
Page 1


Think you're immune? Guess again— STDs a fact of life —Page 3


Food service sponsors fun-filled evening at the Palace of Auburn Hills —Page 9




Dutchmen go into NCAA playoffs for sixth straight year —Page 11


^ Ihe anchor

March 4, 1992

Serving the Hope Gommunity

Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit #392 Holland MI

Volume 104, Number 19


Work study students unable to find oncampus employment

Keynote speaker encourages men to help plight of women

by Jill F l a n a g a n news editor Although there are about 1,100 jobs for

by J o n J o f f e

students on campus, approximately 4 0 stu-

staff writer

dents who have been awarded work study have been unable to find jobs this semester.

Maas Auditorium was filled on Tuesday,

According to Director of Financial Aid

Feb. 25 for the keynote address by Jackson

Phyllis Hooyman, the number of available

Katz for Women's Week, kicking off on

jobs has remained steady while the demand has increased.

Feb. 17.

Said Hooyman, "More students are

Combining his personal experiences as a man with his broad background in feminist

..choosing to work on campus. Because of the

theory, he helped illuminate the problems of

recession, a lot of students can't find off-

women in a male-dominated society.

campus jobs."

Katz was an All-State football player

The college is concerned about this and is

from Boston who went on to become the first

.currently looking at refining hiring policies

man to graduate from the University of Mas-

for departments.

sachusetts with a degree in Women's Studies.

They will be investigating several areas, 'including the numberof students not awarded -work study who will be allowed to work on campus, and what to do with students awarded work study who cannot find work. Said Hooyman,"When the economy was igood, many students chose not to accept their work study. Now departments have to be reminded of the importance of prioritizing 'work study." In the future, departments considering two candidates for a job will be asked to consider whether or not one of the candidates

Photo by Stephen D. Kaukonen

IT'S T H A T T I M E A G A I N . . . A n d y T o e r i n g , T a n y a Gail, Ericka L y s z a k a n d K e v i n Kar t a k e a m o m e n t to p a u s e f o r a p h o t o at this y e a r ' s F a n t a s i a . F o r t h e c o m p l e t e s t o r y a n d p h o t o s s e e p a g e 5.

Survey conducted to determine spiritual needs of students

be in place for the fall semester. The college has maintained its commitment to students unable to find jobs. According to Hooyman, the current policy is to give ,these students low-interest loans. Said Hooyman, 'The main thing is that we are not being insensitive; our commitment >has remained solid." A p p r o x i m a t e l y 6 7 0 students were


awarded work study this year.

Educator Daisy Belle Thomas-Quinney will portray abolitionist and Civil W a r heroine Sojourner Truth at Hope College on Fri5

day, March 6, at 7 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial


Chapel, as a postlude to the college , s W o m e n ' s

.Week celebration. B o m in slavery and sold by her parents at the age of nine. Sojourner Truth was the first s

notable woman to speak out against slavery.

xEmancipated in 1828, she traveled through Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Kansas on behalf of her cause. She attended the National W o m e n ' s Sufferance Convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1852, cared for wounded soldiers and emancipated slaves during the Civil War, and worked to enforce the desegregation of public transportation. In 1864, she left her home in Battle Creek for a While House audience with President

See SOJOURNER page 12

Katz. "My purpose is to relate my experiences in a way that encourages men to reflect on their own sexism, as well as offer women a new perspective on the various influences on men's lives and attitudes." The speech was a testament to the struggles women have in our society. Violence against women permeated the speech, and the statistics given were frightening. battered every year," stated Katz. "and one in

staff writer

four are sexually abused. This is only out of the cases reported."

The Religious Life Committee is con-

A March of Dimes study (1989) showed

ducting an in-class survey of Hope students to determine if their the spiritual needs are being met here at Hope.

"We want to encourage adult men to be clear about sexism and violence, We need men to start standing up and speaking out for women."

The survey is being given to a randomly selected group of classes in an effort to maintain a representative sample of the student body






The survey is a direct result of the Hope in the Future Committee study done two years ago. One of the goals set by the sub-commit-

—Jackson Katz


Women's Week finale features portrayal of Sojourner Truth

"I realize I embody a contradiction," wrote

"Three point four million women are

by G r e g Brown

'has a work study award. Hooyman hopes that the new policy will

He now studies sexism at Harvard University.

tee of Christ in the Campus was to determine what students felt were their spiritual needs, File Photo

what programs were meeting these needs, and what could be done to meet them better.

Gerry Van Heest

that the leading cause of birth defects was battering the mother during pregnancy. Katz's display of statistics revealed that

"The basic goal of the survey is to assess the religious climate of the college in order to

months of research into similar surveys done

every day four women die of domestic vio-

prepare programs to meet areas of need,'' said

at other M1AA colleges, will be tabulated by

Todd Steen, chairman of the Religious Life

the Frost Foundation. Just a few of the topics touched upon in

lence at the hands of men. "In sexual violence, such as rape, many

Committee. Steen commented further that perhaps

men don't even realize that they have com-

the survey include effectiveness of current

mitted rape," explained Katz. ' T h i s means that an awful lot of men are committing rape.

gauge the effectiveness of programming and

r e l i g i o u s p r o g r a m s , s t u d e n t use of the chaplain's office, participation in programs

the changing attitudes of the student body.

offered, and the types of programming that

Not a pleasant thought." The problems for women are related in

The Religious Life Committee, made up of student, faculty and administration repre-

would be welcomed by the student body. 4t We want the survey responses to be

part to pornography, which has a consistent theme of men exerting physical and sexual

sentatives, worked together to compose the

what the students feel," said Chaplain Gerry Van Heest. "From this [survey] we want to be

control over women. According to Katz, the men that commit

able to see where we are headed, where we

these crimes of rape and assault are not ^sleazy"

the Campus Life Board as to what action,

want to go " The survey will also allow for assessing

types of characters, but everyday people. " W e want to encourage adult men to be

if any, should be taken in response to the

the effectiveness of current programming in

survey. The survey results will also be used to

hopes of creating a more effective service of

clear about sexism and violence. W e need men to start standing up and speaking out for

advise the chaplain^ office and to keep the

the c h a p l a i n ^ office to the students. The survey will be issued before spring

women," concluded Katz. His conclusion introduced the concept of

committee informed as to the religious cli-

break, with returns coming in April. The pro-

men listening to 4 4 women's issues," as men

mate of the campus.

gramming effects of the survey should be

are causing problems for women through vio-

seen on campus next fall.

lence and discrimination

the survey will be repeated every other year to

survey. The committee will consider the results of the survey and make recommendations to

The survey, composed through several

NATIONAL NEWS Georgia voters pessimistic, frustrated as primary approaches MARIETTA. G A (AP) President Bush

In an effort to cash in on voter displeasure

Tsongas picked up support this week from

and the challengers who want his job are

with Bush, Buchanan has been campaigning heavily in the state, both in personal and over

state Sen. Michael Thurmond of Athens, chairmnn of the Legislative Black Caucus,

radio and television. But his biggest problem

And Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey won the backing of two key black legislators, David

finding a pessimistic, angry and frustrated electorate in Georgia as they move towards

same situation." Another voter w h o ' s still looking at both primaries is Dennis Williams of Vilia Rica, an aircraft maintenance worker w h o voted Republican in the last three presidential elections, supported Sen. Albert Gore (TN) in the 1988

the state's first-in-South presidential primary

appears to be that many Georgia

Tuesday. In interviews throughout heavily Repub-

voters, even when they

lican areas of west Georgia, voters repeatedly criticized Bush's handling of the economy

take him seriously. Loring Perez of

Atlanta. The Mason-Dixon poll of 352 likely Democratic voters

and his lack of attention to domestic problems

C o l u m b u s , an ex-

had Clinton at 39 percent,

while voicing concern about the future. " W e ' v e seen the best times, unfortunately,

ecutive with a convenience store

and that's sad," said Charles Dawson, a 58-

at 8 percent, Kerrey at 4 per-

year-old salesman from Marietta who sup-

chain, said he's angry with Bush for

major to turn the economy around." Williams said h e ' s concerned about the

cent and Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin

personal controversies that have dogged

ported Bush in 1988. "Our children won't

ignoring the reces-

at 3 percent, with 29 percent

Clinton during the campaign, but doesn' t nec-

have it as easy as we did." Few Georgians who backed Bush four

sion for so long, but

undecided. The Democratic

essarily see them as disqualifying him for the

can't bring himself

sample had a 5.2 percent margin

years ago, however, appear ready to translate

to support Buchanan.

presidency. The Mason-Dixon poll suggested that

their displeasure into support for conservative

" I ' m a f r a i d he

Lucas of Macon and Mable Thomas of

agree with him, don't


Tsongas at 17 percent, former


California Gov. Jerry Brown

of error.

Democratic presidential primary in Georgia. " I ' m shopping just now," Williams said. " I ' m openminded about anybody who comes along. But I probably w o n ' t vote for Bush again unless he comes out with something

A key factor in Tuesday's vote

most Georgians would agree with Williams'

for both parties will be where those

assessment of the allegations of infidelity and

couldn't vote for him in the

registered Democrats who have sup-

draft dodging that have been leveled at Clinton.

real world of politics down here," said David

fall," Perez said. "I just don't

ported Republican presi-

The Arkansas governor had the highest

Worley, a mortgage banker from Marietta.

think h e ' s qualified to be presi-


dential candidates for the

favorable rating of any of the Democratic

"He got a lot of protest vote in New Hampshire,


past decade end up vot-

contenders, at 59 percent. His unfavorable


rating was just 16 percent, half that of Brown,

might win and then I

G O P challenger Patrick Buchanan. "I think he's going to find out he's in the



On the Democratic side,

and he's not going to get that here." A Mason-Dixon survey conducted Mon-





O n e such voter,

who had the highest negative numbers.


Robert H. Smith of Carrollton, who hasn 't

advantage over the rest

Wayne McKendree of Marietta, said

backed a Democrat for president since he

with 10 percent undecided. The poll of 233

of the field, thanks to

he hasn't decided whether to cast his

retired in 1978, said h e ' s looking to support

likely G O P voters had a 6.9 percent margin of

endorsements by Gov. Zell Miller,

ÂŁ ballot in the Republican or Demo-

Clinton this time, if he can survive the personal


Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., former At-

controversies. "I voted for Bush last time but not any

the poll's finding that his "favorable" rating

lanta Mayor Andrew Young, House Speaker Tom Murphy and other key Demo-

^ cratic primary. " I ' m satisfied with Bush on everything except the economy," McKendree

more," he said. "...It looks to me like every-

among Georgia voters had slipped from 65

cratic leaders.

said, "but that's the biggest thing for me. And

thing in this country is going downhill. There

it's not just me. There's a lot of people in the

needs to be a change."

day and Tuesday in Georgia found Bush

Clinton has a decided

leading Buchanan 63 percent to 27 percent,

More distressing for Bush, however, was

percent in October to 38 percent this month.

