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"Casey" Writes From India




WITH EXCERCISES T indivanam, India. Feb. 25,191

PD 0BN'r

\nfr ProfelS r DimlHlnt', inspiring address in the . L C. A. mooting TuesdRY eveni g ,th big drive tor the }fope H igh bool Endowment Pund .tar ted off \ itb a IU b Woon<!llday morning. J AllIlOftt without eXC'eption .tudent. IIInd taeulty member Iioed up bebin~'h. und\:ortnkjog and did all they eo :.Jd to make it a sueeeJlS. ThOle for .... .,om money ito a seareA' artiele ouee n~or proved t!tnt it i Ihe will that eo ~ta a nd rome of them Rr. oOlong the h ~boet INbeodbers. Stud""b who • ,uld not Illedgc the larger nmonnt for ho endowmen~ tund willingly and hrerfully promised as OlU 11 n.a they ould eontribnle 'townrds the $65() for he eomillg year. Tile melutJe" ot the rabineta who al e ndu.tlni the eampaigo met with of neeea~ aerording to on thcir lists. Not ooe, been aeeertained, IIOP", but , pOII"er .. Iulll





HALL ' S DONOR IS OBSERVED In remembrao ee of the bi rthda y of Mri. EllzRbeth R. Voo lhees, tbe donor of tho girls' dormitory, the Dean and tit. )'Oung Indies of Hope College lVere nt home to l)aren t~ an t. frieutls on Vor· •. " Dny, ~t:ay eigbtb. The day WIll WArm nnd suoshiny and' proved 10 00 idul t al on nfterooon rl'teptiOD. The : ' ,~ ~lion rooml were prettily deeorat· ed with 00"'011 and blo oms of the Icsaun aorl pre ented a very home ·lik~ appearaDe . At th lee o'elark tho gnests began to orrive. It \\'88 indeed .. plealure to ..eo old friends a.od DCW f riends meet, and it WII espeeh\lly graUlying for the Deon ond tlte yolmg adies to hov '0 many quest fnvor them ",Itb their pU)lenee and interee\. Thruout the aftarnoon the Ublelie or· ebeet ra played auttly ad helped very mllth to ereate I eongenial atmo.pltere. After Mr. Dea eon hod favo led tbe gaeata .. itb .everal musical select ions, rHdtred h, bis u nal plea ing maon r, • UtI were led to the dining room wl~re UaU r.f.ubrn nl were III'rvoo: a pleasure to show our gratitude ~o. II,., Voorh _ fo r her beautltul gift 111 o1IIervillf a clay euh year in . kind , . . .lIIIrlllel ot lI.r.

i!l r.

Dear B lotbers:It i'lomethiu, Iiko a month ago tltat [ .. ~ down 10 write )'ou a few line., W1bon I was intorrupted b I don't remember whot and I bllven"t bad a ebanee ainee to continUAl in anying wltot 1 bod to say. You will be wonderiDg of eou19 juet what u;y work consists of. We.II, it's just work, wal k, and> more 1V0rk. But It is tbe mql t pleuant .ort of work that II man could get. Let me d-,ibe a day 'I a ctivi lies to you. In lhe Dlorniag at Inx flf teea 'the lervaaL brings to our leeping qUllrters Hoe early moraing mul, called chota. H eonai. of a kind of ccre&l food, toast and coffe •. Aflor dre ing I hav .. mornillg prayen ",ith myh08f,e1 or boarding boys: At . hi. e.ltber my boa rdi ng mUter or my· self al .. ay make. a kiod of an ex· plRnation of tho dUlpt er read. Th is little prayer meeting lasta tor about au hour. After tbat J usuaUy ' make my roundl to see tlIat everything is in the tigbt ordl!r. U aaytbiog wroog i. de· tected the prope! per~D8 ue made to right tbe wrong. For tbe oext hour 1 o<llli over my Ie JOns for the day,tbose that 1 bave not been able .to d" t'he nighL before,-;ilnd hear the eonl1,lainta ot t he lervanta, of which ther. lire uuall,. a great au-eer; reall O" U

it il' requ ired that a short term t.aJte up tho ItUtty of tbe Ian· goage, I for myself have deterollnea to Jo 10. Of .ourae lhat only places 10 lIluch. more work upen one'l ohould'e'f5, " lI.t I believe it ia ",ell worl'h the trou· ble in the end. Tb~t dooe, at ten o 'clock I go to sehool. Wo opeo OUI lItorning 8essioll with. prayer in tbe <alO e manner 88 that is done at Bope. • Then the .IRlle8 tart. The period lire of for ty-.fivc minul .... eaeh. I hn\' e "" k.en for mYlel f the ",,' 0 highest <lnss· 1'S tor EJlgli h and Bible .... Thi , ontler urdinary eirC"tru5 t8n ~es, would givl' Ult!' I fair day'. work, but for the last week ur 1Il0re our most capnble teacb .. ha ", n ill alld I hn\'e tRken upon myself 'lis work 0180. This ot eou .. e make. DIe exceedi ngly ,bu ). .iu t now. I have about a hnlf hour 011' for my noonday menl which is called Lreak:fnst out here, lind whlr'h by ~U"' OItl ought to be <!at ell eleven 0 'clock in th" morning. Th en it i$ t caehi ng ngain ulltil about 1:15 in the afternoon when we tiL· mi ... the sebonl agllin with pI aye'. ~e · turning hOllle lhe servant. always have tea ready and after t en I go out f Jr lhe II1I.II1e3 till about8ix or six-thirtv. I ha\'e introduced bur·bnll out here anti the tude1i1<! talce to it like "'iI~ ­ Rre. Our ballketbnll court hOB Illso just been completed tolby ann we hope to st Rrt the game tom orrow. ow l'1i lot yon judge tor yourlclveo whether 01 not a mDn elln be kept busy in W,e ttli Ion fte.ld. BllIIidee all this work J have of coorse to toke core ot my aceount bOJ)k. for the lebool. J ha"e a writer 0 ' seere1ary who does a lot of this work but th, lUeount for the minion I do myself. H".. mony boy~ Dre there in thil -nulldtcd. r ,chool1 Just 4bout fo beHeve by aetual toun perhap. a t ew mO l At-out thr ... b of tbese a.re .nndul" tbe re. t are wttb 1I0U-tI'''n.



