Battle Born Bulletin - October 2012

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Battle Born Bulletin Affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women OCTOBER 2012 ARW Programs next 3 Months Oct 18: Susan Tully on Immigration Reform Nov 16: Honor our Military Dec 18: Holiday Celebration

Mark Your Calendar Mon Oct 1 @ 6pm - 8pm ARW Monthly Board Meeting -----------------------------------------------------------Thu Oct 18 @ 5:30pm - 8pm ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail Susan Tully, Nat’l Field Director FAIR, on immigration Nomination Committee to present slate for ARW 2013-14 Officers -----------------------------------------------------------Oct 20 - NOV 2 EARLY VOTING -----------------------------------------------------------Mon Nov 5 @ 6pm - 8pm ARW Monthly Board Meeting -----------------------------------------------------------Tue Nov 6 GENERAL ELECTION MAKE NEVADA RED! -----------------------------------------------------------Thu Nov 16 @ 5:30pm - 8pm ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail Honor our Veterans Nomination taken from floor and election of new ARW 2013-14 Officers -----------------------------------------------------------Mon Dec 3 @ 6pm - 8pm ARW Monthly Board Meeting -----------------------------------------------------------Thu Dec 14 @ 5:30pm - 8pm ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail Christmas Party Installation of new ARW Officers for Biennium 2013-14 ------------------------------------------------------------

President’s Message…

Maureen M Karas

It is do or die time in this election. With only 20 days until the start of early voting, and just 36 days until the General Election, we are down to the hard work of the campaign. Republican candidates and Team Nevada need you to volunteer. If you wish to make phone calls from your home with your number blocked, access and enter “Nevada.” If you would like to walk, make phone calls in a group and/or address mailings, please contact Swati or Christy at Team Nevada. Remember what Mark Hutchison told us, “on election day we should be fatigued, our shoe leather a bit worn and our wallets lighter”. Let’s, each of us, give it our best shot, and turn both the White House and Nevada RED in 2012. Pondering what to write about this month, I keep going back to the prophetic metaphor of Clint Eastwood’s speech given at the Republican National Convention, an empty chair. Considering the violence against the United States taking place in over 30 cities and countries from London to Indonesia, it certainly would appear that the chair of the Commander-In-Chief has been vacated. For a President that has addressed the American people and/or media on such issues as the arrest of Harvard Professor Gates, the Gulf Oil spill, the healthcare bill, the debt, and the killing of Bin Laden, one would think that after a second fatal terrorist attack on 9/11, the American people would hear officially from their President. Although President Obama did speak about the deceased when the bodies of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were received stateside on September 14th, no explanation was given about what happened, why, by whom, were we warned, and what impact this would have on American foreign policy. Instead of speaking directly to the American people, our President chose to address the United Nations some two weeks later; yet, absent in his speech was the word “terrorism”. For those who do not read political commentary, one would think the murder of 4 Americans in Benghazi, Libya and the storming of the US Embassy in Cairo, Egypt was all a “spontaneous protest” over of a 2-month old poorly produced video, “the Innocence of Muslims” portraying the prophet Mohammed in a bad light. Not only was this the story fed by most American media, it was also the storyline given by the White House Director of Communications Jay Carney, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice. Even the President of the United States perpetuated this saga in his recent address to the United Nations. It is sad when one has to resort to the foreign press to get the facts. From the beginning of these attacks, the foreign press reported the events as 9/11 terrorist attacks. In Cairo, some involved in the embassy attack had professionally made signs demanding the freeing of the blind Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, the convicted mastermind behind the1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and the plans to blow up the Lincoln and Holland tunnels in New York City. In fact, days before 9/11 Islamist websites were full of chatter threatening to burn US Embassies unless Rahman was freed from US prison. In Benghazi, the terrorists used rockets and rocket launchers; and, some have reported they also used armored vehicles suggesting a degree of sophistication and planning. Continued on next page...

