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NUM .. I!: 8


ART . :\Till~ L' Xl'C"'...,j'· ~..:·h·

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material ag-t.' among- nH· n

a r~..· ~..·arly ~..·entc.· ring- their li\' l'!'-

and dc-

, ·c.· lttJlllll'llt ahPut '(1111 l' practic.·al punJ11~c. th~..:·r ,.: i~ a !--lrn Jl'r teJHlency ~ - t n lll'l~r)cc t the t r<Ltlltlt~·

" i n ur a~.: :--thctic :--elhihilitic=--. r\n ' ' l ' ltt~ • k up t •ll a =-- -..u ml'thing- cn.•al\:d i11r g-i,·i n~ p k a-..urt· tq the :'<:JlSI..'S. \\ ' c n·trarcl ir .. ~ an l ··"..,I>''... JI-..J\' "'' lu :\u n ·. and a man \\' )H , has l' tJJln:i' ctl an i <k~tl -- t:c h :1-.. r~.·g·c.' IHT:tting th1..· ~tum -.. mi:.,:ln think it a ,, a-..tc , ,f cff, •rt ' " culti\ :th: lti -.. talt•JJ\ -- a n d -. ~_· n -. ~.· ,, j apprt· ciati t~ n in r thCSl' t lli t lg~ . ~ "'' th l' 'Jl u:-..ti•• n \\ 1.· P '.''P'''"l' j, \\'heth~..· r art cxi't:. , ,nh· f··r it·-. t l'.\11 -. ak~.· and j.., c reat l'd c•1ll y t'' iur n i-..h cnt l' rtain -


m~.· nt and :--t•n -. uc •ll:-- pka--ur~.· t c1 th• •'e ' ' h n ha,·e thL' me a ns an d

Its easy to get Style You can get it in m ost any kind o f a s uii -C \'t' tl th ,. t·IH:1) •' :--1 The question is, H ow long wiiJ it l a~ t ? PurP won l j ... tlt r J,, ~~ wearing fabri c and the only one tb at will hn ld st \'lf" and " lta 1 t• : .... long as the garment lasts. · AU the style and smart appearance y ou see a11cJ b11y in ( ·1 .. r h craft all lVool Clothes are r e tained un til thP gnrna P•tt iR wo rn P ill The gu arantee mnkes ~mu s ure of thi~ . Nn nt h··r lirat- i n Anlftrica at $1 0 to $:.5 will gi ve suc h a guaran i ee.

The Lokker=Rutgers Co. HOLLAND,

JS>··.ot• East Eighth St.


h.·i:--ttrL· iP r it. 11 r \\ hc.·th L'I' a rt L':\i-.t:-- fn t a greater and a m••r- · ... ~..· lf-ju ... tii!.·ing purp••:--t.· and .:--h11ttld he the property l lf all lll;nl ki ncl .. It llli1.!"11t ;t)m, .... t ... ~.· e111 tha t th~.· Ji,·~..·s 11 i thl' g-n·at mastc::rs 11 f t h L' e :\ p r c :-:-- i 1 •n "i h um an il- L· I i 11 g we r l' a =-- u fli c i en t a r g nm c n t t ' ' pkad i"r ·th e d lT )H.: r nt~.·a n ing u f art . Tht· patltt·tic p icturl' n f ~dHtht· J·t . !--l·llin~ f, •r a dinnt.·r h a nnunit·=-- l'aught. a~ it ,,. ·r c. i r .. tn an, •rht· r " '' r id : tht.• .'·" ung 1..: ats. \\'h () !->L' frail frame wa;o; unable tu hear thl' :--tn·ngth n f his p a -;:--i•ms: the maj<:~tic . ' hak '!--Jh·arc in "tilt· depths 11 f ·omc di' inc (k~pai r " r c,·e)ing a m u ng tl\ c :-.u h i i me cu ncepti u n~ u f mankind ·s m o :,t w o nderful t ragcd i<.·:'.-:--hall any n nc ~ ay th at these minds pu r posed u n ly t1> g-i,·c ~Cil ... ll lt lt:' plca~urc t o succeeding gene ra tio n . ? .:\ o. th<.·'<.' m~..· n tra,·a iJccJ that they might bring fn rth a messag e ,, hic h w:t:, t o them di,· inc, tt > g i,·e whi c h they h ad t ile e arnes t

t1 i (JA;'\


• THE AN -·lio.:.


t l..'ll1l\ictilll1 that tiH·y \\t:r1..· ;._: 1\1..' 11 l·r~..·~tr l! .

TIH.: rr ... \\ \ '1~· li-.~·-

••i purpcl ... t', a Jllii'J'""'I..' t• • 1..' -' J'I'l ...... a t nnh '· h1 ·It all the 1""'-'.' r . . ui a lnttl t:ut .... q,l,


.. ':'\cmc can att:1i11 thi-.. hl·i glll.' r v t ll!"ll ... tlw -.h 11k. . nut th11~ l' lc> \\'he 1111 th1..· llli ... ~,.·riv ... • ,f I lti .... \\'••rid .\n.· tni .... cril..' :-. and ''i ll lt••l ic.: l th ~..· 11 , r,· .... t . \llel ~ ~..· \\'hu tind ·1 ha\C11 il' thi .... •.\• •r 1•1 \\ ' h<.·r1...· t he,· ... .: ... lv·.·p ;;\\;1 .\ tlt v1r .. m ;l\· . th"ll:...!llllt· . If 1)\· . chance int u till ... i;t lll..' the'. l"l•llll'.


l~,.;,c,· , , j

It \\ itl

the e m t~ ti• l ll:tl ~ icl c ••i man·..., c"n ... tituti"" · ~till lit\' "Pi' : •: mig-ht lc ha ;~ankcl th:tt t·• u-.. it --r ·l'ill ... thv '11 • •... 1 illtp·•r':i 11 a:'pect o f the ~ uhjl' Ct. It j ... tlti ... th:tt , .,.,k ~.· ... :t !11;111 t r11h· :1 1 i ·v. £1ack o f all hi ~ tnl'ntal ani ' iti1.·:-- Iii.':-- ~··ntl..'llting· "hi c lt i ... :d-:i11 to em ti o n furni:'lting- tltt: iltc~.· nti,· · t•• act. In ia~..·t. it j ... din: cult t n co n cei ,·(· t~f a nH' nt :d -..taft·. 11 11 t llll..'!'l..'i , . .J~,..,· ,jd , j l't ll · ti n n. hut \\'hi c lt i.:" 11 11t ha;-;~.·d ttptlll enH•titiJI. . \ n:th /1..' tit~,.· Jl'it'• nf \\·h o m Y',u \\'llllld :--a_,. tit~.· .' arc .... trnn • )H'l' ..... , lll :ditil ·..... I) .• \'Oll n o t find th3t illt;tJl!.!"ihk cltaractl.ri ... t tl' =-'" til..-lt•ll ll ill': l··•:. refer!'> laq.~· ~..·ly l t• tit~.· t:lll •tl innal rltara t·t~..· r 11i till.' lli:tn ~ 1 ... i• lll>t the n tan 111.'r ill "ltidt lt1.· i~.·~.· t . . and tit ..· pl'l'ldi :!r :w ll'1c·r I'' "'·hi rh h e arr' ll'C ~ ,.,,ttr •m,,ti11n;-: that katl.., ' " " t•• ..... t\ th··r it .. p osscsse~ perso nality ? It :-L'l' l1l' quit e a :·<Li~..· .... ta\lnH·nt. ·h 11 we judge cha rac ter li:tr~l...·l_,. hy th~.._· q 1alit:: ••i till' indi ,· idtt' t l' ~ em o tio n :'. be C\'er em o tio nal contart i:-. :'LTttrcd . . ·,.,,. ,,j C•llll..... l •. n"tltJJl•~ j .. ;-.. \\.{)rthy th e name of art th ;tt i:- nnt l..' t 1~ •Hi·ll1al. 'l.'l'kiltg' t" pr•)duce m u~ thl' !' t att' ,,f l.' m n ti nn ,.,hi·: lt ~a,~.· l•irth t•· i t 11 atn1 ~ l ll make u~ fct'l \\'e :'hn\\' thl' . \n gln - ~;t. ·• llt .... 11it"d ,·n-


IH.:c:ltl ... c'

t It i 11 k i ~ ttllll t; t 11 I \ ~ I' ;11 il1..· r I Jl' C:l\1 ... l . " <.· k 111 1" t h i :-. i :-- tc .. . n.: all_, ... 1r i.nn1c• .... l ....... Ji. Y~..·t thl..' c::\.pr~..· ... ie~11 Cti .:eli in thi .... ,,.a., , ... a tlv-i r.thl~.. capal.ilit.'. \l-..11 ' ildl 1..::\.)ll"l..':---..ic 'n"' arc \'L' ry prtlll l'

l!ut. alth"ugh thi:' i:-. 1111 lll l':!ll : lr!_!' llll :l· tll 1 !tat ",. dr:t ' .. •:~ the L'artH':--t n<.·:--s 11f purp••:-.1..· in til~.· ii,~> , ,j lltt' ... L' '~: .. tt. tll•·tl :It;. j .... ct :--uhj~..·ct nut till\\' ,rtlty ••f n••t i~,.· ·. :~ :n· " t' ···•n-. inl·i~~~ li·:~· . . :·

i!-- th a t \\'hi~..·h j ... c••rnd H>J':t tl..'ct I • ~ 11'! 1' ' ' ' ' 11 t·~p~.·rit•Jil'• · and \\·hi c h cc> n :: i--t :-- 11i tlt t: l! ;ttlll'l..' and j)l\i'l'· .... ..,. ''I ;t rt it . . . d i. It \nndcl he hi t,!hl.' pr<.' tlllljHII'""' :11;· a l' .JJt-~·t· ... 11tl•·n· .:":1 \ ' m u.~.· h ahn ut ="" uni••rl11lllall..'d a di,· i.... i=•n ,,f J''_\l·lt· d · •~,- -~~

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11: •1 di--pi:t_,ing ••ttr iLTii11g.


'" g •• i nte~ cli .... ta"tL·iul L''.trvllll..·... i i 11•11 n ·:--trained. It i~ L'\· id~..·tll 111 11 th;ll till -..llH'vn: -..tu cl~..nt "i :ll·t i .... lt-:tn111 1g' tlHI..'" \aln;tl ,k k-..:--••11 .... h· · ~ tc• 1'tl\1"1..' hi:- I..IIH•tietnal Iii~.- . h,,,,. tu m ake II:'L' oi it :t~ ih1.· iH-..1 1111.:tll .... ,,f l''Jil'l •'ill:_: ltin1·1.·ii. :tllcl hn\\· tel 1.'::\.jlf<.' ....... lt int-...<.-lf tl111 .... i11 t iJ:JI ,itllli~,·i:d a11d ~..·ri'~:cti\c \\a \' \\·ltidt \\{.' d~::--ig ­ ll'tll..· ani-.. tic ll••\\1.\ f' l'. 11 , .... 11111 .... llllJii.' i"r thi ... rt:a:-=•> n. that an 1' cm"ti .. :1:1i i11 it-.. : .• :·til' th;:t \\1.' \\e~tdd ~..·ulti\atl· it=-- a~.·quaintan·~.· . i•ut r :t th~..·r l~t· ,:all .... l.' "'the ch:tr;tt't l.·r ,,j the l' ll ttlliun t•• "hich it :t,·pL:t i... : in ' .. tlt~.·r .,,,tJ·d ... . i;-.. hi .~lt I'111Jl• ''l.'. It j ... tha t \\'hid1 • .di :-- int• • iH.'int.: . . lit~.· lti ....: lt~..· ... t ... ~.· ntilllL' Ill ... tt i humanit\' ..... .\rt aim .... ;" inh: rpn l Ji ,'~.· .......i:. <1t1 d (; .. d. l:irg~..· Jy by the prl':--l..'l ttati•'" "i l•ka l. ~~ ~nt·~.· till tL':- in :t p .. -..iti,· ~.: -..cuing fc•rtlt ,,fan i<kal. ;tg-ai n 111 a IH !~·a i\1.: \\a.' l1.' a r~..·ali :-- ti ~.· <k'l.'l'ipti"n 11i the itkat· ... I•P JHI'Ill..' ... u;..::...t"'·"·· thv idl' .li . lll• •i'l..' c•ill.'ll ''-" l..' tl lllhinin .~ tilt: l\\'11. J: ut t ruv :d·t .d\\:L_, ..... ii it i--to~ d"· -~..T\t' tiH· ltam ~..· . 11111 ... t pr~.·-..cn~ ;111 icka l. ' I f1i- j ...... l.ii-1.' \ idl.'lll it l th1.· :trt1~tic itt litcratur~...·. J11 !•;tinting a11,( --ndptttrl·. '"''· "· ~,.· 111a_, u•Hkr:-.talld he)\' thl' ~l't­ tin g i .. nlt •tl· i•kal -... tlt1.· t'lllh'I..'Jllillll (li a \ladtttl lla. 11 r the de-

i p e a .... a Ill I i i 1.. · a I.' c c 11 11p I i!--It 1 It l.' i r 1H li'J H ''l.'. I ~ t1 t i n 111l1 ... i c : 1 j.., difiic11Jt ttl cil'lillL' th1..· j>l'll(l'-..;-', ; \ ' \I. rtfteil':--.._ itl:--1 i.l' Certa111 · . . tlte pi "·t ur~· t•i tin· \l:tdlllllla Cl\1 it::-pir~..· tit~.· ideal tit' llltlth~..· r '"''1.. '. ju~t a ... "·"·rt:tin a-.. .\ li lh-t ':- paintill;.! ... arc•u-..<.· ... _\'ll 1)':ttlty f11r th1..· JH·tt ... alll. :j11 ... t ....,, l.'l'rtainl.' j ... thl.· 111t1:-i1..· •II :-ud1 ma:-.tcr..; a' l!lt·th"'l' ll. \ \ a~·~~~.·r "r ~ l..'lnd>1..'rt in1llltl..'d \\itlt ... imila r JHlf'JH"l'. \rt :tilll ' t•l rt ·l'~l..'ltl Ill t ill.• 111••-..t d il'\.'l..'t \\:t_\' . thrt~Ug"Jt tit1.· t:llltl•11-... a11 idv;t l ni Iii~.-. \\ 'it it thl ... purp• •:--1.' til 111ind h~..· \\ Jt,, rl'gc.tr<b the t~..·rn : .tc:-t h etic as a =--~·11•'11 ."111 r.,r pk:t:-- in ~!. utll·rly iail"' t•> appreciatl' tiH· ll'lll.' llH' :t W ill~ n f \\'hat \\' ('call \\' etrk:-:. nf art. For thl...'r<: <HI.' ~ni ;-; t ic p1·• ·clucti•'ll' ... \\1..'11 a:-. Shak~..·=--pt• ar~..··!'- " King- L1...·ar.'' stt1..."h a:- Schubert':-.. "Erl l'ing-." \\·hich in their reali:'m alm<•:--t te rrify . . \lth "u g-h a P"Yl"ht l i ngi ~a l analY:'i~ might rc\·c:tl that we l' il ' t i 11 g-




