St. Viateurs' College Journal, 1887-07-02

Page 1







A.. l·L PIKE.



STUDENT S ancl TEACHE RS. Attention! The Pantagmph, ornamental Pencil TABLETS WILL PLEASE YOU; ask for th!'m at your Stationery ::>tore kept at the COLLEGE BOOK STORE. The l'anta.graph Est. J. T. RONEY. Manager .


E NTIRELY NEW Accurate Maps, slww£ng latest D iscoveries and Bmmdaries, Concise Descn]Jtive Text with 1tmform Topical Arm ngernent, Superb and AppropTiate Illustrations. Maps. -THE MAPS ARE WHOLLY

CO l\1l\I ~ RC IAL



Manufacturers and Dealers







J( ankakee, Ill.







No 5-·, ·


Opp. Ill Central R. R. Depot.






( A M~'::i::c~~~~~~sr:i




}W )


139 and 141 Monroe Street, CHICAGO.



A large and co mplete assortm ent Successor of Lum ber, Lath, Shingles, P osts. To HENNEBERRY & O'BRIEN. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings 217 "Va b ash A v e nu e Chicago Ill. A large a nct well selected St.oclc of Catholi c always on hand. Prayer an<i Standard Books, Vestments, Church Filling large or<lers for D imention Goods and all thin gs usuall y kept in a First Class Catholi c Book Sto re, which he w ill sell at Lumber a Specialty. Yards, on East Av en ue, Kankakee. a great reduction. Ill. , 2nd. Yard North Court Street, ~ FEE LEY & CO . ~ an d at Momence, between C. & L. I . and River. Address, Gold and Silversmiths.

NKw, and present, with the gr~atest acetu·acy, the results of _the lntast u •vestio-ntions and explorations. They hnve b:en d rawn after lo ng and patient s_tt~dy and comparison of _the best a n th ont 1 ~s, statistical, descri pt1 ve and cartogrnpbicJ . K. EAGLE, KANKAKEE, I L L. al. CHURCH ORNAMENTS. The nam ~Js on all the maps are coll ecte d i n an alphabetically arranged index, HEADQUARTERS FOR in which is incli cn ted, not only the m a p, Religious, Graduating & RewarP but the preci se place on the map in which each name can be found. This "Ready Medals, Reference In dex" con ns nearly 10,000 names of cities ami towns fou nd on the j F irst Y a1·d North of Court Street, }



Tex:t .-A large, c1ear and distinct stile of type is used. By the u~e of two s izes ?f ~ype, a longer and a shorter course are llldiCated. l'i[ATHF.MATICAL and PHYSICAL GEOGl{.APHY a re fully treated in the flrst chl\pters. . Great care is given to the explanation or the CAURJI'.S OF


Althongh published only recently they have been yer:y favorably rece iv~d in Cll:tnoli() Institution everywhere and ar e uow m s:tt1sfactory use In St. Vlateur' s Colleg e . For abel terms adclres>~


1 Opposite

Johnson's Grain Huu se.

Of Choice Designs and Fine Workmanship.

Hard Coal Di ree,t from Breaker at WHOLESALE AND RETAI L.

Hard Wood Wagon Stoek a Speeialty.



Send for Catalog·u e s .









J ~ as t.

5. 1!) P . l\1 . , ..

. I' a Hl' ll gc r ... .... . . . 8. 3·1 A M

ll..JO A M

. Frei ght . . .

. 11.20 AM

GENERA L BLACKSM L'J'H. MACHINIST . All kiu<ls of far m er' s imple-

U.ooms 5 and 11,




N. BARSALOUX. No. 200, 202,





ll1.ents ,- repaire1i and satisfa c- Choicest Gmceries of all kinds, with We have lately boug ht a n immense lot of full satisfaction guaranteed, may be tion g-uar·anteed . Chamber Sets S. Tetre.a ult ha cl in my store. Give me a trhd. the whole stock of a Bu url>ontHLi s (-~rove. Reme mber No. 25 Court St., - - - - - - - -- - -- Manu:Cacture, Som eth ing Interesting KANKAKEE Ill. 40 cts. on the Dollar. rr yo u lHwe :::k hool Books whi ch yo u d o n ot ca r e to k ee p, 1 will t:tl<e t h em il1 ex.chan g;e for uooks you nl<c)' n ee <l . l'l r.:otse seJt<l m e :-~ li s t of tl iOSl' you irouldlil<e to e xch ange o r sell. A lso se nti for li st I h t 1>sl'll. Ord ers so li cited for c h e :w t:ich ool Bool<s, <Lilli for miscel!a.neous Buol<s. ::le Hd your orcle rs to ~C. l\1. BARNES, 1.; a ncl 77 Wabash Ave., Chi c<Lgo, 111.



DRAZY. & SON. Gen eral Bla0ksmith, Repairs of Machines, 'Vagons, Plows, and Horse shoeing. All work clt>ne on short Notice and guaranteed. Near the River. Kankakee, Ill.



CHAS. E. VOSS. Photographer.

MUSIC FREE! Send cents 15

For mailin g, a nd, i11 r eturn, r eceive

Comp ri si n g fr om 5 to 8 piPces , th e la test of our pulJl ic:ott ion ~ , tor the purpose of introductio n. r&rAdclress : Ku nl<el Bros ., Gl 2 Oli ve l:ltree t, ST. LOU I S, MO .





Salt a ncl F1es h, Smc.. ku l Meats,

!::>a usage, .Pou ltry, Etc ~. l\larket, N ot•tb !::iifl,j Court !::itreet., Knuka l;:ee. 111.




~ ~


- - - - - -----·-·------J. A. LANCLAIS. ti ll ll (-' r ~! l H l \ Vin t J\ f ert:liant . 17 7:-,1, .Jt:s(· j> lt ;-. t r ee \. ~ i. l~oe ll , (ljtl(i lJec) f' t o pr it• l o1· oft h i' (' \'l('i >J a t ed FrPtw lt. ('l:t:;, it's h y 1<:. HO IIJ •.HT , :lll\ 1 al so o f ' ' A Nl' w Co 11 rsc· of { ';.-t ll:tdi ' II Pt' l1ll l <lll ~ llip ' ' ill n :\'os . (I I"'L'I 'C il ;t[ll i l ngl b l1 ) $ 10 ..) 11 a g ro ~;:;-o l ··La t>e n1a,it1 e t; ;. d11te:' '' Jtll tJ l ll :·d t· . 18u . JiaH hound . -~ n .oo ~ d z. - oJ ·• I.e P<troi s, ie ll ~ t. k," ISO, III II tlt) th : ::;10 .~0 'l)l liz ; ll :tl [ hotll !d :;:< \ ~ .00 l 1 II ~.

Bonl·: s ! · ll •~ r , ~ !:

Ha s a lwa ys

al i l\ i n ll ~

t) ll IHilul. P lltl

at Lilt

Jo\\' es t

prict·s .

of Ft·t· nt h aud 11:n g; Ji -; lt <.: lttss ital ~;ood :-: .

lkpot ol' IIH' CPlt •b nt leli "W >LDE N Cl~OSt:i ," }'i ne Cut. E s l a h l i~ h ed 18!3ti.


LP I 0E n ,

M:llltll'adt! l'< ' l' of FINE ( ' lOA HR and cl0<1l c r in ~11\o l< in g :md l' IH' \\' ing 'l'vbal·t o$ and alt 1\iuds or Hm n \.::1• r s' A r l i(' h. . J-: .

N:1. 22 En!lt Av<'. lin.nloll<<'l', i ll .

$-42.5'1l,, which neve r was sold bel ow

$ 60.00. If you wish to make a present to a ti:iend , com4! and see us, we will give you the best opportunity you may ever be offered; we have a few hum1reds left, and they go rapidly.

$ '3

W orth of Music.

37 Court S reet,

J. A. 1\0Y,

We can sell you the most Len.utiful set in the city for


~ ~ ~

0 0





in great varieties;

m {1)


(..) J"f"i c

C:A Hl' E T S,




~ (Q



CASES, Des h : s,





Parlor Sets, Magnificent Mirrors 20x 72, French Glass $27.00.

l)ador ~urerrus,



If you are in the city, come and see our large stock of

!:;" ....,

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J': ,.....

c ,..., t7j



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'-r;Kf€ ~

Sofas ,

&&& &

ALEXANDRECOMMEREE Wishes to inform bis 1i'i end s an d tbe publi c i n generai that be has ju.o t now openecl a FJRST CLA SS G rocery ~t.ure where Surprenant used to be. · G r ent care sh: J\1 be taken that peo['le get th e henefir. of their money . )V e lcome to All.



LEC'l'IO CERT A PRO DEST, VAIUA DELECTAT . Seneca. --------· ~-------




SEJ:\'{[.:1\'IO NTHLY ,


EDITORS. M R. J . CUSACK ... . .... . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . '87. MR. A . GRANGEll . . . .. . . . . .. ... . . ... . . .. '87. JI.IR. P . W ILST AC II . ... . .. ... . . ... . . . .. . . ' 8!) . T ERMS.

One year t; ix months Payable in actv>tnce.


$1.50 . $0.75.

For <tllv ert.i sin g, see last page.

All sLu<l c nfs ol' til e College are invited to sencl contribution s of lllMter for tile J ou.nNAr,. All co mnllntications sh oul d he ncldn·ss~cl ' 'S t.. Vi11tenr's Coll ege Jonrn aJ ,n BOnrl,omHtis Grove l K m1 l-: ll.kee Co ., I tI.


ne ve rt he less rl eciclecll y an, we sincer ely t rust it will con t inu e t o enliven and enli g hten th e ofttimes d arks ume path way of coll eg ians. While we confess it is not wit hout regret t lw.t we leave t he s weets of the ed it mi al board , we wi t b unfeig ned sincerity wish ou r suc ce~so rs all manner of success. WE A RE E SPECIA LLY ~ e n s i b le of the encourage ment b estowe d upon t he J ournal clm ing o m t erm of man:1gemen t a nd wo ul cl b.ere ex t:fress our very hearty t lw nkfuln ess tv all om ber,efactors. W E MUST N OT F O RGET t o ackn owledge very gratefully tbe da in ty ban qu et to whi ch our kind ly D irecLor, R ev. l\1. J , Marsi le C. S. V . t rea ted t he staff a nd fr iends. \Ve also wish to transmit to o m successors t be val uabl e info rm atio n that t he a nnu al toria l picnic is a so r t o.f fo und ation, as ancient a nd as res pected as tbe birtb tlny of t he Journal. Be y e th erefore mindful. · ·:!f

l\·1 A Y TI-Il:-i o ur la,·t to yo n, rea(lers, fi nd you a ll , not pant ing ly scal ir,g tbe unreaclmb le citadel of ail- castles bui lt in coll ege clreams, hut act nn.Jly sw ing in g to :1 ncl fro in the real hammoc k of so lid com fo rt with a ~5oo l ing breer.e to fa n yo u, the mu si c ofb in ls minn·lino· wit h t he r ustle oi the leaves ov erhead to reo t:> call our cln ssic G rove, ancl tb<~ J ottrnal , o r a mi ld romance to coax on gentle slee p. H yon g ive hours t o t he wri t i11g de;,.k, t he p ilcl! Co rk, nr ot lH' r ~ u c b past imt', let yr>ll l' IJ <•xt },c· :~ d r i n• c>r a. l"'t> nw n:t•le, not in t l1 e clu s Ly IJi ;:,o-\i w: J\" . S o l l hc llushill :;:,cr llt ron£, b nt. alo11 .._g t he cahn, cc.o l shore w\I P,rc the play rul wcw es pratt le to the sn,n cl ~, or th roug h wav i1 1g fi.0 lds of green here an d there mellowing into golclen ri pCJ;eds. Tb us let yo ur God -given days of rest each be a glad-some, t bankf11l , prattling wn,velet se nt with its flln,my freig ht of l:J ng ht 1~r into t he wi de, w ide bay vf the Past. '--'

* * THE P RESENT STAFF waves its acl ie u to t he college worl<t W e are hearti Jy tba.nkfnl for t he enjoyment an d the ben efit that our acquainta nce with our Joumalistic brethren bas procmed us, and, a~ we firm ly believe that academie .Journa lism, though mere tyro work, is

No -5-.



OUR COMMENCEME NT display , be ft said before l);ntitwb and between o urselv es, is a sce ne which we sha ll not soon forge t, howsoe ver bri ll iantly other lig hts may sbin e ac ross liie'spat b way . Tbl::solemnim p ress ive ness of an A rchbishop's presence and his wise words o f ad vi ce we' ll rememb er. Th e a ppl ause of t he gay au di ence ns we in clin ed to receiv e fr o m his consecra ted hand s o ur d iplomas, our medals a nd prcmiu ms; our vwn s pet!ches, o ur so ngs, o nr d eclamations-all these tbi 11gs wi ll cl i11g to us as dear me mori es of at~ lli!ppy n ch y :ts we may wislt to see. Long may we be recalled n r:h y .;v-h ereon we ha ve tas ted such genu ine hap l'in ess! T I-llS NUM BEH of the J ournal is to r:ontain th e adancl v ale<l ictory- t he cl is< ~o nrses French and E nglish, names ot g radur1 tes, liat of med als and premiums and to wh om nward ed. Of co m se w e heartily congratulate. dres~es-sa l utatory

** *

SPECIAL ATT ENT ION to t he acco unt of t he A lu mn i meeting is resrecti ully requested-especially from form er stuc1ents.





