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What drives ISK’s educational program? What guides the school in its decision-making process? Find out more on page 4.

WORLD PEACE DAY AT ISK Find out how the ISK Middle School students celebrated World Peace Day. Read more on page 14.

The Link


About ISK The International School of Kenya (ISK) is a private, non-profit PreK-Grade 12 school created in 1976 through a joint partnership between the governments of the United States and Canada. Nestled on 40 acres of a former coffee plantation, ISK serves the educational needs of both expatriate and Kenyan students who seek a challenging international curriculum which leads to the rigorous International Baccalaureate Diploma program. ISK’s internationally focused curriculum has helped Kenya become a magnet for foreign business investment and a desired posting for those working for the continuing development of East Africa. Expatriate families consider Kenya a quality career opportunity, in part due to the quality education they find at ISK. Likewise, Kenyan families who want an international, culturally diverse education for their children see ISK as the school of choice. ISK has over 915 students from more than 60 countries. Graduates earn an ISK North American accredited diploma and approximately 70 percent of ISK graduates earn the IB Diploma, enabling them to study at some of the most respected and competitive colleges and universities in the world. ISK students form a supportive, spirited and diverse community, which enables new students to adapt easily to campus life. Interacting in such a welcoming crosscultural milieu, ISK students celebrate the unique and wonderful differences and similarities of people from around the world.

The business office now has a new, direct cell phone line.

The value of respect for each other and for Kenya is evident at ISK, as is a commitment to giving back to the community. Our scholarship program for Kenyan students, together with a broad and dedicated service-learning program which serves our local and national community, have shaped our school values since 1967 and continue today.


In keeping with ISK’s strategic mission and vision, we are dedicated to empowering each student to create solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. Therefore, we have embarked on a multimillion dollar facility and program expansion project to provide students and faculty with the programs, tools and facilities necessary for success. Once completed, ISK will be able to accommodate 1,200 students with expanded programs and facilities.

EDITORIAL TEAM Lynn Wells Pamela Pappas Janet Muasya DESIGN & PRODUCTION Mario Zamfir - Copyright © 2016 The Link Copyright © 2016 ISK. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Trademarks: The Link, ISK and their associated logos are trademarks of the International School of Kenya. All other names, logos, and trademarks of other companies shown in this publication are the property of their respective owners.



For queries in regards to finance, please call

6 Message from the Board of Directors On Tuesday, September 13 the Board of Directors held its first meeting of the 2016-17 school year. 21 TLC As ISK begins to embed its mission, vision and educational aims into all aspects of student learning, a natural ‘fit’ is in the STEM subjects. 22 ISK Athletics Department Firstly a HUGE ‘Thank You!’ to parents, athletes and coaches for helping to get Season 1 up and running so smoothly. 26 Service Learning Service-learning is an educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service 30 PTO The PTO Open Coffee Morning in September was held on Tuesday the 20th, from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 40 ISK News Read about our latest news and events

4 8 12 16 34 Director Letter

ES Report

MS Report

HS Report

Community Picnic

Over the past several years, the International School of Kenya has worked to define what drives its educational program...

At the recent parentteacher conferences, this was our first time to use the online signup system...

Sixty four sixth graders took a field trip to the Nairobi National Museum where they learned about prehistoric life firsthand...

Thanks to the many parents who have joined us on campus for events such as the potluck suppers, GIN Talk on Nutrition...

The event boasted around 600 guests and everyone had a great time soaking in the sun, playing games, eating yummy food and catching up with friends...

Read more on page 4

Read more on page 8

Read more on page 12

Read more on page 16

Read more on page 32

The Link


ISK’s Learning Story Over the past several years, the International School of Kenya has worked to define what drives its educational program, but also what guides the school in its decision-making process and ties together our school’s Mission, Vision and Educational Aims. One way of looking at how these foundation documents relate is through what we call ISK’s Learning Story. Because of



our Mission, that ISK inspires and nurtures passion, creativity and ambition in pursuit of a better world, and that we are committed

to our Vision of empowering students to create solutions to tomorrow’s challenges, ISK is a forward thinking organization.

With our Mission and Vision in place and, more recently, the school’s work on defining learning, we know when learning

is most effective as described in our Learning Principles. We also believe that all can learn and all have the right to do so.

At the same time, ISK puts learners at the center of what we do by focusing on personalized learning, with students driving and taking responsibility for learning. This means that ISK supports an inclusive philosophy for all learners with differentiated planning and instruction.