But former Massachusetts Sen. Paul

Kerrey takes hawkish role in attack on Clinton T A M P A , PL (AP) Democrat Bob

in college and agreed to join an o f f i c e r ' s

Kerrey, a Vietnam hero turned anti-war pro- program. But he later changed his mind tester, has been taking a hawkish role in about R O T C and received a high lottery attacking the electability of presidential ri- number that was never called for the draft, val Bill Clinton. " I f h e had wanted to go into the military,


Judge orders Kevorkian to stand trial on two murder counts ROCHESTER HILLS, MI (AP) The judge who ordered Dr. Jack Kevorkian to

cause assisted suicide isn't illegal in Michigan. But Kevorkian was ordered not to assist any more suicides.

"I believe in fighting for freedom," the

he could have gone into the military, plain

stand trial for first-degree murder says a jury

Nebraska senator told about 4 0 0 people at a

and simple," Kerrey said earlier Thursday at

must decide "who activated the...death de-

downtown Tampa rally Thursday. " N o man

a campaign stop in Tallahassee. "Had he

vices" that killed two women.

or woman on this earth is completely free wanted to go and serve his country, he could unless we're willing to risk it all for someone

have. 4

"All this stuff... ! was

else.* Kerrey said flatly Clinton's 1969 draft de-

"Bill Clinton

ferment and charges that he dodged the draft would

should not be

make him cannon fodder

nominated because

In last October's deaths, both women suffered from painful but not terminal illnesses.

District Judge James Sheehy said Friday

Wantz, 58, of Sodus, died from an injection of

the fact that Kevorkian supplied the machines

lethal chemicals, and Miller, 43, of Roseville,

didn't warrant putting him on trial.

from inhaling carbon monoxide.

doing this, that and the other

But he said it wasn' t clear what happened

Kevorkian's supporters said he shouldn't

thing, I tried to d o / that's

in the secluded cabin where Maijorie Wantz

have to stand trial for helping people who


and Sherry Miller died Oct. 23.

wanted to die.


"Only Dr. Kevorkian and his sister were

" H e didn't murder anyone, and I can't

Florida, site of a March 10

present in the cabin to witness the deaths, and

believe it's gone this far," said Karen Nelson,

primary, was also aimed at

he cannot win the

no testimony was presented as to who activated

a friend of Miller's.

next door Georgia where

the two death devices," the judge said.

general election/'

Clinton leads in the polls

"Causation has become a question of

decision."We need to know who took the final

and the rest of the southern

fact, and questions of fact are decided by jury

steps in that cabin," said Reinhar Priester of

states voting over the next

trial." Sheehy also dismissed a drug trafficking

the Minnesota Center for Biomedical Ethica.

"This isn't a love-fest,"

charge against Kevoridan, and scheduled a

as a suicide advocate, could be objective in

Kerrey,aCongressional Medalof Honor winnerand Navy SEAL special forces leader

Kerrey said. " W e ' r e in here fighting not just for ourselves, but fighting for the country."

March 12 arraignment on the two murder

who lost half his right leg in a grenade

Late Thursday, Clinton's Florida cam-

counts. Kevorkian, who remains free on a $ 10,000

helping others decide to end their lives. Defense attorney Geoffrey Fieger said he

explosion, joined anti-war protests after re-

paign issued a statement from retired Air

personal bond, faces a mandatory life sentence

" N o one will find him guilty of murder,"

turning from Vietnam. He only mentioned

Force Chief Master Sgt. Garay Holland of

Fieger said.

that activity Thursday when asked directly.

Tampa, saying he was "saddened and an-

if convicted. The 63-year-old retired pathologist first

"Yes, I was opposed to it, but that was

gered" at Kerrey's attacks on Clinton's pa-

gained nationwide attention after a Portland, OR, woman with Alzheimer's disease killed

Larry Bunting said lawmakers need to provide " I t ' s not the typical murder case where you have a person who doesn't want to die," he said.

in November. ' T h e Republicans will make Bill Clinton the issue." he said. "Bill Clinton should not be nominated

—Bob Kerrey

because he cannot win the



two weeks.

general election."

only after spending eight months in the hos-



pital. That's not the issue," Kerrey said.

"It appears he is embarking on a cam-


paign that would tear down another candi-

herself in 1990 using his suicide machine. A judge later dismissed a first-degree


date instead of discussing the issue of the

murder charge against him in that case be-

Clinton received a draft deferment while

But a m e d i c a l e t h i c i s t p r a i s e d t h e

Priester questioned whether Kevorkian,

wasn't worried about taking the case to a jury.

Assistant Oakland County Prosecutor guidance on physician-assisted suicide.

future," Holland said.

Michiganians shun foreign nameplates, buy big three vehicles DETROIT, MI (AP) Michigan residents

University of Detroit Mercy. 4 T h i s is our own

" W e want to make a statement for our-

percent of sales. Ford 27.8 percent, Chrysler

continue to show a strong loyalty to the domestic auto industry, with eight of nine ve-

little bit of commercial isolationism." In Michigan, 89.1 percent of cars and

selves and the rest of the country," Bemacchi said. " W e are the auto industry. W e take this

14.6 percent, H o n d a - A c u r a 2.7 percent, Toyota-Lexus 3.5 percent, Nissan-Infiniti 1

h i d e s bought in the state carrying a Big Three

light trucks sold carried a General Motors

very personally. It's pretty close to a reli-

percent and other 3.8 percent. Polk said,

nameplate, a newspaper reported Sunday.

Corp., Ford Motor Co. or Chrysler Corp.


While foreign automakers captured 36.1 percent o f t h e U.S. carandlight-truck market,

nameplate. Polk said. Japanese and other nonU.S.-based companies had the rest.

Three of the five best-selling car models

Nationwide, G M had 31.8 percent of the

nationwide bore Japanese nameplates the

car and light-truck market. Ford 20.5 percent

Honda Accord, Honda Civic and Toyota

they accounted for only 10.9 percent of

Some vehicles with Big Three name-

and C h r y s l e r 11.6 p e r c e n t . F o r foreign

Camry. The Ford Escort and Chevrolet Cava-

Michigan sales, a survey for The Detroit N e w s

plates are made overseas, while many Japa-

nameplates, the U.S. market shares were

Her followed.


nese-nameplate vehicles are m a d e in the

Honda-Acura 8.5 percent, Toyola-Lexus 9.8

In Michigan, the Big Three had all of the

United Stales.


top five models the Ford Escort, Chevrolet

11.9 percent.


"In Michigan, w e absolutely d o define ourselves by buying American cars," said

Nationwide, Big Three nameplates had

Mike Bemacchi, professorofmarketing at the

63.9 percent of the market, the survey found.

In Michigan, G M accounted for 46.6

Ford Tempo.

Team physician to serve at Philosophy lecturer continues science and religion debate U.S. Olympic training center by Cynthia Tanty campus editor Dr. JamesE. Lemire, team physician for Hope, has been selected to serve as a volunteer physician at the U.S. Olympic Training Center at Colorado Springs, Colorado. Lemire will be in Colorado Springs from July 9-24. He has been Hope's team physician since 1987, and was team physician for Holland High School from 1979-1987. He is also a partner in LakewoodFamily Medicine. Lemire will be responsible for the athletes' general medical care, including dealing with problems such as colds, flus, cuts, abrasions, lacerations, sprains and strains. He applied about five years ago to participate in the program, and will work with

all athletes at Colorado Springs, including those doing their final preparation for the 1992 Summer Olympics. If all goes well in July, he could be assigned a team for the next Olympics or Pan Am Games. Said Lemire, "That's one of my goals— to become a team physician at the Olympics—and this is the formal step into the process. It's possible, if 1 do well this summer, that 1 could be chosen for the next Winter Olympics, or a Pan Am Game in '94 and then with the Olympics in the summer of '96." Lemire thinks basketball would be a good option for him, but he notes that he doesn't plan to be choosy. Said Lemire, "I'm pretty open to whatever they have

by Erika Brubaker features editor The great debate of Hope vs. Calvin continues, but this time it takes place in the arena of philosophy. Professor Steve Wykstra of Calvin College delivered a lecture on Friday, Feb. 28, entitled, "Current Issues on the Relation of Faith and Science." Wykstra presented two views, one he deemed the "Hope" view, the other, the "Calvin." Wykstra explained that there are two ways of approaching science. First, the "complimentarism" approach, which says that


Financial aid director testifies before Senate committee by Cynthia Tanty campus editor Phyllis Hooyman, director of financial aid, testified in Washington on Tuesday, Feb. 25, before the U.S. Senate committee on Labor and Human Resources on a component of the Senate bill on the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. Invited to testify by Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), chair of the committee, f Hooyman testified on a proposal that would change the way in which federal student loans are administered. For over a year, Hooyman has been actively involved on a committee with inslitutional representatives belonging to the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges in developing an alternative approach to the current federal Stafford Student Loan program.



Said Hooyman, "It has been our goal to see a proposal included within this current reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. Our proposal would serve to eliminate lenders and guarantee agencies from the Stafford Loan program. Instead, the federal government would disburse the funds directly to the institutions which in turn would make loan funds available to students." This proposal could save the government about one billion dollars. Hooyman noted that the Commercial Banking Association is very opposed to this proposal since they make a great deal of money on student loans. However, Hooyman said, "Just by the virtue of the people and Senators present, it is an issue of great concern. "It was a very interesting experience. You realize the struggle the government is going through."

