St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-04-27

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VOL. I. -


Whersoever we turn, or whatsoever we contemphte in the whole range ofthc history of civilization, ; we C:-tnnot screen from om·s~Jves th,.c ever visible lH'lnciple of universr~l instability in nll that human agency cnn rlevise. Hi~tory and dn.ily experie nce incontrovertibly ns~ert th~t this world is all a fleeting show,-n. world o.f emptine~ and vnnity. Troy onC'e W!l,< ; but all her glory n.nd grn.ndenr h1"18 long n.go dwindled into the f:1int echoes of hi~<"tfl ri cn l reminiscence, :mrl her ldng:> no w become hutfitsnhjccts formythic:1l romnncl'. :E very thiug hnmn.n, under the n.ctirm of inlln ence.;, :::ilcnt or tmnnltnon~<, serene or npp11lling, Is str~mped with the se:1 l of cha11gr>. F:1 in would we mort·tls ndvocntc the strengt.h nnrl dnr" bility of our institutions, were it. not thn.t· we nrc confronted with f.' lcts (rmrt f: :otl' nre stn bhorn things) which 1'et forth i .1 bold 11nd dnzzling relief the mnt" hili ties of the re.st1lt-s of CVHn whole li vcs of t.h_ought r~nd toiL W e h:1ve seen I'Ocieties shaken, g<wcrnmentl' crumbled and n ntiont~ oblitcl''' t.eri. Society, it nppe:trs, cannot rem11 iu 8t~ b r.;'. It either Hclvnnces or re~rograd cs; nnd Tor every vi~ci!ll'itn<ie there mn~t be wme efficient cnu~e. Somctime11 thill c:tnl'e, by its ngent, preeipit,tc!l i t..~ clf like the fierce nv r~ l a nche sweeping from the heig hts of the mountnin top nnfl c:trrying devnstnti011 in it-11 conr~e; and sometimes it e m ~ nntes from obscurity Rnd gradnnlly inc r e~sel' in proportions n.ccomplishing its work lil•e th e little wnter l' whi ch !<prings from I!Ome fuir hill· side, at fir~t speeding ~ilently nnd neglected through its nnrrow chnnnel, incrensi ng ,by contributions from either sid e, until ft.nil lly it p o ur~< itl'elf with irresistible force into the broarl e:xpnn~<e of th P- mighty ocerm. Of nll the iufln encCB whi ch tend to re voluti onize I'O<: icty there i ~ none more potent t han c urrent li ter;ttnre. Ittrleed the Press is now Lccome the mnst po"'erful ex pres~ ion of hum:tn 1'entiment ; nnri whether it nppe:1r in the form of a flrtily or a weekly newspnperr or of a hi- weekly or monthly m ~ g:1 zine, or whether it li Ss ume the name of fl ctioll in the ~b :t pe of the 8tu::tll p: ~ per­ covererl no vel which is ~o ld on om counter s fur the t.rining sn m of hnlf n. dime, or is bound in gilt or morocc:o,-it is the Coon for the millions and never f<Lils to prod ucc, l'o r !:Jetter or worse, a momentous and

No. 5.

lasting impre...~ion ou the generality o"f t he reading public. _ The people ot the United Stntes pre-eminently a n11tion ofrearlerl', Their const-1nt cry is for the me;, 118 of grntify ing their r:> v enous nppctite for re:•rling mrttter; nnd i'tis with di~m1y that we 8Cf' thei r dem ~ n rl s s:-t ti.-~ fled by antl.wi.q, mnle nnrl femnle, who write, not for the ~nke of hono-r, or, but fHr the nc-qni ~ ition of filthy hw'ft>. n is •it.h rli~>mn .v t.h nt we see the cnnnt.rr teeming with n. lit,erat ure which i.~ a living port, n living rlclinention of mor:tl c-onnpti on, silc nt.Jy s:•rping nt the hn11il'l of wh nt constitnte8 t.he fit Rt cletncnt.q nf n. good christinn people nnrl of n zcnlons p1tri ot.ic people. Tt ilt with rlir-mny thnt we see the P.Mcnce of di r~ h oli c: tl Vf'nom nnder th eg n i,~e nfn ple:tsing tnleorof a chnrmingly conrlncteri roma.ncl'., rn venously devoured by n. pcople, -b_v our JlMple., with ns, mn ~h rn.pnci ty ns they l:t f'k prnrlen('f'., nnrl wit.h :~~ mn eh engernr1's fiR they 1)"\ck jn rlgement. Finnlly , it i1' with di Bm:ty th:1 t, for enC'h ~onnd nnrl mor:t l hook which i ~~ ~~ e~ from the PreFs, we ~ce t-he Evil Bpirit instign ting llis FPrvfle genin11e~t to 11end" forth two or three rotten nnd eorrnpt ones, We oo- not ItO mtteh l11ment the want of good, ns the 11npernbumhm~e of bad liter"tnrc. · ·we h r~ ve ll'tirl t.h,.t t.he prople of th e United Rtnt' 8 nre ·n. nn.tion ofren.<ll'rs. This is inrlcerl tru e; but whnt klnrl of renders r~re thl'y? ThrcP. fourth s of the rending nnnnnlly rli11trihnterl r~m o ng the penpl e consist$ of works of fi ction , nnrl of these we nee<i nnt., nn d f< r shnnw'~< ~r~ke we will not., ~onj ec tnrc how mnn.v :n·P. works of irreligion nml Godle;:.sness, "' hr~t is still more revolting, t heir works nre not fonnrl, ns mnny sn pposl', in the h n.n rl ~< Of t he bad boy only, but RIM! they constitnte the dclicn d as on which the imr~ginn.tion s of ot'r young- m r~ id e ns , n11<i even of our fnth ers n.nd mother:·, delight to fenst. Novels "Are the books, the n.rt.~ , the ncnrlrmf's, That show, contrtln, nnrl nouri gh nil the worlrl ." W e do not mcn n to cenwre fictitious composit ion con~irlcr ed in itself: This would he not onlv fnr eia n to o nr purpose, hutrnsh on onr pnrt. \Ve i)recedc~ts in the history of li temtnre whi ch clcn rly d e m on~<t.rr~tc thr~ t fiction, when prnperly empl oyed, is one of the bes t m ean~ both lor irnp:t rting instruction, and for incu lcating

