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A. C. RETAUamT@YafJW : NING BJ~ ~ME FROM .,t d,8 : HaPE



0') OURO' 3:>j13R

• ··tH.M...... .s..WW.N¥l.III,'h.lfl,r.., Theirs" ~oorJ"

That was the general trend

o,_IId....tM. .~.tr.qw.q.u·.....~ A. 'C, floor last Batura


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~. ~LtIftU. Ill.


1Dr"1IN~1I there's something wronlf future activities. Frater Ward, a ~... .tOlullt e," ftA\ U8U1ollfJ either with you or your eifort.. Sit regular De Mauapaaaant, eballenpd tellitte' not "stable light"). u& with the query-"Who Shot . down and do Borne analyzing, Grogan 1" Our Frater quartet, of Thtll 'game le!t the honors to whom we are very proud, lavo~ UI decided between the Seniora and /





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0. .ou ............... ............ I''OafJ ~ Bow! fte. ..... oJ,iallbelett. bJ tbe moit ~:~~~:: • .. . eou1d epent far ... el 1IiIoDOtGIlt' . . J-i~-...~"''''........~...~....'''~~~ NIl e, ....... ;............ ......... thbunI which tbe coUep sorel,..... IMIIII~ ltna. 'l'&e larb, aacl



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which dall we do . . . . . too,




haft 80lIl. dIIIltte:-thIn' In ............... : ...... cc uti .... in a few ·~ lOIDethlD, 111 tab triaII, lalif. and tlp'icldng ..... De W....................... lin mlPt bt ...... the world. .ft))ODIleft'rwol'rin, to , .... a-II !Mlb, tht students Uiemael'lo CJln be a lark wltbout delay. _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • eeonomiu a great deal Dr. Dim· A. :W. '28• • d .N Jllital •• .nent't talk ~to the ltudeotl Jut • Ve.. Wednlldar had a-m...,.: W• •uat . ..." I11III•. 11.................. -_.-,.. , • _. ,CODtinu. to Iiv. under - I .....·al war TRACK r.ui ..


. . . , ...................... --- .. conditions until we can atrord to ~

Ila.bMra •••••• '..... •• 0l.Na.IIItIa

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Good AsiOitlltDt·., ChocQlate -UNDEBORG'S DRUG STORE . MLI... k



. . .,. .,. .



, • W!l NEED A RESPONSE TO No, air I The track men are not : ....II. . . . .i~......H .• •~....,•••,_tH.j..~~,~,~,..~~~.'!.~-.~ 1 ..... :: ... I1.M . . JIll ........ti HELP HOPE. ·_ loa&c on the lob. AnJb0d7 who hal ..... GIJIM ••••••••••.•••••. 11ft ..... . tried to dp any running at all boWl -====~=================== ....... that it takee a great deal of training -;:;; ST OR rw KaiU.. iii IPeoIal .... ot OUR NEXT ANCH to hi I \a 1101. .All w P a runner "to condition. Our , ~II~' 1..'. a'1111aw11e4 0..... 111. . ti'aek m'nicer haa a1T8naed quite an .................._ .......... _ •••••••_ ..........e\..... _ .._~ ....