President’s Message…


Now we learn that the administration was warned at least “3 times, days if not weeks,” prior to 9/11. The new President of Libya even confirms the attacks were premeditated. And if indeed this is true, one must ask some questions. Why was Ambassador Stevens not withdrawn from Benghazi prior to 9/11, why was he without American security, and why did the Administration entrust the Ambassador’s safety and at least 20 others to “the Martyrs of the Feb. 17 Revolution Brigade” whose leader allegedly has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood? It has been reported that the two retired Navy

Seals were not his security, and instead in Benghazi on other business. Looking to Egypt, what was the plan for securing the safety of the American Embassy and American personnel in a kinetic event given the State Department policy of not arming the Marine guards with live ammunition? And if all of this is not bad enough, it has been substantiated that President Obama has only physically attended 43% of his daily intelligence briefings – and none the week prior to 9/11. One has to conclude, the Commander-In-Chief’s chair is empty. Clint had it right, and it is not one bit good. See you next month!


Susan Tully National Field Director, FAIR

More information about FAIR At Spanish Trail Country Club Directions Mix and mingle at 5:30 p.m.; Meeting starts promptly at 6 p.m. Members $30 and non-members $35 cash & checks accepted at the door Please RSVP here by Sunday, October 14th to Maureen Karas or call 702-233-4884 RSVPs are firm reservations and required for private country club access. No-shows will be billed


Honor our Military

General Membership Meeting Thursday November 16th At Spanish Trail Country Club


Holiday Celebration

General Membership Meeting Thursday December 18th At Spanish Trail Country Club


October 6: Last Day for Voter Registration (Oct 16 if registering in person) October 20: Early Voting Starts October 30: Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot November 2: Last Day Early Voting November 6: General Election


Early Voting LOCATIONS in Clark County (for Nevada)

Nevada filed candidates for Nov 6 election

To check that your voter registration is correct and verify your State district information CLICK HERE


...more Nevada Voter Registration Statistics


August 13, 2012 Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. and Michael D. McCurry, co-chairmen of the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), today announced the moderators for the 2012 general election presidential and vice presidential debates. The moderators, and the schedule and locations for the debates (as announced on October 31, 2011), are as follows: First presidential debate: Jim Lehrer, Executive Editor of the PBS NewsHour Wednesday, October 3, University of Denver, Denver, CO Vice presidential debate: Martha Raddatz, Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent, ABC News Thursday, October 11, Centre College, Danville, KY Second presidential debate (town meeting): Candy Crowley, Chief Political Correspondent, CNN and Anchor, CNN’s State of the Union Tuesday, October 16, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Third presidential debate: Bob Schieffer, Chief Washington Correspondent, CBS News and Moderator, Face the Nation Monday, October 22, Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL MORE DETAILS HERE

Presidential Approval Index History by Rasmussen

Las Vegas Summerlin Headquarters 9640 West Tropicana Avenue, Suite 106 Las Vegas, NV 89147 Las Vegas Centennial Hills 6955 North Durango Drive Suite #1112 Las Vegas, NV 89149


VOLUNTEER ! Email or call (702) 307-0601.

Henderson 8915 South Pecos Road, Suite #17A Henderson, NV 89074 Mesquite 355 W. Mesquite Blvd Suite C80 Mesquite, NV 89101

Nevada could be the state that gets our country back on track by electing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan the next President and Vice President of the United States, but the final result will be close and every bit of support counts. A great way to help the campaign is to join a coalition. We have Women for Mitt, Juntos con Romney, Veterans and Military Families for Romney, and many more. Click Here to Join a Coalition Team Nevada has a limited number of GOTV (Get Out The Vote) coordinator positions and paid internships available starting Monday, October 1st, and continuing through election day, November 6th. These are full-time positions. The hours will be long and the work is detail oriented. You must be familiar at a basic level with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. You must be able to provide your own transportation to and from work. Positions are available in both Las Vegas and Reno. If you are interested in a position or have any questions, please e-mail an updated resume, references, and cover letter to our AB/EV Director Joseph Catania at

Caring for the American Soldier By Diane Welch, Chair of ARW Caring for the American Soldier

Please come to our November membership meeting where we will honor our veterans and active duty military and hear a recap of our club's efforts to support these warriors. In 2012, ARW has donated dozens of boxes of Girl Scout cookies; provided cash, baby items, and volunteers for Operations Showers of Appreciation; collected hundreds of dollars to support the new McCarran USO, in addition to participating in raising

money for Honor Flights. We will present our donation and hear from the Director of the McCarran USO at our November meeting. We will also begin collecting donations for the new VA Hospital and hear a brief presentation about volunteer and giving opportunities. So come on out and support the troops! For information on any of these outreach activities, please contact Diane Welch at or by calling (702) 373-6522. God bless America! God bless our Troops!

