St. Viateur's College Journal, 1883-04-13

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Jn one of our rnroblcs drrri11g the late holidays we found ontse.lvcs, one evening at twilight, at the intersection of two of Chicago's chief thoroughfares. :::itill nm:1.zed at the remembrance of the crowds of hununity sweeping by, we shall here endeavor to pencil n few of the pictures of ihis living panorama and the thoughts that they suggested. Here comes along at n. <ii.~t:mce n. yonng m:>n crowned wilh a Jeri'Cy hat, wearing p:lnts cut in the htcst style, so that they r csembl stntred clnbs, decked Oltt .with a coat so shortr that it Wf\S n.pp:lrcntly fo r a younger brother, instnlletl in a pnir of shoes !.hat reminded us of an n.cute nnglc, nml br:\ndishing a walking-stick with n.Jl the delic1.1cy and tenderness of a six-button ldd-glove. Ilc smiles :m O路car smile, as his r:1inbow-colored hn.nrlkerchief is swung out upon the evening breeze. WlNt r thought we, is this a rcprcsentati ve of the men wlxl ar-c to guide lhc destinies of this grc:~.t nation l Is this a ~pccimen of the men who nrc to build up Jthis great rcpu blic? Is this a spe<'imen of the men who nre to preserve our gover nment free from the corrupting i ll flucnccs of Stnr-Route Frauds and Whisky Rings? l ,; this nn imit:1tor of the good :md grc:1.t men th'lt made Culumbh whnt it is? Is this a lineal de.scendant of "\V nshington, the Father of his country-first in war first in peace, and fust in the henrts of his countrymen l In ctisgust we recoiled from the thought nn<i turn-ed awRy hurling nnnthemM agninst the vioes and vnnities of the age, nod beg:m to feast our eyes upon the mis~l颅 hneous throng. On~ more we were confronted with the presence of a large, burly. individual whose corpulent furm would indicnte that he must be one of the dty futhers., so frequently and so touchingly nlluded to by the Chiea go Tribune.. Tie grn~ps ~n ol<i a.cqunintance by the h:>nd :<nd by degrees tbe solemn words came f.;i t bfully to our C.'\TS. "So you are going to vote for t:1:1 t "Bill," snid the f."l.t man. "0 yes," snid the grn.yb:lircd pntriar 路h, who wnrmed up to his . discourse. "Why shouldn't I? They are all thieves now. There is sc:\reely Rn honest man in the city . Honesty is a thing of the p'>st. Money is ever ' thing to-day. Gould anct V:llldcrbiJt have more of :.. controlllng voice in the

councils of the nation to-day than Arthur himselt Money is in1luence, witbo11t it, you are n corpse and you may bet thRt I am not prepared -to be considered a "Stiff" just yet. "Very true, very true" aaid tbe fa\ man and both departed to share in the spoils that wrenched from the poor man's Iabore, and left us behind meditating upon the great race thn.\ men are running in our day , thut the goal they aim at is the Golden ca~f of the Hebrews, the filthy lucre that springs from the dust and the slime of the earth. Ancl anon a))proncbes the Organ-grinder; he toots hi's reed, his roundehy is perpetually kept up notwithstanding the j ostling of the numerous passers-hy. An ornn路 meutnlly-d eckf:!d Monkey is perched on the box, he holds out his master's h:1t to take in the otferred gi~, while he jerk~;, jumpe and squirms with tho utmos\. cutenB&~. Yet strange to s~y we failed to ~& hlut<the faintest note of too human voice, after all the so-cnllcd wonderful disoveries of science, and despite hi& denoted advocates, Spencer, Darwin, Tyndall and Huxley. But yet the organ grinds; yet the eheckles nre gnthered, yet this mean custom is tolerated, able-bodied men nrc permitted to ply such nn idle trade; and o.s ws watched the Italian traTDp, stru tting along nnd taking up a penny or two from some tender-hearted Indy we could not help cnlmly remarking-"Yes, our fat man certainly uttered a practicRl truth, nnd Shakespeare very aptly said whnt fools we mortals be." Once more ou r gaze is riv etf:!d upon the rag-covered, cold-footed newsboy with o. bundle of papers under his arm. Clnmouron~ly the cry of "Evening news" is sung out as be skiP". along, little dreaming thnt he is a mere waif cast about the world's glittering societ.y, that cares little for his needs. little fo:r his wants, that answers his questions "A paper this evening?" with an ironical snarl devoid of human swmpatby. And the poor mother, the orph~n babe sitting on her hp ! What sutferring in the m!d 8 t of such wealth, in the midst of such pomp nnd dis ply of f-'1.Shion. And yet we tnlk of philanthropists, of chri11e. hns, of hearts full of tenderness and compassion, bu111t.. ing for the woes of suffering humanity! It is a sa-tire upon the name of charity to utter such remarks. Charity is cert.'\UUy


abstraction in this century.

