St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-12-21

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TI~~\LI TY .

No. 17

1fby originalitr i· mcantthe unfolcting of omething positively new in art. cience. method, production etc., One of the commonest complnints of present day rheo it i~ b:ud to believe in it existence either now or critie<> is the want of ori<Tinality in writers and peakers. Poet · are cb:JTged with repeating vei e which baye at ~ny time since the power of thought firat began to been recited su b~t:antiall~- a thousand time · before. exert it elf. ::\o one nation or people, independently Philn;;ophel and bistorinn~. n oYelist~ :1nd e~:3ayi ts. of others. can claim to haYe originated. anr thoughts preachers anrl lecturer:, :ue included in the ~ame indcs for the benefit or act \an cement of mankind . Or the people·, antiquity, the PhU'necians can most of c nrlemnation. plausibly lay claim to this honor. They were the first :u·~n~- contend that not onl.Y is originali ty very rare,n wn mehllnrgists, they possessecl a deep knowledge of nlmo, "" r<ue as ho.1e-t:v in politicians,-lmt, that it i~ nearly. if not entirel.Y. imp0~,ible. If an e1rnest r eader n:n·igation and commerce, and they introduced. letters becomc.g rlceply intcre-ted in a »ork full of Ji·esh and into Europe. As to actual origi nality-it is denied that they whole~nmc lhonght. onf' which imbues him »ith strange po:,-es::.ed such a thing: they drank deeply from the ~en' 1tion~ :mel new incenti ,-e.~. ::-orne critic ~traightway ,pring-;. of the enrlier aw:l more orient:tl nn tions, and, hold' it up hefore the puhlic anclshow~ lhat e very icl.eil , rtuickly nosimilating and dige ting their borrowed kno"~>l­ :1n d ('' rry thought conyeye<l. is cleriYect from some cclge. they, a~ the grc1t central pow·er between the East 1: nner n1:rhnr "~>ho liYcct in times gone h.L Th'· mnltrr nf whiC'h works are compo.~erl, they say nncl \1-e~t. played a most notnble part. Yet with ali this i' quite limited nml c·1~ily exhan~ted. Thr numbf'r of they were not productrs of thought. The Arabians. hurnnn I;H:nltil'- :wrl pn-,ion• np<•n wbieh the,... chnnces likewiBc were tbe teachers :1nct expounders of science can he run i-. ti10Y daim. rtnite ~mnll: Rnrl tl'ic manner hetw·een nncicnt Greece and modern Europe, bnt they in whi<'h the.\· c:~ n he treatrrl. anct the number of wayi' gn ve to the world nothing it h11d not po sesaed or in whil'h tlwy c:~n he vi ewecl, may he co unted on n thought of preYiously. :\early all modern inventions dce·Hlc. Lon'. hatrP rl. je'llou<y. anger. pridc. re,·enge, han ber n shown to hnvc hact existence in the germ, if genero-ity. anuice. are the to11ch-stone• nn which all not in full perfection. centuries ago. Di~raeli a•~erts lbat the ancient Romnns were acpoet;; and pro~e writer~ depend. and theEe p1~~ions have e,·er bern th s:1me from th(' beginning to the present quainted. wilh the secret of monble types. De Quincy insists that printing ''a" long known to the ancients, time. In Jf om~>r. Yirgil. Plantns nnrl Terence, we have an hnt marle no nflyance through want of paper. Gunepitomf' of :J!I men ::m rl women under the suo: anrl. there p owder, wn~ nBcd as a pyrotechnic plaything long i• nothing new in tlwm e'l:c€'pt the manner of clre-s and l•cfore it wns 11lilizect as an instrument of destruction. i'ome scientists hold that the ients must have the cut of the h:1ir rmd »hi~kers. E>en inYention. the critk argnc•. produ ce' nothing nel\·. They a c knnwlcclg~ scanned the he:1 vens with telescopes else they could that mn<ll'rn mind~ h,1 \-€' rchahilitnterl :mel remocteled not hnvc posse~•ed the knowledge of n;:.tronomy they nncient iden,Rnd invention•. but thllt they have in reality are accrerliterl with. Alex:1 nder'• copy of the Ilind enclo-ecl in a nut hell, orhrin:1terl nothing new. Franklin. the.Y clnim. stole the thunrlcr. nmlnl~o the lightning. of wme one el:<e: and conld ,..carcely haYe heen written withont a micro~cope; w arc ns'<nr tl for a ccrt:1inty tha for ~tea m we are an rl tbc gem through "hich "ere virwecl contending in<leht rl not tr> Fulton. \\'att. the .J[arqnis of \Yorce.s- glarlintors con l(l b:1ve been nothing hula plain opera glass. ter or Bla~co de (=: :uony. hu to ~ome countryman. and '· The mnllcnhility of gla". th e change nnct stability of perh·1p• cnntempornr.v. of (onfuf'iu~. In a word, in colnrs. nml n th•nt•'lnd ancl llllC nth •r things, we are litcrnturc. th art 11nd ~deuc es, there is nothing of a .•urccl. must be turner! up anew by us." Phntncrrn phy. which the pre:;ent century claim as its which it ca.n be truly '"ict "thi is new:·· Is this true, h0wen•r' In order o s and understanrl clearly lPt own invention beyond nil pnwf'r of di spute. was described 11y a Freucl.Jmnn in 171i0 with even greater us under~ anrl wb[lt ''originalit.(' i.