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T!!F A i.'c· :, )~



d•• ft•el a ct:rl<! tll 1 l•.::t:--l.lrt' i11 t· xp~.ril..'ttcing- th t• l' i ll~tli•IJt-- tht· . . ~ · \\·c•rk;-; ca ll i11rth. certain it i"" tint it \\:h 11 · 11 tin· pttrp•· .... t· ••f the:· arti:'t ! 11 prncl un• tha t pka-..u rt· . hl!t :--.. 1-.·J_, '" t'llll\ l.,. hi . . \llflt~d. hi :' ,·ien-p(lint. hi"' m t·:-. :--ag~.·. T hl:n.:i.. r l'. 11 1 •Htr apprt · t· ia ting ,,f \\' tt rk:' ni :t rt \\l' 111lt :' t l't';.!:1rd t ltt'ill r:•1t :1-- tn -..tnt nH·nt::- of plt' a-..u re and t' tlt<.• t· t <~ ill tllt' Jll t!tl'rel y . hut tnu-..t pv ••• tra te to the arti:'t':' purp"" t'. In l ~ llll'l":--• nt .... \\ t1 rd-.. ... \ ........ "'' • il '-' beaut,· i:' ='"ug-ht. tlllt fn •nt rl'li.!..!·i,,ll :!nd J,, ,l' . llltt i11r p i\-::-. 11n·. it dq_:radl'..., ·thl' ..;eekcr ...

- J <>II:\

I I. \\ \I·! .. :' l . l . I~-

l,v <. quallt:d J,~ him "hiil· ""' ,J,er. I '' ,,t1fcl he \\'ell n ·paid.

"I ll· rc: \ \ v ( 'adwd tl tl· l!11dy " ' -~l'ttl. ~~ ·! kirk IIi .... ~. •ul i-.. up in tht· II ill"'.

Than k-..gi' i 11!._!-t ·;uo.'' •

• I I

THE HELP FROM: THE HILLS. 1·: ST( )() I) 11 11 till' -.. ta~~· plati•• nn ,,j tltt.' :\ ~.·\\ :\ l t•trc•p .. li t. tn. "' J )tJck" !:r.. \\n and


11 11 Ill\'

ltlntft~.·r·..., ...,j,Jl'.

h :11r ch· a handll' a:o' any \\'ht·n y n u dt:'l iJq·.; \\'as brought up Ill a prea c h e r·~ fami ly ...

l• •

J;t'll \\ II· ... I'L' !lll'lt tht·r '


pa lt. llc·cl!..!ed


I"· ll tntltllain-laurcl a11d

\\ ltl'll ,, •: lt.td rt·aclt t·d tht· :--lllall plateau ltl "ltidt the path lt-d . I halt vd. --!rt!t'k ll\ tlh: bt·a lll_" ,,j tltt· pa n,,ralllic :o'l't· tH' ht·l ""· . \t till.· 11111\llh tiH' pa..:.; Ia~· the t<l\\11 . a j umhk n f ....Jtad\:- a llll t t:rn-.. arn .. trg- t il· n •t-k:'. D CJ wn t il t· \all ey :'tretl'hecl


~lu:-. t. ht·r:~lcl

:! "" tit

f COn:'iderecJ it tim e lll change tht• .::;uhjl' '( . \\ ·l'~tl't'll p ·t ti c nce ha:-: . it~ limits . "PrC'tt\' neat littl t. .• t, n ,·n . t il i:' ... \Tllt llrc d f. " \\.hat'. that rnc lntunent <' \'C' r t h~...·rt• 11 11 tltt· p l:t/.a ?" p o inted tn a hug-e h cntlcler c• n th l· g l a,~.,· d =-- ide •li \\'hi c h I Cllttl d set thl· dull tra ce ry o f an in ~cripti 1111 . F o r :1 11'->\\'t' r tlt ~o.· la n d lo rd \\'alk ed aero..:!' th e du :'ty :'CJtt il rl' tn wan l-.. ti n· .... t•llll.' . . l.TI'I · ing- a ~tn ry. T fo ll n\\'ed. s ure that if the fe" ..;:ullp ie..; •1f n .ar rativc which T h ad heard frC~m him iil a h a ppy lll •)(.>c l cnu !d

iII •\ . •

up a r:•• ~.·ky li I)i Ill':--.·

tile m:ullie "' pittt...· a nd rl'd:t r·. tl,rllttg h \\'hi c h t ht• trail cut likl' 1 hrt•\\11 rit , b••llt. t·:,·t n tht·n I :--a\\' till· 111••\ing l'ln u d ttf alkali ·.. i tiH· dail.' inn n Tht· Cret·k. Far 1 11 tht• c t-..t Lr••"dtcl·tllt' \a:--t ma:-.:--- tti tht• 1\::tk: and "••utlt\\arcl. their -.ihln "" ll!llll'it ... ~·ka n ~ in!.!· i11 til·· -.t ll l' l't ... Jt<.•t·n. tilt' ~pan i -.. h ~ i..: ­ l l.· r-.. kl·JH ~u:~rd. Tu rnint.: in11 11 111_, r n ery I l1111 k l'd up. and tht·tT. llltilt u11 th1...· 11are pl a t.<..·au . "ith a h:tt'k;..!TIItt lld ni 1..' \' l'r-Ja.,.ting "11 ' 1\\' a n d ~.,.., ~.: r-c llanging· -..ky. I -..a\\ a clnpt.: l u i dull tlliHtlltain-rock . l ' ild ~· r tht· marl,It• ~,·r,,:--:-- at tit ~..· pt·:tk. :-.taincd in tht· ;..!Ia :':-; 11i a " ' h at· k tile u n ~,; , \ i !1 d , 1 " · • "'a ; t I11.' :-- t 11 r _, " I. tilt.:· .\la :--tcr J,rin.t.~-itl .~ 1a 11' 1> f n 1111 t lJ ~.· 111 11 ttll t a i 11 • . \ I " 1' ' t· t It l.' a r c h 11 f t hc dt~t~r I read. ":\1 ,· I kip t'••rtll'th i nnn the Ifill:-. ." . " Y c~. a 1rd I g'"llt'"'""' it did . t1tt\, .. :'a iel th~...· ··Dude ... a~ ii rl'adin g- my tlt ll llg"ht .... . . ·sen . t · ... urc t' I1a11~ ,·cI ''•tl ll' '' ltt. l t· Jt ..'" 'lttck it 11ttt alllnt· in " l'rt~ker .:-. I' a .... :-.. ..

··nude'· wa.- th t· pt·•lJirtl' t•• r 11 i ti t~.· :ti· n·c· :-.a id h tl:'tl'lry. Tlh· l':tllh.' .,i ttt•itht·r l:tnd~ · ·j r~t•r h~ttl "l.' :tp iH. ':t t'L'd dl· ... cripti\·l' . Tlt l· : \ l' \\' :\l e trn p t dit:ln \\ :1 ..: far irl)m ll H' tr"J>"' i t·'lt. ht:irtg- ht tt l' l. harr•~tllll. P""' ' 'ffin·. :t nd -..n ppl _, p n:' t. \\' IH:reas the lancll•lr<l'.- tt nly c la im t n hi-.. appvlhti•t ll \\·a -.. th e ,·olumirHlll:' \\'hitt• ti (' \\'llich Itt· ;; fTl'Ctt•d . I had ht.'t' tl ' '' Pl ace r it,· - a \\'t' k . ;,uul sn ft•lt ... ufficil·nth· . " t'll :l(· rpt :t in t<:d cnmmit a breac h n f \\'e:' krn t•tiqttt·ttt• . " J: n\ \\' 11 ... ":tid 1. " ·an· y n tt related t n Ci,·il \\' a r Juhn J~rn \\'n ?''

"Tf f am." ~ai d ht•. "it'~

lll l' ... u· Jtj .... chllrt·lt." ·<tid tht· ··1 )lldl·."· and aga tll


j,,JI,'"'-d n'in·kh·. di ... t"''l'l'tl :---iknt. f) .. wn the du . . ty :--tn.• t•t ",· "a IId ' ( I . J:,., . . t .till' t••\\11 -t.: tJ-ral. init• tht• \\' iu dittg- trail. and


H 1.

,, ,


"\\.11rkcd it altlllt' . did h c:-"

. ..


".\1 <•:-:tl y: al\\·a y:-- ahna·. ht· \\' tl:'. \\' hite. Que<.·r guy. t h•ll tg"h . cka r "hitc." Tht· "l)tak" :--at cJ,,\\.11 11 11 th e chapel step!', and I iu llt)Weci o...u it. .. J I n ~ ~...·· !-> t111l t> llH:a 1.-:." as l1<' :-.ho,·ed his Jlal'kat!e .- u [ D urha m a t me . . :-;"''11 \\' t: \\' t...'rl' huth puffing o ur hro\\'n pape r n ails :tnd I kit tht· ps ych <.t lug ical m o ment t< he a t hand.





" \\ ' a-.nt' a pn.: a~· llt·r. " :'"' ht· ~ .. Tilt• "l>t~~lt· " \:tit\·d l•t'g':trl the:(' · pcnl'd 1:-lic. "flrt'ilt' llt·r:

tf,,,, n .




• ·'.\- r I•l\\ ll .• :ll: cI

Jlllllll ' t ·

:\<1\\. k:t-..(\\ i-.v ll"lll

lll'l'-<:lltlll~h pilt •t ! 11 -...tl' l'l' It\.

:tn •l •lt t'll l:n ~11id l_,


t ll t' lll th• \ iil rtl··

:tt l~ t• ttldvr.


·.. 'l'-

ht· ' ;, .... ·'

I !c c. ·r~:ll l' ht·r · \\ ltt' ll

l'<: i ;1)1_,.

hill'.' 'So rry.' ~n ,· s I. llt·lp yr~tlr . . ~·ltt•• tltt• ;' eed .' ~~~ 11~..· l":td-up and s trike" u tT lluh· Cr.. :-.-.. wa ,·. < ;1111~· 111r f,tlr ll l lllltlt-clf•an. \\ ·c mourned Cllll:--iderahk. :--<:ling-" v likt·d lti111. " Th C'n cunJc altlll(l' ;-..., :-:;.l'l>ll'mht•r. and in \\'alk-.. lti111. t r:tilin~: 1 Itt as.:'a)'l' r fcllo\\' fr11111 l~ nuldl·r. Strtll'k it rich . Itt• had. \\ ~· ·d! lined up. it being a lttng- tillh' "'inn· \\e'd had ju..;t can-:,· i· t" celebrating. 'Sc~Jt.' hl' paid. but tH'\' t•r a drr1p \\'11tdd Itt. t • 'l t c!t Then he tqJd ••f hi:-. fig-ht. ~t't'll t:-- 111 lt : l\' l' t'tlll1l' acr11-.. .... i r· •·11 ·c,>tland. fat h e r a ely d - in - thc - \\·n• •l. hl""· n -in - thL.· - h"ttk. tt·il'!t~xtra ct po pe and king--hater. ll t·n· tltt•rt· w:t~ a kind ,1( hi :c.:h in the ~t n ry . Y o u lwt \\' t' didn 't a .... k any f , u,j cp1t• .... ti r•ll-.. . . \ 11y · h u w the c n n scqllt'llt \\'a:-; w hi ..;kt•y. whi:-.k{·,·. and tht'J1 " 'llll'. That 's ,,·hy h e ldt. L'p 1111 the ll nly Crns:-. tlwn· al •l llt.: he lit it ut. Tnlcl h ,,. ht• h ated the hill at fir~ t. :\f ·u lt• h im fe<'l

.. --

'l 'll••JJ ·, t l·t't1(l:t ' ll1"d .... • - ._.;••t ........

ltill !. ht --;t id. I c:J! t' t tc: ll it the"'"' he did. ·~c11t :--ure ,1 ·'t el 11.... ll tl\\ ·, .- {;,H) kL'))t tht•:--c her~ t ·..... .... : . '~ _, t rt :. !! l ·s. l ',,. · 1 t•;•~ ~.·~ti·· :·t~c' --u l litliL'. l .'l''. -...ir. tht·J n':-- hi:-- "'''rei-..) thcr\.· j,;dlittg up. ·.\It 11.. :-:ay -.. he..· . 11 ,, .{ ' . , • • · j, ,. u:-- itut n· ,, ..

tl w I <llll :t II. I It- 1ll<ll I<.· t • · t. r ·' ! '· z a ' ' .:~ • ,·11 tcl \.h:·t · ... lilt •rt·. Ill· kt'tJ'' it in·--h and ckan. '1 " 1 : ' 1 t • liH ••11iy thin !..! t\ l 'l' \\'l't1l J,ack 1111 him.' lie..· -..hctwcrl t':- up -..~:a ·11la 1. 'll'-. d icl -~ ~..·~~u y ·- he kilt'\\. ... , 11t · J1· \\ v ~ ·· t ,,ur church. ·j~ lad.: \I c •Ill e.' hl:ing- l'an~t ·cl. dn ,.., t ill· .1 1a)' i11 r it. .til. ·~r•lity· p id.a·d the plan~ . \\ ' call •• ! . • j .:

I Ih . Ill

Ill• 11 : I i .. i 11 ... .

i . lll

ltt·li'td. Th t ll l, ... !.! i\·ing. _,·t· a r f..!"nt•. \\'a~ tlw hi~ ' .'t' t rt' \\ ;, .. d i n g tin: t a lking-. 'I ~c : y·< :--;ty:-- he. ·th t·rc'..._ · g l " t <: II •,.•'"•• · I I L' 11 \..' ' · \..' r .. t i II a I t i 1 d 1 i 11 illy :-- t ' · r y . a 11' I I · 111 g'ttlll did. l. l.' \\1..'11 t all ' hitl' . . \gun lT~tckcd ,,,·t·r by the c1p~·n tl•u•r. ;tt l d · ~l' .. tl_\ i:tl l-.. 11 !ti-. ian: :11111 llt'\l'l' 111• 1 \ ' l':'. ·1 ht· !-.! uy · ~'ll 1:11 . n·t•nt t~ll a painted rlifllll l ' \\: ... :1 dndl'- l•••1kin~ ~ :-c. , 1 , 1 .. ~... . 1,·.) '\ ltl' ll llh· P"llY qull dra;...• ;..: it1g" !tim ar"tlaHI 1)\· the..: -.i 1 ru: 1 Itt.' \\. 1 ... 1:-- !till ,,j 11•• 11..~ a-.. a quit -t·laim <kc..:d. ·~ctlt \\ I I tl l l I I.I. \ l ' :: I 'I 1' I l ( 1 f ' I· tl 1 . t . I . tit .,, l' ' ' .; t ..... t·.:--..··itecl \. ~''· "· ~ · 1 alllT · 'it' has chan .ge<! rJ idll't ! ~o t•l= ~'I I'~ I 1l:tll fdll t IIa t . i 'l a''lT .._ · : l' l' 1a .., I ·' l': I I'. 111 ' I tl ;.,: l1 . . \nd .... :t_, .. 1,a rdncr. :--\..'t·ing l'" :1:-- j Ill' I , ti ~ I \· -.. II , .. 11 r . : , "rk-l'a ntul and llllllfll'i'll\\ · ... Tha11k:--gi' ing. ' :--po:-:nl \rrtl rt' ; Hit . ... a ],it fr,llll l':tr-...ct ll ~Cllt':' IH~r•k": - .\ . 1. . , . _ 11., 10.

i. w tc lt t d -t· 11 d -• .j(.


