prono u nued ev e n i n R ev. F r. Rivard, C. i:::i. V., for a m uch enjoyed treat to thi s adv':l ncecl pe riod . y e fes ti ve t affy . In mode rn ti mes the R ng lisll lang n:1ge h ns b:td cnnslr1erab le nccretio n n: nd bas u nde rgone consicl ernb:e chnngcs. Howev er it is esseJ; t ia lly th e sa m e n~ wns h ::~ n rl­ ABOUT TI-IE E LEMENT S OF T H E E NGLISH ed t o us by Grandfather C ba ucet... The constant prog ress which En g liti b s peak ing p\ipu lations :tre mnki ng in L ANGUAGE. science, p l1i losophy ancl politics, as wc li ns in ne w d i:o COYer ies ;:,.nd in ventions cro ppi ng Llp o n a ll sides, every E SSA: f HEAD DJ':ii'OH g fiT . PAT RICK ' S SOCIET Y B Y d ay call s for new names of ne w Ll1ings r.!l d Ecientific Mn. MunRAY. te rms for new speculati ons . T "lre r a ilroading for i nstan ce ; what a nu mber of n ew A s t h is subject is rather a d ry, u sed- u p, anr1 at t he appellations Clicl not this in ven t io n necessitate! It is same tim e d ee p one, I reques t you r very p a r tic ular tr ue that m ilroad m en, bmkemen esriecia lly, often use I attention t o what 1 am ab ou t to say, if yo u ha v e :my interj ections of venerable aneie nt ness. This cann ot be d esire t o u ncl erst a)l(l t he ana lysis to wh ich I will 8ubj ect denied . B ut ta.k e d ow n in shor t-han d the ordi nary con our la ng u:1ge. I d e fy yo u to u n(l erstancl anythi ng i n the fab of t wo !'ail road me n and t elegrnph t o Cha u cer or Sii· J oh n 1\Ltnclev ill e, wh o was himse lf quite a travelfirst t en p a.ges I sh all prese ntly read- Le t us procee d. l iVe m ay r ight ly call th e E ng lish L :-t ng nnge a verba l ler, nnd I'll warra'n t yon ne it.her o ne of t hem will unde rcompo n nd, for such it really i~, a m ix t.m e o f va.r io us stnncl mor·e thnn the p un ctuation. Now gentlemen it is a good a.nd pr o v idential th ing . elemen t s, thoug h a st1·on g nncl i n mnny ways 11 n extmordinary mi:xtme. If it were aske d how th is sing nl a r that t he elements of the En g lish htng uage ar e cast-iron com pound was effected, I woul d answe r thus : take t he ones, anc1 t hat th ey won't crack or br eak o r m el t no o ld H ebrew for yo nr mo r tar , pu t in the Ce lt or ancien t m atter how th Ry are chewed or t ramp led ·u po n. How


many n German or Freuchma.n literally murders the lnngonge trying to le.-'lrn it! How many boy<', especially Cllicago boys, are perpe~ually throwing away the precious t}(s of our ~nglo Saxo11 anri using n p all the d's instead! and still the laognagc lives ! Is not t.his Yitnlity wonderful. Even the Londoners themselvns don't "cruple dropping · tbeirh's and so much so that 11.n American says the streets of London fairly teem with dropped h's. This must be V'ery exhaustive on a language - but as I said before our language is vigorous and young. AIJOtber good point in favor of the "English language is wherever it is spoken it is the same-without at least any material difference. We have no dialects properly so called. But we have brogues and .these are blessings for which we must be thankful to the English language. For what could we do without the brogues? bow much nf our innocent amusement would be lost? The French anci the German, the Jewish, the Polish are treasures of fun; the Irish is a je" el. Thus gentlemen I've shown yon not very clearly some of the worct elements which enter in the make-up of our language-all of which y0u know as well as I rlirl, &oct as I see yon are anxious I shonlrl cut this short 0f say something new I shall add only one more word, Good Night.

ELOCUTIONARY RECITAL. Thmsrlay evening, Dec. 8th, the Faculty and sturlents were n.grcnbly entertained by the Professor and the young gentlemen of the First Elocution class. The event, as all happenings which disturb the sameness of college life, had heen looked for with much anticipation, nnd this time the anticipation of the fun did not prove more pleasureable than the fun itself. Really we were highly entertained and owe many thanks to the speakers and their painstaking instructor for the able programme presented us. One interesting feature of the programme was its opening by Prof. Dore. His remarks were substantially as follows:Rev. -G-entlemen, and students, I was requesterl to introduce the subject on this occasion and here it is. I am not the subject, but I have the subject with me. I will exhibit it in the course of my remurks : ~o, if you want to catch a glimpse of it• be on the lookoutThe young gentlemen here wbo f<Jrm my background have the intention giving you a disp aly of their elocutionary abilities-and, if you are still here when I get through, they will no doubt do so; for they are evPn now only waiting for the floor-which, howt!ver I shall not soon yielo them . I feel by looking at them, it would be b:trdly safe to let them at yon , loaded SIS they are