As students learn, each learner is nurtured to be a person of character, to be principled, respectful, open-minded, caring, a risk-taker, balanced, reflective and persevering. We ask all the members of our community to model these characteristics as we strive to develop students of

character, who learn, create, act and solve in a collaborative and engaging environment. This is accomplished through the lens of our Educational Aims as we weave learning through our disciplines of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and


The International School of Kenya is in midst of its Middle School Principal Search for July 2017. The search committee has narrowed down the potential candidate pool from a list of 60 applicants to a long-list of ten candidates that the committee interviewed. From these interviews and extensive reference checks, a short-list of three candidates will be finalized and these individuals will be invited to Nairobi, visiting at the end of October/ beginning of November. Once on campus, in addition to touring the facilities and a chance to observe teachers in action, the candidates will have face-to-face interviews with all middle school faculty & staff, the middle school leadership team and the middle school student government. There will also be interviews and meetings with members of the administrative support

Mathematics), humanities, the arts and wellness. With the skills and knowledge of motivated, creative people we believe our students will be inspired with lifelong spirits of action and awareness. Inspiration comes through participation in our structured co-

curricular and service learning programs. This is ISK’s Learning Story and what we believe makes ISK unique. Sincerely, David G. Henry Director

staff, the school board, the PTO/parents, and the school’s senior admin team. During each interview, a standard form will allow all individuals to provide written feedback to the search committee. We also want the candidates get a good feel for the school, the school community, and the country itself. Once the on-site visits are complete, the search committee will review all of the interview feedback forms from the various stakeholder groups as part of the decision making process. Your support is appreciated as we work to find the right fit for ISK and the Middle School.


The Director’s first Parent Tea took place on October 6. Thank you to all the parents who attended. I look forward to our continued conversation throughout the year.

The Link



BOARD OF DIRECTORS On Tuesday, September 13 the Board of Directors held its first meeting of the 2016-17 school year. Board Chair Vicky Cole chaired the meeting and opened with a warm welcome to all. We were pleased to hear from PTO Co-Chair Natalie Geleschun that the PTO has held a PTO Open Coffee Morning and a PTO Board Meeting and looked forward to the Welcome Back Community Picnic as another opportunity to get to know new and returning families. The Board Chair commended the PTO for the good work they are doing, especially welcoming the new families. We also heard from the ASB Vice-President Imraan Sunderji, who reported that the new Grade 9 class reps have been elected. The ASB is currently in the process of goal setting and identifying the committees they would like to participate in. The increased student numbers will require communications to be streamlined. He also reported the High School IC trips went well. We had a presentation from the IB Coordinator Linda Henderson on the impressive 2016 IB DP results. We had an outstanding 100% pass rate of the seniors who wrote the IB diploma! We continue to score above the world average for the number of points earned. ISK students earned an average of 33 points versus the world average of 30 points. The highest diploma points awarded this year was 41 and the average grade obtained by candidates was 5.2. Eight of our students earned a bilingual diploma. The IBDP results are posted on the ISK website. Ms. Henderson also shared with the Board the IBDP Evaluation Visit Report Summary. The Evaluation visit went quite well, as reflected by the results of the report: ISK received an astonishing 15 commendations and 3 recommendations. The Report identified three matters that must be addressed by March 15, 2017 and Ms. Henderson and her IB team are well on their way to meeting that goal. We also heard a presentation from Daniel Corrigan and Anthony Charette about the Alternative Teacher’s Salary Model proposal. This new model is designed to honor the commitment to professional growth and its impact on student learning by awarding credit to teachers not only for traditional university credits but also for professional learning activities and sharing that learning with the ISK community. Following a detailed explanation of the teacher credit system, the Board approved the proposal. Our next Board of Directors meeting will be held at 4 pm on October 25, 2016. The ISK community is always welcome to attend. Mimi Steward Board Secretary



The Link



By Patricia Salleh Matta Elementary School Principal


We’ve had some important events in the Elementary School this quarter. A sincere thank you to all the parents who have supported them. At the recent parent-teacher conferences, this was our first time to use the online signup system and teachers have reported very positive meetings with you. Fifty-two parents turned up at our first parent tea last week. The topic was ‘Math in the Elementary School’ and how we help children learn math at ISK. During this session, most parents asked for more information/ resources on this topic. Please click on this link: learning/teaching-and-learning-centre for further information.


We thank all the homeroom parents who have stepped forward to take on this role. The main responsibility of a Homeroom Parent is: • to serve as a liaison between the teacher and the parents of the class • to provide support for the teacher in designated activities • to be a contact and support person for new families • to serve as a link between the PTO and parents



Thank you for the strong turnout at our 2016-17 Parent Night. I realize that many of our families have more than one child in elementary. If you need further clarification on any aspect of the school program, please do not hesitate to contact us in the elementary office, where we will be pleased to put you in touch with the person who can give you the right information.