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'! ll<' c· •t·l.r divided their good 8 one "eon ·upt · and their closocnch1!1ts r etain th" t o:..11raotr·r :•w •LIH•t·; l,ut nludt•m ehri ~ U : Ills <l o not g iv e even a mile "to thiH cl:ty. llut t he E n gli~ h were nn iilclustri o us o ut ui' ! l;e ir " "' 'Jdi·i~:··:f't t llds which th ey ~q u andor :<.nd · ' ·people who loved li berty, and ca m ed stwccss by c nhvi ~ hupunU:eg · yetic s :mdllipp 'n G;c,; of ti]c-·hour. "('rgetktoil iuthcfidcl ~1 nd onthe sca .... Aftc rtbc .l..t ·d .l (>J:d cr CU)i.C~-~q.J ~: ll u l:le ~1: 11 or tu il. II is dre>-s, k is " 0QIIC{ li CSts (o f Mexico) tile ('rJIClty ()(' t he Spnnhtd s clt c n l .ullovk ~, hi~ g :1i t , ::1! iHdic:ILc hi~ h:>,rd cl;ty'~ l::1bor , ,: it'vvc the Inrli:l.nH' kt<;k i,n,t o·.IJ trlnri s m, " . h i ~ 1\tliilling tlt e <li G~urii of (iod to fitllcu JH;t.ll; '·T ho u 11' !hC'~C ··-W(lr<' t he :•f'H' I t.i< ·J · ~ uf only L JH' wlill.'f, sh :.Jt e/IJ'll lily~ 1~1·e:td . l.y the· swcn.t of thy b[·ow." <>r ol' one who w :1s not li l;t> ly l o· he re:1d m uc h, we HullJC\V:I l'.d llO._;·~~·y·'[lli;~ls liis W:ty, with the mirni n'g s of- m ig-l: t j)· l ~~ them ovoi· in sileneu; hut wlt<;n. we S(' ( ) t h\!lll l1 is lnnd:; to .c !]<Jc~: tlH,:. lirl:isld c circle ih:<.t g l:Lrll:y ::i.w:Li t ope nly m n<lc or ,.,, implied in 1,1)() wo rk• of' ll,l "".Y h. ~ rd ur u. T(~;~'·rto n;i·d' h:l·~ · ltc toiled fo r . $ 1.00 o r. l:GO, <d' t ho$c n1ftlt o rs w ho ltnvc ]'iTLenrlr•l to p 11 1'. trnth f'r ;J .. . t lr crcl•y Clll'i<:L'ipg ..iii:;.'·einph>yer, ·SUcl1 as Va;1'd c rbilt, · o n t lines of hi~tory into l lt r, h ui1d ~ <•f o u r ~·o nng jW<•Jd••, ll'ho" i()w tl: ' .)'H ~itlee' 's1Je.nt :l\:200,000 on -:..fwwyj~iiitily I thinlc it. ·ig bntjn~t tii'J. t. we ~ 110nld z·:~l l nttell'\,iot > tu uu ll. ]:,: t.lti ~ jtt t. li ~;e·;'-' ~:; ''il'liS C' QlL!l lity', . thongilt \~e? In ' t' :o~o :mist:~krs, m : ~< l o . thro n gh i ;~ \ 1(;)':111('.('; OJ' cli~ 1.o ns i;h is l:tnclol' bo:J ~tv ci ·ficedom doc.s Hu t t hi s seem like' 'o r trnth ; Ji1 :~rlc tlir(jn!.!:h p rrjt Hli ec. We sh :dl a<l11dt tll ., t pl ·•;; · Lbc set>' b of fu(tlre revo lu t ions, of hy in g the' ., he p 0rtion of t lw ?\ pw " ' ur ld lir~t r·o )(mizl'd · hy the fu und :J tiol! s u f "Soi:ic;li~;m," so p regn:iu t with e vil in Briti r;\J is more p t·nspno n ~ 1h•· n tha t ~r tL!Nl l>y 1.1:1) o u r t iJ; w~? D oc~ nd t tlii~ le:1 (1 to . Lhose continual SjJrmi:irrlc. ' vVc ·will l :f•l, ],m~·e vl' r , ~ du r it. ti J!lt LLiK is n; ,tl j It;;< tll:lt e x i ~ t 1)·.:\tween f.-abm· on· the one lwncl !l.ncl .O'vin g to Lire c~. n:< cs whi\:h t he :1~~i g11~. O lpitu'z on th e n t lie r . .Ancl thi iS,they advan c~, e:~ch one .· . . The ' fiptlllhn1s werr :110t " (1 1'11 0] nnrl rwnr ie iOI Jtl,' .. . · clri ft. ing t.o wonf'i lii s own dcs thw.tion. Aml ·" ·hith er nll? . Their \vnrs ofct:llf]ll<' S,L wer e not more crni' l tl t:m ''':1rs Down tvW:l l'll S the rocks and sho3 ls that li e rit the verge ,; iw:~ }r s ' ~ll'e '; not, one Lentil :<o fltrucioliS :lf, t.hc : hM?J .w;: ;~~ o t' t l1c gi·:we, mtd· soon th t>y slnll he~r the roa r of tbc · of'..Cr omwell ilt lrGl: 111<il, n,or one tenth s o' ·i nllnr)Wll. n.g l:l s.t \VH.Y~?H;.:~t_;;:ll\lr n ~ s h t hem in to cte nJ.i ty . . Of t1l0se .th e ?~t.erminn ti·n g W:11'H ,)-·lgc<l ~g:• i1 1St t.hc 1 nil i:ln ~. by and n)nny . o Pr · ~[i'c: h ,.: t hc world to -day is com posed. t he lib ci-ty- lovill'~ Ew; l i~h co l o n i~ t~ in ::'J orLh: ·A m.<: rit~'l.. . The ~: n;t.l~ .'ts ~ ~andy :i,rcna who~c g-_l:tcli ntors eng:',ge .ili T]JQ.~e· ,n]:>, ' n1(>rco v cr, . clir) 110t c<l11tin'u c Jong. And, d earlly ·C.GJi1bat ·il ml the 'YB;ikc~t t::ll. 1t is a r:).ce ·com;se :.H!fo.n gh ·the conqn c•ror~ , cln t ed with vi ctor .v nnd f::r fill ed by. 'so · iwm)r· JllC t·i who ru ~ h h cnrUong townrds ~.w:jy from 'the~ ove r-seein g oi1ti'tority of the .mQth cr . wea \tlt, iuii ne ncC', power , popt1 lrrr i t.y :<. nd f:1ni e. T\)eTich .· ~otmfr}' , ~~nmcrl, fo r "- · ~h orf t im e, n l mo~t nl)ao lnt.e car c .'not fo r the po ur, n o rtl.J c strong for· tl1c ., vcak, ea ch 1 •.P~we r , nud tre;.ter1 th () n~tive,s wit:h c1'n e lty rrpt1 extor • . r:I sJlipg forw nrcl lJe e ll l c ~sly ove r the ul·eccli·J~g corpP:c. _ti cin, the h i'11ne gover.: 1ment. soon cn llcrl them Jo...:I.Corfif~·-·;: ictim chn si·ng nn , l' mpt); Phnnt'oi'n, · tuill-o-the <;ount, h~,d tlw ir c·onrlt~ct d , ' an cL fin n.! ly re- . wi4Z1:·z(~e; ;. · im cl whirls on tollw·ds thnfc1nrk and rl ismal pt:1ce<"T' t lrcm h y wiser. govern ors~· S prrni sh . hnthor Lty refiio!{ gt;:'tve, '"hich, like th.c .fnl.Jle'cl ee·r herns m!l ~ t . b eiug' on ce firmly . ()st:].blis hed, mensti~cs were taken to soon .op,en tip' its Jaws t.o. ·I:ecciv e him; nev e!' lvqkin g . _.recori;pcnsC'·t be m th es. f9:1' the imhglnary · loss ofthcir up ... l-li i-ri,~·· ·wl~o re ign&:· v e tfle strifes a nd . CQJl-,· ,h \\;S; .ctisto ms a nrl _r eli gio ns ' pr~cti ces: Th'c n at ives, who tc~t[b.i1s . of li fe's b :ttt le$ .·, at~rl !td ll}i nj ste rs j t1st ice .to Jpifbe'en cmlwecl by the ..solrliers of the c011qn e.s t, were eveL:y_oil'e aecol·cling to h is ,v,9rk,s, alicl ;,,ho 'h~s d eqlar ecl, .• . 4mithci'rhted. Then {Lll. the .Indi :1.nS in the colonies W~).'~ ''seekfirs t th e Xingdom .of, God, . ~mel nll 'tlihigs else . gi'ven t h e title of f' pn11is h ~ nbj ects with a.l} t l;u: riglits sb:~ll . be ::tclclccl t'into you.'~ . ..:. , · · · c aric~' i)i'i'v i1 edges oft!1e Spai1h~ds themselv es: ~tth,ollgh · :these mc:1smcs were .at first odious to the :·co\oni s.ts', . , , __ ·r,,i£ SPANI Aitp 13. IN AM\.:rr1CA. ·· 'the g d'vet·nme:Jt p e.r·s,ist\)d, nn d t~ ri ay; Cnl;;1 is t h·e I' r·em~i·ked the other day .in a n ed~1cational work, : o~J y iJ!~ ce: o.f :1li t)l,, t t erri to ry colo ni zed l.:>y . t]1c Spit- · <;if wFcle circt\l::ttion these pass!l.'g es :'.:.::_:,,It is fortuna~~ ! ~·i:i:;·ds, in which Pl ;ty ~ry Is tolera te d: Ev~m · .t he r e it is .,:rf()r Olll" COli11try th;lt tl~e, Spaniard s (who , .di s; 'q\iite ccrt<til\ th.~t ,. ; ]werywill ceise t o ex ist b e fore t he ;,co v ered the .N CW w cn;lq) . firs t : land ed·· .a t . th~ atl~ent:'cif anoth 6l: ~encl"lti on. . •. . . .. "Sot'tth.:.:.:..le!tving·'· the Atlanti() C?aSt of North Ame,- : .. The riext' ~tep li>llowing eriw.'n cipntiDD . of the "ric!l. . to be settled.c e,hie:tty:·', .by the E n g lish . . The Inrlia11·~, W:1S the SCJlcliryg over' ~f, a g reat flll~l b~r of "Si nnbrds .were ,cn:te.l , ;fll rl avm:i ciotlS: they ' did op t ·missi {ht:t r~es:, •ml(l wh~J;. th~Y, ~l id for 'th~ poor n a t!ve hns ''come to Ameri ca to t ill the soil, and{oll o-.y h onest . a1iciter1 the n.rhf1iratio n o f nil impartia l historians. The "labor, but w1th extravagant hopes of becoming rich "tribnt e · ot prn.ise whkh Prescot t, in . his. ' ·Conquest. o f ''from m in es of go ld and silver. The people of th e P eru ," p!tj' S to t h em is a shffi c'ien t refutat,ion. of t h e "Sp!tni sh colon ies, therefor e, became ic1le, ignonmt nnd f:Llsc sta t em ents of some prejudiced writers, ~mel wi ll