Hope not immune to STDs by Heather Mumby staff writer The guest column printed in the February 26 issue of the anchor brought up a lot of questions about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It doesn't really matter who wrote the letter, or who it was about, the fact is that this is a situation that could happen to anyone who's sexually active, even here on Hope's



t 1

All sexually transmitted diseases except AIDS can be treated and most can be cured. Many of these treatments involve nothing more than antibiotics and can be done right at the Health Clinic. Ever since Magic Johnson went public with the news that he was HIV positive, people have realized that

AIDS is a reality that can happen to any healthy heterosexual. It's not just a problem for homosexuals and intravenous drug users. "I have no way of knowing if there's an campus."I really want students to know that HIV positive person on this campus, but stathere's a problem on this campus," said Sharon tistically there has to be. I'm sure that if we had mandatory AIDS testing on this campus, Blanksma, Director of Health Services. It's believed by many students that be- someone would turn up positive," said cause Hope is a private. Christian college it Blanksma. In the next five years, everyone in this doesn' t have to deal with the kinds of problems (such as STDs) that are prevalent in big uni- college will probably know someone who has versities. Many believe that we are somehow AIDS. By the year 2 0 0 0 , 4 0 million people sheltered from that sort of thing. The truth is worldwide will have the HIV virus and of that, statistically, the number of Hope students those, 10 million will develop AIDS. coming in to the Health Clinic to be treated for "The best thing for a young person to do sexually transmitted diseases or for pregnancy today is to abstain from sex," said Blanksma. testing is not much different than that of larger The obvious way to be positive you won't contract an STD is to abstain from sex. Howuniversities. "Students don't think that we deal with ever, for many people, this isn't a viable this sort of thing, but we actually see a lot of option. The next best thing is to practice safer sex it," said Blanksma. If students think that they may be in- (there's no such thing as "safe" sex anymore fected with an STD, they can go to the Health except in a monogamous relationship which Clinic and talk to Sharon Blanksma. She can lasts forever). While condoms do not provide let them know what steps to take next. Some 100 percent protection, they do provide the examinations can be done right there at the best protection now available. Most people think that other people get clinic, others may have to be referred to the Ottawa County Health Clinic here in Holland. these diseases because they aren't educated Whatever the case, the results of the examinaSee STD page 4 tion are totally confidential.

science can be neutral; it does not need a religious basis to work. This theory can be likened to Hope. The second approach, called the Calvin approach, integrates faith and learning. Though this theory, all of scholarship (science, philosophy, literary criticism, etc.) is affected by a religious world-view. Wykstra then continued, stating that there were two major shakeups in the study of the philosophy of science; what he termed the builders and the floaters. The builders flourished mainly from 1932 to 1962, and their views were along the lines of logical positivism or logical empiricism. They saw all of science as being built, in the way that a wall is built. On the bottom level rests the facts, then come the observational laws, the things that we can observe, like freefall. At the very top level there arc the theories, which serve to explain laws. The floaters, a group which began with the publication of Kuhn's structure of scientific revolutions in 1962, believe that a person' s world-view is what shapes all that they are capable of believing. Finally,Wykstra presented his own stance on the philosophy of science, which states that scientists may need to start with their worldviews (which may be based on religion) and then they no longer need these world-views as their scientific theories get underway. The next philosophy lecture will be held

Photo by Rich Blair

Steve Wykstra

on Friday April 10, at 4:00 p.m. in Lubbers 101, when Professor Larry Bonjour of the University of Washington will present a lecture on epistemology.

Hope-Calvin nursing seniors visit India by Cynthia Tanty campus editor Students in the Hope-Calvin department of nursing added a lesson in cultural understanding to the clinical experience they gained during their program's January Interim. Faculty member Beth Gordon and four of the program's seniors spent the three-week period at the Christian Medical College Hospital in Vcllore, India, studying not only nursing but the different needs and conditions found in that country. Said Gordon, "I think it was very valuable for us to observe and participate in health care in another part of the world and realize the part that we play in that. It was also helpful for us to see the opportunity that there is for mission work through nursing." While in India, the Hope-Calvin group visited a children's polio ward, toured a leprosy training and research hospital, cared for patients in pediatric and intensive care units, and worked in a village clinic, where they took blood pressure and weights, listened to

heart rates of babies of pregnant women, and gave immunizations. Said Gordon, "Community health nursing, at least at CMCH, is very progressive and innovative. Several model programs that assist the people in helping themselves have been initiated. It was very exciting to participate in such activities." The Hope-Calvin group stayed in a hospital annex that included not only visitors and families of patients, but some patients as well. Commented Gordon, "Rooms were clean and modestly furnished: two beds, a desk, two chairs, a small closet or chest, a Western-style toilet, and a cold-water-only sink and shower. A bucket of hot water was available from a community tank each morning for a small fee." The CMCH was started by Dr. Ida Scudder, a young Christian American missionary. It opened in 1900 as a one-bed clinic, had expanded into a 40-bed hospital by 1902, and currently has 1,700 beds. Between 2,000 and 3,000 people are also seen each day on an outpatient basis.

Northrup lecture to speak on work ethic Bom in Sydney, McKinnon was ordained The Rev. Dr. Russel G. McKinnon of a minister of the Presbyterian Australia will present the sevChurch in 1963. In 1984 he enth annual Northrup Lecture received his doctorate in comat Hope College on Wednesmunication from the School of day, March 4, at 3:30 p.m. in Management at Deakin Unithe Maas Center conference versity, Geelong, Victoria. He room. wassenior lecturer and head of McKinnon's presentation the communication departwill be titled, "A Quiik of Ausment, Faculty of Social Scitralian Work." Refreshments ence, at the Warrnambool will be served at 3:15 p.m., Campus of Deakin, retiring in prior to the address. 1991. The public is invited. AdPR Photo The annual Northrup mission is free. McKinnon is minister of Rev. Russ McKinnon Lecture is made possible by a St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, St. Ives, gift from the Peter B. and Beatrice Northrup Sydney, Australia. He is also the 1992 Fund. The gift has allowed Hope College to Northrup Visiting Chaplain and Lecturer in bring a visiting lecturer to campus each year Communication at Hope.

since 1985.

i \

4 Ine anchor March 4,1992

Resident dance company invited Lecturer presents model for to international exposition Christian reflection on issues Holland—Nicholas Lash presented a thoughtful Christian approach to contemporary social theories and problems on Monday, March 2, at 3:30 p.m. in Winants Auditorium of Graves Hall at Hope College. The title of the lecture, presented through the college's Presidential Lecture Series, was "Eagles and Sheep: Can W e Switch in Time from Cain to Abel?" Lash took Augustine's "City of God" as a model for Christian reflection concerning social issues. Lash is the Norris-Julce Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. He has written 15 books, the most recent of which. Theology on the WaytoEmmausand Easter in Ordinary, have been widely acclaimed for their excellence. He has lectured in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,

Luxembourg, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden and the United States. Among other places, he has lectured in this country at the University of Notre Dame, the University of San Francisco, the University of Virginia and Boston College. Lash is a member of the Board of Directors of SCM Press and of the editorial board of Ex Auditu Modem Theology and New Blackfriars. He has also served as president of the Catholic Theology Association of Great Britain. The Presidential Lecture Series through which Lash appeared was established by Hope College President John H. Jacobson as a way to help the college's academic departments bring speakers to campus who have distinguished themselves in their disciplines.

STD Continued from pg. 3 about how to have safer sex. The f a d is thai most of ihem are educated about it, they just don't practice it.'The awareness is out there, but w ^ need to change the behavior," said Blanksma. She suggests you learn about your partner's sexual history before deciding to start a sexual relationship with them yourself, "It's not easy, when you're dating, to bring up the topic of past sexual experience. Now, it almost has to be the main topic of conversa-

tion," said Blanksma. tk

Women have to take the responsibility to insist on condom use or even insist on someone being HIV tested. ' T h e typical attitude on college campuses is "I'm invincible, this couldn't happen to me." But, in reality, no one is immune to STDs. Everyone who is sexually active can get or transmit an STD. For more information about this topic, see Sharon Blanksma's letter to the editor or stop by or call the Health Clinic and talk to her yourself.

Holland—Holland Contemporary Motions Dance Company, which will be in residence at Hope College during March and April, has been invited to participate in Expo '92, an international event that will take place in Seville, Spain. Contemporary Motions will perform at Expo 92's U.S. Pavilion from Sept. 14-28. In addition, Christy Guth ('92) of Seattle, Wash., will perform with the company during its concerts in April. The pavilion will be one of more than 100 in the exhibition each featuring displays and demonstrations of culture, cuisine and arts accomplishments and aspirations. The event will also feature sporting and leisure activities, more than 100 restaurants, and a parte with more than 5,000 trees and plants from five continents. The pavilions' sponsors include nations, international organizations and corporations. Organizers anticipate that more than 18 million people will visit Expo '92 during its April through October run, at a rate of about 4,000 a day. Contemporary Motions is also planning to present a ninety-minute program, broken into three 25-minute segments, at Expo '92. West Michigan audiences will have an opportunity to see some of the company's selections during concerts at the college on April 9 and 10, with proceeds from the events providing some of the $35,000 the company

must raise to finance its trip. Based in New York City, Contemporary Motions is a multi-ethnic company comprised of six dancers. This spring, for the second consecutive year, the company will spend four weeks on the Hope campus, enabling the college's dance students to interact with professional dancers. Contemporary Motions was founded in 1986 by artistic director and primary choreographer Julio Enrique Rivera, who is a visitingassistantprofessorofdanceatHope. Rivera has been working with the college's department of dance since 1986. Maxine DeBruyn, professor of dance and chairperson of the department, believes Rivera's and the company's presence at Hope adds a valuable dimension to the students' education. , "They bring the high level of a professional company, and that bounces off our students," DeBruyn said. "It charges them to move ahead athletically and artistically." "I think also [that] it's a realization that these people are human; they are touchable; they can be fun. They are also working hard, trying to attain dreams and goals that they have set for themselves, and they help our students realize that they need to set those goals if they care to pursue the performing aspect of dance," DeBruyn explained. The dancers will be attending dance classes while at Hope.

CMN> Hope

CLASSIFIEDS m SPRING BEACH S W E E P - S t o p b y the Envi- HANG IN THERE Dorian pledges!! W e ronmental Issues Group Meeting lonigtu believe in you!! (Wed.) at 6:00 p.m. in Lubbers 101 to hear Patty Biikholz speak about a Spring Beach NEED PAPERS PROFESSIONALLY s TYPED?-Call 399-5778 after 4:30. Reasonable rales! LIVE IT! LEARN IT! LOVE IT! M I S S - Y o u ' r e the best roommate ever!! PART-TIME PHONE SALES"T,W,TH6:30- Cyn. 8:30 p.m., 9 a.m.-Noon. $6/hr, downtown Holland area. Good data entry and grammar D I D Y 0 U KNO skills. Call Manpower 392-1856. W ? - - O n e ton of paper must be recycled to save 17 trees? TAKE SHORTER S H O W E R S - T u r n off lights when leaving the room. Participate in Eco-Olympics and reduce energy consumption.

BUNNY-Not another newsletter!!!argh!-M

i ^/Z! j. i \ \


WAtf* h J-W-y, Ctrt f-'y/ij, "'r If At Sin

*** \

. M/rmus


DOC P.-What we doing for spring break?-M

HELP!!-Two women going to Chicago next fall need to find a place to live next spring. If you are going to be off campus in the soring of '93 and would be willing to let us have your

spots in an apartment/eottage when you leave, LOST-Camation Instant Breakfast Box. If please call x4146 and ask for Am v or Jen. Don't found, please return to owner A.S.A.P! make us spend the last semester of our senior year living on the streets, GIVE US A CALL! DID YOU K N O W ? - I t takes 62,860 trees to make one edition of the New York Times? YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU C A N ' T HIDE!