• HRP(s) meet(s) with the teacher at the beginning of the year to get an idea of events scheduled for the year • Teachers may have set ideas for events etc. or may let the HRP make some of the decisions. • A letter of introduction can be sent out to the families from the HRP, at the beginning of the year, outlining her/his role or the homeroom teacher may choose to introduce the HRP. • The HRP may organize the party/ event, telephoning families that have been assigned to the party/ activity to coordinate refreshments and organize games or activities

We asked for your feedback and overwhelmingly the response was very positive. Thank you, we are considering your suggestions for the 2017-18 parent night. Patricia Salleh Matta Elementary School Principal

• Often the HRP will be called on to help with ES activities such as drama or art activities, special exhibitions or to accompany the class on field trips • The HRP can also be the liaison person to solicit extra help for school wide events when needed • Usually the HRP will be a contact point for new families joining ‘their’ grade during the year It was great to see the number of parents who volunteered this year. We have a full complement of parents. Your homeroom teacher will be in touch to begin to plan for the ES Costume Party.

The International School of Kenya


The following are the procedures and guidelines to be adhered to:

• When a child is enrolled at ISK, it is imperative that this allergy be made known to all before they actually start school. As soon as parents inform us of their child (ren)’s allergy and the degree of seriousness, the school will generally act as follows: • Inform the clinic and ensure that they are involved in the information sharing process to teachers, parents and other students • Arrange a special meeting with the parents and the main contact teacher for each child. • The particular class/grade in conjunction with the parents will send out an informational email to each of the child’s teachers. • When a very serious nut- allergy is identified: Information will be sent home to all families in that grade level stating that their classroom environment will be nut-free and the reason, therein.


• The school clinic will organize an in-service for all teachers and teaching assistants informing them about what to look, why the allergy happens and how to react.

• The school clinic will ensure a supply of Epipen or other appropriate medication is available throughout each year. • In each class, where a child has a severe allergy, a supply of Epipen or other appropriate medication will be stored. This will travel, in the hands of an adult, to all the specialist classes and co-curricular activities that the child will participate in during the day. • Emergency response stations will be strategically located around the school equipped with Epipen for immediate access in an emergency. • If at any time there is a slight chance of a reaction-taking place, but the adult is not sure, they will need to take the child to the nearest division office or clinic for immediate attention. • In the case of a severe reaction taking place the following steps need to be taken: 1. Administer the Epipen or equivalent pertinent medication 2. Call the clinic for immediate assistance (0733-639-344) 3. Inform the pertinent division office 4. The office will then immediately call the parent

Please note that we have a number of students who have severe/life threatening nut allergies in elementary school. As this number has increased this year, we kindly request that parents send their children with nut-free lunches/snacks. Please have a look at the guidelines the school has put in place for serious allergies. Feel free to contact the School Nurse on 0733-639-344 or Patricia Salleh Matta at 0733-639-340 with any further queries.

The Link


ISK Elementary School

Thursday, October 13th at 3:45PM Arts Centre Theatre

Prepare to be dazzled! Come see the singers, dancers, magicians, instrumentalists and more from Grades 1 - 5. All 25 acts are student-generated and each student did their own preparation. All are welcome to attend so mark the date on your calendar and come see some of ISK’s amazing talent! ES students should be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult to serve as chaperone.




Please ensure that your child has a hat to keep in their homeroom, as all students are required to wear one while on the playground.

Dates to Remember in


ES Talent Show

14 Oct

ES CCA Quarter 1 Ends

17 – 21 Oct

October break

24 Oct

ES CCA Quarter 2 Begins

28 Oct

ES Costume Party

3:45 – 4:45 p.m. No School 2:30 - 4:45 p.m.


The ES Costume Party is coming up on Friday, October 28. Please be sure to visit the ES Library to have a look at resources available and get costume ideas for your child.