\l"l Lorw. ·LAmv s A:s-l! ( ~E:o-T L1·:,111 "~· '(h1 lus t !l ;ty .,f' Llll:l y e:H· l oti I' ll'ill uc tile !ifLieLb an. Jlin:r,.;:u·y c>f the 11 1" liu:tLiutt to pri e;; lltoull o l"l{ i :dlo l i n c ~ ti L t•u X I l I. Til·: whole C.LLi t<lli e W< >r l<l prnp:tl"<'::i fo r t,h :tt oecasion a. de tlJ u llsL t':ltl<ll l u[ lo ve :cttd dc·v•>Lc rl tt css s uc h. :1~ CaiLh :\lttl g r:ilil ttd H tlltiLI'd logc t. hL·r , e:t n a.I0 11e o r g:ttJiZt', ~ t kl t als<l :1 s Lite w,1rld pe rlt :<p:; nevl: r l>e l'o 1·e wiLnes:<etl. Lt>t us 110t wt>t td cr nL it. L eo X I I 1, t.Lte ;? :,(L IJ. ~uc: .· 0 .' ti t H' of l' eL t~ r , SC't'tltti Lo co!Hh~ tt sc i11 his p n n tilic:ale al l 1hP ,;orru >I'S :tu<l :til Lite g l t> l'it~s of ti1C Pnp :t c;_y. l[ c :v:;c·:•n itedLlte Ap•>.;~o l ie C.:lt :ti r atnitl~t. 01w ol' lhe eri,;is ( i' wl!il'l i lii-;lu 1y i't ll"Ui ~ I H·s IHtL 1\~ w "X'·lt11p lcs , nn cl IYii ir·.h ~l:'\Jitt:; to :llll tO UIWC Lite ng .,ny nf LltP ( :lt tt reh: Ht· vu tu tiu n lJitt tuplJ., i1 1 b'1a.nee, in ILaly , in :-ipa in. T il e 1':t p:wy clC" J>t·i vc•d uf iu~ tc•tnpuntl puwer , h:ts fur a. ki1: gd<• I11 0 11l y 1.!1e Yatic:t n J>al:ltP, ll l:ll lc its pr iSC' ll, :llld Curburlgc't, t ho mite or tltc hiLIJf'nls· cb :t ril.y . Eve ry wlt L:re revulu Lio u is lJ<>t;Ollle jter::wcut.iutt; le t it . lltl<ler the veil ot' lil.h!rt.y, i.H: e:c lled l!' t·cn c·lt l~qJtluli c; o·\. :tttrl er tlt e m :L::;k or eo tt s! iLu t io n:tl mo n:trebr, be metl Ki no·. . "' <b •u v.t l bi _l' 1 Ki:,g tl vut o[ Spa:n , or lJ:J srcl 01 1 th e U ll· precedeuLed succu;:;:; ul' a CL" uel w;u·, ass u111e L!J e t i!.l c of (;enmu J l1:1liJ lire, e very 11·hc re it t> t ri ve;; to vppress tile t-rue l) ltut\:Ll ur J c:;us Cllri sL. Tu Lllese CO illlJiu ed fmees ' Leo ::\I ll C:lil UJIJlO:>e llJ t' l'l' i.)' th e £o ree or rigllt. the' Stt·en;,; dl oi' !Jis lTJ Oi:tl a uLb or iLy, and Of t]wt wi,;tlom wu ielJ is g uifletl :llll i enl tg!Jle ned hy tlte O II C w!J vse [J UIV Ul' a11cl m ~tj es t y he represen ts iu Llw wut·i d. 1 ba. vc ;;:t ill it: Lc·O .X]l I r;o u<len ~e::; it: ll i> JIOllt ifie:t te ;dl tbe souowt:' all tll e glor.r ot t he Pn v wy. A ll t l1e sorruw: it is ~ u!lk i e n t Lo m e n tion tl1 c o uLr:,gPs whi c h tile see t<:~ria11s of Sec ret S ocic:t i r~s address ll iw in the fJ11 pers o ·· F r:!Jt L:e, li ·1ly andG e1·n1nuy, Lb ese perse cu tiono; or lb e UlOst SCt'Y<t ll ts or the CliLHCll, t l llJ~C bhspllcmi es whicl1 rl eli le not a Cew p8pet·s a nJ lJ o<>k, , <Hid tlla.t ea ptivity to whiell he is cu nd<~tllt l ed hv tl te rU(J SL 1.1 11jt1St and f::tcr il eg iuuil us 11 rp:t~ i un, :1.11 w l1 ;·~l1 not wi .Lh;; l·litt'ling tile lJ loody wou nJ th ey i1ttl ict on l1is lt ea 1t , r e nwins o11e u r t l1 e b ri gh test ge n>s in t he g lor io ns crow 11 ot lJi o [Jf.ll ttifi<;;lLc. But I prefer t" eo 1ttempl:tLe Leu XII I H:' refor me-r , Lr>u X rii ns res tur itt g to Llw P ap;tcy i Ls asceud~;; n cy uvu r C ivil 6oe ie~;y, at td hy th e wi;; 11o 111 of hi s goverut ne :1t, t il e pr est ige uf hi s m·Jr;d :wtlw ri tv an i! tlw powe r· of hi :> ge1 tiu s, reeuue iliug tiJ e C.:<Hlw li c c'bu n·ll to :-:iueiety itt its mod ern fo nn. Forty S\~ven ye<tr~ a.s;·o, rt gre::t. t histol'i:t n w!J_,J is also a g ruat s tatc suJ :\11 , I tue;IO Lil c illti SLri ons JHncau lny wrot e; " \ r e ol'Lt; u iJe:-t.r it sa id, Lhat the world i;; con ~otc,ntl y u~::cowiu;; !lluJ·c; a nd mut·e en li gh ien ed, an d th a t udigl1t•::umsut tn \•st be htvo mbie to .P ro te ~ La n t i s m, anrl nnf~N(jJ'iJ. b;e lo C·:till'>lie;ism . VVc wi sh we c:o nlcl t hink so 0ut W 'v se<:J :;r··cc':: n:::::.svu t(y d,ott bL wlte Lll<!r tiJi,; ben. well



l'unncled expectntion ." -Tlteu after ""cknowledging 'th e ·' wond erful activity of the hum an mind during the tbn·ee Jus t centnri es a nrl its real pr ugreo;s in riatLu-~Ll and exact, d ern onstrati ve an rl e:x peri:ne nta l,se ient;e.s, which are essenti ally prog resf' i \'l e, lt e goes on to show tba.r metaph.} sics, appli ed to God a nd Lh e soul of man, cannot prog ress ntore t ha. u dogm ;l.~ic and mo t·~tl theo logy wlli cll nrc-, f\JIIltded on rel' elation a nd wi th which th ey ( mcta pby f; ies ) mus:; necess:trily agree : a nrl ti.J e n tlJe ad va ntage re m:ci ns on th e sicle of th e CaLboli c Cllu rch whidt , un (l er th e Sllpr-eme a.utiJOrity of the Pa.pacy was ever n ·sLraiu ed wiLl1in tl:Je bouucl s of t ue old traditional tc:H;lt ings. M :wau lay was ind eed perrecLly r ig ht, a nJ Lhc few Catholi c pbilo<>Opllers who cbred attempt tn wand er from th e pa tl1 foll owed by th e Fathers a nd Doctors o r th e Church, wll en t hey clid not f1tll in form al e rro r deserv ing the cens ure of th e c bureb did, as Cartb es iu s, l\1allJmnche and Rosmini and many otJ, ers, open tbe wny to e rror. Le<• Xlll awaken ed to tbe dange r, wrote in t he seco nd year of s pon tificate the ioC0111 parabl e ency cJica l, .AderniPalris Uniyenitu:; F'iliu s, in which after IJaving magisLe rially laid do~ u the otfiee or phi losuphy in t he world, and i ts necessary connection wi tb Th eo logy, he eamestly u!·ges t-lle necessity of r eturu ing t o the old sclwlastic method ai)cl t eachi ngs, that is to tlie pltilosopl ty of St. Thomas. A t h is appeal the re vival of sclwlastic philosophy and tlleology, timidly in a ug:1ratecJ a bout 2G years ago by Sanseverino, Liberawre, Rosse t ancl many other~, wond erfully spread like wild firl:l and to-day the sc!:10l:18ti c method flunns hes on ce more ali over tbrough tlte worlJ in Catllolie schools, a ud as of old, every where exerLs it~ fru i t l'u l ae tion. Tile old sc ll olastic works are republished, and new interpretera of S t. Thomas, such as Ziglin.m, lVIazelb, Franze lin , Sato lli 1 Palmieri, De Aug·~f;Lin es ancl ma ny 0thers, impress t he pontilica.te of Leo X Ill wilh t he stamp of true sc ience, and make it the starting po iut of a new ern. in whi ch Catholi c phil osoph_y bids l~tir to bolJ th e place to wh iell it is enLitlecl and which it bad partly lost hy fors;tking its u l<l schola:;tie tradi tion s. llacl not Leo Xlli any other right to a. prominent p lace in the glo rious Iist of tl.le successors of Peter, his title of promo ter of thi s woncll'rful r eviva l \\'Onld ha ve rna rk ed b is place i1esicles Leo X; but; this is not the only c laim ot' out· great pontiff. to ~be acltui ration of posteri-

ty. In ±53, the Emperor Valin ten ia n, fieeing from Attila, wl1o a1. t he lle:cd of llis savage l101·cles of Huns had invadc<l Italy Si)l'eading everywhere terror and death, took refuge in Rome with his whole army. Nothing sc<::med capable of.cheuk ing the barbarian invader who proudl y pro claimed hirr.self the scourge of God. A leeb le old man having no politieal au thority, without .

T. .J T EUR'....

OLLEGE JO ·R ... . AL.

an army or any human re ourc eattc>d on t he Apostolic chair; but that feeble old man w, Leo I , nd hi tory W3 to call him Leo the Great. lone he goes to meet. the proud and ~an .uninary conquen•r whom Va1entini::m commanding a numerou ar my not face. With no other arm than the moral a utho r ity aLtached to his title of chi ef o f the . Christian Church, the presbge of his "Virtues anrl the treng th of hi po . tolic voice: " way!' He command him "thou sllnlt not advance any farther," and the one wh om ne itlwr the barrier of the Alp nor the R oman arm co uld stop, sobduerl by a superior f(1rce, recoil nt the comm nncl of that man, a nd ma ke his re t reat tn the north sid e of t he D anube. · T he proud and fi erce Att iln. was conquer ed. In our dllys a man of the north . not a King nor a n 'mperor but the uocon testc<l rukr of a great. Empire that he has created by his unpYinc iplcrl geniu, , a •tempts to impo e on the world a ne1v b w oi nations, not founded on eternal ri ght hut on force an1l fancy. Like Attila. be Ims mars hnll etl t he ju .ti et> o f Go<l thr•.lug h central Euwpe. he hn conquer.,<l th a t warliko nnLiou which for centuries wns the uucontestecl a1Hl invinc-ible knight of the Church, hut n o w hcreft of th e word of hnrlemngne which revolution ca used to drop from her hanrl. He rem nin the u nqu estio ned cha mpi o n of milita ry forcf'. Then he in:\ugur:ttes a policy which, tmmpl .. ing on t.he most &'lcred rights he l>:1se on such prineiple a t.he e, "forw PXCP/1.~ right j'' " th e Pi ll I j 1/ .~f (tiP.~ oll mean .~." Tbh imleerl remind us of tllC p oli cy of A t tiln . ' he Europen.u nation s ten·ifi crl at the ral'iJi ty nnd ~ plemlor of bi vi ct ori e~ t'Yer the then rt> pulc '~ invin c i .. ble armies of F1·ance d a re notr:t i ~e n prolesLati nn nglli11s t such a violntion of natura l mor~l s. Th e Ca th o li c Chu rc h alone in its chief and po ntiffs d a red cont est these new principl of riuht, and the Knl l urk:nnpf, that e od e of d espotic Ja w whidt ig nifi es pt·oscription p e r~cc u lion anrl e nthmllmt•nt is t.hc answer to that pn si vc prote~tation ot Catholic . But soon was elected to the c hnir of P eter 1\n o ld priest., a eptu[lgennrinn , who like the COllfllleror of A tt.iln hn only a thro ne, witho ut ·ta te , wi thout hum a n r our ·es. To the ionum eral1lC a rmi es of t he I ro n Chan ceJior he ca n oppo e me r e ly his wea k v u ic(; an<l Lhe prestige of hi Apo tolic uthority; h ut. t ha t <Jid man i Leo ... ~ III. The ple nrlor o f his v ir Lucs, tlae ge n t l~ n e~s of hi manners, t he rlep th of lli geniu,.,, t he wi sd o m of his tl iploma.c · command everyone an1l e very where . B i ma rck me t his ma11ter. In Leo XIII he di sco vers a n~rior fo rce wi1.!.1 which he mu t account. And wi t h a hre wdness and good sense cbaractt!l'i ti c o f a re:tl geniu the G e rman chanoellor rea lizes that the P npaey i a power whic h t he mig h ty of t his worhl must respect and that it is Rfer to meet it as an a lly tha n as an enemy. He pay it a first homag e by call in()' on it to act as