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There existed a community of sorts. This community particularly interested in external appearances and emotional significance, and spent time daily reinforcing these interests. The members failed to realise that the world which each of them occupied was known to them primarily through his or her own feelings. They failed to realise that it was impossible to explain why they had emotions at all. They were constantly occupied with finding importance in the worlds which they created for themselves. The members of the community consisted of the leaders, who set the standards and conveyed them by way of an electronic device called television; the devout, who clung tightly to the prescribed standards: the disinterested, who ignored the standards but still focused on feelings: and a full spectrum of others in between each extreme. Outside of this community, there were the heretics. They realised that too much significance was placed on convenience. They realised the futility of finding significance in emotions which are groundless and subjective. They also realised that there was one emotion which stemmed from the realization that no base can be found: an emotion with no target: an emotion with no purpose. The heretics held to a doctrine of such emotion—the doctrine of original anger.


March 4 , 1 9 9 2

The anchor 5


RICK KELLEY lead t h e c r o w d in z a n y dances and also had them doing the limbo and hulahooping.


tops at Fantasia 1992 ticket prices down for next year's Fan-

of Fettucini Alfredo with grilled breast

tasia. Even though it may not have been

of chicken, a green salad and fresh baked rolls, and double chocolate

away at Fantasia, the annual formal

a sellout, the couples in attendance enjoyed a romantic, fun-filled evening.

mousse for dessert. Entertainment was provided in

dinner and dance this past Friday

"1 went with a groupof my friends.

the Ford Room by Rick Kelley, who

evening, at the Amway Grand Plaza

It was awesome. It was fun getting all

drew a good-sized crowd for the

Hotel in Grand Rapids.

dressed up and having a really nice

smaller room.

by Cynthia Keip staff writer Over 300 couples danced the night

There was a mixture of entertainment for everyone to enjoy this year.

time," said Tanya Cail ('93). "I think the caricatures were a bonus."

Kelley, who performed in the Pine Grove during orientation, this year,

Cail was referring to caricature

played the keyboard and sang his own

drawings which were a new twist to

songs and some favorites often with

According to Tom Hardy ('93),

this year's Fantasia. Two artists were

the help of the crowd.

chairperson of the Social Activities

on hand to draw caricatures instead of

He had people hula-hooping and

Committee (SAC), all but eighty of the

having photographers at the dance as

doing the limbo in formals and tuxes,

four hundred tickets were sold.

in previous years.

and at limes had the whole crowd in

Although ticket sales were down, every seemed to have a good time.

The leftover tickets may have been

U n f o r t u n a t e l y , more people

a result of the poor economy, but the

wanted caricatures than the two artists

main reason seemed to be the conflict

had time to do. Scholten said, 'They

with pledging.

always had a big line."

sync doing line dances to tunes such as "Rescue Me. Jady Kurrent had the crowd dancing to "house" music in the Ambassa-

the dinner Cynthia

dor Room. The couples enjoyed the

pledging, SAC hopes to have Fantasia

Kortman ('93) played some back-

live band, which provided energetic

on a Saturday earlier in the month next

ground music, including selections

year. Dallas Scholten ('94), a member of SAC, said that this past Friday was

from The Phantom of the Opera,Cats, Debussy, Chopin, Stephen Curtis

music. "I had a lot of fun dancing. The

the only day they could use the Amway.

Chapman, and George Winston.

To prevent the c o n f l i c t with

Hardy also hopes to do is to keep


The meal included a main course

beat of the music made it easy to relax and kick your shoes off and have fun," said Cail.

DINNER IS SERVED—Beth Bym ('93), ^ Matthew Buys ('92) and Reka Jellema ('88) ^ (from right to left) converse while waiting ^ for the elegant evening meal to arrive. CHARACATURES PROVED to be a hit at this year's dance (above). Formal dress was the norm for the evening at the Grand Plaza (right).

T H E F O U N T A I N w a s a favorite p h o t o spot for guests l i k e D a l e E r m s h l e r ('93) a n d K r i s t i n B a u s s ('93) ( a b o v e ) .



The anchor March 4 , 1 9 9 2



1 T



Education focus should be on learning, not grades S t e v e n Wykstra, a professor f r o m Calvin College, gave a philosophy lecture t o o v e r forty students and faculty last Friday. It was, relatively speaking, an insignificant event. H o w e v e r , it pointed towards s o m e t h i n g o m i n o u s l y l a r g e — t h e state of education today. Wykstra w a s visibly distraught. H e shed his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, and kept muttering " W h y do I d o this to m y s e l f ? " and that question raised an issue m o r e important than any his lecture produced. T h e truth is, professors and students are feeling the cold, rigid, air of academia and not recognizing the sickness it brings. T h e y say Aristotle, would pace the floor in excitement, when he came upon a n e w idea. Could Aristotle d o this today at H o p e College in a class or in a lecture hall? No. Students are expected to sit like boards, blocks, and stones, while professors are required to teach through formats, tests and g r a d e s — n o t through their hearts. It's n o w o n d e r that t h o u s a n d s upon thousands graduate all across the country, without e v e r feeling knowledge, without e v e r realizing that knowledge could m e a n something more than late nights c r a m m i n g useless information. Professors d o n ' t h a v e to be m a c h i n e s that need figuring out f o r the sake of better grades; they could be a friend in learning. Perhaps this m a y seem high and airy. But isn't it t r u e — r i g h t here, right n o w — g r a d e s are for m o s t , m o r e important than knowledge itself? G i v e n the choice of graduating with a 4 . 0 and retaining little k n o w l e d g e or graduating with a 1.3 and large a m o u n t s of knowledge, h o w m a n y would opt for the latter? F e w , if any. Grades do reflect what one k n o w s , and in some cases are necessary, but we have been taking them t o o seriously. And w h e n we pay more attention to grades than k n o w l e d g e we are worshipping the symbol o v e r what it stands for, and that is idolatry. G r a d e worshipping is only a part of the whole; the entire system is hopelessly lost. T a k e the e x a m p l e s of students b e i n g taught W o r d s w o r t h in a classroom . I f h e were alive today and saw h o w old and dreary his poetry looked in a f o u r walled room, hidden away in the p a g e s of a generic textbook, he would yell. H e would scream! And he would pity us beyond measure. A s we should be. Sadly, even if W o r d s w o r t h w e r e alive today, he could d o little. T h e system is too well set in it's c u m b e r s o m e ways, like an unmovable behemoth. Individuals can d o nothing except reject the system and b e c o m e an outcast, creating an e v e n m o r e hopeless situation. If one thinks at all, one has to w o n d e r will there ever be an end to this? Is there any w a y to e m a n c i p a t e knowledge f r o m these cold buildings, lectures, and systems? And right n o w , if w c arc to be honest, the a n s w e r is no.


Steve Kaukonen Scott Runyon Jill Flanagan Cynthia Tanty Erika Brubaker Matt Buys Cal Hodgson Rich Blair Maria Van Baren Polly Schuler Cami Reister Kristen Bauss Fran Johnson Dennis Renner


Greg Brown Cindy Keip RebaO'Shesky Suzanne Greipdtjt, ^ Beth Pateri*^ "

Theresa Hamilton Heather Mumby ffe

The anc through the Committee. ediwr ara space limitati preference. The1 those of the edi available for $18 to accept or reject any advertising.

funded tions though due to 11 be given tonal are solely The anchor are reserve the right


CoUiM KSRHS S « K S 6 f c « t e T




W W H P THE C O M ? !

f r

o i l life ten Distributed by Tribune Media Services

Letters to the editors Making a committment requires sacrifices Dear editor, I am writing in response to the letter: "Greeks shouldn't hinder pledges' independent lives." I agree that there should have been better communication between the SAC committee and the pledging committee. However, what troubles me about the letter is this idea that Greeks are forcing pledges to make decisions. I cannot speak for all Greek pledging systems, as I am only familiar with the pledging of the Comopolitan [sic] Fraternity, but I suspect they would agree. We do not force pledges to make decisions. After Rush, we extend bids to a number of Rushees, and then the decision is in their hands. They have achoice to make, and like all choices in life, when one chooses to do something, one is also making a decision not to do something else.

Thus, those who receive bids can ask themselves, do 1 want to devote a significant amount of my time to become a strong active member of this organization, or would I rather use that time to experience Winter Fantasia and various other events on and off campus that will be taking place during pledging. To pledge requires incredible commitment, in two weeks (not three, as last weeks letter staled), our pledges are devoting themselves to an intense effort that will provide them with the foundation tocontinue a tradition that is 102 years old. If at any time they decide this is not something they want to do, the door is always open, and the pledges are aware of this option; we do not hide it from them. This is not unusual or cruel commitment to ask from Pledges. It is similar to what Hope asks of its

students: If you decide to come to Hope, you will abide by certain rules, and are expected to fulfill a specific level of achievment [sic]. If you don't perform academically, or respect Hope Policy, you are free to leave. No one is forced to come to Hope, and nobody is compelled to join a Greek organization; however, once the decision is made, there are expectations that must be lived up to. That Greeks or Hope College require a certain level of commitment (show up at pledging events, attend class, refrain from drinking in the Pine Grove) is not rare. In fact, it is impossible to expect that one should not have to forgo one opportunity to experience another, as last week's misinformed letter so ludicrously asserts. Guy Cheney "92

Don't be fooled—STDs reality on college campuses Dear editor, I would like to respond to your guest column in the anchor. Yes, students, STDs or sexually transmitted diseases are a reality on Hope's campus as well ascampuses all over the country. Chlamydia, an infection, caused by sexually transmitted bacteria is the most prevalent STD in the country. On college campuses, the incidence approaches 10-15 percent of the student population. If left untreated Chlamydia may cause painful infections of the reproductive organs which can result in infertility in both men and women. Unfortunately, as many as 75 percent of men and women have no symptoms. Genital herpes is another STD that usually produces painful, inflamed blisters on the penis, in the vagina, on the cervix or around and on the anus. This disease too has far reaching effects especially for women because herpes has been likened to increased risk for cervical cancer and may be passed on to infants in childbirth. Once you have had the

herpes virus you can carry the virus for life and you can have an outbreak at any time.

can transmit the disease to others. The period of time from infection to serious symptoms seems to average

HPV infection (human paillomavirus) or genital warts have almost become epidemic on college campuses. This disease affects both males and females and is sexually transmitted. Genital warts can be precancerous through genital, oral and anal sexual contact. Then, there arc still the "oldies", gonorrhea and syphilis, which nationally are on the rise. Gonorrhea has become resistant to antibiotic therapy and the long range effects are devastating for women and men when they want to have children and find they have a fertility problem.

