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What have




w bites stay w hile. Agfa Brovira paper exclusively for all black and white prints, which I feel gives Ihe richest total reproduction. The black and w bite film used was tri. X, rated anywhere from ASA320 to 18(M). mostly the old faithful



I do believe that this year Renaissance will give a brief and long erdue explanation of what exactly it is, does, and says. A yearbook


have a multitude of purposes and can say things in many different ways. For I'RI, the yt-arbook has always been a summan, the epitome of the

past year for both seniors and the underclassmen, I have seen, however that its message in past years has been disastrously lost in

interpretation by all but a few of the more open-minded. Thus, it is time put the 1974-7,') Renaissance into a more understandable perspective for all. to

The eastern region of the I'nited States, or more specifically the northeast, has always been the birthplace of unique and creative college

yearbooks, URI is no exception, having in the past expressed the years in interesting, creative perspectives, shapes and styles. For those who experienced it. the 1972 book stepped farthest into the realm of the unique, and the response to this endeavor indicated that the campus community certainly was not ready for such a creative change. Whether a yearbook is the place to be so avant-garde remains to be seen, but it is true that the book set the

stage for the future

al URI.

.\nd now. after three years of experience w orking on this book, the past two as editor, the money. busines,s, technical, political, and personal hassles I have gone through in producing a book for Ihe siudents of URI have been many. There are a few things which must be said for my sake and yours. This year's Renaissance has

a reason for being the way it is. It is organized with a certain goal in mind and everything in the book is aimed at that goal. Start from the beginning of Ihe book. Like Ihe pictures in the introduction? Or maybe only Ihe literature? There is a ith Ihe mes.sage in that introduction, if you read the pictures literature. I won't lell you what it is; I want j ou to read il yourselves. The hook also has been divided into seasons, w hich gives it a structure identifiable with I he year. This is also true of Ihe photographs. Get into them and read them, separately or in gr(mps. and they will promote a feeling, or tell a story. Renaissance has always been a photographic

book, and unlike

many other


we use

literature lo accent the

pictures. This year is no different, so w hen you read the copy, read the photos along with them and you'll find that the book will (hopefully) mean a



to you when you finish it.

thing that you should notice about this book is the quality. I have always been a freak for doing things Ihe best way. and this b<M)k is done to the best ability of all involved in producing it. All black and white pictures are black and white, not gray. l?y spot varnishing, the


intensified, while the

used almost

Color film was also Kodak. Kodachrome II for warm colors, and Ektachrome (high speed) for greens and blues or for taking color shots hen we shouldn't have been. The photographers also must be given credit for a job well done. It is not easy to find good photographers on this campus either they're into Ihe fine arts aspect and can't w

comprehend working with


or they wear a camera, the sole photographers. To them a hymn only a camera, bul also the eye lo of the bleakness of mid 1st semester shined a few good a

purpose of which is lo call themselves

for him. use


il. But out


need not

eyes and to Ihem. their skill and

dedication. I must say thank you. To make this book happen, there were a few fine people who I must acknow ledge with a word of (hanks for helping me get Ihe book moving when help was needed. Paul Brindamour. who hates yearbooks, has been

indispensable as a reference point for most of my business, money and typewriter problems. He is a great guy. I mean, he's gotta be, he owns a Next in helping me produce a Isl rate bimk all Ihe way is John Levis. A fine man he's one of the few people w ho I can believe when they talk business. Thank you. Sheila. Linda and Denise for helping me type up the final deadline material when everyone else had an excuse. I'd also like to thank Stephen .4ndrade, Stu Blazer. Avi Ostrowsky and the scores of other fine and talented contributors who cared enough lo give us their time and talent. van, too.


now a



dedication to the dedicated means more

the ones to whom Ihan jusl a yearly documentary. Aslhejear ho Ihe ones were, w ho I would see in

it became cvideni

June slill typing, writing, printing and generally putting out for this book. To them a most sincere congratulations, for we were only four

days late for our final deadline! It was a gwid year, and may the book be everj thing you wanled il to be and more. And for me. it was a long year, a good year, and one of the best for Renais.sance. I just want to thank everyone w ho helped me achieve whal I set out to do, everyone w ho was there w hen I needed them and (ilen being with me always. I hope you enjoy reading Ihe Renaissance as much as I have

(iardner for


working for it. If you don't,


down and talk about it.

One other





Charlie Editor

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