arb iter in the di flk ulty b e tween G erm:my an d .~ p:1 in aJ:>Ont the pos e ~ i o n of t he Cm'tllin e Isl:m<ll:', a nd hy ' O d o mg indi ra t t he <mly p racti c~ [ olu tio n of the p:reat ~ocinl prohlem o f a general •li-:mn ing , th ~t i, the nm pi rage of a ll in ternnt io ua l <liflle ul tic hy a n enlightrnr<l , au thorized, i ndepe n <l~nt , and impartia l judgr. nc·rrp!cd a Rnch hy a ll. T he pope ::llone ean Ill! Hl t h :1u < tl h·, . But th is i not nll; hf' the pron d crentor of the grt':lt German E nq •irt•, t he ha ng-hty I w n Cham·ellor wh n dl'spotically ! )I r~irles over it , dcstinif.'S, solenll)l j' ndawwl erlge that in assault ing the C hurch w h ich rrc t'gniZl'S t he Pope as i ts su pre me chi e f he um<le a polit ical 111 i .. tn.kc; t ha t the P apacy is a morn.! f(,rce, n ece ~sa r_r to 1lw morlern organi zat inn of Christ i:tn Socict,r ; t hat t.hc P :tpacy , impersonate<! in a ll it , pl c n<l o r in L PO XII r. i call e1l to net as a nl'ce, :uy pnnr!Prati vc fl• r ce in t he t ra ns form ed polit icn l organi zat ion oft he C'hri.;'t ia n \ Yo rl<1. An cl l he wo rld. ~> on d cr in g a t i disreg:nding o r fin· so long t ha t mn<lP rat h·e :111 <1 cousc t·v:lliv e f< 'rr c ~>hi <' h alone enn restore to (1e ic ty tllc C<luilibr iurn w hich rc,·ol ution e~ u sl! d i t to lose, (t.he world) :lpplnnd::; to t.he rPstoratio n of ho nor. 'Yitho nt a ny c1nnht, gr nt.!Pm rn . i t i impn:-si llle not t.o see a pro vi <l entia l neL io n in t.haL \York o f restorntion . Dn t Leo XIII is t he pro vid entin l instnmw nt. To thl'. wi ~ cl o m o f his d ipJ(lWUC'y , to the deplb of hi' _ s cicnec, t.<J the grnt lPncss o f his mann ers, t.n Ll u• p;·nd c n<·e of hi s line of :tC't ion clo w<: owe Lh at n ue xr •l'dcd r ec·onci lin .. tio n o f Cat lw iie isn t wi th tll0<1rm socidy. lt is t t uc ru a ny a y et remnin u n L <~ f the ful •l hill their mind, ti t! o f pr,j udice.s ce n tu ri e~ uld, will, l1y a e!o ..,l'l' ill ll'I'CO it!'<'e, lea<l t he ir !J,·a rt Lo t he feeL <>f the lwst of !:tl.I H'I'S. Di d we not sec in this <'Onntrv "-iLit wh1t nnxi<'tv protrs .. t an t as w ell as C:tLb.,lie-J, :tll <l perh a ps Protestants mn re ti tan Cat.hulics, :l \\ a ilcd tile <le,· i ~iou of t he Chief uf the Cat.holi e Chnrch al>n u t lh P Kn' g l,t<; of L:thor - a < l ec·i~io n wi t h wbir·h is cn nn ectc<1 an im portnn t soe i:tl qtte~tiun . \Vc alsu k n•nv wit h what respec!fu l g-mt.i tu<lc that •lrl'ision w:1s rceei Ycd. - Yt':o:, g-l"ry t11 Leo XIII Lhe restore r or Ch ristia n P hiloe."•l'h.) ~ Gl01y trr L eu ~- I Ir , t he reconc i lcr of modem f'flcirty wit h the P:lp:tcyi G J.. ry to L eu XIII, in whom the pon tificate o f P('L~-'r assumes al l t h e splendor w ith whi<·h it ... hone <l ::ring t.lte mo:>t gloriutl') Celltlll'ies or lhc Church! G t..ry Lo L eo XUI I'V ho eondcnse, in h is ponLHie~1tc nil t.he ~rc:tt ­ ness <' l the P apacy . I n the enthusiasm of o nr fi lial adm iratio n we wi ll say wit h M ae,'l u hy : " T he P ;l.p:tey rc'' mai n :~ not in decay, nor :1. m ere antique, hut fu ll of •'life and y o uthrul ,·igor, nor <lo we sec any l'ign whi('h "ind icates ilmL the ter m of t he long dutninion o f t.he ••C h urch is appt·oa<' h ing. , he saw Lhc commencnmcnt "of all thP government:; :t n1l of a ll the ecclesia.;:;tic'tl e ~­ ' 'ta hl i~l ~ ments which now exist in the world , :w e! we ff•c l ''uo a::.sumnce tl1at she is uo t <loo;tine, I t,,, ;,ee 1he e nd uf


tiT .

(j Li



''~ lll'l ll

:ill. SllL• w :t :< g r L;at antl I'O:-qwcl.f'ltl hl'f',,,. ,. lhv S·,xf; q·t. o 11 Hril ai lt ,- l,ei'v re t.Llt· Fr:111k, lt:id l'''"~" d ' 'Lite J{id ne wl w11 (;ru·i:lll <• lurpi t' IH'<' ~ l.ill li• lllri :-dted :It, ".r\ uLi"<: ll ,- 11·\,r,, . idol:-; wh ere l:lt ill \\'ur~llippr:d in Ute "ll'mpk o l' .\l cee: I. - -A ild she lll:t .)' still e.x: i::- t i n und t•" minblied ,· ig-<ll' will' ll :>O lll (' tr:IVt•llt-r !'1'!!111 J\'e 1r Z e:t" l:ind ::.lin !\ , in llw ll t id ~ L of <1 vn s t .. o lilud r, tnk c hi s ''~ t.:t iHl u tt n ht·uk1•n :t1·cli u t L<J udot,lhid ge tu sk e tch th e '· r 11 iII.' <> I' (-it. l ' :1ul. ·' A \('x . <.:.



O n Tlt u rsrl:t\' ,Jil ll <• :Zd rd ., L! te CO II1111 CII<J'' 'll e nt ex.e.r<J i:-i~. V i:~ L;•u r ':> Go l!vgl', H•wr bo nn·1is Gro ve, K:1.11~:1kee c .... 11). , too]; pl:l c: t:. Till' deg r c·<~s of B. A. , were l:\l tde rred Oi l JHr. J :IS. C usa ck nn<l Ur. Alex. c:r:tn ger. l'<J tll merc i:d rl i pl o mn.~ we re n w:trrl e< l Lo se ven sLud e 11 Ls Sr venlt>c n gold med a ls we re awa1·d t,d to tile studenls for exee Hencc in variou'l studi es . At til e conclu sion of t he exercise the A rchld shop pmi ~e d the slud<lnL for t li E' work clon e dll!'i11 g tlte y1::t.r, :~n < i SJ)oke in bi,;lt Lrrm~-> or Llte collrgc :1.1Hl its t:1c nlty. ~i t nat ccl ~•s it is ::;o near Chi e: tgo, antl condu cte<i by a n aul e borly of profe SOl'o, it bid" fait· to beco me one o f' tb.e leading ed ucaLion a l institutio ns of the \Ves 1. Near ly ou e thi rd oJ th e you ng. er pri ests of the Arcbllioc ese St. Via tem's :1s th e ir "Alma IU:t.le r." S ·a t.tAr erl throu g h the var io ns other dioceses of the \Vest :we m:t.ny . priests who look b:wk with pl ensure to the ir seminary earee r at St. Vi:~t c ur's. That the college mily s ncCH' <l :111<1 r~dcl e<~r ·h year, now st.ucl ents t o its alrearl_y' lnrf!e num ber, i,; t l1 e w is h of o ne who spent m:<ny happy years :m1ong i ts ple:1.sant surro unding:>.

")SC's <J !'

Ca tholic Home. Besid es t lw Re v. gentlemen a ncl olher al n1 nn i o f' the co llege m entioned in the columns of t he Jo uRN AL w ho r egard St. Viatenr 's as their " Alm a Mate r, " tlle fol lowi ng is list of clergymen :mel other rli s tin g u i~ II ccl g uests >vho were among the visitors at th e college on tJ,at occa8ion. Revs. Walters, Vl.fnyette, I nd., Dor ney, Brool(s of Ch icago,· O'G,1ra , vV ilmingl·.on, Ill., O'Reilly, D:-wvi lle, Ill, P ar adis and I-h lbmeir. Kankakee, Il l. , Chouin:wd C. S. V., l\Lmte no, Ill., F;wning, Ohin, Tll., Lecou vre m, L'Erab\e, Ill., T homos Keating, Chicmpaign , IJJ., Mr. :;.oc'l Mrs. Jno. Bell , Mrs. Powers and B~•rron, Mr. and Mrs. Gleason , Miss Cah ill , 1\![r. McGuuen, Mr. Stafford, Mrs. Roussertu, Mr. Bensfeld, Mrs. McDonalcl, M r. Q ninl a n, Mr. Tbormeyer, Mr. Carrol l, all <>f Ch icago, Ill., Mr. Duret and Son Lo uis of Peru, I nn, M!·. Lyo ns, Champrtin , I ll. , Mr. Nornwy le, Rock I s la nd, Ill. , Mr. ·walsh, Camp ns, I ll. , M r. l<\ ,ll ey? Lahyette, Incl ., Messrs. Tracy, Hatch, E!Jril:IJ, L oloum eau , K err, Brossea u, Wial lory, (Jl Kanbkr-:e, Ill. J

- l~e v. M .•f. Mn,rsi le wil l act <~S Pn~Lu r at Lat'ayeLLe , • l1td ., during the abse ne;e of Fr. ',Y,dter:; iu El ti'Ojle. - R evs . .I\1. A. Douli11 g C. >::). ·v. :wd K B.iv:ll'<l C. S. V. will visit t he sLud eJJ lS aml fi'ie url ~ ot t lJ e eo lJ ege, :t t Ch ic<rgo, cluri1 !g t l1e first; pa rt o'f th e vaeaLio11. - Stu d iP.s wil l be reS I111J ecl o n tlie 6tlJ . of'SepLemucr; .Jet th e old stud e nts be a n exam p le vf puneLuali L'y to t lt e new ones th is coming te rm. - Ot:tr esteemed Prefec t of S tnrlies Tiev. G. Lrgri s leJ't for an ex tended t ri p Lo Cn::w <l :c T ue,;da.y evening· Ju ly 5t b. Bon coyo,r;e! -X. Fox. Ed. Cd let.te, \\rm . a nd Di<:l{ Bradley , C-i. Napi en e, 0. J3ermtN:, V. l.; t. rn:~. r r e , w ho .• pe nd ing Ll 1eir vaeat io n at t he college, vi s iLed Ka nlu1 kee I',CJ wiLuoss (,be grand cl i ~ play of Hre-wo rk<; on t he e veuing ol' Lhe glo r ious Fou r th. . -The improvements nHtcle i11 the refectory, minim' s reereu.Lion ball an tl th e stucl y- hnll co n ·iclerabJy enha nce their nppearan ce. -Rev. Fr. Daly spend s !ti s v:t.cation wit·lt Rev. Fr. Clancy at Woodstock, lll. - Tue Cb icilgo Pastors nunthering 126 will beg i11 tlleir roLreat at t be coll ege, tbe 1 1 Lh. i11 st., those or Peoria, d ioeese, on the 18th. inst. - J. Rc)acu, J. S uerth, M. Carroll , gave us a call on the 4th. - l{ev. Fr. Peborde D. D. prenchod tlJ e retreat a t NoLrt> D a me A cademy . - Bro. C hampag ne wi ll be tile o rg :uti sL at tbe P :t.ri sb ch u reb c1 u r ing v ncation . - Osca r :1Jld V iateur are gat\10ring the ras pberr ies for t he p ic-ni c. - Fre(l Eh rich , who drew fo r the gokl medal for proficiency in F rench, was the recipient o f a fi ne golcl wntcb; a present from his l>ro Lh er. -Mr. M urLa ug h mad e us a p leasant cnll on his r cLLll'n \'rom Mo ntreal. - Onr genial a nd beloved Bro. Cregan is workin g banl to become the cham pi'm at c roq ue t. S uceess, Brother?!? - Eel . Bennett is sti ll visiting fri encls in Kankakee, a nd is pleased with his soj o urn th ere. - Eel. Co llette says cigarett es a re sweet on the 4th. b ut bitt er on t he 5th. · - Little Eddie Downey bid f:wewe ll to his com rad es Saturchy July 2nd. Our best wisiles ace;ornpnny y ou, littl e friend. - Tbe " devils" after having been pent up for the space of ten mo nths, f01;sook th e ir ab odes except T eelnre who is initiating Collette in the bus in ess. - lYe l! ear o ur devo ted Father Doolin g is going t o proc m e many hi storical paintin gs during IJi s stay in Chi c11go. .., .








A l t 1GAU D .

Il faut qui t ter l'asil e oü coula mon e uf<w ce. Là, comm e un li s aimé el u r.iel, Croissant à l 'ombre de l'autel, J 'a i vu fle ur ir mon inn ocence : Ad ie n, s<tilctuaire de p :tix Oü tout mc souri:Lit <l'iu efi<tl>les <Lttn1i ts Ad ieu, channant séjo ur


ln, n1onta.gnc.

Salut à tes ombrages fmi s Que j e ne revernti j a.mais! Salut à t es r i ches C<Ullp<kg neR ! iYies cloux plais irs vont se t;wir : Il s ne seront ùientût q u'tm t.enclre so uvenir. A m1 a1J ies compiLgnnn s, ô m es am i s

1id è l ~s,

qi1i fùtcs tons mes amours , A<.li<>u! s:Ln s vous plus d e lle:Lnx jours. S:.Llnt, m es b l ancbr·.s cascatelks, Joyeux échos cie moulJon hcur , E n vous qui tta.n t, li eux clJ ers, je vous bisse mon cœur. M**. VOHS


:Monseigneu r, l\'Icsclames


Mess ieurs.