with their fi ery spccche~, I think it's adyisHble to use some time to le t thE.'m cool off-and to prep:1 re you for the hock. Wh en in the course of college life, it be~omrs necessary fur a whole community t.o be :c1ssailed hy a little army ofmncl, frothy, sublime, funny 8 t:une:i d ecl:ti'llet-s one way well ask himself, what i5 'it all :tl>out? What is it all about i'?? <Jentlemen, go into the forums of any nations, visit the drawing rooms of society, stop in the hovel of the working-man, travel in a sleeping P-a r, ;-leep in the college dormit~ry, or walk in the college r,mks, and you'll everywhere discover the astonishing fact, viz: that men :-:peak, anrl boys too (to sn.y nothing of girls and women.) Now when men put a gre!$t rleal of vim, power you know, eye-power, voice-power, arm-power and soulpower in their language, they call it elocution. All these externals make spoken languhge very forcible. When for instance, as it often enough happens, a boy tries his new hatchet on his father's pet cherry tree, as George Washington did and confessed, or makes a rat-trap out of his sister's bustle, there generally happens a good deal of spontaneous dl)mestic elocution. The injured parties do not speak-they elocute! Children themselves practice elocution at a very tender age-but elocution is oftener in their case as poetry was in its beginning, that is, joined to music. Babies are often caught practicing it by themselves especially if left alone for a long time. Indeed there is scarcely a bettel' way of amusing one's self than by elocution as yon yourselves will have evidence of this evening. It is time to come to the subject pr0per, and now that I see your intellectual cameras well settled I shall cast th<:> picture-steady then! El-o-cu-tion .... is an art . ... which teaches us to express our spoken thoughts forcibly, agreeably, &ublimely-It is a fine art! Elocution is the garb of oratory's fair form . .A,p. orator's worcls may he very well chosen, his sentiments of the loftiest kind, his whole discourse a masterpiece of composition, yet if he has not the additional advantage of an external grace, a correct and forcible delivery, much of the beauty, sense and spirit of his grand oration will be entirely lost. But if he once a1tain this powerful help-which Demosthenes strugglPd so bard and so long to master, then oh! what acontlagration of passionate enthusiasm can he not lig ht up in the hearts of his hearers. There. is not one among you who has not felt and relished the refining, polishing, strengthening effect of good elocution upon orat(n·y. You have all heard speakers whom you have called in yonr own privn.te judgement, good, excellent, and poor. Much of the · effect pro duceri npon you by these comes from their manner of tleriPg their thoughts.


V 1AT.I:<.:U H':::i ClJLLKG.I:<.: JUUHN.A L.

Now gP tJ I.]P lne n, <· l <~c: uti u n is 11 0t eotlflti ed to l<:ft.y rPgious •Jf ioren s i< :. snurecl, 0 1· jttrlil'ious <'i oq ll l' n<;P; it. forms :1. part :111d JH>J· Linn of Clllr rl ::ily ntld ltO IHl y rli ~ ­ CO IIJ 'RC. TIH' I'C is e l<~ t: u L i o tl t h :~t is n. hnppy. <· ngng in i!', cle:w :L1Hl p:C it<•r:ll ly fi·liei t.o lt ::; nH111 11er rd'spe1•e h .. in o ur <l:tily 01•11VE'I'i'a Li<~n. At. l r~tst', tlwre "U il:h t to bc-:11 Hi if 1 his nc·(·o mpli ::; lmH' ld, i;,; w:111t ing·, o ur c·n nv rT;;ntion is more o r h•ss t.nstclr~ :' . 011C fc< ·ls wiH•n !1 !' c:onH•s in c(Jntac t in :1 d rall' in g ron 111 f',,r in st~ n ee wit h n11 expr r t r<•co n ttt• 1'1', or :1 11 itlt e lli.\!;C tlL 1 Otlvr r ~nt ion : di st thn1. Lh l? t'C is n. ec r tn in f, sel nn.t ion :1.h nnt ~ per,o n like that, which others li not. Th e r r fin cd to ne wJ,ic:h n pro per eln c nt io nnry t r:1i 1li ng gi v0s eve n to (Jilr conve rsatio n is n sort. of m:tg neti sm wld ch nevr r fnil s to rlrn.w :111d lh e atte nti on Of 1llOfe ~1bont ll S. B ut cl oeuli o u or ll1 e exte m nl gr,;crs nncl powe rs of 1lelivcry fire not o nly the inrlis pen srtl>lc! r<•qn is it es or t he oratc•r or of the s ociety.gc ~ e r, they have become th e n rerssn ry nppeurl:lge nr sc hoo l b oy s a1;rl g irl s nnrl rsp e 11 i ~. ll y M c:cHu·se, of eoll eg i:1 11 e;lt1 cntion. Boys ing home from col l1'.!2:e nr c now genern ll y e:x pecle cl to :1.ncl in f:1 ct are ofcB n r eq u est.ecl t.o :1. 1 nr ly of frie n c~s with SOJJI C fine r rc ititt g or r carlin g. It is PX JWcte.l lb flt hi s coll ege tr:1inin g h;l.S rmin e n t,ly fi t ~ e rl him t o :1cg nit him self of 8nch a tn. k. Any l10w t he eo ll eg i:1 n mt 1st tnk e t.he flo or. It wou lrl be di snst r,HlS ind ee rl it' he co ulcl oce npy it in no mMe r em arkable a mann er Lhrtn u:ifh his f eet. If l1 e is nneqnal to t.he occ ~1 s i o n he will on ly blusl1 , be aw t{lvarrl, forge t e\·erytl1in g , fi nd finally t:1ke hi s sent mid a storm of sig nifi cfl.nt np plauSL". Wr, have a ll see n th is - or th e like-and also we bnv e seen yo un g, :wd so:c1etimes ve ry yo nn g boys an rl li ttle g irl s entc nninicg t 11eir p:1rents' visitors -for a who le e\'en in g wi lh t hei r fi11 e rl ec l:Hn ntion8. A ncl wb nt a c:omfor:. itw;LS to r th ei r p:1 rf'11ts tn sre t.l :eir eltil ch e n so s mar t and inLe lli gr- t1t. Now Ge tJt.le men, w0 a ,· e soo n to go hen cr-, to e nter eith er into th e pe:tce ful bosom or nnr rnn ili cs' h e~nts , t.u better j oy or prirle, or to e nter ~o 1n e walk or other in life•, r~ n r] whereve r we go--wj} mn st speak. Let us th e n l e~ rn whil e ev•: ry c banee offer s it self the fin e art of ro·pen kin g well. It is acq, JirPd l>y a li ttle theo ry n11rl a g rent fl ea] of practice. If I were nF);e d what. is t he first t hin g llPerl ed for th e pro per renrlit.ion (J f any pi ece- I wou lrl saypmcticJ:; an<l th e seconrl , prnclice ; an<l th e · hi rrl , prn c'tice-It's all in prartice! The rec itn ls th er efure wliieh we fin rl proper to sub . mit yon to :1.1·e one o f th ese pr:1ctice s. The young g entlemE: n, p:u·dc11J my s:1y i11g so, :ue m erely go ing to practice on yo n . Th t> y ha v e not th e co nceit of irn:lg!n in g; t h(' mselv es p erfect elocutioni sts, bnt th ey bave th e hu ('la hl e ambition of perfec ting the t·fl lent they b:tve , . hence th t> ir a pre:n:l.nCP. this even ing. Li st en pa tiently, a nd ar•pl:1ucl vi gorously, and yo n will hn. ve clone your share toward the c haritabl e furtherance of an ar t which