IIlVBN OJLA.l)l1A~ JtJIADY 1'0 The proliminary IIradl{ation exercis., Dli'D 1JPON LIl'B'S WOJll[. es of tlte .IIN of 1918 we re beld ill Del. phi Hall ThuTlday evening, lolay 9. The Western The-ologleal Semi nary Promptly at 7:30 P. M.., Evelyn Z",emer bas again eompleted a sueee tul yeRr and Jeasie Henlmes begAn to play the of work. The elo ing c%eleiscG ot the gra nd march, Ilnd to the banuUful music yenr oeeurred. last 'l'u elJday nnd Wed· of "Melody in F" tb--e at. tel)', olemn nMday In the form of fioal examlna· blaek-rohed proceaslon truLrdhed. down tions beforo the Boord ot Superintend- Ihe s pacious aisle to their scab on th. ents Rnd commeocement eureiRes for platform, The P/ eaident of the Col. the gradualing cia ... nt the Tbird Re- lege, NeUie Do Gralf, opued the pro. formed ch urch on Wedneoday evening gram with a few approprinte remarks. at 7:;)0 0 'elock. 'l'he program wao an Jo epbine U eunin k theo rel' iew(>(\ the impr. '"e one befitting lb. occasion . history of tile el8M, 'elling of ill vir· Aner the prot ion ai, the invocation tues, it nebievement. and t he wonderwas pronouuee<1.,y RC\'. Holtman of fu i women and men whose privilege it Zel'land and' Rev. Bloeme.ndal, pre ideDt il to belong to glorious 191. We dare of the Boardl of uperinteodents read not publish tbe future of any of the the Seripture Ie son. After selection members in these columns, out we eRn by the Seminary quartet, Dr. Jamee 8. say that Frances DuMez pre.dicted hapKittel, pastor of the First Retormed py Rnd pro.pelOUs future~ f or all. Her church ot Albany, delivered th e oddren viait to I'he Ar~ Galler), in New York of the ovening. In a Jlleasant way and a nd the things sbe learned Iher. remind masterly manner whli!h evi nced yeaTS us again ot t·he old aaying, "Picture; of ~periellee in pulpit oratory he deliv· tell the story." eroo a. rortMage to the nlloiater.lo-b. A vocal trio compolled f)f E tla r whict> .. a. pluaked from lifo lil'ed in mes, Josie Belt and Anlla Ruth Winte r close conhaet with men. He reminded then sang" Gipey cr.orus." Tbe task them tbat they had enlisted in tbr big. of bidding farewell to the eollege and ge.! calling an4 profession that the voicing th 18daell of tb" cia ... at de· world! offers, but warned them agoinst parting f rom .. theee , noble hall. of the critieilm and antagonism wbieh lee.rning" had fallen upon Irelle they would m ee~ on eve.y hand. H e Sebmldt·. In beallUful, poetic lanheld up to them the Bible as a guide guage, the valedlctoriane.. &purred> her III lbeir eadtavo'r and for their life ill . I...mal .. on to


elus out OD tbeir voyage of life, and a rul, (. handed each graduate 0 diploma. • e wbole aoeiety ... grcatly benefited by ~hls ina '. g program, so all ploceed.ed to eat every· thing {!Iaeed befor. tbem.


After another seloelion by the quar· tet th o cert.illcatea were presen ted! by Dr. Beard lee and lbe Bible. by Dr. Zw~O\er.· Dr. Beardsleo briefly ad.Iressed the gra duat.es. With the earn· estness of a life rich witl,Cbrislian experience, he ImprellOloo upen them . heir 81)(1ciol duty ond responsibility a. r oung men co ming to the ministry at tI,is t ime, th e time of greatest trial and el i.i. in th" hhtnry at Ibe rate. T ho Hlen who have this yea r comple t. ed their to\lltlt are John d:I. Bruggers, M'lI rlnu8 ook, Roelof Duiker, Luppo Potgeter, Minor tegenga, CharI . A. , toppl •• and Henry D: Ter Keurst. o

Tennis Takes Lead As Student Pastime 0011BT8 AIUl IN SHAPE AND 118llD EVERY MINUTE As th o benntiful May dRY" are com· ing bark in all Iheir Iplendor we find !ho 8tmlen seeking pastime nnd leer~ RHon out of doo" rt i to be regretted, however, that the court. are In a wrcehed conditioo. rh e Rnnneial ata tus in whieh the Athleti. ~ oeiation flnd! itself (as a resnlt of the ftr) i8 rather deplorable .JI nd eonsequol)t1y tho eonrta wm no~ be i llll"oved very .mlleh. Ho",ever, they are in good "01 king ord.or and a good game of lenni. ea n ba enjoyed


1)1 the playl~g ot leonia at Hope there i. 1\ let of nnwritt.cn rule. regaralng cour bl, pllY.fI, t imo, ete. No eoul t can be ""ed for more thall an bour by tbe ae me player.. If you u e playing linglu Ind someone i. walt· in, you will be compelled to "doub!e up" au Ibat I I many .. poaeibe may en· joy tbe few .m.1I me.... lit our diepoa.


AlnnJAL &lILA!" aa.- wia G&4JQ) ILAI'ID8 Uii.WIID

The trae\< manager baa bOW " a blo to get a reby raee with Grid Rapids Y. The ~xaet date 01. the raee hn not yet been deeideft, but It 10'" u if It will bo 00 the alternoo1t of lI., 30th. We did nOb have a ~elay t .... year, 110 neat'ly .. 11 a"'" . toa will be new. The~ are a .umber of men, are allXjous to malte Ibe team and Cd an R. lI'bi. put week lbere were. fello ... out for practice. 80me are al_ ready Iraining hud and otbeu ue pttlng a good atart. It there are a ... other men at Hope who can run, be ~t tbe Gym. ""y da.yfrom 4 5 and yoa will have a chance to run' the eOIm. with ~me' of yo ur fellow HopelU1.




Dramatic: Cllb PIau Public: Prese8tatll. i'BE XYIli'DY OF . . . . BOB" f t


wfler. Uc1 yet ....rllt1... ~.IIlta, • lIuIiden lad1, u a lDeabIr of the HUlNne Society becomri a fuaUc

