Življenje s Savo

Page 11

V habitatu, ki je lociran v vasi Šentlenart, je pet jezerc, od katerih sta dve večji, ki sta že oživeli v vsej svoji lepoti, ki jo ponuja lokacija v gozdu ob stari strugi reke Save. Zaraščeni sta z vodnim rastlinjem, od koder se oglašajo drobne ptice močvirske trstnice, med stebli pa se v vodi skrivajo številne žabe in pupki. Njihov mir občasno zmoti siva čaplja, ki ob robu čaka na svojo priložnost.

Situated in the village of Šentlenart, this habitat has five ponds, two of which are somewhat larger and have already come to life in all their beauty thanks to their forest locations along the Sava’s former channel. They are overgrown with aquatic vegetation, from where the chirping and tweeting of tiny marsh warblers can be heard – there are also many frogs and newts hiding among the stalks in the water. From time to time, this peacefulness is disturbed by an occasional grey heron lurking at the edge.

Zaraščeno jezerce / Overgrown pond Living with the Sava


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