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Within two weeks the personnel of utenlive program for the b , ', our Anchor ataff will be chaneed. teams this JUr. In order to win, a De~ctlve. VlSlon.1S a senous 8nd~. : 'M~N AND B~~:E~A!"'TED TO And jt is the student body who is lot of hard grilling is nacellary. The cap to a cblld m Its studies, and if : to do the changing. It is both a gym hu found the ·'speed.kinp" out not corrected in ttme by CORRECT , College studentseveryw ere are privilege and a responsibility 'to be in suij everyday th~ past ~ and GLASSES will prove 8 lifetime reo : playing the part of the unfortunate on the Anchor staff as ·it gives not Jac~ has been putting them thru j Kret. I ACr- NOW. : old woman, who was the proud poe. only an opportunity for se!f·expres. some maneuvers generally known u : IM!88Or of a pig, but in 'attempting to sion, but it helps one to aid in ere- "settin up" exercises, "calisthenics." • u get"' it home ~. all nature as one ating an inftuence and a fine col· If you want to tryout for the team, ~ : great big ,oppoeing force; for fire, 1 . spirit. Perhaps the thing that get in suit and Wltrk now! The ftf~ , . rope, water, butcher, kniftrand whip any editoli wish.- more than any teen f.lIoW! who are. out to every ~ 18 West 8tb Street _ ;• all refused to lend aid to her lD1lj~ty thing else is that his paper shall drill now win have the advantage ~ with the pig. expl''' a certain tOM. , For thla over you If you don't start now. . _...._ H H. . . . . . . . . .H . _ •••••H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . ._ ..... The collegian, in his sophomoric reuon the following suggestion is . mantltr, lees thjl world goille to Nln, blade. .. . . • ( It is not an adverse cntlCIBm of the faculty- becom~g mentally de· ranged, the Counael , idle, aD the the .present etaff !to say that not fratemities except his oWn corrupt more than five are conscious of a • and he, nOOttf 'maater that he is, mut- sense of responaibility. We believe ' ters to himself (with the hopes that ~at the present staff persOnnel is • the world may hear- him) "and I too large. Would it not be a: better only am left al6ne to tel), thee." plan to h\&ve a ISIDaller 'staff' and .• I • , "\ " , , " At Hope a great' many of us, like have each member of such a staff • • ... .' .. ' .. ' " I' ," • ,,' • ' ~ '. ..' the pro rbial pool·han sage or bar· be directly responsible for his deber-ahop ..hiloIpiier, bewail tne -pa~tT A closer cCK'p.ration ~ · wicked world and see thru our colored secured and things ate sUre to qe · spectaclea that the college is taki:nr done promptly. I I r 1"_ , a straight coune to destructiOn. Yea, Our new plan for you.. consider'., we need a Science Hall; we must tion is ' this~ The staff. shall con· have a Men's dormitory, ·01/a Men's sist of an editor·in-chief and his aaHan is an absolute necessity, we need sistant, an editor for Campua New8, a larger faculty and worst of aU the for Jokes, for Athletics, and Alum· faculty are woefully u~derpaid. • ni.. A Business Manag~r vtjll be But the interesting part of the elected and lie will choose his own whole thing is that this Hopeite is assistants. correct. Ilis mistake is that he him· Think it over, fellow·students and self is idle, with perhaps .a rather be prepared to consider it at our far·fetched justification of his ex· Anchor Ma.. meeting. , FROM THE lWLY NEWS RECORD istence ·at school resting upon his MODUS IN VERBIS. ·shoulders. EVe1Y need of r our col· The follo.nD,1i ucprpt tOeD There is no hope (or cheaper clothee for men for a lege today can be fully satisfied by . from a .tatemeDt iuaed at the CODclufon Mod~s in Verbis. : It is a gift to the present generation of students. a long time to come. We told ' our c11I&om.n that o! a receJit C8IIfen8ce ot tile ~nt This is not an extreme statement, s~e; It c~. be ac~Ull~ by all. One of JUitice ID W~ praIcJed 0'" by story six weeks ago. Now it is corroborated which is unwarranted. We, fellow. common failmg of men IS to ransack Aasbtlnt General ria and pirtIdpated in Increased 'Cost of evel'yllJing "oo]ens, "trimming students, can build the buildings we a v.oc:abulary to describe some ordin· by maD~ anp ntaiIera. ' '" and labor make lower pdces of c]otmng 'impoaib]e. need; we can raise our endowmentj ~ry e~ent, to disa~prove by a fierce "The pabUC IBUfl be adristd,- tbat we can raise 10)'aI supporters to our IDvectlve, or to pra\8e by an elaborate Tnat stat.ement was i88ued by Lbe National A..'n ot 010. thetc! fa a DDew .tadud of . . . . la wear cause, for certainly our cause is as eulogy. Perhaps it is more common tbiers lol/owing a rt'cent ~onff'renclJ at the Department In,appuel, that ill 191' the and ~~ . as any. _, ~ coll~re m~~ with the first confidence of J ~stice . at Washing, t on, pre sidt'd !l;Yer by Aaa. Gener. needle IndUltrlq, lr. 10 far II ·Iabor was How! By creating a strong virile In ~helr abilIty to exaggerate or air al Flgg an-d atteoded by tbe manu(aejurers retailen coucirued, was 'ODe-of tile poOIIIt pUlln. inftuence and sentiment in you; t?ei~ literary glean~ngs fo~ im~rea­ and labor iuterests. ' \ dUltrlea and that they we ... ..,.., an family, church and community. This ' ilon s eake. The ImpressIon IS a adequate ..... IDd that the }NIIUc IhonJd is ' not · being done. Your personal boomeraRg. ,;-' . Aflt'r ~ou have Tt'sd Iht ~ t.ory to the right, you cond ...t is after all th t Laa~ Friday one of our professors expect Wa COJICIItioll te Nfteet ItIelf in ~111. apprecll'te tboroughly W"3& our DOLLAR DAY .".., , e grea es~ lead chapel. He made no speech, no the future retail prIcea of .• 1lfDt, and argument for Hope. ~ext to your display; yet whep he had finished, DlCOUN'l' lIIfao to ever mao that come8 to Our 8tore. }hat 'th~ ililothlD, ba the prlUDt cadIactions, your words Wln count., It :10.' one could btit res t him. He diddOD to_warrant...,... ha .... WW that i is a commonplace, but not a ,platitude, 'not ."" ~ . ~ b f to that H -( ~or IIIlpreaalon y use 0 there CIII be IIIJ matetIal rechlctioa ha the 8&h Yd ' M ?~"I~tud_ t oents. a~ museum-extracted , w olda or pronunel. watc e. en are WI! mg give u,- ..:- He . d hla f d ril ohlothiD,." ,. th -" th t th a.wn. ,aIM ' oree an \Ie • . ey are asau..,.. a ey are get: tty by hla use of aimple words, Anely. tlDg value received. Our church peG- knit to;tCei-. It 'fa an art to be enple'at home do not ~ow what Hope vied, but one dltBouJt of acquirement. '·Th. HOUM of New Id..." ~ ,om, eollege is doln~. ~ow many churches But if an indivi(ual win unceuin our denomanation know ~t our ingly seek after naivety and make Ida to mak• .it ....ibl. ,for. the pI • • of Volunteer Band hal more tb;in forty s~h' a show-eue of words, he will J:loUaad bd com. . . . to members? :flow many know that our iOOn lose the ~ of 'hIa auditors. • Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. are at· Not only that,' __ .he wiD 8OOJ\ leana ... oa-')Q~Rj)AY.l"'lI to -ph. . . ,tended by moat of the 8tudents at that he ul. . DOl, ~? Doee your coaamunltr real- when .fnI has , a matter of ~ iu t.kt Hope coBep fa Imilclinc 'up portanee to preeat. IUs WOliD Offer .. ~ tlaat . . 10 bdI1111lee the .be· p'eed with a ~ti.- - 011 iD our futlln poIle* ~ Ita civic life? - . ataden~ we . . floeI_; _ 1..0 • BOWf D' ...... that the tuition ~~qt~,~~~ ""