in her eympatby for dumb I . _ takea ill. every atuvlng eat and bally goe. to tbe extreme at plamtinr to o bullit a home tor deetitute cal<! in thl urper part at her Own bouae. She keepe her p lan a seerol beeauae h~r nioee and nephew Kathertne and PhIllp, who are living witb. her, object atTenu011 lICCOWlt of tile ID&btI1t7 of tile ously to her ridi~ulou. ideas. YI .. lII&IIaCeD*lt of the Hope 00Il1II' LeeBecky sends for her archit;eet, Mr. tore 001Ull(l to tI4ICI1rt Be!.,a - . . . Brawu, to f\% tbe rooOll .lor tbe eats, TorIenoa .. CompIIn;r OIl a 1Di1ab18 date, the I&st IIIIIDbar of W. _ .. aDd iostructo J enkins, tbe butler, u ' Patty, the maid, to keep Mr•• Bro_ 'a COtl1W will DOt be p...... All ,.-. viai t a seercot andJ to keep IrIa II&1II. "I.a holding . . . . . and. tdaila odel. . . the dark.' Pbillp is about to .U in • ticket. foe thII IInm.'ber lII&y Ita... yacht ra ce. Aunt Beeky, feelia, AN them NdMll!ecl by ~ the .... Philip will be drowned, pleaa willi Jaim at Hu1uap 'a durlDl tht _It of JI&;r {ve up tl, nee. He.."eea to give 16 to 112. up the race if .he will give up t be eats. She promises to do au to Rave Pbillp', BBl10GEBB TO IEBVE AS Y. )(. O. lite. Hero Ibegin. a " roaring" compll. A. 8EOII.ETABY IN l"BANOE catlou. In the meantime Yr. Bro,"" .. Mr. John B,ugers, 'IS, one of tbe clerk of the BenJOn I; B!'UOu law Arm, seven men who graduated last week eomes to aetUe an old will . Katll«lu from We&torn Theological Seminary, expeet.s her fri end Bob at a.y ti.... has reecived an nppoiotmeot to serve tell. Philip to treat htm roya.1ly. I'IIIIIf m! a Y. M. C. A. _retary in France mi t.ket Mr. B lo,", for Mr. Bob, wbo. for tbe duration of the war. Perba,ps ho thiotu ia madly in love witb Kat~· Dothing will make hia inOuence as a orine. Pbilip tell. Katherine bill bind, minister more telt after Lhe war than Mr. Saunde... Is coming for tbe ,.aeltt the fil et that.- he .. ill bave bad exper- raeo; Katberlne and. her frielld V.rloa. ieoce In aetlve army war.... at tbe front. I.mlltlue Yr. Brown for Mr, Bauchn. Allho Mr. B ruggera will be miSled in Mir. Bro,", "ecomee .. eoallleed - lit lhis country on ncccunt 01. the great tbe eler~, to be tlte arehiteet)l:r. Dro...... lIumber of vahnt chu rches, still it II 80 Ihe plot thickenl nCt eats.aal", wilDt eertain that t1Hlre i. a greater need in Mr. Brown become JO coatuea II, war-Mtleken Europe. Aa many mini.. ..a re.ly know. wbo II. la 'I_If. 18 ters _u are needed b,e teat to tbe ellmax of exeltlar eo8Ipledtial . . . Frasc. fo r elerieal work, but their aer· breatbl_ lutpe_, tit. Ia ... viee. bere a miaister. ar. more valu- dealy and bapplll aolved ui .... able to our country thu they would Bob" ia renaled. be o"<>r lhere as .oldier.. The Dra_tle Club II ~ oMr. Brugger. wl\l leave tor P raute ml,lrt,. bard to tile playa ..... In about a montb &ad betore !altlns ing IU~_. It bnpea - - . . , tit lip hIa work wUl man .. trip tbroogb the eo-ope .... tlo. of tvtf7 . . . . . Enaland. Be will be the teeoaa: Hope HoIlaa!t oIt_ 011 tlie .... '" man 10 tine u a IOIIriltiaa worker 1M. Aa a4lallllo. of . . - ....>1amo", .., bo,.la ~... ...,....

••••••••••••••••• NOTICB •••••••••••••••••






m~f Atu~nr

PUIIalaICl .y.". W1ClIIIda, 4viD, tile . . . . . ,.., b,lWleatl of Hope Collep .o.uzt 0' JlDJ%OU l4...r ........... OE08(lPJ DE Wl'er A_'-te Jl!dllor •••• Cbrll . O. J ••••: LI~1V1 IIdhor , ..... Aou If. 'Vb.I••, 0011... Repor .... .. Rudolph O. liDll)O..., AlIololI" EcIl.or ..... Evert R. Filkk..... t: .. h..... 1".dI1<>r ....... , n.I •• ll. O~I~ Alumal Editor •..... . . tv_btl Zweme" V.... pUI Edlloro ...•...... . Nt.k. Boa, HaUle Venal' t, Rtl)ld fir. I'Idhorl .. a 1011110. Yt.U,ke, Nena K. Mele"

..""'. . DIp--

'10 '20 '20 '10 '20 'ao '20 '10 '20 '20 '21

M&nal1!" • • ••• • • a..fcnU R. Heem"r" '10 AII"Ou In ... H.r.. . Jobn R. Oll ... q, '10

Sub. Man ... r .••.. . . EI ...r R . Lubbt... '20

Terms 1l.50 per :rev In IdY&DCe IIqIl Coplet - • - - _ n.. CIDtI IDltred 'llb. POlt om.. r!I Holland, III.bl •• n uI_nd.. wlm.1I m.tt....

portaat facti .boo, the war aD" bow the<m 10 tho,ou,hI1 tha' IIle, will be 1Ib1. to I"" the a1pllleaau of taeb haPllulog, the reaaon wh, It took plate, and the ttreeta tbat IIISY 'Hul& Irom It. Not ooly Ibould the)' kao .. theae thlnge 10' their 0"0 . . kel, but 10 Ihat Ihey will be ablD to enllllhten other. who have not ~he opportunity to obtalo the knowledge for. the~elvee. By (loleg t~ls the,y will help to .eeure that un io n 01 "Pirlt and purpose whith we must hllve II we will aeMevc our 04IJert I" the war. The UnIted States government tully realizes th o Impo. tan e~ 01 dissemina· ting eorreet knowl dge, and in order thai everyone may obtnin i~, has illued thru the onrmiltee on l'nblle Informa· t lon, th o Wa r Information llIiu 01 pllmphleh, In Ih e belief thM " th is war ia not 10 bo won by lUI tnblish ed doc· tdnc nor by on official thcory, but by on enllghtl'ul'd opinion based upon truth, " «nd furlh ermore, that "the tarts of histo,y and lit are th e only ar,8enols to whIch Adlerirllna need reo tort in orde r to detend Ih justie~ of

that he will be ablt! \0 ,.Iae Un dolla" ~xt,.. la '" ycar, as 1011, u he . t.nrl · 011 blJl two feet, eertlinly does not dia· ]llay mueh eonfidenee IB' hlmlelf nor much faIth la his God. Entering IfnlY lervlee will not hinder payment, fo r the lello .... who are there say that thty have _rc money ~hllJl they ev~r I ' .. bUe at college. The laLter hOI ' 0 ' the y~o .. ought not- to ,bother, beeauac t1~n p: a etieally every lI.u(lent will hnve entered upon hll voeatlon autt ten ·dolla .. will be Ib ut a Slnall frlletlon ot hi. alllluni coutrlbutioos to Chrlll.!uo work. · Tbe only way ~o faee the fo· ,tu re In any Dlatter I. In faith: .0 wby not in tlIl , And remembey that for ns who enjoy an the bles lngs o.t Chria· Uanil y to n~gl~ft 10 d'o all ' we can to bring them to othe", who have ~ r hn,l a e hnn r~-w e ll, "it lsn't lair."

