L'ESSOR Newsletter of the Professional French Masters Program WINTER 2017

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newsletter of the professional french masters program University of Wisconsin-Madison Volume 13, Issue 2



PFMP concentration prepares grads for emerging field By Annique Kiel (MFS 2004, international education)

in this issue PFMP concentration in international education feeds an emerging field


Short profiles: PFMP alumni working in international education


From the Director


Alumni profile : Meghan Butler on public health NGOs and life in Guinea


Current students & alumni


Nouveaux livres : Jack Kerouac inédit


International education offices are seeking experienced global talent. PFMP graduates embody the qualifications employers are seeking.

PFMP alumna Annique Kiel (right) poses in Washington, DC, with Khady, a fellow in the Young African Leaders Initiative. Kiel , who is now Executive Director of Global Engagement and International Programs at Drake University, led efforts to make Drake one of the host institutions for this prestigious fellowship program.

International education is a growing field in the United States. Institutions of higher learning are committing to global engagement and mutual understanding as part of their ethos—in today’s hyper-interconnected world, in some ways, they have no choice. This commitment means that employers in higher education are seeking experienced global talent to lead these critical efforts. Graduates of the Professional French Masters Program’s French and International Education concentration embody the qualities and qualifications that employers in international education are seeking. The PFMP is designed with this end result in mind: to produce highly qualified, skilled professionals with advanced proficiency in French. Every element of the program is

designed to achieve this goal. While many graduate programs in international education wade into theoretical underpinnings, featuring general coursework in higher education issues, the PFMP gives students a specialized global skillset and the professional preparation they need in order to be effective when entering this field. International education is interdisciplinary at its core, because in this field professionals not only engage with and support students from across all disciplines, they also create and manage diverse programming. The hands-on, experiential learning students do in the PFMP prepares them for the exact type of (continued on p. 2)

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ALUMNI PROFILES IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION “The PFMP prepared me for a career in international education by providing me with language proficiency, excellent contacts and professional experience in study abroad advising. I was able to participate in two internships and a practicum in international education offices at three higher education institutions. It also introduced me to important professional conferences and organizations through which I found my current position.” “The professional and intercultural communication components of the PFMP were critical to my success in finding a job in international education.”

Laura Paris (MFS 2011) Education Abroad Advisor University of Georgia

Angela Bublitz (MFS 2016) Program Coordinator, Rutgers-New Brunswick School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Office of International Programs

“PFMP courses on cultural theory and research reinforced the importance of international education and helped me see the relevance of cross-cultural learning more clearly and specifically.”

“While a student in the PFMP, I connected with international educators on the UW-Madison campus and beyond. Working in different international offices allowed me to apply knowledge and skills in new ways.”

Sarah Craver (MFS 2012), Program Assistant, MIT-France, Belgium, and French-Speaking Switzerland (photo © Lily Keyes)

The PFMP gave me the hands-on experience and global skill set I needed to be a leader in the field of international education.

Kiel (continued from p. 1) programming they will be managing in their careers. This is true of all concentration areas. In its international education concentration, skill-building workshops are led by practitioners in international education, exposing students to current issues in the field. All students complete an international internship, giving them real-life experience at the time of graduation, which is commonly a requirement for positions in international education. PFMP graduates go into the interview process equipped with these real-life

Joseph Halaas (MFS 2009) Director of International Programs Wisconsin School of Business

insights and experiences, making for a virtually seamless transition between program completion and the workplace. As the senior internationalization officer of an American university, I can say with certainty that the PFMP gave me the interdisciplinary, hands-on experience and global skill set needed to be a leader in the field of international education. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to take part in the PFMP, and look forward to continuing to support a program that produces such high caliber international education professionals.