The Link



By Craig Baker Middle School Principal


6th Grade Students “Dig the Past� About two weeks ago 64 sixth graders took a field trip to the Nairobi National Museum where they learned about prehistoric life firsthand. Students were given a private, behind the scenes tour of the archaeology and palaeontology sections of the museum, which houses thousands of objects ranging from stone tools, bowls, human and animal bones, pottery, beads and more. Students were able to interact with local archaeologists and learn about artifacts and fossils discovered here in Kenya. They had the opportunity to examine, handle and then try their hand at using stone age tools to perform simple tasks like peeling a potato. This first hand experience linked directly to the students first units of study in social studies and English where they are learning about



prehistoric times and early humans and in science where they are studying fossils. Excited and inspired by the trip, teachers made connections to their subject areas and created links for further learning in the classroom. When students returned to their classes, they learned about absolute value and negative numbers in math to better un-

derstand how to read and use timelines, and in Art they were given the opportunity to make fossils out of clay and cast them in plaster. One of the upcoming projects in social studies will be to research an early hominid and take on the role of an archaeologist. They will research and then present their findings to their classmates. This trip provided students with an authentic experience,

in which they will draw upon to communicate their learning. IC Trip Parent Evening Our middle school Inter-Cultural Trips are just one week away, with sixth grade going to Lake Baringo, seventh to Ol Pejeta, and eighth to the Mara. Thank you to all parents who were able to attend the trip planning meetings this week.

Middle School Assembly We had a terrific assembly this past Wednesday, with performances from our Creative Arts Department and recognition of our summer readers. Pictured below are some sixth grade drama students, our sixth grade drum group, and our middle school choir.


It’s time for our 8th graders to get started on their Capstone projects! The Capstone is a culminating middle school assessment in which students complete an inquiry into a global issue they are interested in learning more about. It will provide teachers with an opportunity to make a clear connection to the ISK Aims (learn, communicate, create, solve, and act), while offering students the chance to follow

their interests and to learn about important issues that affect real people. In addition to researching a specific global issue, students will create a product that effectively communicates their learning, investigate possible solutions to the issue and identify and implement actions that people can take to help deal with the issue. Students will present their learning to both their peers and the ISK community in March of next year.


The MS play Ten/Two premiered Thursday night in the Arts Centre Theatre. Ten/Two is a collection of short twoperson plays and the final performance is Friday evening, October 7 at 6:00pm. Although the themes vary, each play includes the numbers 10 and 2.


Our second social of the year is scheduled for Friday,

November 3rd, from 5:00pm to 8:00pm in the Commons. This social has a Halloween theme and students are encouraged to wear costumes. A costume contest, photo booth, dance, and a variety of other activities are being planned for this event. You’ll be receiving more information about the social when we return from the long break in October. Craig Baker Middle School Principal

The Link


WORLD PEACE DAY The International Day of Peace, is celebrated all over the world on September 21st. The first World Peace Day was celebrated on September 21, 2001. It was proclaimed and recognized that an International Day of Peace would be recognized yearly on September 21st, when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution formally on September 7, 2001. The idea of a day of peace around the world was started by a UK man, Jeremy Gilley, in 1999. He had a vision of “Peace One Day”, which is also the name of his non-profit organization. Jeremy had the idea to get the



world together for one day of cease-fire and non-violence in war zones. He pushed his idea by using his networking contacts and his relentless commitment to the issue at hand. Each year the day is inaugurated by the ringing of the Peace Bell at the UN Headquarters in New York by the UN Ambassador. On September 21, 2001, during the first ever celebration of World Peace Day, fighting was stopped in war zones for that one day. There were many children who were able to be vaccinated and received medical care, that they otherwise would not have had

Celebration in the Middle School

access too. As the years go by, more countries participate in this celebration in many different ways. Here in the ISK middle school, we celebrated in a few ways. The students learned about World Peace Day by watching videos on the history of it, speaking in their advisory classes about what peace meant to them, and sharing their ideas of how they could spread peace in their communities. A wordle was made with everyone’s ideas of peace into the shape of a dove and the top three descriptors used were; kind, love and no war. It was amazing to hear

the students ideas on ways to spread peace and how many of our students had been affected by the wars going on in the world. On September 21, 2016 we made a human peace sign and the students held hand-made posters with their ideas of peace and some even made doves to represent loved ones lost in war to hold. Sadly, we had a drone camera malfunction and have the memories only in our hearts. We are excited to celebrate this idea and spread the idea of peace in the years to come! Jessie Gochar MS Counselor

The Link



By Rob Blanchard High School Principal


Thanks to the many parents who have joined us on campus for events such as the potluck suppers, GIN Talk on Nutrition, the Parent-StudentTeacher conferences, and the first Parents & Principal Tea. The potluck suppers were a relaxing way to get to know other parents, and the Tea on Sept 22nd provided for structured information-sharing and dialogue around some key topics: • Review of Format & Community News; • IB Self-Study Report (this included many commendations and three items for ISK to address this year) & May 16 Exam Results (again very strong and posted on the ISK website); • The ISK Learning Story (which will be shared again with parents, along with the revised, board-approved strategic plan, at the Director’s Tea); • Welcome from the Counselors (who they are and what they do to support students and families);



• Schedule Review Update & Handbook Item (tabled); • Brainstorming Agenda Items for Future Teas (we will track these on our agendas and parents are welcome to write to me with ideas). Our next Tea will be an evening session on November 2nd from 5:30pm - 6:30pm to support attendance for our parents who cannot normally attend morning teas. Intercultural Trips: Each year our high school students spend one week outside of school walls engaging in an intercultural experience. As usual, the trips this year were exciting and diverse, with students choosing from various options around Kenya, for example climbing Mt Kenya together in grade 9, camel trekking through Laikipia, or hiking and learning about life in the Ololokwe area.

