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To the east lie academic buildings and fraternities. To the west are resi dence halls. To the north, classrooms and dorms, and to the 138.

south, Route

From all directions people come; stu dents, staff, professors, and visitors. It is the nerve center of the Universi ty. It is unavoidable. It is the Memo rial Union,

ing to class, and those who slowly sip coffee in the Den in an attempt to wake their bodies. There are the staffers who look fresh and alert as their workday begins.


By early afternoon, the strollers re place the rushers. They wander through the Bookstore, stand in the bank line, buy ice cream cones,

When the Union is empty, footsteps on the tile have a ring to them. Every sound echoes. Few remain after mid night; the SRO people, the night manager, the Cigar and WRIU peo ple. The building doesn't creak, but the quiet becomes unsettling.



the records in Cellar

Sights and sounds.

To some it's the bank and Bookstore, for others, it's the Ram's Den and Commuter Lounge, For some it is a way station, for others, it is a way of life.

hardcore pool players are at afternoon practice and the commut ers wear smiles at the sight of their rides home.

The Union has many moods. There is the hustle and bustle of the noon

Don't forget those involved in stu dent organizations who are attending to business.

time crowd to the mellow of a few at night.


Early morning




4:30 the Union begins to quiet down. People walk through at a slower pace, on their way home from

rowdy peo building is quiet.

People come and go from the Univer sity, but the Union will always have its people; it will always have activ ity. It will always be the melting pot of University life. by


those rush


The Pub gears up for the ple, but the rest of the blanketed with soothing



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