11'1··· I \\J't•t''·'· I'l cl ... \1 ··11 '" ''"·


'( : d

d d.

\\' h l' 11 -" f Itl I i \ (. ... fiJI i l . I :II·' ... ;_:I If I ' I t •• til i n ~ I ! j • · ~kt·~· ~c~~l.· I did llllCl' tr• hi-.. iac:.:. l .•·•·k:' 1 '1 1\·c.: :! tt d "ttl;·, .. llllnl'. Cr tttld alm t, ... t ima~·inv Ill\ -vii \\ ith a re d prtlk :t d11< .,,.l:r 111\' 1111!--t'. ·~c11t wa:-; that ltan t h "ith tht· lh.'\\· - i : tJ '!.:kd pill--..pitt<.'l' he carril'd . Ill• llltl:--t ha\t' h;tcl o.:,lllll' lh: r-...tJt.d ar:.:11 llll'llb ii hl·'d t.:art·cl In lt•ll. wilit: IJ IH: didtl't. r:,- tltc \\":t\' lit rlnl\\'ltccl ·<.·111 ht· llllt-..1 ha\' l' had \.'IIJl-..idcr:tidl' --•IJTII\\. ... t•' t11rg · . \1\\· ay~ li\·cd peac.:l':t hk. thr ·ug-11. 'repting "ht•t t l1v h :td ·. 111 ~na kt·~? Y t·p. t wic~:. < >n h · ht· -..a''- a \\ IJ, de.: l•t·a --t ..,!J," c..· a' "rt tllg" an•und prumi:--l'll••ll~. Tll "u~llt hl' \\:h . \cl:tnl ll:tllling t l''' anima I!". (; l"ry he. hfl\\' t h l' lll d:1~" ~"·"t r 11 c..·u-. ... l' ... "111 d d .:.!·II r !..!"lc frnm him . Th l'll nnn· lll t ll'l'. it " :t !'- :titt•r t ht· la-..t f-lnd \\• •r--t (IJle. h e cnnH.':' tCI llll'. ··r )tlrk." :--a , .... IH·. "it· .... 'tl'f

1·. l

... 111. !:


'' h\..'n the tir't placvr -.tri k l' '' a -. 111 .11 !t:. ~_lt•t· c.· r g'll.' . :t:-- I ... ·t i I :\t·\'l' r -..aid mud1. but drittk! ll tth -..JJ:tkl'-... ~ lit· "'a-... tlt\ ca--h-till..:' llt''t fril·nd till hv ki1 . :\t'\ t· r IJ :t d tl•' pal Inn hih"ttll' , , j mapk-:'yrup! . \1 \\;,,· ... drittk -.. it -..tcai!..:ltt. :tlld th 1 ..

":t d . .:-- p

,,, Ill .~

tht·n· at the prv:•t' ht'l' it~l't• n






. -

111·: 1{1·. are f11ur (llcl Engli:-.h pncm~ w hich "l.' ll nll· rit the attt'llli"ll ui ~ tu cknt~ ui litt•raturc. Till.'\' date hack tu the f11Urt~cnth l' l·ntur.'. \ \ h11 \\'rtltc.: tht•m we dlJ nut know. Inn it i~ Ct~njccturt:!d that tht·\ were..: al. \\'ritten l)y the ~a m<.· authnr. If that bt• th e C"::-.e. thl'ir cc,mpno;;cr s h n uld ha,· e a place n n t he ~c r11ll 11i litl·rary fame. s ince t h e~<.: poem~ f,,rm a ,·a luahltlurc. Thi:' cttll<.:cti!lll cnn~ist:' c1f the pan r•i l~: ngli:-- I1 ll. t··ra ...



THe A ,'.'CHOP

1-..a i:tlt 111. tilt• (;u-.pl'l:-.. It • ~l. l'.ltll. ::Pld 111 Ren-: latiun . Tile parable , ,f 1 ht: "Ia ],, •rt·r. in the ,·inL·,·a rd" 1:-- n.~ n· dearly anJ -\\l t·t h t• tl d. a.· tlli ... -....taJJ;ta ill ll:-.trall:'-

p i• i! ' i='~ .\ r · :1 n a n r' d1l:t tH <.: . ··:-- ;r c '''"a y n · a nd tiJ · <Jrt:\..''1 J-.:ni ~ h .·· ;. IH: 1 ','. '• l ; jl,l;l·;tl Jl "l':J t ~ . . , · l · ;~· t llt· . . ," :t lld .. , , ~1 l t' llCl'. ;! n rl · ht· - ·., L"l'•. t•, u ch i ll~ t· l ·· ~.' . "TI~t · I\ a


rl ... ~ u ~h t "~L" t h ~_ r th y r, jj' ·r a i ru itf11 l tidd ,,i· -.tu cl y. IIJt t.: j._ a m pl y J' t'J •aid IJ\· a r·, , n ~ iri <:- r a t i 11 ( j i t II · I a <..t - 11; 1111 t • d 111 d y.

" .\ t thv cl t l:--t· 11i day . at


C l t ll'

l 1l'·1 rl." \\l' a r e -.,urJi ri, c d th ;t.t ... u c h a t t· ltrl ·r. 11!\..·l c•rli •qt-.. '- ' •l lg" c'' ttld h:l\c llL"Cll cr,n c<.-i,·ed in that c.. .t rh· c<·IJtlln. and \\l' :t r l· a-....ltllli"'h'-·d ai-r• :11 t 11 · k n r , , ' It- rl g ~...· 1 1 i t It ,· I : i i ,J t · a 11 ,J , ' f n ·l i ;.... i 1 111 t II a t t 11 · a u t h 1 1 r . \ ... ' · · rl \\·ell

tt jJ ' •il

till· lw;t u tit·"-

11 i



il n 11r lwfttrl' tlh.·




i • l -.. :: ' t h t: -tr ·ng !l tt ·n :-.t:111d idk there . .\ nci :-- ;i id 111 t lt·: m in gentle ,·uicc:'\\ ll,· '-'l :utd n . id k t h e Ji,·l:lt ntg day?' :\. · \\ IHt'l'. tit ·y ::-aid, wa:-; the hire i Llr them.

'( ;., I"

11 1\' \ itll'\':\rd, Ve .\ ' l' ll ll1CI1 -\ ' U tll lg, .. . \nd \\'t• rk an d d " :t" he:-.t .,.c ma,·.' . . ~ ' '' 111 t!tc "n rld gn ' \\ dark :tncl \\'an: Th1.· :--1111 , ., l'nt d ll \\ 11 ; it gTe,,· full late: I l l .... tt l1111l t •lltd t iH·m t 11 t :d.:e their hire: ThL· d;l\ ll :td pa'-'-.. ·d it=-- gu:-tl. ''

re \ <:a) .... The p 11 ·m prc: --c..: nt a Jll an 111''11n1Jt ' !.! tilt· d1.·ath '" 111 . . littk d augh ter. I fi ... IJit (·r grit· i j ... '-'XIII·l......... l·d thu"'-

.. 'hill 11rr,J \\ ... ei,c..·d 111' llt·art: \\ ' ild ~rid m ·: tk lt'lllttlt in my brva ... t. Thr1ugh r ·a-on \\ hi ... pern l ' pt·a c l ·· ... I n -...uch a fit , , j

l'\' Cil'•oJ1g'.

Th e p · ll' Jt l h ri nt: =-- ' " i t-.. n::uler~ m:tny a lcs~n n co n ce rrung\. ·p·!ll !y- ·r r .,., . th , .. .~.' .. i -: :h ·at i·111. tht• i11turc life . a n d ~ ub­ •n i . . .... i •11 1· • c ;,.f!· .... \\ i ll. 1: : r i : =-- rc i igt ·•t :.- =--pirit a ln nc it i w ell , .. • ,rt h rv :t dtn ~·..


It t· i:tll-.. <t lt·ep 11ti hL'r gl·a,·e. and ... t· c·.... a g-1 , ' r i "u ... ' i ... i' 11 1. I ll· I JL' h " I d .... a 1n· ig h t c' q 111t r y u f .. L' r y .... t a I tlifT..... " "'"· e,_· t - -.in;.tin~ l,ird-... and bt··nniiul tree:-;, pl ;1111:-- <tlld " II IT• I\\'

tntth. I I<: pa ........ t· thn~u:..:h Llti .... i :tir land. and t' lllltL'...; t•• a ri\' L' t. C) n l h c n t IH: r .. i' iL" i.... It i.... d :1t1 g h 1 · r. L'l; u 1 i 11 " h i te. an d d ~ l' ked \\'ith JH.:arl". \\' ith ht·r IlL· huJd ... a lc"l~ Cllll\' l: r ... a t inn. and at la:-. t h e a-..1<:-- iiJr a ,·ie\\' •1i il· t 1, · t~utiiu ! ll111111...'. and hi ... )H' t i ti1111 i-., Rr a n ted . I l<:re ff,J)ow:-. =t dc.·:-.crip t i1111 "i the :\ '\\' .kru...;:tJcm . \\' hi c h cl flse ly co rrc:-. p o n cls \\' it h ~L _I ' dill·:-. ,· i-..i• ·n a:' P' •rt ra.\·L'd in f< c vc la ti o n s. Th e fc:it ll lT bt· h ,• ld =-- iJi...; daug h te r rejnic i ng in th e mi (bt () f th e h ·a ,·cn ly glo r y. and i=-- :--cizt·d "· it h a :-'tnm~ d <:s irc to c r o..;s th e di ,· id in g- :-. tream. l~ ut t h e l'rinct• nf ll ca \·en·


i:· :d.;" ·tn ~· ,ce ll t·t · t I n ic;tl \\'nrk . It appeaL t u .~ l l'C · t l "' ' ~ ~ti t ... v Jlit•i : "lt: I n :tt u re . It cl~:ol=-- \\'ith a theme that is : n -It l \ l ' :· _, d:1.'- I t t n.·:1 1". 11 11 t ' •i k 11 i ;.r h t :-' a 11 d \\'a r. h n t t i l h a t ~ n ·: t 11 !_\: -. tvry rk:t th. :\l t d " i th a t <.'. ll' rnal trca~ure oi mankind. :·l li;..:i•'l l.. li \\l' ha\·l· lr·'t a cl~ · a r ll l!t'. 't'Hlr grief \\'ill lead u"' ;:I... •· t•• 111• ·dit al t· 1111 t lw m t·:tllill~ , ,f ~ r l rro\\' , and on the h a ppy .. t:tlL' , ,j t he dvp ·trtt•tl. . \ ' tltc hL' l'l' a,·<..· d father exclaim:-;l: 11 t it


.. \ 11 . mt· ~ \\' 11 :1 t t It •11 1g II h ~ t nl e t h c r c to 111 y m i n d ! T,,: think ,,f my i:1ir •J tlC n 'crlaid ,,·ith day! "

d ()es n o t pe r m it . a n d tht· sleL'pt·r a\\':lkl·:-: a n d '''=-'l'=-' hi:-. ,·i...;it m . T hi s ag-a in i: a h ca ,·y l>l o\\' . l> ttt h e :-'tt h mit:-. tt• the will " f l ••Hl. <t n d brc·at h <... th is high as pira ti o n :

=--tril.; ~· -

a n ·-.. Jh lll . . . i\·l· dt1 1rd in the reader 's IH·art. I lis ,·i:;i o n , j the ! !.'.)_, l i•.'·· :tnd lite rapturo n~ jny that it g-a,·e him, may \ ell ht• ;•ppn cia tt·cl h~ :-'OlllL' wl·ary ~n ul \\'aiting f(lr a ~um­ llH•ll:- .,, tht· ht•tter land . "Tht• Pearl " is lvri c al l>eca u "'e it i- n (•t o n ly emoti n n a l hut al =--•• ~11111 .. j,·al. The sta n za. con ::: ist of t weh·e lines each. r·:ac h ~tallY:l ~L'{'lll::-. tn ftll l (l ll a I fty st r a in. unt il t h last line 1=-' n.·achc..·d . "lwn t h~ end come=-- \\' ith a , ·ery mclod iou. cadence. h'-·

''C hri s t th a t in fo rm ,, f b re ad a n d \\' Jil L' Th e pri es t d tJ tll =-- h o w t o 11 '-' ea ch day: H e g r a nt u s t •l h e !lis s cn·a n ts lea l. :\n cl precin u s JH'<H I:-; fu r hi s pl casa n ct•! Am e n . :\ me n." 'Th e Pea rl" can t ndy h e ca ll t: d tt r·e li g-i u u ~ p oe m . Jt c o n t a in s rde re nce ~ t o the P sa lm ='. t o S o lo m o n's "'ri tings , t o



.. Ti-! c A ::C.'-iO.:.