r:>Hlks hi g l! . nrnong th e rd ln e rs of htpn nu lhcJug JJt nud t he prom oter of s<w ial C11j oy ment.. \ V e g i ve il1 e pr06' 1':Ulllll<' in fu'l : Overt ure, Mnret 1g·o , .. . ... ... .. . . .. . . .. •.. . , . , ., .·Ihncl lu t rodu ('tio n .... ..... . . .... .. ....... ~.f r . .]. 1;. Dore G: ltlfl l'BLis ...................... . ·. .. .. ... ~. ~n iJHl un n.uL us & Ua.s~ i \\ ~ .... .. . . .... Mes::;r.s. (Jo n<1on & J.-<~ Sft [2;e Pnr l'! tM::;~iuf' . . ... .... ·...... : . . . . . .. .. l\11'. Dc~ n is Ricou Gree n J\I•J IIll L: lill .)iiStiee . ..... .. .. 1\lr. L G rnnd ehorup S e l«?c:L ion ... .. .. . . ... . .. .. . .... . ......... O rehe~t r~ llnllll e t to l'l·ny<•rs .... ..... .... . . .. M·r. T. .:'io n l·l <Jyl c Sen:Ltori ,, J E 1fo rt: .. .. ..... ... . ~ ...... . D. l\I eN :1mn ra Ge~lc r and Te ll ......•.. 1\I ess r:>. 1\fcG:wiek ~1 :111 Q:IJToll Riuli eli e u ....... . . .... . ..... . .' .. .. Mr. ,J ules R ivJl r<l B tl'Ott':-l L~st H LVQ it et . ..... ..... . .. \ V111 . Prend c rgrt.!-t C:1su:1ties ... . .... . ... .... .... . . .. l\'Ir. Ju hn P . Dnre l{<• mnrk ~ . ...... . .......... ·. ...... Uur R .. v. Di reeLor Fr. l\lnrs il e WaS :lS USII rtl feli l' itc li S in hi s r enl:ll'l\S whic h li e rrstlltlCd in •· t h 1 11 k~» · rrnfl ''cr! ngl·n t n lat. ion. " llr calierl o r:1t 0ry th e e nsembl e of ell:t nti o tl <ll'.)' g r:1 ces a.nc1 so ulful sentim e nt, " LP- pon que 1·encl une CmP," til e ~oun <l IYhie:h a so n! g iv es li>rth. H e enco nr;1 gerl Lll e J>rofrssor :1 nrl stud en ts in th e ln t!Cl >tul e PX'I111Jl lP 'thr·y ha1l g iven, which he sn ir~ he hopecl the ot h e~· e lac·ses wn ul cl llot be slow t o follo w.


