UW Law Alumni Magazine - Fall 2011

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ca le n d a r Fa ll 20 1 1 Γ’€“ S pr i n g 20 1 2 March 20

Order of the Coif Banquet

San Francisco Alumni & Friends Reception

New York City Alumni & Friends Breakfast

January 28 -29

March 21

Professional Mediation Skills Training Program

Washington, D.C. Alumni & Friends Reception

Feb ruary 10

March 30

November 15

PILA Auction

Gates Public Service Law Speaker

Feb ruary 15

Admitted Students Day Welcome Reception

Monica Roa

Portland Alumni & Friends Reception

April 3

December 2

Feb ruary 15

Golden Alumni Reunion Luncheon

Law School Applications Due

Race & Radicalism Symposium & Reception

January 12

Feb ruary 23

First Amendment Panel with Yale Law Dean Robert Post

Greet UW Law at WSBA Bar Exam

Armed Forces U.S. Court of Appeals Visit

March 12

May 4 - 5

Annual Law Dawgs in the Desert Dinner

Dispute Resolution Conference

November 5

Huskies vs. Oregon Tailgate November 10

Tacoma Alumni & Friends Reception

January 13 -15

Professional Mediation Skills Training Program

April 4 - 5

For more information on events, registration and additions to the CLE schedule, visit our website: www.law.washington.edu/calendar

Please recycle.

volume 64

January 19

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November 3


uw law



fa ll 2011 Law School News

C alling all U niversity of Washington S chool of L aw A lumni

Admissions Recruiting Events




James Mackler ’97

From private practice to Black Hawk helicopter

James Hutchens LL.M. ’05 & Associate Professor Dwight Drake ’73


From guinea pig to Chicago estate planning attorney

Toni Rembe ’60


Fac u lt y & F i r m

pilot to Nashville law firm

B o o k s & B e yo n d


i n t h e S p ot l i g h t


a L aw D e g r ee i n Ac t i o n

From shy law student to first woman partner at west coast law firm

If you are interested in meeting prospective applicants and sharing your experiences as a law student and alumnus of the University of Washington School of Law, please contact Admissions at 206.543.4078 or lawadm@uw.edu. 36

We will be at the following cities and recruiting events, where your presence is welcomed and appreciated.

Fac u lt y P u b l i c at i o n s & pr e s en tat i o n s


The Office of Admissions & Financial Aid wants you to join us this fall as we recruit the best and brightest applicants across the country.


R e m e m b er w h en…


c l a s s n ot e s in memoriam


47 49

R ep o r t to D o n o r s C a l en da r


November 1-3

November 14

University of California

Portland State University

Riverside, San Diego, and Los Angeles

back cover

Portland, OR

November 16

November 5

University of Washington

Atlanta Law School Admission Council (LSAC) Forum

Seattle, WA

Atlanta, GA

November 18

November 10

The Hilton – University of Houston Hotel & Conference Center Houston, TX

University of Puget Sound

Tacoma, WA November 11

University of Oregon

Eugene, OR

National Black Pre-Law Conference

November 19

Houston LSAC Forum

Houston, TX

We look forward to meeting you on the road! UW LAW EARLY ENGAGEMENT




Can’t make one of our recruiting events but want to play a critical role in our law school community by assisting prospective students in their application process? Take the first step today and volunteer! Email earlylaw@uw.edu to express your interest and find out how you can make a difference in the life of a future law student. For more information, visit www.law.washington.edu/Alumni.

UW LAW Volume 64 Fall 2011

Editorial Board Helen Anderson ’84, Stephanie Cox,

Dean Kellye Y. Testy Editor Elizabeth Coplan

Kimberly Ellwanger ’85, Penny Hazelton, Roland L. Hjorth, Eugene Lee ’66, LL.M. ’68, Jerry McNaul ’68, Signe Naeve ’00


Editorial office and subscription changes

William H. Gates Hall

Copyright 2011 University of Washington School of Law. All rights reserved. UWLAW is published twice a year by the University of Washington School of Law and is made possible by a gift from the Washington Law School Foundation. Contributing writers Elizabeth Coplan, Corbin Lewars, Cheryl Nyberg Contributing photographers Elizabeth Coplan, Kerry Dahlen, Matt Hagen,Tiffany Sevareid, Jack Storms, and DWT Design Jo-Ann Sire and John Linse

UW Law, William H. Gates Hall, Room 383 University of Washington School of Law Box 353020, Seattle, WA 98195-3020 Email: uwlaw@u.washington.edu

March 30 – 31, 2012

Message from the Dean Dear alumni and friends,

Gates Hall bustled all summer with conferences and symposiums, but we missed the energy that only our talented and diverse student body can provide. Recently, I spoke to our new students during their orientation program, which now spans two weeks and includes a thorough introduction to the study of law and the skills and values of our profession. Thankfully, gone are the days of β€œlook to your left, look to your right, only one of you will be here at the end of this year”! The excitement (and nervousness) in the room was palpable. I encouraged our students to immerse themselves in all that our university and law school offers them, and to use their time with us to explore their passions; to hone their skills of judgment, analysis, and leadership; and to develop a fierce commitment to ethics and excellence. I also urged them to remember why they came to law school, especially during the rigors of the first year, and to have the courage to add their own voices to law as well as to listen to the voices of others.

As I launch my third year as your dean, please know that I continue to be honored by the trust you have placed in me and excited by the opportunity before us. Our history is one of distinction, for which we should all be rightly proud. Even so, as UW celebrates 150 years, I am confident that our future will exceed even our own high expectations. We are the law school our world needs us to be. Thank you for every way that you are part of making that so. Onward and upward!

Kellye Y. Testy Dean, UW School of Law James W. Mifflin University Professor

President Young & Dean Testy

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This year, the University of Washington celebrates its 150th anniversary, as one of the top 20 universities in the world. The law school opened its doors 112 years ago β€” in 1899 β€” and continues to proudly contribute to UW’s tradition of excellence. We encourage you to view the UW 150th anniversary website (www.washington. edu/150) and to join in the celebration.

Each day I am grateful that you, our alumni and friends, use your passions, skills, and voices to advance law and justice. You are society’s ethical leaders in all areas of law, business, and public policy. Now more than ever, our world needs the skills and values that law-educated leaders bring to the table. We admire and appreciate all that you do across the diverse areas in which you work. In this issue, we feature a sampling of our alumni who have emerged from their time in our Seattle classrooms to make a difference around the state, the nation, and the world. We also include our 2010-2011 Report to Donors and continue to be grateful for your generous support of our mission and programs.

uw law

As we begin the 2011-2012 school year, we welcome Michael K. Young as the new president of the University of Washington and as a new member of our law faculty. President Young is already an active member of our law school community. In July, he addressed our 2011 Intellectual Property Summer Institute; in September he met many of you at a welcome reception we hosted in his honor. His experience in our profession is both wide and deep, and his expertise in Japanese Law is a particular asset to our mission as Leaders for the Global Common Good.


news Law School

Announcing Expanded Center for

Public Service Law UW Law has been active in Public Service for over 15 years, but the recent centralization of the Center for Public Service Law allows these efforts to be more efficiently implemented and tracked. Michele Storms, Assistant Dean for Public Service & Executive Director, William H. Gates Public Service Law, says, β€œOur center acts as a hub for students, where they are educated and inspired about how to incorporate public service into their daily lives. By recognizing faculty and staff pro

l to r, Michele Storms, Ann Spangler, Aline Carton Listfjeld

bono work this year, we’ve been able to carry the public service notion to the whole community, rather than merely serving the students already interested in public service.” After teaching in the clinical law program for eight years, and founding the Child Advocacy Clinic, Storms returned to her legal aid practice in 2001. β€œI loved teaching, but I was largely interested in the public service component. The beauty of returning to the law school to run the Gates Program in 2006 was the opportunity to use the Gates Scholarship model β€” which is wonderful, but limited in only serving five students at a time β€” to reach all students who may be interested in public service. William Gates Sr. worked in the private sector, but he offered a tremendous amount of pro bono work. I wanted students to understand that they didn’t have to discard their social and environmental values and ideals if they chose to work in the private sector. When people


apply to law school they are full of powerful ideas about social justice. We don’t want them to lose that during their time here.” Storms claims that with the support of Dean Testy, who advocates public service for lawyers, she was able to β€œstop talking about it and help make it a reality.” As part of their mission to β€œeducate, empower and inspire all of our students, graduates and broader law school community to incorporate public service into their lives,” the Center for Public Service now offers a Pro Bono Honors Program that encourages, facilitates, and recognizes pro bono activity by all UW Law students; a Public Service Externship Program; the Moderate Means Program, which connects moderate income clients in need with attorneys willing to work for reduced fees; the Gates Public Service Law Program; Public Interest/Public Service Career and Professional Development

while she continued to serve as a volunteer

workshops, lectures and interactive programs;

advocate for immigrant youth. β€œFellowships will

logistical and financial support for international

continue to be a main source of support for me

public service summer fellowships and public

even after graduation, because the population

service law conferences; a Loan Repayment

and organizations I work with have very limited

Assistance Program to help graduates working in

funding,” Gwilym explains. β€œI’m grateful for Aline

public service in Washington State to repay their

[Carton Listfjeld] for keeping me abreast of more

educational debt; and the Three Degrees Project,

fellowships. She’s always sending me contacts and

which provides an inter-disciplinary climate justice

information, which I will continue to utilize even

initiative with an educational, research and direct

after graduation.” Gwilym, clearly someone who takes public service

According to several students, the Center is suc-

seriously, also serves as a case manager for the

cessful in their mission thus far. Janet Gwilym ’12,

Immigrant Families Advocacy Project (IFAP),

says, β€œIn the last year I’ve seen a large increase in

where she trains law students on how to prepare

their programs and training in skills that people

U-Visa petitions for immigrants who are victims of

need in order to work in public service.” In ad-

violent crimes (often domestic violence). She also

dition to Storms’ leadership, Gwilym credits the

oversees the law students, with whom she teams

strong advising services of Aline Carton Listfjeld,

pro bono lawyers to represent these immigrants.

Assistant Director, Center for Public Service Law,

Michael Drummond ’12 entered law school with

and the public service event organizing skills of Ann Spangler, Administrative Assistant.

plenty of public service experience and a clear focus on how he would use his law degree. After

Gwilym was an immigration paralegal for 15

graduating from The Evergreen State College,

years before entering law school. This and

Drummond co-founded a non-profit salvage com-

other life experiences allow her to be a self-

pany that provided innovative solutions to waste

directed student. Gwilym is clear she is going to

management problems. Olympia Salvage primarily

continue working with the most at-risk immigrant

focused on construction waste by salvaging doors,

populations: unaccompanied minors, domestic

windows, hardware and other reusable materials,

violence survivors, and those seeking asylum.

and donating or selling them at a reduced fee. He

Even so, she says Storms is always a great source

wanted to continue focusing on environmental and

for networking and that her positive attitude is

social issues while in law school and was drawn to

inspiring. She credits both Storms and Listfjeld

UW’s reputation for public service.

with helping her identify possible fellowship opportunities. For the summer of 2010, Gwilym received the Joan Fitzpatrick Human Rights Fellowship, which offered her financial assistance

Drummond is a member of the Public Interest Law Association, helping fundraise for students involved in non-compensated public service

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service oriented mission.

uw law

Coaching; public service law-and policy-related

internships. He spent the past spring and summer 3

Announcing Expanded Center for Public Service Law continued

cataloguing all of the environmental issues in

Leo Flor ’13, a Gates Scholar, also has plans to

Referendum 1, which could potentially violate

work within the government to help change it

NEPA standards. β€œMy environmental background

rather than β€œview it as an adverse party.” After

and current law studies were invaluable in

an eight-year career with the U.S. Army, Flor

deciphering the pro-tunnel’s 7,000-page

applied to UW School of Law with the intention

document,” Drummond says.

of focusing on rule of law and veterans’ issues.

He is also grateful to the guidance he was offered by Neil Proto, an esteemed environmental attorney, to whom Storms introduced him. β€œMichele invited me to an intimate roundtable with Professor Proto, which has ended up being one of my most valuable educational experiences,” Drummond says. β€œThe discussion itself offered tremendous guidance on how the fields of public service and environmental law work. An added bonus was the relationship that formed between Neil and me where I felt comfortable texting and emailing him while I was working on my 20-page document β€” with 180 more pages of attachments β€” for the tunnel project. It served as a great reminder that a seemingly random experience could end up being instrumental in helping you achieve your goals.” With the help of Storms and Listfjeld, Drummond was accepted for a clerkship with the Executive Office of the President in Washington, D.C., starting this fall. He will be working with the Council on Environmental Quality, which administers environmental policy for the Environmental Protection Agency and all federal agencies as well as developing and providing guidance on how to implement environmental mandates.

He shared his idea with Storms and says, β€œShe gave me four people’s contact information on the spot. The first person I called is now my boss at the Northwest Justice Project’s Veterans Project.” Flor says his internship with the Northwest Justice Project allows him to be of service while also contextualizing what he learns in class. He helps veterans access housing and employment opportunities and works with the state to adjust the veterans’ child support to a more realistic rate. β€œMilitary service and its effects are hard on families. For veteran non-custodial parents, the debt can become so large that they can’t pay it and then cut themselves off from their children. This doesn’t benefit anyone,” Flor explains. β€œWe work with the veteran and the state to set payments at an income-appropriate rate so that he or she can meet their responsibilities and stay involved, which helps the veteran and the children.” Flor says he has seen an expansion in the initiatives and ideas aimed at getting all law students interested in public service. β€œIt shouldn’t merely be what a few of us do, but what we all do. The privilege of being a lawyer includes the responsibility to give back.”

Don’t miss out on UW School of Law news, events and updates Want to stay up-to-date with UW School of Law? Don’t wait for the next issue of the magazineβ€”find all the information you need online. We’re on LinkedIn (search for University of Washington School of Law), Facebook (UW School of Law), and Twitter (@UWSchoolofLaw). Connect with us and your fellow alumni!


Law School


UW Law Announces

Cape Town Convention Academic Project l to r, Kyle Brown, Jeffrey Wool, Dean Kellye Testy, Professor Jon Eddy

Academic Project. The project is a joint undertaking whose purpose is to advance the academic study and assessment of the Convention on International Interests and Mobile Equipment (less formally known as the Cape Town Convention). The Convention is one of the most important and innovative international conventions ever to have been concluded in the field of transnational commercial law. It has already secured nearly 50 ratifications, including the United States, China, India, and Russia. According to Jeffrey Wool, secretary general at Aviation Working Group, head of aerospace law and policy at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in London, and Executive Director of the project, the Convention is designed to β€œfacilitate the financing of high-value mobile equipment including aircraft, railway rolling stock, and satellites, increasing the availability and reducing the cost of credit for these critically important assets. That core efficiency produces substantial macroeconomic gains, which, in turn, benefit society at large. Examples include enhanced trade, employment, and acquisition of newer, environmentally-friendly transportation equipment.” β€œThe Convention,” Wool goes on to say, β€œmore broadly is a best practices treaty designed to develop and harmonize international law in relevant fields including secured transactions, leasing and bankruptcy with important innovations in the fields of private international law and electronic commerce.”

Convention Academic Project to enhance the understanding and effective implementation of the treaty, and to advance its purpose. Wool will consult with the academic leads: Professor Jon Eddy at UW Law and Professor Roy Goode at Oxford. The main activities of the project include the creation of a comprehensive digitized and searchable database of primary and secondary materials on the Convention and Protocols, including the preparatory work leading to their adoption and implementation in national law, a journal, conferences, teaching materials, and law and economics assessment. The database and journal are being undertaken under the joint auspices of UNIDROIT (the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law). All information is open source, free and available for the general good. Professor Eddy emphasizes the far-reaching international influence of the Project and its importance to UW Law. β€œThe Convention and the Aircraft Protocol will have a major impact on Asia, both economically and upon domestic legal systems,” he says. β€œChina, with its rapidly growing aviation market, has implemented the treaty; India and Singapore, also both major aviation jurisdictions, are parties. Implementation of the treaty in China fundamentally changed important aspects of the Chinese law of personal property security. Later this year there will be a diplomatic conference in Berlin to develop the Space Assets Protocol to the Convention: China, India and Russia, all parties to the Convention, are major players in that category.

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of Law launched the Cape Town Convention

UW Law and Oxford established the Cape Town

uw law

On July 1, 2011, the University of Washington School of Law and the University of Oxford Faculty


UW Law Announces Cape Town Convention Academic Project continued

These are all very practical consequences, before

business transaction law and comparative law,

one even considers the innovative approach to

using the treaty as an example. These materials

international law that the Convention embodies.

will be available for professors worldwide and will

So this Academic Project is both intellectually

influence a wider academic community, who will

fascinating and of great practical importance, and

learn lessons from the experiences of the drafters

it is a natural for our law school, with its rich tradi-

of the treaty and those dealing with its terms.

tions in Asia, in international law and commerce, and in comparative law.”

vention Treaty, commented that there are few suc-

Dean Kellye Testy signed the Project Memoran-

cessful treaties that provide this kind of opportu-

dum of Understanding in March along with Dean

nity. β€œSuccessful commercial law treaties are rare.

Timothy Endicott of the University of Oxford

We believe the systematic nature of the Project will

Faculty of Law. Wool noted that Deans Testy and

contribute to a number of other projects involving

Endicott β€œmoved swiftly to embrace and establish

the review of other treaty systems and academic

this project given the stand-alone commercial

thought on commercial law reform generally.”

importance of the Convention, and, equally, its potential role influencing the wider field of transnational commercial law.”

When asked why UW Law was chosen to partner with Oxford, Wool said, β€œWe liked the advantage of the Asian Law Center and the Asian reach of

β€œThis project is one that further establishes UW

UW. The law school has a strong Asian footprint.

Law as a leader globally in the areas of commer-

It also has exceptional library expertise. These

cial and business law. We are also excited about

two factors are complimentary to the resources

partnering with Oxford and Unidroit, and work-

available in Oxford.”

ing closely with Boeing, co-chair of the Aviation Working Group. Boeing has been very helpful in developing both the Convention and this project,” Testy says.

Wool has been working closely with Professor Eddy, who heads the Asian Law Center. Eddy was a leading practitioner in Seattle before he came to UW. The project will include other members

β€œBeyond the Convention, the Project itself is

of the law school faculty, especially those in

without precedent,” adds Wool. β€œWe are bring-

commercial law.

ing together leaders from academia, government, industry, and practice, and making use of the most advanced information systems and resources to provide comprehensive and immediate access to all aspects of the treaty system, from its legislative history to its implementation into national law of its contracting countries and contractual practices.” Wool previously taught at the UW School of Law and at Oxford, and was the initial coordinator of UW Law’s Comparative Commercial Law Institute. His academic work has had a direct impact on the development of the Convention.

Joining Wool and Eddy in the administration of the project is Kyle Brown. Brown received his J.D. from the University of Minnesota and a master’s of library and information science issued from the UW iSchool. Information about the Cape Town Convention can be found on the websites of UNIDROIT (www.unidroit.org), the legal depositary of the Convention, and the Aviation Working Group (www.awg.aero), the founding sponsor of the Project. The International Civil Aviation Organization (www.icao.int) and the

One of the highlights of the Project is the

Intergovernmental Organisation for International

production of course materials for traditional

Carriage by Rail (www.otif.org) are also

courses, such as bankruptcy, secured transactions,

cooperating with the project.

international law, conflicts of law, international


Wool, one of the drafters of the Cape Town Con-

Law School


UW Law Professor Joel Ngugi Appointed as a Judge of the High Court of Kenya Associate Professor of Law Joel Ngugi was recently appointed a Judge of the High Court of Kenya. Under Kenya’s new Constitution, the High Court has unlimited original jurisdiction in criminal and civil matters and is the court of first instance on constitutional issues. The court also has supervisory powers over the subordinate courts. Professor Ngugi, who is a Kenyan native, has been involved in the ongoing legal reforms in Kenya as a scholar writing on important issues facing the country, as an activist involved in human rights work, and as a lawyer. This judicial appointment, however, will allow Professor Ngugi to directly

civil and political rights (drawn, in part, from the United States) with innovative social, economic and cultural rights (inspired, in part, by the South African model),” Professor Ngugi explains. β€œI plan to utilize my comparative law experience to craft a constitutional jurisprudence that maximizes individual autonomy while ensuring reasonable existence and subsistence for all citizens as promised in the new constitution.” Professor Ngugi is taking a leave of absence from UW to take up the appointment and plans to continue his involvement with UW by providing externships, independent studies, and international legal research opportunities for students who are interested in international, comparative, and human rights law. β€œThe new constitution of Kenya directly incorporates international law as part of the law of Kenya, so UW Law students will get the opportunity to participate in research on international legal issues which might be relevant to the Kenyan context,” notes Professor Ngugi. Professor Ngugi joined the law school faculty in 2004. His research interests include the role of law in economic development, the role of

governments in market regulation and wealth allocation, and legal reforms in transition and developing economies. Prior to joining the faculty, Professor Ngugi practiced law with the Boston law firm of Foley Hoag, LLP, as a corporate and international litigation associate. He also practiced law with the Kenyan firm Kariuki Muigua & Company Advocates. Professor Ngugi has worked with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and conducted research work for the Global Coalition for Africa/World Bank, Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) at Harvard University and at the Global Trade Watch Division of the Public Citizens, Inc. in Washington, D.C. At Harvard University, he was one of two recipients of the John Gallup Laylin Prize in International Law in 2002. At Harvard, his many fellowships and grants included the Clark Byse Fellowship (for academic distinction among graduate students) and the European Law Research Center Seminar Fellowship. Professor Ngugi was also awarded dissertation fellowship grants from the Institute for the Study of World Politics, Washington, D.C. and the MacArthurWeatherhead Center for International Affairs.

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β€œKenya’s new Bill of Rights marries traditional

Professor Joel Ngugi

uw law

contribute to Kenya’s legal reform from the bench.


While most know that Michael K. Young became President of the University of Washington in July 2011, many may not realize that he also became a tenured Professor of Law at the law school. Dean Testy is delighted to have President Young on the faculty. β€œHis experience in our profession is both deep and wide, and his expertise in Japanese Law is a particular asset to our mission as Leaders for the Global Common Good,” Testy adds.

New University President Also Law School Professor

President Young has led a distinguished career as an academic leader with broad experience in public service and diplomacy. Previously he served as President and Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Utah and he was the

Linda Ebberson ’76 Named President of Washington Law School Foundation Ebberson, a principal with

structure and platform are in place to focus on our

Lasher Holzapfel Sperry &

mission of providing financial support to the Dean

Ebberson in Seattle, Wash-

and the law school. Ultimately, the goal is to grow

ington, became the newest

the funds under management in the Foundation

president of the law school

and to develop a broader base of donors. That

foundation board, following

way we can accomplish our informal mission of be-

Greg Adams ’77 of Davis

ing the Dean’s and the law school’s best friend.”

Wright Tremaine, who will remain on the board.

Bar Association Judicial Screening Committee.

versity of Washington School of Law in 1976 where

She is also a Mentor in the University of

she was Editor of the Washington Law Review

Washington School of Law Professional Mentor

(1975-1976). As a principal at Lasher Holzapfel, she

Program and is a volunteer for the King County

practices in the areas of family law, litigation, and

Settlement Conference.

construction law. She was inspired by Jon Bridge ’76 who recruited her to the board and to become the Vice President (in effect President Elect). Ebberson acknowledges the work of Jon and Bobbe Bridge β€˜76 who β€œgive so much to the community and the law school. We were classmates and our friendship continues. I can only aspire!”