·1 h<· 1 .. <· ... t "~" l ll .. t·• di \ i tl· · t:Jl · ;· •t : 1: i In hl· l:• ... t li ' l .... , ,j till -.! ' tJ I /' ... ••

~ r·tttp- "I 11 •·

·t.trl/ t- . , . ··11 ,)j , j ... j., 1 ··c~" lr- t il ... ;til'<· \\• rrd ••I' -. v t ••l , .... r•l-. t:11 -.i,nii :!r it \ )'i'••tltlt'i ,:.._: ;t ll tr ll 1" 11 i rll - l' (J'I l ' I . 'l 11 rl t : 1I i .. I ll ' I (.' !.! I ; It: II h I• 'rl_, . i I llv \ v r ' l '. 'I h i ... p •t·JIJ ~- .. ,,;;•Jit ... ' cvl !• 111 d· · · 1 1ip ti•·1J-. '-lll'll ,, ... t i l ... .. II•


rt ~

Publi s h~ci




llope Collt!ge, Holland, Mich .


I !'fll1 ... -



rl . a 1~ d

1 II <.' ~ r ~ t • ol ' i c

I ; I k <• ; 1 ;_: I j li I f' ' l '

I' i t'l u n : • .; 1 ll c • :t t I 11 j ... p j •• lll'l' . -

. \-.. j

i''-'''· ... "

\\ ., ... C• ,;ill'

ir• till Ill•



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.l .. hn \\'11·h ••;., !" o•· i· · ~)

tllc..·J I

' Ill



J :u ·• · h l!f' llll":ll':l ' HI

:O.Ull!tcrl t •L hlll :. ta nat.:\! r

r~~:ally li~: ltt. 1\ l II

ARI) Of [l>JT

J.:dil.na··ln- <'h i d IIE:-.:'HY" 1'.\:--.\J.-\ . Ill

.l••lt n II \\'ant;hul .



f.c..:t u-.

" .\ ... l• •llJI 1111' \. ... ..... ,. l ~tlh. d it I - ., ' ' t It a l ci t ' ' , i · 1• d .It- I 1 "• c..· l<.·r t~ ... ·d <'l':.


lla r r~

:tel• 1\\11.

I' .\ n\o, r ' Ill

A lmun i 1-:di wr :01 j., ....It llllll' E. I'JI,aa rt.' h• t-:~ l'l • an ..rt. Ed 1tur t·:nlif'l l I !"ehW i l Ll l'.., .' l I

!111 .., i n•·., ... .lo ·an :\

·1 h<.· cit.' "· - :tll , j l~tlr ni, IH· d ~ ~~ ld .

,\I a na.:•· r

\' t-. · . 11

L•>l':\1 E .l ito :-s Vranl> .J. ll •1.,pt•r:-. ' If• Mb-. Bil l.~ .:\1 IJeuw . ' 12

A Lid •til' l•:di Lor \\' lll iaan .1 :-;Lro ul,:-. 1:! As:. L. B u:.in~~:. ~raoa~er J11hn .\ h luok. ' 1:! ~I NO LEI CoP J h::"t

l:i ll'll i-.ltt·d l 1 t i ~·l1t a ... ~-k <~ ·•t i n·~ !.!)a-..-.. . \ \ ith ~!I , J'j l 1... ' !'I' l l''- lll'' H::Jtll it ;-.( ' l. .\11cl p illar .. l '\ l 'iq· " " J,;:- c ... n·an ·, ). l: ••tltl d ;: 1 i"li . . 1 •-.<.: 1\ v. \\it II l<.' lliiJl-. r ic It . . \ •td t· t·n · - ! d 1 a "'l''·,· i t) ... i•IIH'. .\ ... in tht' \n .. ,·;tl\'1 . ' l ' t lJ j .. -.. ··nw IJtlr"lt }tl111 th~. . \p, ,... , ;<.. d .. i h !'il·t u r l' ""\\Til."



.\ •ttl n ·-..., a ll •·••ll t lll ll ll ll';ll ,,.,,., lu Tilt: .\ ' • · rr c tiC. fl n pt• l'n llt'l!t: . H olluml. :OJ lch h:an. J-',,r . \ 1h ' <· N1:-111:: l{.t l\· • appl ,l tu 11\h lllf':-:- :'olanal!t'r 1-:tJLI· r• ·tl :1 1 LIH· I 'n-.ttlt\i•··· :H ll ulland. ~l k llll!aU . a~ -• ·•·•mtl - t•hLs:. uaa i1 tnat.t.cr.



Th1 t ...

\\l' ... 'l'

th<tt "TIJ ,. l'e:tr l"

1.... 111

lt:tr"h tak 11i ... ~. .. u·,,, 1'1


\\ ar . l,ut a ... ,,.~o.-v l ... ,.,It! tti th ~· lt~.·· ·rt. It i- a lyri t·al JHtl.'t ll. . . ,r,IIJ !-! h· <'ll Htli•, nal ·tnt l llltl-..ica l . \\"lt;k it .... tk . . . cripti't11" iiiT ! •·au ii11l and graphic. I I i" p :l r l i n t1 :n ly d 1'\ r ; t<.' u: r i z <.' d I n · i t it . . l' ~n· lknt ~ : ,lalil i l':-> . \\l' rvt1 1k r dt t1.· p rai-..c· t o the unkn"" 11 "ritl'r. \\'1l11 J·t·rh ;q'"' "ln1ild<·d IH"t tl'r I ktll h (.' k II t' \\' ... ~: • 't<.: :-

P a.... a .~ c..... rp I• • t <: d a r c: f n - I I I: ;\ !{ \ . \ . .

11 11

(; a II :111 r .1 • ....

1 r ;u ; " I a

t·:. ~ ., l ·: ( ; 1·: .\ I . \ ;\ .

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t i "" .

H OPE COLLEGE 23-KALAMAZOO NORMAL o . \\·. rking· a .~:1i11 .. i tLl' !.!r~o· at~o.· ·t dif'ti~o.·ultil'S during- th i=-- ft~ol ­ hall st·a-., 11~ . kl'pt cl••\\11 h; t nl \ll ltkr tlt1..· .... trin ruk ~ pruhil•iting intlT - <.'tdkg i<Hl ... p, ,n .... .;

~.·r ipphd

llli ' l' r :dd: 1)\· an arbitrary pl·r -

it <.· d iet tll a t \\:J.., \\<.'11 lit lol t llr" "' ll11.· 11111:-·t " J>l imi:'tic f•uJt 1:a II <.' Ill h u ... i a ... t i nt • • 1i t .. • 11 llll' Ian c h "I.' . I I" p t ·,1 kg l'. CJ n \: n " ,,, Jw,· ''· .'11. .· \ L' rth~.· Jc... ....... p11t "l tt an ~o.•k,· l'll that. l' quippL·<.l \\'i th < · , <lch .\l i t,rlld l' ........ ratq..:· i<.·-... h L ·at thl· hu-..ky Kala mazc.Jtl :-\ CJ r n al Cttilq:,<.: .... quad to :1 frazzle. Tl~t· ' •ppnr unit: t il .... ,>111<.' \\ltat lind 11ttr rank anhJng uur ... i ... t c r c n II q.: t' :-o i :-- 11 11 t 1 h l' u n h · 1> t•n di l l o h ~o.· d c: r i ' ' l' I from t h i ~ int<.:r-c()lkgiatL· i ·~ •>t - h;dl t!'<lllll.'. ~hi~ ,· il..'tory on.· r the Kala tllan tn :-\"rmal-.. :tJ . . .. l>l• ' ll ~ ht ••ut pn•t.t .. r "hat g•llld lig-hting ... pirit a nd \·fficiuH Clla c h ing may accomplis h in athletics. lt al'c' l>n,u~lll nut thl' ial..'t that iacult: !11l' ll1l>~o.· r ~ and mt:mher~ '1



nf I lop<.' C4tll<:g-l' cnunc il dt:l i .~ ht 111 -..~· • II•• \\ hv 111t: ll ., j their ce~lll'g-e C11111pan· with th11~<.· ,)i o th~.· r c" :l t•t:t .. \nrl \\' <.' :-tn -

bri u~ •• tit

able want .,f a :-,,:-., ••trrt.·:---.i\ c..' tl\..''"' dttc· t11 tlli:- t·au:--<..·. Thl' reaso n in r tiJi . ., l)a::-hfllllll':--:-- i:-- nnt dit1i ·u lt l" fin ,:. It ts a fear t > t r u::-t

h •-r ia ~·t . n ;ttth.• l,·. that wi H·Ie~nnw t'llt h u'i:t'nt. ga ined 1111 t 1·t· :ttl tlv t :t· livld. c arri \ . ., O \ 't'r tn ut h <.- r sp h <.:re::; , f col ll'g<' liie. < htr d , h at in~· tt.·'tllh an" g-e tt in g- r eady fu r w ork. X l'x t :\ f:1.rd1 nu r ,, ratdr '' il l :-pea :.; a t Lansi ng-. \\ ' i t h a \' it w t n t hi"'. kt t !l:..> lt· , ... o n ga : 11~·d ir•• lll t It e K a Ia m a z u - H n p t· g-a m e he t h i. : .. I I i t t h <..' l i 11 L' I! a r d . w It , k prac t icing-: y u u' ll h it h a r dt.•r in a ~clll· dn k d gamt: ... C'<.:rd y h n p <..· t h :n it will

•nH· •·

••tir ,,,,· n j ttdgnh.' ltt. a ic..·ar th:tt we 111 <•.' '"' t• r say ..,,, i iH:~t n .~rtttnt:-- " itlt ti!L' ~·T nt.: ral np i1 1i<~n that we cl,,,, 11 pu blic r idintl~· 11Jhllt ll'. Tilt· rl'm<:dy llltt~t 1)\ ·a c h man f"r hin t:-t·li. h~· lt i:-- n •,cdntl'ly \\'illing

snmcthing' will bring he .·ought t• 1 m a kt.• it

"t h <.•rw i~l· . . I ~\ l' ~'.' ''""·'· i-.. b11:t nd tc• "m a kl' a ftHl) t•i hi111~clf .. fll<.'tl y , , i tt'l~l in thi' Iii<.·. and the..· ' " ' 'nt·r ht.· karn~ t o cl o it ~ran:iull~ . tht• hcttt.·r i•> r hi:-- pt·a<.·e <•f mind . .\ cco rding t• <'arld . t· the.tiJJJ . .,· tl:tl'l \\· Jt,, llt.' \' t:r lll:tkl':-' mi:-takc:-; i:-; the man


\\lt4 • 111..\t.'J' dt~<..·:-- :t'l.\tlti n g. ~ eli-cu n ficlencc i=-- P nly acquirl'd t._,. -. p in:qt t.l' lt th· ll''ti ng- tttt r-.eln.·. .; th a t '' L' lt.'<lrn h41\\' far our :d,ilit it.·:- d11 L':\ ll'llcl and th11 ... · n f n :-: \\·It o arc :->41 <:xt·cedingl_\ J,·: ... h iul u-..nall.' cli'L'" ' l r that tht· ~· an: 11 •1t ~n untrustw<Jrthy ;: it<..T all. :\nt llll' l'l'h· . . at a .... w ial g:lll,l'ring- inr pk·asure . bu t .da n.' I"".P "'~· "fa ' ••ci;tl charactet· the ~uprCllll' in j un ct i•Jii "t'•'<'"'- tt n t,·, it-. --11cn:-.-.. i-.. ... , J,,ll·t hr ha ~ltfttl !"

CotH"<..' tt i-.. a ,·irtue th :lt ha...; ·tl w a ,·:- ht'L'tt l'l'!..!''tn k.l a..; th t· di:-- tin g-u b hin !,!' a ttri b ut e o f th e c.,Jkgl' ~t u,d ent. It ""uld ~L'l' lll th e n th at th e s tt pc r la t i \'(' <kgrl'c ••i l··•nn· itt·d n l' '=-- j ... a tt :tincd w h e n t h e coll eg e :-. tud <.· nt in t t1r11 p :t''l' ... ,,11 th t• ar~:u~a t i • lll t ·• his fe ll )\\' coll ege-ma t e . • ·,,\\. t 11 ll !' t ht· wlt •dt.· qttc..':--t ii)Jl :-t•em-to h e n nt wh e th c t· th e indi ,·idttal -..c..· t -= 1411) lti!..!'lt a ,·;due up •it ltirnsclf. h ut r a th r wh t· th t·r th t• ,·alta· ht.• :--<.'1!-. i ... :-:uch a-.. i!lt t· Jic r e. \\'ith h i. u sefn ln<'":-- tP s• ·cil'ly. \\ ' ht·n a man thtnk;-; him :--elf too gone! fo r a c ert ai n dut ,·. then . 11 11 d• ,uht \\'l' arc ,iu..;tilicd in fi n d ing fa tt lt w it h hi:-- cn nc<:it. nut it i:-- qui tl' 1..' \ id l'll t th :tt i n c u r c n II e g- e a c t i ' ·i t i L' s t h e ~ r <'a t " h ...; t a .: It- i :- 1111 t t h a t t h L' :-- t u d e nts e st imate th{·ir \\'nrth t•>" hi~hly- tlt a t i~ '' lll·n it t' tlll1l'' tc ) a w o rk t o b e d t• ll t'- LII t th at th vy lltlder- l·:--t it nate tltelll ~c h·es. In o ther \\'Ord ~. n n t C"!• ll C'<..'it. httt ll l1H il':--ty . nu t :--L'I Ia s erti\·cnes , bu t lac k of st lf-c o nfid ·tt rl'. i:-- tlte iau l t 11i tlt L' H o p e ite. Th e r e i!-= al \\'a \·. a ht1 lcli n rr l.:t c k t ' ' 'l'l' ii ....... ,,n ~·lJI II' else" will n o t co me f( r w a rd fir-. t . a di :.;.tgr~~.·able hc..·... ita itt:.' lest we s hall n n t be "' u p p n rt ed in t h t.: :- tnn d we take and "-..lJa li make a fool o f o urself." G irl_ d o n u t Ct1111e ,,li t o n the..: tcn n i, co urt fo r thi reaso n : m e n a r e af raid to :--p<..•ak tht·ir up11tiu 11 ~ in o ur athl e ti c m ee tin gs. Th e writ{' r h a:-- l>t.·c..· n prt.•:--ellt in :t meeting outs id<' n f th e c n ll eg-{', h u t \\' h ere..· a maj11rity ,,f th 1..... . prese nt were . t u(knts. \\'h ere in nrdt.·l· 11• d 11 hu-..i n l' ...... i t ,,a ... ~




