Battle Born Bulletin - August 2012

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Battle Born Bulletin Affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women AUGUST 2012 ARW Programs next 3 Months Aug18: Marita Noon (Saturday Brunch) Sep 20: FUNDRAISER Candidate Meet & Greet Location to be determined Oct 19: Lt. Governor Krolicki (tentative)

Mark Your Calendar Mon Aug 6 @ 6pm - 8pm ARW Monthly Board Meeting -----------------------------------------------------------Sat Aug 18 @ 10am-1pm ARW General Membership BRUNCH, Spanish Trail Marita Noon, U.S. Energy Strategy (note: this month’s meeting is on a Saturday) -----------------------------------------------------------Tue Sep 4 @ 6pm - 8pm ARW Monthly Board Meeting -----------------------------------------------------------Thu Sep 20 @ 5:30pm - 8pm ARW General Membership Meeting, Location TBD FUNDRAISER Candidate Meet & Greet Elect Nomination Committee for election of ARW 2013-14 Officers -----------------------------------------------------------Mon Oct 1 @ 6pm - 8pm ARW Monthly Board Meeting -----------------------------------------------------------Thu Oct 19 @ 5:30pm - 8pm ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki (tentative) Nomination Committee to present slate for ARW 2013-14 Officers -----------------------------------------------------------Mon Nov 5 @ 6pm - 8pm ARW Monthly Board Meeting -----------------------------------------------------------Tue Nov 6 @ 6pm - 8pm GENERAL ELECTION - MAKE NEVADA RED! -----------------------------------------------------------Thu Nov 16 @ 5:30pm - 8pm ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail Honor our Veterans Nomination taken from floor and election of new ARW 2013-14 Officers -----------------------------------------------------------Mon Dec 3 @ 6pm - 8pm ARW Monthly Board Meeting -----------------------------------------------------------Thu Dec 14 @ 5:30pm - 8pm ARW General Membership Meeting, Spanish Trail Christmas Party Installation of new ARW Officers for Biennium 2013-14 ------------------------------------------------------------

President’s Message… Maureen M Karas Today, August 1, 2012: With just 80 days to the start of early voting (October 20th) and a mere 97 days until the November 6th General Election, I have to ask, “what are YOU doing to make a difference?” When historians write about the election of 2012, how will you answer your grand children’s question, “What did you do to protect our Constitutional Republic?” Mark Hutchison, Candidate for NV Senate – District 6, ended his July 19th keynote address to ARW general membership on the Affordable Healthcare Act PostUS Supreme Court answering that question by saying in so many words, 1) Our feet should be tired and our shoe leather a bit worn, 2) Our bodies should feel exhausted, and 3) Our bank accounts should be a bit smaller. And as if this did not drive his point home, he wrapped up with President Ronald Reagan’s famous words – “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” As many of you know Mark Hutchison, Lead Special Council appointed by former Governor Jim Gibbons, represented Nevada pro-bono in the 26-state suit against certain provisions in the Affordable Healthcare Act on Constitutional grounds. Although the states won claims that 1) Congress cannot require Americans to buy a product, and 2) the federal government cannot force states to increase Medicaid funding or expand qualifying criteria, Mr. Hutchison said, “no one would have guessed we could win every argument and still keep Obamacare”. Continued on next page...

2012 Presidential Debate Schedule President’s Message… continued Astonishing everyone, Justice John Roberts, perhaps applying a deferential principle of law discovered a way to uphold the Congressionally passed law by viewing the resulting affect of the mandate’s “penalty” as a tax. Although Justice Roberts interpretation and writing-in of the tax did not sit well with the dissenting Justices and many Americans, Mr. Hutchison stresses that Mr. Roberts should not be vilified. So what now? VOTE RED IN 2012! Candidate Hutchison and many pundits agree the solution is “political” and shall be determined on November 6th. Former Governor Mitt Romney has said he will immediately, on day one, exempt all 50 states from the law. President Obama, of course, believes the law is good for everyone (you and me) – EXCEPT the numerous legal exceptions, like himself, his family, Congress, the Senate, many Unions, some 1300+ businesses – mostly large corporations, on and on. To me the questions of this election are simple. 1) Economics - Do you want European “Democratic Socialism, or do you want American Capitalism? We see on television how well Socialism is working in Europe. Lest we forget the $16 Trillion the US Federal Reserve secretly loaned to US and foreign banks all over the world in 2008. According to Senator Bernie Sanders in his comments after an audit on the Federal Reserve, “This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else." And you thought the Bush and Obama stimulus packages were only $3.5 trillion? (We were told the two stimulus packages were around $1.5Trillion.) 2) Government - Do you want a dominant (command) central government, or do you believe the US must continue as a Constitutional Republic? Recent Executive Orders demonstrate the overreaching of the federal government: 1) Removal of the work component in former President Clinton’s signature bill – Welfare Reform. 2) To ”stop deporting hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants and give them work permits” – some say this is back-door