L es fils d e l'Eg li se tressai llent d 'a llégresse dan s l'a ttente du joyeu x é vè nnm cnt qui do it marquer cette année l'ill ust1·e ca rr ière de Léo n Xlii, aujou rd 'hui g lo rien sement régnant. La terre s'ébranle et lescœ nrs vol ent vers Rom e. A h ! dans un parei l ionr cl e j oie et .rl e jnbilat ion p ourquo i faut-ilq Lte le V ic ·tirc ,Je J és us-Christ soit da ns les ch aînes?' Pvmqnoi ne peut-il pas pa rco uri r en triomphe ces rues de la ville éteruel le o ü tou tes les gloires sont passées et que la ,miljesLé seu le elu So u verain Pontificat pe nt remplir? Pourqn oi ne peut-il p in s, com m e au trefois, des haute urs cle St. Pi erre, é lever ses mains chargées de b é nédictions e t les r é pandre sur l'univers? L'Italie, croyant voir dans les Sou v emin s Pontifes les ennem is de sa gratirle nretde son unité, s'est constitu ée leur geoli ers. N'est-ce pas là nn aete d ' in g ra titud e e t d' oubli impardonnable? Du momentque Qons tantin la is_

Samedi, 2 Juillet, 1887.

No 7.

s::t la Rome des Césars aux successeu rs de Pierre, ceux-ci nes'en montrèrent-ils p as louj ours lescléfenseu rsetne furent- ils pas comme l'âmP. m ême de l'Italie clans les lu ttes qu ell e eut à so u tell ir p our sa libert.S.eL son in dépenclanr.e ?On sait quel fut le ur rôle, m ission toute de pa ix e td e salut, lors de l' invasion d es Barbar es. Ces hordes san v ages fo n dirent comme un ouragan sur le monde Romain, r epu (lu salig cl es na ti o ns, d u sang des martyrs Pendant plus d' llll si èc le ils asso u vi rent leur rage s u rto u t ce qni s'opposa à le ur [.Xtss:·1ge. Qui s'é le va alors pour le ur r és ister ? Les em percmsg recs accoururent-ils au secours <le l' Italie ellvarie? Nouse ul ement ils ne firent ri e n pour el le. mais ils la trahirent systém atiq uement, parce q u 'ayant des traité avec les Bèèrh:nes qu i les menaçn,i ent elu côt-é de Consta ntinople, ils n'osaie nt p as les iniqni é ter en Itali e. L'état de ces be lles co ntrés ne peut se décr ire et fait pi tié dans l'Histoire. D ésolée p ar les _ B::trbares et aba ud on Hée p:1r ses so u ve ra in s, l'I t.1 li c ne s::l Vait pins à qu'elle nppartena it, et ses peupl es é taie nt r écl niL:; au d ésespoir. Au mi lie u de ces gr.'tndes calam ités, les P apes éta ienL le r e fuge uniqu e des mall:te ureux. D eu x s urt ou t e ntre tous mé r i~m:t d 'être co mp t.és p:umi les héws et les sauveu rs d e le nr · p:1.tri e: Ccl sont les deux gr~1nds L éo n et G r égo ire! Devant e•.1x les lèg ions elu Nord recu l0rent épo uv a ntées_ L'Italie entière leu r dut sa d élivrance e L Rome écLw.ppa a u so rt qui a fmpp é Tyr et!

A peine la race de Cllarlema,;,ne étai t- elle ét einte que celle qu i lui succ érla en Allem:1gntl menaça d'asservir l'Italie et cle t:tire d es Papes les s im pl es chape lains des em pereurs •tllcmancls. Ü cllon Je Gram] obligea le Pape a lui hire serment de ftc10l il6, (li t Vo ltaire. Il aj ouLe ai ll e urs encore: il pM::LÎt év ide nt qu e le gmnrl desse in d e F réd éric II était d 'é tablir e n Italie le trô ne d es nouveaux Césan;, et il es t bien si'l r a u moins q u' il voul .it r égner sur l' ltalie sans borue et sans p[trtage. Les di v isio ns e ntre F r érl éric e t le s~tint S iège n'eu re n t j amais la re ligion pour olJject. A insi cl'aprè~ l'aveu m ême de l'cn ne n1i l <~ plus aclutrn é d e l'Egli se la cause tles lu ttes d e l'Emp ire ct elu Sacerdoce fu t s nrtout un e q uesti on nati onale. C'éta it la libe rté politique cl e tou L u11 pe uple qu i é tait en jeu. Et les P~tpes, a,insi que l'I-iis to irc le constate victorieusemer:t, i urcnt toujours les prem ÏCI'S ù '' opposer a u j ung . d e l' é tranger, ils empêchère11t l'Itali e d e d eve nir all e-

LE C ERC LE FRANCAIS. tu :ïn<lc 0 11 fratH;a i<Se; tuuj o 11 :·s ils :,;'dl'v rcèl'e tJt de g:t r<l<·r l' lt-Jli e pPur les lt:di e 11 :>. Ton s les pe11 ples, :t diL un c ~ l è l>rc ( cr i v:titt , svnt r;nnv c ttu~ cl . pl:t cc t·· :tu prPmier m ng de:,; g r:tnds lton~me s ces iiJr tu n é ~ c itoy(' n ~ q 11 i e nrc n t 1' o1o nn e 11 r u', trra eh e r le nr pat r ie à b d v :uin:tti u n d e l' 0tra lt >·e r : héros s' ils o llt r é u ~s i '"' II Utns tmven;eront lrs un m:trLy t·:; s' ils o 11t ée lt o11 é le urs si-.:,eics. L·t s tllj lid ité m u<lt·rn e vo11dr:1it sc u! Pnw nt ex cepte r lt•s P:tp<.';; <l e <.;e t t e :l jJOili {•ose univ erselle. 0 Itali ens, vou s lt ::b itants d e ces fertil es co ntn~ c s q ue les ( ~ r C•g rnir c t, t lc·s Ttt11 0f:Cilt. vutthient. :1ffranü hir, " V•>S ô ! P u mpi lius sn. n g 11i s''~ I-1-II'I IIOili uu x hériti e rs eTe h G rè<;r, é lev ez do11c p lu t.ôt des :tllt e l ~ :1 ces Pon tiJ'e s mn g nftnim e::; q ui fin:: tl t d es p ru tli ges p >Ul' vuu s cionner un Il () Ill


!\his, l\ie rh mc:;; e t l\'[ l.lS'iie ul·s , les S u u verai ns Pont.ife,; o n t un autre tit re :1. h re<.;üu nn.i ssn.nce d e l' Jt:tli e, e'cs t d 'e n :cvoi r fait ln. pat rie il es sc i c n<;t~ f> t d es ben 11X nns , o ui ! <i l'vml>re cle la c hai re p•> lltifi ca le ou plut ôt nu x: r:1y o ns du s:) le il d e la v é rité , le gét 1ie h umain s'e t é ui :1\'t'<: nn e merve il le use fëcn nclité. C'e t , nr ce tte ter re p ré vil t-g:ée qu e Lril la l'nnro re de la Renn.i ssnncc. D ~s chefs d' œu vre de tou ~ g e nres :clors vire 11t le jou r. La p oésie, la mus iqu e, la peinture, ln sc nlpt·ur·P. é le vèrent e0mme un trô ne d e g loire.:!. la mère <lu g e nre humain, l' Epouse imm ac ul ée du Cb ri s t. Et rlrpuis les a rtis tes de t o ns les ilges s'aeh e lflin ero nt v ers R o mé po ur lni apporter le tribut d e le ur adm irati on, po ur étuùi e rl esœ u vres cl e:; P a les trinn, rl es l\1ich re l Auge , des Rtpl1 n.ë l et milli! a utres me rve ill es éc lo::;es sous la protection ' fécond e cle la Papnuté ! Et, Messiem s . il n'y a qu e quelqu e ~ nnn ées qne les P ctpes o nt perdu ce j)O nv o ir dontils sc so nt si aJmira 8 1e ment se rv i- q ne cl éja les a rtis tes et tous les nclmi rateurs de l' a nt iq u ité ont lai ssé éch:tpp"é un cr i r1'in r1 ig llntiou c0ntre le~ aete~ d e vn.ncbli sme commi~ pns les nou ve:wx m 'l.ÎLres d e l'Itali e. Ils enlè v ent à la cnpit~le elu monrle chré tien ce cach et que lui o nt donné les si è cles et ses ruines immortel les .. Qu e le ur conrlu ite diffè re avec cell e de s pnpes qui ont conservé avec nn res pect reli g ie ux les pr é ~ iettx restes de l'an tiqu é! E t s'i ls ont édifi é, ce ne fut j·un:l.Îs pou t· é leve r d es con stru ctions hn.nn.les comme ce ll es qu i d é parent H.ome au j ou rd' hui, mnis p onr taire sortir de terre les loges à jamai s cé lè bres du V ou l anc~r claus les airs l'i ncomparab le co upole de rl e St. Pierre. Pvu r se j 11 st i fier a ux yeDx rl e la "h ré tienté, les spo l j_ ateurs du clomai1,e pontifi ca l p ré tentent que l'ind é penrla nce rln S:tint Si ège est in cO q1p3.tible avec l'unité rle l'Ita li e, tftndi~ qu'on q: te le m s injustifhtl.>l es confiscations n'ont eu pon r but que cl 'amoindrir la pu issance spirit11 elle des ré prése ntants rl e Dieu· sur la tene. En eore une fois les P;tpes ne sont pasopposés a l'unité de j'Italie, c'est ce qu' ils ont toujours vouln cln.ns le passé

e n chassant l' é tranger de la péniu s ul c. Et cle nos jours, Pi e lX a rl ée i>Hé qu e l' unité d e l' Ita li e é chappera à tout d a 11 ge r qn e lo ri'q 11 ' un li e n d 'a mo 11r et <l e fid é lité U11im daus Ut1 mê me f:Li~,;eea u la foree d e:; peupl es ù la sngesse clrs prln0es. JYI:tis l'Itali e p e ut Ctre ur. e s:tns qu'il fail le rl étrôrn er ses rois et violer les droits les plu~ sac r é~:>. N o us :tvons vu s'n<.;<.;fl tnjJiir l'unificatiOn de l'A.Il ew:1gn e, uou:> !':wons VLl, :\ l'he ure fl u d a nger, se lev er comme nn se ul homm e contre l' e :~n e mi con 1mtw, sans qu e peu j>l es et priu ces 11t P.t é d é prmill &s d e 0e qtt'ib avaient d e pin s che r. Léon XIII, e n re1·e ndiqnant I'i nrl é pe11C1:tn ce rl e r Eglise , a })19 i nt cs fois lni ~sé en1 e r:d rc q ne l'Italie sentit l::t. prem i ~ r e ~t bé-n f fi c irr cl'uu f\ <O intion équitable d e la question roma in e et qu' e n u1ettant fin .n.u dou loureux autngoni~mr, qui divi se a<.;tuc ll eme nt le p::tys, e ll e s'ouv rira it l e.~ voies ~!.une période de gra11d e ur tt de propérité iutor-nue peu t- être clans so n hi sto ire. Qu i ne voit que le v éritnble intérêt .~el'lln­ lie pe u L, e <0tlcilie ravec les in térêts cle l'Egli: e? A l'Itnli e d e comprend re ces sages et proph,;tiq ue s:wcrtisse_ . me nt.s. La Pnp:nrté , e ll e, pe ut.att.enùre : elle a pour e lle les prume s~es d 'étrrne lle ùu;:éc. lVLtis l'Itn.lie le po nrrnt-el le luugtem ps encore? N e vuit-efle p:ts que plu::; ell e s'ob~t iu e chtn s la situation f:tusse et vio lente où el le s'est mise vis -~tv i s <lu Saint S ièg e , plus cette lutte me urLri è re e t panicide l' é puise et ladeshonore? Puifse t -e ll e le comp rendre avant qu'i t so :t l.!"l>p ta rd !

TRI<:NTK Nou s cldtachons une feu ill e d'une lettre du Re v. A. Marte l qu'il ; adressait d emiè rern en t au Père Marsile, certain qu'el le sera lu e avec int0rê t par tous nos lecteurs. Le Rev. :M:vnsieur se re pose a n chilteau de Hen ri-Ub:cpeJl e e n Belgique. De que ll e ex c ursion v o ulz- vous que j e vous parle? Dt~ ce lle cl' An vers ou du Ca nid de Suez? De ce lle d'Aixla-Chapel le de Charlemagne _o u de celle N:1z·treth c~e de St. Jerôm e i' De ce ll e de Brindisi de Virgile ou de ce lle de Uladbach des B ~ n éd ic tins ? Ter1ez! J e vous dirai sans phrase u11 mot de mon excursion de Trente Uù, à en juger p ~tr les d émo nstrations, j' étais atten'cln, le le jour de l'Ascension. Trente est poétiquement si tu é sur l'Etch, qui cou le rapid ement au pied d'une montagne q11e couronent un cllâ.teau, une église et q Llelq ues r és idences. Une chftte on plutôt u·n filet d'eau tombe ]Jerpeudicülairement du haut de cette montagne et produit le plus bel effet. Les montagnes de formes van ées et dont la position semble <.;banger à chaque pas donnent àce·s li eux un a&pllct tout à fait piLtoresque. J'ai joui surtou t en trav ersautle pont qui cor1duit à la v.ieiLie église et s ur leqnel je n'ai pu m' e mpêchc.r de cri ·