perfection of detail than we have even yet attained to ; In all ages, the greatest literary geniuses have been the greateet borrowers. Milton , who has been termed and M. F ournier hns shown conclu sively thnt a mag"the celestia l thief," boldly plagiarized from Dante and netic telegraph was invented and operated success fully T asso, and all alike borrowed ( ?) from Homer. And nearly three hundred years ago. Must we acknowleclge that orig inali ty in our clay who believes that Homer had no source from whence to a nd nation is an im possibili ty? Ye , if by originality is draw ? Goethe laughed to corn the idea of absolute orig inality, and bold ly declar •d it an author'• cluty and m eant an absolu te new crear ion of ne"' material,-an isolated ~lCt of bare imitation , instead of an act of ad;·ight to use all that Jr.ight be suggested to him from aption or moul cl ing, so as to resembl e a new creation , any quarter. and , in(leecl, to be one. All writers of note have been endowed with certain But if by originality is mean t a just selection and power of assimilation ; and it is plain to every scholar vitalizing of materials that already exist, a fresh and who reads their works, that the material VI ith which they novel combinat ion of ideas, imparting new life to what wrought was not dug newly from the earth, but like is combinecl,-nnd tliis is the only originality that is the Corinthian brasses of the ancients, was made up from possible in any nge,-the n t he writers and arti ~ t s and the spoils of others. inventors of the present (Jay are ns full y and truly Wh en Moli ere wns accused of having plagiarized a orig inal as held sty le or brush or clipped tlleir pens in scene here, a situation there, n character elsewhere be ink. Geniu s would und ou btedly star ve and IVIIS te away, rcpliecl " J e reprend s mon bien o u je le trouve,-I reif not constantly fed by the memory, and as Burke cover my property wherever I find it," and in this simple very aptly remarks "there is no fac ulty of the mind · sentence lies the whole philosophy of plagiarism . which can bring its energy into effect , unl ess the memThe real fact is, all literature abounds with similarities ory be stored with icleas for it to work upon." of thonght mHl ex pression that are too often and too Originality in the creative arts, as TI"ell as in 6Cicnce, has tily denonncea as plaginrisms or larcenies. Roman may be di splayed ns powerfully in method ns in subdramati sts continually a.dapted G reek play8, jnst as the ject mntter. To r eproduce is, in fact to produce again English now adapt the French . Virgil borrowed manr or prodnce anew, and the process is the same, prov ided of his most beautiful and striking passages ti·om the PI <I it is carri ed ou t with equal energy; and it Is simply Greek and Latin anthors. Chaucer borrowed ti·om the nonsense to say that vigor ceases to be vigor because it Itnlian and ti·om numerous writers of the midclle 11 ge~. starts upon a beaten track. Pnley, Butler, Lou they, Gray and others borrow eel withMorse, like Franlin, ·w att and Arkwri ght, was indebtout stii11' t he t~oughts of others. ed to the suggestions of others for his inventi on; Lev er'·Gmth diclnot wri te his o wn dispe ns:~ry '' Ben Johnrier, as he swept th e heavens with his tel escope, avail ed son boldly took th e matter for his mosaics from the himself of t he labors and demonstrations ot'Kcwton ;and cb ssics, and bb song " Drink to me only with thine T ewton nvailecl himself of the weary illg and num erous eyes·· is taken from the love letters of philostratus; '•Stili labors of an humble contem porary ev en a t that very time t.o be neat still to be drest" is from a L~ttin poem by wh en he lay under t he suspicion of striving to retard Jean Bonnefou s; nnd some of his others are taken bodily that indi viduals harcl-earne(l profib and impede his fame. from C..:atullus. In all cnses of invention the prai ~c is certain ly not so His belief W b8 that a happy adaptation wa s a.~ great mu ch clue to the first conceiver of it ar to the one 11·ho an act of geni us as inv ention. Mira beau secured the complc•tes and ap1Jlies it. abl est of his speeches from Dum ont. Fox was often fed l\Iany minds conceived a steamboat, but Fulton W <IS by Burke, and Burke by Bolingbroke. the first to set one in motion; the re:;t were clreams,Cri tic& or very bri g ht and tenn cious memories have m en tal i nventions, but not inventions in the art. strongly averred that runny of Robert Hall 's guns of All the noted poets, alld many writers of note have, illu trn ti ou were "copi ed from Burke" Gra ttan , and at some time or another, been accused of phginrism,- \Yarbnrton; and that some of them have been " reconof t hef'L.-1 tis a necess:1 t'}' fact tha t e1·ery writer, great veyed from Hall by :Macm1 lay. Coleridge '•ad apted" ( ?) or ohscure, is ind C'hted, more or les to contemporaries from Frederica Brim the framework of his hymn to or prccl ecessnrs. lT:td Sh·1kBpeare been urought up in the :.\fount Blanc. Byron, who always acknowledged that wilderness or on a desert islnml, it is pl:1inly ev ident he helped him self freely to other men's ideas cl eclared that we wou ld not be bles_ed to-tl:ly with !tis beautiful that nil pretentious to originality are ridiculous. Moore and m ntc hl e~s clramns; h:tcl not :'\cwton been aidccl by once su rprised him counting a book filled with paper some preced ing mnthcm:tticiatL, there is strong re:1son mnrl,s. and a ked him what he was doing. Byron replied t o believe we wo111<1 haYe to look to some one cbe for "only 11 book fTom which l am trying to cri b, which I th e d iscovery of the law of gravitation.