BOUHl50:f.N.-\!::) GlWVS. ILL. Flt!l!:\ Y .-\P lU L l:-)

l <'o-i.~.

rC!III'tia al:lst iilg monument to the < li sintcre~teJ ze·1 l n1o d d'm:<J~Lic eon:1ncrc:e h ·s Lce:1 c;;t. :ddi~b c c1. ih" t uf t he S1n n i ~ ll guv crnm ent. Through t he eff'urts or th e llllinl ;e ;·lo :<~ e i tic~. il •ve hu cll l>n il L, Llnt gT: tlid c:~ t hl! <lr " l!; missionaries, h~o s::y s, "school:; wc rc ereetcll , m~gni[i eu nt ~Yhi c h :1r c t.l: e :o <lnlir :~ ti<<ll o f' t,hc :.g c, invc been crcutu< l. c hurches arose, ~nd where these co uld not ue est~l.J lish ­ :> :al t l\:lL hos t•it:ds, p11l,lic l il!!·:~. ri cs, nr t g · llcries :~nrl erl, we ~eo the ze:1lous priest gathering the sa v:tge~ orl u e:~tion : d iiiSLiti !Lions or :dl kind~ h:: vo UC'ell kll\llfled , about him in eommnnities, like L:•s Cu s~.s in Cum~na, we nre for ce r! to nc:\Jl<Jwlo:lge Lll:~t th e St:te o[' ~ oc ie l y Fo.L!Jer Chver in C:n·th nr, , v r tJ,e Jc~ ui t~ in C:n lifo r- iu Lho.'C e01111Lri c:s is very f"1r rclll< JVed !'roll! igDo r:.taco n i: L :mel Parn g n ~y . These ueneficent me:>surcs s lww t,ll a t n llll COl' I'll pti011. ( T1 be c0 11ti>IW!cl.) th e Sp:u•hrrls we re nut cr uel ltncl cwariciuu8. Our nut.hor sny~ tbn th e Sp: · ui: ~ nl s <lid nut eome LO Am eri ca t o till Lh c soil alHl !iJl!o w h o n c:~t hhvr, but, l' l ~W)QN A L'-'. wi th ext. rnv : • g;-~ut ho pes o f IJccuming riuh fi·u1a mined .T. .1. Po-.,•e r:O g- ro~,- ~ up;ilcut ::tnt! co rp ld C:i L i:1 l ~'•l llt d l, of g <>],1 n nd si lv er. A g ri 01; lt. ure , JU:III Uf;,eL nring :111cl i'll il' h. commerce, it is true, h:tvc not uec;~ e:1rriod uut exLculhn Conwn y "~!I is now loc:ttcd in th e T\ orm:·l :• t :sivcly in M ex ico SonthAmoric:: , wlwn we comp:orc Dixon , Ill. th ose countries wi t h the united S L'lles; lJut it (1 vc.,; nut i\fr . .l , n:cs T\irl1y ' 7'2 h :•~ d 1 ~rge of :1 f il~c Drug- St.orc fo llow tint thcc:lllsc must uc :cLtr iblt te< l tv the iadvlcnee i :1 M0m c nce, Tll. of Lho Spani:1rds [llld to t he ir ~ lll:ntt i n g hun est l:tbvr. I'>'f r. Ehrich '7 2 co mm:nds ~ n s i vc G rol'c ry t.r:r dc L et us eons id cr 1\'Icxko lirdt. Thou g h nati vo p rvd ue- in K nn k" kC' <'. Ill. ti u n~ grow wild in :tlmml :tnce, fvr elgu l rcC's ::nd pl->n Ls H.0.v . P . ~\'[ : ir lmlg l: ' '78 h·:s cl: :1r_;·c ol' Lhc co:tgre6 •Li<>:J c 'lttlOt be cultiv:1tcrl to any groat ex Lcni in tllnt tr opic:d in Vf:llerfor cl. T cx~s. regio n beca use in t he wet sc::son LLcre i ~ tou mn e ll R 0v ..Jno. IT<'rlllC'rl ing· '7:1 W:Jf' htc l,r :> ppui nLml l':tsLo r nin, nn rl in t,b c dry SC:l{'On there is u l>solntc drvu :5· 1! ~. o f' Dig· ~:lon0 ('it.y, D·d;ot n. V e ry lit tl e e l<)tl ling a nd she lte r id required by Lhl' J\'f r. K \Y i!~t·• <·h '7 ·1 is nnw n l'1'< 'i>l!r<Jtl S 1\' :dl- P" l'N people, ~ o t h:tt much m:<nn f:LCturi ng i ~ UIUI CC(~s~:try nnd n; pn·h :~ ilt. in SL ll;qtl, l\finr-1s . [i 1 rcign tr;.dc i ~ not a su fliuicut i necnti vc to ~ t ·> rt t bc H r. T:1 o~ . Shields '7 ·;' is ]11'01•:-ictor of n fi ne Dry1 n.nnut'H.: turin ~ pu•scrs of :tny n;:Lion. The re rtrc, m o rc- Go()(}:; hnt:"C' in '1Yilmington. Ill. p ver, Yc ry j(;w n:tvig11Jle rive:·s in ~[t'XlcO. U;wct h:n·Mr. R . Lc\'()nnP-1 \1 'X() h o, l'C'CC' nLI.Y cng, gcll in lbc l JU l'S ~lT C : ~ bo ycry s ~: li"c:C ~ fur in tt 10 I~ ·~.~t , the co·~~t is nrnc:: t.r:1<l(' ot (' h ippewll F :l ll S. \Vi~. low. swn mpy :;nrl pc:;~ il c nti n l aml gre\t ~ : 1:1d IJ ·.r:; Hcv. r.. U. A. 1\f~gn n n '~3 is th e ·c~c nt l' :1~tor o f e x te11d in to the sen; and ag:~ in from the :1\ltlllTln:d ~otr c D:1mc rlo Ln n r<-ll•.f: On t., f'n n n<l :1. to the v c rnnl oqn i1WX arc reudcrcd in:wccss:i ble lJy Mr. /\.;\. Ca n ~ Ynn ' ';'3 is gnining rpdte a rcputnti on violent tempests, c8uscd by Nortb- West winds an' l a~ n pr:1ctitioner in the eo nr t of Ch i c.~ go. cffcct noo lly preventing all nn vigation. Collsitleriog F . l> ~ris h '72 owns n. ve ry good f.1.rm ncfl r M:o m cncc , Lli c vV e~tc rn co:~st i.:; ~s L8ll 115 th e E:;s tem, these tllings Ill. Frank is rcp:nrrlccl ns !1. model agr ic ulturist. ::rc tr ue of SouLlt Ameriun. Th erc li>re, t aking into 011r ntl .Jcte f:.. T h0rin nlt of hst ycar i.s nnmherr d cous icl cr:1 tio n the~c obst·1cles Lu ngricu l t u rc, m·1 n nl[tctli - nmong the Ftll(lcn ts o f the M:etropo litnn College, l i1w com merce c·•n >vc ce ns ure t he people f'vr h:wi11g Chic1g-o. "'' ' e f aLtent ion to mini1:g :mel grnzi n g, dcvotctl thei r chi \Ve receiver! n. letter h ~t wcel\ fl:om onr plcf\sw t wh e n Lhoir s.1.v:ttu1::s nboullllcrl in he rd s o f wild ho rt·cs fri<'ml .T~s. Pynes 'P::2. who pnrf' ues his Thcologicn l nncl c:ottle, and thei r muutJ t:<i ns teemed with a ll the eonrsc nt Su ~ pcnsion Dritl gc. N. Y. precious a nd nseful orcs? Jt will he in tcrP~ting fo r nil tb osc who enjoyc<l the The Sprwi:;b coloni,; t:> 11id not " l;ccome idle, ig nor .utt comic st.ori es. solJ,g s nml d :1 nces ofO. K. i\I ooncy ln s L_rc11r, a'l<l co rr upt," nor :•rc "the ir d csce1Fhn ts ~o c!ln r.,c~:· r­ to Jc. rn th :1t he live ~, mov 0s n.n-il is in Mos:w illc, lll. izcr l." F or when we co:1siclcr that most of Ll:c peo ple Th o~c who know ;\ . Br:!cly '7'J, of B. B . fam e, wi ll be h " PP.Y to lenrn th nt he hcc:unc a B0ned ic t b s t week 11 re of In<l i:m clesecu t, Lhat tltc e!im~tc i\:r!,itb great excrt.ion, th:1i t he co untry is ri eh in n:1tar d proclu cL i\;t ls, :'Ml h~ s tnJ.:cn up his resid ence in R:mso m, Ill. l\Tay joy :lml t! 1:1t m:>nnf;Jctllr ing am1 eomu:c rcc :.rc nlnwsi; be yoqrs, Gns . i mpo~silJ le ti·om the very n;1tnro uf the C(Ju ntry ; we Ily n l0 t te r htcl y rc c0i vccl fr om Vcronn, Ill. we nre c•:>Jmot :;ny th ·1 t t he people flc~cn c to \.c c:tlle1 l icll ·. in form ed tkt t nnro lll fricncl N . \\' :1lsh '78, of Lk1t plncc, \\' \1\'ll \YC COil~i1Jer, furlhCI'Jnlll'e, tlJ: t, in ~p ile Ol' :dJ w:ls miirricd to ':1 Ii ss ll inch on the :26th ni t. Kick is 1hP