Th e Armory is lo king 111 ~ple11<lirl conrli t.i;, n ; I h'1n ks to Qua rtermaste r S·•i tHlun and uis :1b le :1 S5i:otant , P:t rke r. Th e Fq na.d from the "V ia. Yc>ntuom'' il1(l11l ge in · l~:d f ho nr dr ill s I>C:cns iona ll y nnr! exc ite the ad mir>Ltion ol' :dl by !heir ense nnrl g r:1 eef1tlr> ess . Thr sworcll rss <•fficers mnst not compl::tin. A com pl et e nnlfit will be on h:1nrl t( >r CVf' l'}' hof!y nfter t he h u li<1 ~~ ys. • Thf, i11speetions provr a d e~irl ecl o: ncces''· Th e n'"at appenranee of lb e whole B'ttLa li <•n at thr- las t o r,e shows thr1t t.h e boys are on the louk ont t o be w eli "s ldn erl tip" !'or tho~r. oc'OSior. s. Th e r e, igmLtion of Sergt. l3 ennrrl an'd Priv ate 'Minnit e OConnor will :J.t fect the "Pon y'' Compa ny a g r e::t t d eal. M:-~tll'i ee with ont an exception was the b est drill ed cadet in th e !Jonse. No.w boys brnce up !·Th e co mplim ent pnid you h_v Fr. M:1honey anrl hi s kin "l1eB in d o 1·1.t ing-'t m ·)"l d to th e bes t rlrillerl cLrletrlese::vegr.'1.titu!le; an rl by becoming welldisci plifi e1 anl pro'ic ient in tbe m mu tl ye>u e:1.n show this. Dur ing the E x hibition Drill gi\ren beiore our many vi~ilors on Thanksgi ving Dn,r , a lack of attention was

,. ' I ;

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-~~-,.,..-~.:::-::::..... · -:- --~~·-:-~ -- .- ~.-Wh:PR&R ' COLt:EGE"" JOUR~A1•. .J4


"'f - ' i



, . "f-:'- r

e· .



. 91-it~edP;•nd . tlre-~nseqnence ·· w~s . evt;nl "br<>;, ks" I ~e"100a.e· ·On · ud'l oC<'. jon. if }·oil ' wi.<h to m;li<e :.

. gpu(\·iulp!; i'ion 'Ott ·mns't 1,.;1)' the ~trictcst nttentioti. .')· .. n(lW ergt. 0 1 IT Co. A ' rinrl'.'nrcl.v the"c om . pany cannot but be vlenserl to see hiin tlie tine of .Jlla.,eJfJsent),Ootside of ·snlieriortty in cH-ilfft;g, his c:;n. , flsetinerited · himt~l:m i tion.· ·: ' · · ... "! .. _.,':l'be' :firuvwea.ti'Jv.r of 'lnst 'W<'ek ntlowed the Bat t al ion .-Ji~ !\1 •the t:ampus tJ~ ce trl 'o~~- The phtuo'n movem ents ,mere;,e:Jte-euted •ilri goOt:l'style hnt the IY(mer:d in:{i·ching . W.$S~not:ast g0Gd as tisunl: T he lo s of out-door sheil~ grea.tly. Bu it snirl however that the bress Pnrade Olll tbli.t rlay wmJ the finest yet. Our Adjutan.t seems t() wake ;up td.bis •dttty a"Hd now performs his office like .-veteran. >




,.,· '"'""'~



'"''it;~ 'inany :fri~nrlEJ of.d. J. Libe~·t ·~2 will be piP sed tO. l~arn th~t ·. I~~ who of oL.<t c.ounse.led adherence to the

. 1~~-~ ·?:\ 1is?ipli~~ i~ now the ben~gn

Fat her Libert a.d{Di~He~·ing_ ;in the , capacity of pastor to the spiritu al w~qr'l ~f fl: •.r;rou:iwJ fl9ck at Lewiston, Ills. J('lmes O'Connell '80, who made ElPaso a household na'¢e with Q~, hns, after t4e completion of Theological ~tu~j~~ ~t .§V!-~}~ll:i.~rad's_, ,fin }l lly fo un rl it his ple~~sir:g task to en.shnne l11mself m· the. hearts of the catholtcs at •1 r i · l1~~;.ro- c?-t.l!e.~lrq}~ ...~-lton. The J otJrual adds congratultt~



~~fter mature delPwration and with a view to render~ng ~th,crs

1\appy r-s well as himself, Alf ReisiDg '77 sold qnt i;1 slt1gledon• and is no.w voyaging in m•::.irimonia l sen~. His f4t~tre- ~esidence wjllbe Ch~mpaign. Henl th . "J!~~lth, }.>ep~cli~ti9n, and. <tn <•c~asional call, Alf.,say your q~opc1mp ,[pen_d1,.~~: J3~,, urbonnais. . Wlllie O'C<1nnell, r)Vll0se pleasing smile of old threw pefpetpaJ s.ull,sb,iHWOund th~ college preci ncts has after sc,me chinges of life once . nwre assumer\ the defen. sive. versns.sbield .of Achille, an_q )s singing of Mantua witl:i·.~he Fr!!onciscans at Quincy. . . .: li!dmun(H.iggins of 85, one o£ Gilman's most .eHter. P!.is1 ~g tP~l gentlemanly_ young men, who left nought but' sweet merpories after him at St. Viateur's, is hold in!(aown the tic~~r J.11onee, IlL §t)a,paghy, fl , prosperous grocerman of Chicago, who l~ft ~ ip '82, talked tp friends through telephone while In wny to render. Thanks at Gilman recently. ~v~ . ~re plea~.crl h~ar that Rev. Thos. Deveney is now; well and ngni~ on <luty, having succeerled Ht-v. J . Libert In tl)e curatc\ll~ip at Iv esdale, Ill. '.Airle,ric ~;n.jl'ie o·r 8:2 now man;hes life's ways hy twiJ's: 'Married by Hev. F. X. Cbouinardatl\1anh·uo last ~ovember, A. P rairie t:o l\liss A. Courville. Lon()' lili• 0 · aud · prosp<'rity. "" ~I