•h• whenen~r T (;:\11 . 11 i tl ncter ot".tu <> ri:rin:,! p<Je ."


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g<· r:w. H: ron l•<>lTI>\\'C•l t'n >ill n.. -- e::~u : 1111 (:,.dill' F llol K J,p-t<•ch: borr· m· ·rl fr•>lll :.\l ilt•Jn: l kr.!er !r11lll \ i .,,, wl ( ;II tlt• t• p· nl _,. :~ckw"vle:;••l hi - inrlel•te<ln''' "' l ' " h ,;:-pe·Jrt·. )[. Y .:rie .. nr. ' I • d;:inc: r>J· \\' dtt-r :-.t:utl·- h·•l.i 1>1 :'pjirt •pr i:Jtin!! reje.:te•l argtmwnh ot hi-t•;r_:; and v·e:t\'in!! thCIJl llll<J hi - 1>\\'11 l"PIUIII~e-. illll-il~ { ' [[tj, <Jq,·,r! lll'C fr•nll .. ri!!iuality h_,. rehtin.r h t. in the Line..ln C.uthedr I. there j , ,1 bf'. utit"ul l'"tinh'd "iiHl••"·· HI' de ''··an :11 p rl'nt:c<' frPtll pie , , .,,- ~h-- n•,i•·d•·d ''·' I,, m:• - t(·r. r "' ' '0 t:tr ' lljh'l'illl' to ,.,-,.n •ltht·r \\it d·!·l ill t he chnrl'l1. tint . :ll:!'<Jl"llin!! t" tl! lrt-lttion. thc. uri.!i 1 :•rti - t killed hin:-<'ll frum lll,.lltlie ti<>tl. · " II litcmture - w:tl'lll' nilh i1le1- :tnd illn - tr ti•l - . whi1•h h: \'l' IJccum<· the pr••t••·rt.\· • t \Ill<•''' •·r dl•Jn- e• to clnim :md ll"t' them. ( :dhPHn·- "JU:l • ,t:rl.' in ,c i\ it) .. i'uil ft"m - hti\l n nt" ll< H":lCl.-, . . (,-''"'" ·,,,,,,, 1\"•·h-ter· ... .. . ,. L qf t'j•turPerl thee::: · wa, ,.,n-idn ·d both h•:antifu: :•w l lit'" till :1 litcrar · •>!...' le -r·ente I lt 111 th,• I''~P- •>I ,-,tt .

-.\'!'llli jll"\t'lllll~ llllllldi." I• a- rm lt' l1 l t - ( ~irmbnr Jl tun-. \\·It, • - id iltt• tir-t J'<'<•plt• •·f thf' ""~''I ·hnuld r:ttlwr 1.. e·tllt•,Jthe ·' "llll!r•t• r- tit n


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truly n- til·' 11\ ' 1 .- exp e-- q 1ite ddl'lTt'Ut idc.ts h,\ i •!"erl'llt .l!Tll1!!c':<H'Ill.


,\lll~ "ltJti<tHit:•-

t•• < •)l\1"1' tl hi- th<~ll~ht." h··- l•ectt t<> ( ·•·11 - mith. t • • •It tn•. ; .. L<~t h. t ... J,) '· nrl ' !.·.• - to h<~w man.\ otht'l'' llll'c'< -. ' [:l• nl·•• ho - !..:t'll f'O!l-irh ll' I :lll < ri!:illll )"I L', • .\ el tlu II' :ul• t(•\\ ·•utltPr- '"''~''' tl•·•·ply iarltl•ft It• the ""rht'otiH·t- !or tl,f'ir It •tt!:!ht- and illu-tr.ttiou-: lli- .·,.w Z(•:ll tl'h r h:~- Ltl'll tr ,., ..[ l>·•d" "hlr', \ \!til<'. ~Ill II_\'. I ],.r:wc \\": lpo!(• .• nd l<> \ "piny. Th••n· i· · I-n '' • ·'in!.! qnote.\ lr<~m ;.r • :d .'. t 1 the dl'll'l th·tl il w:~ - nPl -o muelt tlu:o I'' in !..l\ en t11 tl11• he:H\ n- tiH' plt·~,onn• e. pcri,·n••••tl hy the '!•<· t!nr-. th 1t in<luccd the ronn•lhe.Hl-. dunn!!: the t:u_i,-lt •·i1 il ,,. ,lr~. (n pttl 'l 'lt>p ((> ht'll"-h It in::. j he \ ll.1 •llllf' l\ I r!\\'~' tn~d• hy !Illlll<' lnnc: hrl;•l'' 11 \Y,t•. 11 ~1. l•r••h:thilit\', a•lup\ed h) hilll ti·otn '<>ltll' :lilt •cerh•nt ·mth••r. The mh!_!• Lh 1t "lh••r'(' i- ltll•hiuz n• ' undl'l' th -un" j, <'ll ' "

