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'Opus' organizes under co-editors Senior Sheryl Kornoelje and J u n i o r Brion Brooks will co-edit the Opus, announces Nancy Taylor, chairman of the S t u d e n t Communications Media Committee. Opus is Hope's literary magazine. The position became vacant earlier this fall when editor-elect Paul Daniels resigned the post. Five applicants, John Peachey, Brion Brooks, Sheryl Kornoelje, Ann Marie Rezelman and Mike Norris, filed papers of interest with the SCMC who then conducted half-hour interviews considering each person's qualifications in such a r e a s as editorial and leadership abilities, business experience, responsibility, reliability and an ability to keep cool when deadlines near and staff problems arise. All five were "well qualified," according to Taylor. In fact, the committee was able to choose "the best from the good"—something which doesn't occur too often, she said. Taylor was so impressed with the quality of applicant t u r n o u t t h a t a f t e r the decision-making process had been completed, she said, "Dr. Westphal {Opus advisor) and* I both felt strongly t h a t we couldn't wait until next spring to do it all over again." Brooks, whose career goal is in editing and publishing, and Kornoelje, who served on the Opus staff last year, feel that t h e r e will be certain a d v a n t a g e s and disadv a n t a g e s with their dual editorial role. "We'll be able to increase our output, get a b e t t e r exchange of ideas and get the little things done easier." T h e only problem they foresee is in communication-keep-

ing in touch with what the other is doing. Their first task as new Opus editors will be selection of submitted works. "This year we want a b e t t e r cross-section of w r i t e r s more variety of people and interests," says Kornoelje. "It seems as if all we have had in the past are English and a r t majors." S t u d e n t s interested in submitting w o r k s for publication in the magazine, may place them in Opus boxes found in the Kletz, Lubbers (English d e p a r t m e n t ) and Phelps lobby from now until early next month, the pair says. Submissions should be identified by s t u d e n t number only, with all written items typed double-spaced on SVz x 11" paper. Individual artwork will be accepted this year, too, points out the new editors. S t u d e n t s interested in criticizing and analyzing submitted works should contact either Brooks or Kornoelje. There are no requirem e n t s only a r e q u e s t that they have had at least one course in practical criticism. Opus holds literary readings each month throughout the year in which both s t u d e n t s and faculty read pieces of literature. This year, according to Brooks and Kornoelje, they are going to be different as the readings will now be based on selected themes. The first reading takes place Monday at 9 p.m. in the Pit with a Halloween t h e m e . To fit the occasion, works by E d g a r Allan Poe will be featured. Lynn Raffety and Merold Westphal, Opus advisors, have been organizing the reading during t h e transitional period.

College celebretee Dow opening

Hope's music department was represented by the Chapel Choir and the Orchestra at the dedication of the Dow Center last Friday afternoon. Members of the Orchestra are pictured here providing music for a modern dance presentation by the dance department. Dr. Robert Ritsema, professor of music, was director

ope college Q olland, michigan OCTOBER 27, 1978


*95,000 spectrometer changes Hope into regional headquarters The delivery of a new Varian FT-80A nuclear magnetic resonance s p e c t r o m e t e r , having a value of $95,000. places Hope among a select number of universities in its ability to serve the rapidly growing analytical needs of local and regional scientists. According to Dr. Michael P. Doyle, chairman of the department of chemistry and director of the nuclear magnetic resonance laboratory, Hope is the only fouryear college in this country to possess such sophisticated instrumentation. To assist in teaching and introduce s t u d e n t s in the HollandGrand Rapids area to nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, a proposal was made last November to the Science Foundation to purchase the s p e c t r o m e t e r . The proposal, which was co-written by Calvin College and Grand Valley S t a t e Colleges in addition to local industrial firms Parke-Davis and Chemtron, was accepted in March and makes Hope the regional headq u a r t e r s for the nuclear magnetic resonance s p e c t r o m e t e r . The m a j o r funding was from the National Science Foundation which contributed $55,000. A cost reduc-

tion from the manufacturer en abled a $15,000 gift from ParkeDavis to cover the rest. T h e newly acquired instrument is c o m p u t e r controlled and will provide analysis for nearly 50 non-

radioactive chemical nuclei. In addition, the new instrument will have a substantial impact on research and development in diverse a r e a s of chemical and biochemical invest igations.

Christian perspective of mental illness discussed "She Would Not Eat the P e a s Christianity and the Experience of Mental Illness" is the title of the discussion Jack Ridl will lead tomorrow at 7 p.m. in the DeWitt faculty lounge. Assuming sufficient support, according to senior Conrad Strauch, this event will be followed by the creation of a more s t r u c t u r e d organization of stud e n t s interested in religion. He is among a small group of senior religion m a j o r s who had met periodically before organizing this event.