approval of the Dream Act which failed in the Senate (and now the feds have been instructed to just take their word for it – no proof of when they came), and 3) Federal waivers to No Child Left Behind. “26 states are now relieved from meeting the goal of making all students proficient in reading and mathematics by 2014. Additional waivers are pending in10 states and the District of Columbia.” What good is a law when the majority of states are waived from compliance? Perhaps the federal government should get out of the education business altogether and return it to the states. Need I remind you NV is 50th in graduation? 3) First & Second Amendments– Do you believe government should be the financial provider and moral guider or do you believe in self-reliance and that you have the freedom to choose, live and raise your children by your own values? The “nanny” laws are too numerous to list. The attacks on the 2nd Amendment are well documented. Although the Supreme Court ruled on the mandate and Medicaid aspects of Obamacare, another unanswered question looms. Current law includes coverage for abortions, birth control and other reproductive services that many religious institutions reject in their tenets of faith. The Catholic Church in defense of religious freedoms granted in the First Amendment of the Constitution filed 12 federal lawsuits across the country. Now, several Protestant Universities/Colleges have joined in these lawsuits. The First and Second Amendments are clearly under assault.

So, how do we return “purple” Nevada to its RED roots? We must work to change minds one-at-a-time – with friends, family, neighbors, people we meet… Take the names out of it (President Obama and Mitt Romney) and ask open-ended questions about the issues. Tell me what you think about XYZ… Then follow-up with “Why is that?” Now you have a good idea of what they are thinking, and you also bought yourself time to remember and state the facts. Issues and facts matter – after all, names change, but the issues often live on and on….. And it goes without saying, we must volunteer at Team Nevada and for our candidates! See you next month!




Marita Noon Executive Director of Energy Makes America Great and Columnist at Townhall Finance

Candidate Meet and Greet see flyer on next page

On the U.S.Energy Policy

General Membership Meeting Thursday September 20th

General Membership Meeting - BRUNCH Saturday August 18th note: this meeting is held on a Saturday Mix & Mingle @ 10:00am Call to Order @ 10:30am

Marita Noon’s Biogragphy:

No-shows will be billed

Marita Noon is the executive director for Energy Makes America Great Inc. and the companion educational organization, the Citizens’ Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE). Together they work to educate the public and influence policy makers regarding energy, its role in freedom, and the American way of life. Combining energy, news, politics, and, the environment through public events, speaking engagements, and media, the organizations’ combined efforts have made Marita “America’s voice for energy.” Marita is also a columnist for and a regular contributor to The Energy tribune, Conservative Action Alerts, and— additionally her writing can be found in numerous newspapers and websites. Marita’s twentieth book, Energy Freedom, is her first in the current affairs genre. As a conservative commentator and energy expert, she is known as Marita Noon. Readers of Marita’s previous books, including best sellers, Wired That Way and Communication Plus, know her has Marita Littauer. Prior to her work in energy, Marita was known as a motivational speaker and author. She has trained thousands of men and women in spoken and written communication.



At Spanish Trail Country Club Directions Members $30 and non-members $35 cash & checks accepted at the door Please RSVP by Tuesday, August 14th to Maureen Karas or 702-233-4884 RSVPs are firm reservations and required for private country club access.

A BIG THANK YOU from the Republican Latino Association of Women for ARW’s support and attendance at their inaugural event Full Members there: Cherie Wood, BarbaraAltman, Martha Kimpel, Maureen Karas, Annette Teijeiro, Victoria De La Guerra, Ana Wood and ARW Associate Members: Robert and Yolanda

Smith, Sherry Rickard President Republican Women of Las Vegas.

¡Gracias! Sra. Presidenta, we hope you and the ladies enjoyed yourselves as much as we enjoyed having you present and in support. We sure do appreciate it! Thanks again! The Executive Committee & Board of Directors

______________________________________________________________________________________ LAS VEGAS-CLARK COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2012

During the hot days ahead reading gives children a chance to take a quiet break from other activities and keep their reading skills up to par until school begins again. The local Library District provides an excellent opportunity for children to read and be rewarded in many ways for their reading efforts. The Las Vegas-Clark County Summer Reading Program begins on Friday, June 1, and continues through Tuesday, July 31. The Program is designed to offer children and their families a chance to share reading, attend special programs, and keep track of their reading successes and progress.