10 years. The end result of the HIV virus is the disease AIDS and death. The Health Clinic at Hope College deals daily with students with the issues of pregnancy, STDs and contraception. We are concerned about the sexual activity on the campus because we deal with the results of that activity. We have yet to see happy results with any of the above diseases and situations. Abstinence will solve all of the above situations. If you feel you absolutely cannot abstain, then be responsible and educate yourself on what it means and how to have safer sex. We will be happy to answer questions or meet with you. This is all done in the strictest of confidence. Please call 7585 and ask for Sharon. R e m e m b e r , S T D s , unplanned pregnancy and AIDS have lifelong and life threatening effects. Sincerely,

The newest and most devastating STD is HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) which causes AIDS (Acquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome). This virus is transmitted by semen, blood and blood products-, and vaginal and cervical secretions. Most people infected with the virus seem healthy and do not realize they have been infected and

Sharon Blanksma Director of Health Services


March 4,1992 The anchor 7




Too Much Hatred

Last Wednesday night I sat down to watch TV with two of my apartment mates. W e were all prof crastinating, so it seemed like a good thing to do. j I don't watch TV much anymore i so I was clueless as to what was on. We stumbled across the show 48 5 Hours and decided to give it a try. The episode was titled "On the Streets of Hatred." Can't go wrong with a title like that! The show focused on several incidents of racial hatred including a rally of the Ku Klux Klan and a man who claims the Holocaust never happened. The fact that they could fill an hour of air time with things like this is a frightening reflection on our society. 1 am the child of a white, middle class c o u p l e — t h e term W A S P comes to mind—but in my family we were always taught the importance o£ loving each individual.




-f r


Loving an individual means looking beyond the color of their skin or the religion they practice. Why don't more children learn that? The Klan leader they spoke to claimed he had nothing against Jews or blacks. He only wanted "white power." How do you reconcile the two ideas? The black minister they spoke with said he would use any means necessary to ease racial tensions in New York—including force. The man who claimed the Holocaust did not happen said it was an inter-

national Zionist hoax. What kind of country is this that produces such attitudes? l a m sure they are not the only ones who hate and discriminate against others for their skin color or religion. This is not 1932, this is 1992 and we should have learned by now that we have nothing to gain from hatred and violence. Yet it continues. The part of the show I had the toughest time with was the section on a petition drive in Oregon to prevent homosexuals and lesbians from having the same basic humans rights as everyone else. I had a hard time because I agreed with points on both sides. I believe that practicing homosexuality is wrong but I do not believe it is right to deny anyone their basic rights as human beings. These are issues we must face and we must face them now. I have heard that racial relations decline during times of economic recession and I guess that's what we are in. But we should learn from the mistakes of our parents and grandparents and not repeat them over and over. When I think about bringing children into this world it terrifies me. 1 do not want to carry a child for nine months, raise it and then watch it go off to die in a war 1 do not understand; or watch that child get killed in retaliation for some black child who was killed. I know this column has probably sounded rather preachy, and I apologize, but these are issues that concern me and should concern all of us. Think about the last time you laughed at a racial joke or used (even mentally) a racial slur. Next time don't.


amounts 3r®. , 1 edcpo^p^t/f .-IftecVwcnesSt \a l i n e d

Violence, Nihilism, Blood-Letting, and FunFun at Fantasia We looked respectable on the surface—suits, ties, smiles—but underneath an unholy terror lurked inside us. Uneasily, like Cannibals at a church social, Mike and I, with our dates Beth ^nd E, sat around a giant dinner table in the Grand Plaza, waiting for the inevitable breakdown. We were both smashed beyond belief, beyond hope, beyond imagination, beyond, as the Hindu Brahma's would say, any words. I will say, however, only but the remotest of brain cells had survived the unparalleled devastation. We sat quietly—wondering which one of us would be the first to start screaming incoherently— as the food was served. It was good... the food. I had eaten something like it before: I think it was fromage du chat, but it lasted like chicken. Recklessly, Mike turned to talk at, not to, the person sitting across from him: some already distraught looking prude (He freaked out when I started eating with my hands) wearing turtle shell glasses, a black tux, and the kind of smile that belongs on a armless barbie doll at a garbage dump. The air roared in silence. Heavily, tension sat on our shoulders as we waited, horrified at the possibilities of what Mike might say to the lux guy. "The hardest thing you'll ever do is gel married," Mike shouted at the Tux guy. Mr. Tux nervously jolted upright without responding. Seeing how Mike's coment came from nowhere, I can hardly blame him. "And I bet you'll even screw

the restroom) I didn't care. I figured if Mike got arrested, so should I. I grabbed the noodles on my plate, clutched them in my fist, screamed "Food fight," and hurled them at the woman sitting across from me. They pelted her face, sticking like sopping fish intestines. Fortunately, the place was so crowded and noisy no one, excepting those within a close proximity, observed my actions. I'll admit a few people seemed a bit shaken, but for the most part everyone carried on normally. "Let's go," I belched under my breath. "Where?" Mike asked "To get more beer, it would be immoral to keep eating without drinking m o r e . "

Bad Madness G A L IGULA (It's important for the reader at this time to realize the Kantian notion of a universal form of rationality - ie morality - is being attacked with the aforementioned statement. That is, Kant has his form of rational morality, and Mike and I have ours. Only God really knows who is right, and he hasn't said much lately.) So, we wandered out of the Hotel, without the consent of our dates, of course, to seek some elixir of life. Did I mention we were dragging with us the unconscious corpse of the Tux guy? Probably not. Alas, certain restrictions that our placed on my column and all public forms of communication, inhibit me from saying anything more. Freedom of speech exists only for those who

have little to say. Where were we? Ah, Yes, I remember now. We were staggering around Grand Rapids looking for something to drink. We couldn't find any liquor that up," Mike added. stores, so we settled for a bottle of Mr. Tux dropped his silver- formaldyhde Mike had found unware, they clanged on his plate. derneath the bathroom sink of some Then he stared blankly at his date, downtown restaurant. who looked rather ferocious, a meat That's when we saw it. The eating type. The kind you keep sculpture. The Giant Orange Calder, your hands and fingers away from. that sat like a primeval beast on a Watching her eat reminded me of frozen lake. A monstrous work of Goya's painting, "Saturn Devour- art that only the snobbiest of art ing His Children." Mr. Tux got up to leave, perhaps to let security know a madman, rambling violentely was loose in the dinner area. Mike would then be arrested. (Unfortunately, as we learned later, he was only getting up to the use

really remember if we climbed it or not. I think so, but one can't be too sure about these things. Some Psychologist might attribute this phenomenon of blacking out to the state dependency effect, but I know better. It was because I was drunk. 1 do remember, however, several police stopping buy to politely inquire as to the nature of our activity, and Mike screaming. "Hallalaagfuhganpiks." The police jumped back. One even reached for his gun. I climbed down to straighten things out but the Formaldehyde was having a strange effect on my thought process. Much stronger than I anticipated. "Osiferumengnotdlrunk." I proudly stated. But, indeed, that was not what 1 intended to say. As the PoPolVuh. the ancient book of the quiche maya, say s: my thoughts and words were not one. The policeman no doubt, having never read the ancient book of the quiche maya would not appreciate our plight, and arrest us. Right as we were about to be cuffed who do you think drives up but our dates E and Beth. They both jumped out of the car, and upon hearing us babbling gibberish, E knew just what to say. "Dihrte mungadin," she said looking directly at me. And then turned to the pig and said. "I'm so sorry this happened. T h e r e ' s been a m i x u p . T h e y shouldn' t have began their critique until t o m o r r o w — w h e n the Mayor's here." I had no idea what she was talking about, but it sounded official. "Sir,"' she said holding out her hand to the pig. "I'm Dilthea Ogden of the Michigan Council of Artists, and we're here with Dr. Hairpalms and Dr. Vlassic, imported Hungarian Illumno-art critics to measure the sculptures lightedness of sensuality being. This of course, requires that the sculpture be felt and seen from all angles." The officer didn't say anything. He looked confused. Maybe it was the nice clothes that lended crediblity to our story, maybe it was E's audacity, maybe

critics could ever figure out; anyone else who says they understand it is lying. But we didn't want to understand it, we wanted to climb it. "Leth'sclimmtheesthing." I muttered. Mike, hadn't waited to talk. He was already straddling it. I can't

the pigs didn't want to deal with what already seemed too bizarre for life. In any case, they let us go, and gave me the opportunity to write this column, something all idiots can be thankful for. P.S This story is not completely true. I left out a lot of details.

not appear with the letter. But please keep in mind, the opinions which one is expressing are opinions which hopefully they believe in and should be proud to have their name associated with. The point is not to hide behind these opinions, but to express them. Be confident and sign your name. Let people know that YOU are upset, and not just some anonymous, faceless person.

many good issues which have been ignored by the Hope student body. Many times I have heard people say, "That makes me so upset I'm going to write a letter to the editor." But that will be the extent of their action. No letter is ever written, and little more is said about the issue. One particular incident which comes to mind was when Jane Holman handed out the tickets to the Hope-Calvin game early. Not one single person wrote into us, but everybody and their mother was


t *

desk — Notes from the editor's Although many of these letters Unsigned letters will be left out

"...In conclusion, I would just like to say that before one goes 'i knocking the Greek organizations, find out the facts and determine our T differences. Thank you, A Proud •7 Greek." No signed name. No telephone 1 number. No way is it getting in The anchor. Over the past three issues, and for a good part of this school year. The anchor has received a number of letters to the editors which have had no name signed to them and/or "7

no telephone number.

have had good arguments and have addressed important issues. The anchor has a policy not to print letters that are unsigned. We appreciate those who have taken the time to write in, expressing your views on the different issues of interest to the Hope community;. However, journalistically speaking, we are unable to print these letters due to the problems we may encounter by not knowing the author of a letter. Remember, when writing a letter to the editor, please include your

name and a telephone number at which you may be reached. The anchor will print the letter anonymously if you desire. However, we will not print it if it does not include a name.

Anonymous letters not the point In the past three issues ofThe anchor, four out of six letters to the editor have been printed under an anonymous name. Is this the point of writing a letter to the editor. At times we understand why people who write to us would like to keep their name anonymous, and therefore, requests that their name

No action reveals apathy Hope students are very lazy and apathetic when it comes to writing letters to the editor. There have been

See NOTES page 12


Students take leadership over spring break b y Erika Brubaker f e a t u r e s editor Students will take leadership responsibilities as they go to an Native American reservation in South Dakota over Spring Break with the chaplain's office. A group of about 15 students will travel to the Rosebud Reservation of the Lakota Indians to work for the week, repairing some of the church buildings on the reservation. The Lakota are a Sioux tribe that, for the most part, retain its tribal language. Chaplain Van Heest explained that Hope College has some ties to this particular reservation. The education department sent a group of students to this same reservation last year during May Term, so they could work on their ESL (English as a Second Language) skills. A recent Hope graduate also teaches on the reservation. Van Heest, before deciding where the spring break trip will be, consults an advisory group of students. "We see what kinds of things they think they w o u l d like to do...because I figure that this group...is typical of the kind of students that will be concerned about diaplain's programs and so forth." Because the spring break project has never worked with Native Americans, they thought this year would be a good year to experiment.

