Discover Magnificent Beauty of Leh Ladakh

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Discover Magnificent Beauty of Leh Ladakh

Leh, the capital of Ladakh is one of the most visited destinations in Ladakh and is known for the Leh Palace and ancient Buddhist monasteries. One of the reasons Leh is a highly popular destination amongst tourists is its unmatched calmness. The picturesque town is cocooned amid beautiful hills and creates not just a holiday, but an experience for every traveller. Located at an altitude of more than 11,000 feet, Leh is truly blessed by nature’s bounty. This is a destination where you can enjoy the simple things of life like waking up to an azure blue clear sky, watching the snow clad mountains shine in the afternoon sunlight, and star-gazing at night with unlimited stars brightening up the sky.

Things you will love in Leh:


You can be assured that Leh Ladakh will be one of the most peaceful places you will ever visit. No matter which direction to go towards, peace and serenity will be omnipresent.

Rivers and Lakes

The lakes and rivers around Leh are a spectacle you will rarely find anywhere else. The purity and freshness of the blue waters will genuinely take your breath away! During your excursions, you will see the famous rivers like Indus, Zanskar, Chandra, Siechen and Shyok. You will also get mesmerized at the famous Pangong Lake and Tso Moriri.

Local Shopping

Shopaholics will feel at home at the local Leh market where you can shop for all kinds of curios. You will find competitive and affordable prices in the market and bargaining is entertained well so be prepared to bargain for your favourite items!

Monasteries and Spiritual life

More than 90 percent of the population in Leh follows Buddhism, making it a highly spiritual town. The place is surrounded by Buddhist schools, century old monasteries, and nunneries. For those who are spiritual, this place will definitely uplift your spirits.

Pleasant Weather

June is an ideal month to visit as the summers will be over, monsoon will be a month away and winters will be far enough to not cause shivers!

Something for Everyone

The roads of Leh Ladakh can spring surprises and beautiful views at every bend, keeping you engaged in its enchanting beauty. Every tourist in Leh can find something to keep themselves entertained during their visit here. While the relaxed individuals can soak in the calmness and celebrate the culture around, the adventure lovers can head to the river Zanskar for a river-rafting expedition. Explorers will love driving around the smooth roads of the town and visiting the monasteries of Likir, Lamayuru and Alchi. Some of the most beautiful sightseeing options for families and couples include Shanti Stupa, Leh Palace, Sham Valley, Sangam Valley (where the rivers Indus and Zanskar converge), Nubra Valley, Dah and Hanu village, and a lot more. Leh Ladakh can be explored on foot, bike or in a car, depending on your preference. It is one of the most relaxing and enhancing holidays you will ever experience in your life and therefore, make sure you visit Leh at least once in your lifetime!

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Atlas Travel

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