I\ i h r he dc·tt>t nt- h· l'J"lc :· i!1t<J it. .\ n·n·1in nit i ~· tP -.-' ' · "'iln r· i- :11! the 1l i1lt'tl'Hl"C het 'H'en ~ u g­ .:: -ti< ll. 1.<1 plt.!i r·-m th: t tht•n• j, loel\\1.'\'ll , ·1!..-iwt I> "d ftnu, l.j, u·l. nl r ,.j,·in_ it iut' tlw \ l'in- hy tr 1 ... ·u-iun. P --· I ' ~- .. ,!J,,·e .•re -om,• per- c•n~ whn 1'1" 11ld t.<'Yl·r h Ye :m nnthor m·ntiLm thil tg s or 11hi ch '•Llt~'r- h n ,. -pc•k,.. ,: •J h 'I" i-<' they ae, u-e him or t ell in c: htm tl<>tillll::!" nt'''· llnt ittlH· -n'>jt.:ct• he trc:1i• nt' he no~ tl ,,. tl1c lll•' h • l •'~" tn in..:· th "11 m:n· ,,,, nc1>. \\" hen t"" pcr- <lll' ph:.· t,aui- lH•th pl:n· ,,-ith tlH· ~:nne hnll . h·1t one <lin•r•t - it h ' . I ""ltl•l fl- "1)\} ,\(C\1-. him .. r ll-lll~ old \\"()!'dB ; :t , (I~ lt<.,:·h (he • 'lt idl '•lid !Hit 1i•rlll :lltll(hcr hotlY O f di-t• m-l' by 1 ,F ' nnt, n. ll..;c 11< nt nl' them. ju;t a,; iJ( 11



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,iug ... 1\itiJ a ... ,,·ed p:tth•" ·Til dye my

clnth<' ... :1nd I'll tl.\·e thelll retl nwl :lr<>lllld the -treet' l'll beg my !Jrentl.''

- I IIIJJ :tt·e np 11h•·11 I ~d tJJ_I' nell' ~tniliHtil ~:dtl .Jim erw_r 11 heu tn:Ht r (: iiJe ... pic• told hi ll1 to ;;vt in-h:1pe.


- (,J.•un Ptrk ,,·ill h't\'t' t·lt·trg·e ol'tlw ·· .\rt (:ali<·I_Y" clming· the Vtzflr. Cl•·n11 ''"ill bt• tlw right lll1tl itt tlw right ]>l:ll:t•; liP will ent•·rt1iu .)'<IIIli!.! :111•! old. li~:llt • ,\ •

tit• t lte 11 ill uot ],_. a- -low in gettin:r the ('ollegt• thi ... t·l11 i•tm .., at l: -t. \\'v rhit,k yuu r.n• rigl1t Dt"lll ii' ."'Ill intv,.d Je tl'i I:! •1t .dl.



-The ekcti<~ll .,l'dt·}, tt:r· l·.,r tht .. !I t.,:"\1' l>t:l' ti 1:..0: :'IIt·d:tl" w:- pu·lpt~lll'd till .. t'lt•r t:,, ... : ,J l ·' •." 1: •.\ • thb \1 ill gill' )'1111 :1 li,tlt•lllt•l'• ' t:llll' (11 "• ·k·· ll•t'. l'l' 1I(", -Out ••t 'lhur.•d ·' l:m.


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they "ill retn:tiu clnriug tLe .. !J.,J, 1 •) ·.''


- ':otbin~ Ita, 1wl'll ··1id thn~ f11· :tlu,nt t!u• l'llltte-,t for the .. EI• t.·ution .\fl'tl.d" but],"."' .\'•Jlll' tiiJ:t.' j, •··•llling awl 1\'e lwpe to ~ec 1h g""'l a di"[Jl:ty tol. t lc•JJt ;;, lr~t yc·:tr. - 'I he new -tuclt·~ot hat! not l>t'•'ll in the hou•e ten minntb "hvn uur inll'ITt>gat• ·r .l .. r. :\I--···n tl!etl billl nn<l in 1<'-~ th:m h.dJ' 1 H h .. nr lntl :1·1·, rt 1i1Jt·d lti"' n . .Illt'. pia('(• ot' re.-irlt•nc<·. fitlht•J_.b lou•itlf''·· IIH•t11l' r', Jl'htJoi;S [Ill(] ID'lll." l>lbl'l' I" •iut.; or \ ':t! u:t blt• infornwtillll "l II a~ ('\'!·r thu•."

- I .·t<twt-ek .\Jr. D. l)']lllytr .t:trtt•d ti.r l'<uri:t hen• Itt; 11 ill lJl• or<l:tim•rl ''.\ Ht. llv1. Bi b"l' "'p:tlolillg. :'t[r. lrl l'ft"'_lc·r w::, !lllH>ll~ u· lut a - lt"rt tin.!• J Pt L:. lti, joll1 tt·lliJ•,I':tl!ll'lll :mol:tuli, J,le Ju:IJtHe!'-!!11it 1•d Jllf ll,l 11

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- _\ !i·11· tl.t\ - !1!.!" tit•• •Pillin:.ri n- ,,f the huu-e ple· f.t'llli'tl r:,.,. 1'.. 1. .\[ dcl,·n pr••li·--"r 111' Tit'·"!' gy and l'1til' · uph,\ ll'ltlt a lt·ulol•iHilt' Ill<,. -h'11ll:t •' J'l', The• 1>l't'•t•nt:tll•Jil -p vl'i• ''•·' Jll'l! lc l•y .\11'. .\kCr·ttlt :ill<''·h tlH• llt'l'. [oit>k-.or ""}'l'\'""'1 hi- tlt:l!l},, Ill H k11 t:•dille! :\lid ltuHJI n,u- rellt.l!l, •.