__________________________________________ GET THE WORD OUT ! ADVERTISE IN OUR NEWSLETTER SEE OUR ADVERTISING BOARD __________________________________________

2012 ARW LEADERSHIP TEAM OFFICERS: President ! ! 1st Vice-President! 2nd Vice-President! Recording Secretary ! Treasurer! !

Maureen Karas Cherie Wood Marty Wright Alice Shillock-Clark Stephanie Reeder

STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Achievement Awards! Eleanor Mills Americanism/Chaplain! Kristene Fisher Budget & Finance!! Nancy Hambrick Boutique!! ! Judy Ferraro & ! ! ! Michele Bruce Bylaws! ! ! Martha Kimpel Campaigns! ! OPEN Caring for America! Barbara Altman Caring for American Soldiers Diane Welch Corresponding Secretary Christine Hall Decorations ! ! Gwen Barrett Legislation! ! Melody Howard Hospitality / Historian! Margaret Helsper Literacy / MELP! ! Molly Governs Parliamentary! ! Kathy Slaughter Volunteer Hours! ! Alice Shillock-Clark Webmaster & Newsletter! Iris Stone

***NOTE: If you are interested in helping out on any

ARW’s Legislative Chair, Melody Howard at the Republican Convention in Tampa, Florida with Senator Rick Santorum

committee or have questions, please contact Maureen Karas via email or phone (702) 233-4884

SUBMIT YOUR 2011 VOLUNTEER HOURS TO ARW! If you are a full ARW member we’d appreciate your submitting volunteer hours. Right now we are collecting hours for June-December 2011.

What qualifies:

Activity A: Campaign, GOP precinct, registering voters, RNC convention. Activity B: All other, such as: travel to/from Board Meeting, Leadership Meeting, attendance or prep activities for NFRW, NvFRW, ARW conventions, serve on ARW committees or gather contributions for committee requests, prep time for ARW committees, listed on page 7 under ARW Leadership Team

How to qualify:

Put your hours in an email to Alice Shillock-Clark, Provide a monthly total by key activitiy (A &B). You may also go to our website to download the form and send by email or “snail mail” to Alice. Click here for details.

DO YOU KNOW YOUR, PARTY’S POLICIES...? Your Vote is Forever ACTUAL DEMOCRAT POLICIES (A.K.A.-the LEFT): • • • • • • • • • • •

Seeks to raise Taxes on almost every aspect of your life to pay for bloated Government Seeks mandatory Purchase of health care insurance or be forced to pay a penalty; or go to jail Fights to eliminate God, from America’s public square; from coin, currency, religious symbols, etc. No-Voter Identification (ID (Advocates Foreign language on voting and other official documents) Advocates driver license; medical; food-stamps and Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants Fought to take Prayer out of schools. Sought to take God from the Democrat Platform; 2012 Currently fights to end Free speech through political correctness; even arrest for opposing views Advocates abortions for the un-born (More than 54 Million since Roe v. Wade, 1973) Advocates Same-sex marriage Fought for the protection of the pedophile if a child is raped (Actual); House Bill #HR-1913 Seeks to Eliminate your right to bear arms from the Second amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Historical Democrat Public Polices: • • • •

Fought to expand Slavery to include all new territory or states (Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854) Founded the Ku Klux Klan (1865-1866 Nathan B. Forrest and members of the Democrat Party) Created and established the Jim Crow Segregation Laws (1800’s and beyond); Banning Black Americans from Congress; Schools, Restaurants, other establishments or institutions; Poll Taxes Fought against Black civil rights in the 1960’s (Ordered Dogs & Water Hoses on Black Protestors) American Party Government 101-Geraldine Lewis

Your Vote is Forever ACTUAL REPUBLICAN POLICIES (A.K.A. the RIGHT): • • • • • • • • • •

Advocates English as the official language on all Government documents Fought to keep Prayer in schools (Ronald Reagan); Freedom of speech & freedom of religion Advocates Voter Identification or Voter ID Advocates more choices for parents in their own child’s Education Advocates Life for the un-born Seeks to cut taxes for every American that pays taxes Strong on National Defense and supports all U.S. Military personnel Advocates free-market health care solutions; aimed at cutting the cost of health care Advocates marriage between one man and one woman Advocates coal-mining; oil-drilling; safe nuclear energy, etc. for Energy independence