From a Christian perspective, what should you do if a relative or friend becomes mentally ill? Ridl disclosed that this will be among the topics he will cover in a short talk on the subject. When people are mentally ill, he says, they may seem irrational or incapable of understanding such simple Christian concepts as forgiveness. Ridl will relate how this can be dealt with. Much of the lime is to be given to discussion, and Ridl will present a list of s u g g e s t e d topics to foster participation.

Board considers apartments as Zwemer closes

and Maxine DeBruyn, lecturer in dance, choreographed the "Chichester Psalms" by Leonard Bernstein. Alumni, parents, and friends of the college crowded the gymnasium and students lined the encircling track as faculty members in the f u l l panoply of their academic garb filed in for the ceremonial.

Spurred by an announcement that Zwemer Hall will not be available a f t e r this year, t h e Board of T r u s t e e s during their Homecoming weekend meetings tackled t h e problem of alternative housing plans. The 66-year-old building, which is owned by W e s t e r n Theological Seminary, presently houses 83 m e n - 7 1 from Hope and 12 from t h e seminary. Looking into both t e m p o r a r y and long t e r m possibilities, the Board has considered leasing an a p a r t m e n t complex on the corner of Columbia and Ninth St. and utilizing additional cottages for next fall. The long-term goals include the construction of an a p a r t m e n t building similar to Brumler, according to P r e s i d e n t Gordon J . Van Wylen. The a n c / i o r h a s learned t h a t the seminary plans to demolish Zwemer and construct a larger building in its place. Dr. I. John Hessilink, seminary president, declined comment pending t h e informing of t h e institution's constituency.

Recognized musicians perform; joint concert postponed Glenda Maurice, a mezzo soprano, and Stephanie Brown, pianist a r e among recitals scheduled by t h e music d e p a r t m e n t and cultural affairs. The joint concert of Symphonette and Chapel Choir, planned for Sunday, has been postponed until Nov. 19, as has Alan Davis's recital been cancelled until a later date. Maurice, an assistant professor of voice at t h e University of S o u t h e r n California, is best known for her opera and oratorio singing t h r o u g h o u t t h e United States. H e r p r o g r a m begins tonight a t 8 p.m. in D i m n e n t Chapel and includes pieces by Richard S t r a u s s and Gabriel Gaure, an aria by Donizetti, a song cycle by Poulenc, and a piece by Rachmanioff.

Maurice will also give a m a s t e r s class tomorrow in Wichers auditorium from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hope s t u d e n t s will perform. On Thursday, Brown will give a recital in Wichers auditorium a t 8 p.m. Brown's talents have been recognized throughout the count r y . She has appeared to acclaim as soloist with the St. Louis, Seattle, Flagstaff, and Detroit Symphonies and won the Young A r t i s t s International Auditions in 1976. Brown's recital program includes Sonata No. 8 in A-flat Major by Cesar Franck, Sonata in A Minor, D.784hy F r a n z Schubert, and a sonata by Bela Bartok. All t h e s e events a r e f r e e of charge and open to the public.

Queen Jill Nihart and King Steve Peachey reigned over this year's Homecoming festivities. They were dubbed royalty during halftime at the football game last Saturday. The Homecoming court consisted of Leigh DeWolf, Kathy Button, Beth Knecht, Jenni Liggett, Jeanne Moore, Kim Proos, Scott Harlow, Todd DeYoung, Keith Korver, Steve Prediger, Kent Suchecki, and Carl Toren.

Hope College anchor

Page 2

Societal pressure overemphasizes grades With midterm exams over and grades coming out soon, let us consider just how unimportant those grades really are. We have all been pushed since we entered Kindergarten to get good grades, A's or above. In grade school we couldn't watch T V or go out and play until our homework was done.


if there was self-motivation and the will to learn rather than the wish for an A. T h e next time you are asked to join an organization, work on a play, work on the paper, radio station, or yearbook, have a little brother or sister, or get involved, don't think about the time it will take away from your studies, think about the knowledge you will gain from the experience.


anchor office hours are as follows:

As we reached high school there was the pressure of entering college, "beating" our classmates in class standings, and winning scholarships or 4 earning" college tuition from our parents. Now that we are in collegc and "on our own" the pressures have changed little. T h e same pressure is there but perhaps on a higher level. Grades arc not what is important. It is what you learn and the process of learning that is important. There is a lot to learn that is not presented in textbooks or in professors' lectures. Even within our classes we are missing a lot because we are so busy taking notes to study from, that we miss opportunities to ask questions or to enter into a discussion. Relating to other people and functioning in society and in a community are just as important as memorizing facts that will obtain a good grade for you. We, the anchor staff, are learning a lot more by putting out the paper than we could learn from a series of classes — although all our grades arc suffering. It is not hard to imagine that the grades of members of Student Congress, students working on political campaigns, and members of the Milestone staff are also suffering if they are spending the time that is needed on their jobs. Unfortunately, all these organizations could use more workers but there are not enough students willing to take the time because their grades may not be as high. It is no crime to receive a C, it is not even a disgrace. C is an "average" grade, it does not mean you are unintelligent or stupid. Receiving an A means that (1) you are good at taking exams and writing papers, (2) the professor likes you, (3) you spend most of your time with your head buried in your books. What good is it if you spend weeks researching a paper, perhaps picking up a few facts here and there, turn it in, then turn around and virtually forget that you ever wrote it? T h e same could be said about learning, more properly stated memorizing, facts for an exam. The same facts could be learned through experience and remembered, not just forgotten after an exam. For example, more could be learned from working on a campaign than from reading reams of material on political science. We all know the heartache of writing papers and meeting the professors' due dates. How many of us know the heartache of trying to organize and lead an organization, trying for hours to settle a fight, writing a poem or doing art work for a magazine that everyone will see, so you can't do a half-hearted job? How many of us have tried to pick movies and programs for a student body that everyone will enjoy? It is this type of experience along with many others that no one can teach you about, it must be experienced. Society has us trained to be gradeoriented. Our grades, however, will be unimportant and even useless once we graduate from college or grad school. N o matter how much you learn in school the job you get later will teach you much more. Grades are not totally useless but there is too much emphasis placed on them and they often become all-consuming. Getting A s is not worth losing nights of sleep, not eating, and gaining headaches or ulcers. Grades create competition, which some students enjoy, motivation, and a kind of evaluation. By using grades, professors and students get an idea of how they are doing. Grades should be looked at as a progress report rather than as a final goal. Because of the various pressures there is a definite motivation involved which is actually more of a bribe than a motivation. It would be a better learning experience

Monday: 3:30-5:00, 7:00-10:00 Tuesday: 2:30-4:30, 7:00-12:00 Wednesday: 3:30-5:00 Thursday: 2:30-4:30 Friday: 3:30-4:30


Van Wylen extends appreciation to college community Many persons have shared with me their great appreciation for all the events associated with the dedication of the Dow Health and Physical Education Center and Homecoming. The creative planning, and the excellence and spirit in which all these activities were carried out made a lasting impression on many people. All of this was made possible because many students, faculty, staff and alumni gave generously of their talents and gifts. On behalf of the entire College community, I extend to each of you our sincere thanks. You made a wonderful contribution to the College and we are deeply grateful. Gordon J. Van Wylen

Turn your clocks back an hour on Sunday at 2:00 a.m. This gives you another hour to study, make out, break parietals, study

Hoeksema refutes Holmes rhetoric Dear Editor: The last issue of the anchor contained a letter entitled "Prof defends Senator Griffin," reportedly a reply to my thoughtful suggestion that Senator Griffin r e t u r n two year's salary in payment for his two year vacation in which he missed 216 roll call votes. I made my suggestion to make Griffin's campaign more moral. I think when you vote for a living you have to live by your votes, or the lack thereof. P e r h a p s you will allow me to sort through the partisan smog and obfuscation of my colleague's letter. First such "Democratic notables" as Mondale, Church, McGovern, and Muskie to my knowlege have not represented Michigan in the Senate. William Fitzgerald has never represented this area either. Donald Riegle represented the Flint, Michigan area, when he established his so-called "career low." He is not up for re-election. However, Senator Griffin was allegedly representing Michigan when he took his two year "vacation." Secondly, as far as Senator Griffin being "repudiated" by his Republican colleagues by one vote, my colleague should know t h a t close only counts in horseshoes, not politics. Senator Griffin was repudiated by his Republican colleagues for a Senate leadership position. I think we should keep it as sort of an in-house in-Hope College joke and regard it as the product of an over imaginative political science partisan t h a t Republican senators wanted a "better television performer." I cannot believe that the Grand Old P a r t y of Lincoln has sunk to selecting its Senate leadership on whether the candidate is a "better television performer." This, of course, is an insult to Senator Howard Baker, the r a t h e r attractive Republican presidential aspirant. If the Republican P a r t y is selecting its Senate leadership on their television performance then the party deserves the fact t h a t only 15% of those under 30 years of age claim to be Republicans. I can accept the position of the veteran Senators, according to my colleague, who would want a leader who was "quicker to take a stand on complex issues," particularly as it developed that Senator

ope college

olland, michigan

Member ol the dssociaieD coLLeciare pRessi


Published during the college year except vacation, holiday and examination periods by and for the students of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee. Subscription price: $8 per year. Printed by the Hi-Lites Shoppers Guide, Printing Department, Fremont, Michigan. Member, Associated Collegiate Press. Office located on ground floor of Graves Hall. Telephone 392-5111, Extension 4600. The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administration of Hope College.