:\ tttt••unnlll\'111 \\a .. ntath ' ''Ill <.' \\vt•k...; ag41 that an c\·entng ,,·Jt, .. J ~'"ttid IH· "i'l'llc..'d in \ ' an l~ aaltl' l lall iflr th e benc:i1 n f "'tH: h a-.. . were , ,,·cnpi t' d d11ring- tht· day. n r 11 thcrwi:-;e prc,.lltll'd frt~ l.ll pttr-..nin;,.!' thl'ir "tudit' ' itt tltc day ~-IHH I::;. In a l~ l' ( r d ;t 11 C l ' \\' i t h :-- 11 (.' h :111 J1 I I till C l' J1ll' Jl t l h i !'- 11 e \\' S clllH l) I ) J' C Il l' d I


, ("

n e c essa ry t n prim e p cn pl · t o m akl' ti H· m •,t i••ll:--. l 11 lact. tlJl.·rl' i~ n n ti ceah lc thruug-h t' \'t' ry plt a!-. L' ui 11t1r co lkgc..· Iii~· a l:tllll' lll


\\ ' l'dllt.':--da .' C\ <.· rtirt~. . ( ktnl>t-r 2 0 . \\'ith an attenda n ce of be..·t \\'l' Cil _:;o and r.o. I t h·dd-.. it:-- ;o;e..;~inns threl' tim e: a \\'eek. •• n :\lnnclay. \\ · t·dnro..:da.' and Frida\ e\·l'n ing-:.; . commencing at / :.)0 p. Ill . .\ lll ;t rl,· (•(! and .-( •rr1 win .t!' it.tCr<.'Sl h a~ attended thi-. \\'tJrk frnnt. till' IH·~·innill!!. and it prPm i:-:e' tn he a source o f tlllH:h hl' lll'l'it tP o..:uch a:-- a r t· inter :--tc..·d in ~l'l f - impr<n-cment. Thi:-' '~'~rk i" being <.~arril· d (tll undc..•r the..· directi P n o f th l' •"• l~'· 4>11<:,!!<.' !) l.' p <l n 1111..' n) • II· l't•(l,·l r-. r-. _\· . ·,tJtcl ,· .-=, 1.11 tht nature of .~ Extl'n--i•lll " n rk . TIH· cr • lk~·c n•cogni;~<.·:-- that there are m a ny n-hn. In· intTl' 11 f c ir·clllll"tanrc". are <kpri\Td 11 f many o f th e npp<)rt;tniti•' ' n-hich <.·dul·atinn n ffr.' r~. ;111d it \\'c Htld like St) fat: a:-: JH.-..:'ild<.· t •' l' Xtt·n d tltl' frit ·tHil y hand n f encourag-ement an<


7/IE A. 'Cf!O e>



ltt·lp t •• -..11dt :t-.. n ·c••"IJ t/ •· t!•ltr tll'tc, ••l 'tl 't lu· r iti ... Jt!l l' lt"l: . a tiC I :t r . \\ iII iII .:.! I I c I. \ t! I. h l' Il l' c l ' ... ... 'II'\ I i l' lc· a iII I l' rf II n ttl



"('~o: url'

it. I t h:t-.. :tn·.. rdill~l_, "I" 111. .! it -- ltaJJ .... t" tl11· I >l · p : trt ~ Jill' 111 " f I ' v d: 1:...' c •;..• ·' ) .. r t It i... p 11 1 I " ,... , ·. :1 ; 1d II: 1... 1 It 11 ... 111 :1 d ~,· tt p. ,...... j)>Jc ''' a~.· ,·!llll lll •••' : tl\ ' :tll '' It•• : tr~. i •. t~.·,·v -- tv d in tlli-. ,,.,rk . . \ nJc•n;..• tll1.· cJ-t-.. ... l-.. tilt ... f:tl •·r: ~: tlli ' ld tn·

and "'h" :trl.'

d~.·--ir·• n-.



' "


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... l'••ll ll -


• .{ k ·•n! i l·~ ~ •11~.· l·: tt;..: i-- lt l:t tt·_•tt't~l· .

T l1<. · " c • r k " f t ll i.... d a .... .... i -.. I : 1r ;.:·d.' n.::1 I i :•.;..!'. " r i 1i 11 :..! . a 11 d c 1111 • \l'r:--at ic• ll dP-..i~tl<'d l•• .,i,· ~.· :1 pr·11·t i ··t1 ''":-'..:it,!_! 1 ~ 11•1\ , l,d~ ~..- Illtil t• l<tll!..!ll :tgc· . . \ n" tl•1.·r ~.· 1 : 1'-"· ' ' ' 11!1..'\\ l1 : d 1 11e~n.: :t d\ :ti iiTd. c·l•ll .. j .... t-.. 11 f t!Jfl ... l' whu ll :t\ 1.' "'"llll kl111 \\' ll·c~g . . · .. i tlh· l:lll!.,!!l:t :..• ~. · . htll

t·ntil tll1.·i r l' lit i r1: "lltl•"•k "f li k '' ' 11ld I r••ad~.·n :tnd thl' ir npJH•r t tll titil':-' i••r ll'-t·iulllv-.-.. and a •h:t ll •" l'l t!t'lll lit' ~rt• :ttly multip l il· rl . It i-.. t:re:ttl_\ 111 he lt np t·d th :tt t ill.' illl lll'll l'l' lli tht• t.'\'l...'llill .....· --ci1•••.J may · c~~ntii•Ul' 111 t' tt·nd lllltil lll:t ll\ ·'"ti P :.! lllt'll. :tntl \\ llllll' ll. aJ ... ,,_ m:t\ hl' ·ncnura.!..! ,·•l at d h~. i pt·d t•• 11111krtakt· l'l' :..! tll :l r e••11r--~ ·~ ,,j -..,·ln•t.J <.' -..ll'tJ-..i••ll "''rk -



I )I\ . ...


I\ (

>\\ :\ .

tltt· lw:trt\· ,, .... k,llh' l':-..tctllkcl In· Til t.·

\n r l! c1r. b-..1 lll••ntlt. t•• tlw tll'\\' lltt· t ~·l• t..'l'-- ,.; till: i(ll.: ttlly . it


h 11 t It tt i 11 g 111 1.' :-.: p n ·. . . :-- . . , 'Jill' :11 Jl r v .... i: t t i "" , ,i t h ~..· c" r d i: 1 : . It 1 \ l'll rtTI.'pt t• •11 ;--. I :1\.'11 t \ ... llldl'llt-... 1-.:in t!l .

"'" ' l '


111 -..

·' " rl


gatt·-... a11d

111 n : urn. hi-.. fir-...t

illlll r·· ... .._ j. ,! . .... 111'1\



'' lt rdly llllilltt· r~,· . . ting I•• hi ... ll••"' t "'. l tl l·,n; · in~ t•• ll ••pl' t'··'h-!..! " • IJH' j ... fir-.t inlpn·-.. .. t·d I_,. tltt• at· :·:,"· ti -. ~.· :q•Jll:tr tl!l.'\.' .. j t !~t· l.·:u :1


a hI y h c i 11 ' · i t <.' cl f n 11 11 I i lllt' t " t i till t 11 p :1r t i t· i p: t t t· i 11 1 IH· i 11 .... 1 r u r · l i1111 gi \' l' Jt altntg thl' ir "Jll'l'ial linv-.. . n : t 111 ;1 ,.,,n .... jd \.-r·t lllt · l'-..lt' llt

of prng-rc -..:-'. D clii J':-o 11i «•ppnrtllnity :1111 1 :tch· :tlll' ~'lll.'lll w n uld b e c•pen In them ii n nl~· tl h·,· \\"l'l'l' hvtt"·r ~.·clu~.·atcd . T ilt' \' c-ould ca:'ih· :--pare three l'\' cl'il').!-.. a \\Tt· k fp r ,l.'lf- im pnl\' <.' lllCill . The :l"':O:nciati"n \\'it h thc ·:-ol' 11 i -..itnil :tr :1111l•ititm ....

:•n d \\ itll hl·lp i11l H::t cll~.·r-... \\••11ld I' ~'~' ' 1.' in:-.1 ' iri11g. Tltl'y \\'••u i d '-••1•11 lind -..tud~· i" r ... \.'li- illlJll'" ' ' l.. ' lll l llt :•. pl~.·., ... tu·~.· . and .... ., thv,· tcli;..:"lll 1.''1 :--ily :tlh:tllll' inn11 -..tl p t• • --tl'n :tlld -..ubJt' t'l tu -..uL jt•t..·;


:--tructiolt \\'ill b t: l.tr~~.· l _, . pllr . . ttl.''l. in • rclvr tlta t':trlt 111:1 \ ' Itt· <ll ln\\·c cl ltl ;111\-ancc unn·-.trit' ll'd 11 , - 1h 1.· 1111lvr-... \\ ' hik ,·a ri " ll' llll'll1hl'r-. n i till' l '•d l ~..-~l' l:;n · tit_, ''ill pr11h


- r. -

d l'"' irl' tc• ~u.:q11irl' a 111111'l' t'tl l'l' l.'l'! :tlld pt..•ri• ct thl.' "' I! t: c-..ick:' thl':-'<.' th ~.· n• i-.. a c••n--ickr:ti.Jl cl;, ....... "I .'"'"1(1 lll'tl. :-1111•:-ot ••i "'"''111 ha\l' hl'l.'ll in . . . rlt•••'l hcrl' . hut h:t\l' ''l'l'tl .... ,,111 pl'lkd i11r ,·ari,Ht:-o n ·:! .... 'IJ" t•• dr"p •li l t '" --.l·~ k ,•l npl •_,.!' ll' lll. Tlu.-~- i1.TI tht· ,· alu~.· ,,j t•dttctti •• J' :.nd art· l'll !tlill!..! t•• tltt· '' \' l'll tttg- -..dt'"" l" l'-..!l'ncl tlt1.ir -.tttdi~.· ... in , ;· ri••n-.. .Jirvl·ti•llt-- . •lllll' ill'l' taking· :tri t hna·tir . '-"lllt' l' ngJi,lt . --••lltt..· l ·. ~- lti-.t ·n. l' l~ \\ 'it h thi:-- llll•rt· :uh·:•,nn·d !..!T"''I' tltv indi ,idu:tl tflvtlt, ..) . i 111 -

it i:-- CXJil'l'kd tltl· "'"'·k ,,f in-..trtll' li••!l "ill llt' a-..-..IJill t' d ll\· t ltt· <td,·aiH'l'cl cl:t "'l' . . 111 IH:d :tt:•t;...'."· ·tnd thtJ-.. Cllll" littJtl· :t p:tn ni tht practice \\'ork ...... L.... "l'lllial t•• thi-. 1!1 partll lt'llt .. 1 in -..trttetilltl . 1\ g'l'l..'<ll t> ppttJ'lllllit _\' i-.. 11J11-.. II JH' II l'd f11tlh lt1 tfH' l' lll ' llHt llil_\' ttllcl tc• th e " t11clcnt " pf 1\ . · d ~tg-n~: _, .. ,,-)l;dt it , .... lt••JH.' d 111:ty h~.· ill c n :a:'ingly reali zPd a:-- tltl' time gn~.· ... h~- - Tlh: rt· :tn· ... l'••n·-.. o f , -o un g- me-n in tit<.• · it,· \\·ltc•-..e l'dtll"tlic•tt i" r \:tri • ttJ-.. r\.·;J-..nll" i:' dcft' cti,·e . Till•,- n't'ot!'Hii'l' it a11d lind it a lt :tlld iL·:q' in tit ·





h;H·l.:.!..!T••uncl."f hl-:1\lli ful tn·c--

, -,., ,_ 1ltl·

~,·,,n\t.lli"·''t ar r :;n~'

tllt'tll and ti'H· Ct•lllpktl' vqui pllll.'llt f·• r --:tti-.f:.rt• •r_, "''rk l·hi · :llten ti ••ll a nd "i11 ht•art_\ :t PJ"'' '' :tl . \ ... tltt• . . ittdl.'lll ... l.'ltJ lh 1••:..! l' l h l -r :1 11 d i :t k l' 11 p 1It l' i r " · " r k . llllt' i ::- l''' "' itll, ·d . ,; tlt~.· i1 a · P1n· I l· i:lli•• n pj tlll'ir i.t' "r:tld ~,· ... IIIT"IIlllli ;!~ -- ., f IIHi · c· . dlt~t.· J~~~.. t; _\. tht·ir l':l t"l l('--\lll''"' : """ l•lh' j ... rkli ;..:·ltil'l! J,_ , th~.· ir ~ l' l'll i ·., l'llttrt~.·:-- \· atid ll\· tlh·ir rt·a dy r~.·--p .. ;l .... '-' I•• tl11..· r ·c pti nn.t·t . .... .. tlH·ir ilt~trutt"r-.. . Tlt t~ugh l.'llillJI.tri-., n .... :trl' 11--11 .l!y cia ....... ,.,: :t-


t •<I i(llJ :'. y c t : i 11 1.' 11 111 p: 1r i 11 t.!' tIt t.' ... 111 k: 11 ::- ' •j I I " Jll...' ( · • •II~. :-- .· ·.-. 1 ; •; th n -..e ni 11\ hl'r ill-.tit n ti '"'· \ \1,' thi11k t h ·.t tltt h :tb th'l.' i-..! r;.: . h · in Ja\·,,r ,,j th1.· ... liPt•" l t l.·r:-- ,, f tltt. "r:t11~ 1.· a11 d 1h~.· ' ,J •;'II en c e. t akint!' a g~.·tH' ral -..ttn~..y .,j •tttr "-t ilT• Hl;dil ::..:~. ·tnd .1..~ \ I c \\' I 11 g t Ill' j 11 (' i d l 'll t ~ :t 11 t) l ' \ 1.' 11 I:-- 1 I i th l ' jl;! ... I i 1.' \\ . l 1...' ;, .... • \ • \. 1~.-~.· 1 likt• !:>'t_\·ing-. \\lilt toJil' , ,; t· ld. 1ln; ·tt t r lilll'" i1 " · 1:tl.l i1 i.• :\\ ' ( .I )·'' .I .. . ,~ .\ . I . h ...