Historical Republican Public Polices: • • • • •

Fought to end or abolish Slavery (Emancipation Proclamation; January 1, 1863) Advocated Civil and Voting Rights for all Americans; including Black Americans; in the 13th 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution Party of the first Black Senator (Hiram R. Revels 1870-1871) Party of the first Black Congressman (Joseph H. Rainey 1870-1879) Fought to institute the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (January 15th) Ronald Reagan *Not Authorized by any Candidate, Candidates or Political Party

American Party Government 101-Geraldine Lewis

Written by Geraldine Lewis,

The Conservative Alliance for Community Growth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservative outreach organization committed to establishing meaningful partnerships and productive working relationships with residents, schools, businesses, and community leaders in West and North Las Vegas. Through volunteerism and community involvement, the Alliance advances time-tested conservative principles, i.e., self-reliance, independence, and personal responsibility. The Executive Director, Brenda Flank, has been a member of ARW for several years and works with us on various community projects. On September 15, 2012, The Conservative Alliance presented to the entire Las Vegas community a Constitution Day Celebration event at CSN, Cheyenne Campus in the Horn Theater. The program, from beginning to end, was filled with patriotism, love of country and appreciation for our Constitution. To start the program, David McKeon recited 'I am the Flag', written by Ruth Apperson Rous, while the 1812 Overture played, a huge American Flag was displayed to emphasize it's meaning and importance to our great nation. It was a celebration and what a fabulous job Peggy Micco Koning, past President of ARW, did when she sang the National Anthem and America the Beautiful. It brought tears to the eyes of many, and Charles Payne remarked about the great job she did. Often, it is said that we are a nation of immigrants and the Conservative Alliance introduced three (3) proud Americans to share their journey to become an American citizen. Peter Gumina, Dolly DeLeon and John Pinnington immigrated from different parts of the world and traveled different paths to get to America, but the common elements in their journey was they wanted to BE AN AMERICAN, they love this country and the opportunities it provided for those looking to have a better life. Their stories touched the hearts of everyone in attendance and evoked a renewed appreciation for the greatness of our country. A scrolled Preamble to the Constitution was read by Chordonn Allen and presented to Ron Futrell, who later introduced the discussion panel. The panel consisted of Ron Futrell and Judge George Assad, as well as ARW members, Diane Welch and Niger Innis. It was a meaningful, informative presentation about the Constitution and its importance to our future. To top off the afternoon, the keynote speaker was Charles Payne from the FOX Business Network and CEO of Wall Street Strategies. Mr. Payne shared his personal life story and how the greatness of our country, along with his hard work and determination, is the reason for his success. All in all, it was a fabulous event and next year will be even better!

CONGRATULATIONS TO ARW’S SECRETARY, ALICE SHILLOCK-CLARK! Alice Shillock-Clark recently won 1st place in Energizers Toastmasters Club Evaluation Speech Contest. Alice proceeded to the Toastmasters International Area Speech competition Saturday, September 15th at the Luxor Hotel Las Vegas. The evaluation contest is about how well you critique someone else’s speech. You have only five minutes to prepare your summary, and only three minutes to deliver your critique. If successful, Alice will proceed to division and then regional Toastmaster competition. “I have been in and out of Toastmaster competitions for more than 30 years now, and I just love it,” said Alice. Fortunately for me, our Energizers Club is fully endorsed by my management at National Security Technologies, a contractor to the United States Department of Energy, hence, our namesake, “Energizers,” said Alice. “I firmly believe Toastmaster speech and leadership programs assist in all walks of life,” she added.

PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT THE EYES: When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S

At the Boutique ... Stop by the boutique this month, before the meeting begins, for the best selection of political merchandise. This will be the last month to purchase the "Vote Them Out" collector's item playing cards. They make great stocking stuffers! Bring your cash or checks! ….and don’t forget to stock up on our Patriotic items. These are sure to make great gifts.

A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: I'M A DOT IN PLACE THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE



ARW MESSAGE BOARD Honey, You Didn’t Build That


This is the look you get when telling a Conservative that you will vote for the current President !!

Individual, Community, and State: How to Think About Religious Freedom

Molly Governs, ARW Literacy Chair, vacationing in a Republican Booth at the Wayne County Fair, Wooster, Ohio, Sept. 12, 2012.