LE CEHCLE er: "Du c~ttéchisrue du Concile de T rente ! Cbapître 1er., Du symbole des Apôtr es, Pctragmphe 1er., J e crois en. Dieu !" Que l beau si tt- ! et corn me le regard s'attach e à la rivi ère, a ux mon tagnes, aux bosque ts, à la cathédrale avec ses SOL!venirs conciliaires, et, co mm e le son d es cloches chantent ha rmonieu ·e ment en montant v e rs le ciel! La Cathédrale, où j'ai entend n la messe et Ste. Mar ieMnj e u re, où j 'ai assisé aux vê pres, é tai.ct;t remplies rl e fid èles recueill is . .Tout le monte est b ie n mis a ux jours de fêLes et surtout on v a à l'ég lise. Ce jour- là il y avait messe pont.ifiCil.le au Dôme et grande mus ique orchestrale avec de beau chant. Je f us vi vement impression né. L es cloches cle la CathéclraJe q ui sont avec ce lle de St. Ursule de Co logne les p lus belles j'ai e nten dues m'ont rav i de leur son et non de lem· bruit. Qn a nt à la cathéùr,de, ellen. de belles p:trtie.5, CJ rn ,ne part icu larités; mais, comme e tlSe lllble, c; '~,; t un vie u x: monume n t bysantiu qui passe.fleur. L'on voit, que ça d ut coùte r <lu e t ries sommes con , iJéctl.Jles. Le m ur es t nssez épai.s puur qtùi. l'ifll.é rieur l'on pu y pratiqu er uu H.:nlier e n pierre d e IuHni è;·e à ne hi sse r paraître qn e la nuupe qui t•st ù j uu r. L'ou es t à re.;t >ret· l'i 11 tér ieur d e cet.te egbe, si vé n6mble par les cou ;; il es qu' e ll e a n!Jrité et d ont les Lnulea ux , qui rep rCse ut ces aug u ·tes nsscm bl ées couvrent les murs d e la sacristie. Ste. l\iar ie-l\Ltj eure est de guût plu s r<:Jee nt quant à l'i n térie ur. B ien d ecurée, or née des nolllLr ~ ux tab leJux des conG:iles qui s'y dO nt tenitS e t. des papes nlurs rég u::m t, tl e g rand es org ues et de nomb reuses stntu es, e tc., cette égli se m'a in spré plus d e d é vot ion que l'tm tre. Le plaiu eh·1t1t qn'oe y ex0Ci.lta it s i bien, avec tant d' <:; nse mb le, avec d e oi be lles vo ix , me fai sait oubl ier les beauLés Iuu sca les du maL in . I l y a nu cin1cti ère de l::t ville un e i1uitation dn "Cam po Santo" d e Gêne~. Les co nst ru ctions de Tre nte sont corn me celle" de3 vi Iles iLhli eu nes, e n pierre blanche. Les pins plus remarquabl~~ sont le châtea u, vériLab le monument rl '1w ciene arc hi tedure, le palais de Justice et la vieille tour de St. J .tcques, s i la mé moir e ue me fai L défaut. Il y a d e j oli s b oul evard s et un pnrc Lien ombr:Jgé donnant snr ce que je po nrra is appell er la lJ a ute ville. Au milieu rl e qu elqu es bosqu eLs s'étale un petit lac d' eau jaunâtre, auprè · du que l es t une maiso n où chac un peut se procurer un habit d·e bain pour deux wns. U ne partie rln htc est t raversée pn.r une co rd e qui se rt à soutenir les moins babi l(•.s. Ou change d' habi ts sur le rivage, pu is après un sign e <1P. cro ix- ce que j 'cti trouvé bi en beau-l'on sc joint les mains co mm e pour a ller servir la mes e et l'o n prend un bou plongeon ! Mais assez au suj et de Tre nte. J e vous sais boré rl e votre d ési r d e me r e voir b ientôt. Je ne puis cepend an t r ien vous prometlre lù~cle~sus , quand il s ' >~git de sa uté. Si

FR. lli< ~ rUS .

qu elqu' un vo ul ait payer mes dép enses, j e voynge rais encore plus : car je m'ape rçois que j e suis mir.ux en voy :o1ge que lorsque je demeur e sédenta ir e. Mais i l faut que ce soit en pa.} scbaucl, à"tttrerneut j e ne suis pas mieux qu'en Amérique Il me se rilble que si je reeornm euça is mou voyage, jo n e serais p lu s mabde, tau t ç:t m':t ftit d e bieu par ce temps passé.

COU RONNE D'EPINRS. J'ai clans m a cb·1.mbre, a n ·pied de ma M:tcl otw, un e cou ron ne d'é pin es. J'avais t ressé ces b ra nches a ux po intes a i g :~ es par un e fraîche jour née de pr in temps, a lors que tou t était lu mière et sou rire. Je lronvni ces r0nces au m il ieu rles li eu rs et je vo uJus les emporter avec moi, le::; cne Pi lir comme rl es roses nfi n cle m e nt p1w ler q ue tout ll on lt e ur ici- bas porte son épin e. Dep ui s, b ien cles rlouleu rs se sot t mêlées :l mes jo i e~ , bien fles illus ions se sont é vn nnnies au cont:ICt cle la fro ide r<:Jalité, bien Jes é pines m'o nt déchiré l'â.me, ma is la plus et·u elle fut l'ingratitu de. Voir ses bontés pay ées p:1.r ce u x -là qu'on :L aimés 'Om '1le so i-m ême, q uell e ngonie pour l'â.m.c! N'est-ce pas sentir à sa lè v re le froirl b:Ii se t· d e J ud as? A h ! c'est cette t~ngo i sse qni fa it q ne l'h omm e veut mou ri r ... Mo11 ·M aître, lu i dont ln fnce cl iv in e éclnire l'ét <? rni té, a bien vo ul u porte r tl son fro nt nn e cou ronne rl 'épi 11e: j e ne r eftt ~e ra i pas celle qu i m' est offerte, ô mon Di eu 1 j e l:t portera i auto:u de mon cœ ur. Lu ::t.


Le nom Mnrgueri 1e Bourgeois a rl (jn. pr i ~ place dn11s l'Histo ire:\ côté (l es noms immortels rl es mi ssionn:l.ires, d es solrlats et des hé r oïn es qui aidèrent si pui ss::tmm ent à fonde r la Nouvel le France. Ma rg uerite naquit à Troyes, Fra nce, en 1620. Aynnt percl n sa mère d ès son bas Dge, el le la remplnça v ec le plus g ra nd <16v onemenl. au r•rès de ses frères ct d e ses sœ nrs. Ma is cett.e :lmc <l' élite n'était. pas <l estin <:Je à ~emenrer cl:lns le mon de. Elle tenta à <leux cliffé rente re pri ses 1l 'cntrer en religion, mais vain ement: Di e u l'appela it ti. tmvai ller sur une terre q Lt'il voulait moul er à l'im:tge de la Fran ce chrétienne. C'est alors qu 'elle r e nco ntra 1\fr. rle Ma iso n-n e uv e, le fondate ur cle Montréal. C'é tait d e nx ftmes faites pour sc com 1)re nrlre. Il invita. 1\Inrg ne rite :'l._

1~· ~uin~ de p:~r de h\ les mt·rs pom :;l! ch.~rg<·r dt> 1 ' in gtrlJdiou des t·uf.wt:;. { 'eil(•-ei n'lJ\!;;ita p.1:s. Elie :wnL it qu<' le eiel l'npp<•lail, <t ue ~Inrie, qui lui av.~ it r:<O Jtri s i divÎJil'llH'llt, hL Vt> td a i t dans ectle vill e qui <l<•n1 i t purter en ll:liss:u Jce soll 1wm h<~ni, et. la voiLi qui s'nrrnclic ù 1\dfer·tiun rk <·l uX. qui lui S<ll1 t ehcrs [llllll' ln·n v er h~s le~ turenrs de l'océan, <rui dit a<l il'u a u Leau pnys d e Fr:uwe pour 1II Ier lill ir S<-~s jour:> s nr un e terre luintnine t•t ineolllltl<'. t lll ·:l ::;pect·tele admirabl e que <l e voir eN te jr·unt Yi ergt> et tant d'antrt•s qui la suivire n t, comme de bl:\i1dlt:', colombe;;., Jll'<'lldre leur v ol v l'rs des ri vngPS suuilll"·s par des ~ièdes d't•tT<· ur~ el <lv;,; ll11t de snug! La drginilé et tut~te. · les plu::; Lelle' vertus du ' hr i::>Li:l!l is llH' le·· suivrunt et prendruut m<:illc puur j ·t m::tis :; ur le sul <l'A UJ~riqut>. :\lon l réa l, la ville <le l\Inrie , fut le tl.J e,ître <lu z -:le e t l~ll dt- vuueme nt de M n rgnerilE'. UnP t·talJi e fut le ùerl'l':tu de sa coTn mun a uté qui d e vu it lLlu.s la s u ite pre n_ <lre u.J t\l'velo pt> me nt prodigie ux C[ cumplPr des étaLii ·sc lll c nl qui suut rl c v(·ritables m OJJ lllll t'llts. Mai,; e'e:;t ans ·i dans uns é taul e qu·cst n é d' D ieu -En fant <1out le a d o r ateur>; sunt r é p:mc1us p:1r tu u le la t e rr e. La fa iL lesse, la pauvr<>té esL le cncl.Je t rles g ru 111l es ruuvre ' , lles ru urle D ieu. A h\ d e rnanrl e <l es co lon , plusiet Jr ·école;; e t eou v ents furent fo url és et auj o urd'hui i ls se el)lll pten t p nr centaiue~ no u-se ule m cut au Can:tda, mais u ux Etats Unis, couti nu :1nt les tr:wean:s: d e l·1 VéuénJ IJlofou <l aLr iee L'lili nuis seu l po sède ciuq (-taLti~:,euwnts t e nu::; par les Sœ ur:; de la Cungr éga iio 11. .'\I:ugu<'rite Huurgeo is ll' é pargna ni peines ni sa c rifice pour su bvenir au x Leso in de la je u ne:,se Cülladi cn. ne . Plus d'une fuis, e Ile traversa les m ets pour n li e r c hercher d es filles di~]lf'S L<' 5 ù . <ml m'!>~er S<•ll œu Yre. On la vit p o rter su r ses é p·lllles les ll iiPlq n es meubles d esti nés ù <1e nouvelles f<Jndation s. A l'o rdre de :;un E vêque, e ll e se r e nd ù }>ied de Monln~ al ù Q ué·Üee, e n biv er , mal g ré le f'roid et la 11eige. L a murtilication éga bit sa el.Jarilé . Elll' ne Ee n1hla it vine qu e P< •lll' <.:ltùtier son C•Jr ps. P e nrl:ln t un e trnversc~e, elle se dépouilla de tout en ti<v e ur rl e soldats m :1Jades et n'eut }JOUr d ormir q ne le phlJ CLlC r eL rien pour se co uvrir. E lle hab itu el lem e nt u ne couronn e d'épin es sous ·n (;O i!fure, n e cl u rm :1it que s ur la clmc f·t sans antre ore iller qn'un e plan c he. Sa pi é té l'ai ait l'édifi cati un d e tous ce u x qui l:t rc tl con trni ent. Elle avait un e confi:mce s:tns borne e n :Mari e : c'r~;t ce q u i b p o rta à consac re r sa eomn.un:lnt é ù hi M è re de Die u e t <L lui d o nner le nom de Notre Dame. C'est l\largue r itc Bunrgeo is qui conçu, ln. pre mi è re, la pi e use id ée d e IJl tir, à Montréa l, un sa nc·.t.ll:1ire ù la ~ te. Vierge. Notre Dame de B o nsec ou rs est un préc ie ux m onument <le s on amo ur cu vers !a R e in e ùu c ie l et au">;;i un m onument c;.er ù tous les cu; urs Cn.n::tdi e ns. Combiell de faveurs c é lestes out é té ob tenues clans cette

nntiqne c h:1pel le! Qnell~:; fu ul e pi e uso s'y ùoone renùezvou :<, •lu matin u n soir, H L' pied de l:t l\1:tdoue! Avec quelle do uces larmes cl rms les y cnx l<::s marin g, nprè>' une p érill<•n .~e tm vers.Sr , sH ln enL l'im :1gc tle 1\hricqui du tiOmmet du sn i•Jt é difice le ur t en cl les bras! L a sainte foncl a tricP, pl~:;ine d'nnnéfs Pt de mérites, r e ndit l' ilnw , le 12J:Jn v ier, 17UO. Sa m ort fnt un ckrni er actH cl ' h l'- roïsmc. Elle <>ffc·it s::t vi e puur obte nir ln. guérisun d' u1 w d e· r \'ligie uscs qui é t a it à l'agoni e . Son sacrifi ee J'u t a•·OC'pté c t la ;::œur, :Ü Jtsi.rni rac ul<- u<>muent sauvée, porl:t jusq u 'ù la fin d e ses juttrs le n om d e r e li g ion de l\Ia rg uer ite B Jlll'geuis, S(ûll !' •du s~. Saer em nt. La mort de l\I:tJgttC'rit>J fut neetmq•agnée d e plu ie un: prodiges S:t figure. q 1i p urtait les t race d e ln. m orLi!ie11tion et tle lüntalll<li e , Lrilla d'un éelat e Je 1e. l~lu s i <' ursg n érisons fnr e nt aussi oLtenn es p:tr le simple attouchement <l'oùj ets qui lui a vnicut npp:1rtenus. 1\lr. LPller, le père d e l'h é rüïgue recluse, pei g nit les trniLs de eellc q u i v e n:1 it d e s'.;Le inclre si p :lisiblemeut. Son vi sflge est plu s runc1 qu'ovale. Sa t ê te est r eùOUv e r te J'u n Yoi lc qui s'uLtaclJ c s0 u s le cou e t a uq uel pe:1cl un e eruix. Scs lèv r es S'J uri r nt légère ment, t o ule la figllre a une rxprez:;:;iou cl e céle5t e caucleur et res pire l'(.ten,elle j •tm es e d e l' inn ocence·. L e eor p de b . V Pn é rable d éfunte f'ut p orté:\ sa clerni 0re rlemenre Jl ~ll' le GouVP I' LCUt' Général e t le Gmtvcrncur d e l\lutJtréa l ct e nterré dans l' égl ise 11aroissial e. Son cœu r , qui avait é t é d e p osé d:l!l S la. c·h :q )eiJc cl e la cutn J n unallt~ , fuL <;ons um 6 dans un iocen<1ic, en 1778. JI s'en rjla i t ée lt appé rlLt nng vermeil qni fut pi e usem e nt reeui l lt •\. qni est conserv é ain:>i g ue tous les ossements aYec ln plu s g r anc1e v én értüion par les clignes filles de l\brgue rite B ourgeois. Elles attentent a v cc u:1 e 1 e .peetneLne im 1ntie nee ln. d écision clel'Egl ise p o ur re ndre clos h o nne urs publi cs à ces cl.J è res r eltqu es. D l:j<l le titre ci e T't'll cni/;11:' a 6lé deccn~ t'! à lenr illu stre M 0r<' . L<· 1•1c :c l-~ cle c·:lnunis:1tion ~:c p our~ nit ac tivem e n t :\ Rom e et tout porte ù <.:roire qu e bien. tôt le Cnnar1a cc mp te ra nne 8nint<.:, ln prc·m iè re de l' A 1u é riquc el u Nord. Qu el b e nu j< >nr sern. ccl11 i qui apportera eett.e h eme u se lJOnvelle à n os rivn ges! De quel bonbem e t tle qn<:lle lég itim e fi erté tres:,:til le t ont lou les eo~ nrs c1 es Di s clc la N o uvell e Fran ce: l'ttis8ent le urs pri è res hi:Ué ce moment fort uné!

xx. A MAlUE. Vous r égnrz !><<rtout, ô Mar in! l$t s u r ia. t r r rP ct <l:Lils les cieux; l'artout votre image c-hérie. P :-:Lrtuut votre nom gra vi eux.