Associate Editor Assistant Editor Photography Editor Copy Editor Subscriptions Manager Business-Ad Manager Layout Editor Sports Editor Cartoonists Photographer Copy Staff Reporters

^P 01 " 18

J a n e t G. Shimmin Nola Morrow Doug Dykstra Karen VanDonkelaar Jennifer Elliott Bob Baker j o y Dulmes Bob Baker Steve Nearpass Gary Markert, Kirk Haverkamp, Tom DePree Steve Goshom Barb Long, Deb Hibma, Betty Buikema Mark Douma, Doug Harris, Terri Land Dave Pater, Ken Powell, Lisa Raak, Michelle Ricci David Schackow, Nancy Torresen, Cyndi VanderSchaaf JeffVerBeek Tony Kistler, Rich Farkas, Rich Osterhout

Griffin was about to take his doll and go home and sulk for two years. I wouldn't mind that he went home, but feel it immoral t h a t he drew his over generous pay during this period. Thirdly, I am delighted to read that Senator Griffin is now "fully recovered." I had not known t h a t he was ill. Perhaps my "medical authority" will elucidate on whether it was mental or physical, otherwise his r e a d e r s might think it was a case of two mouths to eat at the public trough with and only one hand to work. Fourthly, my colleague cites the Landrum-Griffin Act as an example of outstanding legislation proposed by Senator Griffin. Predictably, of course, this legislation was designed to regulate the working hours of t h e laboring man, but said nothing about a senator taking off two years on U.S. t a x p a y e r s pay. My colleague, I trust, does realize that this act was proposed before some of his r e a d e r s were born -- it was finally passed in 1959. Surely Senator Griffin has done something since 1959. As for this 202 page compilation of Senator Griffin's record, I have one also, sent to me at taxpayer's expense, as I am sure it was to my "spending conscious" colleague. In t h e seven y e a r s that I have been in the Senator's s t a t e I had not heard from him until this campaign where the voters may well exercise the final judgment. My home has had t h r e e recent communications, like t h e 202 page book, explaining what a marvelous job the Senator has done. In fact. Senator Griffin has been waxed so eloquently in his self glorification, t h a t he was accused of violating S e n a t e rules by using five photographs of himself in a four page newsletter, mailed under his franking privilege to 505,673 Michigan homes. The Senate Ethics Committee, however, ruled that one of t h e pictures, a photo of the Senator in t h e Newsletter masthead was a personal reference not a picture. The Senate rule was designed to keep senators, like Senator Griffin, from plastering pictures over their newsletters for political purposes. Only four pictures a r e allowed in a newsletter. When Senator Griffin decided not to seek office again and began his two year vacation, at t a x p a y e r expense, he urged Republican-Representative Philip E. Ruppe of Michigan's 11th District to seek tne Senate seat t h a t he was vacating. Ruppe began his Senate campaign. Then a f t e r a period of the "politician walking on nails," as my colleague writes. Senator Griffin changed his mind and decided to run again. Republican R e p r e s e n t a t i v e Ruppe, one of Michigan's finest legislators, who had encouraged other Republicans to seek his seat when he decided to r u n for the Senate, refused to do unto those w h a t Griffin had done unto him, ending Ruppe's brilliant, honorable, and moral career as a Michigan legislator. In incidentally, Representative Ruppe and his office did as much, I was going to say more, for the Hope College Honor's Semester in Washington as Senator Griffin's office. Mr. Levin's stand was not mentioned in my letter. Senator Griffin's missing 216 roll call votes was. Returning one-third of his six year term salary would insure that he was completely moral and honest. I am most appreciative of my colleague's honesty in not denying or trying to cover Senator Griffin's voting record, or lack thereof. Sincerely, Renze L. Hoeksema

October 27, 1978

Page 3

Inter-Varsity president speaks out candidly by Kevin Kennedy Brent Slater, president of the Hope chapter of Inter-Varsity, an international organization of Christian s t u d e n t s , gave the following interview to the anchor. Brent is the son of missionaries working in the Ivory Coast, West Africa. He lived t h e r e until he came to Hope, two y e a r s ago. Brent, purpose

what would you say is the of Inter- Varsity?

Inter Varsity's purpose can be divided into t h r e e parts, which each college has its choice of emphasizing. These are evangelism, discipleship, and missions. In evangelizing we are trying to reach out to people we a r e close to; with our mission work we are trying to expand beyond ourselves to the community around us and to the world. In discipleship, we s t r e s s personal growth in the Lord. This is done through the Thursday night meetings, at 9:45 p.m. in Lubbersloft; Bible studies; various group activities, and daily prayer meetings, which are every morning from 7 to 7:30 in Phelps basement. T h e r e are also conferences and training sessions. What do the conferences

d e p a r t m e n t has offered his home for Bible studies and for fellowship times. Does Inter-Varsity specifically one-on-one

have any activities?

I think the most important oneon-one experience is the prayer p a r t n e r s . On their own, members find someone to be a prayer partner with, to meet every day to share concerns for 15 to 20 minutes. This would preferably be with someone he doesn't know. It is my responsibility to work individually with each of the other leaders, who then meet with other people individually. Vicky Wilson, in charge of disci pleship, works with the Bible study leaders. Then the study leaders are to meet with each person individually more than once a s e m e s t e r , to take them out to dinner or just to do something with them alone. The idea is to extend relationships and responsibility as far down the scale as possible. Brent, is Inter-Varsity in any way affiliated with any church?