In previous years, they have worked throughout the United States in both the inner cities (Chicago and Staten Island) and in rural areas (parts of Georgia). Van Heest commented, "We've done a lot of different things, but we've never done anything with the [Native] Americans. It looked like kind of a neat thing to do." One of the first steps that the chaplain's

tion. Although the trip currently only includes about fifteen students. Van Heest is working on the possibility of getting a bus so that more students will be able to participate. Van Heest said that the students are comin c h a r g e of the Spring Break Project; the chaplain and his office simply set it up for them, and the students take the project the rest


office takes in arranging for the spring break trip is to contact Char Ten Clay, who is the representative of

of the way. Van Heest explained, "Nobody from my o f f i c e g o e s out there. That's a rule. "We're not going out there to We want to go; I would love to go. I change the world. This made a rule way reservation is not going to be a back. One of the heaven after we leave because things that needs to we've been there." happen on this trip —Chaplain Van Heest is that students need to be exposed to the kinds of things that

the Reformed Church for Volunteer Services. Ten C l a y is able to connect the group, or even ind i v i d u a l s , with projects throughout the country. On this particular reservation, the students will be working with an Episcopalian church. The students will stay in a church hall while they are on the reservation. They will interact with the people of the tribe while they are there. Not only will they attend services at the church, but they will also participate in some other activities planned by the church during the week that they are on the reserva-

they normally would not be exposed to. So it's a learning experience for them." "We're not going out there to change the world. This reservation is not going to be a heaven after we leave because we've been there. We're just going to be able to do a little work for them. We need to remember that, The biggest thing that is going to happen out of it is that...our students are going to get

exposed to a different culture. "Another thing that I want to happen out of this [is] I want some leadership to be > developed. If one of my staff goes on this 5 thing, guess who makes the decisions? Students are fully capable of making those decisions, and so I don't want any of my staff ' around. I've never been disappointed." T The students decide among themselves who will be the one to lead the devotional each night, who will be the treasurer, who will be the one who decides when and where they will stop to eat, and other important jobs. The chaplain's office basically decides who will go and where they will go, and it is up to the themselves. Van Heest is excited about the project

—Amy Haveman explained, 'Time Out is a youth group for minority and at-risk teens in the downtown area. Teens at risk are those who are educationally at risk...[those] who are about ready to drop out." The group meets on Thursday nights from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church. For the first hour, they play competition volleyball. The second hour is spent in Christian fellowship. "It's mostly discussion... dealing with issues that teens face—peer pressure, family problems, things like that." Haveman has gathered a core group of about ten volunteers, made up of Hope students, who help her run the Time Out program. About 40-50 teens take part each week, with some regulars. The teens are always welcome to bring their friends. The size of the group has steadily increased since its beginning last semester. "The increase of kids means that we need an in-


pecially in the area of increased awareness of the value of education. While Time Out helps the youth learn the value of a good education, it serves other purposes as well. "We've been building relationships with the teens...focusing on having fun recreation too." "I think Time Out is providing good role models and mentors through Hope students that the teens can look up to for their spiritual and educational needs. We've found a lot of spiritual growth, educational interest and relationship building among the youth and the Hope students." Haveman said, 4 T h e kids really like it. They're always excited to come. It's a slow process building relationships with the Hispanic community because they're a close-knit c o m m u n i t y , but if you take y o u r time...friendships are built." Students interested in becoming a volunteer can contact Amy Haveman ext.6288.


Twenty-eight-year-old Paul Musherure '93), an international student from Uganda, s completing his second year at Hope and may not be returning in the fall. However, he is not going home. If funding permits, he is going on to dental school. By ioing so he will finally be achieving the goal ie had when he came to America back in 1989. "I came in January '89 to Wayne County Community College, which is in Taylor, Vlichigan, a suburb of Detroit. I was there for a year and a half, because my aim was to get nto dental school because I'm a dental hygienist by profession. I was working back lome as a hygienist, and I wanted to get a lental degree. I tried to look around for filancial help, and I got a scholarship from Hiope," explained Musherure. He has been a chemistry major with a biochemistry emphasis at Hope for two years, and although he is not leaving with a degree, ie can still go to dental school. "I did everything that is required to leave -lope in the fall, because you don't have to get a bachelor's [degree] to go to dental school. If /ou have good enough grades and background, t's sufficient. My background is extensive



i itself. "The philosophy of it is that we're expos- i

ing some of our students to some needs of the world. In the meantime, those people are going to be encouraged because there are



people who care about them." > Each of the students who go learn a great l deal about other cultures in the United States. Van Heest plans on having the students report to the rest of the student body about * their trip sometime after spring break in the l weekday chapel services.

for International student b y Cami Reister staff writer


students to work the rest of it out among ^

Time Out provided for area teens Dental school an option crease of volunteers." by Erika Brubaker Guest speakers make occasional appearfeatures editor ances during the discussion part of the meetAmy Haveman ('92) was one of three ing time. Educational as well as Christian students from the state ofMichigan to win the speakers have been asked to speak to the Michigan Campus Compact award last Feb- group this spring. ruary. Alfredo Gonzales and some of the coorThe award included a $1,000 prize to be dinators of the Upward Bound program at donated to an existing program, or to be used Hope have spoken in February, when the to set up a program that Haveman herself focus has been on education. On the occasion would start. that a guest speaker was not available, Haveman explained, "I got this award H a v e m a n " r e l a t e d education to Bible and I had three goals that I wanted to use the verses...the benefits of education and school award money for: 1) I wanted to use it within and not dropping out...tomake them seriously the Hispanic community, 2) I wanted to in- think about what a future without education volve Hope students, 3) I wanted it to have would be like." some type of religious emphasis." Haveman explained, "One of the main Since Haveman was 1 things is to push education. unable to find an existing There's no stress on educa"I think Time Out is program in Holland that tion in the homes at all." met these requirements, she She continued, "The providing good role had to find another outlet. purpose is to satisfy the recmodels and mentors After calling Sara Park, reational, emotional, educathrough Hope director of the Hispanic tional and spiritual needs of students that the Outreach at the First United the youth." Many of the teens can look up to Church in Holland, youth come from disadvanHaveman and Park put their taged backgrounds. for their spiritual creative energies together Haveman hopes that the and educational and designed a program Hope students will be a good needs." called Time Out. influence on these teens, es-

^ ,> ,r

and I have all the credits that I need and passed admissions tests and stuff," Musherure said. But just where is he going? At this point h e ' s not sure if he will finis! up next year at Hope or go right to one of a numberof dental schools which have acceptec him. Money seems to be the issue. It's dowr to "the bucks again. I ' m on a money hun now," he said. Musherure's desire to become a dentis was prompted by his career as a hygienist. He said the hygienist program in Uganda "in volved a lot more extractions, fillings, ev



t. t

* *


r t

erything. Not just the cleaning that the hy gienists do here." However, he describec i himself and other people in the profession as f overworked and underpaid. "As a dental hygienist, you are over


worked and you are not recognized for wha -f you are doing. I was doing a lot more and i 4 was frustrating. Also, the income was reall> measly. So I figured I better get my denta degree," said Musherure. V He came to America to get his degree r because the opportunities for education are not as readily available in Uganda as they are + here. p "There was a dental school started ir A Kampala at the University there, but it hac A just started. I tried getting in the first time when I was in high school when they tools •< only ten students—only ten students from the V whole country, [so] I wasn't going to be K there," he said. Musherure said the transition fronr Uganda, the 4 pearl of Africa,' to his school ir Tf Detroit was not all that difficult for him. 'i knew most of what I saw except that there's £ always still that shock of seeing it happen live * in front of you. 1 grew up in the city...so I knew much of what happened in a more developec country, the decadence that prevails," he said t What is Uganda like? "It's Africa, it's hospitable, it's kind; people just like you for who you are," saic * Musherure. "In fact that's one of the things t

Paul Musherure

Photo by Rich Blair


See MUSHERURE pg 12 h


March 4,1992 The anchor 9


Pepsi-Pistons challenge sends Hope students to Palace

A s the crowd filed into the Palace for the contest b e t w e e n the P i s t o n s and the m

B u c k s (Left) the Contest winners strike a p o s e in their Pepsi-Pistons c h a l l e n g e t-shirts (Below).



their face, that was worth it."

The Palace of Auburn Hills was the dcslina-

bail. The Piston's office provided us with the

lion for 19 lucky winners of the Pepsi/Pistons

autographed photos and through our market-

Students who won the trip

challenge contest sponsored by Creative Dining

ing budget, we purchased the tickets to the

include Derek Stuart, Chris

Services (CDS) this past Thursday. And if you

game as well as the t-shirts."

Holland, Bill Butchart,Nancy


Melchiori enjoyed the game as much as

Field, Lisa Stover, Logan

the students. "I had a riot. I had more fun watching the

Southfield, Amy Woolman,

s c m c e director for CDS. ' The trip was so successful that CDS is already

Hope students with my binoculars than

Ben Labarge, Brian Conn,

watching the game. But 1 had a ball. 1 had

Nathan Deforest, Jeff Clark,

planning to have a similar contest next year.

never been to the Palace, and the fact that


"We're hoping next year to make it bigger and

some of the students had never been to the

Kuroda, Jason Gibbs,and Don

better. We want a full bus at least. We re going to

Palace before, and just to sec the reaction on


^sk anyone who went, it was lots of tun. "The students that went were a great group, (hey appreciated it." said Chuck Melchiori, tood

Bob Elinski, Casey Powers,



^tart planning it in August, and who knows, iTiaybe we'll even end up with a Bulls vs. Pistons b

game." The trip over to the home of the Detroit Pistons was filled with games and excitement.


G O O D GUESS. Bob Elinski s h o w s off his

&ul the big giveaway was an autograph basket-


,HaIl which was given to the person who guessed

basketball he w o n

jlosest to the final score. Bob Elinski won the basketball with a guess

in the 'guess-the-

of 104-96, only one point off the actual score of *04-97. jr The prizes were donated by Ticketmaster

final-score' c o n t e s t (Left) w h i l e the other

jnd the Piston's office who worked with CDS and

s t u d e n t s sat a n d

Pepsi in organizing the trip. * "Ticketmaster worked with us very well.

w a t c h e d the

They provided us with the autographed basket-

the Bucks (Right)

Pistons knock off

10 The anchor March 4,1992

ARTS Poetess gives reading at Hope Lucille Clifton, poet extrodinaire, read at Hope College last Thursday in the Maas center for what proved a memorable evening. Clifton, reading her works, extrapolated on every thing from the social political realms of hypocrisy to the mystical heights of the archetypal. She also had a powerful sense of humor. "I like to comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comforted," she proudly stated. The last of a dying breed, Clifton is a full professor at St. Mary's College of Maryland without ever having graduated from college. Leaving little doubt as to the merit of her work. Clifton opened the reading with her vitally magnetic poem "Homage to my hips," launching out on a vast, but simplistic, ode to her massive hips, which ain't gonna fit in no small places. Clifton, in her poems and life, celebrates her body like a child celebrates Christmas: gloriously. This is not to say, however, that she dwells in the soft and fleshy world of big hips. She thrived on juxtaposition. Sneaking up on the audience with her poem series shapeshifter, she subtlety weaved her previously jolly and innocent works with child abuse. A move that moved many. Reflecting on her African-American heritage, Clifton also read a poem on the injustices of racism. She toured, some years back, a southern plantation. Slavery was never mentioned during the tour, and the gravesites for the slaves who worked there remained grown over, while the white plantation owners grave sites had been kept up. Most students walked away impressed with Clifton. "The reading in it's totality," said Mike Theune ('92), editor of Opus "recognized the pain, the injustice of life , as well as the mystical aspects of it." "She's got great hips. 1 wish 1 had hips like that," added Reka Jellema('88), wistfully.