Aprbs Di eu, c'est vo us que r egard e Tout œil élr vé vrrs le ciel; Ca.r D ion not1s met tous sons la garde D e votr e r.t'le ma,t.Prllrl. ! .'ARRE EXJEl.VlN'.


ST. VIATEUR' S COLLEGE JOURNAL. · -"Bro. R ya n, yo u never ha d such amu sement before m y an·ival, did yo u?!! -Mr. L. G nmd clmmp is a reg nlar b ookworm; h0 is not 0 1~l y realliug-, he i~ de v~ ul'ing bis bo ok s. - , Bros. J. O' CaU~1.g ha. n 0. S. V . a nd \Vm. Hartwell C. t). V. o f Holy N ame School, C l1i eago, eame Lo spen<l tiJ eir v aca tion in Bourb onnrti s. - B ro. Gall ag her is v is iting his pa rents a ncl fri eulls . in P eori a . -- A s pecial class of drawing will b e organi zed L!Ji s coming Septe mLer, und er th e clircdo rs hip of t l!e ar tist Bro. A. G ignac. - In a ll probabi li ty, Lll er e _;-vill be an exc ursio n in b ehalf of th e College, fr om C ll ic[lgo to .Thfontrcal, vi<L • Micbi gan Cen tral and Cnnarli :otn Pacifi c Ra il-Roacls, J uly 2 1st. to la st forty clays fr om d :il·.e , whi ch is nntil Monday A ug ust 2 9th. T l10 fare b e ing r eclu ced to $ 18 .00 r oU11rl Lri p brings it wi LJ,in th e n~fl c h of all who p1::~y d es ire to visi t the be:wtifa l ~tncl pietltresq ue sce nes of Ua nada. Those \\· is bing to ::~. vail t be msel ves of t h is oppor t nui ty, wil l be g ran ted tbe pri. vi lege of st oppi ng <'v e r wuen ret urning, at nny of th e followi ng c iti es: D etro it, T orollto, Ottawa or nn y city of in tere~ t to Ll1e touri st!=l th rough which the ex on r.s io n mn.y p! The exc ursion ists will arrive i 11 t im e f or the celebratiu n of the fE>:tst o f the; greaL St. Ann; :wd also to w i tnes<; tl1 e c n ron ~~tian of tbe st :Ltue by His Em i11ence C:m lin ; 1.\ Tacli er e:tu, Hss iste d by many celebrated i) rclnte:::. Tlte Ccu·flin :il will be representative of H is JI<Jli ness L eo X III 01 1 tld s ncca ion . It is said t ha t th is ille h:-ts al re:1cly been vi site<l by over 20,000 pe rsons s i11oc S pring. - B ros. Lu ss ier an d Ry a n we re str uck for a bu ggy r ide, t he o ther cby . H o w pl easant a nd refreshing was t he sweet breeze : Low slee k the r oa d! and t he hor se helcl. Lis h eacl up so uobl y! T hose -t houg hts anrl. lots of others of the same stamp toget her with t he enjoym ent of tl1e benefit of that a lm vst stolen rir1e, m ade tb em lose s ig l1t of t he movem en ts a bo ve wben sud <1enly came li ke a shot a most heavy s torm which . washed clean n.ll t he fnn a nd <1 id not leave even a dry stitch ab o ut t he m. Choose a lJelter time for your next, Bros . - Viate ur w ants t o kn ow why we don't go bathin g n. ny more? " Because the wate r is too we t," says1 Collette. - There a re rumors fl o[ltin g i n the air t ktt a new set of pri nte r's "devils'' wi ll be on d eck for the next term; " look out old ones." - Hil a ire says th at there is n othing sweeter tha n eati ng the n oo11clay repast with sotll e tbing sweet; '' on tbe Fo ur th of course." Til e Rev. Father B elange r C. S. V., pastor of tb e Catholic cbureh in this village, in respo nse to a call from


hi s su p eriors, bas accepted charge of the deaf an d dumb of bi ~; c hurch in N e w York C ity, whither be goes about A 11 gnst 1s t . t o comm en ce hi s new duti es. Fr. B elanger eamc to Brirn:field from Montreal, Canad a, a bout two y<-"-aJ'S ago, a t wbich time h e Hssnmed ch a rge of tbi s parish. Dming his stay h ere, be has won the est eem n.nd fri endship of' th e entire community by his gentlemnnJy, C bri s tian d emean or and has espeeially eocl ea recl himse lf to hi s pari shi oners by his gentleness a n<l th e cl ee p iu t crest be h <1.S al ways evinecd j n their spiritual and t emporal wolfarc. His co ng regation d eeply regr et hi s move, but as it is an or cl er f rom a hi g her source, he has only t o obey. Father Belange r is thoroughly conversant wiLh the sig n lang uage of the cleaf anci dumb, ancl will OOGll py bis time in instructing those unfortu nat es of th e great m etropolis. Th e Rev . Father's b ealtb, which ba s never bce11 good, b as b een g reatly improv ed by his resiclen t.:e in Brim field , and on tbat acco unt as well as h ec ~tn s e of t!ie n.ttac:hment b e l1 as fo rm ed to his <"barge ltere , h e greatly r egrets t he move tl1 a t duty compels h im to mal;:e.

Brimfield Netcs.

OUI DAS WANDA. To the vietim s of my first sketch of \Vanda, I beg res pectfu ll y to inscribe these few lin es of meagre apo logy . T he romance continues so: Bela is the very picture of his f~tLb er . T b e chil cl'sface vividly r e minds Prince Egan (who now v isits the Szalrus qnite frequent ly) of a companion of bis early you tb--li ttle V ass ia . He had uever seen o r heard any thing of Vassia since they bad been separated , while e ngaged in a fight in which Egan ba<l inflict!ld a deep wound upon the shoulder ofVassia. This r esen: blance in the cbilrl Bela was not sufficient e vid ence, however , to conclud e that his father bad any distinct r elat i o n~ hip to V ass ia . Tbe thought that De Sabrans might b e Vassia K asan nevertheless pursued Egan. On e cl ay af te r a chmgerou s enc01mter with bears in the Szalras woocls, Sabrans was seriously wounded and Egan baa stripped him of his clothes to bat he his wound s wh en lo! tbe scar o n the left shoulder was there! H e wh ispered in De Sabrnns' ear: " You are Vassia Kasan.'' .... t h e Marq uis with difficu lty recovers from the effects of his wound s and the ner vous prostration conRequ ent upon his discov ery begs Egan who, he knew, was his -=;worn enemy . Tru ~ tin g the n oble natnre of his offended relative De Sabrans wrote to him the wh ole account of his life sin ce tlwi r boyhood due l. He ha d gone to Mexico where he met and served old Seign eu r De Sabrans whose only son bad r ecently died. The old gentlem an had entru st ed a ll hi s manu scr ipts to -his




yo ung servant :uHl eng:tged llim t o see to tho p11hli e:1.- 1 t.ion 1·f th e " ~T e xi co ;" wit h th ese ll o b~vl nlso f'ou11d papers l1.)' whi ch he estnh li she<l ltim te ll' J·wir LO the sen- . beaten estn.tes of th e o l<l S eignen r. \Yi! b II i9 sto len tit les he rct umed to Fran ce wilcrl' his rnnk h:tcl so fa r never been <l(lubtcrl .... N ow Ll1i" co nf'e~::; i o n of De 8:1l..J rn.n s bonibl e fraud Eg:t n, Lhi'lnlg-h 1JJ:lg11animou s cons id erati o n for hi s f:lir co ns in \ Vnn1h, swo1·e to krrp secret. So De S .1br:tns fe lt safr. Th e letter l1 ad been bnrnt. S Pm e time afLer lhrtt M:vlmno Ol g:t Dmnclm vi siterl prin ce E g a.n a n(l wbile fl.wnitin g l1 im in hi s st n1l y , she fou1Hl a l.Jit of p:1pe r, bbckened with smoke: upon it were wFitt·en the wor(ls •:Vnss ia K ·tsan. " lle r e nrios i t.y was arousecl who or wh a t w:1s V . K? l::ihe le:tves n• Jtiling und o ne t o unenrtl.1 th e me~min g of tt1 ese mysteriuus w ords. vVith her .woman ly iu stin ct site beg ins t o S ll ~ ­ p ect De Sal>rans. Slle goes, uob i1h]en, to the c:tstl e , anrl l>y mea,ns of fine hints and close ob ~r rvatio n of social movements (of wllich sb e was an ex pert interpreter) shtJ forces the admowl ecl gement f1· om the woulcl-l.Jc mast er of the SzalrM; cl o mai11S that he is only the baseborn son of a Russian serf. De Sab rans l>ecorn es e nraged a L the possibility, anrl indeed the lil;:elill oud of his betrayal to vVancla - t.o tbe worlJ.. W hat e lse wight lJE: expected from a worthl e~s woman like Ol ga ? What fine sport his shame wou ld be for her! Tlti.s woman, h owe ver, wlwse score is by no me:tns a ol ~a n o ne, is shut up by prince Egan anrl sworn never tn cliv ulge a w0rcl of the secrets she h:1s funnel o ut. But while this arrangement was m aking, De Sa bra ns in n sort of frenzy , offspring of his burr:ened conscience- goes straig ht to his belovul ·w anda ancl clisc loses a ll bis long pent up secrets. She falls senseless to the grounrl. ·w hen after somE months sh e lJecomes able to sig oi (y her will she qui etly bids De S:thrans leave the Castlr, not howe ver witlwut giving over to him tbe v:ll age wlli cll he hatl so lmwdy save(~ years lJefore . The exiled huslJ:trHl goes and wnnd ers for a fewyear s in th e Austrian Mountains, g enerally in th e vi0inity of the Castle. He live(l a hunter 's life anri dwelt in ns rn a ll cabin on one of th e peak ~ . ... One morning )'llnng B ela is missed at the Sz~1lras Castle. He ltn,<J alway~ lJeen fond of his faLhe r and learning- fr om sCJm e of th e servants that he was in the mountains, the boy h;vl started off to find him out and bring hi m hom•~. lie meets with m any hardships, th e po Gr littl e lacl; b nt he is an expert climber and makes g ood head way . His hther a vigi lant hunter, d escri es in the di stance an eagle nhout to plunge upon a chilcl :-he has te ned to the spot, shoots the bird, rescues t.lle hoy-his own B e la. They are far from any hu man inh :clJit:tti ou, flnd a snow storm sets in , they lo ose their way, Bela becomes ti~· ed, !:light on, and w.itl~ il _ a ft·eeziiJg colcl In

nttr mpting to c ross n, cha<; m so fl::>- to rcnch ilis cauin the f;Llli er, who now fol' a good ways had cnr.r ie n the. numb boy m ·tkes a le 1.p tor lifo and se ri o i.1sly i11jtJrCS his lJ:1 ck. The boy reaches tlte cabin fLill l ie ea r ell for; the fa ther is t.:>ke n in . w·urrl is ee nt to tl1e C:1.stle. H•·d p a rrives, De Sab ra ns is tnke11, in~ very preenrinns co t{rlition, to Lhe Ca ·tle wilere after a t'eiV <hys he dies in sp ite o f Ll1c cares nn d ho pes of the atlmintul e \.Va1.Jt~ L.