Geo. H. H'·lIe

& CO. !











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~at DOLLAR DA y.

in 1920 should mean~ to eoery Man













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edt :to . . BrdwDiac J1;. " , ~ .... 1fUftb-• .hiI )1M. ~ Ita lOa! to her,,~ " ltoft" loiep bfa. ~eln-



.......... In a m.ta17 ,roducUon e&mlot 'af{ord to pau .b1 thla ~ .... •








·1IftIt . . 'Il 111*., or .... •••• . , aDd that . . . . . . - . . . the Ult." (') . . . lift ada. III cam",,1 ... . The .0.........'. haeral . . ..i t.J~ ,08 eutIa, ..... lcIaIiDa for expnIII8I Brown. . . . . of • IlIAD pelmantDoe, ~ ~ dread of who ftDtd to .... . , . . . . In WI tGpl dwtruction, hla cIeIhe to riae -_ ... fall . abcm alld ..,.4.a1l that biada hllll. ~ he cemp&ra ~CI •• - • to earth, iIlclJeat8 the Deed of a ta- ure • tare life. Man'. ' work 11 alto JUl- '~That low ~an ~ a little thiDJ dJiDr: "... deed t:boQ but dime," to do. »avid ainp to ~.uI, "dIeI, I.. Sea,) it and d08ll it: ... to work in the wortct." "thiI iIl- This hich 1IWl. with a creat thini tease faHb iI ripeatllcl araiD and to puaue, . again in hiI poetr). TIe ke1Jlote of DIll .... bowl it. '


PrlnI." and "".".,.