Tl!f- AI Cllr F


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' I ' ' · 1 " i 11;..:.

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I ••r tilt• •• r:tl••ric;tl :tnd nH; - ical •;d,·t ll t l! :t l II, ... I ll t 11 ... ,. ,· til l d .tH' ~ ! •r :ol lr:t ct itttt-.. . " i tlt I..'<H·Il <~i tit ~,· kc · ttll' ~'·· :lltd •'Ill ,q· tit, ilt :t·- i,·.tl ,·.. nt p :tlli t·:-- ktl •l \\11 tu ll' ::II. 1 l td _, .. llf:i, · i,· llt .. p . 11·, j .. til·'\' ~.·d j," : 1 l11 · i~.· i ann • •llll (l' l11l' llt • 1 t.

l 'r•d. ~ - II. <' l:11k . til~. · n: : td~. r ir•'t ll th, · l'nin: r - it' .. i

. '

11i tiJ,. :~ 11 n, ·dd - i:t ... lt i:• IJ••d ! la i

.. ~-.. ' lll' it·t.'. :" itlt th~..- ir ir iL·Jlcl~ .. ·:•tj " y •·d :111 ;,.,, ~..· 't·n P:trty in \ "..,.rJ,q·-. I ::ti L Th :· l it-!'ht" iru111 tlt t· llllllh:;-""=' ele<:tr ic :l> ul h -.. in t iH· .... ,;n· j.,,, , .!i llt ll ~ J"; llllll ''-L-re tellljl l.'r,·li '" a g-ll ~l ·'lly yvJ J,"'· \\hik :.a t-.. :tlld , . ._, J, !H' ITilnlu p ••n w i: h t·r~..·d CPrtt ... t ~tiJ · ... . and .. h .. -.. t .... 111d \\ it• h t·:-- '·' ;:l l.~.·d tlt·· .. 11 ~!1t ill ·· ~..- ., ,-r id"r'••f 1h t· h all. ~ll r i ll -.ll ri~..·k :-- ; ... ~ II • d i r• •lll t l11.· --l.· in.nler ,,; l:"rr• ,r:' ... -,_.Ia· t in:it) !..' t ~.. .... , ... ~- •u n• l tit, h::ll :t ll t~tt-..C 1 ,j :1 dl o•li-


tit~. · c .. pr -~.· ' '" " "' ' ''! 'l• t· t· tu . "ith 11 ••11. Ch:llttp l ' lark ;,.!1•• \\ii t;..! •· 11 :'\••\t tll l• t-r .:_;. Tit~..· l:t -.t ., j tlt c l ~.· t' lltrvr~ \\'ill b1:

(; ,-ilk _,. '" till ••tll tiH· ~.· .. ur.-c ci;d h ·. i~ aw:tit~..·d "itlt thl' \T n


' h:tt lJI Clark·~ ~.· .. mint-!'. "idl'"'t t:--\)>l'<.'latK_" .

:-- icll' •• i it. :\.,\\ d~o:l.atill''- ·' "' " '' I•• IJ;._!c r ,. · . ll llllt•cl iu ; ! -..i ngk cluJ.. Lu t i" upt'lt .L• • :til. T h (..' (I til.-:-. t i I I II ' "I )J 111. t I t• (I ., '\. • \ I Il l" ( .c • II 1.' ~·. l ' It :t .. I; l' <.:'II L' It I he II o~ -.. the..· qut•. ti ll ll f••r tiJj .... _n:u··..., 'lt-Latv·-"1\t··,.. l\· ~.,· d. Th =tl th ~· l ' 11ited ~ta h: " ~~~ ~~:!l ei 1. ~,., ,. ~~ l'r••g- r~.· . . ... j , L. Jnc 11 m l.' T a;.; : (' 1111 -.. t i t tll i • 'n a I i t ' · l ·, lilt' 1·cl vd _· · ( >n 1.-ri d:t \ '-'' t' tllll !.,!·. t lt-t " h t·r .!IJ i h: llH.' IIll lt'r-..

hi~..·a!-! " ·

" Tit v l'llr p••" t' llll t )r:tl •• r ... l 'r•li. 1-: . . \ . < ltt. "h11 di ... cu ....... ~. ..... • ;lt i,·:tl :tttd tlltt niciJ•:tl J • nthknt~. Tltc d ~tt~.· i-.. :\l:trch •J. T h,··tll ... i ctl llttllliH·r ... :11'1' ""I t·~-.. pr" tni ... ing. Til~..· ~t fT~.. r ... i n thi-. linv a n· \\ 'h itllL\' l ~r,tll c r .... "lltt . . L' llltt :-- ic i" C:--\l'll"i ' ·t·h n ·p rnclun·d irtt tll \ ' ict"r n ,·,• rd-... " itll th~.· l-'1•\lr \rti- t--. and 1\ ttgt·r ... and

- l

---- ----


L' 'Ji l '

n· f r~.· . . Jlln~.· t t t~ ' ''''" llt' llci kd 'llrr ut tJt dill~ ... . :tnd 11 1 1. ·,· , !l t·ll t J ti"• •!..:r· ••It '~ Pi all " c,·a-.t •tl t-. ,.-




. i tl'


• ·t , .• i

'ttlt t il ', . :--. ...,.1.. lt l'tl


\\' . 1

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J· '.' ·





llw (jll l''ti i) Jl r• i ·khating ha:-. linally IIL't'll !'-ettkd in ll cl )H' ( ' r,Jit- ~c .

The l kl>ilting

Ja ... t ,·ear h :t:-> bee n

CluJ ~

\\hi c h

l't~ llductt·d

tltt• tlt- h , ttill~

cli "'~u hcd.

and t i ll: literary :-'ocil·tit·:-. ha\t' l:t kt·n up th e \\' t)rk . . \ trian ~·. ular intl·r -:--nciety kagttl' ha"' been i• •rmtd. ll cl\n ·n ·r. L'tllll luc..· tl'd 11 11 a di((erL' tll plan than the inter~·., Jit• t:· i:tt<.' kaguc . 1-: arh :--• •rit' t\· i-.. nprc~ l' tlll'd ll\· c'n • team. :t nd in,m tiH'~L' ni nt· lllL' Il th t· :--i;.; l>e't dt·hatl'r:' an· chtl:'l'll tu n· pre ~ cnt ll •,pc in thc intcr-crd lq.!i:ttc debate . \\'h ·thcr thi..: p lan \\ill he a !--l!Ct·c ... ;-;. dt·pctHb tqH i ll tht• intt'rt' :--t =--hown I>~ t ilL· lilcrar_\ ;-;ncit· t ic..·-.. . and up•Hl th e ia it hfulnl':->:-' "ith " ·hi c h •It-hating- i:-- t a k e n up a" a fe ature ,,f !'nc it't _,. w c1 rk. I I a-.. the Debating· C lu b ;~r: c"m pli~h c d it :' pnrpnsc. na mely. t11 a"·akcn intere--.t in d e bating at ll o J•l' ·tdleg ·? \\' c lwpt· it ha:'. hut the rc'-'ttlt' a r e. :t!' -,· ct. nut \\'hat tltt·\· t11 he . <•u~ht ' T h t· fa tt It i =-- nut w i t h t h l' J) c I) a t in~ · 1 11 h . h u t '-" i t h t h n s l' ( , u t -

.\t the ( ):'S('\\':trdl' .



I J : td -.t~ ll -l'nJ~,'ll

··I J/ . , ,;

Jl l'l' :o-t_' llt a t 11 11t· ll!tllht•J t• lll"lll' ::-. .

•• I

ti ll'

1 •' ' t 't l , , ·,-

· ·•·•. •, 1

·' I I \.'

J• t: • .

I. . '•· I .

Y ..... ,; ' 'l'cl tlh ll • .tl•• r ,,j ITi n: tltl' J,:!llt~IH:I - . :l1 1 rJ ., j ;11 ltf rc·· 111 :.:_ lll ilh· 1: \1 11<111) . '\ .

• , ,·, ·,·~.·. · t·-


t '1l 1.' .. , r:t ' :t !- .\ I " ' ' " · ..

l"l'jll' l ' ' l'.J :·.

Tilt• h n _,-.., ,,j thL· cJ-t ...... ,,; ·., J. \\1\11 :rrt· at l'rittcet"ll ~ vt n n1 a n · . are , -e ry t·tllhlt-..i a .... t i l..· .. ,~.~- ti•L ,._ •rk :!J,., :11 ~..· t; 1 '.:ill lllldl'r J)r. ll c.·lln· \


lh:.:1· in t:lt' lllli\•·J-..it\ .

kt • tl•1.· r 1~. tlt l· C~tl'ill.'l' - ' 1 • Ill.' .. j tilt.: j,, rmvd d1un·h cri J~,.,·llt• ... tl.'r. '.' . Y . \\:! .... la id ()n





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c II t 1 r L" h . T It t' 11 e '\ c It 11 r c h , ' i II h t • \ \ t .. bt' ,,.; ! ...,l t ll l'l\. rl :11 tin: r••"t •d

t h l.' • ·•ct th :.tt it \\ :'"' lntt :t pract i ;.~,· ~;llllt' and ;•r ~~~ ­ a l h 1:o~t :l .iigh t ·a -. hard :1' it •11!1 ,: :·, \·: .. ~· \\ 1l11lcl It · ' l' l : ·~·~·: t. ( lct. · b~..· ,- • : ;, ,,. till.' h~.· ... t g·:u nv 41 j th•: "l'a " ·•n. li "Pt: ilt':haclln r clly h •ll '~'l i ' r i ;, tit·· ! han h· ddi •1g th1: C.:l" ··k .\ ltl'kc g dt t lt-!111 !1 > :t I••\'; -.c.,rc hut a!th · t;:._:·h : l lll 1-...t di ... ur~ . tn i z ed at t h v • ·. :1

: .)• ) .1

: · r . ....

- '·

....... '

I . ;._, l :


..... . tg.t tll

' l ' ll :trllltl ' g

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I I l'

r<.tll.' a 11 d a n •u...,t·d a I

I t ' .11



I t· ht ld

1..' 11 t I 1 l: ~ I ... 1.

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.l !Tl'it t

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t h ~..· lllt'P1h.· : '

: \1 :t r~..·u. td t: :.~ r:: :, . •:1: : ~.· r . 1\n . attd .\ lr~. I '. T . j'.,d,-

1:•, 11i

td :! \' \'. h ·• di d n ·• l lt ;t \ ~

1 1 : : 1-:. .\l iT~. ~\IH I

th n "

'11' ' "'!it ut t..' h :-. i11g IHt.'!l put in . \ ' l l ••u r htt ky ph yet:-- mad~ an t:! ~ l' . p v:t L'tl ...,ll, , ....· it :g '' lti .:h l~n: .J;, t' !''··d i!l n 111 n. ll a dden'"' I 1 • 11 g I':.; n t :- ~u · , l ! h <.· .. t 1 • ! · p i 1 ;.:: 1 • i f1 1 r '.' : t d : ' a ... .... l ... ' I I" p 1.' · ' 1.' 1H 1.... \\ ere it. .tu:·e..: ••i t he g ·• mL'.

m a11 <t ll llt •H l1 L"ul li e ~ ·=:~ ..• ,::~...• i t't !t ,,j tll~..·ir d:.u;ghh: r . .\l.Hlgc: l' .. ckn~a n , t u j u hn \ :111 / .. n:~.·1t . 'u; . "i : " t' \ \ l!ru11:- \\ tc k. l~t' , .. J', ~.· km: ttt ~~ p .• -..; ,. ; 1 1 t h e l· ir:- t l'~.· lttnn~..·d clutn: h •~~" :\~.·, ,


lltll · h \\· ra 1:g'i;:g. til l' li1.::-- t t'' " ~a n h.· ..., \\'I.T'-= r:tt t )q· il! i:'I JI , ict11ril· ... i11r till' \\' illllt' r~. { ;r·uul ! Ja,·t· n· -.. r t'ien·t..·


t J 11

() c 1 1 d ,1.· r

K. ·1 lt ), l' n . ./ a c 1 d> l' a r k


m I 't ·I g r i 11 1• •o 5. \\' :t ...

. itH·d a lllll l i ... tc r :t!ld it :-tatl ,.: d a~ J1a~t 11 r 11i t ht: l .l'lltra l . \ ·rt liC He io rttll.·d cllltrclt "i Jl· t~~..y ' it\·. :>tt r i ng t lt v ")>l: ll · tit g l'Xt·rct::-t: . .\li:-~ 1-: . . . t~..·l le .\I. K " lkti, ·u~ ..... ang a "'I" atilt I Jr . j 11hn ~1. \ '<ttl tk r .\ l~.·ttl~o:lt, ·IJ I . pn· :t chl'd i hl' 'l' rt llllll.