R. MEETING OF THE O LD STUDENTS. OoMMI,NC t, MENT DAY 188 7. Nevel' lJefure in t lt e an na ls of St. Viateur's w:;s such a htrge num be r of form er stud ents see n g a thering alJont th eir Alma l\1:tter as was witnessed this y ear. This nnu sunl, not to S'lY unexpected, meetjng <1f' so many old fl:' ll ows cannot l1ave lJRen the mere~ work -of chance; it seems rather proviJ en tial. A new interes t in one 1.l.110tlle r a natural <1ffection for their early co ll ege home seem to ll::tve lJeen aruusell among tile Alunmi as if by mngic of contaet. The recalling of familiar names, the rrcounting uf school-day tricks so lo ng s il encl:'cl, t:.e interchanging of general thought so long pent up, :tll gushed freely furth cluring t he hours th:tt preceded the opening of the exercises. Rea ll y it was r eg:tling to see how i mmensely the gentlemen e njoyed one anotlier's company. Towards the close of the <-lay's prog ramme Rev. M. ,J. Marsile C. S. V. intro cl uced l\1 . .]. Maher Esq . wbo requested a ll former students present to attend a meet. ing which sho ulcl be 11elrl in tbe Study Hall a fter the clistribution of premiums. The ca ll Y>aS willingly an swered. When the assemb ly was seated, Rev. C. P. Foster, of Cbic::~go, proposed R ev . H. Boeklem ~ n, of Delph:.lndiana, as ch airman, which choice w_as un animously accepteel. Fr. Boeldeman goorl -hn rnoredly filled the proferred seat and asked tbat S()me gent lemen explain the n:1tnre or purpose of the meetin g; wllerenpon there was a en \I for Fr. Foster. The Rev. gentleman plea ding tbnt he bacl only an inkli ng as to the end that was aim eel a t, rC'q nested that Mr. Ni<:lwlas W nlsh state more fully what was to he d o ne. Mr. N ichohs '.V a lslt, a stuclen t of the regre tted Fr. Roy 's t-im e, now resicleut of Dwight, Ill., stood ~1p and Sfli<l that, as it had often 'oeen suggested something shoukl be clone in memory of Rev. Fr. Roy C. S. V., steps might now be t a ken towa.rJs che erection of a monument, or memorial hall in honor ot our first director. The'' Roy Mem orial H a ll" seems to have been decided upo n, all being in favor. After tbe C•)nsideration of several propositions brollght forward, it was agreed that as this was an affair of im.



\ f.; {



p orta nce it shoulcl b e sul.Jj ectedto no hasty action . So your presence, man if est in h eb::~ l f of Catbol ic ed u cat ion a comm ittee were elec~ec1 to make arrallgmcnts for a a.nrl this favo r is t he more nppreciatecl as it is an oftlarger ga therin g of ol<1 st ud ents next ye<,r, at which repeated one. time cl ecisive steps sha ll be ta ken fortbc mater ializ::ttiOll Allow us to ex pr1~ss our Uutnkfll ln ess for your patof the plnns now laid out. ron::~ge, to assure you o£ o ur b::Ip piness, our sense of Th e offi cers of the co mmittee ar,l ~ls foll o ws : Rev. H . s:tfety in y om proLecLi on--a feeling in us perhaps not Boekl eman, Pres.', J . JVI~h er E sq., V ice Pr es i c~ent; G. un like tile 1m:ive fo ndn ess with wh icb the little children Legris, Sec 'y; lVIr. J. St. L OLli s, A ">S't Sec'ty; R 0v. D . encirckcl 0Ul' Lord when He <m i1iJig ly c:allecl tlwm nnw Him. E. McGrath, Tre~smer. Any information as to th e wh e refl bont uf any forBe tl.len 1Yiost Re v. Archbishop, very welcome among me t· st u r1e nt will be most acceptab le to the committee ;yoll r own cbi ldren. and th::wtfull y i·rce iv ecl bv th e m. Cornmnnic;1,tions And yO Ll a lso, beloved p aren~s, wlJOm we ha ve so may be acltlressed to R ev . G. L egr is, St. Vi:·tLeur's Col - l011gcL1 Lo ~ee gladly do we gree t y o u all , for we a re relege, B::J nYboonais, Ill., or to :M,· . .J . St. Louis, Kanka- j oic:ccl at hcwi 11 g it in ou r power o n this rl ay to make you happy. kee City, Ill. Tbe fo llowin g a re the ge ntl emen who were present There is n o thing you have spnrecl;.to give u s a Catat the me e ting: Revck J. Lesage, A . L . Berg0ro n, F. holie ed uc:ttion and it is on ly through your r epeated Rei11y, D . MeGra th, F. J>e n·y , C. Fustel', H. Boek lema.n, efforLs [i. I Jd g cuero us sac:rifi that we are enabled on G. Legr is, C l1s. P ehorcl.e,D .D , M. J. ~h rsi l e C. S. V., tllis occa:::iun to clel.'o rate ourselves with crowus of hoE. L. Riv ~trcl, C. S. V., Z. Herarrl. J. Soumis,-1\fc·s~rs . nor. J JVI~cb e r, J. D ore, .J. C DSM;k; Dl·. B erg et"On, N. vValsll, Our laur<'ls 11re yo ut·s, you r own, belie ve us, and be ,J. St. L oui s, G. L:w ery-, Jm11 es \V~tl s b , A. Ge li no, A. pl eased largely Lo share in tlte g lory tluct is om s to clay. McMull en, M. Coo g 1Jii11 , W . Qu inl nn, E. Caron, lVf. Tiev., we tender you a very cordial greeting. L ancaster, Am!J. Gr:-~. n ge r , A. Grange r, F . Re:Jume, .J. The mauy manife:;tat ions of your in teres t in us, as en De\·eney, L. DLHe ~, .T. B oiv ert, J. F inn, T . Hnghes, P . com·aging as they were graLify in g, have acquainted us L esage, H. L esage, H. D:weh e, E. G,·an <lp1·e, D . L egr is, H. witll yom ap pt·eciation of ed ucation, and ha ve made Legris, C. B 1ker, J. l\'Iurpby n.uL1 p e d1 otiJCrs whose . yonr nam_cs ho usellol'l word s a mon gst us . Be ass ured, ml.m e& now e:;cil fH~ ll'> . tlteu, of o ur respecLfnl grati tud e -and of the unfeign ed ghclucss we fee l in we!C'oming you to the fields of our labor:; and of our successes. Friends of the studen ts, friemls of ecl ucatfon , yo u all ADDRESS O F WELCOME wl10 form so large a part of this brillwnt assembly, D ELlVBRIW BY MR. D. C ,UllLL , 01<' C H f CAGO, 1 LL. welcome to our fr.Hst! And yo n, our former comrades M ost R ev. Arclibishop, Rev . Ge n ~ J eme n , Lad irs anJ in the walks of lmovvledge, as we v iew this gay gathering Gentlem en : witl.l what c1eligllt do we not see b eaming upon u s, as It is with genu ine the snnlit de1vs of tl.le new morning, those familiar p leas ure t l.tat we welcome you all . wuo ll ave co me to smiles of yours! How many pleasing and fond ly treag ladd en antl to g race t he mos t j oyful day of onr sured so u venirs does not :rour presence awaken from the qui et but happy coll ege li fe . quietness of t he! B e assured you are all as welcome to thi s th e bome ·welcome friends to you r fiwor[te places in our cirof onr youth, our A lma Metter, a~ t lli s <ln.y itself is to cle, and Jtwy t iLe present exerc ises i)Ieas[ngly lead you th ose wbose fond clreams i. t bas many a ni g ht haunted. back to the green spring-time of yo ur y oung lives and Then are you ve ry weleorn e ind eed ..... T il e Rev . F<tmake yo u live those golden hours of youthful fec ul ty welct•lll '" yo u t o an appreciation of the ir efforts, li city, so ile et to flee, th ey say , as if o n angels' wings. we the st ud ents, welcome yoa to w itness o ur t r iu mphs. Listen in cl ulgently to o ur speeches L'mcl our songs of vVe are especially ov erjoyed at seeing ::unong o ur visitors our cli st;n g uished a ud fatller ly Arehbishop, aml gladness; ex ult with us in our j oy, an d Jet it ever dewe a re proud to b e able to exLend bim a r cspeut- light us, as tue old poet says, to r emembe r these things. Tr uly this is a clay o1 hap pines::;; of ha.ppinesss for ful and a t the same time ll earty g r eet ing. our Alm:c Mater w ho experiences the joys of a Mother We must, Most Rev. Archbi::;bop, appreciatingly on seci ug her children once agai n fondly encirclin g thank you for your kin rll y a ttent ion t o u :,; leaving thu s her; of happiness for our instructorsj our parE-nts and your mrmy, arduous and ofttimes pre;ss in g oecu paLions t o for ou rsel ves' -all rejoicing in one another's triumph come among us, t o enco urage us by yo ur presence an,1 ancl honors and utter contentment . your wise exhor tations. . Once p}Ore we oid you .1111 thtice welaome. We are keen ly sensi ble of the interest which you , by


ST .


V A L I~ DJ C: T O RY .

JJ Euv to um BY Mn. J.

Cu1'ACK ,

Ot' A s u LAN t>, KY.

1\Ios L H,, ~ , - . A rc bb is bo p , He v.




l<'aL h e r~,

Ladi es nn tl G en Llc: uJen .

T be ex e re; ises o r our tLn n nal co tn m e ncoru e u t are no w· a l11 1VSt e;vn dllll ed. B ut a fe w ll1 0 t1l e nts nwr<' rc rn a iu ut tLil tb e wo rd " va(;at io tt " w ill g t·f e t t he ea r o t t h() st ud e n t . L l•ttg a n d a nx io usly we ha v e aw:t i te<l t he nr r i va l o f' Lll is clay allll tww tll ;Lt it is with iu o ur g ras p o ur bea1'L:s a re ag itated wit h e o ufl ic tin g e mo t io ns. 1t corn es t v us c1 i v e ~ L c <l vf: :ov UJ c o f Llt e j oy 1vitlt wlti e; h we, i11 our y vnthru l im ag in aL io n, lt a,tl cl u lhed it a nd ·w e e:xpcrieuce in iLs p osscssio u a. v er ificatio n of th e p ro v erb '' Llw t 'd is ta nce len ds e ne ha utm e n t to t he v ie w.' ' On a ll sidts we witn ess sig u s of j oy, tb e b eam i ug ey e o f those about to d ep a r t, 1he e;h ee rful evu nt e naee;es a nd s t ill mo re c hee ry hearts of lovi11 g pa r ents a ucl l\ ind fri e nd s w l10 have a8sem b le c1 t o witness o ur t ri um p hs a nd e nco ur:.1 ge us i ll o u r la bo rs, a nd last but n o t least o ur A lma Mater d ecked o u t in holid <tj' a Ltire. And y et a mid these joy o us scenes we who a re a bo u t t o depa rt a ncl som e pe rha ps f o rever cannot rejo ice. T h e u ttem nce of t h e w o rd which will lea v e us fr ee to r et um tc• the Loso m of o ur par en ts a nd t he scen es of o ur ch ild hood w ill a lso serve to re nd as unde r t he intim a t e IJund o l fr ien d shi p whic h has sprun g up bf!tween us a 11 cl our f(lster m o the r , a nd whic h t im e hltS on l y stre ug tlt e ued a nd a s~ o c i a ti o n sweetened . It bas been bu t a few yeus sinr;e firs t we bade a d ie u to o ur paren ts williug to b ecome an ex il e fro m bu me and i~s foncl associa t ion s anJ to take up o m abode a m o !lg stra nge es t hat we mi g ht e nj oy t he prec iou s buou of a e;ollege ed ucation. Nor have we e x peri enl' ed a ug ht save ki ll dncss a nd love fu:rn o ur Directors a ml In s tru c to r s s inc e t h e fir st da y w e ent er ed tlte po r tals v£ A llll a Mater. They have wa tdw d o ve r u::; witlt a t rul y pa r ent:d so lic it ud e. lt bas bee n t ut! i:· e u us L<ttlL C<U'e C• • i us t il iu Lo v ur yo u ng hear ts se u t itue lt Ls u [ d u·i~ L i a u per fect io n a)lcl t o ittc ulcatr a lov e furt lte G ood a11d tJ, c T r ue. They ha ve acev UJpa niecl us s Le p IJy step wltile ase;e udi ng U.le s Leep a.nd rn gged mo u nt o l kJJo wle cl g c, r em vv iu g t l.le ob::mctlcs t ha t ubst ruetecl <• ur way, eo ufin ing wi t h in prope r li m ils o ur ill -d irecte cl z ea l, s bi e lcl iug us f rom t he t rials a ucl te mpta LiotJ S of the o u wr wo rld , nnd n ever aba nd on ing us until no w s urricie n tly ab le to breast t be sea u f life alo ne . I:; it not b u t n a tu m l tl1en t ha t om hearts sho uld be filled wit.h sonow whe n <Lbo n L to bicl a final ad ie u to so k in d a mot he r. Fa,in would we remain fo r ever, 0 A lma Mat e r , w ithi n th y conse crated p recincts and un tler tlte s hado w of thy protec tio n, b ut d u ty c~ ll s us elsewh ere: The few years passed under thy

