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Cosmic Benz

Discernment of the Moon Morgan Jade M. Abella

The night turns to comfort like that of a mother’s lullaby. Under the luminescence of the moon, Serenity enjoys its short destination to where the end will lead. Blue devils were present in the scenes of sharing the same entity. Dreadfully seeking for affinity. If I pushed you towards death? Do not erode her for the liquidity of time. I said, I will never fight for life. Sirens were at sound within his vanity. Quickly pushing me to a safe place, Pretending that empathy was non-existent. A vicious prey will it be then? I said, there will be more pain than easy death. He said, if death was not a sin I would have done it. Foolishness was at stake and playfulness is being pulled out by him. Considering its a fun game of comedians in a show, Running away from the calling was considered a pun. Captivity in your endless amours are a possibility, Contentment is not hiding itself from the shadows, Of the watchful eyes of the moon. The mystery an owl can be praised in a temple.



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