I f









·. !!.tpbael



ROLL OF liONO-H . G ohl· :\I ed :tl f; ,r (\ lltdu ct n;Hl · P ul ilct ~ css P q~:1illy (tescrverl by· P . Gn11 :gc:-, Th o::> . Wh:1lcn . Ed. IIartwl' il, J. Ru e1'th, Fra.n k Lyon~ , G. Fergu:;on, G. Dvnnei ly, l\L Murray, H. Legris, C. B:tll, P. ' Vil st:wh-D mwn by J. Me Cam bridge. Distingni sltefl - W. Clenry, T. X(' rnw y le, C. Cnrrull, M. O'Byrne, J. Dors<'y, II. Otsull , " ' · l'cm ers, 1\I. Lenartz, and J. Cond on . JU~IOR


Gold Medal for Conduct and P oliteness equally deserved by L. Falley, L. Legris, A. Besse, F . Rowbnd, M. Fortin . Capt. J. Sampson, B. Frazet·-Dra.wn by F. Dillon. Dis tingui shed- A. Marcotte, V . Cyrier, A. Graudpre, C. Roy, A. Kdrr, J. Cox, '"\V. McCarthy, J . O'Connor, W. Co:ff6y, and S. A. l\hher. MINIM DEPARTMENT. Gold Medal for Conduct and Politeness eqnally . deserved by P. Moran, B. Elw~s, R. Kerr, P. Frecbette, L Drolet, Capt. H . J.,ingle, Drawn by P. Moran. Distinguished- M. Moran, J. M cMahon, M. O'Connor, B. O'Connor, W. Delaney, A ., A . McNama.t:a, J. Laplante. LATIN COURSE Gold Medal awarded to P . Granger, 7 classes. 1st Silver l\fer1al awarded to G. Donnelly, 5 classes. 2nd Silver Medal equally deserved by S. Saindon, McGavick, O'Callaghan, Laplante, 4 classes. Distinguished-Ri cou, Murray, Cyrier, Bisonette, McNamara, Frazer, Normoyle, Tierney, Lamarre, Falley, l\fcCarthy, Lenartz, Condon, Legris, Lingle, Fortin. CO.M~IERCIAL


Gold J'rfedal equally desen ·ed by W . Tynan , Hartwell, B. O'Connor, 5 classes. Silver Medal equally deserved by Alf. Lesage, H art well, l:'!.llissard, CA rroll, M. O'Connor, 4 cla~ses. Distinguished-J. O'Connor, Conlan, Drolet, Elwes, Barry, 3 classe.~; Sexton, Bradley, Dorsey, Pendergast, Ricou, Knisley, Delaney, A. Granger, Gallet, Lawler, Legris, Collette. GUILFOYLE



cqu:dly <l<'5ervc·<l ;,y ........ . . L. Falky, G. Dound ly . CO~WAY l\IEDAL. D•.sr:rvc .I I•y . ............ . . . . .. .. . Ch:•s. C'nrrvll.