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UOURJH)NNAIS GROVE, ILL. FRIDAY APRI 27 1883 mor.di ty . Dnt it i ~ not our obj ect to ~xl_) ~ tiate Of! the !n nttrilmt,i_n~ to the lat~er. The tendencies of the age 1 ue uefi einl iutincuces of fi c'tlti6 t'! s wJ rRs. WJ) ~ t pcrfectlf ure bnd. Phil osopbers incline to ngriostieism, skepticism, n ~Lo nu cb- tt S is, th: t.t;· in · tlti-iH~i-n eteenth ccntury._uf.. .U\ll:~.L .n!Jdinlidclity ;'c:-~ pitnlists instigate nncl eJJ COurnge the in thi s so called age o f ci v il)~:-ttion nnd intell cctwd~.. n to~ t 'rrlghtt'ul monopo lies~;: secret societies carry on-the cui ig h Ll!npt cnt.,__th ~. Am cri Q:),n J)O~ el ·o tot;t!ly eJJV irons · work of the devH in ' ev.ery shnpe. nnd form; ;m~~ .~he · tit ~ ;ttlend (ni vi' tlie big ?tnct"thc . lit1jl e~ , the·yld-Jln<l t!Je pevple, wrjters nnd readers_, sink themselv es ilito mcn·.)' uh tig. lt ·is t.i·tily · ~t s tuni·~ hing: th mt'-i .h.e: novel i~ tlte tal sensuality. The enemie:; of society sprinrii'ng np vuly rc:dly .popu..Jar b.o uk in th~ U n-ited .. -I:Stnt'?S, an1l· . on a-H ~ides, :_re is~uing f01•th froin every corner,. n.nd that tl~o u q(l!n.ds i-i\ rm1d ailjti;lalug lllsel r , • · ; are ~:-rmiu g thelll~ lv~s [Qr the upproa~!Jing social revo. . b:.illi_tiii in g~ui: pop\Jlar noV-el we discov er th t1t, kt 1, _l,\1ti6~: - Ifsocl13 ty in the UfitedStates docs not resus.. nl toge tlie? · :·¥(,int' ~> '-'re:1!'. sulJstanee: 1 u ·nh•e , Mture uf"th e I ' ¢.~~'1te h~r A~iing ern uers, if spe dqes .not vigOJ;on sly set . ... I . , . . iwvel consti-'a\ijs . ns {rom - cons id~Wi1tg' it pOsitive1y l.J~d, _a.bout checlting the 'grlisimess of the times, if she allows ~ , , ;tl ;e_nio~t \ve 'd,ii siy 'iri it~lfav.o.l' . is that i-t is, ·absol~J,tcly · i1e,· enerriies _to hli.~~tii1ly: !1-l'Oi.u)d be.r, , if sh,e docs not !'uo)isb.. Jts ,at.itiwr nvows tluiti his obj.eet is , to gl"Ve his j en1ploy thl! sn'lutni-y meaJll! of social reform, she ,will · r~nders.n clear ·and Heneficjal ·. iilirght :into the realities ; _.ine,v.itllllly ~ri sh in s~ei'ai ~:~.~olution .. of life. But -i!h8.!-we ;IDity- safel-y ·'ffrLY -tl:mt i1Cf.t;:more . thap . ,Although tb_e' t})s.k, of soc~r(ll'egeneration may at first .. OJ~e nove( put· oi'lJ: thaushuc!'can h' ~ny ~e itO . ~j~pt a1wear it"ri:hiOl,lSj i:t is by ' no means jmpossibl e. ,~he: iicq~{TI_ti]i,~pin-~n~, Of''tni~ en{!:- ·]f,·t4\') chn.raeters .em- . · ~~~ , have' . the · ~'e::ii1s at om· d:isposal. We . have the ~loyed_· ~i.(i?ot." 'Y~~rd ~re.i·s', or r~bbers;·;o.rln<lirmvillain_s , , . f:t9iliti~s f~J.r · giving om: children · a good christian or demotiwcal :). gents• -of some other •stamp; they nre, 111 I1 ·• edncatwn; we have , .plenty of sound · and . useful . ·'"·--·--.. · . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . t!Je _lnrg¢ ntaJ9r!tY i>f'1lllltu'n·q~f!; .a. clas;s .of J~~&in?-ry J;ie- ·.. bpp l~s to put in~ tp~ir han·cts, always bearing in }ngs so r~ir O-!J:tsij:le; tl;i(i',li llle :of.huirran·ity.. os to·,e:x,iiit.only ; mii1cr tliat cru:lY, impres;;ions nr.e the. most .lasting. The ·l n imp·ed eet CO!lCep tiofi · pnd · extm vagant f!lJJt~ s ms. _;Fqr ~!a dy christil-llls used to Mty. that the only way to effecthe corroboi'·atiqn oi·.the· truthfulness ot our a'ssertion~,_ tually' aLc:ilish the horrid spes 0cles of thcnters WflS to we nrip ea!' to anyone ;iio hns -peru sec~ a doz.en ur tv.·o of refrain !i·mn frequCI.tiJ1g those pbces. They went on the works to ~hf~n iVe nJin tle-.· Ex tUnd. dfsce innnes. the. prinyipJe : -"'N" 0 f})CCt ntors, no nct_Ol'S." . -We o,ught Taking ::i"ll tb es~ thilrgs· itit o C{)11Siderati{)n , -we wonld to 1\'0l'k on" a simil:u principle. 1f we Ce;J ~ e te encour:t g e ask the candi'd \'ea·der., ·tue· t'oll'Owiog•.quest.i ons: Cnn the . Lad nnd incliff'~r¢nt writers l.Jy uesisting f1·om re:~ diug r n.pad 6 us ,gormanilizilt1g dNhris .specieS'of printed matter. the procl u · ~ions v:t;th eir unn;,tturn.l gm\iuscs, we ru :ty be fhi~ to m~d enuili.e; ~'61: itt'1~1s1r; i'lTClJ.Ji~t pi ate_the OJ-1era tivn a;;9 nrcd that ii-i n shu~t' time t.!Jelcuullt;y..; wjll be clcnrcrl of th ose fac~~lt\~s.'~yJ'l.ich coi1'stttU:tc o'ur p«;op-Je intp Uigeut o_f its Jitcr:iry nrbLish·. ,,, ·, .., . · b~t'rtgs ? ' Cit~- lt ;f~i~i :t0'. 1)~0(l:TJc.e ·· m"i- "€ffe.c t ...,t enrtillly at . · lf w~ iook bnck ,;p~nth~ brief hi story of .Lhe Unilcd v"a rial1ce 1Vieh :u}eJt.lture' prospects ot:our,. c.onntry ?·-C:m £:; tate~, we m:ty notice"that sh y, li-ke :t\1 OLhcr pro<lu cts it frtil to im b,u & the"-i"i~ing· gelieTa ti011· with.mi-8(1\.ilJCei vecl (Jf hnm:;ll 'b:.t ndiwork, is subject to chang e. Our nati on and filntn.&tical 'riotions .ot·rea:l: life·!· Lh a wonl ca u it d o · o f t q-(by is ~nly in nnme our nation of yore ;.and if site ·aJ)y thing .bi:it'c1 ecclve !Mid ·misleacl? !'. : . . . . ,s nbsi~ ts 9ne hundred yeilrs hence, it will be only in j~dgeu\.ent·l'tliou n1·t1lcd to '\ml_tish beasts, nam e. Hc_r f'oun<lers nncl first supporters nre fa st. bee-ow. J\.ncl.m'm{ have lost their reason I" ing ancients, nnd their d eeds, antiquities. When we The 'y cnitlFof .the ..perl.ocl is~ saillng ;in ~ sea of tlti s reflect on the morality and pntri oti sm oi our ancestors, · lit cr :: rj; h nsh ;' llndi, if he ha,s no.b-tbe )uck to _dlfmge. hi s we are fill ed wi th nntional pride. When we . reflect o n ·course iri time, he--· ,villjump the· gulf. whic)1 . separat~,s, , _the pre~ent condition of society our Entionnl nncl ..him fr om hopeless lnnncy .·_-There can. be no do-~,~-bt' of-it. christi:m prid e is humbled. And when we look fo!"W:mi The c unent literature tif"Oni" times· is for the most pf!rt , into the obscui·ity the fvti1rc, we are fill ed with fc ~ r ·the wo.r k of the d e\' it;and woe to tl;:ie writer , who m~kes for qur ~a tiona) _welfi11"e. Sh:tll vnr conn try n hundrerl himself' at ool in the lihncls Of the crafty archrebel,-,-·woe y ears hence, be bh~sti ecl"-with the -hc:llthful and invigo_to the poo;· d eluded indi:vidnal who a 11ows him scff t o b~ rating atm o~phere · of mornlity nnd p:-t tri oti sm? or ~lt : d 1 duped lJy the chi can·c ry of the sam ~ n.rtful d emol'l L'Tbe the '•L:md of the . Free·· llnd th e H ome of the IJrnve" · '~d«,utsd.d· : Cii'm e':nov e( is ·to -modern · s.ori ~ty .)v~ni the stigmuti zc itselfwitb clegener: tcy nn e! ~ h n m e? :::ih~ll th e R oman amphitheater· and the festi v :~Is o f-. Venus.. a nd the Ullitcd St:tles I.Je a model o f nnt it n:tl <1 g:,nif n .;. ? Bncchi1 s were t o th e· society of their tim es ;·nor can we or what shn.ll it be? anticipate that t he res ults wlticb ·hall hav e l.Jec n prodtt C' Nl by th e fo rme r, if le ft nnhrid[c(l, will \Yid cly t1il l"cr !'ru nt Lltusc whi ch pllil ., ~ u [! lt l' r :; ul h i~ l liry :t g l'l'l'




CO ~ HB O ~.\ A l 'GRO\-E. iLL. }RlDAY APH I 27 188 3 A.