BUUHlH l , 1 .'.\lSU IWVE. ILL. FHW .\ Y :\PHI L 13 UlH'3

Tlw '· \:c•.n:H)l' Cunrier," n, n c 1tly prided and \rcll c·1ited ne·.v~ p ' per, lJ 1:; ue\n gl ~dly :ttl · led to Llw l i::;t . ..r u 11r ex<..:l t tn;,;e::. \V() ~h •ak ~1t·. E. D. Cu ·tl cy, cJitor oi'L: tc "\Viimt!J ;t <>!t ·..',.·l vouat•J," tiH' l!t~ kill' ! ;tuL[uo u t· tiS o:1 L ~L! \JUt ult. T! t:J' Ad vuc.ttc u:Hlur hi s :Li.Jie m ·m·,gcl!lOllt hvl·b a Jir~t phcc :unoug the j)lper,; or \Vii! CultULy. · "l'ilc ·•Kr,nk·:kt,c ller:dd," o!'rccellt cbtc, cnnt: Jin ~ a uotic:e or the ".)OIII'll::l." .i'rJr. Buek, the gef!i·d l'<iiL<>l' uf the ll c rn ld, is a m:.u o1' 110 sm::ll erudiLiuu, :u: d we '' l'e ple::sm1 tu merit !lis :ipprul.J:,tiou . f':lV(Il' .. i,ic

\ Yurcls ut' encoun•gemcnt arc :1 g rc:-tt in eenLive to ul", no m ~ LLer w lt cnee their so u t·eC', fi !Hl th ey eertuiuly lose tlut Je of' their p ower eoming rruw the columns of Lhc ' · We~tcru C::Llwlie." 'l'h c W es tern Cathol ic is one oi' tl: e lll ost in:lll(mti :tl p:•pct:~. in Lhc \\' est, au <l its Edito r, R ev. J . l:l. Vllricn, i::; :1 tn;Ln whu::;e cuusicleratiou i ~ lllObt gr:;t it}'i ng to us. The iin<.l. of A pril l.Jr ongh t us a "l':clcomc visitor, t he ''1\otrc D:uu e SchoLlttic." The colunm:; ur Lhc number which I'.'C luve r oeei v ccl , :tre r e plete 11·iclt lti sLrion ic 1:n cl er itic:tlm aLtei', :md eontni n JJ JLH:h til. t i11lcre::ts t h e st udent. Tile Se h ol:-st ic is oue uf the lilwst eollcge jouru:-tls in th e U nion, a nd iL i:; a plc-.tsttrc tu ntunber it lll :JUD g OLll' CX<.:h :u: ges.