Currently she is a member of the King County

Ebberson received her law degree from the Uni-

Ebberson was recently listed as a Preeminent Woman Lawyer in the Martindale-Hubbell Register. Assistant Dean for Advancement Stephanie Cox says, β€œI look forward to working with Linda as our new UW School of Law Foundation President. It is fantastic to have another woman leading, following a stellar line of former women presidents β€” Muriel Mawer ’35 in 1976, Julie Weston ’69 in

As president of the foundation, Ebberson ac-

1991, and Mary Ann Ekman ’75 in 1995. We are in

knowledges that her goal is β€œto make sure the

good hands.”

Law School


Dean and Lobingier Professor of Comparative Law

He has published extensively on a wide range

and Jurisprudence at the George Washington

of topics, including the Japanese legal system,

University Law School. He was also a professor

dispute resolution, mergers and acquisitions, labor

at Columbia University for more than 20 years,

relations, the legal profession, comparative law,

and served as a law clerk to the late Chief (then

industrial policy, international trade law, the North

Associate) Justice William H. Rehnquist of the

American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the

United States Supreme Court.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),

President Young has held numerous government positions, including Deputy Under Secretary for Economic and Agricultural Affairs and Ambassador for Trade and Environmental Affairs in the

international environmental law and international human rights, and freedom of religion. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a fellow of the American Bar Foundation.

Department of State during the presidency of the

President Young is a graduate of Brigham Young

first President Bush. He also served as a member

University (B.A., 1973) and Harvard Law School

of the U.S. Commission on International Religious

(J.D., 1976), where he served as a note editor of

Freedom from 1998 to 2005 and chaired the Com-

the Harvard Law Review.

mission on two occasions.

Roy Diaz ’02 Assumes Position as Law School Alumni Association President Following the tenure of

to invest in the success and betterment of the

Maurice Claussen ’04,

law school and our community. I joined the board

Dr. Diaz became President

because I am committed to these tenets.”

2011. He is a member of the Biotechnology Legal Team at Intellectual Ventures. Prior to joining Intellectual Ventures, Dr. Diaz was an associate at the firms of Finnegan and Henderson and at Seed Intellectual Law Group developing a wide ranging practice including patent litigation, patent procurement, due diligence investigations, opinion work, and client counseling primarily in the medical, chemical, electrical, and pharmaceutical areas. Dr. Diaz is a life-long Dawg earning a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, an M.S. and a Ph.D. in physical chemistry, and a J.D. β€” all from the University of Washington. Dr. Diaz took on this leadership position because he believes that an institution that provides β€œopportunity and access to a legal education stands as a measure of our collective humanity.” He continues, β€œIn accepting the privilege of a legal education, we also assume the ongoing obligation

As board president, Dr. Diaz says that he wants β€œthe 62nd year of the LSAA to serve as a benchmark for creating a culture of engagement β€” a culture that fosters the notion of students, faculty, staff, and alumni actively engaged and invested in the success and advancement of the school and our community.” UW Law Alumni Director Beverly Sanders and the UW Law School Alumni Association are ecstatic to welcome and work with Dr. Diaz in his new role as president of the Association. Diaz serves as an extraordinary example of a devoted and highly engaged alumnus who contributes equally to the law school and the campus as a whole. The board is already moving forward in their work to make Dr. Diaz’s vision of a more engaged, collaborative alumni board a reality. Dr. Diaz currently serves as a member of the United Way of King County Fundraising Cabinet, as well as a Trustee of the University of Washington Alumni Association.

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Board of Directors in July

uw law

of the Alumni Association



Mackler N as hvi lle



β€œ It is absolutely incredible how much stress a human being can take and still continue to function.” wrote alumnus James Mackler (’97) in his blog on January 22, 2005 He was not referring to his first year of law

After a year and a half of grueling training camps

school or the β€œbig, ugly concrete building”

in Oklahoma, Alabama, and Kentucky, and with his

better known as Condon Hall. Mackler wrote

law school days far behind him, Mackler readied for

the blog entry after completing Survival Evasion

deployment to Iraq. Mackler remembers the day in

Resistance and Escape (SERE) training in

May 2005 when he stood for his Division review at

southern Alabama. SERE is a military program

Ft. Campbell in Kentucky:

all crucial for Black Hawk helicopter pilots preparing for deployment to Iraq. On September 11, 2001, Mackler, then a successful litigation attorney in Colorado, felt driven to defend his country. Joining the FBI was the logical choice for the UW School of Law grad, but the FBI was not hiring lawyers at the time. So, like many other young men and women, Mackler contacted his local army recruiter. There was only one problem – Mackler was 30 years old, much older than the other recruits. Mackler applied for an age waiver, finally entering the army on November 11, 2003. Encouraged to attend officer candidate school, the former Public Interest Law Association (PILA) grant recipient, President of the Moot Court Honor Board, and Member of the Order of Barristers and Order of the Coif could have easily become a member of the JAG Corps. Instead, he chose to become a helicopter pilot. Mackler was the oldest member of his class, which primarily consisted of 18 to 20-year-olds, most of whom were recently out of high school.

The plan, rehearsed the previous day, was for all the companies in the 5th Battalion to form up at the staging area. We would then march together to the parade field and link with the rest of the division for the planned review. I met with Bravo Company and joined my co-workers in a mass formation. The First Sergeants proceeded to arrange everyone in the Battalion in size order. I am about average height, and as a result, found myself standing in the center of the formation. This is an ideal location for blending in. I listened, smiling to myself, as the Specialist next to me complained to the Sergeant next to her. β€œAll of my friends are short and not standing near me,” she said. β€œMake some friends in this area,” the Sergeant suggested. β€œNah,” she said, inclining her head toward me. β€œThe only people around here are snobby aviators.” β€œThey have no reason to be snobby,” the Sergeant informed her. β€œThey are not even required to have college diplomas anymore.” I smiled but had to say something. Just loud enough for the two of them to hear I muttered, β€œI don’t need no fancy book learnin’ Sergeant.”

l l 2 0 11 f a ll

survival skills and the military code of conduct,

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that provides training in evading capture,

11 11

After arriving in Iraq with the 101st Airborne

searches. This allowed me to get used to doing

Division, Mackler flew a UH-60 Black Hawk

quick landings in fields and roads, and to get

helicopter on air assault missions, landing in

comfortable flying around buildings.”

hostile areas from battlefields to busy roads. Working through holidays and sometimes all night long, Mackler was part of a team that rescued fellow soldiers and transported dignitaries. He flew a β€œhero” mission to β€œpick up the body of a soldier killed in action for transport to an Air Force base for the final trip home.” β€œWe landed at the pick-up site,” Mackler recalls. β€œThe crews lined up on either side of the cargo door while the chaplain, his assistant, and two soldiers from Mortuary Affairs carefully loaded the flag-draped body bags into the aircraft. We stood at attention and saluted in the dark.” He had five heroes riding with him that night. Mackler also flew aerial snap traffic control points (TCPs). β€œThese involve loading the aircraft with infantry and a bomb sniffing dog and flying around looking for suspicious vehicles and people,” Mackler explains. β€œWhen something suspicious was spotted, we swooped down, dropped off the ground forces, and provided aerial security while they conducted the

The U.S.embassy, green zone, Saddam’s palace.


Mackler remembers flying over beautiful mountainous areas with peaks that reached 10,000 feet and were dusted with snow. Not concerned about being shot, he flew the helicopter around the serpentine canyon walls, taking in the spectacular landscape. But most often he saw the more brutal parts of war. β€œThe oil refineries in Kirkuk in Northern Iraq suffered a serious attack creating a fire that lasted for days,” Mackler says. β€œThe area had been ravaged by roadside bombs. Five soldiers were killed by a massive bomb. We flew one of the Colonels to the scene. The vehicle was still burning when we arrived.” Working side by side in a combat zone bonds most soldiers. So does long nights in the barracks. At first, Mackler took a ribbing. Why in the world would a lawyer want to give up a lucrative practice? He must be a terrible lawyer. Visions of his contract classes with Professor Wolcher, torts with Professor Hicks, con law with Professor Trautman and trial advocacy

Mackler at Bone McAllester Norton in Nashville

Mackler knows that he will never again be in a situation as stressful as deploying to combat. His military experience gives him a perspective that few attorneys can bring to their law practices. with Professor Weil danced in his head as he

to the position of Senior Trial Counsel at Ft.

answered questions from army personnel about

Campbell, where he conducted courts martial

their β€œfriends” who were having legal problems.

and administrative separation proceedings, and

β€œI was happy to respond, as it was intellectually

supervised murder and rape cases. In April of

challenging,” Mackler says.

2011, he left the Army and worked for a short

When Mackler recalls his time in Iraq he

time as an attorney with the U.S. Department of Labor enforcing Mine Safety and Health

wearing his uniform exclusively, living without

Administration regulations.

privacy with four men in a tiny room while

Mackler knows that he will never again be in a

working different shifts, and coping with an

situation as stressful as deploying to combat. His

outdoor environment that felt as if someone was

military experience gives him a perspective that

blasting him with a β€œhair dryer full of sand.”

few attorneys can bring to their law practices.

β€œWhen I was in law school I focused on a task

In Iraq, Mackler often asked himself why he

the Army I needed a broader focus and had to take in everything. For example, while flying the helicopter, checking my surroundings and my instruments, I had to play close attention to the radio. If I missed the call, I wouldn’t know there

chose to fly Black Hawk helicopters. He didn’t take naturally to flying and found it seriously challenging. Looking back on that experience now, he says he knows that although he was a good aviator, he will β€œalways be a better lawyer than a pilot.”

was other aircraft in the area. As a pilot I had to be

In July 2011, Mackler returned to private practice

calm under pressure but had to take a moment to

and joined the 30-attorney law firm Bone

think about my every action. I was going 150 miles

McAllester Norton, PLLC in Nashville. The firm

an hour just a few feet above the ground.”

is known as being socially active and is open to

According to Mackler, this experience made him a better lawyer, particularly in the courtroom. β€œWhile listening, I’m also taking in the whole

Mackler’s continued service in the Army Reserves and to his passion for assisting veterans. He’s currently working on developing a litigation and

process and I use what I need,” he says.

general business practice with an emphasis on

Returning from Iraq, with four and a half

enter the civilian entrepreneurial sector.

years left of his eight-year military obligation, Mackler joined the JAG on the University of Virginia campus. He was eventually assigned

advising former military personnel who want to l l 2 0 11 f a ll

and excluded distractions,” Mackler says. β€œIn

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remembers always β€œfeeling uncomfortable”

13 13

James Hutchens

LL.M . ’05

chi cago

Guinea pigs. That was the term Professor Dwight

classes, and apply to the area of law I chose. I

Drake ’73 called the students in his 2004 class

use the information provided in those classes on

after returning to teaching. James Hutchens,

a daily basis to assist me in the estate planning

LL.M. ’05 was one of those students. β€œWe all

field,” Hutchens explains.

called him β€˜The Drake,’” an endearing term for one of his favorite all-time professors, Hutchens recalls. Hutchens now works for Robert T. Napier and

an accounting focus. A year into his studies, he

Associates, P.C., a boutique law firm in Chicago.

realized he could not see himself as an accountant

His practice includes estate planning, probate and

and decided to attend law school. He went to

business law.

Penn State for his J.D. β€œThis was right after Penn

β€œDrake was a gifted teacher who could easily transition from education to private practice to running a business and back to teaching. I had two classes with him, Estate and Gift Tax and Advising Private Business Owners. These were phenomenal


Hutchens attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and earned his undergraduate degree in business with

State had purchased the Dickinson School of Law. At the time there was only one tax professor there,” Hutchens says. β€œBut I took all the tax classes offered and decided I wanted to pursue a legal career in tax.”

Associate Professor Dwight Drake ’73 s eattle

Hutchens came to UW Law to pursue his LL.M.

β€œThe LL.M. program has given me the ability to

in taxation right after completing his J.D. at Penn

understand my clients’ needs better,” Hutchens

State. He had wanted to return to the West Coast,

says. β€œThe courses were much more in-depth

because he is originally from the San Diego area.

than my law school classes. These courses

But UW Law was the only West Coast school

prepared me for working in an estate planning

to which he applied. β€œI liked the flexibility that

firm and assisting clients with transferring wealth,

the UW program offered,” he says. β€œAnd, quite

minimizing tax liability, and making sure that their

frankly, the quarter system was a huge draw. A

estate passes as intended.” Hutchens credits Professors Drake, Sam Donaldson and Roland Hjorth for providing an education that he uses every day. But it’s Professor Drake and his β€œguinea pig” textbook titled Advising Private Business Owners that he applies regularly to his practice.

f a l l 2 0 11

quarter system.”

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student can experience so many more classes in a


I knew lawyers ate this stuff up, but I didn ’t know if law students would know enough to understand it. As it turned out, the students loved it. Professor Drake describes why that might be:

taught by an adjunct professor who has a business

β€œTypically in law schools you’ve had business

planning practice. This is not a case book. These

planning courses. They focus on select problems

are my writings. The book is very tight, which

of big public companies, such as mergers. My

is why a student needs some grounding in tax

experience is that most lawyers work with privately

before taking the course.”

held businesses, which make up 99 percent of American businesses. This class was the capstone after students took corporate tax, estate and gift tax, and partnership tax. When I started to

The book has been a good seller for West Publishing. Now in its third edition, the book is titled Business Planning: Closely Held Enterprises.

develop the course, we really didn’t know if it

The class has also been a successful addition to

would work.

the LL.M. curriculum. β€œI require a student to write

β€œThe materials were rough. They were mainly articles I had written and revised over the years, bound β€” not expertly β€” into a big green book. The pagination was off and there was no table of contents. I knew that the content worked for lawyers. I knew lawyers ate this stuff up, but I didn’t know if law students would know enough to understand it. As it turned out, the students loved it.

18 three-to-six page case study memos during the course of the class if he or she wants to lockin a good grade,” Professor Drake says. β€œMany students write more than the required 18. Some of them find that they are very good at writing the memos and enjoy doing it. I tell them, β€˜You are going to be practicing law in three months. You’ve got to become good at writing analytical planning memos. Don’t do it for the grade. If you’re doing only the minimum just to lock-in a grade, you are

β€œWhen I first came to the law school,” Professor

missing the point.’ Planning lawyers are always

Drake continues, β€œI told Dean Knight that I

writing. It prepares the students to sit down with

wanted to develop a class, and if the class worked

a client.”

I wanted to develop a book. And if the book worked, I wanted to take it to other law schools. We’ve accomplished all that. In fact, about 40 schools have used this book in a planning course similar to the one I have developed here.

Hutchens agrees: β€œDrake’s course gave me the ability to understand my clients better, and prepared me for working in the estate planning field.”

The book is supported by a Web site and 18

Professor Drake says: β€œWhat I find is that students

PowerPoint presentations with over 550 slides.

like Hutchens, students from prior years, call me

It includes a syllabus, a course description, and

and say it was the best course they ever had. I

sample chapters, everything a professor needs

have former students who call for updates and

to offer his class. I even provide sample test

help with specific questions. Every two years I

questions to those who ask. The course focuses

have to write a new edition of the book to keep it

on real business planning challenges, and often is

up to date. In the latest edition, for example, there is a whole new section on health care reform and tax reform challanges.”


The topics in the book cover the gamut of

β€œMany lawyers mistakenly assume that contacts

business advising, including such topics as

with an existing client should only be initiated

understanding the client’s objectives, choice

by the client when the client needs service,”

of entity planning, entity formation challenges,

Professor Drake writes in his book. β€œ[Clients] like

co-owner protection planning, executive

being reminded that they are important to you.

compensation planning, owner life insurance

It’s likely that many of them regularly are being

planning, diversification planning, competitor

courted by your competition. Your challenge is to

collaborations, entity conversion challenges,

remind them that you value their relationship, that

asset protection planning, family business

you are at the top of your game, and that you are

transition planning, employee benefits, and

ready and able to serve their needs.”

valuing closely held business enterprises. It also includes a chapter titled β€œThe Lawyer’s Role – Building a Practice.”

Hutchens recommends that law students, in addition to enrolling in Professor Drake’s class, take a psychology course. β€œWorking with clients

In the preface to the book, Professor Drake points

is often tricky,” he says. β€œIn my few short years of

out, β€œPerhaps the most vital skill … is the advisor’s

estate administration, I’ve seen complex business

ability to effectively communicate…. It’s not easy;

sales, and experienced a range of situations

many don’t even try.”

involving clients fighting over a bird bath, to

Professor Drake explains, β€œThis, more than any other factor, explains why only a pitifully low 17 percent of the respondents in a recent survey of

clients discovering how a deceased loved one really lived their life. Every client has unique needs and goals.”

successful business owners listed a lawyer as their

Hutchens is not quite sure what happened to his

most trusted outside advisor.”

original bound manuscript, in green hardback, of

At a full-service estate planning firm like Napier & Associates, Hutchens knows the importance of listening to the client and understanding the client’s personality. β€œSome clients are reluctant to give you the full picture. Others find it difficult to consider

Professor Drake’s book, but he cherishes the copy of the first edition that Professor Drake sent to him and all the students in the class shortly after its publication. Inside the front cover, Professor Drake wrote, β€œThank you for being the guinea pigs.”

the concept of business and estate planning. I remember attending a Northern Trust seminar. The question was asked of 100 high-net-worth individuals in the Chicago area, β€˜Why do you not have an estate plan?’ Over half of the people said they were waiting for something to happen.” Hutchens does not agree with the β€œwait and see” approach. Hutchens thinks being proactive

assistance. Professor Drake applauds this style.

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the beginning provides more comprehensive

f a l l 2 0 11

and involved with clients’ wealth matters from



Γ’€™ 60 Rembe sa n fra n cisco


It’s hard to believe that the quiet, shy woman

In the 1950s it was a common view that women

(one of only four women in her 1960 law school

would either have children or a career but not

graduating class) would go on to become the

both, Rembe notes. Her father felt a woman’s

first female partner of the law firm Pillsbury

place was in the home, but Rembe set out to

Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, the managing

pursue a profession. β€œI was extremely shy and

partner of its firm-wide tax department, and a

introverted at the time and very nervous in my

member of the firm’s executive committee. This

law school classes where there were few other

quiet powerhouse would also blaze the barely lit

women and sometimes none at all,” Rembe

path for other women to become leaders within

recalls. β€œIn a way, it was a benefit. I would

the legal profession.

prepare thoroughly for my classes, never raise

by The Recorder, a legal-content publication in California. Rembe probably cringed when

I had the answer. Intensive study at this early stage made the courses more interesting and ultimately made me a better lawyer.”

she heard herself described as a legend,

Remembering her law school days, Rembe

partly because she is so modest and partly

cites Professors Cornelius Peck and Warren

because it does not seem that long ago she

Shattuck for their sharp analytical minds. They

attended law school.

were β€œsmart and terrifying and made you feel

Rembe received her B.S. in Law at the University of Washington in 1958 and her LL.B. (J.D.) from the law school in 1960. β€œI grew up in Seattle and attended UW as an undergraduate,” said Rembe. β€œLaw school was an intimidating experience for a woman in the 1950s, and it was a comfortable and easy transition to the UW program. I had spent my senior year abroad at the University of Geneva studying French literature and needed

good if you were on the right track,” she says. Rembe also mentions the β€œwise and equally terrifying torts professor, John Richards.” Rembe notes that in her undergraduate years Professor Pelligrini’s Shakespeare classes, Professor Costigan’s English History series, and Professor Treadgold’s Asian and Russian history studies β€œall contributed to a more open and inquiring approach to legal issues.”

more credits to finish my bachelor’s degree,

Enjoyable law school memories included

which I was able to do β€”- during my first year of

passionately argumentative student study

law school.”

seminars and playing chess with fellow student,

Studying law came naturally to Rembe. β€œThanks to my magical mother, I grew up loving Shakespeare (particularly Portia’s

Judy Callison, in the ladies’ lounge between classes. What did she not enjoy? Long class lectures after lunch and β€œthird year redundancies.”

β€˜quality-of-mercy’ speech), Carroll’s Alice

While studying for the bar exam, Rembe spent

in Wonderland, and all things foreign and

a summer working on foreign tax credit issues

seemingly unattainable,” she says. β€œAlso, I

for United Fruit at the Ryan Swanson firm in

enjoyed challenging the norm and learned a lot

Seattle. When she passed the bar, she was torn

arguing with my logical and more conservative

between a job at the Ryan firm or more world

dad.” She mentioned that many of her beatnik

experience. β€œJohn Ryan, our next door neighbor,

undergraduate days were spent in informal

was a wonderful lawyer and mentor but I decided

discussions trying to arrive at the meaning of it

with some trepidation to get a master’s degree in

all. β€œSince I wasn’t a natural writer or actor, nor

taxation at New York University School of Law. At

keen on the sciences, law seemed a logical path

that time women law graduates, if they found work

l l 2 20 01 1 1 f faall

women who were described as β€œliving legends”

my hand, but when the professor called on me,

uw law

In August, Rembe was honored as one of 20

to exploring the world.” 19 19

Pillsbury Partnership Dinner April 1971

at all in a corporate law firm, worked in domestic

represented many large international companies.

relations and trusts and estates departments,

When she started, she was the only woman

frequently as clerks with little prospect of

lawyer in the firm. She was still very shy and

engagement in international issues.”

uncomfortable speaking in public.

At NYU she was the only woman in an extremely

When asked why Chadbourne and Pillsbury were

large β€œintimidating” class and continued to over-

willing to hire a woman, Rembe thought for a

prepare. One well-known corporate tax professor,

moment then replied, β€œDuring my early career, the

John Eustice, later told her that he commenced

partners with daughters often turned out to be

teaching in 1960 and was more nervous having a

the most supportive. I think the men who hired me

woman in his class than she was being there.

were thinking of their own daughters and willing

After graduating Rembe was encouraged by her professors to interview on Wall Street. It was before EEOC and most firms said β€œno”, referring to her gender. They also said that that while they understood her desire to practice law, their clients would not. Thanks to an advanced degree in taxation at a time when there was a shortage of corporate tax lawyers and with the help of her professors, she received two offers.


to give me and other women an equal chance.” She also mentioned that she received a great deal of support and advice from the firm’s secretaries, β€œwho were happy to see a woman break into the all male sanctuary.” Her first large assignment at Pillsbury involved tax planning for the Mangla Dam construction project in Pakistan. Her developing international tax and construction law expertise later took her to South America, Asia and many countries throughout the world representing firm clients.

Rembe landed at Chadbourne, Parke, Whiteside &

She also developed an expertise in California

Wolff (now Chadbourne & Parke) at 25 Broadway

corporate tax matters at a time when California’s

in Manhattan and was put to work on tax planning

method of taxing international corporations was

for a potential TWA-Pan Am merger while

a world-wide cause célèbre and raised United

studying for the New York bar. As an associate

States Constitutional issues. While working on

she gleaned experience on corporate and

early international tax planning for Intel, she was

international tax issues, and later transferred from

introduced to her future husband, Arthur Rock, by

Chadbourne to the prestigious West Coast firm

another partner who was advising on a possible

of Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro in San Francisco

public offering for the company. (Rock and Rembe

(now, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP) which

were married in 1975.)