7 Incredible Personal Stories about Mitt Romney That You May Not Know

From Hillsdale College FREE ACCESS: Featuring 113 essential primary source documents, THE U.S. CONSTITUTION: A READER is taught as part of the core undergraduate course on the U.S. Constitution at Hillsdale College. VISIT ARW’S WEBSITE click here Find us on Facebook: ARW Follow us on Twitter @ARWLV Email us ARWLV@YMAIL.COM



Put your life story on vIdeo

ARW is accepting ads for our newsletter The price list for the ads is as listed below: $100.00 Business card size $150.00 1/4 page $200.00 1/2 page $250.00 full page The price list is for a full year. Candidates who would like to place an ad for a short period of time will be prorated. Anyone interested in placing an ad or has any questions may contact Chris Hall at 254-2688 or

ARW’s Monthly Membership Meeting, Thursday September 20, 2012

Mitt Romney was in Las Vegas on Friday, September 2. Cherie Wood, ARW 1st VP, was fortunate enough to be right up front and as the pictures show (her hand) is presenting ARW’s Nevada pin to Mr. Romney!!

______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. SOCIAL NETWORKING INTERNET SAFETY FOR ADULTS In today’s world the Internet is part of our every day life and is another form of literacy. Knowing how to make it in, through, and about the Internet involves being able to not only manipulate electronic media, but also stay safe while doing so. We read and hear a lot about Internet safety for children, but adults have some important safety issues also. The Internet abounds in our everyday lives. We now have easy access to educational reference resources, communication with family and friends, searching for information and entertainment, plus banking and ecommerce. Included here are just a few tips on using the Internet safely. 1. PASSWORDS *Create passwords that have at least eight letters & numbers using both upper and lowercase letters. The longer the password, the harder for a hacker to decipher a password. *Avoid using personal information such as your child’s, pet’s or your name, your Social Security Number, or a former or current address. *Change your password every 60 to 90 days. 2. SAFEGUARDING YOUR PRIVACY *Try not to post information that will identify you when using chat lines including posting your full name, home address, phone number, Social Security number, passwords, credit card or bank account numbers, names of family & friends, workplace or favorite hangouts, or any type of name that can identify you. 3. PROTECTING YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM *Use encryption to protect your personal information. *Shut down your computer when not in use – especially in public places like coffee houses. *Use antivirus & antispyware programs and keep them up to date. *Protect your home wireless network by hiding the network name and keeping it locked.

*Please do not say anything online that is cruel or may damage someone’s reputation. *Avoid sharing personal information about someone else. *Always get permission before forwarding someone else’s email. *Keep from having someone photographing you in an embarrassing or compromising situation. *Never post anything that would cause embarrassment or shame to you. Duplication cannot be controlled. *Remember that information can be seen by anyone with a computer. 5.MEETING SOMEONE YOU MET ONLINE *Be aware that persons misrepresent themselves online. It is easy for someone with criminal intentions to mislead potential victims over the Internet. *Speak to a person over the phone before meeting. Hearing a person’s voice and engaging in conversation can be very revealing. *Learn as much as you can about the person and verify the information. *Meet in a public place. If the individual objects, terminate the conversation immediately. *Never share your address. Make arrangements to arrive separately. *Let a trusted friend know when and where you are meeting someone and call the friend when you are safely home. *Watch your alcohol intake. Do not leave a drink unattended. *Never leave with the individual. If you feel you are being followed drive to the nearest police station or public location. References: Https:// safety_572_internet_safety_for_adults


We are signing up new members now for 2012/2013. Fill out this form and send in OR come to our next meeting to sign up

ACTIVE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF LAS VEGAS (Nevada) is a women’s political organization, bringing together women to positively impact the direction of our state and our nation. We come together as a collective force advancing the Republican Party and WOMEN through political access and participation.

ACTIVE Republican Women Membership Application 2013 Annual Dues--Check One: *New _________ _________

Renewing __________ Member since: ________/

Member ($30) ___ Associate ($15) ___ (If already a regular member of another club or men only) NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (As it appears on Voter Registration – Must be a Registered Republican to join) ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY and STATE: ____________________________________________________ ZIP: __________________ PHONE NUMBER: _________________________ CELL NUMBER: _________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ BIRTHDAY: ___________/____________ Month Year *Referred/Sponsored by: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am a registered Republican and I will support and work for the election of Republican Candidates for office and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party _____________________________________________________________________ Signature Date


Please make check payable to Active Republican Women and mail to: Marty WrightMembership V.P. 889 So. Rainbow Ste. #146, Las Vegas, NV 89145 Visit our website:

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