( concfudcd.)

Jn s.'ying: ·']Jut the Engli. b W CJC :m imlu.; rious p •opl wbo luv t.l. lil rty a1,d e~un d -uce by energetic t >il in the field ' sod u tbe . e.1 ." our :wtbor we ulcll'ee ru to insinur~h' tint he pro~ pcri y nnd gl ry of the ~nil d • tnte, gre1.ter lh1n tb· 1t of .'pa ni ·h Am e ri ca.. i wholly due to lh nol>ler nnd gr •:tter indu ·t ry of the Engli:: h colond . Ib thi ru1.nner. hy com pa ring the eontluct f l<~ugh nd. in the !'<cw \\" orltl, with th:: t of "p ·1 in, a f, w prejudi · cl writ 'I"S ::~r• wont to sneer ioctircctly a the- ':t holi e Clwrclt. " ' b:tt were he indu~ r.Y :1nrlpcr·ever.mec vfthc tipa ni:1 nl iu cidlizinrT the l ndi:m,, w a lren.d · -ce n. A - for ~n"­ land: he rc:t l!y did no hing. It W:l' her xi! cs . h •r ontc 1 tb·\t hid the toumbtiun orthis great re public; i~ nd :ur ·1 · the merit o f their lauc.r, ought not to IJc nt ril >ule l tu the goYernment th:t t hnrl tli:,i n hc ril cl tit ·m. \\"hc•n E:tghud h Ld t...•sum rl eoutT l o f i.!te A merie .tl cn louie, cli tl ·he not. by he r tyrunny, endeavor tu r ·rluc them a lmo t to In very? lt' nt lat>t, whcu colO'll ~ from Jrel:\ncl, (~ rnnny :~uri Fr:lllce ba d llecl•lllC mi ag-lcd witll th 'or i;ji u d Br itbh ,e tier:>, th e ro loni::,~ ltcc; uu lrce . nnrl <•rg:1 Lhem;;ch-c.s i11to Lhi · glon .. u:, uuivn, wllieh J•rombcs to !c::td the y,'o rld . w :t::; it o wiug tt> the e:m·ou r.•gelJICnt of Gre:1L lJriL ·~ in? ~o. Ltd ee<l: If in ··I ;," il >ii.tania h Hl h:Hl h e r o wn '~'·'.\"• h e r •k:•r d:n:.!!lt•r ·, .[nml>il wonl•l to-d ty he Iter sl.t ve. '1 h•.• :-pwi .rd did unl like Li te Ea!S!i.:~h. rc:;olvc npun ,, w··r o:· cxlermillf>li• m ag:.iu L the Ullfvr ,u ll!;ta r le11 . T, on the conlr.u·_r . :tllimnted l>y tru ly dn·i;,ll .• n n.nt: 1 c:-. re('c i \' l'd llw <'<•l)qnercrl iJ,to their o wu 111id,t. intl'nu:~rri<·d 1rith hLlll . :.u d i,ric<l hy e very u .c •n:< t<~ r.:i_,.,. ti: .11 li> th •ir uwn ll'vt> L 1t !L ts l.ceu j11~ ly n•n' ·'rl-.,"1 l>y l'r •-; t h 1 the British ~cern Lo hn1· ·,., ,me hc r • p;1iy to h~ttc r tl:cir otnl ~nndi tion, while I.e :--p • ni 11<l~ 'llllC ehil•tly to <:i1· ilize the bnrl,.u; .n~. H C'i l('C. whit-t tn .:nr:h Amcric.~1. the dc-.pcr.,te r cnm .. nt 11f til e hnn <'d l n<ii:ll'" nre e xpeller! from tb<• i'Pcic~y of the wide m·•n, an<l !(•reed to fc •k s1 fUy in n fc'V ll'liT<•W rli-.d·ict~ nf wr.rthlc:-- tcnitt.ry; the Jn.!i·-n.; < f ~p~Bi -. h Americ:1 h:lY lo.-.t their b·>rhn rnu· <:h .r .• d •r. lliHI h '' e h'l'"ll ,of> :>rnniQ":lnw tctl with lh ~~ · ni tf!b tlt·1t we no longer rcco<rnize tht•m : s cl ·~ct•n 11'11\ • nr the :0\1 l!.{l'" · on:,~ trn llllllio n iuhnl>i -\n ~ or ,\ l''-L<'P in ii-/ U. 11•• n.c r• h ·· n h1!1";1 milliPn n-crC' of Jll •rt' I' ;;i•l '·!, ,.<\: be :.rl'l'.•ttJ p rt I dng of mixed . p·.ni·h: nd Indi 1'. r 1•f jH: rc lurli· n hlnod. Jncl< eel hi'·t 1 .. n in tlt·.( er·nn ry nf Jndi:1n rll'-.ccnt. <h ,. , I' the I· tc! r -irl cnt• nf ;\lc'\:i<·n '~ .., an !ndi-.n.

x ico) the cr ue lty of the pnnbrd " dro Yc t he Indi:ms back into b~rbarism . " H ow an :1ny n wj t h hi tory Oj)@ b fo r e him , nud the ~I ex icn1.1 R cpu b li o n Yery border;, of b is own co nut ry, mn kc ::; n rmo u n St., tc rnent: Fir!;t f al L it wns imp ~ i blc to dri \·c th rn b:- <:k illto h: T b:ui::-m, for t he · we r e aLre:H ly groping in tho,c hcnigbted regions. T r ue, o r Le.r: fuu ml lln ext •wive kin<nl\•111 :)lld a c- r t,'l.i n a dv nncmn ent tuw:tnL civiliz:o tion; but wh:~t ki nd o f : ki ngd o m >1":1.5 th :~ t in whi ch the li1c of every ~ u hject. wns nt th e di~pus: d o f the ruling lyranl. nud wh:1t k ind nf n ciYi liz,1tio n mu~t th: t h:1 1·e been which ommanded t h e s:tc ri ficc of hu m::\11 v ictim<' ! ;\lcx icc), under M nntcznma, cou ld in uo w:•.r he cu mparcclln l\I exieo of Lhc pr ese n t <l:ly . In eot:clwiing. let m sum up briefly w bat 1 h n Yc S:Jid. I h:1 v e shown th:Jt the ~ p:1n i :Hd · were actu ntc<i hy the n o hlc~ t moti 1·cs in com in <r to the \\cster u co n ti nent: thnt tlwy wc:> re not so cruel :t nd :wnri c ions il~ J>mc wo uld h: tYc us believe : :md t hat their ze:d for the coovcrsion nf the native~ . and their indu ·t ry i n im proving tlte sL.1te of the country were tru ly wonder f1 1L J h:w c ~l1fnvn tbnt nt' m nking nllow.,n ces f<• r th e nn tur:d <li«n<h·nnVlgcs o f the cUmnte :tml co untry , agri culture. m:mu f 1ctu ri ng :mrl c-omme rce arc in n fiou ri~h ­ ing n coJHlition :1s 11·e eoul<l r e.1mnn. hly <'Xpec t . I h:n •e ~ho ,-n. Lo0. th :t the hc ·\llt ifil l citil'~. and the mnny H'li ~in u ~ :m•l ed uc:< tion:<l in .·~i tuticlll ~ . ]11'0-<e t he p ople of~p·mi~h Americ:1 ne ver to hnYe h ce n . n r to he now, "i<ll ' , ign n rnnt mH l corrupt." Fin nlly, I hnve ~:<hO IY il th1t the f'p., nb rrl R did infinitely more g od to the Tnrli:Jn:c< th ··n di•l the Eug ]i , h, nnd thflt in~terrl of driv i ng lh cm b:;ek into hnrlJn ri ~ m, they hronght "" l10le nfltinn. 0f them u t of th(' ~C l•enight ed reg ion~< , nnd tllll;; lcrl a pc0ple in o t he grand march of ciYiliz:ttion.

