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prologue tbe custom of prcbious pears, toe, tbc Class of 1916, babe unfiertabcn tbe task of compiling a boob, tbe J/ cbief purpose of tobicb iB to present, in an attcactibe form, a recocfi of tbe college pear, ^erbaps none can realise better tban



tbosc of us tobo babe bclpefi in tbis toorb. tbe numerous fiifficulties tobicb must be obercome to at least maintain tbe stanbarfi estab31f toe babe fione onlp tbis, toe sball lisbefi bp precefiing classes. 3f tbe boob fioes not meet feel tbat our time bas been toell spent. 3n anp case, toe can toe arc toitb pour approbal sincerelp sorrp. trutbfullp state tbat no effort bas been Sparc* to mafee bolumc nineteen of tbe (6rist one tobicb sball fio justice to tbe class anfi to ilElbofie Sslanfi ^tate College.

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