This month’s article is dedicated to celebrating these trips, with a few photos that offer a glimpse into the types of experiences our students were challenged by and indeed hopefully enjoyed. We are in the process of gathering feedback from students, teachers, and outsourcers in the interest of continual trip improvement; overall, I’ve heard wonderful reports about these trips, how they again opened minds to new experiences and new friends as well as bringing richness and an extra dimension to the educational experience here at ISK. Enjoy the photos … Kind regards, Robert Blanchard, Ed.D. High School Principal

Intercultural Trips: Each year our high school students spend one week outside of school walls engaging in an intercultural experience.

The Link


ISK Intercultural Trips 2016



ISK Intercultural Trips 2016

The Link


ISK Intercultural Trips 2016




By Jodi Lake Director of Teaching and Learning


As ISK begins to embed its mission, vision and educational aims into all aspects of student learning, a natural ‘fit’ is in the STEM subjects. So … what is STEM? “STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science,


technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. What separates STEM from the traditional science and math education is the blended learning environment and showing students how the scientific method can be applied to everyday life. It teaches

We have multiple options for parents to get involved. Mathematics: Last year we had 14 parents involved in the Stanford online course, How to Learn Math for Teachers and Parents. It was so popular we will be organizing for a group to begin soon after the October break. Please contact Jodi Lake ( if you are interested.

students computational thinking and focuses on the real world applications of problem solving.” (livescience. com) As we work with our students to make connections in their learning, we invite you to learn along with us!


was back on campus the first week of October. He worked with students and teachers during this week. In addition, we hosted our first AISA Professional Learning Institute for teachers in Africa on the weekend. Check out Paul Andersen from Bozeman Science.

The Link


By Will Moore Athletics Director


Firstly a HUGE ‘Thank You!’ to parents, athletes and coaches for helping to get Season 1 up and running so smoothly. It’s been a busy opening season, especially having six teams all sharing the upper field for practice times! We hope to have our resurfaced lower field back in action by the end of November. The work is on schedule but we could do with some more rain!!

Lower Field May 2016



Lower Field Sept 2016

ROSSLYN TOURNAMENTS On Saturday 24th September, ISK sent four different teams to an action-packed, fun-filled day of tournaments at Rosslyn Academy.

Varsity Doubles Tennis Tournament

Four members of the ISK Varsity tennis team travelled to Rosslyn Academy to take part in an invitational doubles tournament. Both doubles teams gained valuable experience and confidence for the upcoming weeks of league play. In particular, Riyan Maru and Aidan Mitchell-Terga problem-solved throughout the tournament to earn a berth in the final. In that encounter against the top seeds, Hillcrest, they played their best match of the day to bring the winners’ trophy back to ISK. GO LIONS! Coach Amirouche

The Link





Hosted by the International School of Uganda, for the first time, this is an ISSEA event we have all been looking forward to for a long time. Good luck everyone and make the most of this fantastic experience!

Hosted by the American International School of Johannesburg the teams have been looking forward to this event for a long time. Last year both our teams finished with a fantastic 3rd place and this time we are going for GOLD!


GIRLS Team: Molly Bailey, Shevanti Nefdt, Ella Frigyik, Karisma Gadhia, Winnie Lokule, Kazuri Gichigi-Hansson, Julie Mei Messing, Lauren Smyth, Hanna Ketema, Nidhi Buty, Daisy Bailey, Zahra Aziz, Keshia Keene, Talya De Cleene BOYS Team: Slate Rostal, Stanley Langyintuo, Babatunde Folayan, Derrick Mafara, Daniel Vilan, Ismail Hassouna, Nicholas Sutphin, Isaiah Bowen-Karlyn, Oliver Rudd, Marcel Awori, Tazana Kamanga-Dyrbak, Kevin Langyintuo, Sebastian Elder, Max Thomle Coaches: Keir Paesal, Maciej Sudra, Coach Steven, Coach Caroline