Although she preceded the women’s movement

policy courses. There is also more of a focus on

of the 70s, she was given some tough assignments

β€œlongtermism” and government, business and

at Pillsbury. Rembe never wanted to jeopardize

NGOs working together to solve common issues.

the possibility of other women attorneys coming

β€œTogether with a small hard-working board,

to the firm. As she puts it: β€œMy theory was to work

interim president, interim dean, and outstanding

hard, keep my head down and do the best job

student body representatives, we found a terrific

possible - always!” Rembe was proud of the firm’s

new president and addressed other issues during

progress in hiring women. She was named the first

the last academic year.”

female partner in 1970 and many followed. During her years with Pillsbury (1964 to her retirement in 2004), Rembe served as managing partner of the tax department and as a member of the firm’s executive committee.

Rembe is still very much involved with the van Loben Sels Foundation, a private foundation specializing in funding direct legal services and social justice initiatives in the Bay Area and Northern California. β€œI have a great deal of respect

In the 1970s, Rembe also began serving on the

and admiration for public interest lawyers who

board of a long list of prominent corporations

represent the disadvantaged. They provide an

and organizations. Her first board appointment

outlet for frustration and a form of balance that

was for Potlatch Corporation, a sustainable

has helped keep our diverse nation together.”

forestry company with headquarters in Spokane,

She feels the need for broader access to justice

Washington. β€œThey were among the first

is even more critical given recent world events.

corporations who wanted to hire a woman as

Rembe is also involved with the Arthur and Toni

general counsel and to put women on the board,”

Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance

Rembe remarked. Judith Runstad ’74 currently

at Stanford University, and hopes to spend more

sits on this board.

time with regional theater groups.

From the one board membership grew many,

Humbly she adds, β€œI’m also working on being a

including AT&T, Safeco and Transamerica. She also

better human being.”

served on the board of an international insurance company, AEGON N.V., based in The Hague, and traveled to Europe frequently. For someone who doesn’t like attention or awards, Rembe has a number of them, including the 2008 Sandra Day O’Connor Board of Excellence Award, an award recognizing the effort in promoting female attorneys for company directorships. And, UW Law presented her with the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1999. Now retired from Pillsbury, Rembe assumed l l 2 20 01 1 1 f faall

she’d enjoy more leisure time, but instead she has recently completed a year as chair of Presidio Graduate School. Rembe explains, β€œThrough its affiliation with Alliant University, the school gives

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an MBA and an MPA in sustainable management, where concepts of ethics, the environment and the human dimension are woven through

Toni Rembe (Courtesy Pillsbury, Win-

all the traditional business school and public

throp Shaw Pittman LLP)

21 21


class of 1940

John Davis

22 22

An interview with John Davis ’40

ber when… Remember when Judson Falknor was dean of the law school? John Davis, founder of Davis Wright Tremaine, does. Falknor was dean from 1936 to 1951, and Davis graduated in 1940. Now one of the law school’s oldest living graduates, Davis recalls his experience as if it were yesterday. Q. Many articles have been written about you

absolutely vital to practicing law successfully.

during your long, distinguished career. In one,

So I had an advantage over the young people

you mention that you chose law school because

in my law school classes.

happened. We subscribed to Life magazine and there was an article on James McCauley Landis, who was named dean of Harvard Law School. The article said that no man could be a better model of fierce intellectual effort. That phrase grabbed me. It was exactly what I had wanted to pursue. I had been working in banks up until then, and I was looking forward to law school. That article was the spark. Q. You are also a double dawg with a B.A. from UW. What was your major as an undergraduate?

Q. Did you go to law school directly after graduating from UW? A. No, I didn’t go to law school right away. I stayed out one year because when I graduated college, the bank I had worked at part-time, University National Bank, had offered me a full-time job as a payroll teller. I made $75 a month, and that was a lot of money. I also took some of the banking courses they offered. When I went to law school, I offered to work parttime at the bank to help on teacher paydays, when the line for the bank ran from the street to our tellers’ cages. I suggested that I work afternoons

A. I majored in English literature, where I learned

Monday through Friday and all day on Saturday as

to read and write. These are two deficiencies I

an assistant teller. I told my boss, β€œI’ll work those

see among lawyers. As a lawyer, one needs to be

lines down so that you are serving those people

able to express oneself and make other people

faster and better.” He agreed. That’s how I worked

understand what one is saying. Communication is

my way through law school.

f a l l 2 0 11

A. Yes, that is correct. I can tell you how that

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law was a β€œfierce, intellectual challenge.”


I also remember that I had a good relationship with Warren Shattuck. He taught contracts. I remember he was interested in photography, and my wife, Ruth, and I would teach him a little about enlargements and the like. Professor Sholley taught constitutional law. Professor Sholley would say that for every court session he needed to add one week to what he had to tell us about the constitution. That was the only class I was ever in that the finishing bell rang so soon I could not believe it was more than 10 minutes. I was just enthralled with constitutional law. Then there was Joseph O’Bryan who taught criminal law. He was an older practitioner – no nonsense. dean Judson Falknor

I thought it was the end of the world when I took time off from school to work at the bank. I had taken seven straight quarters including the summer. Now I felt I was behind my classmates, but when I returned I became the article editor for the Law Review and the president of the Law School Student Body.

A. On the first day of law school Dean Falknor told us if we were in law school because we thought that law was a pathway to making money, we needed to be disabused of that idea. He told us, β€œIf you are interested in money, pack your bags and go over to the business school. Take the right courses. The law is not right for you. But if you want to have a

Q. What do you remember about your time

satisfactory life of service, and you are interested in

on the Law Review?

serving your clients and willing to accept reasonable

A. I remember when the editor, Donald Simpson, and I had to put out the Law Review – quickly.

compensation, then you are on the right course. But don’t stay here for the money.”

Simpson was the number one student in our class.

He made it very clear that the law is a service

Together we spent more than one day in the empty

profession. I was grateful that he set the table

library checking the footnotes of some laboriously

for us right there. It stuck with us, most of us any

long articles. Here were the two senior people

way. Most of my class did not have thoughts of

doing the scut work to make sure there wasn’t a


wrong citation. I was thinking that this was silly. We shouldn’t have been doing this but we did it. I remember running all over the library. One would run and one would edit. We had to make it fast.

I also remember Dean Falknor as my mentor. Q. How was he your mentor? A. I was interested in being a clerk to one of

Q. What else do you remember about

the Supreme Court justices and had planned to

those days?

clerk for Justice Simpson. One day, before I had

A. I remember winning the election for president of the law school student body by one vote over Harwood Bannister. I had no reason to beat him. We didn’t have any debating contest. It was about equal.


Q. And what do you remember of Dean Falknor?

a chance to begin my clerkship, I was called into the dean’s office. There was the dean and Judge Simpson sitting there, and they said, β€œWe’ve decided that you are ready to practice law. We want you to graduate and practice law.β€œ The dean

told me to call on his father at Poe, Falknor, Emory

banking before I even graduated. I did a good job.

and Howe. So I started working for that firm three

After four or five months went by, Mr. Emory came

months before I graduated law school.

back. I was still an associate at that time and had

Then the U.S. joined in the war. After Pearl Harbor

already done a tremendous job for the business.

two of our associates were accepted in the Navy.

When I did this work for the firm I had to take time

I had spent three years in the National Guard,

off from the shipyards but when I went back to the

but my eyesight was not fit for sea duty and they

shipyard my job had been taken.

would not consider me for Intelligence. Then I began working on all of the new law that was coming up on the subject of financing government contracts. But I heard that the Navy was looking for young lawyers to be contract supervisors so I went back to the Navy as I had experience in this field and made some innovations in this field. But I was still not able to join because of my eyes. So I decided to go to work in the shipyards handling their labor relations and other contract work. I would go to work in the shipyards during the day

So I then went to Emory and Howe and asked if there was a future there. Mr. Howe said, β€œYou stay with us and we’ll take care of you.” Well, I didn’t really like that, because I wanted to become a partner some day. So I went back to Dean Falknor to ask his opinion. The dean didn’t think I would have a future there and suggested I try another firm. That firm did offer to make me a partner. But I realized I didn’t want to be a name at the end of line. So I decided to open my own law firm.

and then practice law at night. I pulled double duty. I burned both ends of the candle. Mr. Emory, one of the named partners in the law firm, became very ill and had to go to Cleveland for medical treatment. He asked me to take care of his desk while he was gone. I had already been in

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DAVIS’ Real Aims 1944


John Davis and Greg Adams, with John M. Davis Scholarship recipient Celia Small

First I wrote notes to myself when I was trying

Managing Partner, you draft the papers.”

to decide what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted

And that is how the firm Emory, Howe, Davis

freedom of action and a good reputation for

& Riese was formed.

ability, integrity and service. I wanted to have a partnership free of wrangling and jealousies. Q. What happened after the war? A. John Riese, who was in the Navy β€” his eyes were okay β€” came back from the war. He had worked with me at Emory & Howe. We wanted to form a partnership so we went to talk to the dean. Dean Falknor said that was a fine idea and we became partners with the dean’s blessing. Less than three years later, Mr. Emory said β€˜we need you two boys.’ So once again we went to see the dean. I thought he would say it was not a good idea. After all he had told us before that there was no future there but the dean said β€œWait. That firm has changed but you need to become the


I had also nurtured notions of going to Yale to get a master’s degree so that I could teach law. Instead, Dean Falknor offered me an opportunity to teach contracts. I taught contracts for three years. Then he asked me to teach the advanced secured transaction course, since by this time I had actually been doing these transactions for banks. Dean Falknor also had me teach the ethics course with Harold Shefelman. I enjoyed teaching. I realize that there is a lot of satisfaction when you see lights go on around the room. For my advanced secured transaction course, I brought in bankers to talk directly with my class so that the students got the feeling of what it was like to finance a business. We were just getting the first editions of the Uniform Commercial Code

at the time. For the students’ term papers I said

Mark A. Hutcheson β€˜67 is

they could contact the banker if they wanted to

Partner and Firmwide Chairman

learn more. I think this was unusual at that time,

of Davis Wright Tremaine

because the young faculty hadn’t done anything

β€œWithin our firm and the

but teach, and I was one of the few teachers who

entire Pacific Northwest legal

had been out in the business world.

community, John Davis is recognized as a superb lawyer

I do believe that I made the right choice, though,

is now the internationally renowned firm of Davis Wright Tremaine with 500 lawyers, nine offices and approximately 600 other full-time employees.

practiced our profession with the highest degree of integrity and honesty. We all aspire to be like John. To this day, he continues to serve us as an excellent role model. He inspires all of us and always will.”

From the beginning Davis set the tone of the

Susan G. Duffy β€˜81 is Partner-

firm to be one of respect, companionship and

in-Charge of the Seattle Office

harmony. He has earned the admiration of those

of Davis Wright Tremaine

who work for and around him.

β€œThroughout his career,

Gordon Jaynes ’54 got a

John has believed and has

part-time job at Davis’ firm

guided our firm in the belief that β€˜the work is always

while in law school. β€œI assisted in the law library of John’s firm. I was in awe of all of the lawyers and wondered if I ever could achieve their skills and demeanors. Everyone was gracious to me and I felt that I definitely wanted to enter private practice. It was clear to me that John was not only what is now called β€˜a rainmaker’, but also he was

better than the rewards.’ He has viewed his roles as an attorney, a community leader, an educator, a mentor and a father as opportunities to serve and contribute to the betterment of humankind. He has embraced the intellectual challenge, hard work and personal commitment each role demanded of him and without a great concern for what he received in return.”

seen inside and outside of the firm as Seattle’s top

Greg F. Adams ’77

banking lawyer.

is a Partner at Davis Wright Tremaine

β€œAfter practicing from London and occasionally visiting Seattle, I remained in touch with John.

β€œAs an early mentor to me,

He invited me to join him and one of his partners

John established specific

for lunch. During lunch, when John was explaining

expectationsβ€”for both

to his partner that I had worked for the firm while

responsiveness and qualityβ€”

in law school, John reached into his jacket inside

that were extraordinarily challenging, but he

pocket and pulled out a folded piece of 8 1/2 x

balanced them with an obvious confidence that

11 paper to show his partner and me: it was an

I could and would meet his demanding standards.

old organization chart of the firm complete to the

He was far more certain of my capacity to stretch

lowest box on the chart β€” Gordon Jaynes, library

and rise to the occasion than I was, and I found his

assistant. This was more than 20 years after the

trust in my abilities empowering and motivating.

chart had been prepared!”

Many generations of lawyers at Davis Wright and elsewhere owe much of our professional development and success to John and his

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Over the years, the firm has grown steadily and

who knows and understands the law and who has

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not to pursue teaching as a full-time professor.

active mentoring.” 27

Faculty & Firm Professor Karen Boxx ’83 & Luke Thomas ’02 of K&L Gates

When Luke E. Thomas ’02 began law school, he

it be speaking at CLEs, writing articles, working

did not intend to focus on classes in the estate

on legislative matters, or providing pro bono

planning field, such as those taught by Karen

representation to needy individuals and worthy

Boxx ’83. β€œAlthough both my grandfather and

organizations,” he says.

father were estate planning attorneys, I never thought I would follow in their footsteps,” he says. β€œBut once I took the time to learn more about the practice, I was fascinated and started taking every estate planning course I could.”


Thomas has worked on legislation reforming the state’s estate tax laws, state laws that coordinate with federal estate and gift taxation rules, and a number of state laws relating to probate and trust administration. He chairs a WSBA joint section

Upon graduation, he joined Karr Tuttle Campbell,

task force comprised of members of the WSBA

PSC as a member of the Tax, Trusts, & Estates

Real Property, Probate and Trust and Elder Law

Department. As a third-year associate, he joined

Sections. The task force analyzed the new Uniform

the Estate and Gift Tax Committee of the Tax

Power of Attorney Act and drafted a proposed

Section of the Washington State Bar Association in

version of the act for Washington. Members of

2004. β€œAlthough I was easily a generation younger

the task force hope the new act will improve

than most of the members on the committee,

administration of the statute and create additional

the more senior members both encouraged my

safeguards to minimize elder abuse. Once the

participation and helped me learn the ropes,”

proposed bill obtains WSBA approval, it will be

Thomas recalls.

presented to the Legislature for consideration.

Within months, Thomas was asked to chair

Boxx has also been involved in legislative reform

multiple legislation drafting sub-committees,

throughout her career, first as a practicing estate

which led to his appointment as the chair of the

planning attorney in Seattle and now as a faculty

Estate and Gift Tax Committee in 2006. About

member. β€œThe Washington estate planning bar

the same time, he joined K & L Gates, LLP, as a

has a long tradition of active legislative reform,”

member of its Private Clients Practice Group. He

she says. β€œWashington has some of the most

credits the firm with offering exceptional support

innovative probate and trust statutes in the

of his public service endeavors. β€œWithout my

country, because our estate planning attorneys

firm’s support, I would never be able to do the

recognized that to best serve individual clients,

amount of public service work that I do β€” whether

they needed to serve the community as a whole

Karen Boxx and Luke Thomas at the K&L Gates offices in Seattle

and improve the laws that apply to everyone.

other affected sections of the WSBA and individual

There is also a genuine sense of duty among

members of the Bar. Boxx explains, β€œThere is a sense

lawyers who work on legislative reform. Lawyers

of relief when the committee is done with drafting the

understand the impact of how statutes are

proposal, but then the political process begins and

written and are in the best position to improve

that’s never easy.”

big cases. Our victories are quiet, but it’s very satisfying to know that you’ve participated in something that will touch a lot of lives.”

When asked what motivates him to work on such endeavors, which seem to present endless roadblocks, Thomas says, β€œI want to make a difference in my profession and improve this area of law not only for the sake of my own clients, but also for my

Boxx has worked on numerous legislative projects

colleagues around the state and future lawyers

over the years and has just completed service as the

practicing in this area of law. It’s an opportunity to

chair of the Real Property, Probate & Trust (RPPT)

give back and contribute something big.”

task force that reviewed the Uniform Trust Code and made significant revisions to Washington’s trust statutes. The trust task force met for eight years, and its proposal was enacted into law this past session. Boxx is the Probate and Trust Council director of the RPPT section executive committee, and she chairs the probate and trust legislative committee of the section. She and Thomas will work together on the effort to have the power of attorney proposal enacted into law. That involves getting feedback from stakeholders and others who may have an interest in powers of attorney. Thomas has already begun the process, meeting with the state’s Superior Court Judges’ Association, the Washington Professional Guardianship Council, interested members of the Legislature, and

When challenged that his pro bono work for disadvantaged individuals β€” and for organizations such as Children’s Hospital, the Fallen Heroes Project, the WSBA First Responder Will Clinic and the Girl Scouts of Western Washington β€” all offer an avenue of service but with numerous trips to Olympia and endless weekend and evening meetings, Thomas replies, β€œWhen we identify concerns with or problems in our statutes, we all have a choice to make. We can shrug our shoulders and accept those problems, or we can roll up our sleeves and work with our colleagues within the WSBA to develop a solution. So ask yourself, β€˜Will I simply accept the problems, or will I be part of the solution?’ I want to be part of the solution.”

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and accomplishment. Estate planners don’t win

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them. Of course, there’s also a sense of pride


Books & Beyond By Cheryl Nyberg

A c t L o c all y ; I n f l u e n c e G l o b all y

The Library is a place. Law students still spend hours in the Library over the course of their law school careers. They come to the Library to study, prepare for class, write papers, compare notes with other students, and confer with reference librarians on research strategies. They even browse books, like the hornbooks, nutshells, and study aids that publishers withhold from online legal services. Students enjoy the spacious study tables and carrels, numerous group study rooms, and the natural light streaming in the south-facing windows and the four glass crystals. But the Library is not just a place, passively waiting for students and others to bring it to life. The Library is a service, or more accurately, a collection of services. And many of those services are provided to UW Law alumni, students, faculty, and others through the Internet. Whether you live in Seattle, practice in Snohomish, vacation in South Carolina, or travel to Spain, the Law Library strives to serve you. For instance, the Library mails books to UW Law alumni through the Law Books on Demand program, lib.law.washington.edu/ services/alumni. An alum in Yakima requested and received Minding Your Own Business: The Solo and Small Firm LawyerΓ’€™s Guide to a Profitable Practice (2010). Drafting Tribal Laws: A Manual for Tribal Governments (1986) went to a UW Law grad in Olympia. Law Books on Demand was a major convenience for a Bremerton-based alum working on minor issues: Jail Bait (2004), Keeping Kids out of the System (2001), Rethinking Juvenile Justice (2008), Teen Legal Rights (2000), When Kids Get Arrested (2009).

30 30

The reference librarians offer legal research assistance to students, alumni, attorneys, and members of the public via the Ask Us email service, lib.law.washington.edu/ questions. Of the questions that come from people who are not affiliated with the University of Washington, more than half come from outside of the Seattle area. The LibraryΓ’€™s blog and website are popular around the country and overseas. Since Gallagher Blogs, gallagherlawlibrary.blogspot. com, began in 2009, about 18% of our readers have been located in Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, the United Kingdom, Russia, the Ukraine, Slovenia, China, and India (in order by number of visitors). In

June and July of this year, the Library website, lib.law.washington. edu, was visited by 1,500 users in Canada; 1,185 from the UK; 1,079 from India; 999 from Australia; and 867 from the Philippines. Rounding out this top ten list are Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, China, and Belgium. In the same two months, the website received visits from users in every U.S. state with the greatest number of visitors from California, New York, Texas, Florida, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Oregon, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. Approximately half of the U.S.-based traffic on the Gallagher Law Library website comes from states other than Washington.

The Library’s large collection of online legal research guides are intended for use by our law students, lib.law.washington.edu/ ref/guides. More than 125 guides help legal researchers identify the important print and online sources for doing research in administrative law, admiralty and maritime law, civil procedure, contracts, copyright, education law, environmental law, health law, human rights, immigration, jury verdicts, labor and employment law, legislative history, national security law, patent law, sports law, torts, treaties, the UCC, and other topics. These guides are also frequently used by other legal researchers and members of the public. A librarian working at the Internal Revenue Service asked permission to adapt the Library’s Finding Guide for Federal Tax Materials, lib.law. washington.edu/ref/fedtaxcht, for

the IRS Library’s intranet page. A reference librarian at the Law Library of Congress comments how frequently she relies on the Gallagher guides. The graduates of the UW Law Librarianship Program, lib.law. washington.edu/lawlibrarianshipβ€”a partnership between the Gallagher Law Library and the Information Schoolβ€”populate law libraries in the United States and around the world. Since its inception in 1939, the program has graduated more than 200 librarians with J.D. degrees. Recent alums hold positions at the law school libraries of Boston, Catholic, Colorado, Columbia, Connecticut, Duke, Georgetown, Loyola (New Orleans), New Mexico, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Santa Clara, and Texas universities. Other grads work in federal and state court libraries and law firm libraries. A 2002 graduate of the program is the Vietnam country director for the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative. Australia, India, Indonesia, Korea, the Philippine Islands, Singapore, Taiwan, and three Canadian provinces have or have had graduates of the toprated Law Librarianship Program.

The Gallagher Law Library is a wonderful place in which to study and conduct research when you are in Seattle. But the reach of the Library’s services and its influence are global.

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The Library’s East Asian Law collection is internationally recognized as one of the best in the English-speaking world. A former UW Law professor and eminent Japanese law specialist uses the Copy and Send service, lib.law.washington. edu/copy&send/copy&send, to obtain copies of Japanese court opinion. He also returns to the Library annually to conduct research because of the strength

of the collection. East Asian Law Department (EALD) coordinator Rob Britt answers questions from faculty, students, and alumni using print and online resources. He has given several presentations on Japanese legal research in this country and overseas.

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Thanks to the work of Reba Turnquist and others who select material for the Library collection and the efforts of Judy Davis and the resource-sharing team, the Law Library satisfies requests from hundreds of libraries every year. In February, the Library loaned a book on law and religion to the University of Glasglow. Librarians at the American University in Cairo and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology were able to assist their users with material they borrowed from Gallagher. In the last five years, the Library has loaned books to other libraries in virtually every U.S. state. Nearly 90% of the items we loaned last year went to libraries outside of Washington State.

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Minority Bar Association Stakeholders Meeting and Reception May 19, 2011 1 Dean Kellye Testy with guests at the Minority Bar Association Reception

4 Michelle Gonzalez, Assistant Dean for Professional and Leadership Development

2 Dean Testy talks with Annie Lee of TeamChild

5 Dainen Penta β€˜02 LL.M. speaks at the Minority Bar Association reception

3 Senior Advisor to the Dean Sandra Madrid and Assistant Dean Michele Storms


in the Spotlight Scholarship Dinner May 24, 2011 6 Claudette Hunt and Jeanine Lutzenhiser β€˜13 7 Wayne β€˜57 and Anne Gittinger and Scott Spansail β€˜13 8 Janet Gwilym β€˜12 and Judy Maleng

6 32

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2 3

4 5









in the Spotlight


N.Y.C. Alumni Breakfast and D.C. Alumni & Friends Reception 7

June 15 & 16, 2011 7 Professor Eric Schnapper speaks to alumni in D.C.


8 Bryan Stech β€˜09, David Perkins β€˜05 and ibrahim Sajalieu Bah β€˜05 at the New York Alumni & Friends Breakfast


Commencement June 12, 2011 1 Gates Scholar Lillian Hewko speaks at Commencement 2 Shamiq Hussein and his family at the post-graduation reception on the Gates Hall Terrace 3 Grads Jiameng Liu, Hai-Ching Yang and Caitlin Steiger 4 Keynote Speaker Professor Joel Ngugi addresses the class of 2011 5 Dean Testy congratulates graduate Janay Farmer 6 Faculty members Anita Krug, Sarah Kaltsounis, Hugh Spitzer and Jonathan Kang awaiting the commencement ceremony



Center for Advanced Study & Research on Intellectual Property July 14 - July 29, 2011 9 President Michael Young, Prof. Toshiko Takenaka, Judge Rader and Dean Kellye Testy 10 Graduates of the 2011 CASRIP Summer Institute

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11 the Honorable Randall Rader Chief Judge United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Washington D.C.


