VAMOS Token Booths

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...Meanwhile, somewhere on the ‘L’ train...*

! ! ! n o o s ing


* A conversation starter on the future of the

token booths by


did you hear the mta is taking a bunch of those old token booths out of the subway stations?

Yeah, I did hear something about that. .

seems kinda crazy...

...that’s gonna feel pretty unsafe, won’t it? There won’t be anyone around at night if something bad happens...

...and how am i going to know what to do if the train is all messed up?

...and where am i going to buy my card if the machines aren’t working?

...and how am i going to get my bike in?


Well, i’m sure they could do something much better than what’s there now--

something that makes people feel safe, provides information, and does lots of other useful things too... It seems like a great opportunity for something cool and exciting-- This is New York after all...





evetnure!!! na art m+ ent!!! in a t r e t en


over 4 million people ride the subway every day -- that’s some amazing exposure!! the space offers Crossover opportunities with retail brands looking to promote their products in interesting and unexpected ways...

etc, etc, etc

p u p o p ops! sh

even something simple could have a big impact in that space. they could do something like make four different shapes -- say a bar, a wall, a stage, a pod -something really easy and flexible -- and then use them in all sorts of different ways , depending on the station’s location...

that’s kind of cool...

VAMO S A rchi


100 N 3r Storefro d Street nt Brookl yn, NY 11211 p. 718. 388.94 95 f. 718. 388.94 96




sandwich pod!

r e t a e swall! w

! r a b shoe



e o h s a op! dr

a bo dro ok p!

an u gro nder gard und en!

d e t c e xp om! e n u anvingro li

underground arts and events: the space could build upon the long legacy of nyc underground arts...

spec tacle !

! e c dan could become an event stage with the tools to support musicians, interactive exhibits, and performances!

l a t i ! g e i p d o a erisc p

a kid show s !

! y r t poe

a pin pod! g

NYC moments: New York City-centric micro outposts featuring a variety of grab-and-go shops, temporary popups and city-sponsored concepts . Small samples of the best the city has to offer...

iY stor ny e!

er m m u s eets! str

ny l a e a r orman do vice ser

pop cafe -up s!

TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM: Interactive Information Zones that share news and info about the MTA, demonstrate new technologies, or maybe even broadcast...

an mta genius b info ar!

ch u o t hugeeens! scr

a live studi tv o! ive n! t c a er llatio t n i an t insta ar

a pay toilet!

what about all the cool new NYC d.o.t. initiatives? an apple store! ...and the mayor’s

a post office!

planyc program?

I’d love to get my deliveries right to my station- no more missed packages!

museum outposts for more public art! a banking kiosk, with an atm for cash and deposits!

APPL transportation alternatives! adopt-a-station!

bike storage with an attendant!

a wine and cheese store!

maybe getting rid of those booths isn’t such a bad idea...

!! ! n o o s g n goi



N Q R W S 1 you know- I have a friend who works at the MTA... maybe we should put these ideas together and send them along. It could be a great way to kickstart the discussion...


2 3

7 cool! good luck with that. catch you later.



VAMOS Architects

100 N 3rd Street Storefront Brooklyn, NY 11211 p. 718.388.9495 f. 718.388.9496

! ! ! n o o s ing


c 2011 VAMOS


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