Fiction not worth hardcover price by R.G. Blair guest writer B O O K REVIEW The novel Stations of the Tide, by Michael Swanwick, brings the reader into a world in transition. The world Miranda is a watery planet that undergoes periodic cycles of flooding, known as the jubilee tides, which entirely engulf the low-lying areas of the continent. The time of the jubilee tides is a period of confusion and chaos as the human settlers of the planet move from their homes in the flood plain to higher ground. The novel brings us to Miranda at such a time, but the coming of the tides is merely an ominous note in the background.

! "<



The true story revolves around a nameless bureaucrat, whose task is to apprehend a criminal magician known as Aldebaran Gregorian. The bureaucrat is a member of the Division of Technology Transfer. This agency is responsible for maintaining technological strictures on planetary inhabitants. It seems that Gregorian may possess some forbidden technology. The reader is lead to believe that this is directly linked to his claims that he can adapt people to live in the sea. The bureaucrat, however, continuously denies the existence of such a technology. Readers are left doubting the true objective of the bureaucrat The tale becomes a detective odyssey. The bureaucrat completes a journey through the turbulent culture of Miranda as he follows the clues that will lead him to Gregorian. We

See STATIONS page 12 c

1 rPRi\ Photo r

OPERA WORKSHOP QUARTET PERFORMERS Heather Thomson, Stephanie Smith, Katie Grace along with James Schut and Brian Watkins present Mozart at DeVos Hall- ^

Diverse performers share common love of music. Holland — The members of the Opera Workshop Quartet participating in this year's Hope College Musical Showcase on Monday. March 9 at DeVos Hall want their audience to love opera as much as they do. That's one reason the four Hope College students have decided to present their rendition of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Finale from Impresario" in contemporary street clothes. Instead of stalking the stage wearing powdered beehive wigs and white silk stockings, the group is going to minimize the visual spectable so that listeners can focus on the music and story. "1 used to hate opera," admitted James Schut ('93) from Golden Valley, Minn. "I used to think it was a bunch of warbling and it seemed so stale to me."

In addition to Schut, whoplays Mr. Angle, the group includes Katy Grace ('92) from Midland who portrayus Miss Silverpeal; Stephanie Smith ('92) from Alma appearing as Madame Goldentrill, and Brian Watkins ('93) from Jackson who is playing Mr. Bluff. Heather Thompson, a 1991 Hope graduate living in Holland, will accompany the four. All five enjoy music, which each explains makes it easy for them to spend hours in the college's music building. Four of the five are even hoping to make a career in the field, although they are taking different paths to reach their goals. Grace and Thompson, for example, are the only music majors of the five. Both are planning to attend graduate school in music, and both are thinking of teaching at the college level or performing professionally.

"But I would tell people who feel like 1 used to to give it a chance, because there's a Smith is hoping to pursue a career in lot more to it than they realize," he said. "It's Contemporary Christian music, and is manot just a stagnant performance with a bunch joring in religion. Watkins is also considering of people standing there—it's a full scale a career in contemporary Christian music, but production." he's a psychology major who thinks college "Mozart, for example, was a composter student administration could be interesting, that used every single art form that he possibly too. could—acting; the script was supposed to be Schut, who like Watkins is a psychology fantastic, the costumes and scenes," Schut major, plans to be a couseling psychologist. said. However, that he'sadedicated musician whose "It's a lot more exciting that what you see on TV s o m e t i m e s . " " F i n a l e from Impresario's" plot features rival singers Madame Goldentrill and Miss Silveipeal, amid their agents, Mr. Angel and Mr. Bluff. Mozart wrote the scene as a comic conflict between the four, and the students intend to capture that spirit in their performance.

professional interests lie elsewhere is not unusual. Neither are Smith's and Watkins' major choices. According to Robert Ritsema, professor of music and chairperson of the department at Hope, about two thirds of the students in the department's groups are not music majors. Many of those students, like Schut, are

pursuing music purely as a hobby. And as faf as the students are concerened, the variety i^ good. f "I think as far as the bigger picture goes that that's pretty much what makes this de^ partment really interesting," Grace said. " Y o ^ see all these people that are involved, and alo^ of them—most of them—aren't majors." "I think it's really a great chance to gef together with other people who just like t ^ make music. It's not like we have this supei^ intense, competitive music majors' club," she said. "It's fun." ^ And because the Opera Workshop Quar? tet will be having such a good time, it plans t^ make sure its 1,000 listeners do, too. In addition to the Opera Workshop Quartet, The Music^S Showcase will feature all of the college'i major performing groups, as well as severa^ soloists and small ensembles. Tickets cost $9 each, and may be ordered through the Office of Public Relations Hope College. The office, open from 8 a.m. tcj noon and 1-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, it's located on the second floor of the DeWiifc Cetner, and may be called at (616) 394-786C Tickets may also be purchased over the county at the Grand Center Ticket Office for $9 each. The Grand Center Ticket Office is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to f) p.m. x In addition, tickets may be ordered bv phone through Ticketmaster, (616) 456-333^ Tickets are also available at Believe in Musics stores in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Muskegon. A service fee is added to the cos; of each ticket purchased in this way.

Versatile soprano next in Great Performance Series ' Holland - Soprano Dawn Kotoski will perform through the Hope College Great Performance Series on Tuesday, March 10, at 8 p.m. in Evergreen Commons. As a winner of the 1990 Young Concert Artists International Auditions, Kotoski presented debut recitals in the YCA series in 1990-91 at New York's 92nd Street T and Washington, D . C / s Kennedy Center. The 1990-91 season brought her debut with the Lyric Opera of Chicago, as Papagena in "Die Zauberflote." She appeared with the Atlanta Symphony under the direction of Robert Shaw and the Minnesota Orchestra for performances of Handel's "Messiah." With David Zinman and

the Baltimore Symphony, she sang Mahler's Symphony No. 8. Kotoski recorded Handel's "Acis and Galatea" with Gerard Schwarz and the Seattle Symphony for Delos Records. Her schedule featured appearances with the Cleveland Orchestra for "Carmina Burana," New York's Mostly Mozart Festival with Gerard Schwarz for Mozart's "Mass in C minor," and a return to the Atlanta Symphony for concert performances of Pamina in "Die ZauberflotQ" with Yoel Levi. During the 1989-90 season, Kotoski

Schatten." She made her debut as Possette in "Manon" in 1987. Her other roles at the M/( have included Barbarina in "Le nozze do Figaro," Giannetta in "L'elisir d'amore" and the Dew Fairy in "Hansel and Gretel" During 1989-90 she also made he^r Camegie Hall debut as Walter in "La W a l l f with the Opera Orchestra of New York ofv posite Aprile Millo. Her New York concejj debut occurred earlier that season at Avery Fisher Hall, in Handel's "Messiah" wiffi* Musica Sacra. t

completed her third and final year as a memberof the Metropolitan Opera's Young Artist

Kotoski, a native of Maryland, received, her B.M. and M.M. from Manhattan School

Development Program, and appeared at the Met in "II tabarro" and "Die Frau ohne

of Music. Her awards include a 1990 George London/William Matheus Sullivan Grant. f


Flying Dutchmen receive sixth straight NCAA berth



t ^ i

x 4


Holland — For the sixth consecutive year and the 10th time in 11 years, the Hope College Flying Dutchmen will compete in the NCAA Division III men's basketball playoffs. Coach Glenn Van W i e r e n ' s Flying Dutchmen (22-5) have received an at-large berth in the Great Lakes Region and will meet perennial small college power Witteberg University (23-5) in Springfield, Ohio on Thursday, March 5. The 7:30 p.m. game will be broadcast by WHTC-AM (1450) and WJQ-FM (99.3). Five teams from the Great Lakes Region will compete in the 40-team national tournament. Witteberg and Hope are seeded fourth and fifth, respectively, in the region.

\ ft'

/» A





The winner of Thursday's Hope vs. Wittenberg game will meet top-ranked Calvin (26-1) in Grand Rapids on Saturday. Another Great Lakes Region game will pit Otterbein,

Cross Country teams honored for academic excellence



b y Cal H o d g s o n sports editor

The Hope Cross Country team is being honored for academic excellence. They had a combined grade-point average of over 3.0 on a four point scale The women's team had cumulative grade point average of 3.257 and the men had a

"Having both teams recognized for the second year in a row is a tribute to the quality of coaching and the quality of student athletes."

V f

«r 9 9

—Steve Kaukonen

* cumulative GPA of 3.130.


National Cross Country Coaches Association or NCCCA gives awards to teams like

Ohio (25-3) at Wooster, Ohio (26-2). Saturday's winners will advance to Sectional competition the weekend of March 1314. The national championship tournament will be hosted by Wittenberg on March 20-21. Thursday's game will match two of the nation's most successful small college basketball programs. Witteberg is the winningest NCAA Division III team (1,203 victories) while Hope ranks fifth on the all-time list with 1,050 triumphs. Wittenberg will be appearing in the Division III playoffs for a record 16th time. The Tigers have been to the final four three times, winning the national championship in 1977. This is the 10th time since 1982 that coach Glenn Van Wieren has taken his team to the playoffs. The Flying Dutchmen are still seeking to get beyond the tournament's second round. This will be the fourth meething between the teams in NCAA competition, the

first since 1985. Wittenberg holds a 2-1 advantage in the series. The game will pit a fast-paced Hope offense against a defhese-oriented Wittenberg. The Flying Dutchmen are averaging 87 points a game while Wittenberg is limiting its opponents to 56 points. Both teams are coming off losses. Hope was upset by Kalamazoo, 77-74, in the semifinal round of the MIAA tournament while Wittenberg lost to Wooster, 61-54, in the championship game of the North Coast Athletic Conference tourney. The Tigers start three seniors, a freshman and a sophomore while Hope's probable lineup includes four seniors and a junior. Wittenberg is led by 6-6 forward Kris Spriggs ('92) who is averaging 13.4 points a game while Hope's offense is paced by Wade Gugino ('92) and Colly Carlson ('92) who are averaging 22.7 and 17.8 points, respectively.