" It isn't lair. n

fte Educatiolal Ad' tage

of the Victrola should not be overlooked by the College Student. . Victrola IV $20 00 , 10 record. 7 50 (20 .election.) 2750 Monthly payments if desired

MEYER'S MUSIC HOUSE ==================~\r===~ .

Th.e photographs that ~Iease are the rich old Dutch Sepia Made bY .those who know how at E. J. Mac. Dermand's Stl dio

itheir taus!:'."




GIRLS GO " OVllBl THE TOP" 1J0atllMl Vin enlertained CorpO ' ol The results of Ihe ,egistrotion re' Reese at . upper Sunday night. eently held nt Hope Coll ege testify Ihnl - : u: Ihere is a grl'flt tlesire among th e co· el1a We wonder \'.'ho ill guilt .,f llI:tk ill'1' 10 th e Ihing Ih at will hel p mosl in ' ife It trogedy for I rwi n Lnbbers! -:0: _ ",nr·l i me l'(' rv iI·e. In Ih e worl1 of Dertbo.Sto pple.' OIoth er lI]H!nt It nIght Oovern or . lc"'1Jer, II The women of onl 1t Ih e llorlllltory Ihi week. ltnl c nn,1 nntion hon Iheil PEt 10 :e:ploy ill Ihe winni ug of Ih e war, and Wonders lIe,'er ceose 10 Irnpp n. 'ight nohly hn,'e th ey responded to Ihe E;ven Lu ey Vo'Hler Ploeg hoa respond d ·nll that ha,'e been MIt Ihem." to the rnll of Itriug. We read about the women of F ranA -:0:" f England and of Belgium. We len. n The rer eption at Voorhees 'lJaU Wed. t h~t Ihey nrc making munitions, work · neadny nflernooo W85 eer toinly a sucing on Ihe fArms nod doiog huntlreds 'es 811d nil Ibe girls decided Ihot tbe) ,f other things 10 help io this nobl,' ~ nj oyetl fCC(1)tioDJ j I so: I - : 0: _ .au~. W e IIIso . ee t h('O womeo of .In order 10. help someone who mi gh t .lmericn tell fO"'ord resolutely to hawen to be in diffieulLy, Eve, t }'ik. ~&ke up Ihe bur~en9 of busine ,wbilo lee n•• 1IOldier. arc t ryi ng to keep Germany, ma haa oITered to lorm definition. of with itt ,winish apl>etite tor dominion, 1ny difficult worda .and O8peeially 01 the worda "romAnec" and "beauty." aWIUlo''''" the rMt ot t~e



He wIlo PlOJ)Oles peace DOW either does Dot see the stake for whlch the AllIes are lighting, or wishes the German millta.ry autocra.:, still to control the destinies of us all as to pea.:e or

war. W1llla.m Howard Taft.



wAR. inc· ~ 'Jr IIlrallee inlo Ih great 'ar milch I"ogre s has been mad in secu.ing whole·hearted support of tbe


GRADUATING GIFTS Nothing more appropriate than a

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HolI.lld, Mich


war ' and the principil'S- .fu-'Wlm!re".t1 t lense nil/til(' CIir G. t iftII untron 01 the \Vorl t\.· -(6 lining UI' io boWe. ~ aoon os th e light of trllih wo focussed upon the aim8 und Illlrl'OS C~ of Kaiserism, diseloei llg in all Iheir · bJa~knc'8 the th e inlrigue, Ihe lying, and Ih ~ ba . bor. Ic ruthl_n e ~ by which these Jl"'1)()! 8 we re to be aNlli ne,l; when ' he people of th ~ nitt.'1 1 "'tail'S hegnn to rl!nliu thllt ,. Der TJlg" would 1101 be cdc· broted nntil Amerkn 100 ~'a dominat· ed IJ,v (; Pf lU!l1I rnil it.ary nutocJa ey,-




Tho fir~ L few doys of th e missionary .Iri ,·e hove met with a high d egree of 1'h. stu/lenls of Hope have ""' " ag nin sho\\-ed Ihei r (!istineli ,·. 'I,irit, whi ch is os ntinlly un elfish And nltruis li c. Because of this spi,it a lr:,·c like Ihnt which I being put Ihru ily Ih e 'Illisliou As. ociotions eon no I il ut Iw! /tUeee tul iu Hope 'ollege. It i. ine"hable that tbere should b. tht'li th t' rtl wn . . IHI lungrr di atisra,,tion, hut loynll,\' anel ("IH,ouragernfut • f ew who arc nol in terested in Ii Ihing ,f Ihi. kitOlI a nd will have nothing 10 on every ha'H!' 10 with It. }'or Ihem th is orli, le h Di cu ... ion of Ihe war and of go,·ern· ment 1A) Iit"ifS, howe\'er, eont.iuu('s ADd lUI inlelOlled, but i ,tI,lressed ol1l~' 10 -either i it our pur· will con l lnue ns long a , the war IOJ!!!.. rll e . 1l opeile1. F . pc spe eh is all America n (lrerogative 'os,' to t y 10 eon tra in anyon e to mak e wh ich th e wnr 11 01 oll ly dol'! not deny, I hegrudgllll conlribution, beyond whot lou t lurlll.heo fur it n broader range 'e re ally wi hes to give. Therc n rc., lind wider I'Irnllnel". It 8honld he excr· lowl'v cr, 80111 (' who nrc wiili llg t~ gin pLed nlwoys for Ih. wcllnlC oJ nntion. ... ho wI h 10 tlo all Ihey cnn, but whn Dnt whether Ihe rf1'l ult of free di,ens ' hillk they .c. oh tneJes iu Ihe:r wn y !Oll will he tJl'l."Ih·inl or harmful de· .n a r.ount of whieh they foar to p!.,lge h~lII : eJ\'(':§ , ulal for these we wish t o pend "llOn Ih e know ledge alld uo,ler· .tandlng of Ihe (lerllOn ",ho docs Ihe ·Y t o throw some side· light 00 II.' blklllg. A grral d 01 of oITen e ma~' lueslion. lu Ih . Gr. I'la r ., thr plelige whi. h i A.tt'- r Olls"l) ~jy l'rHil' itw) wlJieh i8 not g iv II nt t h. righl time or which ia no~ ignClI i. not a nole or anyUaing of ihnt Ion od upon Oreurnte informntion. On :i u,I, but merely n bonn Gde Itatcmeot Ihe olhe r hand, n prudeot Bud \Vell·io· f II, s tu~ ou t' intention, which he is [or mod p.' r 011 mn~' oeco mplish a large xl'eded 10 rorry ont, bul from whieh, nmount of good by promoling ncturate f n ny clllomity ' honld prevent hi! knowledge of Ihe war, and Ihu8 beco me tCelli ng it, he could and, \Voul<lllc read· ••lefe.lller of Ihe AllieJ and of his ' . rcleo ell. The tause will theo al c. I hove the nmount w ioh he paid in I'ountr.v, ~[ r. Bryou "er~' fitly soy, "Belor. ,dore he WD! Ihus pleveoted, whcreoa, Ihe g o,' rllmo)1 1 ocl .. ,Vaeu.. ion i& pro· f be docs not s ub tribe for lear he " ",. : a flor 01'1 iou, o'bed,eote ia a du ty.' ' l'i11 uol be a hle 1.0 keep up the · pay· Telllllg what should bove bten done nIh, it has nOlhing. Little obJeetioa r an 110 no good. hut m8~' wo.« 0 1tT.... 1 .n< been roet In regard to the size 0 Tto dollars a yoar, \11':11 /If II>i hipf: trlling whot onght to ~ . pRy nt. .bt dont i. rlrli.ulou , to say th e e:tit , ,h.n compo red witb the ornouot spent "al_ ~he opi lllon I b . ...1 "l)On most ' or unue te_,y luxnries, II reali, ia· Ilellnlt~ intormotion. One heo l noth· i gnin ~nn't . Tbe DlOst Ileneral ob.jec· ing more ludierou.,. ond at the lAme :011 I~ that ono eaonol look abel.l!' ten t Ime pathttle, 'thRn thG arguments of • loars and know in what clrcnmataneet IIISn who kno .. , nothing about the .e wlll be mtuall'd. True: nc-Itber eor quellt ioo wblrh he !. d18putlbg. College •ne be certaIn of ODt year, oue month m~a, t . ped.)ly, ou,hl to how the 1m· Jf ou week, bu~ tbe man wbo doubts