GIRLS Team: Iida Valme, Yatir Grinberg, Suzette Schofield, Yasmien Khaled, Khadijah Manjang, Elizabeth Clurman Tana Werner, Stella Benatar, Serena Werner, Lara De Cleene Coaches: Mike Fisher, DeeDee Werner BOYS Team: Macune Gilruth, Jason Musee, Omer Millo, Jason Travis, Jordan DavidOrth-Moore, Max Weltz, Hiromi Mizuno, Berny Kabalisa Caleb Kalu, Michele Zandri Coaches: Cameron Secret, Renny Werner


The varsity boys embarked on defending the tournament which they won last year. We took our strongest group of 10. On completion of the group stages, we won 3 and drew 1, accumulating 11 points. By topping the group, we got an automatic bye into the semi-final. We won the semifinal Vs Rosslyn in extra time putting us against Brookhouse in the final. Brookhouse controlled the tempo of the game. We had better scoring opportunities but with one minute to go, they took their chance and scored a goal. We lost 1-0 and took 2nd place. We have to accept that there is always only one winner in a final. As a team we have to improve being more clinical with our chances and become more aggressive in the way we defend.



Varsity Boys Football




JV Boys Football




Varsity Girls Basketball


20 - 18 W


JV Girls Basketball


15 - 14 W


Varsity Gold Tennis




MS A Boys Football


10 - 0 W


MS A Girls Basketball


16 - 1 W


ISK Blue Tennis

ISK Gold Tennis



Varsity Boys Football




JV Boys Football




Varsity Girls Basketball


30 - 32 L


JV Girls Basketball


17 - 25 L


ISK Gold Tennis




Varsity Blue Tennis




Varsity Boys Football




JV Boys Football




JV Girls Basketball


36 - 17 W


JV Boys Football




Varsity Girls Basketball


56 - 25 W


ISK Gold Tennis



While everyone contributed to the successful day, senior and Co-Captain, Meredith Gelsinger and junior Winnie Lokule stepped up to not only lead a defensive front, but also push the tempo and the Lions offense to victory. Congrats goes to everyone for a well rounded tournament.


Rosslyn Swim meet-All ages (Sprint)




Rosslyn U19 Boys Football Tourn.


2nd Place


Rosslyn U19 Girls Basketball Tourn.


Out in Semis


Rosslyn U19 Tennis Tourn. (ISK Blue Team) Rosslyn



Varsity Boys Football

Swedish School


Coach Fisher


JV Girls Basketball


14 - 30 L

Coach Sags


At Rosslyn the Varsity Girls had a successful weekend going 4-1-1 and ultimately losing to RVA in the SemiFinals in overtime. The ladies played fantastic, even without Co-Captain Iida Valme as they came together as a collective unit. During the round robin stage, they only let up a total of 8 points in 4 games, which demonstrates the team’s commitment to working hard on the defensive side of the ball.

The Link


By Pierina Redler Service Learning Director

SERVICE LEARNING AT ISK Service Learning is an educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide a pragmatic, progressive learning experience while meeting societal needs. Servicelearning involves students in service projects to apply classroom learning to effect positive change in the community. and involvements should be longterm. Involvement in international organizations such as the Global Issues Network or the Model United Nations allows students to interact with passionate like-minded peers. Students consistently refer to the motivation that they gain from regional conferences and the potential impact of purposeful international networks. Service Learning outcomes are in line with the ISK educational aims;

Author Barbara Jacoby defines servicelearning as “a form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection designed to achieve desired learning outcomes.” The weekly time allocated to ISK’s student led service projects reinforces the idea that service-learning is of value, that community projects should be sustainable,



Firstly there is interpersonal learning, in which students reevaluate personal values and motivations by channeling a passionate interest to service-learning projects, as well as build a connection and commitment to the community. The second form is academic material that is taught through practical application and reflective instruction, so that it may be practiced outside classrooms. The service in Service Learning at ISK takes knowledge outside the classroom into the real world with real people and situations

Thirdly is cognitive development where students are challenged to use critical thinking and problem solving skills in a context that provides additional information and experience for student evaluation, because service-learning deals with numerous problems in complex situations. The fourth form is transformation within the students, which is about thinking about things in a new way and moving in new direction—creating a new picture without relying on the old lines. Finally, service-learning focuses on effective citizenship and behavioral issues, and this helps the students better understand social issues relevant to their own community. Learning in all these ways makes service-learning effective to those serving as well as those being served, and learning begins with the impact servicelearning on the personal and interpersonal development of the students. Pierina Redler Service Learning Director

Service Learning

“A form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection designed to achieve desired learning outcomes.� Barbara Jacoby