A new sto ry enLitletl '·Tile mm w ith a stc 1m n·ill :'!>[lear iu some future i;:s u e of the .Joum :d. l\Iiss l\1. l\1. D c ..-j ;; nlin~ of /t urorn, tornw rly ~: pupil ur the ,\ cade my, is visiLiug friund:; mHl old el ·: ss -llt: .Lc iH t h e Grove. The ~C11ior's b-:ll-nllcy h:os b een r e1ni re<l , :111d now Lhe :-tLhleLic e0ntesL:tnt s prot1uec g r c:~ t exdtctnc·ut hy t !teir interesting g~ me~. .John l\1orri~sey, who h ns.l.Jcen snfrering fur some t.iuiC 1::iLh tltci .d nenrnlgh, i::; nblo to t •lk ns Hu ently n::; O\'CT on r.ll politicnl topi cs of tbc (] .,y. Enrly :1s it ~ee m s, 1\I. C li11ton h ·:s r ec·C'ived :1 " pcoc i·• l rerp:eot from Elgin, to omte t here on July ·Hh. "'\'e d:JrC &:'y it willl.Jo a privn te iccturc. \ Ve nr c ~on-y to see thnt Gibbon~ h·'" :li>:ntdolled Ids g ood reso l utions, :mct is now en de ·' voring to :<t1sL-t in himFcJfl,y r:n extens i ve tr:11ric in "·:1lc!Je~. " ('n ri on~ nrC' the 11·nys of prinLrr~ . " llln~e<l Pr(•~H'"u , 1 the ot1 1e r dny wh en onr paiet,t m ~q·J , i • -c h:-d Ll11·• ·1Y: h im frmn the Snnetn m to the n•crcn tion l d l.



TI1se-b:11l kl< :1g:1 in he conw the most nttmet il' fe:1 tnrc of the se ,., ~n:', n nr1 in mntc-h g .nws l';,t Sulliv·:n e:' ll Lc :-zeen l1ehind tl:e l> nt ''U,king in :be Cnrvl'~ ."

vVbo pcdntec1 that red ll'lt?

lt is said we nrc soon to lmvc a uniform. Some of the boys ::trc bceom i ng very chicken h cn rtcc1. J o hn E., p ay your hwful Lds am! g iv e e v ery UJ llll l1is own. This is the kind oC weath er thnt 111:1k c:; tile ln!irmnry

n. qu iet plt1cc . Messrs G lensun nm1 A !len ca t! ell t~> soc their Lrothers on tnOIJtl:ly !:1 s t. F or l'hrc nolog ic:tl exphnn.tions to yuur entire tiwt io n c:t ll upon F. E. McAuli tl'c .

1'. C. Conw ~1y s·tys dri e d ::pple:; for m nking pi es unl eu ; tlll'y nr c gree n .

' ·Tho 1mitntor" C' diterl formerly 1 \' Y. ]IT.,rri~:·<·n :1 11<1 Co. lw s been ~uppl'l'i'~erl. nnd l'~>nc·cqu(• r 1 Lii' (; u 1 Hosse tt, thC' loe~ l e<litc:r is Ot:t of cn q tl< >ymen t . .

LOCAL:::>. Hero we

A L t l1 e L11::t rc:1cling of the n ote~ fi r ~L in Lhc c-l r:~s of Ph o nogr.q :hy.

s:~tis ­

"Doc." Grimes c1reads the approa ch ofw~.rm we:; thcr. You have on r sympa thy, Doc, we arc corpulent ourselves. Ques tio11 Cur the next debate; ll esol ved th a t thos e feet s hould l.J e t:t- ·cd as rea l estrl Le r a ther th:LJJ pcr~o nal properly. The mcllll.Jcrs uf the old r e li., l.J le "A<: ti ,·c" nine nre 11()\1' prep:lrl'd to llle<'t any anl 1g"ni, t, t l:e ],road c-:nn[lll c' c:1 n tnu,lt•r.

Fnmk Mosely 11 nS n JY'rentn l nppe1r nee silJC·c he"'"~ 'l ppointecl to he Uw eu~to<li 'ln (If' l'rtby John IYC' l:' h, n·Jw l:.tely nrri·cell from Clo:lmel, C'o. TippPr:lry, Irl'buc1. P. A. ~r,f:·, ir pT·, ti fi C'd ns ,,·irh l:i~ Yi~iL rlds morning. Fnthc·r 1\r e\}nir i~ llloomi:;g with he·:JtJ 1 :1 n ~ ovnflowi ng "· ith Q'OO:l ht!m( •r: he ll'i~hC' s ns 11 1! t hr co mpliment s of the ''e'l wn IYhil'h \\'C' he: rt ily ret t:rn.

r. L. l\fc G r ~ t h of Lin coln, Ill. spent a few d .w s h,.t week' his broth0r. li0 1r:1s \'(' !'.)' 1mc: · ~y n 1,d sn s pieiot;~ :-~t Ars t. hnt wllf'n n ~"l!rcd th: t no c o lle.·~e tri ck would Lermill:ltc on him, he enjoyed the tiel~ huge ly. T he n ew p~ rk is l''l ]'irll_y ;: ;·sn J n in .~ ~ J; ' (l.-t l <"'1 1 tir1 n ppenr;Jill'C'. \Yh 0n ('( >tnp!C'tc·d. it w ill l:t• til(• m·Ji!l <'J trnn cc to tlw eolh·g-l' {-:T' I L;JJ( l ~ . 'll!C' dt•:-ig-n i~ i11<l"' m 0 ~t pcrl(' d nnr1 r<•lke ! ~ ll'itli <'n •d it "l '<•n lh< :-l · 11 ] ln rnll'd lilt• ph11.


BOlJHBO~NA!~ Since o11r hst

GlWV[I:. ILL. FlUP.\ Y .\ P!{IL i:l n;;;;;.

1;\, ~,) 1u 1. ,.i 1' 1J_1 ,r,,.t ;' •. ' ) ' ... '

iti~ ll e,

we :trP. c ·:ll e <l np on to .ncluwwl dgc~ tl.1c L'CGCi p ~ ut' scv·cn.l lill'.:r d. •.l:)inLi• l!l", viz: IV:v. T. O' '.'.hr 1, \Vi lllli:l;.\' t o .J. Ill. F ive d llll <. r~; KJV. i•\. 1 ;oJl :<,nd, C hel; •llSl\ Ill. Tw·o d.lllhr:<; n ,:v. A. lkr~e;·o ; J , .M<.ntcno, UL Fi1·c •l<>iltr:;; <w •l H.•.:v . ~[. LeLdliur, Fi v> doll a r~. Thc;o;c .e 0•1tribut iv:1s ·tre mo,.;t t h J.JI 'i:'u ll y rec.:e i ,,_ C·l ll.IHl :tn: an in :l iu.:tivn oi' lh :t't k i11 ~ lac,.;~ ''l J''l .~e·: ,ero~ i L.\• or the [{.c ;r, Ge11Llc: ue:t, whieh, ()! I other () .. ~::.~ [Oild 'l! ·t'vi:


( )

C'L .. \.s:ci C .\1. ( O l ' l: l"! .

l'·cLriek I::; n;e,..: ... . ,} l l\1().'\


·c !\ .. .