hla ne ... " lid" is th. only ODe 01 Ita kind on th e cam pus, but it one has to wear a piece of clotb on his bend o hU"e 80mething ,mrere nt, 've'd rath. l r not wpar Any cap at all. •


_ : w:_

Ted Ynl e",n, wh ile ei lting neo r Vnn Ronll e alnll with n tair mem ber of th e gentler x, recel\'ed an uoexpee t ed ohower' uolh, from so m" ,,,;k,,,o\Vn lOurr e abo" e him. Here's hoping he : Ind the in ti~3tor of the deed.

• now In at


Re\,. James Mu ille " ' 12, of P eek kill, )Ie ... YON', "isiled th e eoll.ge la t 'I'hu,sd,y. . .He told os mnny interest:ng fa et ~ about Ibe way in whieh "'nr work is t arri ed a ll in Ihe E~ and th e Intense wor~pirit Ibor prevai l tbel e.

P.S. Bofar &, CO.

-:0 :-

'Mw ," cmb ell of ~lill..> Vnn Roolte 's f' res hmon German clnss ,Ieclarerl on Alll i· KullK'r Doy; on Monrln." Iusi . F rom .11 report'. nil look .d\,ontoge of th e ~ xtrn time thus .ft'offled\ alld bclook t hemsplve! to l uch spo. ts a! fi s h' OIl,

RECRUIT Your Baseball and Tennis Supplies

~ t e.

-:0:It was only n frw day. ago Ih nt 00" 0 II rus:nk \'cld rrlurned from bi. 'ago, wi th a beaming face, bot minu bis . oele ty pin. One might draw ae\,. erol r onelusl on , under Ihe ri rcuIIIStane. ' 3. Rowever, the quest ion 8till rt'mains un80lved, and we . till Mk OI11sell'08, " Ie he engaged'" -:.:LouIs Wt ~! mulder, on inbabitaot of D.vkstra'. hotel, WOJ! in burry to go to a rerevtion 8 tew day. ago. In hia he siuod a boltle of embalming 1ui,1 In.tud 01 tb. to.ilet water whlrh .be meant to I ke and a.pplied it to his face. 10. few ceeonu be wu runnIng up ~~e h.lI~ like a mad·man, and IhU.'l " 110 . pr~r lo "8 momeDtI wlokl! he had hopl'd to ,aln. Evidently.lIe doe.n'L 'emembe r the old .. ylng, "Rute Mak .. Watte. 'I




H. VAN TONGEREN " Speek I I play. on hi. toet. jOb 01 President of Hope College, llr. It aeeme as tho the cOlllJl8ny one is Waltor .Augu tu" 8eholteD, baa eora. ulually "ith hns a great iofluenee on to. th with the tollowlqg IU~OIlt: one't action.. Sinee " ·P ete" Baker haa HaDk Vall Tongeren. been ,oomln, "Ith J.t* Booa,' tlI; lat. Erale Broolta. ler has be.n following In the former', "Butch" Den Hnde" path, by _vlDg cub on bi, SUDday Job VaD Strien. ovenlng meab. However, the company in .. hltb he b u himtelf 011 tbetc cvn· " Bube" Duiker, Inp, II &Dd n wIaIa .ladt .lObDeclll. him all the In the wo,ld. Joboy L .....

"Whla" VaDder llee: aad "Speck" Eaoma, geM! havi n o,chestra all thel, OWD. a liard lull oa Thel, prMtiee boo, II Irom to 3 a, ra• Ih.y wHl do lOra. , Whla" play, OD tbt vloU~, wblle before III., 4te1d.


• •

Council will have buaalt, aad Ihit



au tor


DIet .S-ne,...