11 35


Richard Wentzell ’08 β€” Ethiopia

A Law Degree in Action No one knows better than Richard Wentzell ’08 that Ethiopia is experiencing a staggering contradiction. Although Ethiopia is reporting to have one of the world’s highest economic growth rates (2010β€” GDP 8%), it remains mired in crippling poverty, ranking at the very bottom of the UN Human Development Index. Over eighty percent of the more than eighty-

The first project the LTI is embarking on is a USAID-

five million Ethiopians depend on agriculture as

funded national study into the impacts that recent

their main livelihood. Severe drought conditions

first-level land certification has had on rural livelihoods

coupled with civil disputes have worsened

in Ethiopia. The findings will be presented as a

Ethiopian poverty. Wentzell, Dean of the

national policy brief to the Ethiopian government in

Haramaya University College of Law, may not

the hopes that it will help them better guide the future

have control over the entire Ethiopian economic

development of their land laws and policies. β€œThere is

system; however, he can do his best to help

not much data on this issue and we hope this research

promote equitable economic justice through a

will be an important and vital element used in their

joint project he’s initiated with Landesa (formerly

decision-making process,” states Wentzell.

Land Tenure Institute (LTI), the first of its kind in Ethiopia, has five main objectives:

Wentzell will be working on developing the LTI with the support of Darryl Vhugen β€˜82 from Landesa and Professor Jon Eddy ’69 from UW Law, and many other faculty and students from Haramaya University. β€œIt is an

β€’ Help develop and improve rural land law and policy

interdisciplinary institute, with faculty members from

β€’ Clarify existing land laws and land rights

and Economics, the Department of Sociology, Institute

β€’ Improve equity between women and men pertaining to land rights

of Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Studies, and others, all

β€’ Improve scholarship, education and research on land law β€’ Promote community awareness of equitable land tenure policy as well as enhance the capacity of local stakeholders and government officials to create sustainable models for this development.

the College of Agriculture, the College of Business

participating in the LTI’s research programs. It is very exciting to be involved with such a wide variety of academics,” Wentzell explains. The proverbial road to the agricultural and pastoral nation of Ethiopia and this program began many years ago for Wentzell who arrived at UW School of Law immediately after serving as an Open Society

Richard Wentzell, Tesfahun Melese, Professor Sallie Sanford and friends

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and Haramaya University College of Law. The

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RDI), the University of Washington School of Law,



Graduation Day at Haramaya

Institute (OSI) International Scholar in Yerevan,

β€œMostly, though, I was drawn by the quality of

Armenia. OSI is a non-profit organization that

legal education, I was impressed by the variety of

helps to promote more open societies by shaping

educational backgrounds and research interests

government policy through support of education,

of the faculty. It is a relatively small law school for

the media, public health, and human rights,

such a major research universityΒ­and this adds to

especially in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

the sense of camaraderie and community. And I

β€œAt the time I applied to the UW SchooI of Law, I was working at Yerevan State University as an

was most lucky to receive a scholarship from the Washington Law School Foundation.

Assistant Professor in the Departments of Political

β€œThe faculty was always available to chat and

Science and Sociology. I had always planned

to help both with class work and any support

to attend law school, and after my graduate

needed to find jobs or internships. Professor

studies at the London School of Economics, and

Anita Ramasastry was constantly inquiring into

time spent working in academia, I thought it

my career plans and seemed genuinely interested

made sense to return to the U.S. for law school,”

in my future. She was always helpful in providing

Wentzell says. β€œI had also recently been detained

support in whatever way she could. I admire her

by the military in Azerbaijan for traveling to the

for that and I try to extend that same helpful hand

disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh without

to my students at Haramaya.”

authorization, so in a sense, too, I was also ready to leave the Caucasus.”

After graduation, Wentzell traveled to Ethiopia to work as a Professor of Law at Haramaya University.

Wentzell received his undergraduate degree in

Founded in 1954, Haramaya University is the

Political Science and Philosophy from the UW

oldest and most-established higher education

in 2000. β€œI didn’t apply anywhere else for law

institute in Eastern Ethiopia with nearly 33,000

school. I had such fond memories of Seattle,

students in its regular, extension, and continuing

and of my time at UW. The law school had such

education programs. The College of Law, founded

a great reputation, too. I was interested in the

in only 2002, is recognized as one of Ethiopia’s top

school because of the faculty as well as the wider

university law programs with an international

UW environment. I must say, though, that being

faculty and reach, including some of the UW

in Seattle was a big draw, and while working in

School of Law’s very own: Professors Pat Kuszler,

landlocked Armenia I had visions of myriad coffee

Sallie Sanford, and Jon Eddy have all spent time at

shops, cycling on the Burke Gilman trail, hiking

Haramaya. Recent LL.M. graduate, Brooke I.

in the Cascades, and everything else that Seattle

Glass-Oshea ’10, has also joined the College of

offers, on my mind.”

Law full-time as an Assistant Professor and as the Editor of the recently established Haramaya Law Review; Elisha Jussen-Stein Cooke ’11 also


served as the College of Law’s first extern,

pluralist legal system in which civil law, customary

working on comparative domestic violence

law, and Sharia law, are all intertwined. I think my

research while at Haramaya. As well, both Janay

international law courses, Muslim Legal Systems,

Farmer ’10 and Brenda Tausch-Lapora ’07 spent

for example, with Professor Clark Lombardi,

time teaching in the College of Law this past year.

helped very much in this regard.”

Barcelos ’10 and Jen Marlow ’09 also visited Haramaya as part of the affiliated Three Degrees Project, and have plans to conduct a joint environmental law course with the College of Law, as well as conduct joint research into climate change issues. Haramaya is located in Oromia, one of the least developed parts of the country, bordering the Somali and Afar regions of Ethiopia. Wentzell talks about his experience, β€œI originally went as part of a World Bank funded program to help develop graduate legal education in Ethiopia. The chance to work in East Africa combined my interests in law, education, and development. I’d always wanted to live and work in Africa, and this provided the perfect opportunity. Developing a country’s legal education system is an integral part of developing their overall legal system. Ethiopia’s higher education system is quite nascent and as a consequence its legal education is young and still developing. Until quite recently there was only one law school in the entire country, and

His experience while completing his law degree was extensive and varied, as well. He had the opportunity to study European Union law in Rome, Italy through the UW Rome program. He also worked for the law firm DLA Piper as a Summer Associate in their Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia office, and he had the opportunity to work for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for the State of Western Australia in Perth, Australia. Not all his experiences while in law school were outside of North America, however. Wentzell was employed as a Public Defender in the Tulalip Tribal Court as part of the Tribal Court Clinic. During his first year of law school Wentzell also helped develop an online media company in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Wentzell describes his international legal experiences as integral to his transition and adaptation to the Ethiopian legal system. β€œI couldn’t have adapted so well to life in Ethiopia if it weren’t for my international background and the opportunities UW provided for me while in law school.”

that was located in the capitol city, Addis Ababa.

In addition to the development of the Land Tenure

Expanding legal education to the outlying regions

Institute, the upcoming 2011-2012 academic year

was a critical move on the part of the government.

promises to be the most productive of Wentzell’s

They recognize the need for a well-educated

legal career. Over the last year Wentzell and the

and informed citizenry. It feels good to be a

Haramaya College of Law have embarked on

part of this initiative, though living in a remote

numerous initiatives, including developing free

and outlying area does have its drawbacks.

legal aid clinics for the indigent in nearby Harar

Not many foreigners travel to this region, and

and Alemaya towns (plans are also underway

hyenas patrol the campus at night. It is beautiful,

to expand the clinics further in the region), an

though. I usually take guests to feed the hyenas in

LL.M. program in International Economic and

nearby Harar. They seem to love camel meat; the

Business Law, the first ever College of Law

hyenas, that is.”

academic journal, and the general expansion and

Wentzell has experienced a steep learning curve since moving from a common law to a civil law country. β€œI’ve had to adapt and learn about a completely different legal system since Ethiopia is a civil law country, as well as the nuances of a

updating of its academic curriculum. Wentzell also plans to expand certain programs, such as the further development of the recently inaugurated Environmental Policy, Social Justice, and Advocacy Skills Centers, as well as hire additional faculty and

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work and visit Haramaya in the future. Jeni

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It is hoped that more alumni and faculty will also

staff for the College. 39

Wentzell elaborates, β€œWe’re constantly in the

the overall development of Ethiopian legal

updated our national curriculum to include a large

education,” Wentzell exclaims. A young school,

clinical legal education component, and have

Haramaya University College of Law, has had only

also added a national exit exam and a national

five graduating classes (it recently moved from a

externship program, both of which students must

four to a five year LL.B. program). The graduating

now pass in order to graduate. It is a very exciting

class of 2011 was 140 law students.

time to be involved in Ethiopian higher education. Things are fast progressing, which is a great sign for the overall development of the country. Education is so vitally important for development and Ethiopia is, for the most part, I believe, following the correct trajectory in focusing on the promotion of higher education as a pathway out of poverty. Things are changing for the better on a daily basis.”

Building legal capacity in developing countries is also an ongoing commitment of UW Law. The law school recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Haramaya University College of Law. β€œIn order for us to develop and grow as an institution it is important for us to have international partners. I couldn’t think of a better partner than the University of Washington School of Law, so I reached out to the faculty

The ability of Haramaya University to graduate

for their support. They couldn’t have been more

students who can make positive changes in the

welcoming. I am still shocked by the level of

Ethiopian legal system is Wentzell’s primary goal.

support and commitment they have shown,”

β€œIt excites me to see promising young students in

Wentzell says. Dean Testy wrote in a letter to Dean

the classroom, knowing that when they graduate

Wentzell, β€œ[a]s you know, UW Law is committed to

they will be taking the theory and the ideals we

producing leaders for the global common good.

instill in them and putting them into practice.

We believe our partnership furthers both the

They are the future judges, prosecutors, defense

mission of the UW School of Law and Haramaya

attorneys, and leaders of Ethiopia. It’s absolutely

University College of Law.”

Professor Jon Eddy and Professor Belay Kassa signing the memorandum of understanding


thrilling to be a part of their development, and

process of developing our programs. We recently

faculty & Alumni

News uw law

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fall 2011


Recent Faculty

News News

Professor Anderson, Director of the Native American Law Center, was appointed in July 2011 to the Joint Executive-Legislative Workgroup on Tribal Retrocession. The group is addressing issues regarding civil and criminal jurisdiction on tribal lands. CRAIG Allen

Publications Getting the β€œStory” out: Teaching Admiralty at the University of Washington, 55 St. Louis Univ. L. J. 621-32 (2011).

The Supreme Court Fellows Alumni Association presented its Administration of Justice Award to Ronald K.L. Collins in recognition of his scholarly and professional achievements in advancing the rule of law, January 2011.

Received the Outstanding Faculty Contribution Award by the Washington Law Review, 2011.

News Professor Allen has been appointed as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Maritime Studies at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy for 2011-2013. Robert Anderson

Presentations Keynote, Allocation of Water under the Practical Irrigable Acreage (PIA) Approach, Law Seminars International Conference, Tribal Water in the Pacific Northwest, April 2011 (Seattle, WA) Panelist, Federal Stream Adjudications: Will Treaty Rights to Fish Lead to Federal Court Instream Flow Determinations?, Law Seminars International Conference, Tribal Water in the Pacific Northwest, April 2011 (Seattle, WA) Panelist, Montana’s Impact on Indian Treaty Rights and Property Interests, University of New Mexico School of Law, Montana v. United States: Pathmarking the Field of Indian Law for Three Decades and Counting, Mar. 25, 2011 (Albuquerque, NM) 42

Sam Donaldson

Publications Helen Anderson

Publications Revising Harmless Error: Making Innocence Relevant to Direct Appeals, 17 Tex. Wesleyan L. Rev. 391 (2011).

Presentations Constructing a Scholarly Persona, Association of Legal Writing Directors, Biennial Conference, June 2011 (Sacramento, CA)

Price on Contemporary Estate Planning (CCH) (with John R. Price) (2011 ed.). United States International Taxation (LexisNexis) (with Allison Christians and Philip F. Postlewaite) (2d ed. 2011).


Recent Developments in Estate Planning: Hawaii Association of Public Accountants, June 2011


Eugene Estate Planning Council, May 2011


Ron Collins

UCLA Estate Planning Institute, May 2011


News The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression Book of the Month for April is Sam Chaltain and Ron Collins’ We Must Not Be Afraid to Be Free: Stories of Free Expression in America (April 2011). We Must Not Be Afraid to Be Free was featured at 2011 Virginia Festival of the Book, Charlottesville, VA, March 2011.

Southern Arizona Estate Planning Council, February 2011


Portland Tax Forum, February 2011


Central Arizona Estate Planning Council, February 2011


University of Miami 45th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning, January 2011


Recent Faculty Publications & Presentations



Penny Hazelton and law librarian Peggy Jarrett promoted widespread access to state primary legal material. They joined other law librarians in collaborating with the Washington State Code Reviser’s Office in Olympia to ensure permanent public access. HB 1479 was signed into law by Governor Gregoire in April 2011.

Licensing Intellectual Property: Law and Application (2d ed. 2011) (Aspen Income Tax Aspects of Family Limited Casebook Series) (with Xuan-Thao Partnerships: Nguyen & Danielle Conway). β€’ Spokane Estate Planning Council, Intellectual Property, Software, May 2011 and Information Licensing: Law and β€’ Portland Estate Planning Council, Practice, 2010 Cumulative SuppleFebruary 2011 ment (BNA Books) (with Xuan-Thao A Hitchhiker’s Guide to International Nguyen & Danielle Conway). Estate Planning, Kansas City Estate Planning Symposium, May 2011 Presentations Partnership Tax Issues for Estate Planners, Kansas City Estate Planning Symposium, May 2011

Panelist, Round Table on Free and Open Source Software, Stanford Law School, May 2011 (Palo Alto, CA)

Burning Questions (and Even Hotter Answers) About Grantor Trusts, New York City Estate Planning Council, March 2011

Business Planning: Closely Held Enterprises (3d ed. West 2011). (American Casebook Series) 848 pages. (See page 14 for story.)

Practice & Licensing Guidelines, Washington State Bar Association Readmission Program, August 2011 (Seattle, WA)

Penny Hazelton

Publications Specialized Legal Research, (Penny A. Hazelton ed., Aspen 2011 Supp.).

The Education and Training of Law Librarians, in The IALL International Handbook of Legal Information Drake posts regularly on his blog Drake’s PlainTalk Planning (www.drake- Management 43 (Richard A. Danner & Jules Winterton eds., Ashgate 2011). plaintalkplanning.com) on topics of business planning, family and financial Taylor Fitchett, James Hambleton, planning, money, and politics. Penny Hazelton, Anne Klinefelter &

Mary Fan

Publications Post-Racial Proxies: Resurgent State and Local Anti-”Alien” Laws and Unity-Rebuilding Frames for Antidiscrimination Values, 32 Cardozo L. Rev. 905-45 (2011).

Presentations Justice Kennedy and the Revival of the Relevance of Hope in Penal Theory, Association of American Law Schools, Criminal Justice Section, Annual Meeting, Criminal Justice and the Roberts Court Panel (Call for Papers Winner), January 2011 (San Francisco, CA)

Impeachment on Cross-Examination, Emory Law School, April 2011 (Atlanta, GA)


Dean Donaldson was presented the Philip A. Trautman Professor of the Year award by the UW Law Student Bar Association.



Sarah Kaltsounis


Dwight Drake

Maureen Howard

Judith Wright, Law Library Budgets in Hard Times, 103 Law Libr. J. 91111 (2011).

Presentations Panelist, Meeting Employers’ Expectations: Are Library Schools Doing Everything They Can? Panel Discussion at American Association of Law Libraries, Annual Meeting, July 2011 (Philadelphia, PA) Training New Law Librarians, Workshop for Library Directors and Librarians, 2d Conference of the Chinese and American Forum on Legal Information and Law Libraries (CAFLL), July 2011, (Philadelphia, PA)

Yong-Sung (Jonathan) Kang

Presentations Tradition and Morality in Korean Jurisprudence, Workshop, Mediating Tradition: National Courts as Interpreters of Islamic and Confucian Law in Contemporary Asia, June 2011 (Seoul, Korea) Confucianism and the Rule of Law, Law and Society Association, Annual Conference, June 2011 (San Francisco, CA) The Value of Contractual Autonomy, Stetson University College of Law, 6th Annual International Conference on Contracts, February 2011 (Gulfport, FL) Confucianism and the Rule of Law, University of North Carolina School of Law, Pluralism in Asia, January 2011 (Chapel Hill, NC)

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Covering Your Client’s S (Corporation), Oregon Tax Institute, June 2011

Robert Gomulkiewicz

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Tri-Valley Estate Planning Council, January 2011



Sylvia Kang’ara

Presentations Gender and Traditional Cultural Expressions: What Has Intellectual Property to Do with It?, American University, Washington College of Law, April 2011 (Washington, DC) Anita Krug

Presentations Corporations Beyond Corporate Law: The Failure of the Corporate Governance Paradigm in U.S. Investment Company Regulation: Canadian Law and Economics Association, Annual Meeting, September 2011 (Toronto, ON, Canada)


Midwestern Law and Economics Association, Annual Meeting, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, September 2011 (Bloomington, IN)


Corporate Law at the Crossroads of Private and Public Law, University of Queensland, Symposium on Private and Public Law β€” Intersections in Law and Method, July 2011 (Brisbane, Australia) Multilateral Convergence in Investment Laws and Norms, University of Hong Kong, Asian International Economic Law Network 2011 Conference, July 2011 (Hong Kong) Discussant, New Corporate Governance: Competing Values, Law and Society Association, 2011 Annual Meeting, June 2011 (San Francisco, CA)

Current Controversies in Clinical Ethics, Haramaya University Medical School, May 2011 (Harar, Ethiopia) Guns and Roses, Conscience Clauses and Contradiction, University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Bioethics and Humanities, 2011 McCormick Lectureship in Science and Religion, April 2011 (Seattle, WA) Guns and Roses: Conscience, Contradiction, and Constitutional Rights, Seattle Children’s, Treuman Center for Pediatric Bioethics, February 2011 (Seattle, WA) Global Health: What’s Law Got to Do with It?, University of Washington, Department of Global Health, February 2011 (Seattle, WA) Role of Law and the Constitution in Promoting and Governing Health and Public Health, University of Washington School of Medicine, February 2011 (Seattle, WA) Law & Clinical Decision-Making, University of Washington School of Medicine, Internal Medicine Residents, January 2011 (Seattle, WA) Debbie Maranville

Presentations Applying Decision Making Theory to Experiential Learning Choices: Students as Our Client, with Esther Park, Association of American Law Schools, Conference on Clinical Legal Education, June 2011 (Seattle, WA) Anna Mastroianni


Pat Kuszler

Presentations Managing Incidental Findings from Pharmacogenetic Testing: Legal Obligations of Health Care Providers, Duke University, June 2011 (Durham, NC) International Research Ethics, Haramaya University Medical School Faculty, May 2011 (Harar, Ethiopia) 44

Anna C. Mastroianni & Luigi Mastroianni Jr., Egg Donation: Ethical Considerations and Regulatory Context, in Ethical Dilemmas in Assisted Reproductive Technologies 111 (Joseph G. Schenker ed., De Gruyter 2011).

Presentations Legislating Apology for Medical Errors: When Just Saying β€œSorry” Isn’t Enough, Georgia State University College of Law, Center for Law, Health & Society, April 2011 (Atlanta, GA)

The View from the Cloud: Electronic Health Information and Privacy in Public Health Research and Practice, University of Western Australia, March 2011 (Perth, Australia) Jackie McMurtrie

Presentations Panelist, β€œThe Wrath of Math:” Using the NAS Report to Challenge Imprint Evidence, Washington Defender Association 2011 Defender Conference, April 2011 (Winthrop, WA)

News At the 2011 Washington Association of Criminal Defense Attorney’s (WACDL) Annual Conference, the Innocence Project Northwest Clinic received The Champion of Justice Award for its work to free wrongly convicted individuals in Washington State. The Champion of Justice Award recognizes an individual or group that has staunchly preserved or defended the constitutional rights of Washington residents and endeavored to ensure justice and due process for those accused of crimes. Kelly Canary, Joe Adamson, and Professor McMurtrie attended the conference to accept the award on behalf of the IPNW, and McMurtrie also spoke at the June 2011 conference about the IPNW. Theodore Myhre

News Theo Myhre served as a U.S. Delegate to Vietnam, May 23-June 1, 2011. Professor Myhre worked under the American Bar Association’s Rule of Law Initiative with legal leaders from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City as part of a 10-day program that addresses potential reforms to Vietnam’s legal system, including professional skills, professional standards and ethics, legal education, and fair trial standards. Signe Naeve

News Signe Naeve co-chaired the Second Annual Trademark Scholarship Symposium at the International Trademark Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, May 2011.

Recent Faculty Publications & Presentations

Joel Ngugi

Presentations The Role of Public Interest Litigation in Access to Justice of Marginalized Communities Under Kenya’s New Constitution, Kituo Cha Sheria Public Interest Caucus Colloquium, August 2011 (Mombasa, Kenya) Key Opportunities for (Progressive) Funding in Africa, Pacific Northwest Global Donors Conference, April 2011 (Seattle, WA) A Human Rights Approach to Climate Change in Africa, Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program and the University of Arizona, Directors’ Meeting and Conference, March 2011 (Tucson, AZ)

News Professor Joel Ngugi was appointed as a Judge of the High Court of Kenya (See article on page 7). He was also presented the Philip A. Trautman Professor of the Year award by the UW Law Student Bar Association. Peter Nicolas

Publications Evidence: A Problem-Based and Comparative Approach (2d ed. Carolina Academic Press 2009 & 2010-11 supp.)

Presentations Methodology and the Means of Innovation, Law and Society Association, Annual Meeting, Panel on Law, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, June 2011 (San Francisco, CA) Panelist, Methodology and the Means of Innovation, Gruter Institute, Annual Conference, Innovation and Economic Growth and Law, Institutions, and Human Behavior, May 2011 (Squaw Valley, CA) Waiting for Therasense: Back to First Principles and Ethical Considerations, Washington State Patent Law Association, May 2011 (Seattle, WA) Stanford v. Roche: Bayh-Dole Is Not a Vesting Statute, U.S. Navy Office of the General Counsel, IP Day, May 2011 (Washington, DC) Summary and Issues in Stanford v. Roche, Fordham University School of Law, Fordham Intellectual Property Law Institute, 19th Annual Intellectual Property Law & Policy Conference, April 2011 (New York, NY) Panelist, The Impact of Stanford v. Roche, American Bar Association Intellectual Property Section, 26th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference, April 2011 (Washington, DC)

Anita Ramasastry

News Anita Ramasastry, the D. Wayne & Anne Gittinger Professor of Law at the University of Washington School of Law, has been elected to serve a two-year term as Secretary of the Uniform Law Commission (ULC), August 2011. Ramasastry now writes for a new legal commentary site Verdict (http:// verdict.justia.com) launched by Justia, a legal media and technology company that makes legal informΒ­ ation freely available online. Beth Rivin

Presentations Clinical Trials in Resource Poor Communities: Leading Issues of Justice, 12th Asian Bioethics Conference, September 2011 (Taipei, Taiwan) William H. Rodgers

Publications Climate Change: A Reader (William H. Rodgers, Jr., Michael Robinson-Dorn, Jennifer K. Barcelos & Anna T. Moritz eds., Carolina Academic Press 2011) 1216 pages.