)JJ<l . ..... .' ·rd .

l) i :-·d . i n :~~~ t i.-: !H._:·l. -- ,Jj ·t'c• ph 1\vl!y. ~'u;,; ,r ,\ ~ C ~: 1' l l!;e!·, Len u s imil•rly m · w i ie~te;l. P ·:ul \Vi lo(; .uiJ, .) : 111 \:.: f),,I ·: J,. ,l, . ( 'h r!<:.·. F '.'>, 'l' lh, J! ·.-; L:1s t. Frid:cy, ~~~ i" en <-t<:m :•ry on Llil' f1r ~ t Fri<hy oi' LI 1C il n gh:~ :-., J o< L·11llh: i~i(~!1 · rd ;"' ·dli:.' i', Al(· ·; . :'1 i.~· ~ vi :.: . 11\0l\th, the lJ\e:'S Jll S LCl'· Cilt W 1!:1 exp .l::(: J t\;~ ri : t:,i t. h6 P · t. tr i ·~' ; C\n11v y, l':cLri <..:;; 'J'i c::Y:.)' , 'flt :Jlll ':; ;1[; !\:i.J,l'l'/, Cil t.i rc lh.)' . The ~t'.ltlc:1ts rc l!c i ved · Uuly Cun1·11: !Ill ion;

i ·1 '1. hvJy, wr.: t.ritt'j titcir suc iucy c: nhll!·I1S of'tl n!. :-; :c red l''l r;:'<..:lll'-'·' !\i u.\.u li !l'•.: . llc q·t, th u\c by pre:;cnLi11;; :t s pc~~.1.c:ie hi,;:lly l:<l iij· ing, :·Jus. L: .1~.111 .: .. · ;ttii ~:,y l e :.'l e d lltn· i nevery p trt l:.:iih r. , .

E . \ ~=~<i :..: h

Col!lp{,;-. ; ..,;c ;:.

C i; "rll':: ;c : .\L C\H; :: :> ·:.

O: t T11 esrhy l :~~t., :lll the nrr mgr:mcilt~ were m :td <:: for t: te g;" I jnbli ~ ' [.;]ntc, t· ' · be ltd ·l ia Lltt~ u· •li e;;c lnll, . '}'!11)(11 ·~ .' ~i)JtJUU~ _' • .. l~t . ;i;!v'('l' fd (~~ t 1. 1\'l :y 22nd., i< r tlt'c Jm rpo8c <if d eu icling. who 1.~ tu w~~: 11· > . . :!D •L Etlw •t.rd 0':\l •lly .... the Gol •l Vb ll[ l'ur l!:->: •;e :t ~· ~ cc in :bb ttin.;, <I:J .11tt! I by ))isLillg-n i:'l\ed; Cit I'll'"· n ·ii, ( 1J ·rl t• o (' 'll iC !'«Il, Hcv . Fr. ll:,g:·.n or Chie·t.;;(). Ti!C co: t tc~t·tnts wet·c ·c:tu .f<}i'<; p!J Jh; Jdur ;.:l' l , Jvlu By r :, l'>, \Villi !ll (_',,:lv:· .. , SCil IJy IJ:l llot fr om the Uhcloric cl r ssc~, :: 8 f<di<IWi:l: \\'i!liulll! ·r t. rt:fi:·m 1.tivc, i\fcssr~, ,\ . ~.l e t } ·w ie and T . .J. l\L;!\.iiil: c: ry, Neg:1t i ve, Me,~rs. l'. C. Conwny rwd H.. .!, :.;.;.dl i(:t·., L c~. l~-(~ (~o l · l .'\{;~ ·l ·d !:> ;· :_ 1':· ~- 1 ·: 1: r;. > n ~ , 1 :~~( ~ ) 1 •:1 ·\·· i L-; l s .1hj"ct, r e~o lv c l ; tlttt t!t'3 tntr io ~is m oftlle A !l l! ic:lt:; h_y l )i 1il ip Ll's ge ~:u d .1 \u:l . n .~e v r .<:.::~ cr , , Jr .'.'>l: !1} S!lrp t8:F.!:) t~l 1.t <)f t~1~ tn o l ·Jt·:ts. Fe II-t;.s·t:l is in t. n i~e~tit ~ ~ l'lJdip i. ·~-;·1!_;''-','. gl'!J'lt i nterl~dt iii th~~ n1·r.ttcr, :t !t rl Llt'J C1 1thaJLt:::;;n oi' tlH.: (\ r}~ > ctc r.i silo >s t 1teir hi.{t n.p;H·e ;i tt.iu:1 oi' t! tc l~·; ·1. 1}e:J(:oo.> Cc·;~·J·cT . tl •" n ' II, fu r t~llls :ti liwr th ·; m i:1 L wurl;: of ~ud t illljJ Ul' 1J. '1\Tillhm Hu r <::t: :. , . . t, ~lue. u

\Ve :we !'.orry to st·ttc tin~ -T. P. l\i · t~· ; )\y w :~ u·:llu.t t u l.Ji;; hom e fn Tolerl o, hst week, by :t tcl egn.m be ·trj :~~~ t~l C ~·V 1 11~ '· V.~ tl {·tt hb i'Lth ~ i· \V l.S rl- t n _jCrUa:)l,Y SiC1C \Ve s i•1 c;e:·ely hop e th tt the rl:l.ngt:r h :s P'•.ss~: .l aw 'Y• a1Hl th 1t ere loTJg we nny ln v<.: t he l1 tppim:~s of sc ui;~g· H r. Murphy ~vithin the coll cg.c w:1lls. Tlte new wing of the Notre D:u11e A c:\.(lerny is l.Jeing v•;::( r: t~Ji• lly . .TLt·.:. s~ u ..:> t ,·e w 1ll iJ,; 'F>:-.:'l:i, three s~o:-ics liig!t, so built ·1s to m · ~tcb. the ·son th wing, .'lnd wi'l l cost l1 pw:l.n1s or \ en 1.lwllS'Illd rlo l br~ . . This wi ll r c nrler tlte 1ppc . ~r:t! 1 ::c l)f the .-\ e:ny very be·wtif'Ltl

t\ :t0; usti u::; Fr

:;:('!' . . . . . .. . . . • . . . .

r :"i·l :vfe:l .J.

}) isting:ti~lt c:l i i i D0j>: lr t ntc:r t.. - 1\lex . ;,Jc_:( ~ :' \' i ci;;-, l'lJi l ip l.c >: !':('. !ii('Jt , rd S: <1lin, ,J, JT'('~ ()'( :,,JJ· ;p;h .. n, AE,bH·:'C C' r: r gC'r, .1 : · J t.<'~ ( ~~~~cl<, 1-' u ·:,<·c Ill Lll:il·u, Jos. j·;:c!l cy' . . l':l t ri.e k n 'nnc:;. . .

b ·1·lt

nn -l is n. :visiblc rn . tnit'e.:~ t Ltio :l u ~· ~~l Lt Sll u . ..:r~:JS an ~ l proo pn!·ity tluc to those w1wsc c vury acLio: 1 i:J tvr t 1t :.: lwnor

- ~f r\ ~) lfl, JT:-;ql'.\' [lf)Jt ~~C ). \Yi :J ~00 . 1 1)\l .Jis"n H;')q:, ;!!:H1 nf f);c C·mslitu tiuu !Ji0; ory of d1e l"nitcd l:)!;th.:!-' 1 ' ' by LuLhr r 1:.