11 1d

: tltlll •~ t

... I

.:t c ~• unt


h t •i 11 ~· 11 " tll · d " ((

IlL· Ii c Icl i 1 q · II i :-: . . . t: L' q 1 i n ~ 1111 i a i r 111.· :-:-; . ThL· :--:t \lplt .· tl ... ll" g:t lll· \\':· ... «~1 · ,,j tht· l,t.• ... t g:n·t:~ pl:tyed t. , . I I"JW. I '.:ry Jll ;ttl pla_,·~.·d ' 'ell a n d :! ;-; a n::-. ult tilt.· :-'cure ··.a ... la t g t.·. ·1 h ·· :--:.1. \ lp ll .. n --:t .... pl ! \·,:d .,J ol - ia ~.lt i IJH ·d h a ll . ll< •l ·, i • •r \\': r d p ·r •• .: 1 , r a d •II h ll' p I ~ ·' J,t: i 11 t: nn d t.·. . \-. 'l p ;·· : it: 1 i1 · ; ~r.\ , , , thv .'t. \ lph •!1 '- t l:- ·.::lint· th1.· " l' l' l ltlol t

pi'·' ul ilt ~ · 'l'l''"'" t ea m , , j thl' It ..:al II. S.. cl \ iL.ttin~ tiH' l:. ttl'r In· :t --c~~n: 111 11 t•J u. ·1 h1.· --t tHk tlt:- : . rt· alr1.' i!Ch· 1!"' \-i ll~ <tn tntt:J'l' ~ t i11 ha,ketkt!l. l\\'tt k : t~;·h . .., h ·l\ in ~ h t-v tl i·1 r;· ; <d ,, f li ' l' tt.•atn-- each.

h.' ' Ill

ATH L ETI CS. ll up~.·



\\ ' :Ijland (.).

ll u pl'

s - Ji 1tlland II. S . o .


o -.\1 u:-.kl·gu n


J It •pt·

X- ( ;rand J la \ t.'ll •). lJ "i'l' rr - l i•dl<1nd II. ~- t,. I ,, I p l ' ..! I - s l . :\ I pIt. t il~ tl ~ (.) . The: i1H1tball ~ea~• •tJ IIJH.' tlcd up ' ith a 'll:l)l and a \tnt t h :tt s et the ~pirib ,,fall tltt.' :--t11detth •• 11 edg-e. I·: ntltu:--ia:-111

r a 11 h ig h w hen t h ~ c n d () f t h t.' :-.l' c P Iu I h a.li "i t h ~.· Ii r :-. t :-!·a 1111.' ~IHI\\' I.' U IJ pt lillt !'i fo r IJ (Ipe an d a g"•H•~ • 1.·gg- i11r tlt t.• ttpJHIIII.'lll...,. :\II the ~ C(I ring \\'a:-- d"llt.' in tht.· fir~t hali. a ltttJch dtl\\' 11 ha \·-

within thn·e minutes ailt'r tilt.• \\'lti ~ t ll' hi·'' · \\' r r e t h a t I J, p • w a · t o It a ' L' t Ia h t ' ~ t t L' a 111 111 ' t :-.

ing- been mad

In d i c a t io n hi. tory .

Th e !-'l:rnnd game



ll~ lpc :1 littlt' ,,~.·akl'r. Inn tlli . .


\\ lti eh :tr ~..· ] · I") ~ ::• r ·gt:!ar ~· · 11nt .... lnrli c ati t~ ll ... <'1'1.' that I lop•: \\iii keep ttp it .. rt•c.,rcl thi :-: .n·a r in h: t \. :11'..! the J,l' ... t I n~ ket - hall l t •: J J1) ill \\ ' l'"ll.'l'll .\lit'hig"<lll. :\1 •1-.( 11i th l• tt ld J'h )'t'J'" art.• back :'l td\'. it h a ... tn lft· h ~..·nthu,i:t-...111 a" 1.' \·er. I krt'·~ h•,pi11g th ,lt thi" • , ~.· ar \\'l' t:l.'l tl:~.· 'latl' champi • 11:-.hip . \\ hirlt \\' t ' la"l year ~ • tll.trly g :1i1ll.rl . • ~~~ ia r. !..!Clllll':-' lr! \' l' h1.'Lll ~l'curt'd \\ith (;rand l·!a n id.; Y .. t ·~.·n t r al Y . 11i Chit·ag" . l!:ti tk l'rl'1.'k. i ht: ~p:ulidi;tg :-. 11 i .lktruit. ( >li ~· ~. · t (' .. Jk·g~..· and .\lt. l'k il~·tnt l ndiatb. Thi:-. i:tbe 'lfflllVl'~t :-'t' lt1.·dull· 1.'\'t• t· attt.·m pt t: d hy I !11p1.'.


ny Sll deci:-i\'l' ly (kit·ating the ~ trOll!_! :\,)rmal team .• I lope firmly l':-'tahli:-'ht•d an l'll\ iahk at h i t il' rt' jlll tat it 111 am• l ll g' cnaching- and cia:-; ...

• r


t h :tt!


hare!. f;. ithiu J "'''"" l'llai,Ju J cr ttr t!Ti d tl"llll ltt· r"t·~ 111 ,•s t S!!<..' l"l'-.:-;i11l !'t'a~•·n "ith higlt~.· -.t h • ~th· r:- .




,.k;n <Htt o f d ~ n~~..· r time aftt.·r l llPI.'. 11 t h l· hattk :;ur~ed r ill I l u pc . \\ithi n tlH· till, l' lin ti l. ag · in ~t.!rh. cl a m;t rd t il• r th l' ir g-oal by quick f,,nn:t 1 itm plays and :--pknd 'd io r\\'ard pas"'<.' . On o ne of th<: latter] . \ -ru,·;ink ca rried Lhl ball (Y.) yard" fo r another ·core . The try at g-l)al failed . The last t u uchd d \\'11

'"lhl' r-:aml' nnnm , n n·cl \\ itlt l'n·r.' Clltld ;tit ltl f<t , ·o rahle for a snapp_, .. :-.c rappy ,.- ~ltil>iti••n ,,j f.H.H- I>:tli, and th:\t's wha t t 1·ok pla r ~.· muc h in th =:-. 111 illltH: r : i :t~ pl' .


lt~:-.., ,

dcfendl'd th l' wind\\'arcl g oa l. kid.;cd to \\ ' L't trd i ng. w l o ,,·;t:-. d o \\ nl'd on h i ~ ow n th t



The o n s laught wa :-" s t. ,pped :1l111Pst l1do rc it wa~ b e~~un and II pe's clever tactics

was made when Kaztu1·~ qu :trte r. attentpting a pas: 0 11 a s hift play. wa s l> lnc k by o ur lin e breaki n g thrd ug-h. the ball " ·a . grah ln·d o n tlw fumbk. and f, >r th~· i,> unh t ime phntl'cl het wceu o ur g-oer I po:-. ts. <) 11 c m• •rc p o int fnr I.e \ ':1 11 • s t n e and th e g-ame e nd ed: Jl ope ha,· iw~ th e ha ll in 111id - field. 1 L't' JW ' s line \\'as al\\' :ty'- rh"·rl..' ,-_·ith a :..ra n w. tig-htit!g --pirit . fo tcrcd by :\litihell's cnac hin t!. :~gain:- t wltid1 i h l' tri l·k pl:1 ~· =' c,f the ·· -ch(lulm:tsters" w~.· r~..· n:ltl g ln. \\ · ~ jll:-tly cl:tim tht' title of being p a ~t ma stt:r:-. c: i lht.• i•ln,·;,rd p :l :'". ":---h " rty" \ '" ru -

ca rri<.·d tht hall tol th l' ir l)pp u nl.'nt s' 3 ,::;-yar<.l line. from where. with excclknt int<·d~.· n· nc . Hrnnks s corul the firs t t o uch-

w ink being dcad.ly s ure of l t• n ~ g-ai ns u n thi:-' p ia : ·. as..;i"'tl·d hy accu r ate thro -.•:ing· frnm Ln·a n a 11 d "~teg : c ...

~a 7.11o

4 o-yard line . l'r~~ m thl.'t'l' . hy str:tin·ht. fa~t fuPt-ball. th e <.1\·al wa s carri e d 30 y :, nl -. in tn the pp•mr nts' tt: rritury and there punt e d. Th~.· :\m·mab· 'llpe r =, •r \\'e ig-ht was expected n ow t o c.. trrv tlw hall at \\'ill thnn1g-h ll n pt''s mu c h lighter line. but o ur d t•it.·n -.. t·. n ·nk red arnttnd \\ ' arn s hu i ·,. pro , ·ed grit and S)H.' ('d

wort hy 11i tht.· oppo111.: nts' hulk.

down o n an l.'ncl r n n . I ~l' \' :\11 ki rked a pretty g-o al. The large crn wd n f ' l tHh.•nt ..; and t n \\'n:-'peo pk were wild with enthu-

The line-lip :

K .\L. :\1.\ZOO-:\. C. Blrt k t' .. . . . . . . . ... . . \lcGinni s (~ap t·) ..... l,hinl' ~tnith - (;a]e· ...... . h .. ~ ou ,· . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . ( )~ borne ....... : ..... ..


Kaz on \\'a~ <ktt'rmi n l' cl tn come hack strong an<.l q n ick ly •n-<.·rcnnlt.' ()\ti ~li ~ht lead . The kick-\1ff went t o them, h~1! .\cl di.;nn. hnt s hin g- as ide all int c rkren ce. n ·til e d their runn e r in hi :-- litlCk~ . . \~:tin th l'i r ori~,.•n:-:l' \\'fl~ fut ik. and f] n pe. r< ('C I\' tng- a punt. mixed :1 fe w tric k pl ay :' wi t h !"mashes and

t. e mad e tht· score :

Il npe r 2 - Ka zoo 0. The

ndrd \\'ith ou t a ny more !"COri n !!'. I l ope ·~ n e rvy line twice for~..·i n g- the o pponents 0\·cr th e ir o\\· n J!0a l lin e fnr touch ha ck~ . 1' azno came near e. t t o scori ng when a pta in :\1 cl.inni~. snatching- the hall o n a fnmhle. s t a rt ed f, r hi. g o al.



....... . ...... ll • 'u l nns~ H ig h t T :•r kk ............ \\" curdin gl~ ig-lt t ! ,Hard .............. Stnppleo.; . . l'l' ll l l' r .... .. .... . ... \\"a rns h u i;"' l·: nd

Lt•ft < ;uard Ucan . . .. . ......:.. . . . . . Ldt Tacklc Dam roth - Smith . . . . . . . . . Left End . ( )uan c rb:tt:k

hr illant cl n clg-ing- hy . t cgeman and \ ' ru\\'ink. ancl carried th e h a ll with in .;:triki n !!'" d is tan ce n f t he p·or~ l. when a well exec uted fr ,r\\'ard pa:::-' fro m L r,·:ut tt> nron k :-' ..;rnn·(l another :; f o r us. ~ .e n1n's g n n d

llOPI ~.


hut Abhink. n<..·vrr g-i,·ing up . s h nt after him. and \\'ith a pretty. flying tackle. saved Hope's lin e from being cross d.

Our opponents took the aggrc ~sive in the final ~e~~io n and covered much ground by tackle smashi n~ and punting-. but C\'en· time our goal line wa s threatent:•d th ey found it a verit <1hlc sto n e wall. Lc\'an's s trong- boo ting- hen: se nt the pig--

• •

. . . ... ... \ hhink-1 ie.t•:·:.... . ........ ~l t'!.!t· m a n . ........ .... . . . \dd i!'nJ~

. ....... . . . ..... . I ~ '-' ,. an

TH E AN- H Or.



r\. ~L' lltld . . , .iH' ~·d~ enti r e p c1cm

t • · " l k l4thcr''

ll ~~d :, :-JH.' L·ia ) lllCilll ll l1 .

'j h1

thr~. ~ u g h it:-- 11 11i>k ~t..ntim~n t and di~ni ty 11 £ :-' ty k

n.·,·ca l:-' th t: ~uidl' llt a nd 1(1 \' t:r cli n a t u r ~.: .


" K a z,,. , ln d t·:-\ ...

'I he ar t i ~._· lc. ··P:--ych"l l ·g'Y ctl t:uut-hall.''

n : rv \\ tll ,,ri\tL'i l.

It :--11 " -.-. :-. 1111 t "n ly th~.: athkte at hi gh~:-'t

\)iin g d<..·:--lript i<•ll ui :\ii rr(lr lakt..·. \\L' . :-- h u uld ll tt t ltl' dra in~.:d . Tht• pan HI~.

lll •rthern )jn· :-- ht~ an< I g-o rg-e . , 11 : .. E,·cnir1o-" L. :--un~l·t=--. .. Tilt· cfe ~crrpt . .· • ~· n.... 11 t.l .. .,ltll ·e t .. r·ons ol 1 • · =-. res !Jl'l' t 1\'l' ' ,. >cauty. The . < ;t,fd :-'c<..' kcr~· I) , .. ': . are g em s of exqui:-.i t~ 1 111 h t' \ ' · '· I cI e r111 · g" ia Ill' , . · n.: · I' . t 11 c \ ..I rt. I 1" I a \ ·.('. r Y f asc 1·n :u i w:--r ~rl.ll 11 \\'l'ttnt·d hl<' ctknc-....; ·tnci • ,, h 'c:-.cnp ti4JJI S o f winter' · · • :-.trlll11ler'" 3·, ,,.11 .... . s u e h ~rmpk altld rl'fill c I 1 . . . u :-- \'l'l'dance. g i ,·en i n . ( an ·· u ·t•rt• I :' a :-'t·c ni c and· nllnatltl·,. .- •:--. . \\1.· l' •IJH' Iudl· that .-\l a " k:J •

111 ~\l ttrity . hu t al:--11 the ac 'lllll Jl li :-- hcd ' -:-ikr.

Fro m the cnn, ,11111 , c~.,nclud<: th a t it "Tn th e Frc~hma ll. ..


. I • ..



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t:~ccll~ 111 ,· i\·acit,· ,,..,HH l iel·l ill 'r. .. a1 td :""'\ ~

I{ ·. d ih<.· ......:t, k" cl e p: t~· tJ1 t t:nt in till'


· ~dk~ia n and h an~ a

. \ rthur ~ cha d~,.,.

ha , . l . :--Pn l l' killd t l i a IUIIIl_\' . "•• rid itll hi :-. 0\\'11. rn h i-- ,,·qrfd tile,· t 1·a n - 1all' .. 1) .1..., ( ) . · rge 1 k ;u:" rJJ<.'ill >rg-a 11 j ..q \\' n lll ~pil'le n" 111t u 1I 1 , .... : "The < '~' :--. '''l · II C. 11 pi:Jy 111\' nrg-~ni:.;t ,·en· nice."

j . Ill y ) ~lll ~.!ll. "l'uq .l c and (; , .td." lklkntt:. :\\.·1>.

coun try .