PE ltSO i\ ALS. .Jn0. ,]ul·lo·.rncy 'l(ii,Hww 1111 cntnpri.iug

E. l i.P ·rry'..>[J llllsnnncpo..,ition inthc fhm ofJ . & C'o. ('hitngo .

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n n. ofllcinl for the


t. & P. in

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·.-.2 i~ at p~c,cnt in ?'o><: Lak e Ill, when! he lin·s an•\ rctrb lh<' .Jomn·d. L. Cnm:annon "7J h.-t4 :1 g•>wrmcnt ]>1.,: tion in tl ,c otlk • ot P... H. Lin<·tllnat Wa,nhiglon Tl . t' .



,J ''· D•J•I'!'t~rty · ) v.-!1., ~ "'"~~" r'rincipa! of one n: ll•c Pul>l!c "Ch<Y1l. in f'hnn'l '· i• g·1inin:1 • 1 nit~ a r•pnlation as an in,trne•nr.

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in \\ ilm P;._don

BODlWONNALS GLtOVE, lLL. FIUDA Y APRiL 271883. Ed . M cCabe '7!) who 'vill ue re mumuercd n ~ t he "Sampson of t bc '' rena '' is now an ~;:--t~nsive Furn1cr nnd Stock ruiB~r in l.l, imficlll, 111. T (; mw,la '78 whr> for S·11ll '~ time j)'ti t has been l<ee ping books ju Oni:.n:;-1, is t,1kin.:; 11 few W··Cko recru~>tion with his rebtivcs an ! fr ie:1 · l ~ , <tt S umuc r,[ll . W. L :tp Lrlo '7S ll"ok ·K 'J•Jpc t· for Lap:~rl e and Funk Chic:Jgo. p;ti ,J ns a very pleas;mt vi sit on Tn c;,duy of latit we, k ~ n uom puny withJ. J.Scbnbcrt of Kunkakt·c. \\ nlfn recu lkd W 'L llY of hi;; oltl tri ck s an d the punish :>. tent due to tlte tn , in that p ica ; ing a •td in tcruo tia:; m.m tter ·.vit ic!J is ]'eculiar ly l : i ~ own. P ruf .K l'u :·u ·r w]w durin_:s the co ur3u of Lhi ; year, wus nceessit.ttc-1 to ti ll3pc ud hi .; du tie~ oa :tce:>u:1t of ill - lll'a l Ll •, will sail fur pc in u f'e w woe it< t:> try the r!l'cc t of th 1 E•L>tern c linw tr .. llfay Jo e huvu a plc~ su ut Yoy~gc and lll <~Y the obj ec t of hi s j uuruey be r<~:.ll izr-cl. w ~ r.;..:•J.I t ly rcc:·J ~ V.J· l . ~ very int c rc s ~ing letter fro m our old fr icn LlB. 1\iullon ' 18 who at pr08C t1t is a 1n0m lier of t he lirw l\1ailo.1 and Butler in Dloomi11gton Il l. We nrc happy to hear tli /lt he b j)l'OJpcrin-s s0 nice ly :mJ at'<.) plc:l<\ull to auuex Iu s u tun e to th e !i;t of our snl ·&crib l'rS . A. few da_1s ~i u ·~e we rct:civccl a long nncl iu!c-rcsting le t ter from .J. Curran 'ti() who io sojou rning alon~ I li e Pu.cifk co&st a ·,d m J king!tfc•as p! otaspoBSiule. W ecHn uot l(;Jertobim \\'itliout reca lli ng mu ny of Lis witty re 1 ~nrk s and npt sayi ngs in variably n.-socia ted w itb a ulnnd smilr lind un expression uf dul gi ,r th t~t e h ee n; J t ltc hearts ofull his anditors . In hi.< lett er l1c toucbi ng ly 11llull~slo th e days that are J•ast, us follow s: '· WLi!e at St. V ; >I ~Cllr ';; I ne ver imag.n ed, tL:1t in a fe- w years alter leaviJJg' i l , '' lc tt ur l'rom an old co mrad e sti llllt cre, wo" l d cu nse n t enth o l I he delie:ht I experienced on t he rcreipt of yours . I fee l as t]JoHgh I h ad lived u li fP.-time,-itsec m s so very long ago since I left there ; a nd , wJ ,il e loo kiJ ,g back I t!Jink that truly my ltap pi est clay; were spent at St. Vi at c ur's. I clo oot kn ow wh at m ~ikc ~ the me mory of my collcgr Llays so peculiarl y ple8su raule, unl ess it is tltc pl ea.qant recollection of old associates and fr!cnds, or tile (;ontru.::;t bcf:'...,·een my lif0 tLe o un d Gince \\-lwteYe r the r casr-u. I am certain that my pt csen l jus· ofhnppin ess is a bruk e n b·mdle,1 til in6 with a cr.1·; k i:1 ti1e $i-\e a nd a few big oicks in th e bottom, whol ly unhk ~ w hat it wns on t lr p>~rt i D g l'n ·m my Alm a Ma ter , ·;v ith the uncon:Jcie u,;ncss of w hat tbe future had i n store for m e." Tile m " ny fri cnl1s of Hcv. J . :i\1cCarthy '70 "i:I lea rn wit h iF,ic· n~r) l1d c•r in }.rk anFas , he p ~ seq peacefully av.-ay in the home of hi s yo uth , at l 'itt,IJ urg h 1':1. 11 few wee ks siu ce . He w:~s a mun of exh·aordinnry ahi liti co, ancl.thc followi ng line.; take n from th e Pittl>urglt " Desp atch" f ,lrni sh an i llu, tration vf hi s inde fatigabl e zeal and h eroic !ldeli ty:

sorrow 1'11at afte r thr()C yc·ars of n

"Fnther Ill cCarthy hncl to unclergo muny h ~ r chhips '' bile cloiHg mitio nrrry "· ,,rk in 1\ J b::. nurs. At one t.Jne. aft, ·r he IH:cl travelled m:wy m ,les to :.ttcnd u sick-call, he cnme tu a river. He f6uud oa tile b:m ks a n ati Yc wi th a dt<g -out, 1. nt 1hi s tD t1 ll rcfu8ed t<> ferry hi m ucross becau se h e was a H.llnHl n CRtholic. Tile priest r e mon st1·ated wi th bm in .-ain. F inally l: c saw ak'g fl oating in th 8 river, and, placing hi s cl oihing upon thflt, swam witl1 it :wro~o l.h c ~ trC'a lll , hnlclin g th e pyx hctwer n 11 :~ tee th to k ePp it out 0f1.l u.~ ''att·r. l !t..· ~u li\l:' d at lii ::. tl< · ftinat i ~,. n ju:--t in tillll' to

aclmini.tcr th e l>t6l rites ofth e C'lturch to the sick person. The one wilorefu , ed to !Hike h im ncros.~ th e river wn~ a n e mploye o l a ntilrond . When the mnnngers of th e road h~<Jrd ,,[ t ~e inciden t they di ~dltlrgecl J,itH ."

=~====~ OuH E xc n ANOE. \·~'cure in rctript of the ini ti a l numlJcr of a JH.:ll t week ly s heet, pul!li ollcd in 1\cw York, and entilletl the 'fJh1dcnt ancl St.atlHllDJJ. " T hi s lll' W n ·nl ure in I he j o urnnli~otic fi<-lrl, wi ll ue clevotccl to afl'orcling th at vast numl ,cr of young nwn, whom our publi c schoo ls and coll eges ycHly t um into active life, a means of neq uir.i ng n wuncl a nd 1•ra c li cal k nowlcclgc of pol if ical $C irn(·" , tmcl thns ena!, Je lit em to exert a beneficial inJitlCUC<' un IIJC nation's rule.