P o ;·HT. HfJ·i v in5-~ En!~ 1i sl 1

Poc:. t~, 1 '

W);) ~ ·h

J1 ;·:~


ere 1t1:•l



:11111 hi :-:; Il l tne win iiv(•i!l Llt·: !J ~· r t:' o~· ~~ \1 !( >r t!' ' iH·rtt.{o ns

Lnnclon , w ;ll soon ~; ppr·ar j11 illl A1nc::irun Eillt ion fL'!} m ~h e pt·cs' o r :t l ' J •rt~ :_ho tlJI!rs . '' P:thnn t:l~int·· ,'' JJ:-· Eliza Stnn, 'sa 'Ynrk r: ('• n1iy rnhJi ,: . 1] :u ·n:l:nal. fi{:<l pra·sc. It h a g~>qt1 ;n:d u ~:ei"ul ho<·k un , j ir; wr tfrn in 81K' h n Ri 1~1pl c Fl:.<l :tth··lcti\·r · iJ::mncr 1h; 11 e·.:l';-y C:.:thn]1(.: c1;ild \V!l l ll 11'l p1•'1JNrt r: ' 1n iL--: pe L'tlsrd. J7·:, tl~ 1 ' l' J~m·' pll HieR:::, ;1 tn f" n:hr r ni"' tlll' ,Jf'suitJorde '\ an rl k n(J,,\~n fo r hi .-3 litcrnry :d,ilj f<'F-:. di: ·tl n ;. l ort t:n ~e au o i 11 Uw Cn! lr·rc ofFi · ldkircl•, in tl:<· T:.rr.l. J, lJ l · i ~ "'rif l lg~·, v·Lich :!t(l ,.f·~· y n·n·~ J C1'0tF', :>1 '(' I 'r l d_\· 'Y:t1 11r d I:· tl ·(' fr;c t : rl ~ ;n1rl fr(•;-: nf n .~, 1-!J :n···h :.d ),r l 'c · , .. ; ~ ( }.( p{' 11 c J,, :.1 :'1 rl Pf II ~ ~ :H•ll ui'


Ch· n1u ·:y, .:!tl lJJ o:.:

an •1 gt·c tt:: r gl:>r,y ot'

· L ·1 st

l i1tT: rry ;_W llf-; (11ion :11

G ·> 1.

'N~ c. l~, :1-r~ v- . .l:t:~. ~1 .: : ·~ ~ L~1 0


Lr~· v; c: l wnt·Lll

C :l-

tlterlnl , K···lH' S, :vl·l e·l twl:r.Ly fl ve :l<llhrs to Ll1 r.; w ·:ny rl oa:~tio:1 ~ :drc 1.t1y g i ve:J lJy !tim, to ~t. P. t Lri ck Litcr·cry r.ssnc i:1 tion. 'rhe '·~ l (.: :{nn c 1.~ih~: Tryl) ~ lre :1.r 1 y ennt. ~; i :lf: n. c~1oicc ~ i. . dC~ tion Of nHt•-lCi'll \>Vi'i tet'S. 'rh :.; li her :J j ty () f [;'r. r~ I..: !\.n l! C i ~ hi !..!,·hly ;~ pprc G i tLc::-1 lJy the In<~Inh2J' ~ of t!H~ ~uu i B:.y ~ <'UIJ 1t'.

d~ · ;t ! h i;:: 1111 : .,. (· :- :.. dl·r Lt : : l ~·nte:! .

;) 0

BU lJ IWOl'iN .\1 :)


ILL. !•' IUI> t\ Y APRIL 10 llHl3

C.\TllOLI C N OTI~S . ltig h t R e v . B ib lwp K e:tlle set sa il fb r Euro pe o n th e tlld inst . Tho tli oeese of Boston bas 150 Ca th o lic c hurches and 2 li 0 pri cs ls. i'\ ew J ersey h ns 142 Ca th olic c hurc hes, Ul4 priests• a n (\ l 75,000 catholi cs. H.ight Re v. B i:>ho p S p:1.ld ing, o f P eoria has left Ho me lvr a tour in the H o ly La nd . M g r. Va nnu telli , the P a pa l Nun c io a t Braz il, will repre1>e nt th e Pope nt the Czar's coron:ttion. During th e tl ood " in C inc inwtti , I3ishn p EIL!er had a ll th e Catho li c clmrehes t hrown o pe n to t he ho mele,s. Are h b i"lw p C ro ke d eclares lticnse lf in (~tv o r of e<JJIJpulsory e uu c:ttiDil in Ire land, partic ularly among th e Ca tlwli c y outh. A ccording to the " H o useho ld Lib rary o f ca th o li~ p oe ts." th e catho lic poe ts of clisticntio n ar e n earl y oue hun<lred an d Jilty in num ber. A rl. i ~patc b !'r um Ho me a nn o un ces th e cl ea th of Ca rclin nl Pi ~ tr o Fra n ce~co 1\feg lia , in iiw SL·v e uty -t h ircl y ear or his age. lleqa i esu/.1 in pace. It is rum ored t hat the H o ly i:)ce has a ppo in te d Hev. ,Jam es lbde mache r o f" th e clioce"e of FDrt Way nc, l]l(l. to th e tiee o f Nas hv ille T e nn., va cant by th e pro m o t io u o f Archbishop Feehan t o Cllicago.

l\'{:l urill c, whi c h m:m y ye:1 rs ngo cost !i;2 j ,IJOO, a wl w;\S in St. l'eter 's Ca th ed r:d , ( inc innat i, h<IS ue 1~ 11 i:ltely rui ned . Th e se xto n in LTyi ng to pl:,cc u seree n o v er it, s lipped fr o m th e scaff"o lding and fe ll thro ug h th e pi cture , ruining it entirely. pl :~ ee d