Transforming Professional Services for Regional Economic Development, Texas Wesleyan School of Law, Evolving Economies: The Role of Law in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, April 2011 (Forth Worth, TX)

Zahr Said


Sean O’Connor

Controlling the Means of Innovation: The Centrality of Private Ordering Arrangements for Innovators and Entrepreneurs, in Handbook on Law, Innovation and Growth 274-99 (Robert Litan ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2011).

Elizabeth Porter

News Visiting Assistant Professor Elizabeth Porter was presented the Philip A. Trautman Professor of the Year award by the Student Bar Association.

Copyright and the Ethics of Nonfiction, 11th Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, DePaul Law School, August 2011 (Chicago, IL) Reforming Protection for Literary Characters in Intellectual Property Law, Third Annual Conference on Innovation and Communications Law, La Trobe University School of Law, May 2011 (Melbourne, VIC, Australia)

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The Central Role of Law as a Meta Method in Creativity and Entrepreneurship (Shubha Ghosh ed., Edward Elgar Publishing 2011).

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Teaching Advertising in the Context of Tort Law, University of Tulsa Law School, Workshop on Advertising Law, September 2011 (Tulsa, OK)



Recent Faculty Publications & Presentations

Sallie Sanford

Kellye Testy



State-based ACO and Medical Home Pilots: Early Lessons from the Other Washington, American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 34th Annual Health Law Professors Conference, June 2011 (Chicago, IL)

Best Practices for Hiring and Retaining a Diverse Law Faculty, 96 Iowa L. Rev. 1707 (2011).

Writing and Publishing Scholarly Articles: Pragmatic Tips, Symposium to Haramaya University School of Law Faculty, with Christopher Sanford, April 2011 (Harar, Ethiopia)

News Dean Kellye Testy moderated Washington State’s New Congressional District: A Progress Report, a conversations with Slade Gorton and Tim Ceis in July 2011. They discussed Washington’s additional House seat in the 113th Congress and an additional electoral college vote in the upcoming presidential election.

Presentations Panelist, Designing and Teaching Courses on the U.S. Supreme Court: Strategies and Objectives for Different Audiences, Law & Society Association, Annual Meeting, June 2011 (San Francisco, CA) Jane Winn

Presentations Certification Marks and Global Supply Chains, National Law School of Bangalore, May 2011 (India) Louis Wolcher

Publications Marijan Pavcnik & Louis Wolcher, A Dialogue on Legal Theory Between a European Legal Philosopher and His American Friend, in Marijan Pavcnik, Auf Dem Weg Zum Mass des Rechts: Ausgewahlte Schriften zur Rechtstheorie 215-66 (Franz Steiner Verlag 2011).

Eric Schnapper

News In recognition of his tremendous contributions to advancing employee rights, The National Employment Lawyers Association honored Professor Schnapper as the leading advocate for plaintiffs in employment discrimination cases in the United States Supreme Court. Schnapper received this award in July 2011 at NELA in New Orleans.

Lea VaughN

Presentations Panelist, Pretenure Faculty of Color Workshop, Association of American Law Schools, July 2011 (Washington, DC)

Toshiko Takenaka

News Professor Toshiko Takenaka gave a comparative patent law talk at the Supreme People’s Court of China in May 2011. She discussed a collaboration between UW Law and the court of Justice Xiangjun Kong, Director of Intellectual Property Tribunal. This collaboration included a comparative IP law training for Chinese judges.


Kathryn Watts

Publications Kathryn A. Watts & Richard Murphy, Judicial Review, in D evelopments in A dministrative L aw and R egulatory P ractice 2009-2010, at 43-76 (Jeffrey S. Lubbers ed., American Bar Association 2011).

Presentations Regulating China’s Renewable Energy in the Context of Globalization, Center for Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law of Tsinghua University, September 2011 (Beijing, China)

Personal and professional news from alumni

Notes Class Notes 60s

service, commitment of time and philanthropy continues to advance the work of the UW in profound and enduring ways. From the Foster School of Business to the Burke Museum, UW Medicine to Law, Arts & Sciences to Athletics, the Garveys have made the UW’s learning and research efforts stronger. They’ve also served in leadership positions on numerous UW boards and committees.

the University of Washington Law School Foundation, the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and is Past Chair of Safeco Field Public Facilities District and the Hispanic National Bar Association.


At the University of Washington’s Tenth Annual Recognition Gala in September, local business and community leaders Mike and Lynn Garvey were named the recipients of the 2011 Gates Volunteer Service Award in recognition of their commitment of sharing their time, expertise and support. The Gates Volunteer Service Award is the highest honor given to UW volunteers. It is presented annually by the UW and the UW Foundation to recognize and honor individuals whose extraordinary volunteer efforts have encouraged others to support the University of Washington through time, service and philanthropy. Recipients of the Gates Volunteer Service Award exemplify the highest standards of service to the University of Washington modeled by the singular vision and generosity of the William H. Gates family, whose volunteer

70s JOSΓ‰ GAITÁN ’76 has become the second Latino Chair of United Way of King County’s Board of Directors in Seattle, Washington. The United Way of King County is one of the most successful United Ways in the country. β€œWe are very excited to have JosΓ© help us take on the challenges that King County faces,” said United Way President and CEO Jon Fine. β€œWith his leadership, United Way looks to increase its capacity to solve our community’s toughest challenges.” Mr. GaitΓ‘n is managing member of the GaitΓ‘n Group, a Seattle law firm that has served as counsel to six of the Global Fortune Ten companies. Mr. GaitΓ‘n also serves as a Trustee for the Seattle Art Museum, Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart,


SCOTT B. OSBORNE ’75 has joined

Summit Law Group as a member of the Real Estate Practice Group. Osborne has more than 35 years of experience in real estate and finance law, most recently with the law firm of K&L Gates.


appointed by President Barack Obama as Judge of the U.S. District Court of the District of Oregon on June 24. TERESA POTTMEYER ’82 has been

appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Redmond-based nonprofit organization, Friends of Youth. Pottmeyer was also named Mercer Island Citizen of the Year in April. PAUL D. WOHLERS β€˜82 , a career

member of the Senior Foreign Service, was confirmed as U.S. ambassador to the Balkan nation of Macedonia on August 2, 2011.

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Lynn received the 2011 Gates Volunteer Service Award.


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MICHAEL GARVEY ’64 & his wife

Garvey Schubert Barer as a litigator in its Seattle office. Finegold joins as an owner in the firm’s White Collar Defense and Investigations Group, following 30 years as president at The Finegold Law Firm.


Class Notes



joined Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP as a member of its Litigation and Dispute Resolution Service Team. Ms. Vermilion will work from Wyatt’s Louisville, KY office.

KARA L. PHILLIPS ’91 and fellow alumna AMY L. SOMMERS ’90 recently

published a book titled Real Property Law in China: A Guide to Foreign Investment. The book is published by the American Bar Association. The authors provide a general understanding of the historical development of the real property system in China, as well as a framework for understanding how PRC law treats real property issues.



PENNY FIELDS ’04 was sworn in as Peace Corps country director in Cambodia on June 29. Fields has practiced law in Seattle for the past seven years, focusing on contract disputes, internet and technology issues, and political law.


ROXANNE EBERLE β€˜08 has been

appointed by the Washington State Bar Association Board of Governors to serve on the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection Board for a term of three years. MICHELLE A. DE BLASI ’98 has been

named one of the 45 attorneys from Quarles & Brady LLP that have been ranked in the 2011 edition of the prestigious Chambers USA directory. De Blasi is distinguished in environmental law. The firm also announced that De Blasi was named chair of the newly formed Arizona Energy Consortium (AEC).

The Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection Board was established by the Washington State Bar Association and the Washington Supreme Court. The fund’s purpose is help compensate clients who suffer a direct financial loss caused by the dishonest conduct of a lawyer in connection with the practice of law.

10s KATARA JORDAN ’10 received an Equal Justice Works Fellowship with Columbia Legal Services. Jordan is now one of three UW School of Law graduates with an EJW fellowship.


00s PAIGE L. DAVIS ’04 of Lane Powell

has been elected President of the Washington State Bar Association’s Taxation Section and an Executive Council Member for 2011-2012. In addition to being a faculty member for the UW School of Law, Davis is a pro bono attorney for the UW Entrepreneurial Law Clinic. 48

HAI-CHING YANG ’11 will serve as a C.V. Starr Law Lecturer at Peking University School of Transnational Law during the upcoming academic year. She will be teaching legal research and writing to Chinese J.D. students. TODD T. WILLIAMS ’10 published

an article in the Journal of Islamic Law and Culture. The article was written during Williams’ time as a student in Professor Lombardi’s Contemporary Muslim Legal Systems seminar. Williams examines the design of an Islamic credit union in the Bellevue area and discusses Islamic authority structures in the United States.

in Memoriam Cl a ss of 1933

Albert Rosellini , known as

The Gov, was the oldest living governor in America until his death on October 10 at the age of 101. In the summer of 1933, Rosellini was one of only 60 applicants who passed the bar. Rosellini, known for getting things done, immediately began practicing law. King County Prosecutor, Warren G. Magnuson β€˜29 hired him out of law school. In 1938, when he was 28 years old, Rosellini was elected to the state Senate and served for 18 years. He went on to serve as governor from 1957 until 1965 and was a mentor by successive generations of Democratic politicians.

Cl a ss of 1940

HARRY M. CROSS was formerly a two-term president of the National Collegiate Athletic Association who helped tighten controls over ethical issues in collegiate sports. Cross served as a faculty member of the UW School of Law and was recognized as an expert in community-property law.

SAMUEL J. STEINER had a law career that spanned six

decades, beginning as a young JAG officer serving in Korea. In Seattle, Steiner practiced law and eventually served the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Washington for 32 years. Steiner was the longest serving, non-recalled, active Bankruptcy Judge in the United States.

Cl a ss of 1961

TAKIKA SUSANNE LEE worked as a faculty member in the UW School of Law and in the Gallagher Law Library.

Cl a ss of 1965

MICK LARSON received a master’s in Taxation from the UW School of Law (with honors). Larson was one of three attorneys who researched and wrote six volumes on Washington’s health, welfare, and benefit-plan laws. Additionally, Larson worked at Cartano Botzer Chapman law firm for 20 years, became partner at Riddell Williams in 1987, and taught a course in tax law at the UW School of Law.

Cl a ss of 1951

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1926 in Springfield, MA. During his career, Atwood was admitted to practice in the Federal District Court of Western District of Washington, a member of the Washington State Bar Association, and president of the Whatcom Bar Association.

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ROY FRANKLIN ATWOOD JR. was born November 27,


in Memoriam

Cl a ss of 1966

MYRON VINCENT β€œPETER” JUDD began his law career in Seattle during the 1960s, focusing in the practice of real estate, probate and estate planning law.

Cl a ss of 1970

DOUGLAS W. LUNDA was a prominent lawyer

who served on the Washington State Minority and Justice Commission. Lunda helped create a judicial court for the Tlingit and Haida Tribes in Alaska and was also a founding member of the Asian American Bar Association.

Cl a ss of 1973

RICHARD ALLEN LOUTHAN passed away May 22, 2011

in Sacramento at the age of 73. Louthan was most proud of his work in rural Africa through the Peace Corps.

Cl a ss of 1979

MABRY DE BUYS was a senior partner in the commercial disputes practice group at K&L Gates LLP, an inductee as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and a member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.


DAVID H. GETCHES, the late Dean of the University of Colorado School of Law, was the founding director of the Native American Rights Fund. Getches was a great friend and supporter of the UW School of Law and helped Ralph Johnson collaborate on the concept of a Native American Law Center.


Report to


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Note: The University of Washington School of Law is deeply grateful to our many alumni and friends whose annual gifts, large and small, help create futures for our students, promote faculty scholarship, and support justice throughout the world. Every effort is made to ensure the accurate listing of donors, and we sincerely apologize for misspelling or inadvertently omitting the names of any donors. We appreciate the opportunity to correct our records, so please advise us of errors by using the enclosed envelope or call the Advancement Office at 206.685.9115.

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School of Law Annual Summary of Income and Expenditures July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011

G ifts R eceived Contributions by Purpose Faculty Support





Student Support



Excellence Funds



Program Support


82% 11%



Outstanding pledges and unrealized testamentary gifts total $83,702 Total Fundraising Activity $4,036,142


Contributions by Group Law Alumni to Law





Other UW Alumni to Law All types of Foundations to Law

$711,389 *


Corporations to Law



Organizations to Law



Friends to Law

$117,846 * *






8% 7%



Outstanding pledges and unrealized testamentary gifts total $83,702 Total Fundraising Activity $4,036,142 * Includes: Family Foundations, Foundations, & Trusts ** Includes: Non Alumni (Faculty, Former Faculty, Former Staff, Friend, Parent, Retired Staff, Staff, Student & Visiting Scholar/Faculty)

E xpenditures from G ifts T h is in c l u d e s f u n d in g fr o m e n d o w m e nts .

Expenditures by Purpose Student Scholarships

$2,548,441 *†*** 46%




Endowed Professorships and Chairs





Endowed Lectureships and Visiting Professorships Clinics, Programs, and Centers

$1,871,368 * ** 34%






46% 34%


2% † 43% of all law students received scholarships in Fiscal Year 2011. * As reported in the ABA 2011 annual report. *** William H. Gates Public Service Law Program Expenditures are included in student scholarships and clinics, programs and centers categories.


Giving Percentages by Year Class years that had at least one living alumni that gave in 2010-11

y e ar

p e rc e n t


y e ar

p e rc e n t



50% $100


10% $17,590


10% $9,595


10% $2,500


18% $6,200


9% $4,180


50% $2,500


14% $17,750


5% $5,565


13% $400


23% $6,900


6% $1,960


11% $1,700


7% $13,950


10% $4,180


14% $2,635


18% $8,530


7% $36,550


13% $1,300


12% $36,550


4% $2,360


14% $1,510


16% $13,689


9% $8,730


15% $800


17% $19,211


6% $1,010


22% $8,450


15% $70,300


7% $2,956


21% $7,845


13% $15,878


5% $2,475


14% $1,550


14% $13,475


4% $2,585


22% $12,700


13% $4,900


7% $9,000


18% $52,070


14% $5,700


4% $2,260


21% $4,210


14% $3,976


9% $2,905


8% $1,000


21% $14,166


8% $6,650


20% $32,200


13% $5,960


7% $1,655


27% $2,650


15% $12,159


15% $3,931


8% $458


12% $71,663


10% $2,941


14% $2,005,350


9% $7,370


8% $3,009


10% $1,750


10% $3,745


12% $1,938


7% $1,700


13% $15,769


6% $1,931


16% $4,450


7% $4,510

2 0 11



p e rc e n t

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y e ar


BOLDed names are new to giving society or society giving level


Alice & Edna Athearn (D) (FM)

Individuals and Organizations

Joel β€˜71 & Maureen Benoliel (FM)

Members have lifetime giving totaling $25,000 or more. Acknowledgment of the John T. Condon Society Founding Members, Laureates and Benefactors can also be found on our donor wall in William H. Gates Hall.

Judith β€˜75 & Arnold Bendich (FM)

Frederick Betts β€˜33 (D) (FM) The Boeing Company The Honorable Bobbe β€˜76 & Jonathan β€˜76 Bridge (FM) The Bullitt Foundation Clarence β€˜30 & Vivian Campbell (D)

Anonymous Greg Amadon (FM) Stanley β€˜63 & Alta Barer (FM) Steve & Kathy Berman (FM) Jeffrey β€˜67 & Susan Brotman (FM) Evelyn Egtvedt (D)

Cloud L. Cray Foundation Richard Cray

Colonel Josef β€˜31 (D) & Muriel Diamond

United Way of King County

Kreielsheimer Foundation (FM)

Gordon Livengood β€˜52 (D) Willaim & Virginia Lowry β€˜38 (D) John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Jack MacDonald β€˜40 (FM) C. Bruce β€˜49 & Jean Maines (D) Charlotte Malone (D)

Helen Adams (D) Helen Reardon Agnew (D) Takeo Akiyama LL.M. β€˜75 (FM) Thomas Allison β€˜72 American College of Trial Lawyers John Applegate β€˜41 (D) James β€˜39 (D) & Kathleen Arneil Lawrence & Mary Ann Bailey Benaroya Foundation Jack Benaroya (FM) Bendich, Stobaugh & Strong, P.C.

Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation

Family of Homer Bergren β€˜35 (D) (FM)

Michael Kates Trust

Betts, Patterson & Mines, P.S.

The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Scott Dunham β€˜75 & Barbara Eliades (FM)

Peter Miller β€˜83 & Jean Johnson β€˜82 (FM)

The Honorable William β€˜52 (D) & Vasiliki Dwyer (FM)

Veida Morrow β€˜24 (D)

Boehmert & Boehmert

Larry β€˜63 & Judith Mounger Jr. (FM)

Bogle & Gates Law Offices

Preston Gates & Ellis, LLP (FM)

F. Ross Boundy β€˜71

Kimberly β€˜85 & Charles Ellwanger (FM) Ernest Falk β€˜28 (D)

Donald Fleming β€˜51 The Ford Foundation Foster Pepper PLLC Marion Garrison (FM) William β€˜50 & Mimi Gates Sr. (FM)

The Tulalip Tribes

The Korea Foundation

Gregory β€˜77 & Anne Adams

Marie Donohoe β€˜63 (D)

Elisabeth Miller (D)

The Seattle Foundation

C. Calvert Knudsen β€˜50 (D) (FM)

Anonymous (18)

William Bennett β€˜95 & Michele Borovac (FM)

Garvey Schubert Barer (FM)

Linden Rhoads (FM)

King County Bar Institute

Lifetime giving totaling $25,000 to $99,999 to the School of Law.

Robert McMillen (D) (FM)

Microsoft Corporation

Toni Rembe β€˜60 & Arthur Rock (FM)

King County Bar Foundation

Condon Society

Richard β€˜70 & Polly Dodd (FM)

Dean Judson β€˜19 & Dorothy Falknor (D)

William & Sally Neukom (FM)

Mary Gates (D) Professor Robert Gomulkiewicz β€˜87 & Andrea Lairson β€˜88 (FM) Gregory β€˜85 & Valerie Gorder Greater Everett Community Foundation

Progeny 3, Inc. Puyallup Tribe of Indians

Judith Bigelow β€˜86 (FM)

Mary β€˜75 & David Boies (FM) Barry Bretschneider

Riverstyx Foundation

Alexander β€˜63 & Cornelia (D) Brindle Sr.

Judith β€˜74 & H. Jon Runstad (FM)

Joseph β€˜82 & Maureen Brotherton

Joseph & Katherine Ryan

James β€˜35 & Jane Bryson (D)

Katie Sako β€˜87 & Kendall Flint (FM)

Stimson Bullitt β€˜49 (D)

Kenneth β€˜64 & Lucia Schubert Jr. Seattle King County Bar Association The Honorable Gerard & Barbara Shellan Spencer Short β€˜24 (D) W. Hunter (D) & Dorothy Simpson (FM) James & Janet Sinegal

M. John β€˜69 & Mattie Bundy (FM) John β€˜61 (D) & Sybil Burgess Robert β€˜73 & Katherine Campbell Diana β€˜86 & Charles Carey Jr. C. Kent β€˜67 & Sandra Carlson (FM) Casey Family Foundation Michael R. Cason

Washington Law School Foundation

Greenwall Foundation

Frederick β€˜62 & Susan Smith

Gerald & Carolyn Grinstein (FM)

Max β€˜52 & Ruth (D) Soriano (FM)

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation

Condon Society Benefactors

Edward β€˜66 & Andrea Hansen (FM)

David Stobaugh β€˜75 & Lynn Prunhuber β€˜79

Children’s Home Society of Washington

Lifetime giving totaling $100,000 to $999,999 to the School of Law.

Jon β€˜82 & Kimberly Hemingway

Stuart Foundation

Charles β€˜61 & Donna Cole

Sophie & Wilbur Albright (D) Professor William & Katherine Andersen Jr. (FM) 54

Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Landesa Rural Development Institute

Ed Kim β€˜95

Sam Levinson β€˜25 (D)


Evergreen Legal Services

Wayne β€˜57 & Anne Gittinger (FM)

Nanci Kertson

Kenneth β€˜40 & Nona β€˜42 Cox

Michael β€˜64 & Lynn Garvey (FM)

Bill & Melinda Gates (FM)

Katherine Kellogg Smith Trust

Ted & Pam Kummert (FM)

Gerald β€˜53 & Lucille Curtis

Lifetime giving totaling $1,000,000 or more to the School of Law.

K & L Gates


Gordon Culp β€˜52 (D) (FM)

Condon Society Laureates

Floyd & Delores Jones Foundation

(D) Dece ased

Douglas Hendel β€˜56 (FM) Dan Fenno Henderson (D) The Henry M. Jackson Foundation (FM) Japan Foundation

(FM) Fo u n ding M em b er

Supnick, et al. Paul Van Wagenen β€˜73 Washington Research Foundation Philip Weiss β€˜23 (D) Carrie Welch (D)

(D) (FM)

Coleman Foundation, Inc. Thomas β€˜68 & Jane Collins Comdisco, Inc. Costco Wholesale Corporation

Report to Donors

Evelyn Cruz β€˜78 & J. Parker Sroufe Jr.

Greenwood Shopping Center (FM)

Clydia Cuykendall β€˜74

Camden Hall β€˜65

Dana Corporation Foundation

Carl M. Hansen Foundation, Inc.

John β€˜40 & Ruth (D) Davis

Alfred & Dorothy Harsch (D)

Mabry Debuys β€˜79 (D)

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Deloitte & Touche Foundation

Heller Ehrman LLP

Denny Miller Associates, Inc.

James Hilton β€˜59 (FM)

The Honorable Carolyn β€˜53 & Cyrus (D) Dimmick

Akimitsu LL.M. β€˜95 & Kaoru Hirai

Dorsey & Whitney, LLP

Dean & Professor Emeritus Roland & Mary Hjorth (FM)

Lloyd DuCommun β€˜34 (D) Robert β€˜61 & Judith Duggan Duty Free Shoppers Ltd. Richard β€˜74 & Mary β€˜75 Ekman

John β€˜69 & Carol Hoerster (FM) The Honorable Alfred β€˜48 & C. Lillian (D) Holte

James β€˜63 & June Lindsey Jr.