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From the Director : French for Jobs Most students of French hope to be able to speak and write as well as the native speakers they have known. Fluency is the ability to converse, tell a good story and wonder about things that may not have happened yet. It suggests culture and worldliness. It means being able to write well. The Professional French Masters Program has developed a recipe for the next level of fluency: working in French, well enough to flourish among native speakers, in a specific field and with the most generally recognized professional tools and best practices. PFMP alumni leave with a strong working sense of professional culture. More Americans than one might think can speak French well enough. But very few of them have a thorough enough sense of professional culture to be able to turn their French into a job. PFMP students can. All their graduate courses at Wisconsin are now in the French language, and by this writing many of them have completed several of their required professional skills workshops, with experts in the fields of entrepreneurship, translation and interpreting, humanitarian consulting, budgeting and forecasting, and private-sector sustainable development. They will go deeper next spring, in skills ranging from market research to project management. Working regularly with our Assistant Director on individualized internship hunting, some students have already begun to receive their internship offers for next year. Networking hums along

as always, in the lives of all our students, as they work on their individualized research projects and professional development. Second-year students have begun to present their final projects and graduate, on to their next professional chapters. Alumni regularly advise program students. Teachers do our master’s, too. We are nearly finished with modifications in our summer track for French teachers, beginning in 2018, so that they can do their degree parttime at a distance, but also in both Madison and Aix-en-Provence—working with specialists in French and Second Language Acquisition, at both sites. In short, the PFMP is about using your French to get to a particular professional path. This newsletter, as always, features lots of people who are doing this right now or have done so recently. Annique Kiel and some of her PFMP alumni colleagues shine a special light on our French and International Education”concentration, which leads those graduates to jobs in a field that has been growing quickly over the past few years and shows no signs of stopping. Meghan Butler talks about her work in a public-health NGO in the struggling West African country of Guinea. “Current Students and Alumni” features many other program students and alumni, showing a wide range of possibilities for students who want to study in the PFMP so that they can use their French.

Ritt Deitz PFMP alumni leave with a strong working sense of professional culture, which helps them turn their French into a job.

NEW: TAPIF SCHOLARSHIPS The PFMP now offers a competitive scholarship available only to program applicants currently participating in or having completed the TAPIF Program (Teacher Assistant Program in France).

TAPIF participants apply to the PFMP every year, so it is important to note that not every TAPIF participant admitted to the PFMP will be offered a TAPIF Scholarship. These go only to the very top applicants in that pool.

Every year, between one and five TAPIF participants accepted to the PFMP are named TAPIF Scholars. They receive $4000 toward toward their studies in their first semester, then another $4000 in their third semester, as long as they continue to meet program criteria for progress toward their master's degree.

But anyone participating or having completed the TAPIF program will be automatically considered for the TAPIF Scholarship, and may also completely waive the application fee normally paid to the UW-Madison Graduate School. See http://pfmp.wisc.edu for details.

Each year, between one and five TAPIF participants accepted to the PFMP are named TAPIF Scholars, receiving $8,000 toward their studies in the PFMP.

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Meghan Butler uses her French as Deputy Country Representative in charge of Operations for Population Services International, in Conakry, Guinea, West Africa.

We are trying to improve Guinean lives, through public health interventions like increased access to contraception and HIV prevention.

(MFS 2010, international development)

Meghan and her former host mother, Fatumata Baldé, during Meghan’s visit to Fatumata’s village in March 2016

What do you do now for a living?

Training staff often requires much of the intercultural awareness information I received in the PFMP.

I’m the Deputy Country Representative in charge of Operations at PSI/Guinea. Day to day, I ensure that PSI’s Procedural manuals are respected while spending a significant amount of donor funding in a country with low capacity and high risk. Big picture, we are trying to improve Guinean lives, specifically marginalized groups, through public health interventions like increased access to contraception and HIV prevention messaging.

How did the PFMP help you get there? Prior to the PFMP I had already decided that I wanted to live and work abroad, preferably in a francophone country, with an NGO. I had some technical training and a lot of French classes under my belt, but I didn’t know how to combine my ambition with my experience and pack-

age it correctly. The PFMP sharpened my French skills and trained me how to leverage my experience, grow my strengths, articulate my passions and market myself professionally for my dream career.