Children from birth to age 5 can join the Rubber Ducky Reading Club. Early literacy skills activities include a rubber ducky board book to take home plus an entry into a drawing for a chance to win a gift of books. Kindergarten through grade 5 kids can join Dream Big, READ! This will give kids a chance to earn a Book Buck to redeem in any of the Library District Foundation's used bookstores, a gold medal and an entry into a prize drawing for a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card. For teens grades six and up the reading program is called Own the Night. Reading teens earn a book Buck, a magnetic bookmark and an entry into a drawing for a Sony WiFi eReader. For any of the above programs simply stop by a Library District branch on or after June 1 to pick up a reading log or go online at 2012/05/09/srp2012/ Molly Governs ARW Literacy Chair


During Independence Day week, ARW President, Maureen Karas, visited the Republican Women’s Club in Incline Village, near Lake Tahoe, Nevada. A lot of Red White and Blue was everywhere !! Carol Del Carlo (left), President of Incline Village w/ Maureen Karas, ARW President The Parde Gang

George Del Carlo (left), w/ Maureen Karas, ARW President

Carol Del Carlo (left), President of Incline Village w/ Maureen Karas, ARW President

LEGISLATIVE CORNER KEY DATES TO REMEMBER August 27-30: Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla

October 6: Last Day for Voter Registration October 20: Early Voting Starts October 30: Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot November 2: Last Day Early Voting November 6: General Election



Nevada filed candidates for Nov 6 election To check that your voter registration is correct and verify your State district information

The Electoral College - why we have it and why we need to keep it


An Obituary Published in the London Times Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; - And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when wellintentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a

student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, -by his parents, Truth and Trust, -by his wife, Discretion, -by his daughter, Responsibility, -and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers; - I Know My Rights - I Want It Now - Someone Else Is To Blame - I'm A Victim - Pay me for Doing Nothing Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.


On Saturday, August 4th, Nevadan volunteers around our state will phone bank and go door-todoor for Mitt Romney and the rest of our great Nevada Republican candidates during our Battle Born Blitz! Please sign up for a Super Saturday shift today at your nearest Team Nevada office. Sign up for your location here Questions? Email or call (702) 307-0601.

Las Vegas Summerlin Headquarters 9640 West Tropicana Avenue, Suite 106 Las Vegas, NV 89147 Las Vegas Centennial Hills 6955 North Durango Drive Suite #1112 Las Vegas, NV 89149



Henderson 8915 South Pecos Road, Suite #17A Henderson, NV 89074 Mesquite 355 W. Mesquite Blvd Suite C80 Mesquite, NV 89101

N O V 6th

Download and Print this form or Visit a Team Nevada location closest to you to

Senator Marco Rubio in Las Vegas on Saturday July 28th

Caring for the American Soldier By Diane Welch, Chair of ARW Caring for the American Soldier Washington, D.C. Don't forget to pick up or order your

There is a lot going on in ARW and the Federation geared to caring for our active duty and retired military and YOU, our members, are making it happen! First, the members of ARW continue to give generously toward our current drive to support the USO at McCarran Airport. We will pass the buckets one more time at our August meeting for this worthy outreach that provides comfort to our troops and their families. Thank you all for your generosity! Our boutique continues to take orders for the patriotic wine bags with all the proceeds going towards Honor Flights for WWII veterans to visit the memorial in

wine bags from the boutique at our next meeting. They make great gifts, particularly during this election year! Finally, we are participating with the Federation in helping to register friends, family members, and acquaintances in the National WWII Registry. To register someone, please go to the following website and follow the instructions: default.asp?page=registry.asp. If you or someone you knows registers a veteran, please let me know so that we can keep track of our club's involvement in this effort. We want to get credit for our support of the Federation's efforts to increase the number of WWII veterans included in the registry.

__________________________________________ GET THE WORD OUT ! ADVERTISE IN OUR NEWSLETTER SEE OUR ADVERTISING BOARD __________________________________________ !! PARTICIPATE IN OUR SUMMER CONTEST !!

Send your own vacation picture to The best one will be published in our September Newsletter and the winner will win a complementary dinner at the October meeting. Submissions must be received no later than Friday August 24. We will look for politically and patriotically relevant content that supports ARW’s mission and purpose. Be creative ! GOOD LUCK !