The Link


AFRICAN ROUND SQUARE REGIONAL CONFERENCE AT ISK We take this opportunity to inform you that ISK has the privilege of hosting The African Regional Round Square Conference: “Aspire to Inspire� (March 21-26, 2017). This is indeed very exciting for us, as it will be a great opportunity for our students to showcase their work and endless efforts towards



contributing to the six pillars of Round Square: Internationalism, Democracy, Environmentalism, Adventure, Leadership, and Service. Furthermore, our high school students will have the invaluable experience of interacting with other peers from the continent and exchange

their ideas and experiences through an array of exciting activities programmed for the duration of the event. In order to have a successful conference, we are reaching out to you. We will be in need of families who are willing to host a participant or two. If you would like to

collaborate in this capacity, kindly contact Ms. Irene Taylor or Ms Jones via email: itaylor@ or ruthjones@ We are asking that you let us know by November 4th. We are indeed very grateful to our parent community for their continued support; they are always more than willing to take part

in our various school endeavours. This is indeed a collaborative effort and we sincerely hope to work together to make this event not only a successful one, but a memorable experience for all. With Appreciation, Irene Taylor Ruth Jones

The Link


PARENT TEACHERS ORGANIZATION The PTO Open Coffee Morning in September was held on Tuesday the 20th, from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. One highlight was an interesting Health presentation by Dr. Caroline, who talked about, among other things, malaria and prevention and other common ailments that are particular to East Africa. She gave advice on places to seek help and to maintain health. We also had a very informative IT presentation by Doug Irish, our Director of Technology. He touched on the ISK website, especially the parent portal, and what is available to parents, how to enter “moodle” and “power school”. The next “PTO Open Coffee” will be held in the Library on Tuesday 25th of October. Besides the opportunity to meet and get to know new people, a talk will also be given on Library resources available to parents. For example, parents will be shown how to access the extensive Library research engine which will help parents work with their children during homework time.


A Community Forum Facebook Page is available to the ISK community. Parents who use Facebook will find this a great resource that has lots of useful advice on doctors, hospitals, general interest information (restaurants, sale items…) and details of school and PTO events. Not everyone is on Facebook, thus information relating to PTO events is also listed on the ISK website and communicated via email through the weekly Link-Lite.




FOTA will be hosting a bus tour for parents to Kitengela Glass Factory on the 27th of October. Similar trips in the past have solicited positive feedback from participants who made the trip. Yes, there is usually enough time for everyone to buy the odd glass dĂŠcor or two. So take advantage of this trip and sign up.

The Link




ISK is very lucky to have its own Farmers Market! This is a great community event held in the upper/bus parking area once a month, sometimes more, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. It is a great place to have breakfast and/or lunch and stock up on organic produce and locally sourced, high-quality, hard-to-find prepared and whole foods.

The PTO Shop management team are currently liaising with vendors, stocking the shelves and training volunteers in preparation for reopening.

Vendors come from all over Kenya selling produce, health foods, condiments, nuts and nut butters, sweet and savory baked goods, sausages, Greek yoghurt, cheeses, ice cream, gelato, and prepared dinners from curries to continental! It is impossible to list everything! While shopping, enjoy a fresh hot or cold drink from Java House! Come and support small, local businesses!

Thank you to everyone who supported the PTO Duka at the Welcome back picnic. We received lots of positive feedback and are looking forward to opening the shop ASAP.

Mark your calendar with these Farmers Market dates: October 29, November 26, January 14, February 4, February 25, March 25, April 22 and May 13!

SPECIAL TREAT IN OCTOBER: Free kids yoga by the Africa Yoga Project in

the green space between the market and the Commons! Please see flyer for details!


The PTO volunteers have sorted, hung and categorized all the Lost & Found items collected so far this semester. The new Lost & Found is located in the temporary building between the MS & ES near the stairs to the Lower Parking Lot. The Lost & Found is now open from 8:15am-3:30pm every day except for Wednesday when it is open from 8:15am-10:00am. If your child has lost something, encourage him or her to check in the Lost & Found!


Located in the Arts Centre, the PTO shop is an outlet for nonprofit organisations and artisans to sell their products to the ISK community. Run by a team of parent volunteers, the PTO ‘duka’ is an ideal place to purchase locally made African crafts and gifts for family and friends in a safe and friendly atmosphere.


The Shop had its first opening on Tuesday 27th September and further details of the regular opening times will be in Link Lite.


Swahili lessons for parents are in full swing now. There are currently classes that have started and are ongoing. There is one Beginner class for first timers to Swahili and two Intermediate classes composed of parents who have had some basic training of the Swahili language. If you are interested, please contact Donovan by email at Donovan. Swahili language lesson details are also posted on the ISK Community Forum Facebook page.