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th']l:tltlln• h:t- l"'!.!llll. :--omc· :trl' :.ln·~dy guile, 'Tlll t hl' lon•y trt·~td uf tot her- m:tkin~ l'l':Jll_,. t;n· thl• 11.1~· ll''r·uud tl1i- llltJlilCili thrtHJ~h"ut tltt• entire huiltlin;:. Ple:~ ~ me l.e:tlll " <m t·,·er)· ""lllJtenan,·e; .i".' j ... ...,•athl ull c 1·en· lr<~w. ]Jete nnrl tht·re in hnll :tntl d•nirl11r - lllc'lT)' grnU J " arc~- thc·t l'tl to::<•lhl'r 1rhu-c• hl'·uni11g t:•n·:- :111d juyuu ... l'<>J!\L'I• .ti• u 1 t>·]t" k tl•e ll:ljl]•irw-- wit !tin. \\'ith 1<•llt"rr''"·', -uu tlw.' 'll • .il aw:ty in tiH ir p1c <ure lnrkIIP'•Il tb .t ln·u:td ott' Ill o!'the Y.-url•l wh11•l' tli ... mnt mur muriu..: ·l'<'lll• to •• t"t li!,,, a l'h. l'lll up<ln their yourht'ul l.t• rt-. .\! ,- t!,dr I'U,\''1-!'e l1e :1 111pp1· lllll'. :'tf1~· thl'tl' little · tk• lc• :!II ni, l 11l'll t'n1111 row!'' allll ·hc•:tb: an·l lllliY t'It>)' lir, ll.\ rl'!uru. lik,• the• dun• ,,[' tht• ark. c• lliLB(

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ST. VIATEUH'S COLLE G.S ,J 0 'H.:\J.J.,. manager. Prot: .JlcCaun our senior artist, the R eT. Faculty, the "Philarmonic Orch e5tra" and College band also to :.\I es~ra . .JicGavick Sadlier and Conway for asistance renc1ered u- last night. P ..J. Quum . l'res. P . J. Lesage, Sect'y . - ReY. Fr. Maim·ille President of the Orchestra exllibited a rare specimen of heroism and good wiU on the n ight ofthe Th espian entertainm ent. His root llad been lanced by the surgeon but a fe1Y hours preYiou to the 0pening exer cises. nevertheless be took his place in the hilll and srLt out the performance. Truly such cleterminntiOil and crood will are deserv ing oftbe hi<'hest appreciation and commendation.

. Dionne ·s:3 bas accepted a position :L'i clerk in one of the ln~inc;:;; houses of RiYit':re clu Loup, Cannel». T here is c•Jnsiclerable excitement at present c:tuesd hy the surlr1en ciisappearm1cro of Cl1arles Cameron '83 . He was cng:tgecl as first Book keeper by a Jen·elr.r firm i11 ( ·J,i,· ''<" "-:lere he worked f~ithfn.lty from the time he Jpft here un til abont the :irr1. mst. smce 1Yittch tune he hns not bern hc~rct of. 1\-e hope that nothing serious has l1 PI ' •n ·1 111 I th'lt his grief-~tricken p:ue:1t ' 1Yill soon ,,ni".Y the pre~encc of their lost lJOy. l.'rom a letler lnteh· r eceiYefl we Jearn tlt'lt .Ta~ . Slnnnc :: ·-:;·3 fi 1l" ~: t e clit~e of Tro\" uof~womble to his h~enlth Wlrl in all r··(lh·1hilit1" the Tl~eolocric~l chsv''hct~e will ' "' enjoy his merry laugh after Holiclap . A. Letourneau '811 is conducting the drug lm~incss of Bonfield & Co. Kanknkee. 1'\. Uou fle '7:3 is now among tlle prominent businessmen of Chicago. Our printer hoys nny be lnppy to learn that their old friend .lolm Ln1ch of last vear's force is makiug himself useful in Marshall Field & co·s. Chicago.

I '





knowledge oftbe Thom ist Pbi lo~opby . The o nly f:tnlt, if the same may be cnllecl a 1[lnlt. is th:1t the <' ll hject appe:ws to us to be too be:tYy for the general m :<~s of its ren(lers as well as fur the a \·cnge College Student. The . cntinel is as usual replete \Yi th choice ::trticles on pr"Omiuent topics. The ~:::say ou "Patrick Hemy" \Ya'" thro>rn oft' in Yery good sh:1pe. Th e College :\Ies.sage com es to baud :1s usual and this 1veek bears its cn,tomary glad titlings-the fruits of its industrious students. Our Country is a shor t compo:;:ition of the prospcritr of the nation :mel that prusperity t he more rcmarknble in hct phenominal deduced form a cu rsory reYiew or its p rimitiYe tr ia l- and calnmities while endc:1 ;·oring to gain independence aml through one of the g reatest wms the world hns e1·er seen in the late Rebellion . The resources of the natio n are touched npon and all in all the p~pe r is a good one. The Illini of this week is filled 11itb articles of mor e than ordinary ability '" A Sound borly in a ~ound mind" cont:tins n. great deal vf substantial matter, and that matter is well <1igestect while " 'l'he pursuit of!Iappincss· · n.bounds in rich and beautiful imagery, nncl rhetorical acumen generally displayed. The Illini is a good paper when its contriuutors confine themselves to subjects that are not beyond their reasons of thought. The contributors to the School .Jiigma of Cleveland shou ld confine tbemselYes to \\Titing pure literary articles 11ncl not dabble so mu ch in political questions ab out which they know little at best. 1\-e congratulate tbc Bethany Collegian upon its resurrection. -~5 us ual its contents manifest no smRJl lilerary taste. The Car,-on Ind ex i~ a neat little paper. The space deYoted to Arthur Dill might be profitably fi ll ed with literary es~aye. The follo"~ing papers haYe been also r eceived since om last issue. \\-estern Catholic of Chicago, Catholic Chron icle of lbr Citv :Jlicb., Connectic, tt, Catholic of H artford, K ankakee Gazette, South Chicago Tribune.