2012 ARW LEADERSHIP TEAM OFFICERS: President " " 1st Vice-President" 2nd Vice-President" Recording Secretary " Treasurer" "

Maureen Karas Cherie Wood Marty Wright Alice Shillock-Clark Stephanie Reeder

STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Achievement Awards" Eleanor Mills Americanism/Chaplain" Kristene Fisher Budget & Finance"" Nancy Hambrick Boutique"" " Judy Ferraro & " " " Michele Bruce Bylaws" " " Martha Kimpel Campaigns" " Ellie Ahern Caring for America" Barbara Altman Caring for American Soldiers Diane Welch Corresponding Secretary Christine Hall Decorations " " Gwen Barrett Legislation" " Melody Howard Hospitality / Historian" Margaret Helsper Literacy / MELP" " Molly Governs Parliamentary" " Kathy Slaughter Volunteer Hours" " Alice Shillock-Clark Webmaster & Newsletter" Iris Stone

***NOTE: If you are interested in helping out on any committee or have questions, please contact Maureen Karas via email or phone (702) 233-4884

SUBMIT YOUR 2011 VOLUNTEER HOURS TO ARW! If you are a full ARW member we’d appreciate your submitting volunteer hours. Right now we are collecting hours for June-December 2011.

What qualifies:

Activity A: Campaign, GOP precinct, registering voters, RNC convention. Activity B: All other, such as: travel to/from Board Meeting, Leadership Meeting, attendance or prep activities for NFRW, NvFRW, ARW conventions, serve on ARW committees or gather contributions for committee requests, prep time for ARW committees, listed on page 7 under ARW Leadership Team

How to qualify:

Put your hours in an email to Alice Shillock-Clark, Provide a monthly total by key activitiy (A &B). You may also go to our website to download the form and send by email or “snail mail” to Alice. Click here for details.

ARW MESSAGE BOARD INTERNET FREEDOM Ron and Rand Paul released an online manifesto, “The Technology Revolution”, defending the internet from excessive government regulations. Read the announcement and document here. RELATED to above Dick Morris Video on UN Effort to Control Internet

VISIT ARW’S WEBSITE click here Find us on Facebook: ARW Follow us on Twitter @ARWLV Email us ARWLV@YMAIL.COM

Runaway Slave Movie released in July Trailer with special message from CL Bryant

20 Hidden Taxes in Obamacare


Are you interested in how the US Senators and your US Congressman vote ? ---> sign up for weekly emails at Megavote Are you interested to find out the actual voting result on a particular federal bill? Are you interested to know what’s happening on Capitol Hill today? ---> look it up on GULF OIL TIMELINE VIDEO 2010 US Census MAP

Browse population growth and decline, changes in racial and ethnic concentrations and patterns of housing development.

Participate in our Contest ! Send your patriotic vacation picture to

Seen when landing in Lubbock, Texas !!! “Say No To Obama”

Presidential Approval Index History by Rasmussen

At the ARW Boutique ..... Visit Michele and Judy at the Boutique table this month for a fantastic special. "Vote them out" playing cards, a true collector's item which sells for $10.00 per pack, will be on sale for 3 packs/ $25.00! 5 packs are $40.00! 10 packs are $75.00!! They are going fast and make a great gift or party favor. Buy more, save more! Additional items will be on sale, too!! We accept cash or checks. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Independence Day Parade in Summerlin

From left to right: Iris Stone, Maureen Karas and Cherie Wood

ARW is now accepting ads for this newsletter (see page 11) The price list for the ads is as listed below: $100.00 Business card size $150.00 1/4 page $200.00 1/2 page $250.00 full page The price list is for a full year. Candidates who would like to place an ad for a short period of time will be pro-rated. Anyone interested in placing an ad or has any questions may contact Chris Hall at 254-2688 or

ARW’s Monthly Membership Meeting, Thursday July 19, 2012



Put your life story on vIdeo


ACTIVE REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF LAS VEGAS (Nevada) is a women’s political organization, bringing together women to positively impact the direction of our state and our nation. We come together as a collective force advancing the Republican Party and WOMEN through political access and participation.

ACTIVE Republican Women Membership Application 2012 Annual Dues--Check One: *New _________ _________

Renewing __________ Member since: ________/

Member ($30) ___ Associate ($15) ___ (If already a regular member of another club or men only) NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (As it appears on Voter Registration – Must be a Registered Republican to join) ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY and STATE: ____________________________________________________ ZIP: __________________ PHONE NUMBER: _________________________ CELL NUMBER: _________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ BIRTHDAY: ___________/____________ Month Year *Referred/Sponsored by: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I am a registered Republican and I will support and work for the election of Republican Candidates for office and encourage loyalty to the Republican Party _____________________________________________________________________ Signature Date


Please make check payable to Active Republican Women and mail to: Marty WrightMembership V.P. 889 So. Rainbow Ste. #146, Las Vegas, NV 89145 Visit our website:

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