Inter-Varsity is interdenominational. It s t r e s s e s that very much.

I think one of the strongest points of Inter Varsity, which I have learned the most from, is that I can fellowship with Christians from very different denominations. What sented?


are repre-

We have Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, we have a lot of Reformed and Christian Reformed, we also have Catholics and L u t h e r a n s . Inter-Varsity s t r e s s e s five basic doctrines, but beyond that its left up to the individual.

and through leaders working with Bible study members. Some of their influence passes down. Most of which I think obviously would be against drinking and smoking pot. But that's not to say that we don't have kids who would get involved in such things. As a group we have to be careful of doing things that "would cause our brother to stumble." It is important that we each have our own personal convictions about

How do you feel about things like drinking and smoking pot?

everything: drinking, dancing, anything that some Christians doubt. I don't think we should push those convictions on anyone else. Scripture doesn't say exactly what is right and wrong. Those who a r e leaders have an obligation when asked, "What do you believe," to say "This is what I do." They also have an obligation to say. "I can't tell everyone to do that."


Once again those are things left up to the individual. I think we expect the Holy Spirit to work in lives. Some of that is s t r e s s e d through the one-on one relationships that develop through prayer p a r t n e r s


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Mission conferences are held every t h r e e years in Urbana, 111. at the University. They bring in s p e a k e r s and church leaders from all p a r t s of the world, and s t u d e n t s come from Africa, Asia, and all over. You meet a lot of people personally, because everyone is new t h e r e and you're just t h e r e for the week. That was a super experience. I had never been with 7,300 people who w e r e that committed to Christ.


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You mentioned that each InterVarsity chapter was able to emphasize one of the three areas of evangelism, discipleschip, and missions.

Those are the purposes of the national organization, but each college may decide which apply locally. A question that comes to us is, how can we have evangelism on a Christian campus? That doesn't say that everyone on the campus is a Christian, but t h e r e are many Christians here. Most Inter-Varsity chapters are on secular campuses, like MSU or U of M. Still, we finally did decide to keep evangelism as a distinct purpose for our fellowship. To whom ing out?


are you reach-

We want to reach out to students who are interested in any way in Christianity, ones who are Christians and are seeking fellowship, and those who are looking for a place to commit themselves, not to Inter-Varsity but to Christ. As to faculty, our outreach to them is letting them get involved in s t u d e n t s ' lives by saying, "Here I am; I'm willing to talk to you." We've had several faculty members who have done that and many s t u d e n t s who have gone to them. It is also a tie that d r a w s Christian faculty t o g e t h e r . Anyone mention ?





Well Dr. Nyenhuis is our sponsor and he is always open to anyone. Dr. Jekel works very closely with Inter-Varsity. Mr. Watson of the computer science


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22, 1978

Hope College anchor

Page 4

Cardinal rule: Get it in writing! Christmas work project fore, it is vitally important that the t e n a n t read t h e lease carefully, making sure t h a t the lease contains those t e r m s which are agreeable to both parties involved. T e n a n t s need not automatically accept w h a t t h e landlord hands them in the form of a lease, but r a t h e r may ask t h a t certain changes, additions or deletions be made. Copies of a lease approved by the T e n a n t s Union are available at the City Hall through the d e p a r t m e n t of Human Services. A written lease offers its a d v a n t a g e s and disadvantages, both of which should be carefully considered before t h e tenant signs. The a d v a n t a g e s involve: (1) The assurance that the

by James Coats Of all the information and advice which t h e T e n a n t s Union may provide in t h e course of counseling and assisting t e n a n t s , one cardinal rule s t a n d s foremost: Get It In Writing! It is particularly important that t e n a n t s follow this advice when a lease is required due to t h e fact that anything t h e landlord agrees to before the t e n a n t signs, is meaningless unless it is included in the contractual a g r e e m e n t . In signing a lease the t e n a n t is a g r e e i n g to live up to its provisions, which may involve the waiving of certain rights to which the t e n a n t has valid claim. There-