The fnrt th a t o lll' politicnl system needs rege nera t io n, j S ev iclencccl u.v t lte t1·ials a ncl inve9li(;1Ltions whi ch continu a ll y occu py th e attention of onr cnmis; tmd if th e Student 11nll StatesmA n be in s h·urn c nt.a l in snpphmtiu3' those d e magogue~, syco ph a nts un rl s ta r 1'on t.c thi eves, who now hold th e re in:> " f goverll)~nt, with a pure nnd h cnllh y clcnwnt of am· people, wlw have suflicicn t. h onesty to ];ecp aloof from politica l rings a nd t h ievery, it will hnvc pelform cil o t: t l: , f, r "J:;c J; t l c nati on at !urge muy Wl'll feel gr:deful. Si nce our ln st iss ue t he C<Jilogc M es&ngc. of f:. t . V inCI' nt College, 0Hpe Gimrdeau, l\·I o. hns rmwecl our table w ith ita prl'scnce. l'l1 c 1\'fessr:gc contai ns a nice :;nlcetion of nrticl<>s whi ch amp ly com pensa te fer the ti me spent in the prrns:d. Th e exchange co lnmn, of the nund >cr whil'h we h a ,·e rC"cc ind co n t:<ins n f:tvomblc criticism of the .J oum a l toe-e th er w i th~ few words of enco nm;ement, for a ll of whkh we rc t u m th nnks. The St . M ary; s College Scntjnc l, Mnri on Connty , Ky ., co meR to us, a., brigi'it' and chc-!1')' aR th e grec now>~rrl of its on- n nati ve l:ill sicles. The Scntin<l l is an A-dmimbly gl)ttcn up coll u!..(C j o urn al and reflec ts no suJ,dl cnJclit oo i ts pu blishers. T itc nu :nhcr dated A prll 7 th, has se v-Pral ex eel le nt arti clcR, am ong whi c h '"e m ay m enti on ·'Can Pricnce sch'c l\1:,n' s Dc ft! I:J' ,' ' ·we , !Jail . be always plcasecl -with a visit from the Se ntine l. Th e nr:ltrc D·un c S ch olastiC · p1ys ns a reg• ilar viai t nn<l a lways brin;s someth ing choice in th e litemry li n<•s. In th e Jnst issue til e le ng hthy but nr1mi rahl y wr:ttcn art ic le on H awthornr, portions of wl ti c!1 h:1,vv l,een pul>l 'shed i n p:·ccecl ing nu mbrrs, is com pl eted . It is n. criticism of th e writings of Hawth ornr , written in a pleas-ing mnn ner nncl cone;! t1(1 e~< with a lJer.u tifJ;l tribute to th e Am e rican noveli st.

CATHOLI C NOTES. P . Qu inn , o f E~st Dubuqu e, I own., who died recentl y , left all his money nncl property , whi c h wn s C011S icl eT:l bk, t o Arc hui s ll o p Fceh:m of C hi en go . Bishop Dwenger of Ft. ·w nyne, i s nbout to stn rt for Europe. H e New York o n S:1turcby, 28 in st. Very ·Rev . P. II c nry Droes, C. P . 1'. ti., wi ll him. lligilL H ev . .T<~llll Tui gg . Hi.-llu[' ul

i'itt.~lJt il'g'.

w s




stricken wit,h [H• rn l_ysis on tile liJtb inst; he is not ex"\V e sh:.1 ll s weep but we will miss him. So sings Oscnr. p e cted t o recover. Willie Ru:: el.t feeling recites " The Patter of tb e The catholic population of ll.risconsiu is 360,000, a Shi11gle." fnwtion over one fourth of the e1itire popul ation. " There's life ::md s tro11gth iu eve ry rh·np," so s:1ys F ;;_y The first Cath o lic Goven w r of ~ew Y ork w:1s the pi t.<·.her. Thomas Dougan, an Irishman. lli~ cou:wissiou IJe:1rs 'l'h ·1t IJe ll w:1s not n fire nhrm; lwt it w:1s rlllS \\·_crml <late :::iept. i:llJ, l !:i82. v e ry fra. •1 k.':;. T he Nuvitinte bnmch of t,be C'!1 puchin O rder :l t KJiiery is m·:ki ng rc..;e·• rcb e:; in Lhc l'l1ilu l"gy of Lh ~ Cal vary, ' Vis. will be r emoved w Detroit,. lrish hngu"gu. Bishop Ma,rty dcparLecl fvr Yankton J -. ~t week. J:II· :.~ ter ~V. 1\f nrr i"13o n d ~«e1·ihes n l·q·gc "cirkcilioJ· "'' ~"~ At Rome, nvt long s ince, F.tthc1· Armellini, l::iccretn rj· r.s wns in Chicago." General of the :-lodety of J~a;;, r euc.i vacl i:1to the OllC · i'll r . E ugene Be r ni er of Lh-.: d i:;trict sd:vu l w ;1~ !lr::: t fold of Cllri~t i\fr. M cNu t t, of I ndiana. U. ::;. A., '' gra. <.lua.te of H a.rv:u:d University, and n. youug m :Hl lrun1 in tJis c l H3~cs !:1st week. Ohio by the u~u:U<! uf Cary. TLte oorcillony of Llw lurwe1· The wnrblrr h ::s ccof'cd w (k ] ig-hL ns wi t h his S 1'.··2ct took phce iu the l" OO JUS ul" ::it. Aloy s ius in Lll e 1<1 Le mGlodics. Me. wh:.1t is Lbc. matter? Jlowa.a Colle1:,>c, <Wd tLat of Llw laLLu· iu Ll.; e H>VIJ..:; vf l'. I,. very npt!y r cm:' r.k!< tll~t he r11jnn- 11 w:' rJil tiL. ·t:.w..i.~ln..s. winrl wlten it is ;~curnnp:Jnied by a cool brc<' <::C.

Those w i:\lJing to l)(~C<) illC :leqn,-, iHlc cl ''"ith the hngn::gc of Lh c ilowers, ~ b o1il( l c:1 II u1 1 T. (:; i huon~. Willn lny h, I'icbtcr :md :-l"ic!!l"Lillt were :tiTto:l J Lhu~e tha t l;ore Wngner 's e0ill u Lu tile grave. J', l,,:;ter J~rncs t, sevcil }O<Ir:; old , o ·e::tecl q11i ;,e a sens:1tioa iu l'ari,; ::i<Jilte LiiJJe agv l1y l1i,; 1\"0ild \-r fu lly precocivus al; ili ty :~s a viaui sL. llc i <:< li:ow l ' hiladelp hi:l. The m o;:;t rom r. rlmble concert tour ever m ndc in tllb cuunLr_y will uc IJegllH with Th codvre 'l'hvm:1::; :1ud lli,; 0n.:he:;Lr:t L!Jb woutlt. lt IYi.l cxt.ea<i fro lll .l.Llli;iuure Lv :)·:u Fr.mei~eu, will incJudc in it:; circ uit LhirLy citie:,,

ll enrY, n h r. n<lkcrchicfltc ld Lo the nM<:l l org111 is nut not rcg :.rdcd :1$ n. sufficient rc.c so n l\.1r Je, v ing cL!ss. Anothe r :• rid iLio n w :1~ m:1rl~ t o Lil c B. B. c lub ~, J· s t week, J,y J. E. Hog·w. 1'~:1 men i:1 c very niuc, 111l fielder~ . 1\ron~icnr l'·•gc sc y ~ ! ~0 rl nes not :1 <ln~ i rc bp-r1"g~ . 1\light we :lt'k when nml l:vw did U:e g rc;1t c h:lllg-c t:di e

phec? IJc:T Co'lW''.Y lns rccnvcre ~ l rrr>nl hi ,, ehmn ic i11di ·· :•g-:1i:> :Li ! lC (O rcJ:1te im;idents o[" th e f:unon s Bill Qll li tl:. p o~ i L ir;n ~ !H i i~