Cultural diversity ISK has over 65 nationalities represented in a student body of over 925 students.

Facilities ISK has state of the art facilities for the arts, theatre, music, library, athletics, science and computer labs.


ISK strives to develop students of character who learn, create, act, and solve in a collaborative and engaging environment.

Future planning ISK’s mission, vision and educational aims are deliberately designed to ensure readiness for a changing world.Â

Accredited fully by the Middle States Association of Schools in the United States and the Council of International Schools in Europe.

The Link


By Pamela Pappas Communications Manager

Music, Food, and Fun in the Sun! Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday, ​September 17, to spend time at the Annual Welcome Back Community Picnic. The event boasted around 600 guests and everyone had a great time soaking up the sun, playing games, eating yummy food and catching up with friends. A big thank you to the Music Department for encouraging our students to showcase their talent, to the Operations Department , teachers, staff, PTO, Board Members, Administration and students who brought their positive energy and enthusiasm! The event showcased the type of students our school cultivates through our music programs, service learning projects and athletics in a supportive atmosphere of fun and games. More tickets were sold this year than ever before so congratulations to everyone who came out to have fun and provided their support of ISK and the local community. Kind Regards, Pamela Pappas Communications Manager



The Link




The Link







Once again, welcome to the ISK Canteen where we aim to make every meal you have on campus both enjoyable and healthy. The new semester has started off well with new items on the lunch menu as well as at the different snack points. We have received a number of ideas for the gluten-free portfolio and would like to say thank you to all the contributors who emailed, gave us cookbooks and dropped in for a chat. We now have more options available! We also have an in-house baker now and starting in October we will have bread available for the staff and parents at very affordable prices. We’ve also had an increase in the number of students signed up for the hot lunch program and if you’d like to register your child, please drop by the customer service office. You can also top up your card and find out the balance at the same place as well. The card system is open to the middle school, high school, staff and parents. The system is very efficient as it allows you to keep an eye on spending as well as have a clear plan on how much will be spent on food.

from the school canteen on the prepaid hot lunch program or buying using cash from the various canteens i.e. sandwich bar, snack bar, coffee place, hot lunch area or the breakfast joint. For those carrying food packed from home, microwaves are provided at the middle school and high school eating areas. Since they are easier to access for the MS and HS, we encourage ES parents to pack the hot lunch in the thermos-like containers so as to keep the food warm.

The school provides various lunch options for students which include carrying food from home, having hot lunch

All students on the card system are encouraged to bring their cards with them whenever making purchases as the

cashiers will only accept cash or card for all points serving snacks. This is a measure to ensure that only the owner of the card is the one using the card and for accountability purposes. If a student does not have a card they should visit their school office or the Tech office if the card is lost for re-printing (a small fee may be incurred if lost). If you are yet to try out our new Early Bird Breakfast options please do stop by right next to Valentine’s Coffee Shop every day from 7.00 a.m. till 9.00 a.m. Newly introduced items include chapatti rolls, mandazis, sweet potatoes

and arrowroots. You can have a look at the menu right here community/food-services. If you’d like to have a look at the week’s menu please check the website under Food Services every Friday for the new week’s menu. For any suggestions, complaints, compliments or inquiries please contact the customer service office on the below details; Nancy Mwithi Customer Service Representative Email: Office line: 0733 639 343

The Link



COUNSELORS Dear ISK Community, This year’s Teacher Wellness Day will be Wednesday, November 2nd from 2:00pm 4:00pm. We are requesting for any parents who would like to facilitate an activity on Wellness Day for the teachers, to please let us know. If parents would like to bring food, raffle prizes, baked goods, drinks, etc. it would be much appreciated. On our last Teacher Wellness Day, we had many fun activities; such as: golf at Windsor Country Club, tennis, football/soccer, zumba, bird watching, biking, yoga, walking and running in Karura Forest, horseback riding, teacher band practice, Barre class, rock climbing at Blue Sky Gym, and many more! Please let Ben Fishman know if you would like to offer an activity for teachers or bring something to eat or drink. If you are interested in leading an activity, the deadline is October 13th to inform Ben of what you would like to offer. Please indicate the minimum amount of people required for the activity in your confirmation. Thank you for your consideration. Vicky Cole, Board Of Directors Chair at the Wellness Station

Karura Forest Wellness Station



Ben, Heather, Jessie, Wess, and Dee Dee

Ice Tea

Make Your Own Granola

The Link


Accredited fully by the Middle States Association of Schools in the United States and the Council of International Schools in Europe.



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