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Friday, April 23, 2010 - The Morning Star C3


Why you can’t lose weight


he statistics on weight loss are grim. Research shows that 95 per cent of people who lose weight eventually gain it back within three years. If you are one of the millions who exercises regularly, eats well and still has problems losing weight, there is something you should know. No diet, fitness program or special pill can counteract the medical reasons interfering with your ability to lose weight and keep it off. Until they are addressed, your probability of successful weight loss is limited. Low Thyroid Rampant Your thyroid gland controls metabolism. It is like the gas pedal in your vehicle. Dr. Denise De Monte When you step on it, your vehicle speeds up. When your thyroid gland is working properly, it keeps your metabolism running at a good clip. But when your thyroid malfunctions, your metabolism slows down and you put on weight. About 50 per cent of people have low thyroid function that is not identified with the standard thyroid blood test. Treatment with natural medicines or natural thyroid hormone is critical to re-establish thyroid function. Too Much Insulin Makes You Fat The food you eat is digested and converted into sugar that is carried by the blood. When your blood sugar levels go up, a signal is sent to the pancreas to release insulin. This important hormone prevents your blood sugar levels from rising too high. Instead of burning sugars as fuel, insulin works to convert and store them as fat in your cells. Too much insulin results in too much fat storage. Avoiding processed foods and refined carbohydrates, restricting sugar intake and exercising can reduce insulin levels. For many people, however, it is more complex and there are other factors that need to be considered. Stress Increases Cortisol There are all kinds of stress including weddings and births, finances, funerals, relationships and work. Whether it’s good or bad stress, the overall effect is the same. Your adrenal glands respond by pumping out cortisol hormone. Stressed out people have high levels of cortisol. This elevates blood pressure, raises blood sugar and suppresses the immune system. Cortisol increases your appetite, glucose production and insulin, resulting in weight gain. Most patients want immediate stress


relief and find it in a series of vitamin and mineral injections that target their nervous systems to calm them down. Hormonal Havoc A couple of glaring examples are men’s bulging bellies due to low testosterone and the estrogen tummies in women of child-bearing age caused by too much estrogen. Women are particularly vulnerable due to fluctuating hormone levels throughout life’s cycles. Many women put on weight during their reproductive years and can’t get it off. An excess or deficiency of hormones can result in weight gain. For example, low levels of progesterone increase insulin levels, resulting in weight gain. Hormones that need to be addressed are identified through saliva and blood testing. Dark Side of Drugs Weight gain and the inability to lose weight are side effects for many drugs. Prescription medications interfere with liver function and your hormonal system, resulting in excess weight. While some drugs are absolutely necessary, others can be replaced with natural medicines. Our World is Toxic Pollution, pesticides, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and chemicals are absorbed by our bodies from the air, water and food. Your body tries to eliminate these toxins through the liver and other metabolic pathways. But if your liver function is compromised or the toxic burden is too great, these toxins are stored in your fat cells. It’s your body’s way of keeping itself safe from the toxins. The removal of toxins through detoxification treatments and therapies is often necessary before your body can begin to shed excess weight. These are some of the more common explanations of why you can’t lose weight. Until they are corrected, it’s like trying to run a marathon with a broken leg. Despite all your best efforts, you won’t lose weight because your body just can’t. Fortunately, natural medicines and therapies are available to resolve these conditions and put you into fat-burning mode. Dr. Denise De Monte is a naturopathic physician in Vernon at the De Monte Centre Natural Medicine.

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The Sneezing Season: Allergies and Your Health Dr. Shelby Entner, ND The end of winter brings the first signs of spring: flowers, grasses and trees blooming. For millions of Canadians it is the beginning of their battle with seasonal allergies, or allergic rhinitis. The Canadian Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Foundation estimates that 20-25% of Canadians have hay fever and with the mild winter we’ve experienced this year in the Okanagan, it may be shaping up to be a tough year for those folks. A mild winter means that we are in for a dryer and warmer spring and summer, increasing pollen counts and creating a longer allergy season. Those who experience seasonal allergies are well aware of how frustrating their symptoms can be. Runny noses, itchy and watery eyes and sneezing are just some of the unpleasant symptoms that have the greatest impact on sufferers. Being prepared ahead of the explosion of pollens and grasses can be a huge benefit for those prone to allergies. Allergies happen when your immune system is exposed to an allergen and your body releases histamine from the mast cells. The response leads to swelling of the mucous membranes, an increased production of mucous and tears and an itchy throat. The body attempts to “capture” the allergen and remove it from the system. Why some people are more prone to allergies and over produce histamine is a complicated matter and may be related to genetics, food sensitivities, stress and general immune health. A survey commissioned by pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson suggests as many as 10 million Canadians may suffer allergy symptoms. The survey also found that 55 per cent of Canadians claim their allergies cut into their productivity and more than a quarter say they’ll limit their outdoor time to prevent the onset of symptoms. Most people experience fatigue and daytime sleepiness, impaired sleep, a decrease in cognitive functioning and an overall sense of unhappiness.

Internal Arts of Health

Treatment options for allergic rhinitis often include reducing your exposure. Certain times of the day, especially in the early morning hours, have the highest pollen counts. Checking the pollen counts on a weather station or website may help to decrease your exposures. Keeping your home clean by washing sheets and towels frequently will help to keep the mucous membranes less irritated. Using a good quality HEPA filter vacuum is also very beneficial.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010 Taoist Tai Chi Hall 3105 - 28th Street 11 am Opening, Greetings Noon Complimentary Lunch 1 pm Free Tai Chi Classes Demos of Sword, Sabre, Lok Hup Ba Fa Sets Taoist Tai Chi Garden Tours A look back at 25 years of Taoist Tai Chi in Vernon

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Pharmacological medications are plentiful but many people dislike the side effects or the dependency they feel having to take something to control a symptom for half of the year. There are numerous clinical studies showing that natural medicines such as Vitamin C, quercetin, butterbur and other nutrients can be as effective as antihistamines but do not create the side effects. Another treatment option that many allergy sufferers have tried is immunotherapy, or allergy shots. Allergy shots can be painful and require many trips to a physician’s office to be administered. For those who fear needles or for children, alternatives are available. In other parts of the world, especially in Europe, sublingual (under the tongue) treatment has become increasingly commonplace. In 1998, the World Health Organization referred to it as a “viable alternative” to injection therapy. We currently treat airborne allergens with the sublingual drops and have high rates of success. It is a gradual desensitization that results in a patient being able to handle pollen, dust, grass or animal dander and not require allergy medications. Many people have been thrilled to realize that they don’t need to get rid of their cat for the sake of their partner’s allergies! Finding safe, effective, and individualized ways to treat allergies allows people to enjoy the spring and summer weather and to get out and celebrate the fantastic outdoor activities we have here in the Okanagan. Dr. Shelby Entner is a naturopathic physician in Vernon at Okanagan Natural Medicine. www.oknaturalmedicine.com



2908 - 31st Avenue, Vernon, BC

250-275-1672 Dr. Chris Spooner B.Sc. ND

Dr. Shelby Entner B.A. ND


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