] fi4


Juhn B.erchman:;, all three (•t the Society o1 Jesus. In the N ever b efore iu the history of the Church can we be- same pl8ce on the succeeding SunrlnJ!', rwill be solemhold such a triumph for the P:tpacy as the one which . is nisP-d the Beatification of severn I Ve ..1.enlhlle servrunts of t aking pla.ce in these hst days of 1887. Cardinals, Bis- God among whom is the Venerable John Baptist de L.athe Founder of tbe ·Congregation of the Brothers hops, Pri ests and Jay peo ple, all vie with one another salle, . of Christian School~.'' i 11 th eir manifestations of love, · veneration a1acl respect Among the thousands of presents• to 'be: offered to 'the for the August Captive of the V:tti ca.n, the RepresentaPope rltll'ing his Jubilee, we notice a ·splendid 'tiara,-a tive of Chrbt on earth. 'Whole dioc:eses, whole 11ations. gift of tile P .lrisi:ms. "This tiar:\l is ,n; ltiSS'Ue . of silver ri se to a mnn anrl proclaim their ( steem for the See of cloth, embroiclered in silver aml ·filile pearls.. ·'ftre three P eter, Pilgrims come pouring into Rome from all councrowns which :mrronnct it are of gold :u~d stuclctect •wit h tri es, from all peoples, from all tribes aud nationalities, rliamonds, emeralds, s:1pphires anclc rul~ies, tt)'the nu;mnnu at th e feet of Leo they make hut one family ltl1d ber of about six hundred. Th· e small\ ' c.1·ms· ' '~Wh~'ClJr sur_ prov e th emselv es tl1e obedient chilctren of one commoll mounts it is set l)'ith a splencl• id :cHaln:OJ>Hf 0f i:the ·flJ•st fltther, the Popl'l. Wlmt :1. spechcle to bebold a.round the vener:1ble chnir of Peter, nnitect in 011e tnit:!J ancl witter." The ·Whc,Je cos.ts ove1· $20,:000. ·'We uotic.e · a: silcreed, the beautiful cllil<lren of Europe, shining with vel' statue, with a mo.g nificent desk, p1·esent.~;ft · by· the genius :tnd iutelligence; the swa..r thy sons of Asia, not Count of Pal'is. Also a casket>et'b .. pecless intelligent perhaps, but sa.ddenecl by the thought toral 0ross stnrlderl witll diamoncl; an1l emeralrls, the o f the m~n_y evils affli cting their cout1try; the <iMk and gift of the Duke of Nemours. A silver hell of exquisite abandoned descendants of Cham in Africa, looking im- w0rkmanship ·by the Doccle ·ChartJ'es'. A fite-smiLe of the ploringly to the Pope for the benefit of a f'i,vi liz1tion gold crown·nffereri b.y Pius·l'X to· Our Lady 0.£ I~ourries t'he crown itself whi0h their co untrymen seem intent on refusing. Assur- is presentefl -by •the &.r.t.(st who designee) / M. MeUer. A touching (fffering is that of the . Faittifnl edly snell a scene is one never to be for·gott.en. The Uomp::wions of Jesus, a · c oJiJmntJity which, from P~ris chilclren of Aclam seem to return to a bond of friend7 to S~ dney, devotes· itself to 'the ·train1ng of girls. This ship and love which would make of them but one family in Christ, such as will be in Heaven flF110ng the elect. o,ffering eolilsists Hffit'ty •boxes; each cont:iining all the In order to give an idea of the beautiful celebrations requisites of a missionary. Allthe Bishops will pres~nt which will t:tke pla.ce in Rome during the Pope's Juhi- their Pete1·'s Fene'e eoHet.. tiol·ls '·when nrlmitted in the let, we give below the programme of the exercises as presence of•hi-s Holiness. 1\fany countries have voted given by tlJC London Tablet, also some of the presents large sums of moPey ns their own national o.ff\!ring. Etc, etc. to be macte to his Holiness. Many authors, artists and !):tinters, will present their "The ceremonies at the celebrat.ion of . the Holy F<.ttber's Sacerdotal Jubilee is now definitely settled. On best efforts in: •their respective spheres of s·t udy and the 1st. of January His Holiness will sing High Mass ·exc-ellence. ThP DukP tl'Alen<;on will come t'o Rome to at the high nltar of St. Peter's, the floors of the B:tsilica ·present to 'the Pope the· gift's 'offered by the Count and being- closccl, and those invited being admitted by Con ntess de Paris anct the otl1er princes ~t the house of ti cket.s at the entrance by the ~acristies. On tllat rlay or Orleans. There ·>Comes also -500 1-Itmg:ll'ian · pilgrims, the previous day, he will receive i 11 ad vance the Car- with many hi shops anct· priests' from ~Bosina, :inct Cardidinals, Prelates of the Church, the great Roman nobles nal ~icnor, Primate of Hnngnria. His Holine<~s has· received-in private ·ai.Jdience anumand distir~gnishecl personage:,, h-om abroad . On the 2nrl. will be helcl the solemr,t "Aca.demy" in the Basilica of ber of distinguished prellltes fwm the -F--ast and from S:tn Lorenzo in Damnso, which will be preparecl for the the continent. :Among others · he · received the rector of occ.'tsion. On the 3rd ha will reeeive the great Italian the College of Sonthr·Am"'rica ·who presen't.ed him · with from all the dioceses of the peninsul-a. On the a f~1c-simile in relieTofthe chapel in whicli St. ~tanislaus 4th. and 5th. he will receive deputations from the Cath- Kotska dien, and in which LeoXlU received sncer,d otal olics of all.lancls. 0:1 the 6th . he will open at the Vat:i. orders in i>eepmher -24, -1837', and ' in wloich h~ aftercan the great exhibition .of the offerings macle to him, warns sairi his 'first··· mass onJanU!lry ·t, '1838': The Pope many of which are of singular magnificence anct inter·- was greatly· pleased 'With this' offering. est From tbe ()th. to Snnriay, the 14th. he will give A great ·cleal ' has ·been s'l'dd of'lnte about a more collecti-ve atH1 ience::~ to the pilgrims, anct on the present which t.b'e king and queen of Italy would like 14th. he will celebrate in the Great Ha1 l above the m:1ke to the Pope on this occasion. The present would Portico of St PPter's the canoniz:~tion of the seven be offered as comiug from the ·h ouse of Savoy' through I.~lessed Founclers of the Servite Order, of Bles!-ed Cardinal Alimonda, Archb·i shop of Tnrin.' Tile matter Peter Claver, Blessect Alfonso Rod1·iguez, and Blessed is quite a delic:tte lQn.e ·un-der· tl:ie pi·e'sent ~ircumstances· CA THOLIO NOTES.