. Lefll8 do,.~ ,



&»WI PmttI",

·HN, ....... -~r"~~~~--'~+~~~~~-""'---~ .al0 Cell ... A... .. -

usic Studies, Sheet Musco, ~ Books, Violins aod Vio- ' Hoists Supplie~

Siione. virile, i.olute-Robert Browninr, the man, could not be eon- the poet'c ~ is faith-faith IIW" _ .,.. .. addin, o:le . .led in ~ Brownin" the poet, that ~ triumphant above' all .. . , The poetry whleh he haa written Ia doubta, that feela God.where_ he can' " • EVERYTHING IN MUSIC the outa'rowth of hit... own dominant not lee, and boWl when he cannot ..... ~ hit, ill' penonaltty; It il mor&-it is the ov • Wldentand. . . . . . . - . ~-r , a ,m Ion, · flowin, of hra personality into wider. "Perfect I call thy plan. m I .. ~ deeper channels. In ' every, line we Thanks .t hat I wla a manl ~ That, hu the 1fOlld aere--abould he ~7 ....... &er.ptt feel the fOreefWnesl, .the intensity, Maker,.remake, complete-J:., tTust need the nut, \ the greatneaa, of Robert · Browning that Thou Bhalt do," (1) Let the world mind him I hlmeelf. It is the min who apeaks, . ma CoDeeptioa 01 BYil. This, throws himaelf on God, and - - - - - - - --------hia IIOW which is revealed to · UB, The question Utat ariaea when we' unperplext, BrowniDlfB master mind and apirit are told the ·world is rood, that life Seeking shall tlnd him," whleh 'kindles our imqination, veri- _iB wo~, the living, that God'a_plan Browning promi... another world !BE ' fiea our elugglah thoughts, atira out is perf~; ia: What .about (bi .evil wherein the man who h48. faUed to BOuls, aWtJtens us to a new undeT- that ~ta, the Bin, ,pam, and IOrrq"~- win bere, can achieve hfa high talk. •• standing pf, a deeper love for, life, -Ii th~ part God B plan? Can you' In a certain sense, nothing here baa , . There are two poeta of OUI .race who call It good. Brownmg haa ,an an- fully .uceeeded, and .n men are failriBe, through- Ute strength of their s~r ready. He does ,not ,1dealize urea. pel'llOnalities above ' all other poets- life, He knows that evil ex18., but the'" one whose life is shrouded in he sees- a purpose in vic.e; sorrow; "All labour, yet no leu mYllter,' but whose soul lives'in his pain, Life ' Ia. a struggle; a eonstant Bear up beneaUt their unBucee&s,' dramas ~ Shakespeare; the other, ~king after, beauty~ love, and truth; Look at the end of work, contrast whose poetry Ia keen with Ute inBtinct sm and IOrrow, WIt' all their ac- . The jetty Done, the Undone' vast, _ .• of life-:-.Robert BlOwuing, compallimenta, are the Obstacles to be This Present of theirs with the hopeI General Ch~CII of Mr. Q.vercoWe, the ene~ea to ~_ conful Put." (6) . ' Over 50% .of a the business written in 1918 WI. -. Brcnrnin,. conquered. There IS joy in the complaced ~mong Old ~olicy-holders. .' , _ _ _'_ _ . bat. Browning is in the jDlidat of Neeeasity of 8trurr\e. .tI. a , 'th' - u_ it; with BOul Kirded for the fight' he his f f il' d , Upon IJrst acquamtance WI .IIU. chan>ft h' d' h " T view 0 a Ul'e 081 not pre. ' d b ... IS . war lOngs, an we w o· 1 de th 't f tr 1 It . If, you are not carryin~ a policY'in. .this old rel~. Brownmg we ~ unp~ . y ~r- hear them. feel the tbrm of vieto cu . e necessl Y, 0 I UD' e. ~ tain outstalldm, qualIties, F11'8t, th - tr' ph f ~f well to place the alDls BO hlih that I; be company it will pay you to investigate: , 0 .I ~:_~~~~eror~t_ is humanly impouible to reach it, there is the strength, the vitality of e luBm 1_ 1'ttl course, rowmne "e.......... U1 a ..... ; , the~, E ven if we Allew as I e he wu so wonderfully Btrong and "AIr. b t ' 11" ita . of Brd1l?lin, as we do 'of S~akeajl88re, "ndurin" 80 virile, enthusiastic,. and;eeduh: man a ~c s,,~u . ex_ (l'Up, we could not read ten hnes of his