The Rock Foundation

Byron W. & Alice L. Lockwood Foundation

Professor Marjorie Rombauer β€˜60

Wallace & Barbara Loh (FM) Ruth Lothrop (D) Peter β€˜65 & Marian Lucas Robert & Janet Macfarlane Jr. Norman β€˜66 (D) & Judith Maleng Tasuku Matsuo LL.M. β€˜69 Frank McAbee (D) William G. McGowan Charitable Fund The McIntosh Foundation McNaul Ebel Nawrot & Helgren PLLC Polly β€˜87 & David McNeill (FM) Frank β€˜85 & Teresa Michiels

The Runstad Foundation Mary Andrews Ryan (D) S.O.S. Foundation Safeco Insurance Company Lowden Sammis β€˜26 (D) Seattle King County Bar Foundation Thomas β€˜73 (D) & Greta Sedlock (FM) Seed Intellectual Property Law Group, PLLC Sequoia Foundation Shidler McBroom Gates & Lucas (FM) Beryl Simpson β€˜85 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Charles Horowitz β€˜27 (D)

Denny & Sandra Miller (FM)

Martin Smith β€˜81 & Cathy JonesSmith

Professor Mary Hotchkiss

Hugh Miracle β€˜34 (D)

Virginia Smith β€˜46 (D)

Gary β€˜75 & Chris Huff

Mitsubishi Research Institute

Eugene Smith β€˜56 (D)

Werner Erhard Foundation

James Paton & Rose Ellen Hunter (D) (FM)

Frank (D) & Ella Moquin

Carlyn β€˜81 & George (D) Steiner

Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund

Thelma Hutchinson (D)

Morrison & Foerster, LLP

James Ellis β€˜49 (FM) Michael β€˜66 & Gail Emmons Sylvia Epstein (D)

Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP Leslie Fishel Jr. (D) Daniel β€˜88 & Frances Fisher (FM) The Honorable Betty β€˜56 & Professor Emeritus Robert Fletcher James β€˜71 & Marlene Fletcher Floyd & Pflueger, P. S. Foley Family Charitable Foundation

James Irwin Robert β€˜72 & Carol Jaffe Japan/U.S. Friendship Commission Japanese American Society Eric Jarvis The Honorable Peter β€˜62 & Sally Jarvis Jeffers, Danielson, Sonn & Aylward (FM) Michael Jeffers β€˜64 Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle

Thelma Moriarty (D) Jonathan β€˜80 & Lynn Mott (FM) Robert Mucklestone β€˜54 & Megan Kruse J. Shan β€˜58 & Lee Mullin (FM) Sharon Nelson β€˜76 The Honorable William β€˜63 & Marta Nielsen (FM) The Norcliffe Foundation Dan β€˜66 & Diane O’Neal (FM) Pacific Coast Banking School Arthur Paulsen β€˜46 (D) (FM) Perkins Coie LLP (FM)


William & Augusta Steinert (D) R. Jack. β€˜64 & Sandra Ann Stephenson (FM) Professor Emeritus William β€˜59 & Mary Stoebuck (FM) Eleanor Stokke (D) Carl Stork (FM) Daniel β€˜55 & Susan Sullivan Professor Toshiko LL.M. β€˜90/ Ph.D. β€˜92 & Hisato Takenaka Lyn Tangen β€˜74 & Richard Barbieri (FM) Texas Instruments Incorporated Donald β€˜54 & Kay Thoreson Edith Tollefson (D)

William Foley II β€˜74 (FM)

Professor Ralph (D) & Anne Johnson (FM)

W.A. Franke

Marjorie Jones (D)

Walter Pitts β€˜52 (D) (FM)

Carl Franklin (D)

James & Diana Judson

Pogo Producing Co.

Dennis Franklin β€˜78 & Melinda Yee

Kao Corporation

Cheryl Pope

Townsend & Townsend & Crew, LLP

Day β€˜29 & Susan Karr (D)

William Pope β€˜79 (FM)

Irwin β€˜57 & Betty Lou Treiger (FM)

Elizabeth Kennan

Wayne L. Prim Foundation

Robert & Kathleen Trimble (FM)

Chan-Jin Ph.D. β€˜72 & The Honorable Young Kim

Wayne β€˜50 & Miriam Prim

United States-Japan Foundation

Constance β€˜78 & Rodney Proctor

Nancy & Fred Utter

Yasuhiro Fujita β€˜68 Bruce β€˜78 & Aphrodite Garrison William & Carrie Garrison (D) Jennifer Gavin

W.H. (Joe) Knight Jr. & Susan Mask (FM)

Timothy Gavin β€˜91 (FM)

Carl Koch β€˜40 (D)

General Service Foundation

Henry Kotkins Sr. β€˜35 (D)

Gordon Derr, LLP

The Lane Family Foundation

Robert β€˜74 & Barbara Giles (FM)

Lane Powell, PC

Peter & Sally Glase Glenhome Trust Stanley Golub β€˜36 (D) Laura Grace Graduate Program in Taxation (FM)

Dennis β€˜67 & Liz Lane Linda Larson β€˜78 & B. Gerald Johnson (FM) Eugene β€˜66/LL.M. β€˜78 & Sachiko Lee Ronald β€˜71 & Toshiko Lee Legal Environmental Assistance

Earl Phillips β€˜34 (D)

Public Interest Law Association Karl β€˜79 & Lianne Quackenbush Dale β€˜39 (D) & Evelyn Read β€˜40

Tousley Brian Guy Towle β€˜77

Verizon Communications Inc. Washington State Bar Association Griffith β€˜49 & Patricia Way Paul Webber β€˜62 (FM) David β€˜61 & Mary Williams

Eric & Heather Redman (FM)

Woodcock Washburn

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Honorable Eugene β€˜37 (D) & Esther Wright

Bruce β€˜77 & Alida Robertson (FM)

Peter Yim β€˜97

ROC/US Technology Cooperation

D. Michael β€˜75 & Julia Young

f a l l 2 0 11

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

uw law

Martin β€˜65 (D) & Diane Crowder (FM)


* individuals who have at least 10 years of consecutive giving

Marian Gould Gall agher SOCIET Y

Members have lifetime giving totaling $15,000 or more to the Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library at the School of Law. Acknowledgment of the Marian Gould Gallagher Society can also be found on the law library donor wall in William H. Gates Hall.

Allan Baris β€˜79 & Karen Watts β€˜80 Judith β€˜75 & Arnold Bendich Professor Charles & Betty Corker & Family Gerald β€˜53 & Lucille Curtis Lloyd DuCommun β€˜34 (D) Alfred & Dorothy Harsch (D) Professor Penny & Norris Hazelton

** individuals who have at least 15 years of consecutive giving

Henry Suzzallo SOCIET Y


$5,000 to $9,999

Members have made testamentary or other planned gifts to the School of Law.

Gifts reported here are those received this fiscal year and do not include pledges or other unrealized contributions or bequests.

Gregory β€˜77 & Anne Adams*

Edna Alvarez β€˜67 Edward β€˜78 & Laura Chandler Laura Crawford β€˜86

Professor Robert Anderson & Marilyn Heiman Judith β€˜75 & Arnold Bendich Boehmert & Boehmert* Robert β€˜73 & Katherine Campbell**

$100,000 or More

C. Kent β€˜67 & Sandra Carlson*

Stanley β€˜63 & Alta Barer

Colonel Josef β€˜31 (D) & Muriel Diamond

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Scott Dunham β€˜75 & Barbara Eliades**

Gerald β€˜53 & Lucille Curtis

John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Professors Lea Vaughn & J. Patrick Dobell III

Microsoft Corporation*

The Honorable William β€˜52 (D) & Vasiliki Dwyer

The Tulalip Tribes

Bradley Fresia β€˜88

United Way of King County*

Gordon Derr, LLP

$25,000 to $99,999

Carl M. Hansen Foundation, Inc.

Richard β€˜74 & Diane Elliott James Ellis β€˜49 Donald Fleming β€˜51 Bruce β€˜78 & Aphrodite Garrison Gail Gordon β€˜77 Douglas Hendel β€˜56 Tamara Hochberg William Hochberg β€˜83

Riverstyx Foundation

Fenwick & West LLP Dennis Franklin β€˜78 & Melinda Yee

Anne Johnson

Alice & Edna Athearn (D)*

Robert Kayihura β€˜02

The Honorable Bobbe β€˜76 & Jonathan β€˜76 Bridge***

Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP

Wayne β€˜57 & Anne Gittinger***

Yoshio Kumakura

Gregory β€˜85 & Valerie Gorder

Merchant & Gould Kollin Min β€˜95

The Family of Lawrence Hickman β€˜36

The Honorable Alfred β€˜48 & C. Lillian (D) Holte

Ed Kim β€˜95

Morrison & Foerster, LLP

King County Bar Foundation

Professor Mary Hotchkiss & Mary Whisner

Garfield & Cynthia Jeffers

Nakamura and Partners The Pew Charitable Trusts

Michael Jeffers β€˜64

Toni Rembe β€˜60 & Arthur Rock

Partners of Levinson, Friedman, Vhugen, Duggan, Bland & Horowitz

Alan Kane β€˜65

Paul Van Wagenen β€˜73***

Robert & Janet Macfarlane Jr.

Wallace & Barbara Loh

Anonymous (3)

Professor Toshiko LL.M. β€˜90/Ph.D. β€˜92 & Hisato Takenaka

Polly β€˜87 & David McNeill

Virginia Lowry Norman β€˜66 (D) & Judith Maleng

James β€˜39 (D) & Kathleen Arneil

Tani & Abe

Dudley β€˜55 & Anne Panchot

Jeffrey Wang LL.M. β€˜84

Joel β€˜71 & Maureen Benoliel

Wang, Hartmann, Gibbs & Cauley

Dean Richard Roddis (D), Joanne & Family

Nanci Kertson Thomas Loftus β€˜57

$10,000 to $24,999

Seed I.P. Law Group, PLLC Stoel Rives LLP

W. H. (Joe) Knight Jr. & Susan Mask

Dorsey & Whitney, LLP

Ralph β€˜62 & Bonnie Olson

Loren & Mary Hickman

$2,000 to $4,999

Lowden Sammis β€˜26 (D)

Dudley β€˜55 & Anne Panchot

Guy Towle β€˜77

John β€˜52 & Jacqueline Riley

Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP


Professor Jane & Peter Winn

Richard (D) & Joanne Roddis

Professor Marjorie & Edgar (D) Rombauer β€˜60

Joseph & Katherine Ryan The Honorable Gerard & Barbara Shellan

W. J. Thomas Ferguson β€˜67

Landesa Rural Development Institute

Barclays Capital

Robert & Janet Macfarlane Jr.

Bardehle Pagenberg Dost

William Snyder β€˜89/LL.M. β€˜06

Tasuku Matsuo LL.M. β€˜69

Allan Baris β€˜79 & Karen Watts β€˜80

Diane β€˜76 & Larry Stokke

The Rock Foundation

Kenneth β€˜88 & Lisa Baronsky

Paul β€˜67 & Kathryn Whelan

Ropes and Gray

The Boeing Company

Joseph & Katherine Ryan

Bosch Jehle Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Confederated Tribes and Bands of Yakama Nation (D) Dece ased

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

The Macfarlane Foundation

Verizon Communications Inc.


AIP Patent & Law Offices

Diana β€˜86 & Charles Carey Jr.*

Anonymous (4) The Honorable James β€˜67 (D) & Patricia Allendoerfer

Anonymous (3)

Joseph β€˜82 & Maureen Brotherton*

Report to Donors

Thomas β€˜68 & Jane Collins** John β€˜56 & Mary Costello Patrick & Paula Costello The Honorable John & Gwen Coughenour Kenneth β€˜40 & Nona β€˜42 Cox

Lonnie Rosenwald β€˜94

Foster Pepper PLLC

Dennis β€˜72 & Tedi Reynolds

The Runstad Foundation

Franzosi, Dal Negro, Pensato, Setti

Rigos Professional Education Programs Ltd.

Lourdes Fuentes β€˜96

James & Doreen Rigos

Jose β€˜76 & Olive Gaitan

Charles Robinson β€˜81

John Garner β€˜77**

William β€˜83 & Jennifer Robison

Judith β€˜74 & H. Jon Runstad * S.O.S. Foundation John β€˜82 & Christine Smith Sonderhoff & Einsel Law and Patent

GE Foundation

Gerald β€˜53 & Lucille Curtis

Donald β€˜54 & Kay Thoreson***

Bruce Dick β€˜82 & Rexanne Gibson β€˜82***

Clydia Cuykendall β€˜74***

Guy Towle β€˜77

The Honorable Carolyn β€˜53 & Cyrus (D) Dimmick

Arthur Tsien β€˜78 & Judith McGuire***

Professor Robert Gomulkiewicz β€˜87 & Andrea Lairson β€˜88

DLA Piper

Washington State Bar Association

Richard β€˜70 & Polly Dodd* Dominick β€˜56 & Aurora Driano*

Professor Jane & Peter Winn Woodcock Washburn

James Ellis β€˜49***

D. Michael β€˜75 & Julia Young

John β€˜53 & Doris Ellis*

Yuasa and Hara

Finnegan Henderson, et al.

Ann Hemmens

Katja Shaye

The Honorable Alfred Holte β€˜48***

Hatsushi Shimizu

Richard Hopp β€˜76 & Debbie Walsh Professor Maureen Howard β€˜86

Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation


Frommer Lawrence & Haug LLP

Accenture Foundation

Inland Northwest Community Foundation

The Honorable Joan β€˜75 & George Allison

Allen β€˜78 & Nettie Israel***

Garvey Schubert Barer Robert β€˜74 & Barbara Giles Hillis Clark Martin & Peterson Dean & Professor Emeritus Roland & Mary Hjorth*** John β€˜69 & Carol Hoerster** Professor Mary Hotchkiss* Susy Hsu

ACTEC Foundation Edwin β€˜56 & Jeanne Anderson Jr. Clemens Barnes β€˜69 & Lisa Anderson Major Joshua Berger β€˜03 Charles Blumenfeld β€˜69 & Karla Axell

Inslee, Best, Doezie, & Ryder, PS

Andrew & Brenda Bor

Evan β€˜56 & Elizabeth Inslee

The Honorable Robert β€˜58 & Cathy Bryan

Robert β€˜72 & Carol Jaffe* Edward & Karen Jones Hyun Kim LL.M. β€˜85/Ph.D. β€˜90 Mi-Kyung β€˜05 & Cheolsoo Kim Eugene β€˜66/LL.M. β€˜78 & Sachiko Lee* James β€˜63 & June Lindsey Jr.** Douglas Love β€˜88 & Rachel Running Frank β€˜85 & Teresa Michiels Robert Mucklestone β€˜54 & Megan Kruse* J. Shan β€˜58 & Lee Mullin** Professor Sean & Nicole O’Connor III P&E C Miller Charitable Foundation* Perkins Coie LLP Peterson Young Putra Riley & Nancy Pleas Family Foundation Joanne Roddis

David β€˜63 & Mary Broom

Fred β€˜56 & Ritajean Butterworth Samual & Loretta Chapin

The Seattle Foundation** Settlement Professionals, Inc.

Mario Franzosi

Pryor β€˜85 & Kathryn Garnett

Kenneth β€˜64 & Lucia Schubert Jr.**

Lynn Hall β€˜91

$1,000 to $1,999

Terry Abeyta β€˜76

Saltchuk Resources, Inc.

Lynn Hvalsoe β€˜80 & Clinton Chapin IBM Corporation

Justice Advocacy Africa Dan Kilpatric β€˜76 & Colleen Kinerk β€˜77 Charles β€˜65 & Nancy Kimbrough The Honorable Jack Kurtz β€˜51 The Lane Family Foundation Dennis β€˜67 & Liz Lane Julie Lanz β€˜01 & Max Ochoa Sherrey β€˜99 & Douglas Luetjen Scott β€˜54 (D) & Betty Lukins Martin β€˜70 & Andrea Lybecker*** Ross β€˜83 & Lisa Macfarlane

Walter Sinsheimer β€˜56 & Joan Blethen John β€˜70 & Rebecca Steel* Stephen Strong β€˜75 & Lorri Falterman Swanson Capital Management, LLC Gerald & Gloria Swanson Daniel Syrdal β€˜75* David & Daphne Tang* Lyn Tangen β€˜74 & Richard Barbieri Dean Kellye Testy & Tracey Thompson Donald Theophilus III β€˜89 Philip Thompson β€˜82 & Elizabeth Dolliver** G. Val β€˜73 & Mary Tollefson*** James Torgerson β€˜84 & The Honorable Morgan Christen* Irwin β€˜57 & Betty Lou Treiger* David β€˜61 & Mary Williams Michelle Wu Koichi & Yukari Yamaoka

William β€˜75 & Kathleen Collins**

Professor Deborah Maranville*

Charles & Patricia (D) Curran β€˜60

Thomas & Martha Marlow

$500 to $999

Lisa McGimpsey LL.M. β€˜01

Patricia Curran (D)

Brendan McNamara β€˜09

Professor Craig β€˜89 & Joyce Allen

Cutler Nylander & Hayton, P.S.

Jerry β€˜68 & Darlene McNaul***

American Arbitration Association

Professor Dwight β€˜73 & Kathleen Drake

Laurie β€˜84 & Jerry Minsk

J. Patrick β€˜76 & Peggy Aylward

Bruce Duff β€˜89 Linda β€˜76 & Randal Ebberson Professor Jonathan β€˜69 & Representative Deborah Eddy Charles β€˜71 & Jane Ekberg*** Richard β€˜74 & Diane Elliott* Kimberly β€˜85 & Charles Ellwanger* Daniel Finney β€˜88**

Brian Morrison β€˜77 James β€˜53 & Patsy Nelson The North Ridge Foundation* Douglas Ogden β€˜89* Oh-Ebashi LPC and Partners Nancy Pleas Vanessa Power β€˜00 Wayne L. Prim Foundation Wayne β€˜50 & Miriam Prim Reed, Longyear, Malanti & Ahrens

Arnold β€˜59 & Carol Barer William & Rita Bender The Honorable Robert β€˜49 & Karen Bibb Stephen β€˜93 & Julie Bishop John Bishop β€˜51 M. Wayne β€˜68 & Anne Blair Scott β€˜83 & Barbara Borth John β€˜82 & Starla Budlong

f a l l 2 0 11

Christensen O’Connor Johnson Kindness, et al.

uw law

*** individuals who have at least 20 years of consecutive giving

Michael β€˜83 & Linda Bugni* 57

* individuals who have at least 10 years of consecutive giving

Robert β€˜72 & Joan Cathcart

Jonathan Malamud LL.M. β€˜84

Richard Cleva β€˜79

Julia Markley β€˜99*

Carmela Conroy β€˜90

Paul Metzner

Stephanie Cox

Jonathan Meyers LL.M. β€˜05

Gordon Crandall β€˜53

Kenneth Miller & Christopher Pepin

Abigail Cromwell β€˜07 Crissa Cugini β€˜85** Roy β€˜02 & Truwyn Diaz Michael & Gail Emmons Foundation Michael β€˜66 & Gail Emmons Kristin Ferrera β€˜08 Cynthia Fester Michael β€˜69 & Marnie Finney Gary β€˜74 & Kristen β€˜74 Fluhrer Janice & Professor Walton Flynn Robert Free β€˜75 & Carolyn Corker-Free* Robert β€˜77 & Anita Friedman Jason Froggatt β€˜95 & Wendy Lister Leonor β€˜84 & Jay Fuller* The Honorable Carol β€˜54 & Herbert β€˜54 Fuller H. Graham β€˜67 & Carol Gaiser* Camille Gearhart β€˜85 & Timothy Burner

Chiyo & Toshiyuki Murata

$250 to $499

Maurice β€˜54 & Muriel Epstein*


Fuller & Fuller

Robert β€˜94 & Elena Allnutt

John Gadon β€˜83

Eric Anderson β€˜94 & Stephen Tollafield

Richard β€˜88 & Jennifer Gans

Professor Helen Anderson β€˜84 & Howard Goodfriend β€˜84

Chun Ng β€˜91

The Honorable Marlin Appelwick β€˜79 & Sharron Sellers*

The Honorable William β€˜63 & Marta Nielsen

The Honorable Sharon Armstrong β€˜74

Olson & Olson, PLLC

Stanley β€˜75 & Susan Bakun

Leslie β€˜00 & Mark Olson

Baumgartner, Nelson & Price, PLLC

William Nelson β€˜68

Dudley β€˜55 & Anne Panchot Jennifer Pertuset β€˜03 & Steven Lawrenz

The Bean Law Firm, PLLC

Judy Pigott

Jeffrey Bean & Sulynn Warner-Bean

Prudential Foundation

Mark β€˜79 & Christina Beatty

Marjorie Raleigh β€˜78

Marsha Beck β€˜72

Thomas β€˜84 & Tracy Read**

Laurel Beeler β€˜89

Bruce β€˜77 & Alida Robertson

Stephanie Bloomfield β€˜94

Professor William & Janet (D) Rodgers Jr.*

Ben Blum

Paul β€˜72 & Nancy Roesch Jr.

The Honorable Philip β€˜72 & Dorothy Brandt

Professor Emeritus Marjorie Rombauer β€˜60* Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland, PLLC

The Boston Foundation

Lt. Colonel Harold Brown β€˜84

David Glazer β€˜92 & Andrea Voytko Douglas Green β€˜78*** G. Keith β€˜52 & Naomi Grim Steven β€˜91 & Amy Gustafson Michael β€˜72 & Virginia Hall The Honorable Robert β€˜58 & Mary Harris* Donald Harrison β€˜74 The Honorable Frederick β€˜61 & Jean Hayes Earle Hereford Jr. β€˜73 & Margaret Winsor Hope Herron Jayanne Hino β€˜83 Thomas Hoemann β€˜77 Gary β€˜75 & Chris Huff Sarah Hughes β€˜74 ING Direct Barbara Isenhour β€˜73 Sylvester β€˜79 & Marlys Jaime*** John β€˜70 & Emilie John

Susan Sampson β€˜74

Bernadette Bulacan β€˜00/ LL.M. β€˜04 & Robert Starin

Jeffrey β€˜93 & Cassandra Johnson

Jo β€˜74 & Michael Sandler

Byrnes Keller Cromwell, LLP

Brent β€˜99 & Amy Jones

B. Michael Schestopol β€˜73 & Sarah Mann

Doreen Cardin


Elizabeth Schubert β€˜05

Rebecca Carlson β€˜10/LL.M. β€˜10

Keith β€˜72 & The Honorable Lynn Kessler**

Catherine Shaw β€˜87

Darren Carnell β€˜95* John β€˜69 & Susan Cary**

King County Washington Women Lawyers

Arley β€˜73 & Debra Harrel Jr.

Gregory Simon β€˜83 & Margo Reid

Kinne Hawes β€˜72

Steven Springmeyer

David β€˜94 & Miriam Chiappetta

Christopher β€˜75 & Cheryle Hirst*

The Attorney - CPA Tax Clinic

Christopher J. Soelling, PLLC

Douglas Jacobsen β€˜54

John β€˜55 & Susan Tomlinson

Gerald β€˜70 & Jeannie Coe

Richard β€˜82 & Agnes Johannsen

JoAnne β€˜80 & Jon Tompkins

Laurie β€˜81 & Patrick Connelly Lisa & Bruce Corker*

Judicial Dispute Resolution, LLC

Margret β€˜05 & David Truax WAMS

Robert Corrington

Washington Women Lawyers

Cowan Miller and Lederman, P.S.

Washington Women Lawyers Foundation

J. Richard β€˜66 & Marcia Crockett***

John Wechkin β€˜96

John Crosetto β€˜05

Joseph Lopez β€˜88 & Evelyn Fielding-Lopez β€˜88

David β€˜83 & Sahron West

The Honorable Ronald Culpepper β€˜76

Robert MacAulay β€˜82 & Keri Ellison*

William Deasy β€˜63

Madison Court LLC

Deloitte & Touche Foundation**

Donald β€˜68 & Brenda Mallett***

Julian β€˜57 & Alice Dewell*

Gary β€˜09 & Jessica β€˜09 Manca

Michael β€˜93 & Kenneth Gotham Claire β€˜86 & Paul Grace Hall Zanzig Clafin McEachern, PLLC Daniel β€˜77 & Margaret Hannula

Thomas Keane β€˜78 & Martha Noerr β€˜78** Diane Kero β€˜81 KPMG Involve Community Campaign The Honorable Ernest Kubota β€˜58* The Honorable J. Leach β€˜76 & Vickie Norris*

Julie Weston β€˜69 & Gerhardt Morrison Mary Whisner**

Serena Lee

Rando β€˜90 & Ketia Wick

Littler Mendelson Foundation, Inc.