·- cH;.D.TEEED 1074.



nffr>rds t>:t• e ' ll.'nt (?cilitics for study. nnrl the acqnir<:ment of n thorough knowlerlgc of ODft!RN LA. (i-UAGI<:;.:· MATHEMATIC~. CLA ..' lc... ·, MU:IC, C I E X CF. PHI LO ' OP H Y, nnd THli:OLOG Y. Al• t t':treful attention ;.. pnid tu I he Lw,in<>~. lrnioiug of young m('n, nnrl n thorough pr:teti~) . knowledge of BOO,K-1\EF:Pl~G nn•l ( '0:\~~IEHCL\L L\ W is impart('lt h_r ~kilkd Profel nrs. The bo!St an thor :mrl mt tnpprn'·"d !lr~h·m of u• · l(dtin~ :n-e n.<lopt!'d in nil gr.tde · of the College. ' t.utlcnts may enter at :my time. Term IUtfl tuition will lo(•gin with tl:ttc vf eulr:rnee. Terms for boarfl ntul tuition t;?tltl.llO I'"' :tllnum. Cntalogna., and nny tlel!iretl iuli•rm·1t.ion will he earefnlly gin•n on npplic:1tion t.o the Director. CoLLF.OK

l:t-:L :\1..1. M .\ R'i!LE,C.



St. Yi:•tt•ur's Cl,llcg~>, Bourhonnnis Grove, Kankakee Co., TIL ---··-~-------

~cJiollt. J~fl<ll<'-~ .

JD~ ~


Iknler in Foreign





lt\~t>.-1!\l.t'-t ;t11d

Dome. tic


H\ ·r ....'\nT .\rtiLf.:.


n.nwrbot'n A venhe,

tat. Door &nth of Court Sl

t•liR;-:, \,,TAU \\' L.-E.

.. - ........ . (ancO'Ok Oo lll ·•


I?·•~f'_!!'_ '}rtler_._ _ _

29:.! Larr a b N' St. ( ' hh·ng o . Tll.

(; Ht )('EI~

Will he in Dourbonnais on tllc 1st of cnrh i\Ionth.


Dr. SCII El' l'ER. '

\\'llfli.ES ,\t.r: ,\'\It J:J•:TA IL .-\. ~ ))

CO~DliSSltl~ ;\IEIWIL\~T C onrc ~t



1\ A:\ I\ A 1\ E E. I L L.

OI'L\I.t' ll.'- II\ ;\lpll'"· WuiH<'I(~. ).U-s' amJ t.~bHd_.-.~·u · ~ flut, an•l mt"dh ;1H :-;htl(>"' · ai'"'o nlJ siz•'"' !\nd gr:vles uf Jl<"il"'- ~p··dal imlt:c;.'tuenls for Stut l t-llt~


.J. '\Y.




Wholesale P aper Dealers. A f11lllhw of Cards :\nd Weddin g gond~ k"13t •~mslallt ly "" '"""'NOS. I ti:J t~ u;.=, )1onroe Street,

Chicago, Ill. }.1'RED ZIP.P.

Two dovrs north of t•ost (>nice.

ltnst Sirle. J{ANKAKEE,lLL.

V ALZE1-1. ER PET . . Grower of


;o.;u 13 E .Urt A\'~::-;e~: . 1\ ,\ ,' KAI\Y.l-:, II.L.

IL J. I I A~ ~ A


MF.W PIIO'l'OORAJ'lllC STtano,

TT.-n·d,rurr. St"rn 1111rl Tilllr,re. rHO:\',. A 1 LSnnrl W AGO :\' STOCK.

____ :!'~''"!'!~








1J n t'h~i nJ .•



C. H. F.·RJ~ t.•G KRS Is Ute p1Mo to get. dtoicc Jce-Cr('mn. Fruit.'!, 1·ut&, CAnoics, Oy~t('rs. Cigar.and Tohocco. Tl1e lara(',;!; Ice-{'rrarn am\ Confectionery Pni1ot'S in the city. Cor. Court St. l\ F..nst Ave.

W . - l .,._.""'


··r i ( -)~E l l"\. ' ., 1 ~ool.:~ • • · e Y\· ~ ., :'\ l u~ ic .,



u:c; ~' Lt:t.A . K~ ~

-~rr _·-

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I" Rlt "·BJl()\ \ T')\'I;·"· l HO -

The olrlf:st Boot & 31Joe HOU!Ie In tM City, Customer~ wil\lllvmp han• good ll_argains. No, 17l1onrt ~treet, Kaukakee, Ill.


of all kinds on A.,-lrnltnral Jmpl PmPnt• Mn be reHUlVNI at .JO:>El' H II A Iii'\\' A HE. ' • · tu:A u.1 EU'S ma<:'ksmit.h'q ShOJI. AI~ Tools , 'TEEL, Tl. · W .\ll E, :\'A 1 L:'. Jo:tc., o>f olitl•' rrHt make or sbape, coarse or llne work, Juh work olo-rn· ir. Hn\' part of the ('rmnty Bn~gi•·~ . W~ons. Ploughs, etc., f'tc., may be • • l.repl1ire<l at very low flgurP~ at the n~>w Sbop on

Kf.t't.RRN'('t){, · Cur. Cumt, l. :md_~chn~·lcr A Venne. U!:l.AND sT. Bomi)Onnal~ (;rov~. 111. BL twT. .s-.. MKI.CUOil. llbho'fl of n~n nay K A;\ 1\ A 1{ J.:F. 1LL. Hn""" sllf>(·ing a ~J>el'lalty • .t 'ReT. M. tluk, tn~llf'T' •>t Jpavw,rtll.