manly We feel this u we read JlC)etry without knowing that he was "Then~ welcome each rebuft .. Or what's a Heaven fpr1" (6) a man physically robus~ and healthy.; That turns eartb.'a smoothl\ea8 Havi.n~ set , biJ ~l high, man Phone there, could- ~ IlDthmg ·w.eak ,or . rough, ' ~ should atruggle toward it, "conteftd to RaldeDee 2270 4 East 8th Street Holland, Mich. _m:IC about him. .Clo~lY' ,alhed Wlt~ Each sting that bids nor ait the uttermost for hia Hle'8, set pr,ite." ' Office 1978 physical strength lS n~ mtelled?al nor stalld but go I If he fail DllI,1Iy times, if he weaken and fall _ ";:;::;:~~=~;;;;:;:=:;:~~:;:~:;:=;;;=;;;:~=:: !l&or, the keenn~s, the penetrating Be our j9Y .Utre&-perti pain L Jaai&'ht. tDe eeaential greatllea. ofllis Str' d h Id h th t r ' . _ :: u d Wi f t if h is' . t Ive, a~ 0 c eap e S am, "It is but to keep one's nerve' at a ~ BASEBALL ' :hi: ,strain, ' tWeek of JIl1r&~on. -.We f~ also_the ,breadth throe!" (2) . To dry one's eyes and lau,h at • Eve~, afternoon th~ Past . any hidden talent, let "leek" know aad mtenalty of hlS sympat!pes, lie ' B . furtli ' 'ts that ood ' t II "'. , the line of the baseball aport haa about.-itl If -u t to ..... t t or,_'"-_~t.. h • h l d. }if' I , ro~mger mslS ' . ' a , drawn some twenty men to the gym_ IV..wan .. , ou .... w ........ , uman, e ove e, _will WID the battle, that amehoration ' . " the team be out to practice! W. he peIIe~ the hearts and minds ' tit d . te' h And baft'led, get up and berm nuium /for mdoor iPraetice. Yes I the t ~.n.nltlel ill rogof :men and he loved all things that IS e EomiJman . no -m beUJnan tPire1 again-". ('1) They are already practicing for the the mate;: l~~ -t....... . , . '. . ress, v may never en y b e ' ...a a .. - . q ou But fttry JlllIlMIed life and tnstmct. No heIght eliminated, because it is our Uberty Who can read such bold, vigorous, ~ea to played th~ comm, Hope man owes liis wboJe-heI.rt4id h too hjah, no dep~ : . 10~ fo~ ~~~ of doing evil thllt gives grace to OUI masculine lines and not feel that he : n t . . : ISChou~ Ia an ;ld- 8UpPOrt. go, Hope. ~ W. wut lS WlD ~; nothin,tooh.tr mg 1ed to h1;D- doing good. If there were ~no ~vil, haa imbibed lOme of Browhln's own luI e thuai."t p ~yer tahnt lin~ wonJ e~ & .cragerJ.et niH On tJie c1iameDd ~t. E veryt In, appea un flee choice would be removed, It is · en .... a ong a e. ac. thlS 188r. h 19 anel h' Imew ev.erything: He was a by IruUlnB of evil ~I.ftt we learn ' to whiond~rfUl. coura T -vye t~ tthhrot\lih has ~ conneeted for a good many .elttzeQ of the world: WIth a wealth . . '""'I: s eyes,.leel th_e f &8ClDa IOn. a e years WIth Ute Holland Independents Whe in'" ~ft_ - I I I ' ' .... , "d f h a.pprecJate the goodness of God; lelt in men who have striven and team h' h baa al bee h' n a ux, ..wea_ WIU iet)'GU pf human expenence an b O_I._ uman through existence ' of ugliness we b&- failed like the Grammarian' in men a tch fW ICythin ,W8 Yll n t e farther than aweuinr, Let mut.. dO w.wledge. We oannot ru """uldera c m I f- be t. 'd t h ' 'rna 0 an g m th is part the ld..ki1I.. lnttmetety w1bh our fellowmen with~ 0 , e overs 0 au y, amI e who are ce,nsured and· misundeJ:8tood the slate, When it ,com.. to the " i n s " - ' . 013 receiving a portion of each man's nolse~ of earth we learn to value the by th~ world, but who rep08!! conll- and the "oula" of ~ diamond. rt, ----~. and experience . and making it t ereruty o! Heav~n, dently on God, like the I'Patriot;" in we venture to ,ay that there ~ a Make.lU'e the prise JOG ehue.iI Ii" aU own. ThllJ did BroWn in, become , Belief in VICtory of Good, men whom the wor1d call. a lui:ce8l!. better .