Professor Louis & Susan Wolcher

Fengming LL.M. β€˜87 & Monica Liu

Craig Wright β€˜91

Deborah Livingstone Maisano Mediation, LLC 58

Mills Meyers Swartling, PSC

** individuals who have at least 15 years of consecutive giving

(D) Dece ased

Lien Yu β€˜97

Ishbel Dickens β€˜02 T. Ryan Durkan β€˜81 & Charles Burdell Jr.*** Roxanne Eberle β€˜09 Douglas Ende β€˜87

John Knox β€˜82 & DeeAnn Sisley* Martha Sandoval β€˜07 & Robert Kristjanson Karen β€˜90 & Bruce Kruse Todd Larson β€˜88 Laurel Smith & Associates Gust β€˜55 & Jo Ledakis* Price Lee Shoko Leek β€˜97 Clark Lin β€˜08

Paul LL.M. β€˜87 & Amy Manierre Dale β€˜64 & Shirley Martin Larry β€˜78 & Marsha β€˜54 Martin

Report to Donors

Gail Mautner Captain Richard McNees Sr. β€˜75* Polly β€˜87 & David McNeill Susan β€˜79 & Michael β€˜79 Megaard Kevan Morgan β€˜96 Jeff β€˜67 & Julia Morris

Raymond β€˜76 & Marie Walters*** Charles Warner β€˜47 Scott Warner LL.M. β€˜83 James Weisfield β€˜91 & Kelly O’Connell-Weisfield Douglas β€˜84 & Elizabeth Wheeler*

Steven & Lesley Olswang Dean Pedersen

Robert Boeshaar LL.M. β€˜98

Barbara & Philip Cutler

Nicole β€˜07 & Emmanuel Borromeo

D. Benjamin Lee, P.S.

Irene β€˜94 & Joseph Botero

Donald Dahlgren β€˜60

Deanna Dawson β€˜94

Bradley-Mullins Law Group, PLLC

Michelle Delappe β€˜09/LL.M. β€˜10

Donald Brazier Jr. β€˜54*

Anne Denko β€˜89

$100 to $249

Rear Admiral Herbert Bridge

Donald β€˜83 & Linda Dimmitt*

Anonymous (2)

William β€˜69 & Kathleen Britton*

Kevin β€˜83 & Kimberly Doyle

Loria & Joseph Yeadon

Ari Okano β€˜07

Gary β€˜65 & Marilyn Cunningham***

Jill Bowman β€˜81

Marc Wilhelm β€˜82**

Karen β€˜06 & Todd Nashiwa

Oh! Chocolates

Robert Crees β€˜56

Cynthia Boersma β€˜93 & Gary Borjesson

Greggory β€˜07 & Danielle β€˜07 Dalton

Diane Murley

Sharon Nelson β€˜76

Stacey Crawshaw β€˜97

Leo Bloch β€˜35

Ellen Bowman

Wild Sky Law Group, PLLC The Honorable Thomas β€˜68 & Yvonne Wynne

James Nelson β€˜80 & Meredith Copeland β€˜82

John Binns Jr. β€˜64

Arthur β€˜79 & M. Elizabeth Abel Gabriel Acosta β€˜86

David Brown β€˜08 Lawrence Brown β€˜52 The Honorable Mary β€˜58 & Thomas Brucker*

Timothy Drury β€˜90 Wick β€˜70 & Sheila Dufford Yvette Durant β€˜91

Charles Peery β€˜62

Danika Adams β€˜07 & Matthew Litke

John β€˜75 & Vickie Peick

Abbas & Asha Ahmed

The Honorable Robert Peterson β€˜53

Aiken, St. Louis & Siljeg, P.S.

Jeffrey β€˜74 & Pamela Pewe

Andrew Aley β€˜08

Tarik Burney β€˜97 & Shannon Phillips β€˜95

The Honorable Lesley Allan β€˜83

Teresa β€˜03/LL.M. β€˜04 & Matthew Byers

Patricia Allendoerfer

Professor Steve Calandrillo & Chryssa Deliganis*

Erica Eggertsen β€˜08

Stephen Camden β€˜67

Michael Elia β€˜87

W. Daniel β€˜70 & Diane Phillips Kimberly Rawson Timothy Redford β€˜83*

Amy Alexander β€˜11

Ward β€˜93 & Boni Buringrud* Feliciana β€˜78 & Professor Emeritus William Burke

Shelly & Michael Reiss

Douglas Anderson β€˜77 & Anne Noonan

Patricia β€˜80 & Donn Roberts***

Mark β€˜88 & Marlee Anderson

Fremont β€˜50 & Helen Campbell**

Brent Roche β€˜80

Thomas β€˜67 & Saloma-Lee Anderson

Kelly Canary β€˜07

Professor Thomas & Lauren Andrews

Stanley Carlson β€˜65***

The Honorable Jay Roof β€˜68 Alan Ross β€˜00 & Peggy Keene Heidi Sachs β€˜81 & John Friedhoff

Yosuke β€˜81 & Sakae Aoyagi Tyler Arnold β€˜10

Jeffrey Capeloto β€˜86 Colton Carothers β€˜11

The Honorable Daniel β€˜72 & Phyllis Edwards*** Scott β€˜91 & Christine Edwards Hideo Egawa LL.M. β€˜73 Susan β€˜79 & Terry Egnor** Howard β€˜61 & Diane β€˜61 Engle Jr.*** Rudy β€˜75 & Julie Englund Jeffrey Eustis The Honorable Ellen β€˜82 & Douglas Fair

Jeffrey Fehr β€˜02

Sabina β€˜02 & Evan β€˜02 Shapiro

Ellen Bachman β€˜74*

Lisa Christoffersen β€˜96 & Jeffrey Weber

Barbara β€˜84 & Peter Sherland

Jorgen Bader β€˜61**

John β€˜73 & Susan Clees

William β€˜97 & Yao LL.M. β€˜98 Bailey

Carolyn Cliff β€˜84

Keith Baldwin β€˜66

Edison International

Fat Cat Fudge, LLC

Bernda Bacani β€˜93

Brian Balch β€˜81

David & Kimberly Eckstein

Brent Carson β€˜86 & Jill Burday-Carson*

Jason Santana β€˜04

J. Ronald β€˜68 & Barbara Sim**

Molly β€˜04 & Daniel Eckman

Timothy Clifford β€˜60 Molly Cohan β€˜77

James β€˜60 & Ulla Feeley Mary & Karen Fenili Joshua Field β€˜06 Christie Fix β€˜08 Eric Fjelstad β€˜89

Gary β€˜75 & Ann Colley

The Honorable Betty β€˜56 & Professor Emeritus Robert Fletcher**

David β€˜88 & Melinda Cook

David Foley β€˜66

Jerry Bassett β€˜72***

The Honorable Susan Cook β€˜85

Karl β€˜82 & Mary β€˜82 Forsgaard

Michel β€˜60 & Roberta Stern

Douglas Batey β€˜80 & Marian Gaynor

Angela Cook β€˜11

Anna Franz β€˜08

Kevin LL.M. β€˜02 & Itsuko Takeuchi

Andrew Kashap & Monika Batra

Natalie Cooper β€˜10

Kristen Fraser β€˜91

Kathleen Corcoran

Michael Tardif β€˜74

Ronald Beard β€˜93

Everett Fruehling β€˜91 & Lynne Thomas

Richard Titus Jr. β€˜78*

Angela β€˜94 & Brian Belbeck

Russell β€˜67 & Sara Tousley

Stephanie Bell β€˜96

Hubert β€˜66 & Margueriette Travaille

John Bennett LL.M. β€˜81

United Way of Silicon Valley

Laurel Smith β€˜75 Christopher & Gail Soelling Roslyn Solomon β€˜86 & David Groff Shannon β€˜56 & Donna Stafford*

Megan β€˜08 & Jeffery Vogel

Jill Ballo β€˜02 Gaurab Bansal β€˜07 Jared Barrett β€˜07

Joshua Colangelo-Bryan β€˜99

Corporate Counsel Solutions PLLC

Gammer Law Group, PLLC

Anne β€˜76 & George Counts

Trent Gardner β€˜04

Lee Covell β€˜69

Gerard β€˜83 & Jill Gasperini

Colonel Betz β€˜99

Douglas β€˜68 & Corinne Cowan Jr.

Thomas Gayton β€˜70

Robert Bilow β€˜70 & Jeannine Mehrhoff**

Shane Cramer β€˜04

David Gehrke β€˜77

Gehrke, Wegener & Doull

f a l l 2 0 11

The Honorable Ricardo Martinez β€˜80 & Margaret Morris-Martinez

uw law

*** individuals who have at least 20 years of consecutive giving


* individuals who have at least 10 years of consecutive giving

Geico Philanthropic Foundation

Anne-Marie β€˜97 & Nabil Istafanous

Christian LL.M. β€˜97 & Aimee Gianni

Janet β€˜03 & Professor Andrew Jacobs

Danielle β€˜99 & Michael Githens

William Jaquette III β€˜78

Rebecca β€˜02 & Kevin Glasgow Rachel Gold β€˜06 & Joshua Miller Paul Goldberg β€˜67 Craig β€˜06 & Lica Gonzales Jeffrey Gonzales β€˜82 John β€˜55 & Lynn Gose David β€˜58 & Carolyn Gossard Jr. Michael Green β€˜61 Andrew β€˜04 & Hillary Greene Ramon β€˜98 & Ann Gupta Henry β€˜62 & Catherine Haas Joseph β€˜99/LL.M. β€˜00 & Katherine Gardner Garrett & Marcie Hall Shelley Hall β€˜98 Hudson Hamilton β€˜11 Meghan Hanson LL.M. β€˜07 Arthur Harding II β€˜75 Kenji Hashidate LL.M. β€˜75 Itaru Hatanaka LL.M. β€˜07 Katy β€˜07 & Robert β€˜07 Hatfield John β€˜53 & Geraldine Hay Genevieve Hayton β€˜09 Stephen β€˜73 & Lynn Hazard Professor Penny & Norris Hazelton* John β€˜52 (D) & Mary Heath Jr. Mary Heath David Heineck β€˜79

Michael Jeffers β€˜64** Monica Jenicek β€˜76 The Honorable Charles Johnson β€˜57* Jennifer Johnson β€˜99* William β€˜99 & Cara Johnson Bertil β€˜65 & Nancy Johnson Robert β€˜72 & Carol Johnston The Honorable Richard β€˜75 & Leslie Jones W. Temple LL.M. β€˜83 & Ise Jorden Henry Josefsberg β€˜88 Robert Kaplan β€˜69 & Professor Margaret Levi

Erin Lennon β€˜08

Joseph Nagy β€˜05/LL.M. β€˜06

Donna Leong β€˜79 & Robin Uyeshiro

Mehdi Nakhjiri & Erika Bliss

Larry β€˜68 & Diana Levy Julie β€˜91 & David Lichte Lorraine Linford β€˜91

Betty β€˜82 & Tom Ngan

James Lisbakken

Mark β€˜84 & Mary Nielsen

Paula Littlewood β€˜97

Toshikazu Nishimura LL.M. β€˜85

Patra Liu β€˜95* Professor Clark Lombardi & Greta Austin David Lonborg β€˜91 Suzanne Love β€˜05 Theodore β€˜82 & Nirhmala Lucas Michael Lufkin Lisa β€˜03 & Charles Lui

Leslie Ogg β€˜66 Janet Olejar β€˜72

The Honorable Kelsey Kawano β€˜84

Donald Marinkovich β€˜59

Keith Law and Mediation

Richard Martinez β€˜66

Adrienne Keith Katrina β€˜98 & James Kelly Robert β€˜66 & Mary Keolker* Roger β€˜81 & Cynthia Kindley King County Dispute Resolution Center Brent β€˜93 & Peggy Kinkade William Kinsel β€˜88 Megan Kirk β€˜02 Dustin β€˜99/LL.M. β€˜99 & Mary Klinger Mary β€˜74 & Professor Alan Klockars**


Rex Huang β€˜01 Mary Hulse Claudette Hunt Charles β€˜56 & Gerry Huppin James β€˜82 & Andrea Hurson Paul Hutton β€˜58 David Iseminger β€˜09 (D) Dece ased

The Honorable Kevin Korsmo β€˜82 The Honorable David β€˜78 & Peggy Kurtz*** Gareth Lacy β€˜11 James Ladley β€˜61 Robert β€˜65 & Anita Lamp Eric β€˜87 & Susan Lansverk Laurie Law Llewellyn β€˜07 & Brooke Lawson Janet & David Leatherwood Linda Lee β€˜04 Donghoon Lee β€˜84 Kris Lee β€˜90/LL.M. β€˜91 Robert β€˜97 & Jennifer Leinbach

Patrick O’Loughlin β€˜82 Richard β€˜66 & Carol Olson Rufus β€˜63 & Bonnie Orr

Berrie Martinis β€˜94

Joni Ostergaard β€˜80 & William Patton

Steven Masada Jr. β€˜04

Nancy Pacharzina β€˜94

Scott Matheson β€˜01

Mary β€˜77 & Professor George Parks

Mari Matsumoto β€˜07 & Taylor Black

Gavin Parr β€˜00*

Elizabeth Matthias

Patrick β€˜80 & Julie Paulich

Colleen & Bill McAleer

Frank β€˜57 & Carol Payne

The Honorable Larry McKeeman β€˜76 & Cynthia Treharne

Vernon Pearson

Jack β€˜59 & Carolyn McMurchie** Nancy & James McMurrer Jr.

Jeffrey β€˜86 & Suzanne Koontz

Juvella & Joseph Huang

Patricia O’Connor

Daniel LL.M. β€˜07 & Kristen Manson

Hendricks & Lewis, PLLC

David Huang LL.M. β€˜71/ Ph.D. β€˜75

Robert Nylander β€˜87 & Andrea Faste

Alan β€˜76 & Jane Macpherson

David Merchant β€˜92 & Shelley Pellegrino β€˜98

Mark Hough β€˜71

Robert β€˜70 & Patricia Nostrand

Roberta β€˜80 & Charles Katz Jr.

Ari Kohn

Lenny Hom

Jule β€˜98 & Frederick Northup Sr.*

Cooper β€˜08 & Lauren β€˜09 Offenbecher

Jeanette Henderson β€˜88

Michael Holmes

Kiichi Nishino

Vivian β€˜77 & Caesar Luna

Joseph β€˜02 & Karen Meara

Timothy β€˜76 & Candyce Hogan

Peter Nestor β€˜08 Newport Presbyterian Church

Christopher β€˜06 & Asako Kodama

Karen Hoewing β€˜77

Thomas Nast β€˜77

F. Wayne Lieb β€˜77

Dennis Helmick β€˜70

Andrew Himes


Professor Stewart Jay

** individuals who have at least 15 years of consecutive giving

Morgan Mercer β€˜70

John & Diane Michalik The Honorable Richard β€˜70 & Janis Miller

Ashley Peck β€˜07 Michael Pedhirney β€˜04 Ruby Pediangco β€˜94 & Matt Shumway Lloyd β€˜61 & Dorothy Peterson John Petshow β€˜88 Sheila Phillips β€˜00 Grzegorz Plichta β€˜04 Melvyn β€˜66 & Rosalind Poll Kathryn Porter β€˜07

Rodman Miller β€˜50*

Arlene Price*

Nicholas Miller β€˜73

Thomas β€˜95 & Peggy Pritchard

Phyllis Mines Donna Moniz β€˜82 The Honorable Stephen Moore β€˜77 Morales Rodriguez PS Scott β€˜97 & Jennifer Morris* G. Rick β€˜70 & Susan Morry*** Mary Moseley β€˜87 Richard β€˜61 & Mertie Muller* Mundt MacGregor LLP Kirk LL.M. β€˜96 & Darcy Muzzy

Putnam & Lieb Daniel β€˜82 & Mary Quinn Fred Rapaport β€˜82 & Christine Sutton* Edwin Rauzi β€˜81 & Shana Chung*** Fredric β€˜72 & Tana Reed* AJ Rei-Perrine β€˜04 The Honorable Howard β€˜61 & Lavonne Reser* Geoffrey β€˜72 & Teresa Revelle Matthew Rudow β€˜08 & Christina Richmond β€˜07

Report to Donors

Marilou Rickert β€˜90

Lila β€˜06 & Thomas Silverstein

David β€˜91 & Jill β€˜92 Tsuchitori

Nicholas Anderson β€˜04

John β€˜52 & Jacqueline Riley*

Simburg, Ketter, Sheppard & Purdy

Patrick β€˜65 & Rebecca Turner*

Rebecca Andrews β€˜03 & Scott Olmsted

Richard Simkins

Gerald β€˜66 & Kathleen Tuttle

Samuel Andrews LL.M. β€˜08

Shirli Simmons

Richard Ullstrom β€˜83

John Aramburu β€˜70*

Phillip Singer β€˜01

The Honorable Frederick β€˜68 & Jane Van Sickle*

Tina Aure

Daniel Ritter β€˜63 Robin Robbins John Roberts β€˜81 Joan Robinson β€˜77 Skylee Robinson β€˜09 Sonia Rodriguez True β€˜00 Charles β€˜60 & Marilyn Roe Jr. Michael β€˜86 & Susan Rogers James β€˜80 & Mary Rohrback* Linda Roubik β€˜85*** E. Charles β€˜69 & Susan Routh Jill β€˜98 & Craig Rowe Alan β€˜81 & Suzanne Rubens The Honorable John β€˜59 & Ann Rutter Jr.** Elizabeth β€˜94 & Paal Ryan* Tristan Rynning Lauren Sancken β€˜10 Brian Sander β€˜03 The Honorable Richard Sanders β€˜69 Suzanne Sarason β€˜81* Daniel Satterberg β€˜85 & Linda Norman β€˜85

Natasha Singh β€˜07 Morris β€˜78 & Cynde Sinor Shannon Skinner β€˜82 & Thomas Tanaka β€˜82 John β€˜52 & Barbara Slater Alan Smith & Barb Potashnick Cameron Smith β€˜03/LL.M. β€˜04 Karl Smith β€˜09 Terry β€˜70 & Colleen Snow Nancy Sorensen β€˜74 St. Jude Medical, Inc. Eric β€˜97 & Robyn Stahl Caleb Stewart Diane β€˜76 & Larry Stokke The Honorable Waldo β€˜49 & Norma Stone

Erica Sumioka β€˜07 Margaret Sundberg β€˜84***

Jon Schneidler β€˜69

Gary Swearingen β€˜94

The Honorable Jack β€˜48 & Lucille Scholfield

Christopher Sweeney β€˜04 & Brandon Loo

Kenneth Schubert III β€˜97 & Karen Foster-Schubert

Michael β€˜63 & Linda Swofford

Theodore Schultz β€˜67***

Catherine Szurek LL.M. β€˜97

Professor Scott & Moira Schumacher

John Taggart β€˜78 Jordan Talge β€˜11 The Honorable Philip β€˜76 & Darlene Talmadge William β€˜91 & Susan Taylor Don Taylor β€˜54 Karl Tegland β€˜72 Toby Thaler β€˜76 & Beckey Sukovaty Ralph β€˜70 & Betty Thomas Thompson and Delay

Cynthia Sharp β€˜10

Daniel Thompson β€˜88

Richard Shattuck β€˜85

Ronald β€˜58 & Marilyn Thompson

G. William Shaw β€˜78 & The Honorable Laura Inveen β€˜79

Connie Wan β€˜06 & Jeff Gu John Ward β€˜54 Emily Warden β€˜94 Kathleen Wareham The Honorable Thomas β€˜66 & Mary Warren The Honorable Anthony β€˜63 & Lynn Wartnik*

Kenneth β€˜84 & Ellen β€˜85 Weber

Scott Scherer β€˜84

Richard β€˜87 & Barbara Sharkey

James β€˜70/LL.M. β€˜71 & Cynthia Walsh

Daniel β€˜55 & Susan Sullivan

Akane Suzuki β€˜99 & Alexander Rea

Bradley β€˜88 & Ann Shannon***

Paul β€˜74 & Linda Waggoner

John β€˜73 & Mary Watts

Sheldon Sutcliffe β€˜68

Joseph Shaeffer β€˜02 & Jane Cover

W & N Zellmer Family, LLC

Lynn Strudler

Mark Scheibmeir β€˜81 & Wendy Tripp β€˜81

Linda β€˜95 & Forrest Sferra

Anne Vithayathil β€˜09

Washington Mediation Association

Neil Sussman β€˜82

William Severson β€˜74 & Meredith Lehr β€˜81

Professors Lea Vaughn & J. Patrick Dobell III***

Paul Street β€˜73*

Klaus & Sherry Schaie

Barbara Selberg β€˜87

Kristine Vannoy

Janet Tietz

Brad β€˜80 & Linda β€˜79 Baldwin James Baxter Michael Bayley β€˜92 Jennifer β€˜88 & John Beard Jacquelyn Beatty β€˜87 & Warren Wilkins Jean Bennett & John McClellen Jr. Alan Berg LL.M. β€˜75 Robert Berselli β€˜09/LL.M. β€˜10 Juliann Bildhauer Ian β€˜01 & Karena Birk Charles β€˜79 & Katharine Blackman Boehm’s Candies Myles Boothe Jr. Jessica Bran β€˜05 James Brown LL.M. β€˜05 Christopher β€˜95 & Ginger Brown James Brown β€˜08

Yarden Weidenfeld β€˜04

Hugh Cain β€˜82 & Anne Clark

Ronald Weston β€˜85

Robert β€˜83 & Janice Carmichael

Robert β€˜52 & Cynthia Wetherholt

John Chaves LL.M. β€˜81

Sims Weymuller β€˜02 & Stacy Connole β€˜02

Chukar Cherries

John Whalen LL.M. β€˜06

James Cissell β€˜87 & Linda Johnson

Edward β€˜76 & Margaret White Charles β€˜94 & Paula Williams Patrick Willison LL.M. β€˜90

Brianna Chung β€˜10

William Coats β€˜72 Lawrence Cock β€˜90 & Stacie Foster β€˜92

Phillip β€˜69 & Constance Winberry***

Richard β€˜71 & Jane Cohen**

Allen Wooddell

Laura Crawford β€˜86

Andre Wooten β€˜75 Alexander Wu β€˜08 Ya-Ling Wu β€˜08 Motohiro Yamane LL.M. β€˜07 & Ju Ha Dustin Yeager β€˜05 Jeannette Yim JoAnn Yukimura β€˜74 & John Wehrheim Willard Zellmer β€˜47 $1 to $99

Charles Coleman III β€˜74 Robroy Crow β€˜85 Christopher Curtis β€˜89 Don Dascenzo β€˜78 William Davis β€˜98 Robin Dean β€˜10 Aimee Decker β€˜09 & Kevin Higinbotham Emily Deckman β€˜05 Kevin Diaz β€˜96 James β€˜72 & Michele Dickens Maureen Dightman β€˜73

D. Douglas Titus LL.M. β€˜98

Anonymous (2)

Morris β€˜63 & Donna Shore

Professor Michael Townsend & Jenny McCloskey

The Honorable Gerry β€˜64 & Christine Alexander

Neal β€˜64 & Linda Shulman

Transforming Conflict, LLC

Robert β€˜78 & Sandra Sifferman

The Honorable Michael β€˜79 & Lois β€˜80 Trickey

Gregory Anacker & Lora Bennett

Constance β€˜76 & Roger Ellingson

Professor Emeritus William & Mary Andersen

David Elsen β€˜84

David β€˜70 & Frauke Shelton

Patrick Trompeter β€˜04

The Honorable Robert Doran Darcie Durr β€˜04

f a l l 2 0 11

Nita Rinehart β€˜89

uw law

*** individuals who have at least 20 years of consecutive giving


* individuals who have at least 10 years of consecutive giving

Deborah Elvins β€˜78

Julian β€˜08 & Allison Hurst

Edward McReynolds

George Reynoldson

Stephanie Erickson β€˜11

James Hutchens LL.M. β€˜05

Courtney Mertes β€˜06

Jennifer Ewers β€˜90

Lori Irwin β€˜83

Ryan Meyer β€˜06/LL.M. β€˜08

Martin β€˜84 & Genevieve Rollins

Jay Farrell LL.M. β€˜07

John β€˜62 & Marli Iverson***

Eleanor Miller β€˜11

Alicia Feichtmeir β€˜09

Robert Jacoby

Warner & Janet Miller

Matthew Fersch LL.M. β€˜07

James D. Ladley, PS

Camille Fisher

Laurel & Andrew Jennings

Jessica β€˜90 & Alexander Mindlin

Griffith Flaherty β€˜88 & Lovie Bernardi β€˜88

Carli Jensen β€˜10

Joan Flaschen β€˜10 Steven β€˜90 & Louise Forrest* Richard Forsell β€˜80* Richard J. Forsell, P.S.