Kalamazoo steals victory from Dutch by Jon Joffe staff writer It doesn' t matter whether you win or lose, it's just how you play the game. Yeah, right. The Kalamazoo Hornets pulled off the comeback of the year in the MIAA as they upset 12th ranked Hope 77-74. The much anticipated Hope-Calvin match-up in the finals of the MIAA tournament was not to be as the Hornets outshot, outplayed, and outhustled the Dutchmen for the final 10 minutes to erase a 16 point deficit. "We had lots of leads—I don't know what happened," said a stunned Coach Glenn Van Wieren. In the first half, the Dutchmen exploded to a lead that reached at one point 18 points until the Hornets gained their composure and battled back. Colly Carlson had 13 points and Wade Gugino had 11 points to pace the Dutchmen to a 40-29 half-time lead. The Dutchmen extended their lead to as many as 16pointsinthe second half, but poor shooting and inconsistent play by the Dutchmen kept the Hornets in the game until they could get hot.

With the Calvin crowd rooting enthusiastically for the Hornets, Brian Witkowski lit the Dutchmen up for a game high 35 points including six three-pointers, and the gamewinning free throws. Kalamzoo gained its first lead of the game 74-73 with 1:09 left on a Brian Witkowski three pointer. The Dutchmen worked the ball into Wade Gugino, who was fouled. Gugino made one free throw and the game was dead even at 74. Kalamzoo worked the clock down and worked the ball to Witkowski for another three point attempt. He missed the shot, but was fouled and he cooley sank all three free throws to put the game away. Hope still had a chance to tie with 18 seconds left, but Colly Carlson's two three point attempts with tremendous pressure were off the mark and Kalamzoo had earned their first win over the Dutchmen in 15 attempts dating back seven years. Gugino and Carlson were shut down in the second half as both players finished with 16. Gugino did not score a single field goal in the second half and Carlson had just one. Bart Verhulst added 11 points and Jeff DeMasse had 10 points for the Dutchmen. The Dutchmen fall to 22-5 on the year.

Men's tennis loses to Grand Rapids Community College b y Cal H o d g s o n sports editor The men's tennis team lost their first home match of the season falling to Grand Rapids Community College by a score of 63. It was a difficult match for some of the Dutchmen, as Fantasia was the night before and undoubtedly took something out of their legs. Doubles were played first and went this way: At first doubles, Cal Hodgson ('92) and Todd Jungling ('93) were defeated by a score of 6-3,7-6. I believe their opponents were John MacEnroe and Boris Becker. This has not been confirmed as of yet, but coincides with several sightings of the pro tennis players at a local Burger King. At second doubles, Jon VanWieren ('94) and Steve G o m o ('95) remained undefeated on the season by crushing their way to a 6 - 2 . 4 - 6 , 6 - 3 victory. At third doubles, Kevin Bobofchak ('94) and John Lillie ('92) were edged out by a score of 6 - 3 , 6 4 . Singles action followed with Hope behind two matches to one. At first singles, a valiant effort by Hodgson fell just a bit short as he was edged out 6-2, 6-3 by a player bearing a striking resemblance to Pete Sampras. At second singles, VanWieren lost a baseliner's battle in two hard fought sets 63,6-4. Jungling scored a victory for Hope at third singles with an incredible array of serves, volleys and passing shots. The score was 6-4,6-4. Fourth Singles also went Hope's way as Gomo blasted his opponent with "Excuse me, did I knock you down again?" serves. Gomo came away with a 6-3,6-4 win. Fifth and sixth singles went toG.R.C.C. as Bobofchak and Lillie each suffered 6-0, 6-1 losses. Marty Williams ('92) won his exhibition singles match, overpowering his opponent 7-6, 6-1 after falling behind 5-1 in the first set. Hope's next match is Saturday at 1:00 at the Holland Tennis Club against the University of Chicago.

these showing academic excellence.



Hope is the only Division III institution to have both its men's and women's team honored in 1990 and 1991.

Men's team co-captain Steve Kaukonen i tl « ('92) commented, "Having both teams rec< ognized for the second year in a row is a •! tribute to the quality of coaching and the quality of student athletes participating in « cross country." i; The team is coached by Mark Northuis. 4 Letterwinners on the men's team were Kent Bristol ('92), Aaron Bruininks ('94), * Doug Burchett ('92), Jason Elmore ('93), Cody Inglis ('93), Steve Johnson ('94), Steve Kaukonen ('92), John Nowak ('94), John r Patton ('94), and Todd Whitwam ('95). Letterwinners on the women's team were ' V • * Cheryl Becker ('92), Kathryn Conlen ('92), Theresa Foster ('94), Amy Haveman ('92), i i Kristen Kingma ('92), Sonja Langlois ('94), Amy Leatherman ('95), Cara Luchies ('94), Alicia Mendenhall ('94), Melissa Modderman r ('93), and Marcia VanderSall ('93). * Kaukonen added, "But one thing I can i * V* not figure out is how people who run in •* freezing cold temperatures through rivers in i little more than shorts and singlets for miles on end, and do other similar seemingly crazy acts, can still do well in their studies. It seems to me to be a contradiction in terms." Congratulations to the Hope Harriers! > f/ , 7



ITol first

ever MIAA


intrimiiil'li a n d » i » r n a n ftiifrvmati

tournament doe to their #1 ranking in | h e region. 12th in the country. The Flying Dutchmen will also lllirticipate in the NCAA Division 111 Tournament as Pn Thursday with the

B e i i e f s

MIAA All-Sports Standings (Through winter sports season) Pts. 1. Hope 90 2. Calvin 86 3. Kalamazoo 82 4. Albion 68 5. Alma 58 6. Olivet 39 7. Adrian 34

• The MIAA All-Sports award is based on the cumulative performance of each member school in the league's 18 sports for men and women. •The All-Sports standings at the end of the school year will be determined on the basis of each school's standings in eight of nine sports for men and six of nine sports for women. •The MIAA All-Sports award has been presented since 1934-35. Calvin College is the defending MIAA AllSports champion with three consecutive All-Sports titles. •In 1990-91, Calvin finished three points ahead of Hope in the final All-Sports standings, 138-135. S

1 2 The anchor March 4 , 1 9 9 2

Sojourner Continued from pg 1 Abraham Lincoln. Thomas-Quinncy's portrayal of Sojourner Truth is presented as a monologue told in the Black dialect. In character she helps audiences understand the brutality of slavery and the discrimination faced by women of the time. A veteran teacher currently living in West Middlesex, PA, Thomas-Quinney is a widelytraveled gospel soloist. Christian dramatist and educator, conference speaker, Bible teacher, workshop leader and minister. She holds a bachelor's degree from Stillman College, and a master's degree in psychoanalysis and education from the National College of Education in Evanston, IL. Thomas-Quinney also worked as an educational researcher with the Institute for Research on Teaching at Michigan State

Station Continued from pg. 10 are given glimpses of the native life of Miranda as well as the social life created by the settlers. Swanwick takes an interesting approach to the magic that Gregorian and his followers employ. He depicts magic as something tangible, but almost inexplicable. We are given clues to its true nature through the bureaucrat's reaction to it. Another interesting aspect of the story is the Inner System, a network of artificial worlds where the technology limitation is not in effect. The Inner System is the workplace of the bureaucrat and his colleagues.

Musherure Continued from pg. 8 that shocked me when I came here. People don't look at you and say, 'Oh! Someone new!' No, they n y 'Oh. Someone new.' They

The namelessness of the bureaucrat is an interesting device. It leads us to disassociate ourselves with him and simply follow his actions instead of empathizing with him. It is also interesting that all of the other characters in the novel possess a name. This gives the bureaucrat a pallid cast while he laboriously follows his clues. The novel becomes somewhat of a mystery for the reader. The various clues and innuendos must be sorted out to get a true picture of what is occurring. We are left on our own to solve the questions raised in the story: why does the bureaucrat have no power? who is the traitor

there, and I said to myself, 4 Am I in America?' You go downtown, and [there are] all those black people. I felt so good on those buses because they [the black people] have the same temperament. They'll all be laughing and talking to you and they have never met you

are suspicious of a new person." Despite the "decadence that prevails," before," said Musherure. He went on to say that the warmer months however, Musherure grew very fond of Detroit. "I loved [living in] Detroit. I really did. were his favorite time in the city. "During the 1 like Detroit so much. You know, you just sit summer in Detroit it's really nice," he said. "There are a lot of cultural events. It's got a life of its own and I really like it." Decadence is not what he found, however, Continued from pg. 7 when he came to this side of the state. "Hope know. complaiilTng. College, on the other hand...is okay. It's just a Use the anchor as a springboard for deIf we continue to be complacent, not typical conservative neighborhood here. communicating to others that we are upset bate. If something is upsetting to you, please Holland, Zeeland. ..the mind-set of the students with a certain action, no change will ever write in. You don't have to wait for us to do a is a little narrow. And it just reflects where come about. Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't sit story on an issue. Take the initiative and write they're coming from. So you feel like zapping back and wait for black rights to just come into us. them once in awhile," Musherure said. He One last note...If you happen to be about, he spoke out and made things happen. also added that he thought the students were browsing through this week's paper, you may Another point to keep in mind, is that much more open-minded than the community. letters to the editor do not always have to be notice a new addition. It's Calvin and Hope, a There are things that Musherure enjoys new cartoon drawn by Susan Stribley. Check negative. Write in and tell us something about Hope, though. "What I like here is that it out and let us know how you like it. You positive. If there is something on your mind, camaraderie of the international students. We speak up to let us and the Hope community could even write a letter to the editor. kind of stick together, do things together and try to make things work and I like that," he

University. Her visit is sponsored by the college's Women's Issues Organization, chaplain's office, office of multi-cultural life, Black Coalition and Cultural Affairs Committee.


in the Inner System? what is Gregorian's role in the story? The conclusion to the book was a bit dissatisfying. Though it answered some questions, it left a few untouched. This may be the mark of a good novel, but it is frustrating to the reader who is left hanging. The novel, first appearing as a two pan series in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, is interesting to read, but is definitely not worth the price of the hard-bound edition. Wait for it to come out in paperback or try to the obtain the Mid-December 1990 and January 1991 editions of Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine.

said. "People have had objections to why we ^ band together many times. But coming out of < different cultures, cultures which are more ^ family oriented—I think we click on that aspect, hanging together, helping each other. I like the international community here." Other activities which keep him bus* include the Black Coalition and the gospel choir. Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship and an occasional visit to Students for Christ. "I am also responsible for a Bible study, which is mostly international students [but includes] , other Americans," he said. When asked if he would like to return to Uganda after dental school, Musherure replied, "Oh certainly, certainly. I wouldn't stay here. I think I am needed much more back home in Uganda, since for over 20 years up to 1986 the country's infrastructure was destroyed by two consecutive dictatorships. Now, I would certainly like to be involved in the rebuilding process as the country gets out on its feet again. Besides, the atmosphere here for a dentist or a professional is highly competitive. Malpractice, all that stuff, I don't need any of that when I've been after something for so long."


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