~ h to be red than worih the~, If yCMl euJtiftt.' " y men in on~~ and by taking to "When a lOul has seen but who have in ' reality failed like "J ck!' H c be .~-.I th if JOur 'talent. JOIl'D alwa,. bd an optn.ae1f all that Ia grtIIItNt, .noblest, .By the ~eans ,of Evil .t hat Good An.l_- d 1 ·S rto 'Th to h 't ," 't ~ ibolpetocanhi -:-..:-'_.... at po~ty. 11M IIbe: ' uel - beat ~ others, he develo])8d a is -best, '14 e, a . ,e uC . 0 we I IS poaa e w p a --.w D _ powerf1J1 individuality and a strong And ~rough earth and its noise. master poet· .hand liVes the world a out of the. uw of material avanable, =====::!!:=======~ . ~ marnetiam which m~ him - what is Heaven serene• different appearance and add, ,lory that he WIll do it. o~ reco1lec:tion 1'11 _ . t£ than all. • When ita faith in the same ha. and rreatness .to common thing&. draws us back to the time when we ~ ' stood .t1ie test-. were "1mee hIP to a il'UIhopper" . ""'1ow'Irl1l1~' Phi~h, or Life. Love. - • at the poet would I&y aod .uAcl to II • II01U'etIr of Browning'a atrenrt~ There remaitulth a rest for the ~ _ , ~nd on our tt~toer behmd ~ the _ ... ~ be found .~ hia philosophy ~f ' pIe of God." (3) . After . reading. the 'entire work. of dl.~ond fenee in order to reaeh ~t anel his rehl1OUI_ thourbt. BlS Browning could not be 10 CJ.Ilieal or Browumr'a lifetime, and admiriq to elUSive knot-hoJe, 80 that "'e milht of life .developed n.~rally pessimistic all to think 1hat. -.. ..n- the full the character of ~e man who see "Jac:lt" receive the piteher'~ --~'"'""Ii""i----~~~ of Ida love fOr life and his fond· predominated ove.r rood. EYi1'illou~ built it, we can expreu In one word livery behind .the plate. , . for people. I have ealled him gooG is silent. , Miadeeda, injuries, tbe one great Itl8Ol1 ' all his poemI For eome J8U'S Hope 1iu been of the world. He loved seandala, are apread. swiftly b1 "Will- teach aDd the one outatandinr quanty -thamefullJ necUcent In the realm anel he ~w life ~re in aft ita in, tonruea; good' works ita own wa~ of tJi!, poet'a life and character- the ~t American' .port.. AlId . . . . phtUI. He n8'fel'. trlId to forward, alowly, aurely. The very Love. Browninr boWl, feell l teaehea mo~ ta dtarrue ~.. we ~ve life.. Be .... a. 1 1I~ a fact that men l8Cornbe the e:datenee Love In all ita phueil, h~ and ~ reputation of a t..van. a V.ander iii RGItcut · • after -truth. and "wIille Jae does of lViI, cry out against it,. and Btl'Ul- divine-~iivine love, which reveala it- Velde, and otbera to uphold. W. have or • ., "OGII.') froIIl b.Jmeetf or others gle to overcome it, showa that rood self in the Wli'ferae Ind in the_Marta an .dsUliaatic NIIb&ll .,napl'tbIa .,n &1lel "in emt, he wall nevu is ' Btill predominent in the world. of men; human love in all ita...,.. year. a. is baWD. to ,0. all 01' Imlltie about it. He Vie of Fall as the . . . . . JMlion of hQulaity "Babe" BcJaan. ~ -Balle" _&I. ~ iUIOft aU ... an optimiltj a " are. • ' 10 . . . to Uft tnae to tM·Ja. . . 1;,'1I- . . . ,trJIIrIq . . hill opBroytning'8 doctrine .d08l Dot JSX- -love for wite, for elIildren(for eoIUI· the .~ HIM, tor ~... ~.llllilit-I tbiiwd toarIahed ~ elude the man who..baa been /defeated try. fello..... and God. BIOWubc JJ8r aa· ladWkl.a Iqt . . ~ who of eri1. It . JraI \he In the atrunte. He was moat .ym- felt it aD and he tell, ~ that "loft pIapl . . . eI• .., W pua. ..... ... patbfdc with failure. It ~ true that '1I th~ 0111, ~ in the world.If lD .the ....... wIdt JollJV: ......... tile ItroDr ~'" more QlDpath, with B~I ,~. aad ~ )0,. 'WeD .._ _ _ .....1Iai)< JIll.... ·the thaD t~ 1N8k with eIICh fI, 10 • . , . " . . . ~ ~ alKl·:....- ·...~:a

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