:1 1Hl w i!IJ ,st Ji·om Ap <il i(i tv· ,July 7. V irgiHia',; lllUllllll1Cil L tu l ;uLer t i~ . .Lee will lJc un Floren ce s::ys he wi t! net in ~ !;r. o~p ·•cit.y of s rrgcn nt vei iccl .Lexingwn on Jun e .Jth . .)ciJ.\:r:;vH D:.vb 11·ill nt :1 1'111~ in thl le: ·. gue during U:e pr c~cuL su ·; ::;uu, iC pre~ idc , Get:er:d Joseph .E. Jvhn::'Lvn 11·ill Le Chiei" 111-fOh! l l'i_y J~ ('C"Cf:'<:1 l".)'. 1\l : : n; b;~l, nud .7\l:·jor ,John \ V. l);,niel, o r:ttur. D::n 1\I:~ckin trir·:l th e " •1rcp :'l nd r~ l c !(" e n th e Cmmectie ut OWJlS Lhe Jir::;t replica vf!:itu::rt's o ri gi n ·· I pvrLr:dt of ~~·: .;:, hin gLvn, uwtlc fur Du Lon. It w :.;:; p ai ut,- n ing-pole <). lew cl ·;ys ngo, in consequC'nce or whie lt ed hy .'itl>~rt in .t::!Ull, :dill LrvuglJt h in1 :iloUO.; dw he h s hi :; rigilt optie rlrc~~cd in mourning. 1.Ye will not v<>uch for the truth o f nsscrtio n , hnt ,,-e co;:;t ~iilJO. A lbrt:0r Ll p •[Jcr Liliuks iL 11·cnh $ -J0,000 nt proFcnt. c;c :ol• l lhnL " Tu g . "\Yi lffill will ~r.on ~ tn t 011 a A 11ew p u rtrait IJf ox-pr~ i clc!!L Cr~w t b · 13 latrl.r lH:en juunwy to Fl (lri tl :1, fen· tltc benefit of' hi s lle d ch. pi::cccl in the K ::; t H< ,o Jll o f llte WLi Lc nonse . .i. L is :. Still nnr 1\"C " lilor pn•pl1et is to he f( !uncl , nt midnight l r;;c. lik-~iz<; r cpre;:,eilt·itiu n uf Lin: JlUJl u l: r hen>, ll l Hl in Llie oh~er v: •tory. :::in rly i ng the s1 <lrlll.)' hen ven~, ti·orn w., Lc_;u11 l1y .LeClerc ~; n d li;;i"!:ecl l_;y JJier~L. dt. A~ 11·hit ·h be rleri 1·c:; kl,U\Ylcdgc ben·fit;i :, J fo r bvth m :· n u il' ' r~r .. it it i, n:r:~t li.i l!J Cul : J,d cxccill'llt, nnd """ nnd Le:1st. y. ( rk t :• l L it \Illites tl:e j •U"l (: clit.l.!:l vr tLL-~e LII"V The l:m·~ '1·\'rr V<' l'.Y h ~ pry nn Frirl :' y hl'<t 1Yhen R ev . lll :JSLer hnnrb. Fr. l\!n r~i!r ('J: t ' red th e rrlccl<..ry, nft.1T lli s extended v i ~ i t t'J ',\·i~c-n' · ~in. AftN din~:cr we he:ml lo ud 8u cl LOCALS. clltl ll l~i= • f'l i c che('ri-\ f( >r C'o11 ..l. ~ii c esL vit:1. ( 'onfpic·uoc~ :ncong the JTr·ent rlon n1i on~ to lhc 1\'r hnrl :1 night nf it. 1!\Y: C~d~(l~·r Lil•r:•ry. ~~r0 't'h r H!li '-' !n r_v pf thP 1'"\nrld'' in



ei . ·~·:Lt !1 i l:l:i.--:~ . :Iii !

t,·; u

~Yi' r'~ ~· i n Fr ~J : c h


tL· Ye



!wen pri: rted f< >r upward~ of two cent uri es. These wo rks W(:r e g i ·fen by Eev. A. Be rge ron of l\1 nn teno, lll.

":·,[i lli•:us fo r de:em:e hut not on e pbce fo r t;-ibute," s:t id W. M or e:~ u ,,· ith ::n »ir of triump h :.:~ lw (lrovc l"' p i:l ly aw:ty , whi le n volly of otonell aml a fe v l!room~Lick~ h ·tttercd th e buggy. Th c ro i,; n tr:un e to b e phyed on th e di a moncl, bctw,;(:l\ th e membe rs ot' tl1e Geo metry chss an d th ose of Uw fin;t A rith metic. Whil e t bc f(Jn nc r think th e ir kuuw-

ledgc of n n g l e~ will nssu r e them vi ctory, tli e Jntter with eon li<len ce th at t hey wi ll eli v i(]e them in to

:l !ii'C r't

i'r :1eL iun~,

r eclu ec t h e m to the ir l owc~ t t e r ms, and m :tk e th em (ed ns i f they weig hed o nly t wcl v e ounee:; to t'h e }JUIII1d.

~i<;~ ne one S=')'S t hat we are to h :1. ve a rnmli ng l'>W e suou , between o ur r acer and Zc ph. To the !:1tter w e

wu ultl s:·y , th ~ t it requires less ~, eti o n to piny ehcekcrs Umn tu SC.t'< . tel~ !J1'ctVelin Lon is' face. ?.[r. llratl b ury, uhicf engineer at the A Ry l um c:dl ed Jn~t week t o con:;i,1er th e expeLlicacy of nsiag steam M n. mo t i vc pow or fo r om·. Pres~ . md£F 'J W:UT~nt t o tot1JJy e r a dicnt c ever y C{ll'll and Jli..Jt Jc:iv c one ge rm to cause s u b sequent pni n o r H.. KA o Lnm, C hiropodis t. incon;•cnicnce. L t TEHA!l Y


0 . T'. Pntn·1m 's So n w ill soon issn e a hei\ ut.i fnl ly i l hl~tr: ,ted ecli t :on of Mbs l\lc M: •hun's tr:.: J;slutiun uf " Gvlde .l Lnnc1:. " R u v . .r. G·n tn e r , forme rl y E .Jit o r of "M il wau k ee Colnmbin," is J1(J W prcpnr ir:g "A Ciltholi c r cvly to l ngersul's A s~ ertion~.' ' T he Catholic P·t~bliwtion Sod<'ty Cb. ltflvC iF~ne<l in b ook fo rm "A vVomnn of Cu ltu re" wh ic h o r i;?,·iwl]ly nvpenerl in th e Catho lic TV01·lcl. F a th er L:1 mb ert's l iitle book, "Notes on hgerso l," is n1ccting wi t h cl c~erv e cl popnl:tr ity . Th e He\'ercnd gt'ntlemn.n i s a skilled <1 ialectician am\ pricks t l1e bubld e "DoL' ' " ·itll a very s ha rp p en . IY. D ' Ar-hoi s de JLtv nnv illc, pro fessor nt t he '·Coll ege d e F t·nnce" who h~.s j nst pu bl is hc(\ :w ' ' In trocluction t o th e st: 1cly o f CcJt: e· Liter:1 tnre," hns \ in til e press :~ ll c:qv..:rim o n t:d c:c Lu log u e of th e e pi c lite rature of lrchn cl. F:1ther Colerid ge\; "Sermons on tho L ast D<l}' nil(] ,lu (l g n~('nt" will b e j) ub l i ~ h e d in t h is country in nbo ut two months by Bcnziser Brothers . A eo mplete c< dl e('ti:m nf the poems o f th e lnte Denis Florence l\1-ccC:trthy !ns j us t no-.v been eclitctl by hi ~<:n :1nd i ~' ncd hv ll:e ol<1es t Iri t h pn bli <her , Gill c f'

IlEn FouNDI!:R aND

I NBT f'l' U'I'ION>.