CATHOLIC XOTES. 1\c haYe recciYed tbis \Yeck for the first time a copy of the Fordham College monthly wllich we gladly place on out· ]i,t. In appe;1 rcncc it is very ta~ty and the matter therein containcfl like all productions coming from the studcntsofthe .Tc~nit~, i~ specially~clcct The twn art icles on '"}Iatthc"~ Arnold" and l.Iartin I-ttther are 1nitten in a Ycry scholarly and gentlemanly manner. The ;;otre Dame :-;cbnlastic comes tn hand a~ usual filled "'ith n ble pro<luctiou•. Tbe e•,ay on •-:\Ian" in tlle InA Lsue is certainly o. good one and the au thor seems to have a very goof!

l.fgr. O'Callaghan, rector of the English college at Rome, has just been created a Domestic Prelate to His IIolinc~~.

Archbishop Riordan is still the recipient of honors fTom the people of S:m Francisco. Our 1Io1y Father. the Pope has nnmcd :Jigr. Goosen, to l:le Archhiohop of :Jlechlin, and Primate of Belgium, Bishop Ryan of St. Louis, ~Yi ll not retnrn home till next spring. Cardinal :JicCube has puplishe(l another pastoral denoun cing secret societies.



Con d-ni shop Pwcha of Carage willed 100,000 florins tor the support of neecly priests. It is rumored that th e Rev. Father T. F. G unn of Cedar Rapids is to be appointed Bishop of Deavenport, I owa. Rev. Chas. Lan gdau, of University College, Oxford, and recently a Protestant curate, has entered the catholi c church. The tiVenty -two generals of the society of JQsus, eince its found :ttion eleven have been Italians. There are now 11 ,058 J esuits. The newly consecrated Bishop of Hamilton, Canada, th e Rt. Rev. Dr. Carbury has left Rome for his See.

N OTRE DAJ11IE ACADEMY. On \Yecl nesclay evening 18th. inst. a very pleasant anrl enter taining soiree was given by the young lnrlies of ,1'\otre Dam e Academy. The following is the programme. ORDER OF EXERCISES. M ARCII.-V. Gravelline, M . Hoy .

K. Morgan , M. Barron ,



Conway Medal merited by P atri ck Ti erney, Edwarrl Kniery and Ambro~e Granger, drawn by Ambro~Eo Granger. Patrick TiernE?y . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . Gold Medal John Golfl en .... .. ...... .. . 1st. Silver " P. Lesage .... . ............ 2nd. " Glenn Park .. . . .......... . .. 3rd " D istinguished-Francis Quinn, Edward Brady, Charles Baker, Eciwarrl Kniery, Robert Carr, \Villinm ReH um e, Miles Lancaster, Henry Murpby,Paul vVilstach, Celestine Harbour, J'ohn i\f engber, Herbert A uerbach , Leon P:1ge, James Donahoe, Horace Mathieu, Joseph Kelly, William Convey , Juhn Morrissey. CoMMERCIAL CounsE.

Edm und Gallet .... ............ Gold Medal. James Concannon . ...... ... I st. Silver 'fhomas I-Iughes ... . . ... ... 2nd. " Joseph Lebr un . . .......... 3rd .