: BUb' 8aaa,. Pal1Coeo"


~~~~~~::::::::~:=~~~~~~::::~~~I'~m~p~e~~~y~~~u~~;.:n~'~'"~~~~~::::~~:::::::;==~==~~~==~::!!ii littfrary ltpartUlfttt

. ocw.a OP J'IBB / Y1ar I trouble you to ./ow me Mr. Lejeune.o'. room' A Lbl , hlah·pltcbed volee rang tbm the hal ot Mra. Greet· Inp' rooming Ilouee. We looked. at eacb other 10 conllter aUI)D, tben, witb· out a WOtlt, troo to tbe doo. and watohed 'bl.tk m, the balld'y mau, .t&geriog uAder he weight of two huga IUit eat ,lead all Immaculately dreslle<l youo fellow to 'Buef McKaY'3 old room. VI en tIIo door eloledi behind them we cot hack to our cki.. and aat In g oomy all~uce. Finaolly Birdy Willla lpeke:"H w eould ita mamma have tbe hearL 0 ~eL It go!" " '61loWI, tbls III an outrage," Bob os was thorough I)" mad and .houted . ,. Alter we &Ix tellows have lived In tbia bouse for tbree years, playA!d to· geth~r, . tudJed together, eaten together, IOmet1mel ~on .Iept together, now when Buck's governor Is dead and Buck rll1l't come bad<! G'r.e ting lete a pesky Fre.hman ba vo bill rl1om." "Not It pesky Freshman," Birdy broke in, "but a cmlnty 1ittle under· cia sman with ex·pre sl\'e tee.th and ~yel nnd eellnloid glasses and lovely ciot hes.' I' " WhAt'! Its nomel" growled Pick, dise utangllng himself trolll the radin· to r. "Perey Fitozgerold Le Jeun~, trolll IV\olkervllle, T eun.," lhl. mn h 1 have pumped f lom Oreeting, "Rea Jam,,"on oke for the fir t tim ... There was ao· Il her hopeless silenee.IL certainly was . rotten predleament. As Boh said. I).-bunch, • The c.xtette,' hod com to skhu rst college together. Mr. Greet· ng a jolly 'whlow, had tak en us into ,er home ' for eompany,' as Ibe said, IUd for thre yeara we bad lived tber. .ke • family. Birdy, a 1ittle

pouow ot hard m1llcle, around the biggest heart yon vcr koew, had heen enlled 'l\woy 0 Ike the ploce left vaeant at lUI fatb· 's death. There 'We werc, our best and Il dandified, little an gon cabman u""rplng his plnce. At length e silence was broken by the opcnlng , the door aero"" I ho holl; Sam aod ,,0 Fr sbmau were going out. As they renl !lown the stairs we heard om ')' " Ye sub, dinoah will be ready at x•• ,

.. Well," queded R«I finally, "whu I,all Wf.) do, or rather what eo n Wf

0"'"No one named Fer"y }'itzgcrald L.

Jeune e hos ouy pOl8ible excuse fqr living therefore 1 suggest that we 110 loto Buek's room"'w:hat a saeriligQ!-o rename it Perey·. room-nnd operate on tho"" two Ruit. caetl8 In sue h a .thor· .ugh au~ orde Iy monner tho t 1I't.tl c Perey wm learn, once tor sU that be isn't want ed." Tha~ was a lonll .p~eeh for Pick, his habits of conversation were dJreety oppo lie bo hia habit of growth tor he WM six fe t tour in ~bes tall, benee hl& nickname, nnn the rule of hi. 'lite WlIS never to .P<'~r. except iu nono yllll1tlel if he eould pos iule avoid it .• "Any furth er di aeunion on th ~ 8ulo· jeeU" piped Birdy from bleroolton the toot board of the bed, "it not, P'o ent .Arms I Forward I MareM" We flied into Buek'. room where tho lult eue tood on the Ooor. Somehow or other, they dldn'~ look qnlte Iik' 0 sl_y'. baggage, they WfII"J too /Uueh battered and pa.t' d with Ial ol~ but it no time tu judge by nppeDrlntC!. "eith.f one was lotlted 80 wr joyfully . ded into th ta k. Birdy lhrted otting up a buneh of tiel while Bob .ttered the .hirl<! and eolln'. Ind .ueh truck around. Plek, wlt~ .klll galaed by funr practlee, begao to IIx the bed 10 tlIat It .. ould tumble down t th~ allaht"t touch; Red and! hllJied unll_ wltb tho other fl/J'Dltore. uddealy wo were arouted by a )'011


roa !Oil; ,,,


fouad a pbotorrap.

.~~~;r;-:;;;y~·tlIot It"...Pert,,',

W. erowded aroulld to lOok and we" eurprleed to .ee Ibe Iikeo_ ot a really beautltul alrl "Funny picture lor Parev to he lpertina, gu III bo mnat have stolen it somewhero," IU'lleal,d' Bol) but Red alld I took a look 10'* at ueb other. Thing. dldn't seem quit. flgM fo r lome reuoll. After we baa dono all tlla ral6chief ~trrible to tholQ .nltoues aud to Ihe room 10 generPoI, we wcnt ~nck tn Plek '. room. whue W\l had boen sitting wheo Perey earn.. Tb"re wns another long .lIenee; flnally Roo 81l0ke. "Say do any Dt you know anything about the iHR ~kne! s Camlly:' ~o~ know thoy movedi Into that hUlle atolle house bouee on Elm Rvonu" IMt sprinG." I I Well, wl~Rb of ill" gr~wleii Pick. "You romember the thnnll~rjl; g, big gray eRr he drove! Well, thls nft er· ooon while I was ·up·to",. thal nitto ~d with six lovely temales on board I Now I am perCeelly .dre that they are not teWD girl., 'I .n ee the con· alullion that tbere ia a bOlLie-party at Harkoell'. Moreover, ~ne'1- none of u. a acquainted, It leenll that liGid house· party Is an economic loa. lU lor as the 61%,- r this buncb Is eoneernod. " Red always '\\'1\.8 a ladles' mnn and his on~ great complaiut R'bout Oakhurst eoll~o "'II:! that the tOWD of OI¥lU1urst W&! so 801011 that he had few chnnces to air hb ehorms, .. Couldn "t. you ha,'o succeeded in geUing run over or something on that order I" queried Bob, .. You know we'll bavf.) to get dO'Wn to busioC!> when 3chool opens ne.rt week . We oug~t to 113"C somo fun betore then. It's a clneh thnt we won 't bave mucb tun at Gr~t ings' witil that dwelling nuisance t hero in Buok '. room." Yon eee we had return d a 'Week early ror the aa.ke ot a frolic before etarting work ; unlortun' came early too.