Extract from "Les Cun Rrli ens <lc l'Oue;t'' by fl•>I.J . .J. Ta ,;so l\1. P. - Tnw81atcd hy J . A. Funning-, D. D .. Th e tmve le r going so nth on the t;hi ca.:;n l.H·~nc h of th e Illi noi s Ccnlrnl Ti tJi lroad will scarcc l.v !nil to observe before r en dt ing tl1e city of J{ankakce, the t>Lll spire of the clmn:l1,,f Bonrl>Onn•is G rovr·. the gl ittering roof of the Universi ty, the eleg~ nt Co m•cnt bnildings and the s p~cious parsonage, fl8 the no vel ist. won lrl have , all nestled h ack amnng the trees. Tl1e villngr: of Bomhonnai~ . to which th ey serve a s nbstanti>l i hacl<grounrl, is olrler than Chi c~go and althoug h less sfar lling in its h·i story, r,oupp lics early remini scences which wi ll be fonn rl of infC'r<'Rt to many nfyonr rea<i.ers. To m :1i< e a record nf a few of t hose facts, an<l th <'rehy nicl in preser vi ng f rom forgetful nt'RS t.he l1:story r>f A point. impod .ant in the anna !s of our S tate, ns w<:l l 3R to cr>rrert I he mi ~ tn kt s ccrh1i n w l'il<"rs who haw>nt rlifli:>r<'n t timc>s tn nd iCd this pn r t of Illinois, is the s ubject o f th :s (·omnnn!j c r~ tion .


Peforc tonching t·hc rli r cct. history of 11onr1Jonn nis, it, may h0 wel l :;]ir;htlv to rcw:rt lo c:ertftin ci rcumstan ces which prccPrkrl its in., titnti nn and whic.h have l1 nd a <1ircct influence on its Rn l>sN] tWnt fortu nes Men iu U'r,>:;Teg-ate arc ofte n ><lnw t n nd:nnw !N1ge the <lehts of gTa tit mk wl 1ir-h we O'YO to jll(] jy i_ rlu als. w !w . fn rgr·t ~'nl of th ei r o"·n C Oln:'nr t·~ , h:H·n breved the rlrn ."(C'l'R of the wi l<ls, >< n•l tl 1endJy oprncd tlJ> <·nnlln l'nicnth•n with t ~ rr itory hitherto unknown, or knuw n 1-· P fon~ on ly to l·o drc:t rlcrl .

A rnnnf.' tlw rinn('(·rR ,..,·l! o hn'\e lrampNl nn h itl•c rt 0 n nh·orl,l" n Rr>•l i n .~ tl;.~n·iC"r. . :mrl t l.rnngh ll 1 ~ir inilr'fntign h! C' ••norg i<'R g·1 i n0rl for tl1 C' m r.8sr s useful knowiPC!ge of a va81 nnrl prol ifir: t<'rritnt\' lw!'orl' np1 :n nwn to civilization . preccrkn r-e mnst he pi vr·n thP FrPnCll 1\R n p<•0p le, nnrl tllt:ir r- n:crprising ( 'n n,;rli:.n r1,..sP<'nrlnnfnvho hr.x·r nt nii ti nw s I:~ Lnrcrl tn riYnl r-vr n the useful r xplorc.t inr, s of !lwir fRthcrs. Of thoR<· e;~rly p i ronPrrs in tl :o \\'('st. t hr·rP H'' Lnt frw whose hi~t11ry liS i n<li,·idna]~, is m ore vn rierl (II' fnll of thri lling inci<:(!lts, tl an ih ~ rra l fppnrkr r>f 'R ou rh ronr.n's , 1\ Prl r ( ' \'i oSS<'l l l'. F<'l'n Ht tl e litt le ,,i llnge Lf Ht M:irl•r l n'Ynmnsl-: a r>n t he 2:~t h rl;ty of IlrcemLcr, 1'1!'0. I.e 1\'DS bnpti7C'tl, nnd frnm the c'rcnmstancc of his hirfli on ('hr'Rtmns J lr1Y. wfi~ r:•llc<1 J\"r>pl (Chif.ln ~s) At tl r cnrly nge of seventee n, fill crl with a spirit of ad 1·ent ur~. nn d in fac t Ct•ntmr~r to th e wish <s of his parents, fiR br him f rl f tr l !s us he fo i!O\Yc<l lhe exa ll!ple of n~u ny c lhers v.l ·nsc <·ourR• WHS \'{rstwn rrl. t0

H e icft 1\rnntrc:ll nn tl 1c 1fith of ilr>lc', l 17. in n h nr::e r<' n tnining a for(·e of 81l nwn Pllb~J!."'l iii tl 1e scnkl· <.!' M . Oe Hoc hul a vP an CS!ellSive fur trnder of thnso d:J\'6: Jn <]U(' time tile p a rty an<v<·:l nt Ma t:kin ac. th en r. n imr0rhmt trnrli np: point, :1n'1 frnn1 the nce: f CY:JS~<'nr with fonr l)ihcr (';-l P l~ cll{ n~ t1c f c! ndcu tho \r i~rn n ~i n J'',·e r ns !'ar ns rr nd <' u J f f', wh r<• t l•cy wintrrctl j n :1 ru(~f' Rl ~:: I dy, '"hid1 1o Hd P (l :'l y f=U[ pHcR ~1 s1Jl'.~crt fn:· mnny of t! •l' ri r n<•er's joke~ . Tn. tl c f(1il<·win!:!' ~J ' rin , I P rr•t\Jl'l\':'\1 lo :J\f :.·H·1-:in:w ,,·IJ ert\ for som e 1n ont h:-:., l •r W ' S t · ng·n~ ~ · d 1

Du i; !in . The p(,ctry o f tl1is C'L'lc·L r: .tecl writer is the l lidt'.'"'t ;:1 111 :--\\- lTtl·~l

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BOUHBONNAIS GROVE. lLL. FIUOA Y· APRIL 27.:1883. _-..-..._,__.,.___

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8,>~u~~J.~~n:a,. _.· · KA~KAKEECo., Ill, '' STAT l -0 NE R Y N. BAl\SALOUX.

.· - · . llQ,lrbonuals· Grove, ·


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' . _ : B~:Jbl.:s~ :News~ · :ru:usic~


Fonuded A.· D. 1865, ra.[scrl to the BAsE-BALi.s and B,\Ts, Fr~ar;-.;a TAcKi.E. rank of University A. D. 1S74; ,_. ' · · ' ](A_:\ KAJU;~~. · 1LL. · .· Tw<J courses of study, ·' - ToY><, cno\fuwr. · BAUY cAnnrAa~<;~.


J.1'itU1 .c\. VCJ'i u e

The Giassical ,and thB cununercial~

O!JP\'.:oitc· •'TlME:-:i lJU lLDIN G"

Excellent fucilities . for lenm.'ing · l\1 USIC, TELEGRAPH):" alld l?1~l'NTINQ. · . .

BOOJ{-KEEPING: nccor(ling 'to the , ~ Practic;il Bu~i ni-ss System" a ·Rpec.ial t,r. tF..R\lS l!'OR BOARD AND TUITION '



$'' 200. PER



We linvc .]ukly lo~ught. an in.•lll• nse luL of



· CO~IMl~tilON l\1T~RCUA NT. ,: 4:3 C<'>u:r1; Streetl' · . I; IRANl\.AREE,lLL:.

<Jh~.ui1be1· §cf:s the ,j llvle


.Fvr rt~rthe;· informati on address, :·' . ·:- - - - - - - - -- · - -- -






s. v. Directoi: - ··

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JTEI>I) ,:n u ·..=:•·. '·S. . _\; t fU 0


The C(lllege Crlll be re~chc~i the UAm~ wX tU<;, S'L;(rvli~,'. &o~' Illinois Centml, the Cincinnati, St. .. s·i:.E i·;L, TiN\V'A1~~' NA ILS,·&~..• Louis & Chicago, or the."!hdbna, 1 ili-· Job. work <lone in an y p art of the Ununty . ·no is & Iowa, Rnili:o:t<ls. . ' · c.~rner Court St. & Schuyler Ave. KAN ~CAKEE, ILL.


s~vclc o f u

:ru.u:u'ut'itei u~;~ ·~·: '

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40 cL8. onr t.hc DoH'i'1i·. · • , :· . ~

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lu :tlle ei:y ·r'ui . ·..