What are the biggest challenges in your line of work these days? Guinea is a very hard country to work in because it has very weak infrastructure, among a thousand other issues. People don’t have running water or electricity, let alone a quality education. This means that recruiting strong staff can be a paralyzing process. It also means that training and growing existing staff can take a long time and often requires much of the intercultural awareness information I received in the PFMP. Patience and adapting (continued on page 6)

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Current Students & Alumni Chloe Bade (international education) just completed her internship in Annecy, France at CILFA (Centre International de Langue Française d'Annecy) this past summer. She is currently finishing her final portfolio, while teaching French at Stevens Point Area Senior High in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.

Julia Grawemeyer

Serena Berkowitz (international education) fait son stage à l'Université de Technologie de Troyes, où elle s'occupe de la candidature de l'UTT au label Qualité Français Langue Étrangère, une certification attribuée par l’État français pour reconnaître les centres de français langue étrangère dont l’offre linguistique et les services présentent des garanties de qualité. Ruby Blau (business) is in her first year of the PFMP. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the UWMadison as well, in both French and Italian. Yoann Buidin (MFS 2016, international education), is Student Housing Advisor and French faculty for CEA Study Abroad in Paris. Yoann coordinates student and faculty housing and helps American students with their transition to life in Paris. Diana Cruz (business) est actuellement stagiaire au sein de RBMG, un cabinet de conseil pour les PME (petites et moyennes entreprises), à Lyon.

Yoann Buidin (international education) in his new position at CEA Study Abroad Paris.

Jonathan Gatke is an Associate on Chemonics’ Global Health Supply Chain / Procurement and Supply Management Project.

Meredith Daugherty (MFS 2015, business) is Executive Assistant to Tina Brown at Tina Brown Live Media, a New York City based media company dedicated to summits, salons, flash forums and debates that call attention to women's issues around the globe. Andrea Ferrer (éducation internationale) fait actuellement son stage à IES Abroad French Studies Center à Paris, où elle travaille à l'accueil et aide l'équipe entière d’IES et leurs étudiants. Elle y fera son stage jusqu’à la fin de la session d’été 2017. Leah Fink (MFS 2010, business) was recently promoted to Research Director at Kantar Health France in Paris. In her new role, she manages multinational research projects in oncology and is involved in implementing new research techniques such as I ncorporating wearable devices (i.e. Fitbits) into healthcare market research. Chris Fuglestad (éducation internationale) est actuellement en stage au sein du Bureau international à Université Laval à Québec, où il s'occupe des formations pré-départ et l'organisation de la semaine de l'éducation internationale. Jonathan Gatke (MFS 2016, international development) has left Population Services International and now works for international development firm Chemonics International, in Washington, D.C. Jonathan is

an Associate on Chemonics’ Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management Project, the largest project thus far funded by USAID. Julia Grawemeyer (MFS 2008, media and cultural production) is a translator and currently Visiting Instructor of French at Den- Ashley Herrick with expatriate French outside artist, “Simon ison University, in Granville, of New Orleans” Ohio. She meets regularly with publishers in Paris (Grasset, P.O.L.), to vet French fiction that might ''travel well'' into the American translation market. Bradley Grochocinski (business) is a first-year PFMP student from Chicago, where he founded his own tutoring company, Teach Me Français. Bradley is hoping to do his PFMP internship in France, in marketing. Ashley Herrick (MFS 2013, business) is enjoying her third year as Assistant Director of the Atchafalaya National Heritage Area in the Louisiana Office of the Lieutenant Governor. Nicholas Hitch (MFS 2015, business) habite à Québec depuis deux ans et demi. Il est traducteur pour l'entreprise Canac Marquis-Grenier. Il a hâte de continuer son parcours au sein de la francophonie nord-américaine. Melanie Kathan (MFS 2014, media/arts/cultural production) travaille comme lectrice d'anglais à l'Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse. Elle fait également partie d'un orchestre philharmonique et d'un groupe de musique ancienne, et passe ses week-ends à explorer les châteaux, paysages, et caves de la région. Joshua Marris (MFS 2015, business) is a wine consultant at Sokolin. His focus is on wine education and acquisitions, in addition to writing Sokolin's weekly tasting blog. Katie Melchior (business, Summer Institute Track) works at Communications Associate for The Pew Charitable Trusts, an international policy think tank. She produces communications materials for their criminal justice reform program. Katie lives in in Washington, D.C. Jordan Milliken (MFS 2008, media/arts/cultural production) is a bilingual speech-language pathologist. She currently works in the schools and at a rehabilitation center. She occasionally uses French to translate parent meetings and to provide therapy. (continued on page 6)