Y · u r publicati c. n i:--

a nHHk1 in l'\·e n · n·-.. pL'l' l. ·1 hl' article . "l'•tlk~c ~rait." i · up to-d a te ancl :-'a dh· true. l{ t··td it. i I P p~.:it e~. and kt it s pur u :-. 1111 t o m u rc g-e nu i tH.: <.:PI kg- · :-'pi ri t ancl C11 11ltll1 •n Jt , lll C~ty-k;:;s c•f

11lll :' t

•Ht r

u ll iaith;ul tl l':-.~ l •' c•l>lig-a ti••t1 and ~ h a 111 phi\antltrc,py .

. lr. ~·tplttlta ,._ft , . \t l:t-.t r c p .. rl :' !t.

.. \. t~la ttt e." t; ra nd 1:-.\a nd. ~e b . \\ e \\'l'ku 111 t: v u u as 1tlll' ,, j n ur ht·:' t l':--.ch ·t n;.!"l'!'-. "Tilt: l'i <•lll't ' r u i i·: ng-li :-. h Li tl' r::ttur~ .. dl·sen·es :--ptxial cunlllil' lll. Its :'\\'l' Ct il\umin~.:d rh ·tori<.: het r ays tht: geniu:-; and P"'\'t: r o f tilt..• au th11r in hl'r dl'\·ntion t•• ht:r · uhjt:cl. Tltt: \\'ritcr see m s t" h ;n c iml ,il>l·d much qj tin: ri c hne~~- purity an tl fl)n:e which ch.u·;!ctcrizc:-. the "1 .- indcr u f

'I' ll . Then· •arc . :--ttJllt• l' llll>n·" litl'r:t r . l' J' i l it' :-> II Jl \11 ' . l' f c 1 II , 1,, . 111 •g· (._··c 111 .,. 1I 1 •I I. 1 11'• 1111 !he l ' :tl"• :lf 1.'1,1.._ ... :

a clay :\



in a


Ill' \\'

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the fa irc:--t lang-uag-e." "Red and l~ln e." .-\n

ll~ I ~~ )


h t~ttr spl'tll \\' ith your paper i~ lik1.' cuulttry. Y~ • ur =--'-'· ~ ral <.:ttls arc ht•autii ul.


i :--

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.-\ 11 d 1

d c~ iL•'tt " ' "nltl i ."' ....., ... ·'

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'-11 ; 1' 11-.

I ' ': Cttll1Jll CI1tan· ·.._ n., 1 , .. I i h l' h a cl l ' ' t a k l ' . c ) t ,,. 1.:, '\:1 • ·11-. • Th:'d ..;ay. '\ ' eni. ,· idi. htt~l i . : ..


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"1 ' , . t <.'lllil -~ :t .\ ' .

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lri!'h \\'iic:. r 0 rt u i Ill' - ~I I. \ \ Iltl \\"I ' ~- h .':' Yntt"m a-)1 ~'' · l' a t·~ar. 1 -.upn~ '"' I r ( ·. . thing-. O h . \\'ell. I . . . \ l' :-- · n · I. ~•r -~ ,, lv " . n t d d ". t "\\' "' ·t r It,, ll·t I . . I ,,; •.·~.•. l,tt' an I 1 · ' · ' ' 11 1:· 1...;1 1 1 ' Y ' )"' · I t<..· h ad • an [ 1· ,· ... , 1 "\\'Cl' ll t':t t' t. j ll' l : lll .. (. \'; llt• 11 II ' . , ..... 11 ' 1c "11111t l1c ~ .... . ) t tI I [ 11 ' 1 •p• ).~ t <1 I•, I! rid g-<.'t . I



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in I ~ IP<: uti o n - \ \ l.' fl-11 ••ut. 111\' wii~ and l. tr\lt' ltlr- •Ji u Jd P ll : htlld • ' II: tltat' :-- ( IIU ia~t.

l·: tllic "' :

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:-' tr. h"g-t•r

l~<t t' "ll

c >n c _·und ay aft<.' rtHHIIl a trin of


lnc <d

ll ~tj ' l'

Successors to R. M. De Prcc & Co.

. .


\\a --

The· S c•pltr.tll •• rc cia:--:-- 111 rhct , •ri t· \\' t..' f'l' '-' tt Hiyin g- l...: ip lill ;.!'· , ":--: t.. n · ~~r .\ lu! •a mtnad Din" a:- a "Jlt'<.· in ; c..· tt ni pn•:-- t: tlarr:ttlt JII. l' r• •il· .... ~· ~r- ln the t· :-.pn·,;-;i t~n "tulll)\ ::. tntnach " \\hat i ... t ill'

';du e ui the '': nrcl " t uhhy"? 1: a g-cr ~ ~ •ph.- It is a 11 L'X<unpk

Our Motto: The BEST is None too Ciood, Especially in MEDIC IN E S

The ·Gerber Drug Company


l't·11 f. l ~ c..·ard-. 1 <'\· li l• ·tl h · I Iii rill'( I. ..

mo r '.

i 11.

F 1tg li:-- h c..·l a -..~ kartH·d nnl.' da,· that " Jt·r !!!Li lt .. lll l':l ll ... "t tl \\l•l' k ." T h a t aitt: nl r•t>ll ' " lll''"ll l ' a --kc..·d lt~..· r . in t h t· "I )" r"t hy. "lt<.T t' ·::-- .'·,,u r ;-; i;-;tcr ~ " "She'" it-n n t·tHinu 1"-t i;,j /lli'<\ l llry ... :':tit! ))t lrtl\hy . I >.. r .. tlt.'


,, j -..it c."

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. \h. 1111\\' '-' hall••w ~:-prid e ! • :\lis ~ 'IJ:u), ttl' nner. t o \\'ctlt l' rillk :tl tl i t' ~cm i narv tah \· tilt' J)t!rlll . - l'd likL' tn t a lk t•• , .,Il l. h ut I cl . llt.l kll t t\\' wh ~~~ talk ah•, ut."


li v I : c I: t........ i " ! · 11 ~:! i · It ' 1· 1 1· " 1 11 11 t:..; :q ')>I it: at i' m !-- in r 1: \· ·--.. it· l: t·ll •• " ' :t ... l•ll li -.. ltcd .\ Ji .... ..., J...:rc·ll II\. ha 1,ding :t



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;: , :::t ·q J·li c I !•' " i•• r t

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ct~l u r.

'n llcgc J11(l<kl=-- '' l'l'l '

A Full Line of "Drugs at

• HAAN BROS. u t·

•·\1 1 \\alking- in clos e..· pr11x imity 111 at · apple ••n · h :trd . -a cc id~..· n tally. l)i Ct l \l tSc Dick ~ m alli g : t n. , .. ith hi-.. hreacl t h Il l \ ' Jt'\\ nuticcd a trct: which h () l't' this it~:-criptin n. "Kt:ep ut. • ay:-Dick. " I \\'O IH!t..· r ii th;tt trt' c·s h t~ llt•w ? "

In L atin - la--s. rattkd hi ~ ch3in;-;a. "

S•llllt'rltH.: \\' (1 :-' tra ·t~slating

\ 'a n Dcr Laan pas=--ed Prclf.

~yk<: rk






in tlt c dark lm e e\·en -

were n n cc m rt: th t• ,· i c tim ~. Tht·y ca 111 e. t h (')' sa \\'. hut t ht: icc c r t: am had ,·a n is h ed. They scctnt'd t u take prick in the fact that they \\'ere compelled tn hu ,. t \\'d

n ow OfH.:n

ball toggery at

•rei "ra tt Ic ... \ I

i ng-. a 11 d m i"' taking hi 111 fnr :-'1111H.'t me c bt•. I1 rl'L'zi Iy t•j acu Ia tt:d : "IIc bin j ij da<lr. t.H t\\' C l...:et:;-;?' ' :\ t>t a lcai sti rn·d .

T he Juni l' r


Yon won't "fu!r.ble" if you buy your fcot

"anda th~ gh cl·"':l

Prof. ~u tphcn- :\ O\\'. pka ::;e d t ll! 't use that ft 's all I h ea r a t h 1.1111e al l day lnng.





TLis publication is priuted by the


The People Who Know How


T E A NCh'O,Z,


We Are Exclusive Agents for the

Are You Tiied of lVIonotouous Bre~kfast Fo3ds?

Hart, Schaffner & Marx C I o t hes The latest styles always e~.t your service.


The1~ try

• One bite give:. you the ar,,etite

Complete line of •

Gents' Furnishings

Holland Rusl~ Compa:1)'

Holland, l\1 ich iga n

Vander Linde

& Vissers

LINKS S AHF PINS. W ATC~l._F<.>H~ :'~~1.> .o .i;:ll·: l~ C U FFTHINGS :T() TONE P YOUR ·< h.,. .-1:.:..\\

Clothiers, Halters and Furnishers

(.'uulit r th .~ very h c~ t.

4 \Vesf Eighth Street

The Colll!ge Shoeman C.raduatc in the Boot and Shoe Art .


l '!"in· :-. t he

''"'H ' '

1-IARI)IE . . 'fhc Jc,,·c !cr


E 8th Sf


~ I l<l~t.




... w

MRS.]. C. BROWN lee Cream in SPason

Ho me Uaked <3ood s a nd Candy

For nice Home Made Candies,

Chocolates, and Bon Bo n


go to the

Holland Candy Kitchen 26 F.. Eighth St. T ry our Hot and Co ld Drinks. They are delidou5.

E o:ake ~ specinlty


d e£i~r: ~ :.g ~nd i:'!: ;:-c-

facturir:g Class and FraterP.~tJ'

P i:1~

to G: ·it"r.

Speciaf attention given to lots cf 0~1~ d--·zen a!ld u ~: ­

Combination lunches

ward at reasona ble prices.

served at all times.



Pennants, Pillo'VV Tops \Ve ha~e received a new Jine that will please every Hope stu dent. \VA are showing new kinds and sizes. Inspect our line.




!.· 1·..; us fi gurc o n your Cl ass· '' Ji.:l <,·ru.






• Begin to Think! .. Tlte re art' IHIL a lc·w week s ]eft in whi ·h to make c·ard11l c· hnil'P 11 f \'Clttr Christmas J.>resents. It '::~ al )() llt tinw that ,\ 'Cl ;l w .. r e l ookiu~ aro und arH.I se lectin g . A BUOK.STO~E , where al i sorts of attractive Novelties, Pictures. Fountain Pens, ~tationery c·tc:. nre kept fo r Ral~ . nlfers ~pecial indu c-E-me nts fo r thi purpo~e The- bes t store of this kind in the vi ·iuity is

Tha only flRST.CLASS Barber Sflop in Holland F. CHARTER. Prop., 24 W. 8th St.

All W ork Guara nteed

They All Get-Their Ice Cream From

.. •

· R. W.


Citizens Phone i470

" There's A Rea.son "

··we cut Hair

For Peot>le· that care"

Caspe1.. Belt

VANDER PLOEG'S B()Ok.store We Can Save You Money





.. ,·




THE C01m1-:n

For a nice fresh box of



Hot Chocolates at ou r I· <1\Jn tnin : Clu::;tll

Sur.<h: ~ .,;

. CHOCOLATES and BON £0t!S go to


C. BLOM, The Candy M aker 1 ~ W. E IGHTH.STI~ EET

:\ PPAr1 EL


Bert SlaghJ







(Opposite Brouwer's F urniture Store.)

~00 FC...A. For our side and KLEYN'S SHOES. I 0 per cent. off to students with Kleyn" s Exclusive Style gratis


Ave. , ph o ne 1399



Store EO E . 8 th S t., ph <"'nc 1254

'f~~;'l"': _,...._, ...3U.i--::..-=-:~~ .·--·,

College Cap~ and Gown!>

Gentlemen's -and Ladies' Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing 213 River Sreef,

!~4.9"Co lle.!!e

P:dntin;! a nrl P:!J•··r i:< ;lJo!· i r.~. l' kture F r :t m e s madt- to unl ·r. \\' a ll 1 apt•r anc.l P aint'\ . . . .



w. ·-

Ootrell & Leonard ~ Class Contrac~s

Specia lty



-c. 't.:.~: -~ ·.•. Curn·d ll nud:; for all

~.:: .·

1~ . . .,\


~- 1_. , . · , ' : I~ - · · - :-

.. 1


-1 ~I

1 1 £':!!


Al~any, N~ Y. Jlullt.'tt r.. etc .. (In ru;~·t·~ t

n~ rr , ~H lr ~ Ii r~ ~ i; ~ D Boone ,..s L.1vory, Bus an dBa6o~~



.. -,. . ~·· -

Horses Bought and Sold

209 Central Avenue •

PHOtlES: Gitizsns 34; Bell• 20








• -











DR. JA.MES 0. SCOTT, Dentist Cltlzeu. P b on e 1441

Citizen• Phone 1129


Established 1872

Citizens Phone 1295.

210 River Street


Holland City News

Holland, Mich.

Dr. B . J. De Vries, Dentist


$1.50 PER YEAR


Friday and Saturday J:ns.


38 East Eighth .St.

5 Hotel Block

· De Grondwet E R P U RLISHED IN THE

Eye-Sight Specialist and Jewelers

CHAS. D. SMITH, Druggist



Geo. H. Huizenga & Co. HOLLA N D,


... -

N ee,tlec tio g attending to your eyeti. Driftiu g nlong witbn11t havin!( your eyes at tPuded to iu time menns in tue eud serious r esults. 1f your E"yes trouble you. If you have beadaches, ut'\rvrJuaness, ett:. You wi 11 find that these symptoms cotc e from the ayes an a t;;bo uld be t•orrected by glassea. We give you a thorou~h examination, fi tti ng glasses on]y w ben necessary.


- I '-e -- ...



:.-------_,.·~---· ---------·---~

Graham & Morton Line .·







~- .~;-


The only Steel S teamship Line between

Chicago, St. Joseph, Benton Harbor, Holland, Saugatuck, Interior Michigan and North. Indiana Points

Summer .Schedule Bt-ntoa Harbor and St. Joseph Division, three trips each way daily. HoUand Division, two trips each way daily.

Close connections are made with the G. R. H. & C. Ry. and with all Steam - -----;: - - - - - - - Railroads--- - - - - -


J. S. MORTON, Pres. and Gen . ~-fgr., Benton Harbor W. H. MORTON, Asst. to Pres., Chicago, Ill. B . MEYERING. G. P. & F. Agent, Chicago, Ill. OHAS. A. FLOYD, Agt., Gd. Rapids, Mi<·h. J. S. KRESS, Agt., Holland, . ~lichigan

... ..

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