Craig Jensen LL.M. β€˜96 Frances & William Johnson Bruce β€˜79 & Colett Judd* Tyson β€˜06 & Joan Kade

Shannon Fowler β€˜95

Andreas β€˜99 & Professor Sarah β€˜03 Kaltsounis

William Fraser β€˜58

Takashi Kamiya LL.M. β€˜86

Alex Freeburg β€˜10

Thomas Keller β€˜77

E. Robert Fristoe β€˜49

Meghan Kelly β€˜11

Jessica Fritz β€˜10

Jacqueline Kettman-Thomas β€˜06 & Mike Thomas

Jerome Froland β€˜84 Andrew Gardner β€˜10 James β€˜82 & Jennifer β€˜82 Gary

Shaunta Knibb β€˜97 Ada Ko LL.M. β€˜99 Robert Kondrat β€˜01

Deborah Gates LL.M. β€˜86

Judith Kovarik

Lesli Genstler β€˜88

Lisa Kremer β€˜08

Andrea George β€˜05

William LaMarca

Phillip Gladfelter

Arthur β€˜57 & Eleanor Lane

Adam Glant β€˜08

David Laskin & Professor Kathleen O’Neill

Professor Julia Gold Benjamin Golden β€˜11 & Holly Lange β€˜10 Gail Gorud β€˜82 Richard Graham β€˜99 Sharon Greer Michelle β€˜10 & Joseph Grienauer Anita Grinich LL.M. β€˜96 Don Gulliford β€˜68 Sarah Hale Michiko Hase β€˜09 Lena Haslund β€˜07

Professor Vai Lo LL.M. β€˜94/ Ph.D. β€˜97 Timothy Lovain β€˜83 Allan β€˜68 & Elizabeth MacDougall Janet Madill

Beau Haynes & Idalia Limon John β€˜53 & Phyllis Hazelwood

Lianne Malloy β€˜84

Lynn β€˜87 & Joseph Hendrickson Katherine Herche β€˜10 Beth Hilliard The Honorable Stephen Hillman β€˜75

Marnie Malpass β€˜02 Stacy Marchesano β€˜08 Danan Margason β€˜10 Jennifer Marlow β€˜10 Stephen Masciocchi β€˜90 Michael Mashni LL.M. β€˜10 Suzanne Matsen β€˜74

Scott Samuelson β€˜93 Naomi & Jesus Sanchez

Connor Moran β€˜11

Jeffrey Schick β€˜01

Caitlin Morray β€˜10 Rebecca Morrow LL.M. β€˜10 Yoko Mukai LL.M. β€˜09 Mie Murazumi β€˜01 Jennifer Murray β€˜05

James Sfekas β€˜07

David Norris β€˜78 William & Peggy O’Hanlon Nora Oldwin β€˜85 Karl Oles β€˜86 Theodore Olson β€˜61 Cherise Oram LL.M. β€˜98 O’Sullivan Law Office, PS

Sandra Pailca β€˜89 Patti Paris Grant Parker β€˜88 Richard Paroutaud β€˜75 Glen β€˜97 & Madelyn Pascual* Savitha Pathi Paul Peterhans & Mary de Rosas Chelsea β€˜09 & Matthew Peters Amie Peters β€˜05 Jacob Phillips β€˜10 Juli Pierce β€˜04 William Pigott β€˜10 Commander Eugene Pinkelmann Jr. LL.M. β€˜78

The Honorable Gerard & Barbara Shellan Andrew β€˜92 & Virginia β€˜92 Shogren Clarence β€˜57 & Jean Shuh Paula Simon β€˜10 Pauline Smetka β€˜80 Gerald Smith β€˜70*** David β€˜76 & Ann Sonn Robert Spielman β€˜05 William β€˜07 & Stephanie Stafford III Maxine Stansell β€˜79 Caitlin Steiger β€˜11 Quentin β€˜70 & Sherry Steinberg Jan Stephens Daniel Stonington Heather Straub β€˜99 Emily Studebaker β€˜01 Eulalie & Eric Sullivan Shara Svendsen β€˜06 & Alejandro Cumplido Kelly β€˜90 & Stephen Taylor Janet Terada Robert Thiel LL.M. β€˜98 Luke Thomas β€˜02

Port Washington Public Library Staff Association

Adella Thompson β€˜11

Pitman β€˜85 & Victoria Potter

Danh Tran

Gregory Provenzano β€˜82

Kevin McClure β€˜95

Glenn Ramel LL.M. β€˜04

Chester McCorkle & Dean Sandra Archibald

Rachel Rappaport β€˜10

John McCormack β€˜73

RealNetworks Foundation

(D) Dece ased

Susan & Alan Schulkin

Linda Sellers β€˜88

R. M. Holt, Inc. P.S.

Harry β€˜77 & Marjolein McLachlin

Jeffrey Schouten β€˜97

Shirley LL.M. β€˜95 & Robert Nixon

Thomas McCall Jr. LL.M. β€˜81 & Kathleen Taimi

David Howenstine β€˜07

Andrea Schmitt β€˜07

Ari Neumann β€˜10

Richard β€˜58 & Gerene Holt

James Howe β€˜80 & Janet Gros Jacques*

Eric & Kristin Schmidt

Randall Barnard β€˜78 & Stephanie Searing β€˜78

Janet β€˜90 & Tim May*

Travis Honore β€˜10 & Yun Chu

Allen Sandico

Kirsten Naito β€˜11

Joseph Hoffmann β€˜84 Kimbrely β€˜97 & Brooks Holtom

Rachel Sage β€˜09

Monroe Correctional Complex

Allan Overland β€˜51

Mark Linneman

Katherine Sadlon β€˜06 Yoshiko Saheki*

The Honorable Roger Lewis β€˜54 Megan β€˜07 & Jeremy Lim

Lawrence Rozsnyai β€˜06

Deon Miyoi β€˜08

Jane O’Sullivan β€˜03

Julie Lim

Eric Roth β€˜98

Kristen Mitchell β€˜01

Janette Lawrence

Dennis Maher β€˜08 & Kate Thompson-Maher

Bonnie Hemphill


** individuals who have at least 15 years of consecutive giving

Dominic Puzzo β€˜71 (D)

William Rasmussen β€˜06 Milton β€˜07 & Tara Reimers III

Heather Tomsick LL.M. β€˜04 Michael β€˜93 & Lori Trevino Jonathan Tse LL.M. β€˜09 Amy Tucker LL.M. β€˜00 Reba Turnquist Masanobu Ueda LL.M. β€˜10 Joanna Valeri β€˜07 Professor Eugene Vance (D)

*** individuals who have at least 20 years of consecutive giving

Sarah β€˜04 & Michael Vaughan Darryl β€˜82 & Jann Vhugen Ronald Wagenaar β€˜84* Rodney β€˜70 & Nina Waldbaum* Theresa Wang β€˜07 Carol Warner β€˜81 Washington Law Review Robert Welden β€˜70*** Douglas β€˜72 & Janet Whalley**

Report to Donors


During 2010-11 the School of Law received gifts in honor of and in memory of the following individuals.

Stephen White LL.M. β€˜87 Geneva Williams β€˜10 Lewis Wilson β€˜72*

In memory of Ben Athay β€˜07

Susan Wilson

In honor of Stan Barer β€˜63

Patsy & Shashi Wosepka

In honor of Joseph L. Brotherton β€˜82

Michelle Wynne β€˜08

In memory of Stanley Bruhn β€˜54

Jim Young β€˜06 & Jennifer Xu

In honor of Peter Buck β€˜73

Shaobin Zhu β€˜08 Tiffany Zinter β€˜08

In honor of the Class of 1958 In memory of Professor Charles Corker In memory of Professor Meade Emory In honor of Trent Erickson β€˜01/LL.M. β€˜01 In memory of Barbara Gene Richards Fishel In memory of Leslie H. Fishel Jr. In honor of Bill Gates Sr. β€˜50 In honor of Professor Julia Gold In memory of Luvern Grim In honor of Dennis Helmich In memory of Ralph Johnson In honor of Professor Lisa Kelly In honor of Francis A. LeSourd β€˜32 In memory of Francis A. LeSourd β€˜32 In honor of Jennifer Marlow β€˜10 In memory of William Quinn Marshall Sr. β€˜55 In honor of Kathy Roddis Meyer In memory of Professor Paul Miller In memory of Evelyn Foster Read β€˜40 In memory of Stanley M. Samuels β€˜56 In honor of Kenneth and Lucia Schubert Jr. β€˜64 In memory of Tom Sedlock β€˜73 In memory of Alena E. Suazo β€˜10

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Erika Yuen β€˜05

uw law

Hania Younis β€˜09


Judy Bendich ’75 Announces

Scholarship Giving Challenge

Upon graduation from law school, and with a

Several years ago the Bendichs funded the Judith

$5,000 loan from her husband, Judy Bendich and

and Arnold Bendich Law Student Scholarship

classmates David Stobaugh and Stephen Strong,

Endowment. The Bendichs have watched as the

began a law firm, Bendich, Stobaugh and Strong.

scholarship has opened up a new world of oppor-

Since that time, the law firm has become renowned,

tunities for its recipients. Due to ever-increasing

taking on Goliath employers such as Microsoft,

tuition costs, they know scholarships are worth

the City of Seattle, and King County and gaining

their investment.

benefits, pay and regular employee status for β€œpermatemps.” The Microsoft suit started with a small group of β€œcontract workers,” but by the time the case finally settled twelve years later, the case

The Bendichs hope law alumni will join them and meet the challenge by giving to scholarships for UW Law students.

had expanded to 14,000 class members. As a result

If you have questions about this challenge or

of similar litigation, King County created over

would like information on how to make a gift to

600 regular jobs for its so-called β€œtemps,” who

law student scholarships, please contact Stephanie

had worked for years doing the same work as

Cox, Assistant Dean for Advancement at 206-685-

regular employees.

2460 or stephcox@uw.edu.

As an alumna of the UW School of Law, Bendich sits on the Law School Foundation Board, the Law School Advancement Committee, and at the request of Dean Joe Knight was a member of the Strategic Planning Committee. Bendich also helped initiate the Law Firm Annual Challenge at the request of Norm Maleng and she serves as the Law School’s representative on the UW Foundation Board. Bendich and her husband Arnie recently announced a $75,000 challenge to inspire giving to scholarships. Why? ”The need today is overwhelming,” she says. When Bendich went to the University of Washington School of Law, tuition was $600 a year. β€œAt current tuition rates, neither I nor my partners could ever have afforded to go to law school. We believe these students deserve an opportunity to go to the UW Law School and receive the excellent education we did.” 64

the bendichs with scholarship recipient Rebecca Jones β€˜11

Report to Donors

Law Firm Annual Challenge The fifth year of the Law Firm Annual Challenge saw tremendous support and alumni involvement. Alumni participation grew to 53% at participating firms and companies.

Top Finishers Group 1 (30+ alumni) Perkins Coie LLP


K & L Gates


Group 2 (11 - 29 alumni) Stoel Rives LLP


GarveY Schubert Barer


Group 3 (10 or fewer alumni) Intellectual Ventures


Peterson Young Putra



Learn more about the Challenge at law.wasington.edu/lfac

The Law Firm Annual Challenge serves as the foundation for an organized and mutually beneficial partnership to sustain and grow the UW School of Law for the betterment of the legal community and beyond. Special thanks to all the Law Firm Annual Challenge representatives for their hard work and support: Judy Bendich β€˜75, Bendich, Stobaugh & Strong

Diana Carey β€˜86, Karr, Tuttle, Campbell

James Nelson β€˜80, Betts, Patterson & Mines, P.S.

Wayne Gittinger ’57, Tim DeFoers β€˜09, and Paige Davis β€˜04 Lane Powell, PC

Greg Adams β€˜77 and Megan Vogel ’08, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Allen Israel β€˜78 and Rod Dembowski ’01, Foster Pepper PLL C Bruce Robertson ’77 and Ken Schubert ’64, Garvey Schubert Barer Nick Drader β€˜00 and Zach Hiatt β€˜06, Graham & Dunn PC Greg Gorder β€˜85, Lonnie Rosenwald β€˜94, and Roy Diaz β€˜02, Intellectual Ventures Jim Danielson ’71, Jeffers, Danielson, Sonn & Aylward PS Kent Carlson β€˜67, Rick Dodd ’70, and Bob Jaffe β€˜72, K & L Gates

Special thanks to alumni who made matching challenges as part of the Law Firm Annual Challenge: Greg Gorder β€˜85, alumni at all LFAC firms C. Kent Carlson β€˜67, alumni at K&L Gates Rick Dodd β€˜70, alumni at K&L Gates Robert Jaffe ’72, alumni at K&L Gates

Guy Towle β€˜77, Miller Nash LL P Shan Mullin β€˜58 and Bob Giles β€˜74, Chuck Blumenfeld β€˜69, Jan Cunningham β€˜76, Heidi Sachs β€˜81, Lisa McGimpsey LL.M. ’01, Martha Sandoval β€˜07, Ben Stafford β€˜07, Gaurab Bansal β€˜07, Perkins Coie LLP Felix Gavi Luna β€˜97 and Mike Wampold ’96, Peterson Young Putra Bruce Borrus’81, Riddell Williams P.S. Kevin Bay β€˜90, Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland, PLL C Richard Sharkey β€˜87, Seed Intellectual Property Law Group, PLL C Geoffrey Revelle β€˜72 and Skylee Robinson β€˜09, Stoel Rives LL P Arley Harrel β€˜73, Williams, Kastner, PLL C Drew Markham β€˜99, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

In addition to alumni support, the Law Firm Annual Challenge received contributions for special projects from the following groups:

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Molly Eckman β€˜04, Cozen & O’Connor

uw law

Jerry Nagae ’78 and Everett Fruehling ’91, Christensen O’Connor Johnson Kindness PLLC


Washington L aw School Foundation

July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012 President

Linda Ebberson β€˜76 Lasher Holzapfel Sperry & Ebberson, PLLC

Vice President

Don Theophilus β€˜89 Swedish Medical Center Foundation

Immediate Past President Gregory Adams β€˜77 Davis Wright Tremaine


Gregory Gorder β€˜85 Intellectual Ventures

Direc tor s

Ex Officios

The Honorable Gerry Alexander β€˜64 Washington State Supreme Court

Jose Gaitan β€˜76 The Gaitan Group

Judith Bendich β€˜75 Attorney at Law

Colleen Kinerk β€˜77 Cable, Langenbach, Kinerk & Bauer, LLP

Joel Benoliel β€˜71 Costco Wholesale Corporation David Broom β€˜63 Paine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke & Miller LLP Robert Flennaugh β€˜96 Law Offices of Robert Flennaugh II PLLC

Robert Giles β€˜74 Perkins Coie

Kenneth Schubert, Jr. β€˜64 Garvey Schubert Barer Lyn Tangen β€˜74 Vulcan, Inc.

Maurice Classen β€˜04 King County Prosecutors Office

Stephanie Cox Assistant Dean, UW School of Law

Kellye Y. Testy Dean, UW School of Law, and James W. Mifflin University Professor

Craig Wright β€˜91 Attorney at Law


July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012 President

Roy Diaz β€˜02 Intellectual Ventures

Vice President

Paula Littlewood β€˜97 Washington State Bar Association


Gerald Swanson β€˜96 KOM Consulting PLLC Secretary (non-voting)


Stephanie Cox Assistant Dean, UW School of Law


The Honorable Bobbe Bridge β€˜76 Center for Children & Youth Justice Darren Carnell β€˜95 King County Prosecutors Office Maurice Classen β€˜04 King County Prosecutors Office Dominick Driano β€˜56 Law Offices of Dominick V. Driano, PLLC

Ex Officios

Hon. Kenneth Kato β€˜75 Retired, Mediation / Arbitration Lisa Kremer β€˜08 Gordon Thomas Honeywell, Tacoma Eugene Lee ’66 King Blakemore Foundation Suzanne Love ’05 King County Prosecutor’s Office David Orange β€˜06 Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney

Leonor Fuller β€˜84 Fuller & Fuller

Lonnie Rosenwald β€˜94 Intellectual Ventures

Rebecca Glasgow β€˜02 State Attorney General’s Office

C. Deep Sengupta β€˜01 Fed Ex Trade Networks, San Francisco

Arley Harrel β€˜73 Williams Kastner & Gibbs

James Torgerson β€˜84 Stoel Rives LLP, Anchorage

Faculty Director

Nathan Barnes β€˜12 SBA President

Maureen Howard β€˜86 Professor of Law, UW School of Law

Mary Hotchkiss Associate Dean, Senior Law Lecturer UW School of Law Beverly Sanders Director of Alumni Relations UW School of Law Kellye Y. Testy Dean, UW School of Law and James W. Mifflin University Professor


July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011 Stanley Barer β€˜63 Saltchuk Resources Inc.

Joseph Brotherton β€˜82 The Brotherton Companies

Garrett Hall UW School of Law

Judy Runstad β€˜74 Foster Pepper PLLC

Judith Bendich β€˜75 Attorney at Law

Stephanie Cox Assistant Dean, UW School of Law

Earl Lasher β€˜66 Lasher Holzapfel Sperry & Ebberson

Kimberly Eckstein UW School of Law

Bruce Robertson β€˜77 Garvey Schubert Barer

Kellye Y. Testy Dean, UW School of Law and James W. Mifflin University Professor

Joel Benoliel β€˜71 Costco Wholesale Corporation

Gregory Gorder β€˜85 Intellectual Ventures 66


fa ll 2011 Law School News

C alling all U niversity of Washington S chool of L aw A lumni

Admissions Recruiting Events




James Mackler ’97

From private practice to Black Hawk helicopter

James Hutchens LL.M. ’05 & Associate Professor Dwight Drake ’73


From guinea pig to Chicago estate planning attorney

Toni Rembe ’60


Fac u lt y & F i r m

pilot to Nashville law firm

B o o k s & B e yo n d


i n t h e S p ot l i g h t


a L aw D e g r ee i n Ac t i o n

From shy law student to first woman partner at west coast law firm

If you are interested in meeting prospective applicants and sharing your experiences as a law student and alumnus of the University of Washington School of Law, please contact Admissions at 206.543.4078 or lawadm@uw.edu. 36

We will be at the following cities and recruiting events, where your presence is welcomed and appreciated.

Fac u lt y P u b l i c at i o n s & pr e s en tat i o n s


The Office of Admissions & Financial Aid wants you to join us this fall as we recruit the best and brightest applicants across the country.


R e m e m b er w h en…


c l a s s n ot e s in memoriam


47 49

R ep o r t to D o n o r s C a l en da r


November 1-3

November 14

University of California

Portland State University

Riverside, San Diego, and Los Angeles

back cover

Portland, OR

November 16

November 5

University of Washington

Atlanta Law School Admission Council (LSAC) Forum

Seattle, WA

Atlanta, GA

November 18

November 10

The Hilton – University of Houston Hotel & Conference Center Houston, TX

University of Puget Sound

Tacoma, WA November 11

University of Oregon

Eugene, OR

National Black Pre-Law Conference

November 19

Houston LSAC Forum

Houston, TX

We look forward to meeting you on the road! UW LAW EARLY ENGAGEMENT




Can’t make one of our recruiting events but want to play a critical role in our law school community by assisting prospective students in their application process? Take the first step today and volunteer! Email earlylaw@uw.edu to express your interest and find out how you can make a difference in the life of a future law student. For more information, visit www.law.washington.edu/Alumni.

UW LAW Volume 64 Fall 2011

Editorial Board Helen Anderson ’84, Stephanie Cox,

Dean Kellye Y. Testy Editor Elizabeth Coplan

Kimberly Ellwanger ’85, Penny Hazelton, Roland L. Hjorth, Eugene Lee ’66, LL.M. ’68, Jerry McNaul ’68, Signe Naeve ’00


Editorial office and subscription changes

William H. Gates Hall

Copyright 2011 University of Washington School of Law. All rights reserved. UWLAW is published twice a year by the University of Washington School of Law and is made possible by a gift from the Washington Law School Foundation. Contributing writers Elizabeth Coplan, Corbin Lewars, Cheryl Nyberg Contributing photographers Elizabeth Coplan, Kerry Dahlen, Matt Hagen,Tiffany Sevareid, Jack Storms, and DWT Design Jo-Ann Sire and John Linse

UW Law, William H. Gates Hall, Room 383 University of Washington School of Law Box 353020, Seattle, WA 98195-3020 Email: uwlaw@u.washington.edu

March 30 – 31, 2012


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Leaders for the Global Common Good


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ca le n d a r Fa ll 20 1 1 Γ’€“ S pr i n g 20 1 2 March 20

Order of the Coif Banquet

San Francisco Alumni & Friends Reception

New York City Alumni & Friends Breakfast

January 28 -29

March 21

Professional Mediation Skills Training Program

Washington, D.C. Alumni & Friends Reception

Feb ruary 10

March 30

November 15

PILA Auction

Gates Public Service Law Speaker

Feb ruary 15

Admitted Students Day Welcome Reception

Monica Roa

Portland Alumni & Friends Reception

April 3

December 2

Feb ruary 15

Golden Alumni Reunion Luncheon

Law School Applications Due

Race & Radicalism Symposium & Reception

January 12

Feb ruary 23

First Amendment Panel with Yale Law Dean Robert Post

Greet UW Law at WSBA Bar Exam

Armed Forces U.S. Court of Appeals Visit

March 12

May 4 - 5

Annual Law Dawgs in the Desert Dinner

Dispute Resolution Conference

November 5

Huskies vs. Oregon Tailgate November 10

Tacoma Alumni & Friends Reception

January 13 -15

Professional Mediation Skills Training Program

April 4 - 5

For more information on events, registration and additions to the CLE schedule, visit our website: www.law.washington.edu/calendar

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January 19

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