.. Say," Red bunt Ollt, .. are yOQ 7eIlily 0.0 man wbo hu takell thill rOOBl thill year' There n. a liUle, etriJlI1 guy here tbiJ Itteraooo. We thot he wal Lejeunnesae." Again we beard that ro.., of laughter. "That W. . lIIY uoale'. valet," he ex· ,PIalned, I t I havo au unclQ bere io-towo aod h. yo beon staylog there tor a few day.. I eamo · up today for the .ake 01 getting acqu.inted. AI for my name, lLn. GreoUop conldo " blve it right 10 my leUer. But come . on into my room." We llIed 10 and gated 00 tbe deeol ... tlon wo had wrollght; ooiy Lejeuoell wu at bl. eIle. Forgettlog tbe part he had played, In tbo affair, Pick eat on the l.!.ed which promptly collapsed. Then wo all laug.hedJ aod tllat relioved th~ tenNlty of the wituat.ion. " Wo/VI) mnde a fool mistake," Red opologl.cd, "and really Mr. Lejeune..e this was a mJgbty rotten dul for II! to pull otT on you. You see, Mclray, tbe mao who roomed bere lalt year, W'U our beot athl ete and AII·round man. Be really made our buket-ball tcam wbleb we fellows in thi. house bave IlUlinWned for tbree years and when wo saw that spindle shanks-coming up here this afternoon we ,,'ere so disnppointed thnt we eouldn 't hold I". We're nw· fully IIOrry." "Aw, ~Ilt It," atn mmereu Lcjeun~ae, " and l ay, do you SU I'POSC J would stond nny chonee on tha~ basket·boll shIff ! 1 plnyed on the team n~ ncndemy ai l four yents. And to r tloe love of mike, torge t thnt taney nnm~ at mine, I can't tII~t, I'm just plain Perr~·." Atle r we had fln&lly wearied of sbak· ing his hug muscular paws .nd pounding b'road boek, we helped him straigbt· en ul' tbe room. Then we wen t t~ get ready for dinner. we "'cnt out of lh e door, Porry Mked witb n great deal J t hesi tancy, "FeUows,

t in B irdie had! the 11M wora,: .. What a peach ot a Il'ouee," moan· "For Sale-Five harmiese foob. Am edI Bob, "Just imagine six couples I otTered thil ty eents for the hunch! " !Ianeing on that big percb and between -R. :M. G., '20 donel'll strolli ng around under those old o !.rece." "I ~uppese YOIl would have IHUe r(!l'~y lUI the sbrth mon," 8Ug· geetcd Rcd. " We simply eOtrldn't forget n:bout him." We were nearly bnclt to Gr~tlngl' Rev. H. Vander Ploeg, '92, haa ae· wben we me~ the big ear with six girls cepted 11 call te the Refermed'Chureh at In it, Red had said, and, obelieve me, he'boypn Falls, W18. h hadn't exaggerated 3 bit wbcn he deseribed tbem ns "Iovely temales." [i Minnie DeFeytM, '02 n of Chirhe car .... a. moviug alowly 80 bad n cago spent his lut week·end In Hot· One cbance to get a goodt'locllCl nt them. Innd. POt the lite of me 1 wouldn't have <J.or. Rev. H. Harmeling," , hn ace~pt· ed suggest: which one I thot was the prettiest. .And clot be<l Th ey cerlainly ed a tnll from the Firs~ Refor. Ilhl look fln e. The funny thing about cburch ot Zeeland. -<I>It WO& tbat they IK!emed' to be about as J!ev. n en ry Vruwink, '10, of thil See· much Intereetod in us o ~ we were iu ond Refor med Cburch of Grand' ilaven, them, but of course they did not speak. hn.o heen 8skc(~ to take up Y. 'M. C. A• . • What a wast.e," growled Bob, &! they ,. cd out of sight. II It eee-ms like work In ~he camps. He will be engagldd iug IMuit to injury. We come back ed in this work for six Olontha, begin. ~ere to enjoy a few daYI of fun before ning 00 July I.



. lfOOI Itart. P t estol Perey shows up too. Then we, .. for a8 we lenow, the only ellglhle men in town, diKonr a i ousc- party of mighty attraetive-look· Ing young "o.men. We aren't aequaint. ed, henee 11'0 havo nbsolut.!ly no reason ~o expe~ a chI nee even to me~ them." Wo were a mighty blue bUlleh as we marehecl up the atep' ai Greetinp , hut OU r depreealon .was lost in surprise when, III we opened> \h_e door, we benrd healthy roar of .lAUghter echoing thr. lhe hall. For t. momen~ we stood ,n,l il.tened. " Don't oune! much like Per.y," "bill ered Red. He had torgotten tbe 'little' with whieb he h.d eha,fltee-rized Pereyobefore. 10 pSinful .llence we started t~ our rooms, but jlllt at wo reaclled tbe top of tllo _taln Buek'. door burlt opea I and a hig, hanwome, red-baitN fel· I low .tood Wore u.. We fairly qq.lled , betore him, but be 'IIIIUed and thraR out bh baud .. be uIIed, .. Are 70n tbe m.. '11'110 room II".,

An>:one can easily arran28 for their own penlioa ~y carrymg One of the New 65's issued by the

Northwestern Mutual Life lanruce Co. Du~ng the years you aie depositing to arrange for the ~nslon you are drawing your fu ll share of the

profits. . I will be giad to explain the conditions and advantages of this profit sharing plan. .-

C. A. BIGGE, Dist. Agt. Pelen BuUdi",



Henry Geerlingl,' , returned la81 Saturday lrom Rochester, !&lnn., after on obKncc of several weeb. He baa sueeesafully uodergooe an operati9n o.t th Mayo Bros. Hospital anct it very much Improved in health.


Minor 8tepDaa, '15, and Luppe POL' goter, '14, who have jnat graduated (rom tbe Woltern 'l'beologieal Seminary hue chosen their future field" ol labor. The former goes to Palmyra, N. Y. and Mr. -PotpUer will lind bill work In Chlcaro.


j. questlOllnalre hAl been Iellt to ev-

ery H'Ope aradnato, for the pnrpeae ot ~eurinr Inforarallon ot illMr"t tOil' eerDIlIg tbe alumni. 'l'hi• .• information will be ent.red iD a book provided for thlr very purpere by the late, Dr. G. H. Dub1!llIk, '08. 'l'ho mem'ber. of tlIIe Alnlltlli AtaOeiatlon, who ba.. tltir III (Urge, npe to line the t_rd "'•• plmd by InD', Ia ti_ for the auw Iatl. .


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Good Ice Cream? We Do Don't forget to try our Fruit . lee. Cream. Brick or Bulk. _ _;:;;;0_ _

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ua I an •

We Have Both