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t e n a n t may occupy the apartment through the duration of t h e lease, as long as one complies with its t e r m s . (2) the assurance t h a t the rent will remain the same for the length of the lease. (3) t h e assurance t h a t the rights and responsibilities of both the t e n a n t and landlord will be in writing. The disadvantage of a lease involves the commitment that the t e n a n t will pay r e n t for as long as the lease demands. This liability can prove costly if the tenant chooses to vacate the a p a r t m e n t before the lease expires, due to the fact t h a t t h e t e n a n t is still responsible for t h e remaining rent due. However, a landlord cannot charge double rent. For example, if a n o t h e r t e n a n t should occupy the vacant a p a r t m e n t , the former t e n a n t can't be sued for those m o n t h s d u r i n g which the landlord collected the required amount, irr e g a r d l e s s of who exactly pays the rent. R a t h e r than be sued for breech of contract, one last a t t e m p t to avoid such litigation is by obtaining the permission of the landlord to sublet the a p a r t m e n t . Yet this still involves the liability t h a t the former tenant is responsible for all unpaid rent or d a m a g e s incurred during t h e subletting period. The s t u d e n t who is considering renting an apartment which r e q u i r e s a lease must make certain that provisions are made which define t h e r i g h t s and responsibilities of both parties. Of particular importance is 1) amount of rent; 2) who is responsible for paying utilities; and most important of all 3) with whom, what, and how many may s h a r e the a p a r t m e n t (i.e., lovers and pets).

intcnieivs for Orlando, Fla.

T h e Ministry of Christ's People office has recently announced the plans for its traditional Christmas Work Project, which will send a dozen Hope s t u d e n t s to Orlando, Florida this year. Beth Marcus, coordinator of adult voluntary services for the Reformed Church in America, will be on Campus Nov. 7 to conduct interviews with interested stud e n t s . On the basis of these inter views, twelve s t u d e n t s will be chosen to participate in the work project for this y e a r . The project, to be held from Dec. 27 through J a n . 12, will in-

volve work at Edgewood Ranch, a residential community for problem children through high school age. Edgewood is unique in its therapy, which involves counseling of both t h e child and the p a r e n t s . The twelve selected Hope s t u d e n t s will live at t h e Edgewood Ranch, and in addition to spending time with the children, their duties will include painting, ground maintenance, and canvassing for the Rolling Hills Community Church near Orlando. Transportation costs and living expenses of the project will be met by funds from the S t u d e n t Church.





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Page 5

700 run, bike, swim in amateur field day Three Hope students and a prof were among the 28 winners in the Run-Bike-Swim competition held Saturday as part of the Dow Health and Physical Education Center dedication. Nearly 700 participants turned out for the competitive and the just-for-fun events. Freshman Dave Moored led his age bracket in the men's swimming, with a time of 10:13.51 for one-half mile. Barrie Richardson, chairman of the business and eco-

nomics department, won his heat with a time of 18.21.7 for the half mile. In the 10,000-meter bike race, Linda Leeds, a freshman, finished first at 24:24. Kathy Anderson, a junior, won the 10,000-meter run, crossing the tape at 47:31. Dr. Glenn Wieren ran the program and was pleased with the turnout. He is now pondering the possibility of continuing the competition next year.

Future tycoons to visit Ford factory, hear talks Other activities planned by the club include several more field trips, possibly one to Chicago next semester, and the scheduling of businessmen as guest speakers for their new Community Hour lecture series on career alternatives. Some monthly meetings will be devoted to writing resumes and management letters, giving students "the chance to develop skills needed to succeed in the business world," Wear says. The other officers of the club are Keith Brinks, vice-president; Tim Rudd, treasurer; and Jill Clegg, secretary. The new editor for the monthly newsletter is Owen Kitchens.

Tickets are still available for a Business Club-sponsored trip to the Ford Motor Company Thursday, according to club president Paul Wear. This is the first of several trips planned for the year. The $5 cost will include lunch and a tour of the plant. Talks will also be given on sales/marketing, accounting/auditing, and personnel areas of business open to Hope graduates. Tickets can be obtained from Timothy Jenks, assistant professor of business administration and business club faculty advisor. The number of students able to go will be limited to 30.

SAC presents dance-guitar duo ONE PLUS ONE, composed of dancer Patricia Hruby and guitarist David Onderonk, will perform in the Studio Theatre tonight and tomorrow at 9:30 p.m. The two performances will include different material for the benefit of those who attend both nights. The event, presented by SAC, is free for students. ONE PLUS ONE returned this month from their tour in Central America. This tour facilitated and arranged by the International Communication Agency, a division of the U. S. State Department, took the duo to San Jose, Costa Rica; Tegucigalpa, Honduras; and Panama City, Panama, among other places. Prior to that tour the highly acclaimed duo were performing in Europe at Yugoslavia's Ljubljana Music Festival to sell-out audiences. They traveled to London and added to their

repertory a dance solo from London's Extemporary Dance Group. They are returning to the Midwest to do a short tour (to include Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan). They will be performing their history of dance, "In the Beginning...," as well as pieces Cj-om their dance-music-theater repertory; "Indeterminancy Principle," about the relationship between a couple and their relationship to the audience; and

"House," their newest piece. This originates, according to SAC, from choreographer Patricia Hruby's dreams. These pieces involve a synthesis of dance, music, dialogue, mime, and drama. David will be playing guitar solos from the works of Bach, Granados, and Albeniz, and Patricia will be performing the new solo, just taken from London, as well as others in the repertory.