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(continued from page 6) cators. Lisa Prather (business) has recently completed her PFMP internship at Paris-area advertising agency Nouvelle Cour and is now a project and account manager intern at CreativeFeed, a New York City-based communications agency serving both American and French clients.

Covoiturage ! Jane Noel (L, business) and colleagues Emily Ostenson (MFS 2013 international education) is the Education Abroad Advisor for France and Italy Programs at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. During International Education Week in November, she was a featured panelist for an international careers event sponsored by UMass Career Services, where she shared her previous work experience in France before and after the PFMP. Stevi Parmentier (développement international) fait actuellement son stage PFMP à la Direction Départementale de Cohésion Sociale (DDCS) du Pas-de-Calais, dans la Délégation aux Droits des Femmes et d’Egalité. Kelley Patriat (International Education, 2013) was recently promoted to Director of Admissions at Global Language Institute and elected Minnesota State Representative for NAFSA, the Association for International Edu-

Jennifer Dobberfuhl Quinlan (MFS 2005, international education) is an Academic Product Consultant at Brigham Young University. She is pursuing her PhD in Second Language Acquisition and will have research published in 2017, in the Advances in CALL Research and Practice Book Series (Equinox).

Cassandra Tant (international education)

Amanda Schindler (MFS 2002, international development) has been promoted to Head of Purchasing for at Natixis Americas. She and her team of six are responsible for the full life cycle of suppliers, from onboarding, to competitive analyses, to contract negotiations, to payment of invoices. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and their son. Sarah Sommerkamp (MFS 2015, international development) is Executive Assistant at Watts of Love, an international non-profit dedicated to delivering solar-powered lights to impoverished villages worldwide. She recently helped coordinate (and emcee) a gala for the United African Organization in Chicago, IL.

Lisa Prather (business), front row / center, at Nouvelle Cour

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Butler (continued from p. 4) In a country where payoffs and short cuts are the status quo, simply following the rules is very challenging.

strategies are my go-to techniques these days.

What do you hope your work will accomplish? In the short term, I hope PSI/Guinea staff learn something from me about rigorous application and respect for the rules. This may sound condescending, but for a country where payoffs and short cuts are the status quo, simply following the rules is very challenging. In the long term, I hope the improvements I am currently putting in place will ensure a long future for PSI/ Guinea to continue growing access and demand for health products and services

for Guinean women, children and other underserved populations. I hope to also convince anyone who will listen that Operations is sexy! Those in this field may not be the face of an organization, and it can be a thankless job, but we make magic happen.

Any suggestions for prospective students considering the PFMP? Be audacious when it comes to your educational path. It’s your experience to maximize and to sell to future employers. If you are enthusiastic about your educational “story”, so will the hiring team interviewing you. Life is exciting and your educational path should be no different!

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Current Students & Alumni (continued from page 6) Jessica Dean Schremmer (Certificate 2014, business) is Marketing & Community Relations for Whole Foods Market, where she handles PR, events, and social media for the company’s Wichita, KS location. Cassandra Tant (éducation internationale) fait actuellement son stage PFMP au Centre d’Échanges Internationaux à Saint-Malo, France. Elle travaille principalement sur des programmes scolaires à l’étranger. Emily Tsoy (MFS 2017, business) est actuellement stagiaire à Kino'00, un organisme à but non lucratif à Montréal, qui soutient la production et la diffusion de courts métrages indépendants. Gordon Walker (media/arts/cultural production) completed his internship at the Festival Off-Courts for short film in Trouville-sur-Mer, France, in September 2016. He worked primarily on the programming and presentation of the festival selection as well as all translations for festival materials and communications. Elizabeth Wautlet (MFS 2012, media/ arts/cultural production) is a Paris-based creative freelancer. A theater producer, performer and instructor, she works with the Paris Fringe Festival, Bilingual Acting Workshop, NEW, Barefoot, and The Big Funk Company. She teaches acting at Cours Florent and conducts theater workshops throughout France, also translating and providing voiceover for film and television.