D istingnished-Thomns O'Kief, Eugene Berni er , CAMERON'S MARCII.-K. Cleary, M. Duggan, M. Charles F ay, P atri ck Terr y, John Moore, Jam es Qllin Kingdon. lan, Charles Ball , .John Hoof, Edwnrrl Fox, Fr:1u·;:; MAIDS OF OLD.-T. Behrens. BLUE BELLS OF SCOTLAND.-J\L Legris, M. Hoy. Moseley, Patrick Fahey, Michael \Yhalen, A n g u ~t ns CARN IVAL OF VENICE.-J. Periolat, A. Keegan. Fra zer. ANNJE LAURJE.-E. Sweetland. Guilfuyle Medal for English composition award ed to LORELEY.-H. Monnst, J. M o na~t. Patrick Tierney THE GREEN APPLE.-T. Franchere, L. Devine. GOOD CONDUCT. SONATI NES.-V. Gravelline. TRAB. TRAB. -A. Henderson, A. Clermont. Francis Quinn . ... . . .. .... . ... Gold Mednl. HOME SWEET HOME.-A. Halley, M. L. Paiement. POLITENESS. VALLEY OF CIIAl\10U N I.-A. Roach, N. K1gle. Harvey Legri s . . . . ........ .. .. Gold 1\Ieclnl. SPRI NG, GENTLE SPRING.-A. L aporte, J . LePOLITENESS. none, L. Child. H. Auerbach , Chas. And erson. Chas. Baker. A. Besse, V. Hym es, E<l. MOCKI NG BIRD.-A. Devine. R. A. Betourne, M. Brady, Chas. Ball , l\1. Byrnes, Ed. Brown, A. Caron, Ed. Caron, W . Convey. J. Concannon , R. Ca.rr, G. CmTea, J . Cusack , G. C'J r·ier, F. Co uDurb8m. roy, J. Donahue , J . Deveney, F. Da ndura n<l , J. Devan. W. Flanigan , 1'. MORNING BELL. -A. Roberts. Fah ay, A. Frazer , Eel. Fox, Chas. Fox. A. Oran d pre, A. Grauger, A. GRAND POL KA.-V. Gravelline. Granger, Ed. Gallet, J. Gold en, C. Harbour, A. Houd e. J. H all igan , T. Hugh es, E <l . Kniery , J . K elly, F. K ehoe. T. Kill een, L. Koch, li'L La.ncasGO LDEN BAND.-M. Barron, H. Monast. ter, J. Larkin , H. Legri s, J. Morrissey, F. 1\ lcAu lifie. H . Mathi eu, A . TITANIA.-A. Hnll ey. Mosset, H . Murph y, J. :Moore. >¥. Nagle, l\L Naughton, F. Nolan, J. O'Malley, L. O'Hara, T. O'Keefe, Glenn Pack , L. Page. F. PrHirie. F. T UTELLK-J. Le~n ge . l)uln n . J. Roach, 1\l. Roy, W. Reaume, F. H•·, 111. Wee, r:. ]lQy.r, MINJSTREL.-M . Barron. Sulli van. F. Saua.sack, , V. Soulign y, P. Tiern ey, P. Terry. F. \\' illl?'y, J>. Wil stacll. CHARITY.-A. Halley. GOOD CONDUCT. ETOlLE BRILLi1.. N TE.-V. Gravellin e. Chas. Baker, A. Besse , Chs. Ball , Ed . Caron , W. ConYey, H. Carr, G. The selections werE? all rendered in a pleasi ng and Correa, J. Cusack . F. Conro y, J . Donal1oe, J. Deveney, F. Dandurand . masterly m ~ nn er, indicati ve alike of painstnkin g and JVI. Dev an, P. Fah ey, A. Fra.zer , Ed . F ox, Chs. Fn y, A. Granger, A. Gr·ango r, E<l. Gallet , J , Golden, J . Halliga n, J. Hughes, Ed. Ji:ni ery, .J. Kell y, appli cati on on the part of the good Sisters l1nd pupils 1\1. La ncaster , J. Larkin , H. Legris , J . Morrissey, F. llfcAuliffe. H. 1\TaThe programme concluded with a few appropriate and thleu, H . Murphy, J . Moore, W. Nagle , M. Naughton , F. No lan, P. Glen L. Page, F. Pra iri e, F. Qulnn , F. Re~mm e, P. Sul1i v3.n, P. Ti ernry, r well chosen rem arks by Mi ss K. Cleary . Wilstach.





!<> ~~ ~hmth~m~ !STATIONERY

In all kinds of Household Furniture Books~ Ne~s~

Music~ and BATS. FrsHIKG TACKLE .





R. J. HANNA, Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, IRON, NAILS




Jobbing D one to order. N. BERCERON, c~rriage

and Buggy Manufac turer.






Two doors north of Post Offic e.

K cmkakee, Ill.






BRAYTON & CHRISTIAN DEA LERS in 1\Ien 's, 'Vom en 1S:; Mi SS(>S' an<i

Ch.Jdren 's fine and medium Shoes; a!so a'! s: e• and grad es of Boo t~. Special inducem ew,, :o r


No. 8'7


J, ivery and F eed Stable.


N. BARSALOUX. Fifth Avenue






Chamber Sets the whole stock of a



We have lately bought an immense lot of

Manufacture, 40 cts. on the Dollar. We can sell you tho most beautiful set


in the city for

KANKAKEE , ILL STEEL, TINWARE, N AILS, &c .. Flne Retouched Ph otos a Sr.erialty. Old Pictures Copied and EnlarJ!ed and Jiini shed in India Ink Job work done in any part of the Coun ty and Water Colors. Photos ol Children and Groups by new r J~i d 1Jf VCt.::l:, COlm ER COURT ST. S: SCH UYLElt AVENUE.

a Specialty.





C .•:r.

which never was sold below




'Va tches,

Clocks, Jewelry,

If you wish to make a present to a fi.·iend, comQ and see us, we will give NOTARY PUBLIC. COU RT ST . , S ECO N D RTO RY NO. 46 COU RT STREET~ y ou the best opportunity you may Nos. 11 and 13 H:.ankakee, ILL. ever be offered; we h:we a few KANKAKEE, ILL. Repairing ofWatches, (;Jocl< s,:'Ed J ewel. y hundreds left, and they go rapidly. Neatly Executed. ---CHAS. RIETZ BROS. If you are in the city, come and 292 Larrabee St. Chicago, Ill. LUMBER CO. see our large stock of Dr. SCHEPPERS JIAN UFACTURE R S & D EAL E R S Parlor Sets~ REAL ESTATE, LOANS And Collection s.

