The Houston Fill Spring 2013

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The Lorem Houston Ipsum fill

Save the Date 3/1 - UTHSC SIC Volunteer Event with Houston Food Bank 3/22 - Project Saving Smiles Volunteer Day 3/28 ASDA Vendor Fair 4/27 - Healthy Kids Day with the YMCA TBA - Star of Hope Volunteer event

Spring 2013, Edition 2

organization, respectively. Then we

meeting and Dr. Dulde told us about

heard from Taylor Koren (Legislative

transitioning from student to dentist

Liaison - Baylor) on the current

and how to manage your finances in

involvement of ASDA in legislative

the meantime. Both Dr. Salierno (New

advocacy and government affairs. Later

York) and Dr. Dulde (Wisconsin) run

in the evening we had a social hour with

successful practices and have made it

Dr. Clint Herzog, DDS of FLOSS,

through the student-dentist transition

despite his ER-worthy injuries from a

to come out on top. Check out

rough day on the slopes. Despite heavy

snow all day Saturday we gathered for

<> or

dinner sponsored by Medical Protective.

Dr. Dulde’s blog

Do you know the difference between

<> to read up

occurrence and claims-made insurance?

on some of the information they

I’d be lying if I said I did, but Austin

shared at the meeting. We then heard

Holler from MedPro is there to answer

testimonials from new dentists with

this and all of our other questions when

Pacific Dental on their experience with

these kind of questions arise. Dinner was

the company. Saturday night’s

followed by some incredibly entertaining

meetings concluded with a reception

and informative lectures by dentists Dr.

sponsored by Aspen Dental.

Chris Salierno, DDS of the Curious Dentist blog and Dr. Ryan Dulde, DDS, former ASDA president. Dr. Salierno taught us the key features of a successful

UTSD ASDA has lots of improvements in the works and we’re bringing some great ideas home! In addition to the more structured meetings and lectures, we had the opportunity to exchange ideas with the officers of the other D9 chapters. The weekend went off without a hitch (other than a slightly delayed flight home) and we returned Sunday, exhausted, but with full notebooks of how to build up our chapter and make ASDA more enjoyable for all of its members. Look forward to some new and exciting events for ASDA very soon!


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