Elizabeth Wautlet (right), at the 2016 OuiShare Festival in Paris. Kate Williams (MFS, 2013, international development) is entering her third year with the Raleigh,NC-based international education company, Broadreach. This year, she transitioned to full-time program coordinator and specializes in foreign language education, science and engineering. Sara (Meador) Zielke (MFS 2010, EU affairs) works for Johnson Controls Inc. in Milwaukee, WI as the Import / Export Manager for North America. Sara manages all ocean and international air freight for the Power Solutions (battery) division.

NOUVEAUX LIVRES Jack Kerouac, La vie est d’hommage (textes inédits) par Nicholas Hitch (MFS 2015) KEROUAC, JACK. La vie est d’hommage. Montréal : Boréal, 2016. ISBN 9782764624319. 352p. $29,95 CAN. Tout le monde connaît bien l’influence de Jack Kerouac (né Jean-Louis Kérouac) sur la scène littéraire et culturelle des années 50 aux États -Unis. Il est surtout connu pour son chefd’œuvre On the Road (1957). En revanche, les origines culturelles de cet homme de la Beat Generation passent souvent inaperçues. Grâce à l’ouverture des archives de Kerouac et la découverte de ses textes inédits en français, il est clair que l’auteur restait attaché à sa langue et à ses racines canadiennesfrançaises tout au long de sa vie. Dans ce volume réunissant l’ensemble des écrits inédits en français, on découvre le début de son style Beat à travers plusieurs courts romans et extraits, dont plusieurs sections qu’il a employées dans ses romans en anglais. En outre, Kerouac nous dévoile le noyau de son identité en tant que « Canuck » déraciné. Rédigés pour la plupart entre 1950 et 1953, les textes en français nous offrent une nouvelle perspective sur la vie de

Kerouac : un homme pris entre ses origines et la force assimilatrice des États-Unis. Bien qu’il soit né au Massachusetts, Kerouac a grandi dans un milieu fortement francophone en raison de l’immigration massive des Canadiens français vers les usines de la NouvelleAngleterre entre 1840 et 1930. Par conséquent, ses écrits mélangent beaucoup d’anglais avec le français canadien qu’il a appris pendant son enfance. Ce qui est fascinant, c’est que Kerouac a choisi d’écrire dans un français phonétique réfléchissant la réalité de la diaspora canadienne-française en Amérique et les effets de l’assimilation linguistique. Cette orthographe qu’il appelait « sound-spelling » reproduisait l’oralité de son français sous forme écrite. En tout, cette collection de courts romans et d’extraits expose la dualité culturelle et linguistique dans laquelle Jack Kerouac vivait aux États-Unis. En lisant ce volume, on reconnaît clairement l’impact de ses origines sur son style littéraire et sa perception de luimême en tant qu’Américain d’origine canadienne-française. À cet égard, ces œuvres sont également une contribution au patrimoine francophone en Amérique.

L’ESSOR Newsletter of the Professional French Masters Program

Professional French Masters Program University of Wisconsin-Madison 618 Van Hise Hall 1220 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 Tel: 608-262-4090 Fax: 608-265-3892 E-mail: mdeitz@wisc.edu



UW-Madison PFMP faculty, tutors, students and alumni celebrate the end of Fall Orientation Week in Madison.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Professional French Masters Program is an interdisciplinary master’s degree program for college graduates who want to use their French to build careers outside the academic classroom. The PFMP has concentrations in business, French education, international education, European Union affairs, international development and media/arts/cultural production, all culminating in a personalized professional internship abroad and a professional portfolio.

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