Kurrasch and Staga, Proprietors of

The Old l3e/1,uclln,mp & BabeL) PRESCRIPTION DRUC STO~E, This Instit.ntion <tftords evAry advantage for Youn g Lad ies desirous of obta.lnin g a solid and Where) ou can1l n<l t.l!e L!;!.rge!it assort._ Cor. East. Ave. & Merchant St. KANRAKEE, Ill. fin ished education. For parti culars apply to m ent of Ha i1· d.n<l Tooth Brushes Toilet articles Keep~ constantly on hand a full Hne of Mother Superior, Perfumery,, Hpouges and <111 vari eti es of DRUBS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, DILS ETC, ETC. Druggist f! un Lh·ies. Notre Dame Aeademy, Al~o a fin e line of Toil et Articl es of ;~11 kind s, All should give -them a CJJ<ll , Bourbo~mai s Grove. l<' ine Cigar an(\ Tob:~cco. No. 5. CoURT S'l'. Tr.!I.,K PHONF.. :No. to. Kanl<al;ee:Uo., fll. lllrCALL AND SEE J\JK~ SCHOO I, BOOKS. J~EGAT, BLA NKS.

German, French and American Pharmacy.

Those in need of cho'ice Confectionel'les Canned goods, all kinds of Fruits, Fish and will do well and save money by calli ttl( 011



East Avenue, Kankah:ee.

JOHN G. K.NECIIT~ ---··· Merchant Tailor, READY-MADE Clothing Hats and Caps.-Gent's underwear. Trunks, Valises, FurnlsJting Goods. Wilson Bros' Fine Shirts.






Kanka]{ee, Ill.





East Ave. 1 door south of Knetcth's Block.


Barber Shop. Under Umbach 's Harness Store1 Kankakee, Ill. l<'lrst Class Work gmoranteea . Students especially invited.

F' R A N K


B E L L A 1\I Y.



BooJ.:s, News, Mn!'ic, WaH-Pa per, Winclow Shades. KANKAKEE, ILL. TOYS PICTURES.

CATHOLIC l AMILY B·IBLES, With two large clasps aacl Fancy Edge $9.99 Sent free to any part of U. S. on receipt of price.




Dealer h1 cho,i.cest Gro.ceries, choicest brands ofF Jonr. Keepsonhaud constantly a large aSS\ r trn eut of Feed and Produce. Please call and see me before·going BABY CARRIAGES. any pla(~e else.


HAllDWARE. Stoves, Iron. Nn.ils and Wagon wood stock.

Tinware nnd Tin work of all kincts. No 3 Conrt Street, KANKAKEE, ILL. CARD OF THANKS H ltving been in this c ity for the past ten ye::trs, nnd having rece ived a v ery liberal share of the patronage of the people ofthis city and county I <ie-· sire to hereby tender them my eincere thanks for the sam e, and having determined to reLire from business I wisiJ in ·recognition of Lheir past patrouage to offer them goods at prices thnt will pay them a handsome return on every investment. All are respectfully invitt>d to take ailvaotnge of my closin~ out sale as time in.the city is limited. Call at once and examine my stock and get my rrices. M. R ohrLeimer m2t-3


WILLIAM DARCHE. Groceries, Dry Goods, Yankee Notions.

H. L. Crawford & Co., WHOLESALE&. RETAIL


No. 36 Court Street. KANKAKEE, ILL Kankakee ::>tone and Lim e Co111p11,ny. INCORPORATED FEB. 23rd . 181l'7. Propri etors oJ the Celebrated Kauk akee fl at Lime ston~s (l natTirs.

Fresh Wood burned Lime always on havd. KANKAKEE, ILL.



217 WabasJ1AvenuE'! Chicago Ill. A large and well selected Stock of Cath olic Prayer ant! Standard Books, Vestments , ClluFch Goods an<! all things usuall y l'ept 1n a F irst Class Catholic Book Store, which he will sell at a great reduction.

lf::J"vt.~'?> G I LLo rrs f ,S,feef ~~n$:


GOLD · ~pAL, PA~IS, 1878.



HAND-MADE Pure Wax'Candles per lb. 45 cts. Moulded Wax CandlEo\s, " " 38 cts. _ Stearic Wax, " " 20 cts. ~pemal Prices t.o parties buying in large quantiPublishers, Manufacturers of ties. -eathoHc Pr.ay·erBooks 25 cts. -upwards. Church Goods Regalia Just 1

A. Ehrich


Published. ·

.zr~ p~ated

Numbers, _


and his othe1· ·styles may be had qf all dealero

throurrlwut the uwld.

. Jo;cuh Gdlott & L. ............... ~ . . . . . _, ~- . . ,. .,. ;.




1 ;


The "JOURNAL'' is a first class medium for "ADVERTISING." SpeBy Rev. Innocent Wappelborst 0 . S. F. cial attention paid to the printing of ''Compendium Sacrre .Litnrgi cre"

Importers of Chureh Goods, Jobbers in Schoo· Books and Catholic Booksellers. 1~ S. · ne~plaines St. Cor. Monroe, Cbicago, 111.

Canonical Procedure in Disciplinary and Criminal Cases atlapted by Rev. s. Q. Messiner D. D.

CorrespoiHlence soJlicited.



~Terms reasonable.~ The STUDENTS, Editors-Prop.


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