··$-£2.5H, .-


wltich llCVCI' WaS

~o h) IJeJuw

:n;Go.ou . H you wish tv m:tke a present to n . -...~ ••T ... :r . ..inden~ (rieud, cvme mid oCe U S, WC will gi V C ·', · DEALEH IN yvu Lhc Les't oppvrtunity you mtty ., Yatche:o;, Clocks, ,Jewelry, , ~lll >JD f'.Jr. v t.; l>. end l' J.,\Tgn IVA Jn:, ever be o(t'orcd; we Ita ve n few M,l ' f< IC/1. L l NSTR U MENTR,SPI•:CTA C LJ•:s , &e. hundred s leit, and they go rnpi<Hy . NO. 46 COURT . STREET, lf you nre iu tbe city, co111C and I(Ml kn.kee, I J,J~. Rqon iring ofWt! lcheR, ( ·Jnni,{>' ,"n<l ,Jewelry 8t<e our hrge stuck of nve no hund n.

·Suppl y


Noatly Executed • .

Jl."arlor ~>?e1 .s~ 1\.!u.gniHcent. ~1irror!S 2Ux 7~_., 1~·.cnch G las<";;

VVTJ..A~'liNGT~·')N ~




)1.\Nt: t·: AC'ft:RERS &' DEALEHS


OfJ:cc 'm;d Y: •rd" fl t n•.urbonnnis CroRsing. 'Cp ·1'own iHficc opposito th•: Po,t-office. · Orclcrs icy TPJq,hnnc promptly ,.t.tented to. Su ti ~faction




Lnth , S lll ntdt fl., Pnst:-t,






Opp. Irl. Central H.. R. D e pot.

gua'nmtced .


in great

13 (:) ( _)

var 'e tiP~ ;


~ 1.!: 8 , ]_) c"' 1.:: l'i, ·


0 1Ti c e

UIIA IRH , C ,\ltP E'rR,


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No.1~ CO()({'l' l::i'l'HEET,


~UHGEOJ". KANKAKEE , lLJ. Jl"" kr in r. •rr·i::n ~nd D omr;:t i<· ;.\ 11 C'n ll ~ 1 y T \ lr· ph<otic J•r• ·ll ']'ll y allclldcd :o. ·· · FA NG\' foc os, liii~IQ~s . Gf\Y r:o~ o s .





Ol':t\( ~ 1-: S,

Sofas &









40 .J. .J.

s c H u B E ItT.

-~~ R_0 P Jl I ET 0

sc~oL eooK~:

R ,-0 F THE

GCtillail,FrenchAndArn8llcanPharmacy. 1

C11r . l!:ast A1·c. & .\lervilant " t.




~ ;-c:~l~11l ~"> ~Jtl~mm~., li!IAL !([( IN

8 T A T .I(_) N E R


I ;J. Boolu;, News, M u sic, f{ rrps eo nr<ta ntly on hnncla fu ll 'l!tHl of 'Vnll-P apcr ' Vi n dow ShlldCK. KAI'IUKF:F.,




& ~nbd,

Kankal<ee, Ill. Druggists and Dealers t..'i ALL KINl>S


.t' ANCY




I'\ r\ l\.[' ll i.· t~A ·i\rr'' lj',, I ' l ;, Choicest Brands of Cigars, etc.. Also a li11 <: lin e of Toile t A n iclcs of aU ki11 rl <. F'ine C i g•t r ~ :tml Tobucco. TOYS, PICTURES. BAB 'I CARRIA9£a J3H~ All ~hou ld g ive them a call .~ ---

(;all liJHl


see me,. - - -


BOVHBONNA lS GROVE, ILL. 0 011 •ra l S l·ore. Oc:ilcr in G rocer ies,

Hnrdwar(l, Cut lery, Glus~wnre . A l!'o kee p!' con ~ ta11tly on hand a large . stock Of K I·:AlJY-•IADE C LOTHING ,




~:OmmHthd ~~cfd Ot)l>OBit.e I. c. Depot. F irlST



Free 'Buss to and from DriDots. c. G. UBE LLAR ,

~.~hdth EAST COURT STnEET KA N KAf<Ef~ . Dealer in cho iceB t Grocerie~. choicest brands of l"lo11r. Kcc· p~ o n ha nd conBtJtntly a Jarg.e a~so rt.m c nt of F eed ~nd Produce. Please call and ~ee me before go ing

any l'lacc elt;e.


And Wholesale Liquors.

~· ~· ~ntw]f~r.d


WM. tlEL!NQ.







No. 36 C otll't l:ltreet.

Kankakee. Ill.

Sl·ovt>P . Iron, Na il ~ nnd ' Y11g on wood StOCK, 'fl)I\YAitE A)![) o' l~ Of' ALL KI N D S.

No. 3 Cott rt Street, Kanh: ahee~

I ll.

Those in neerl of choice Confectionarie· , Can ned goocls, all ki nds of Fr ui t~, Fi~h and Oysters will tlo well anJ save m oney b · calli nll on

!Foundry, & Printers' Supplies . .Sp ec•men Book a.nd E stima-tes upon " Pllc".,..,,, . , Wnte for Second-hand lis~ot · 't"esses and M.a.chi ~e s .. 4 &. 56 Franklin St., Chicago~ Ills.

~. ~· ~.ormnan

East Avennc.


JOHN G. KNECHT, ~~e!rth~nd .



READY-MADE Clothing Cap~. -rten f·'s nncl e nv ear. 'l 'run'cs. Vali se, Fnrni shing Goods. Wil son Bro.' Fine Sh irt~.

Outfi1s R~nrl



Co_LLEG~: l'ArF.ns.

for rst inuttes.



Under l' ml lfH : h '~ narrws. Store KANKAKEE, ILL 'Vatultc ~ aucl J e welry carc J uJJ .\ .c paired F I r s t c I"' ~ .- v o r k g u a r a ., teed by best workmen a nd Warrante d. Stud e n ~s"'J~peciR II y inYitcd. l'AST AVENUE, 1 DOOR SOUTH OF KNECHT'S BLOCK1 Kankakee , Illinois.

Jlnts au(l

The ".JOURNAL" 11. h i- ~-veek l!' p:~­ per devoted to SCIENCE, LITEUADealer in NOS. 2 AND 4 COURT RTREET. TUHE nnd ART, pnhli~h ed by t he l{ctnkakee, 111. READY·MADE CLOTHINC, Students of St. V JA TEUR'S COLHa~s, Caps and Cents' Furnishing LEGE, BOURBOl\NAl.S GROVE, Coode. Stock n e w and complete, ILL. L. P rices as low as the lowest . The ".JO URNAL" is 11 first clrt~!8 D EA LERS IN Call and examine my Good s. medium for "ADVERT !i:il1\G." A ~~®Qt~ ~~@f~ No.8 CounT S-r ., KANKAKEE, Ju., spec in] attention pftid to the printing o ( A II n·gc Stock o l"\Yomen's, M isses' Children's l\1en's, Boys' and Youths'. P. L. MO~AST, l\1. D. Barg ains in Cr ockor.v and G ln ssw:tre. Ph~· sic ia.H and Snrg-cou. 25 Cou r t Street. N ext to F irst Bonrbounais G ro ve, Ttl. ;:jf/ T erm s t he most rcn~ o nnlJ!o. ~ID National Bank. r::-;r All C3 1J S promptly attended . .£l RANK A.KEE , ILLINOIS, Th e ".JOURNAL" ~ h n ll be mniled to Hny nddrcss At t·he ra te of E . D. BERCERON, M . D. I -I . FellO"\-VR. As~;~t;, n t sur !!<:nn . 1\lercy 1-:1 ospi '81 ~ .A 1\T.!'ZPM





Rcsitlcnt phy siciu n,·xi.m Hospita' f CE-CR .EAlU :wcl SODA. \'fJi!'d!!'" 'RJ 3rd. D oor nortll of P. 0. KA:<"KA K ~o:E, IJ.J .j Ite~;tdcu c c , Bul!rbunll:li< t• t·o,·c Ill. Candles, Ci ga rs,

Nuts and Fruit.







TllE :STL' lh. ~TS, .t.:,!,'tor•-l'ruprie!.c·u .

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