Mand, Jerez spike Alma Last week Wednesday, the volleyballers faced Alma in their fourth MIAA meet. Alma quickly found themselves outmatched as Hope easily defeated them 15-5 and 15-6. Elsie Jerez and captain Jos Mand had a field day as they spiked several points, which were set-up by senior Cheryl Burke and

freshman Ann Hartney and which Alma could not return. Everyone played together as a team which was another plus. The next home meet will be a dual meet against Adrian and Kalamazoo tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the Dow Center.

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Hope College anchor

Page 6

Bulldogs pounded 7-0 in Homecoming bout The Homecoming jinx remained intact Saturday with the Dutchmen defeating Adrian 7-0. The Dutchmen remained unbeaten in league play and upped their overall mark to 6-1. Hope has not lost a Homecoming game since 1962! THE LOSS for the Bulldogs dropped them out of a three-way tie for first place. Hope is now tied with Kalamazoo, each owning 3-0 league records. Hope was prepared for the Bulldogs, who were the pre-season favorites to win the league championship. "We realized from the start that they would be a team to be contended with this season," said Dutchmen coach Ray Smith. "This is the best Adrian team we've seen in six years, and they probably have the best defense in our league." SATURDAY S GAME was well played by both teams and the defenses of each squad were excellent. Adrian entered the game leading the league in total defense. They were number one in pass defense and number two in rush defense. Hope entered the game as the league leader in the stingiest defense against the rush.

The Bulldogs knew they would put their pass defense on t h e line as Mark Spencer, the Dutchmen's freshman quarterback was the leading passer in the MIAA. The first two q u a r t e r s of the game were scoreless as neither offense was able to threaten. Hope did get to the 17 yard line of t h e Bulldogs, where their drive stalled. GREG BEKIUS had his field goal attempt fall short, kicking into a very strong wind. The Dutchmen also blocked a punt but were unable to cash in on the turnover. After the first half ended in a scoreless tie, Hope came out

hungry in the second half. The defense played very well throughout the first half. The Dutchmen received the kick to open the third quarter, but could not mount a serious t h r e a t . Adrian stopped Hope and received the punt. THEY STARTED putting a drive together. The bulldogs crossed mid-field and were heading toward the go-ahead score, Brian Leak stepped in front of a Bulldog receiver and not only thwarted the Adrian drive, but also ignited the Dutchmen squad. Hope was not to be stopped on this drive. Spencer was able to mix the plays up well and passed

Hockey team checks into play The Hope field hockey team travels to Adrian, Michigan to compete in the MIAA tournament tomorrow. This tournament will conclude what wound up as a tough season for Hope. They enter the season finale with a 1-4-1 league record. The teams that enter the tournament as the "teams to beat" are Calvin and Albion. Last Tuesday, the women's field hockey team lost to GVSC, 5-2. Hope played well, but lost to a stronger team. Lois Tamminga added the first score for the Dutchmen and then added the

Kurt Droppers, 76, puts the finishing touches on the sacking of Bulldog QB Paul Downs. Teammate Doug Koopman, 79, helped to trap him. The Dutchmen defensive f r o n t harassed Downs all day in leading the team t o a 7-0 Homecoming day victory over Adrian College.

second goal on an assist from Sue Gebhart. The team from GVSC was able to control the game and the tempo, forcing Hope into mistakes that wound up as scores. Hope ended the MIAA season on the previous Wednesday, losing to Alma College, 3-0. The win put Alma in a virtual tie for first place with Albion, each team possessing identical 4-0-1 league marks.

Street race dead ends for Adrian Do you remember the days of old when bad guys ran the streets of Chicago, New York and Detroit with the good guys hot in their pursuit? Over Homecoming weekend, to dedicate the new Dow Center, Hope's harriers took on the Adrian Bulldogs in a 5 mile foot race through the s t r e e t s of Holland. But, this time the bad guys were in pursuit of the good guys. In the end the Dutchmen had won the race defeating Adrian 15-49. Dick Northuis, followed by

brother Mark finished first and second, respectively, with only 27 seconds between them. Mark Ongley, George Moger, and Larry Kortering all finished within one minute of Mark Northuis to give the Dutchmen a sweep of the first 5 places. The Dutchmen still remain the only undefeated team in the MIAA, and are well on their way to capturing their 7th conference championship in 8 years. They were co-champs with Calvin last year.