,:,)~"'D SlLVEH



:1'1 CS I CA L1N S TR U~l EN T S .SPE C T AC Lt. '3 .


D. Q. Scheppers, M. D.

will be in Bourbonnais on the 1st. of

each month.

In Lum uer, L r,~h, Sh:o;;le>. Posi~ , WINDOWS, DOORS AND BLINDS. K A. N K A K E E, I L L .

Opp. Ill. C ent ra l R.. R. De :1 ot,

J. R. MALOCHE. General Blacksmtth. Horse shoeing a sp ecialty. Wood work of all k ind . Satisfaction guar a nt.eed. Cor, Court St. & 3rd. Ave.

Magnificent Mirrors 20x '72~ French Glass $2'7.00.

~arlor ~ureaus, in great varieti es;

BOOK 0 f"fi c e

Kankakee Ill.

CASES, Desks~






All calls by Telephone promptly attended to.

L ouNGEs ,



Dealer in Foreign and Domestic FAIIOY 00001, HOTIONS DRY OOOOS.

Sofas &&& &




German, F rench aml American Pharrnacy. C:or. Ea st A\'C. & JvlerciHint >< t . KANKAh l.:I•:,


KcepR co nRta ntly o n hand a f1 1Jl lin e of DRUGS , MEDICINES, PAI NTS, OILS ETC, ETC. A ls o a li11 e l .i n <' of 'J'oi let A r t id es of <Lll kind s. Fin e Cigars and Tobacco. t.:'f7""•


'G RI•:GATI ON 01'

SrsTERS OI' T n E NonH: DA~IE.






·~ A ll

Brands of Cigars, etc.

sho uld give t hem a


call. ~

A. Ehrich






J\folher S upC'rior, Notre D ame A~;aclcmy, Bouruonnais Grove, SCHO OL BOOK S.

BOUIU30NNAl~ Gl~OVE, TLL. Genrra l Store. D enier in li1 oceriPs, Dry g-oods, ILt,·clwan·, Cntlen·. C Jas~w>lt'(' .


Drugg·i sts a nd Dealers

T h i s l n ~t itu tio n a.fiord s every advantage to Young L:ulirs dt•sirous nf obta ining a soli d aud flniShl''duca.tion. For partlC'u la r s a.pp1y to

(' , \LLAND~¥:1,0: ;\IK .... ~><::

Preston Sanasack.

~~e~lldumRlJ & ~~lWd,

l)o!n &Jmnc Jica hnntJ. DI RECTim BY Tille




Dealer in cho i ccst G r o<;cri es, cho icest ~ ·]_"'AT.IONE R Y . bra nd s of J<' Jo nr. K eeps on J1 an cl co nstantl y a l arge ass or t m f' n t of Feed a nd Produce. Books, Ne w s , ])'lusie, Al ~o k eC' pR constnnlly o n Land a larg(' P lease call an d see m e before going Wall-Pape r, Window S had es . stock of IH:ADY-MAIJI•: CLOTIJl N(;,

FA)! [LY


_\lid 1\"hOl rs:lir Liqtu) r :-i.

. ............., I-I AR D vV A.ll E . Na il ~ and \\ragn n 't'n;w .U :E AND TIN OJ' A LL

Stow•s. Jron,

wo od ld X Il ~ .

• · o. ::; Conr t Ht reet, i:~




a n y place e l se .



LOU! t-; (;OU I!HEA U, .11· .



H. L. Crawford & Co.,


,Qt onlm~R'dnl ?$\;of.~e~t




Op po s ite f. 0. De pot. F fP.ST

C:L .\ RS

FllEJ<: ' HLlt-;C'TO A:\'J)

c. G.

No. 36 Court S tree t.


Kankakee, Ill.





Wholesale Paper Dealers.

i?oundry, & Printers ' Suppl ies .

A full line of Cards and Wedding good• l {(: vt <.:OH stanrly on !laud

Speci men B ook and Estim•,tes moon !.pplicr:,: ic•1 Wri t e f or Secon d - h~:J.d lii~ of t're s se s and Machines. 1t;. & 56 Fra n klin St . , Chicago , 11:;::: ,

Nos. 1 Hcl.< & 18 G Monroe Street,




Outfits :Cor CoJ ,u :c;E

P .u' E I! S.

Send for est imates

Those in need of ciJOicc Confecti.oneric• Cann Pcl gooclR, nJI kinds of Fmits, Fi~ l; an d Oysters will do well and snve monev by cnlli ng on "


Barber Shop U nd er U ml)ach'K l la.n wss Htore

T. O' GOR:.VlAN.

F iT'f' t.

Ka nknk ec . Ill

e l m~s

wo rl\ guarantrr(l

Htudeuts es peciall y in\'ited.

East Avenne,

P. L. MONAST, M.D. l_) h y s i c ian and Xur g-e nn.



~ t7~' All

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Th e " JOUH XA L " a bi-weekly pnpe1· d m• ot~d to SCIENCE, LITEH ATUHE and ART, publi s h ed by th e Students of St. V IATEUH'S COLLEGl>, BOUIWONNA I S GROVE , ILL.

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