J(JSter in g ca re have b een t ruly ;111 ea r t hly P a rarl ise and it is on ly in H eaY e n tha t we ca n e x pect t o fi nd its eomp li m e nt. A few m o m e nts more o ni y a re le ft us t o say t h e sacld edt u f all worcl s : fa rewe ll. ' Vc mu st lea ve b ehin d n s v ur y o u tlt f'ul spo r ts, o ur coll eg e j oys, o u r e; lnss assoc ia t io ns a ml fd e nd ship. T lte min utes are rushing on a nd we tnu, t t ea r o m~e l ves away from a spot wh ich has IJ cco me fur us a bom e as dear as our o wn pa t erna l hear tl1. Fare we ll t he tt to y o u, dea r College ho m e, who ha th wate it e(1 so te ucl e rl y ov e t· o ur boy -hood y ear s a nd who no w lea v es t u s full y equ ipped to m ee t the s tern r ea lit ies of t he u ne xplo recl fu ture . R ece i ve o u r si ncere th anks fo r ih e m a ny a ncl nsefnl lessons w ltich yo u, b o t h by wo rd a n d exampl e , ha v e giv e n us in c!Jri s t ia n virt ue Hn cl ~ ci e n ce-l essvns wh ic h G?d gran t we rn ny ne ,,er forget. T o yo u a lso d ea r D il·ecto r and S u pe ri o rs we m ust say th e l::t s t fare well. Yom Jl Ob le an d self-tmcr ific in g efl'o r ts fo r lh e in str uction of yo11 t h s ha ll fin d co m meltSurRte re wa rd in H -ea ve n a lo ne. M ny G ut! s ho wer clo wn upon y o u h is c hoices t b l e ~ s in gs a n d m:-~.y t he l a ~ti n g affeet ion anG deep gratituclP. of t hose who m y o u a rc educati ng r e pay yo u in som e m a nn er fo r the admi rabl e 11eal a nd pure d is interes ted ness ma nifested in p ro m ot iu g tl1 e ir we lf:u'B. A s a b st fa, vor w e wo uld as k of t hee t hrtt whil e s ta11ding d a ily b efor e G o cl ' ~ a ll,a r , in vokin g H ea v en' s b lessing s upo n tbi ~ lit t le co mmuni ty, y o u m ay ha ,,e a t ho ug ht fo r the abse nt o:1es. B ut t o yo u d ear compa ni ons of my early d ay s, frie nd s of my ha ppy years, comra d esof my y olJt.bful sport, it see ms imposs ible t o say th e pa rting wo rd . A ssoci a ted f rom e:-trl y y ou th , we have lo ng trodd e n th e sam e r oad l; ut no w o ur way d iv id es a nd we mus t choose o ur respeutive p a t hs. L e t us hope tll a t whe n th e s wift ha nd of T im e sh:t ll ha v e led u s fa r fr o m eae;h o the r, t he sweet r er;o ll ecti on of tlt ose hap py y c:• r s spe nt toge ther may com e soJ't ly t o soothe t he cl ark ho urs of trials wbi e; b th e fu t ure m:ty ha ve in s to re fo r u;;. F ri e nd :; we mn ot sny Lll e wor d whi ch r elu c ta n t ly o ut· lips utte r, fa re we lL Once m o re fa re well to Oll l' De;u· Alm a Ma ter, abod e (If pr :ccE', ebe ri ,;lt ed s oli t 1Hl e, peo pled with o ur d-ea r es t Sll tiVe tti rs- ,.d le nt w;tl l:s wit nC'sses of o nr Jal, o rs. Farr. we ll to ou r !tumbl e li t t le e; ha p cl, whe re with p ray e r ful so ttl s we in v o ked th e bl ess ings of God up o n o ur yo ut h. F a re well to o ur h;1. lls of st nrl y , r efr es hin g fo u nta in s wlt e re o u r m i•.1d s th a nk cl ee p th e saluta ry d ra ug hts of sc ie nce and learn ing . F .Lrewe ll to o ur hall of rec reat ion I ' and C8 m pns, theat re of o u r yo u t hful sports. A las t and a lo ng fare we ll to a ll tha t this d ea r a b o de conta ins, e n tw itt ed w ith o ur undyin g a ffeGti o ns a nd s w e e te~t m em ories. D eparting fro m thee, 0 Alma M a t er , we call cl own b enedictions urion thy V en erabl e H ead a n d breath e a pr:~ye r tlut Tim e in his o r, w a r c1 CO lJ rSe ma y d eal gen tly with thee.

VI A T J!~l R\. f'O LL El>E



JVCl !~ AL.




Tnt<! 'CoLLEGE afford exc e ·!ent f~cilities for st.ncly, rmrl the tJcquirement of a thorough knowledge of MODERN LANGUAGK', 1\'lATIIEi\IATlC.. CLA, I C.._ , l\IU IC, SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, and TElEOLOGY. Most cnreful attention i ~ p:1i d to- t.he l .u~int'~S t.rnining of youn g men, and a thorough practical knowl erlge of BOOK-KEEl'!~(~ and ( '0 ;\ i.~IERC I A L LA \Y is imp:trted by skill ed Pr <)fc~<so rs. Thr> l)I:St n.uthors l.lnd m~>st appro1·ccl ~-~·~tem ur le teltillg arc adopte d in ::d l grad e:> o f Lhc College. Stude nts may ente r nt nny time. T er111 nnd t.11itio n will ll(·gi n witl t date of entrance. Term ~< ti•r hoard :tncl tnition :WO.IHJ ] H' r nntllllll. Ca talvgue:;, a nd auy des ired iu tu rm:ttiun will be e:trefully gi ,·c n on :-~pplic~ tion to Lhc Director . .,

f!1.:Y. l\1. .J. i\lA RSI LE , (". S. V.

St. Yi nte ur's Cullcg<', Bombon n:1is G rove, Kanknkee Co., Ill. SCHOOL BOOKS.


~<> ~<> ~W lt~mlto

STATIONERY~ Ne-ws~ M l.."tSic~



KA.NK A.KEE, ILL. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic FANCY






C. H. ERZIN GERS I t he place to get choice Ice-Cr~am, Fruits, Nuts , Candies, Oyster , C1gars and T obacco. Tlle large:;t I ce-Cream and onfectionery Parlors in the city. Cor. Court t .. & East Ave. KANKAKEE , I LL.







H Mdwar e, Stoves and T inwMe, IRON, NAILS and WAGON STOCK NO 13 EAST A VENUE, KA.J.'IKAKEE, ILL.

J obbing Done to Order.



292 Larrabee St. Chicago, Ill.


Will be in Bourbonnais on the 1st of each l\Ionth.



43 C ourt





Wholesale Paper Dealers.

A full line of Cards and Wedd ing goods BRAYTO~ & CHRISTIAN DRALEUS in "Men's , Women's, i\lisses' and kept. constantly on hand. Nos. 183 & 185 l\Ionroe St.reet, children's fin e and medium Shoe ~: also all stzes and grades of Boots. Hpecial inducement.s for


D earborn A ven ue, 1st. Door South of Court St. E ast ' ide, KANKAKEE, ILL.




Chicago, Ill.



Stu <lent s F RED ZIPP. Two cto~ws north of Post otlice. The oldest Boot & Shoe House in the. City, Iianka.kee, Il l. Customers will alwaysh<tve good Bargams.

No. 17 bonrtS treet , Kankakee, 111.


Impe<linwn s of all kinds on Agricultural Jmpl t>ments can be removed at JOSEPH Grower of IRO~ . BEAULIEU 'S Blacksmith 's Shop. Also Tools p RE ALTAR WI E. :STEEL, TINWARE, NAILS, ~tc., of different make or shape, coarse or fin e work, Buggies, Wagons, Ploughs, ete., etc., may be Warsaw, Hancock Co., Ill. .Job work flone in any part of the County repaired at very low figures at the new Shop on REFERE -cEs. Cor. Conrt t. and chuyler A venue. GRAND ST. Bourbonnais Grove, 111. H orse shoeing a specialty. Rt. Rev .•roo. MELCHOR. 'Bishop of Green Bay KANKAKEE, ILL. :at. ReY. M. Eink, Bishop of Leavwortb.



Gerillau,Frauch1\[!'l'dtn.n and America nPharmacy. t St,. Ill.

VIAT EUR 'S. COLLEGE JOURNAL. 1\ 0 TRJ•; D Al\1E A CADEMY, D lln:cn:v I3Y Tru: SlSTI<ms OF T1n: Co~G IUWA TION OF N oT iu: Du m.

Kurrasch and Staga, .P roprietors o f

The Old 13eactcll a m p &Ra.bel.)

P RESCR I P TION D R UC STORE, T h is [ nstitnti on a ft'orcl s cvm·y a d v>tntage f or Youn g Lild ies ci Psirou R of obt.a tn ing a solifl a nd W her e ) ou can fine! t h e La rgest assor t ftni sh <'ll et.l ttc;ct ion . F or p arti cula rs apply to mem of J-hlir o:~nd Tooth BrusJ1es To il et articles Mot h er Superior, l>erf um erv. ~ oap s, Spou ges aud <<11 v ari eti ~s of Also ;I tine li r t <~ of Toile t Artiel es ot a lllumb , Drnggist l'!un llri es. No tt·e Da me Acacl e my, Fin~ Cigars am! Toll:tcco. All ~ h oul cJ. give tlt em a call , , J3ourllonn a is Gr o-ve ~"W"UA f , l , AN D S.RE MM. ~ No ..5. CounT S'l'. T i~I.EPHON I>. No. 10 K >Lnk ;1k ee'Co. , fll. SCHOO L HOOK::>. LE GAL B L A N K~.

COl'. F;:tst. AvP. &

KANI(AI\ 1~ ~:.

a full I m e of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS ETC, ETC. KPP PS const:ttltly on lt;tn<l

Preston Sanasack

B O URBONNA I S c..HWVE, ILL. Gencnl.! Store. Dealer in Grnce n es, Dr:v goorl s, l [n,r ch va.rf\ Cnt.l e ry, G l as~ware. Also !'erp:· c Hlst.autly on lm nd <t l:lrge stod' of lt!J:A DY-:\1A DI£ CLOT HI NG,

F A ~'I l f,Y M I{: DI U INI~S, AlHI w iJ o l e~;ll e Liqu ors. ----------------~.e in n<>etl of l\h oiee ('.on fect ion el'i e' ('.;1 nn etl

goo ds , all ki nds ot F ruits, I•' isb ancl Oyst 0-1·s will tlo well and s;we money by ca.\1111 ~ 01 1


East Avenue, I--i:a.n h:a l~ee.





B E L L A M Y.

DRA r.Kit J N


no oJu;, NeVi'S, ll1nsi c ,

WAH -Pap er, Window Shad t:>s. KA ;\ fKAKEE, IL L. TOYHPICT U RE~.



HAIt D WA ItE=: Stoves, Tron. N;til s and Wagon wood stncl<·

H ;tts ;tn cl C;tps. -;-GcuL's underwcrtr. Trunks, Val ises, Furni sh in g Goods. Wil so n Bros' Fi ne Sh irts.



AND 4_, COURT STREET K an l\: a kee , IIi


Buy the Emery $3 Shoe -AT -

D ROLET BROTI-IE RS. 25 Co urt St .. IC;m lm k ce , Ill.

C. WOJ>FE. l lar iJe r Shop. . Ut1der Umbach 's H a rn ess Store, l{a n lmkee, Il l. Fi r ~ t Cla ss Wo rk g1u1m n teed . Students especia lly invited.

HAN D<VIA1>E .Pure Wax'Canclles per lb. 4o ct~ l\1oulllcd W;cx Can dl~s, " " 38 ct; Stear ic Wax, " " 20 ct8 ~p ecm l l:'r i ~.>es t.o pa rti es bnyln g in large qmwt.'_ t ieR . - Catholi c PI"it.yer Books 25 ct s. upward s.


a u y plaee else .

H. L. Crawford & Co., WHOLESALE 81. RETA.IL

GRO.CERS No. 36 Go urt Stree t.


O utJ.i t:" for CoLLEGE PAP ims

Ave . 1 door so ut h of IC netcLh 's Bloc!<.


READY-MADE C l o'th i n g


Dealer in ·;hoicest G rocer ie>:, choi cest brands of F lour. Keeps ouha ucl co nstantly a large ass<r tme ut of F eed an d Procluce P lease ca ll a ucl see me before going

T inwnr c nncl T in work of a ll kind s. N o 3 Umn t S t r eet, KA NKAK.EE, I LL. ~:as t

Merc h ant Tailor,

A. Ehrich




Seud fo r' qtiu w les.

WA N l\P:: n , VV EBER & CO.


T o all whom i t may concr rn . Hav ing adopted the One Pri ce F.o undry, ~ t Printers' Supplies Specimen B ook and Estimates upon System to nil my P atrons, l will g iv e ..p p lic a.tic-1 . '\ 1J' ri te for Second-hand list of t'resse s and M achines . a fur t.her d isconnt of 10 Per cent t o !'}..; & 56 F r a nk lin St., Chicago, Ills nll Clergy men, P rt•fcssors ancl StuILtn l< >tkel' t;to ne a ncl Li me Compa ny. I NCOHPORATED l<EB. 23rd . 1867. d en ts of Bour bonn nis Co llege. Call P r opri etor s 01 th e Celebr ated lC a nk <tl<ee fl at at t he Pili lncl elphi:t One P ri ce Cloth- Lim e s ton es Qu.a rries . ing Hall North W. Cor . of Co mt St. Fr esh Wood bnrn ecl Lim e nncl E ~1 st Ave. Kankal>ee, Ill. always on haud . lVI. Rohrbeimer, Prop. KANKAKEE, ILL. WILLI A M DARCI-IE. G roceri es, Dry Goo r1 s, Yankee Notions. BOU R BONNAIS G RO VE , ILL.

B N Z IGR BROTH RS, P rinters to th e Holy Apost oli c See, P ?.t blis hers a ncl B ooksellers>.

Also man nfactnrers and impo r~.'e rs oJ

With t wo la rge clasp s >cad F a ncy Ecl ge .$0.99 t;cnl. free to any part of U. S. on r eceipt of pri ce.

GRAHAM & SONS, I m por ters of Cll nrcll Good s, .Jobbers in Sch ool Book s <tn cl Catholi c Book sell er s. 113 S. Despla ines St. Cor. JVIonroe , Cl1.i cago, Ill

No. 206 So uth F ourth St.

Corresp·o n d enc.e sollieite d.

ST. LOUI S, 1\'IO.

and his other styles m ay be qf all dealers througjwut the wo·r ld.

Joseph Gillott & Sons,

Nc'W York.

Tbe "JO UR N A L" is a first cl ass medium fo r " A DVERT ISIN'G." Spe cia! attention pnicl to t he -printing of

BUSINESS CA RD S ~ BILL I-IEAD S ~ ETC. ~ Terms re aso n abl e.~

The STUDENTS, Ecl·itors-Prop .

\ .,.

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