successfully whenever he needed to. The Spencer-to-Paul Damon combination showed their worth in the drive with several big plays to keep the drive going. The Bulldogs also gave Hope a big lift with a personal foul which gave the Dutchmen a first down on what would have been fourth down and 5 to go. HOPE DROVE to the Adrian one yard line with a first down. This is where the Bulldogs showed what they were made of as they stopped Hope twice at the one yard line. Hope was not to be denied a f t e r coming this far. On a third down and goal situation, Rick Schutt carried t h e ball over the left side into the end zone. This climaxed a 53 yard drive which ate away 7:52 of the third q u a r t e r . That was the only score that the Dutchmen defense needed as they controlled the Adrian squad the rest of t h e game. The defensive line, led by freshman Walter Webb, kept the pressure on the Bulldogs all day. Adrian's quarterback, Paul Downs, had a hard time getting his passes off with Hope's defensive front constantly hounding Downs. ADRIAN OPENED the final quarter with Downs finding his favorite receiver, Joe Bacani, the MIAA's leading pass receiver last year, all alone on the sidelines. The play was good for 67 yards and Steve Prediger saved t h e touchdown. The Bulldogs drove to within the Dutchmen 15 yard line. They w e r e stopped by Brian Leak's key interception at the goal line.

STATS FROM THE ADRIAN ( i A M t H Firsi D o w n s Rushing Attrmpis Net Y a r d s R u s h i n g Passing Nci Yards Passing T o t a l O f f e n s i v e Plays T o l a ! Net Yards Fumblrs Penalties


14 II fiO 42 119 28 8 20 0 7 1 9 2 102 141 70 61 221 Ift9 11 10 1 15 5 24

S C O R I N G BY Q U A R T E R S : A d r i a n 0 . 1st. 0, 2 n d 0 3 r d 0 4 i h H o p e 0 . Ist. 0 . 2 n d . 7. 3 r d . 0 4 t h SCORING: Hope Schutt

0 7

1 r u n ( B e k i u s Kick 1

RUSHING; H o p e B o e v r 18 6 2 . C a m 19 4 3 S c h u t t 2 3 T D . D e Y o u n g 3 15. A d r i a n B e n n e t t 4 5. W o o d 21 37 B a k e r 4 8 Bacani 1 4 PASSING: H o p e S p e n c r r 8 19 0 102 y d s

01 0 Adrian


D o w n s 7 19 2 141 vds

PASS R E C E I V I N G : Hope D a m o n h 72 Bras<hU-r D e Y o u n g 1 12 A d n a n Bacani 5 124. Kovalik 1 8


1 18 Wood

MIAA F O O T B A L L SCOREBOARD LAST WEEK'S RESULTS H o p e 7. A d r i a n 0 Kalmazoo 20. Albion 0 Olivet 2 0 . A l m a 9

Soccer squad a spoiler, may decide Kazoo fate The Dutchmen booters find themselves in the role of a spoiler. After battling the Knights of Calvin College to a 0-0 tie last Saturday, the varsity squad hosts Kalamazoo tomorrow. Hope battles the Kalamazoo team, a team t h a t is one game out of first place. The Hornets were 2-0 victors in the first meeting between these two teams this year. Leading the Hornets is the MIAA's leading scorer, P e t e r Roukema. Twice this season, Roukema, a native of The Hague, Netherlands, has scored hat tricks. Last Sat. the Dutchmen booters battled Calvin to a scoreless tie that lasted through two overtime periods. The tie left Calvin with a league leading record of 5-0-1, while Hope's league record

Late in the final quarter, Adrian drove deep into the opponents end of the field. Hope stopped two passes into the end zone, halting their drive. The home team was then able to run out the clock for t h e victory. THE WIN set up the meeting between the Kalamazoo Hornets on Nov. 4 as a game that could very well be for the league championship. This game will be the last game played at Riverview Park. Hope travels to Alma tomorrow to battle the Scots. Alma owns a 0-3 record in the league and 4-3 mark over-all.

T O M O R R O W S GAMES I l o p e ai A l m a K a l m a / o o at A d r i a n Olivet at A l b i o n

dropped to 3-2-1. Senior Dave Johnson, Ho goalie, t u r n e d in an outstanding di performance, repelling twelve shots on goal. His counterpart, Dave VanHeemst, the Knight goalie, played just as well as he was successful in stopping fifteen a t t e m p t s on the goal. Fullbacks Gary Hutchins, Bruce P o t t e r , and Scott Savage helped make Dave Johnson's job a bit easier with some outstanding play. Bob Shoemaker, K u r t Beerboom, and John Peachy sparkled on the offense, keeping the pressure on the Knight defense. Wednesday, the Dutchmen traveled to Albion to battle the Britons in a league match. Hope defeated them 2-1 in the first meeting in a game played at home.


Players of the week Brian Leak, Dutchmen defensive halfback, tied Kalamazoo's Phil Mowers for defensive player of t h e week in t h e MIAA. Leak made two key pass interceptions, leading Hope to a 7-0 victory over Adrian. The first theft set up the only touchdown of the game and the second one stalled Adrian's most serious t h r e a t in the game. Senior Dave Johnson, the Dutchmen goalie, also earned the honor as co-player of the week in soccer. He turned in an outstanding performance in a 0-0 tie with Calvin College. Johnson has had a great career at Hope, allowing only 1.15 goals through 26 games in MIAA competition.


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