.eattered in bet"oen. Certainly ~ tO~· mopoHta. bunch .. tar al religiou. art tonearned. If Ihe wce.lct olay is freighted' with work, th Sundaya are no lets 80. In the morniDg at :30 we have our ol;u rch eervle... After tlIeac church servl r bllY" n elus of Ohr!>tla. boys. Directly altor hrPakfalt w ~ Irave our C. E. meeting. Afler O. E. I havo a. communIon ella of boys wbo in tend to join ehu eh nrxt month. At four· tbirt~· I eonduet a S. S. ela.- of Hln· du OOr.. r:'is il my most delighlful hour on uncby. 1t is one of the CneSt aignl! Rlly rnftll coulcl see anrwher • these llillllu bOyjl rag rlr ~ntl atielltivr· Iy IIstrlling to all there is to 1J0 5.id. Tho nnt time 1 helcl th" clo. there w,'re '.bollt 'ell pre cut. NUll' Ihe num· b~r runt into the twen ties. AJLC'I' lhe . . Cia I. over I go out with aODle of t be un t h'() hri stinn8 to sonle ncar· b~' dllag. on a preaching C'Xpedilion, ond while of eourse I am uuable :0 speak, yet my very prroenre odds '0 Ibe oeeasion . El'erybody is -."iona to !N' the ","hite man, nn (I it j .. niwn,'" :i q uite e8 ~~' t ll c1 JI\\' thf' r "' )\\,!! But oh, these \' illngei, t ;Il'~tl ,"illagt· ! \V l' mllY thiuk at hoUl ~ hnt we kw \\ what POI" '-'rty IOcons, Lut "Mile to I "I h und !Il: C,' (! it here and on, like lIIe, will "o\'t' to • II! I.ge ~' O l lr 1 1 ~lill i tiOIl of th ' krm. I went to a littlo ,,:oce In. t Snnday. the wor t r hal'e over socn. Cattle, pigs, ,goal., sh ep. I'g, Rnd little children ran indisc r i minatel~' UIIIOl1g t It\cb ath.' r. In the eenter ot the village were I,io,'ed thr e ordinary .tone , without .R rnark to rlistinguish them from any oth· r r tone. and ~' ct the people worshillHi t hrsr AS th ei r gods. The two large' ones wcre called m.1I wire. When the 'hri sti~n who wno with me osked them what the alllaller one Willi Ihev <airl that it os the god'i child. He asked them whether it . 8 .supposed to be a DIal. or ..lomale. The reply owns


Bolland City News PRINTERY Eul4bli6lrttll871 KlIlfW


Helen mllh was tran llating Gerrllon "And· I held biDl in my arma." Prot. Ey ma-" Why, Helen, I.ow woul" that sound if I laid, ·(.And I held you in my arms'" Helen-" W'by tbat would be .irisbt to me pro!leftor. -10:-

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win it, th e fight for freedom of earth I IV gh:t!tly, it's grim and no mstler for mi t th . Ve mny hnve been loath, hal'e beell low, to begin i , But, now \\(!' nrc in it, let's win itt Lot's win It I

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Vander Borgh-I ' III in on awtul !ix. what wOllld you do if you w~r" :n nr~' ahoc.o f Vo kllil- Well, I 'd get n sbine.




In the Suudny &·hool ~Io ot T rin· ity drurch Prof. Dimnent as ked Flik. ,vhnt '8 the di lTrrrll<" betwflClI a t raged)' nnd a ronran~~. }'Iik replird, "Oh th~rc isn't. ve ry much,, ( i fl'crencc: in a • ragedy SOllie one die. nnd in a romante ome olle in 101'e . Vo~kuil,




If pork hllB b...eu as p. eciou ill ti.e doy. days of the Prodigal son as it il now it woulti"'t have b ell au~ h a disgrace for the ~nn 10 as·o ·i· al e with th e 8wine.


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since we arr in it, let '8 win it 1 Let's WiD it! e y. Let's win it! Away with all srJr.sh And noll' my dear f.llows 1 sholl hove des" .. I 10 r lose. But remember that out here Let'!t th ink of ou r ehildren, remember :n tar awoy India th ere is n 80111 wh" OUT si resl lonb'S 10 h('!lr from you. Writ. orrd tell Up, III' with the nng, every ~tnr th.t is :lIe all about your wo rk thi )'l'nr. in itl Take tiroe out to drOll n line once in The fight i. our own, so let's win itl • while. By Ih e way I must tell YOIl of Let's win it t .• litt4e joke son.e one ot the elnss ot - Lit•. ' 17 tried to play on me the oth er d8;:. -0I rf'C eil'cd a Xmas card .igned by that HAVE YOU BEAJI.D IT? nllhidunl," (lass of ' 11" Blld . R(hlr1'8!t · • ' <i,- now you mind tilii ,----tlJrs. (t. n. II nl'e you hen rd that: Wit·r(>lIg.1. I ' ve b('(lo "'ond (1 1ing ('I\"er 1'hc men do not rC<!eive lhe po cknges i ll < ~ ",ho th ~ happy mortal lIIight ~c hnt. ar • • rnt to them' d.o sent 1110 that corti. Il'ho Uuited States i. completing ~~. kind est wi s he~ Qlld lovillg Ihol. IDly one oirpl.ne cnth day' : 0 all of ."ou. See if you ean n,:1 show· Th e men in tho nrmy blMk thl\ om· "r me with letters by the uext mail. It .(.,.' bool. and mend Iheir socks' nkes a nve een t stomp but you will br 'I'h e sohlie, who are ill in tbe can· .Ioing a good OIii siona ry dc-e I. Ask a. 10llrnent do not receive proper med:enl .nany qu en ioll. os you nray like nnc\ I .ttenlion' hall be f'lrllS~d to anSwer as mon.,· nR T he men no not get enongh to rot I ! e'an. The men ore improperly etothe'" Your brothn in 050109, ~r.nny Ir:llrsport. hovr Itern sunk -C. R. Wie: r llgR. .nfl t lrousonds of iil' e~ lost ths t we --<I,.,·r Ir r3rd nothing .bout! Y. M. C. A. If ~' o n hal'c ~'on have beell lulening '0 n p:o..{)errnon L1A.R.- 'Memphis On Tu~s~ny nilthl Mar 7, on~ of th ~ ~ e\\,.&inreto r. IIosl lively and ill'Viring Y. M. '. A. - - - : 0:-- II~fting of thi~ lerm wns held. Mr. Y.W.C.A. !(lIi7.engD of Ihe Senior OltU& led on Ih,· uhjeet, " Wher. li e Leads Me." TI;e Y. W. O. A. meeti ng of this He . hOWNI how men thrll all ages hR,i week 'I'D S in chnrge of 111'0 memherw of ('3,,1 Ih r~1I 10 follow Ohri Anrl ho w Ihe Student Volunteer Band , Deane lhose who did truly great things hnd Weerling and Elfla Van !Puttcn. D~ano taken lip tbe r hollenge. li e Ih en made emph ized! the faet thaI the fully con· per onal nnd pul eaeb man (nte I~ 'etraled Ufe, Ibe life, who & every iRe e w!th Ihe question, " Are you will· :. in hormony with the will of Ood, il ' ng 10 ./011011' J e us, Are you wWing nd hould e the po_IIlion of el'.ry '0 ,10 WhAI Jr n8 wants you to do' " Chrilt ia n aud miuionory. ~umerou. le.timon ie were given and Elda presented a plea for Hope ;'rof. Di mnent tonli ouc,1 the -mluion. Figh hool In India. L ik th Boldier .ry plrit of the topic by outlinin, the who gave hu~ did not 101Ml his arm tor :,18n fo r the endo .. m ~lIt of Hope H:gh : elluntr)" ar tholl6 of true milalon· )rhool. Hc eet us all to thinking of ry Iplrlt, .ho 1016 nothin, but gly~ uur shart in this great work. Thruout their all for tb eir Muter 8D~ lIis thr whole meoti n, the Spirit of Hopr ~alhe. •


TM PM.,,,...,. Who

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