On th e 22nd. uext, th e co nseer nti 011 of Hi g ht Hev . Hi c htc r, th e fir st Bis hop o f Gm ncl lt:1pirl s, will L:> kc ph c:e in St. Andr e w '~ church in t hnt city. Th e eo ,,,·eer:Jt ing IJi shop will be Hi g ht lk v. El de r of Ci 11 C: inn:ll i ; th e first ass ist:mt, b i ~ h O]i B org css o f ]) et roi L; t he oecotHl ass ist ant Bi shop M cC lus k ey , o f L o ui s vill e. M us iCAL. Mr. Alf'rerl D e f' e v c, a fnv( >rit.e v iu lini ~t in Can:Hl:• , nss ist ed Alb:llli in con cer ts a t l\l o ntrc :~.l h st wee k. Th e r em nins of J ohn Ho wnrcl P ny n e nr r iv ed in W n~ bin gton on th e 2-Jth nit. It is rccor cl cd tlc ~ t wh e n qui te yo nn g h e wns in t ro du ced t o m n ~tc r S:, m ucl \Voodworth , th en nlJo ut 20 yc{l rS of ng e. Th e fri e nd~ h i p thu s fo rm ed s tre ng h tcnef! ns t he Loys gre w old e r. Th ey were :1t thi s t im e nosoc ia l ccl t og et her in t.l! c pnhl icn ti on o f a li t tl e week ly P'' P<'l' offi qc r pn ges cn lle<l " Th e Fl y ." Th:1t th ese t wo boy - e <lit C> r~ . t. h n ~ l>n ·11 g-M tr·~~" t her on t he sa m e work, sho ul d :l finw: I' ' ~~ Lec() me the :> n th ors o f t wo o f the most popul:lr s oP .~~ in t he En g·li sh lnn g unge; t he on e, of " I-I omc, S wef't l!r •me," tl ·f' r.: l ·· r of " The Gltl 0 :1 k cn I3n ckct/'- m .: a r em :1rkHI Jle co in c iden ce. Th e mu sicnl event of t he sen son wns t he pre~ c n t:c t i1 n o f S. G. Pra tt's oper n, Zen obir., pr ocl nc<' cl nt M c' ' ickcr's C hi cago lns t week, for th e fi s t tim e, on "an y st nge. Th e pr o du cti o n refl ceted gTeat n ccl it upon the auth or a nd m nnngcm ent. F rom t he g oocl feeling wlli ch prcv nilecl t hron g h t he t!tHli cnc·c nne! rcpc:Jtul ron n el s ofn pp lan se m :tn i fcsti ng the ir hc:1 r ty np p rcc in ti c11 : , its f'lv or nl.Jlo r ece ption :1m l a~s nr e <l s uceess m:•y well be infer red . It is to Lc h o pe<! t h:1t Zc nol.Ji n mi g ht be l!Je co mm encem en t o f fa ir piny f\ •r A m cric:1ns in t he wor ld o f music. Mr. P ratt is d eser ving of mne h pra ise n.~ r !Ji s exe r t ion s in th e cn use of A meri c:m m u ~ i c .

The C hurch o f o ur Sav iour , a t Vi cn n n., whi ch h:1s been in co ur:;e of con stru ction fo r twe n ty -six yea rs , will cos t , when fini s hed , :1;1,874 ,000. Tile fo und a ti o n sto n e is a bloc k of lll clrlJle wbi cll w:ts q uarri e t! on th e M o unt of Oliv es. Rev. F eli x V errey d t , th e o ldes t m e mb er oftbeSociety o f J es u s in the United Sta tes, a nd on e o f tb e fir st fo under s of t h:tt ord er in th e W es t , di ed a t S t. Xavi er' s Co llege, Cinc inna ti ,. on th e 22nrl. inst ; in tbe 8 5th year o f his age.-Req1liescat in pace. A Cath olic Bish op fe r P a rli ament.- Th e A u st ra lb n pnp crs st a t e t ha t th e cath olic Bishop of Duned in, th e Rt. R ev. Dr. M o ra n, has anno un ced himself ns can di d ate for a sent in Pa rli amen t , wit h a view to promote cl eno mL x1 ati ona l eel ucation in th e colony . Carclin!tl l'lh nning 's h ouse at . ·w est m inster is t o b e pulled d o wn a t once to m ak e roo m for t he new Ca th cdr~ l t o l.J e er ected by t h e munifi cence o f Sir T atton Sy kcs· The catllCdml is to l.Je built 1i·om th e Ll esig n o f t he Co m memor ative church in Vi en n a .


1\f AH Cil.

ROLL OF IIONOH. 1st. D cgec-1\'f isses C. 2\ I ng n:t n, K at ie O ' Hi elly, 1\. C'len ry, A . S ulliv:-t n, A. 11f:1llon, 111 . C:1 in. 2nd. D egr e e-M i s~e s M . 1\I cG :Ii r, H. K ccg ·1n, ,.\ . Blac kston e , 1\L L. l':1 iemcnt, C. L et. v equ e . K IIo wc ll , E. P e pin . XotrC' T!:1nH' , \ f' :J <l l' ll l \'

Bishop Q uinl an' s Fu ner aL- The r emain s of t h e la te Bi shop Q ninlan wer e interred at .l'IIvbilc , A la . on tho 1 3th ins t . wi th g r eat so lem n ity . Ei gh t b ish ops a nd forty p ri ests ass is t ed a t tl1e ce rem o ny R t. R ev . H . E ld er D.D . o f C'il1 r innnti nl'lin g ~~ ~ C'e it'Lrn nt (I f th r 1\f r oo~.

'J" ~; L' t·vlelJL':tl cd pa in t ing- u l" .. P :tul in Ch :~i 11 ~.' · l>y


B uH rl~t , Hn ~ j . . (; I ll \· ~ ~ ~ \ t" · ii ~:: l..

' :--. ).

. •L:




Tn prnm n lgn ting y0ur •·sotc ric cng• tnti<l: • ~, or Y" 'll' ~ur• ·rfk i : d ~c· nJim c nt..itks .o nd anucable, phiiO:<Ophir al "r J•s.•·cologicn! ol•·al i on~, bew .• rc of p lat.JtuJinous poudcnosi t\". J .c ·t } , ur •·o w · r~at i"u . d cnmm un ic.1 t:ons posses.> a clarif·i cd c . uc.~t:ul:~~- a ui111pactPcl com l.rchcnsil ·l• oe • •'OaiPS('(lnt ron· ~•<c: n c.', "i'd ,, roHc:;Hcm:tcd eoge nry . .&'l{· hc w nil conglomcmti olls of Jhlu!cut garru li ly, .i~'jll ll (' lml ·hlPmcnt. anrl n.<;.••ninc uft"cclu>uB. iA:L your e xtempomncous rk-,;ca n :ing. ;~OJ unpn :mcd i t~ tc· l ··;p;>ti<•li uw• h •V•: i nt,. JiicplJ .Iity and vt:raciou" vivaci ty, w ;thou l rl.url1.l111\>11Larlc o:· thr,, bowba<t. Sc duo~ " lv avoid :dl po lysyl lul• k 1 ro lu ndit y, polllf>O\IS prolixity, p~itt~ CCOU$ v.,cuity, •·un V il<.JIJ'l ,, v, ·,·ho,·· y an i v:Ln il oqnc nt v11p .d ty . ~)hun double e nk:ntu.:;, J.! rurient jncooity llUU p ., tjf,· rou " prof:mir y. o bscttr, nt. or "l'l'"runt. ln otlwr word:>, mlk pl :unl y, hri i'O•:.



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The " J OUR NA L ". a bi-mont ly paper devoterl to SCIE JI\CE,

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by the St ut1ents of St. VlATEU R'S COLLEG E,

BOURBONNA IS GROVE, ILLS. The " .JO UllNA L " is a fi r st clnss medi nm for ADVERTISr)l"G. A spcci:d att-ent ion paid to

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t he printing o f


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Bourbonnai s Grove, Ill. ~ A ll cnlls promptly attended.


Mercy H osp ita l .



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