IIB Magazine - November 2014

Page 1

Issue No. 6 NOVEMBER 2014

The Overlooked Culture

On Innovation & Wicked Problems

by Alec Aspinwall

Interview with David Willows

Read more I page 6

Read more I page 18

Read more I page 20

by Kevin J Ruth, ECIS

The Overlooked Culture

schools in Singapore and having

8 10 12 16 22 23 24 25 27 28

Educating the Digital Generation Reflections on Admissions Education Considerations “A Call to action” Admissions at SAS Third Culture Kid Miami Advice Tapping into the Trailing Talent Coaching Students make a difference in Ghana

been established since 1956, we

31 33 34 35 36 40 42

Design Thinking Admissions Tips for your website Harkness Safe Passage Embracing the past to build for the future Student Tour Guides News & Notes

As admission professionals in an international setting, we are familiar with a myriad of cultural dilemmas. Read more on page 6

How It is done at SAS As one of the three non-profits

have recognition in Singapore as a well-reputed school. Read more on page 22

Embracing the past to secure the future What does a 16th century historic farmhouse have in common with a 21st century state-of-theart Early Childhood Center? At American School of The Hague, they are one and the same. Read more on page 36

STORY IDEAS WELCOME International Ideas Bulletin strives to present news, stories and other content in the course of each year that is of particular interest or pertinence to Admissions professionals. We rely greatly on your input to guide and generate articles. This is your publication and we always welcome your contributions.

NEWS: Your career is ever-changing. Let others know about the changes and trends in your particular country/area, or school. PROFILES: Want to share your own story? International Ideas Bulletin is a great way to share ideas, best practices, etc. FEEDBACK: Write to us and share your viewpoints (members and non-members alike). Write to Catalina Gardescu at internationalideas2013@gmail.com for more information.


BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE Working in international schools we

to / show parents about how we

are in the beautiful and extremely

prepare their children for the world

challenging business of building

of tomorrow that even they cannot

for the future. We aren’t building


blocks, cars or roads, we are working with the most sensitive of

The 2014 fall issue of the

matters - we dwell in the field of

International Ideas Bulletin will

educating young minds and shaping

bring news of campuses growing

young hearts. And, as if that was

and investments being made to

not hard enough, we are faced with

enhance technologies and other

educating young people for times

resources. You will be privileged

we may see in a totally different

to read about professional

light and not really understand. For

development opportunities shared

times that we may not see at all, for

as well as new ideas that may

jobs we don’t even know exist or

skill, I know, nevertheless essential).

make your lives easier. Read about spectacular professional stories and

that don’t exist yet, trying to build skills that we do not have ourselves

How will our schools build for the

humorous events in this place we all

or are not mastering.

future of 2030? How do we look

call “work” but which for many of us

as far without losing sight of the

really equals “home”.

When I speak to parents about

present moment which is the only

this in the admissions office I

thing we really have and where our

As we build for the future

always make them laugh with my

most investment is needed? How do

even in our work within the

own life story anecdote “if I told

we stay abreast new technologies

committee we anxiously await

my dad in 1989 that I was going

and trends without losing the

your feedback. Please send any

to be a Communications and PR

human touch? How do we prepare

impressions, questions, comments

Specialist when I grow up, he would

the force of tomorrow and build

to internationalideas2013@gmail.

have taken me to a doctor.” I still

schools that will take them further?

com .

remember answering the usual

How do we make families see that

“what do you want to be when you

we are the school that will take their

Have a great fall and a fulfilling 14-

grow up” questions with “journalist”,

child into the future successfully?

15 school year!

“teacher”, “secretary”. The notion of “international school admissions

While it may seem that these

manager” was not in my vocabulary

are questions that only teachers

even in my last year in college. And

are faced with, our admissions,

yet, here I am. What were the skills

advancement, marketing,

that made me good at it? (modesty

communications offices face the

Catalina Gardescu

aside…) I would say without a doubt,

challenge as well. In the years to

ECIS Admissions Committee Chair

continuous learning, an open mind,

come, what will set us apart from

foreign languages, people skills,

other educational organizations

computer skills and … luck (not a

for sure will be the way we speak

The International Ideas Bulletin



THE OVERLOOKED CULTURE As admission professionals in an

In my twenty years of working with

school is a place where students are

international setting, we are familiar

families in Asia and Europe, I have

expected to be active participants in

with a myriad of cultural dilemmas.

encountered countless cultural

class discussions, even to the point of

Do I offer my business card to one or

differences that have impacted my

entering constructive debates with

both parents? Should it be offered

work. However, I believe an often

their teachers. Noting that children

with one hand or two? Should the

overlooked issue is that of the

may be expected to change into PE

card be printed on two sides in

school’s culture. Sometimes we can

uniforms before class, or be away

multiple languages? Last week I was

be so concerned about making our

for a week on a class trip, is also a

informed that business cards with

guests feel welcomed that we neglect

discussion that reveals your school

rounded edges, such as mine, would

addressing the realities of how

culture and invites parents to discuss

never be used by a male in Japan.

our school culture may place new

potential concerns. The drinking

In fact, the intricacies of merely

demands on expatriate families.

age here in Germany is 16 and the

exchanging business cards before

ramifications of this relatively early

a word is even uttered could be an

For instance, it may be appropriate

access to alcohol, (and served to

article in itself.

to make it clear to a family that your

students by the school at graduation),

The International Ideas Bulletin


has prompted many interesting

diversity that they espouse, only that

discussions with new community

we need to be transparent about our



unique institutional cultures with

Given that I’ve been married for

prospective families.

over 20 years, I’m unlikely to ever

Once families realize you are more

It may be challenging for an “average”

experience the phenomenon of speed

of a “matchmaker” and less of a

student to enter a school where math

dating, but I would guess there are

salesperson, it can be surprising how

standards are far beyond worldwide

some similarities to admissions. We

it can open lines of communication.

norms for a given grade level.

meet families and have a very short

I have been pointedly asked by

Similarly, learning the local language

period of time to decide whether or

parents if their child’s race, religion,

may be more critical for student and

not to enter a relationship. In this

nationality or learning background

parent integration in some schools

short period, I share my confidence

would be easily integrated within

than in others. The list of school

and pride in our school and its capable

the school community. I wish the

attributes is endless, but openly

students and faculty. It is that same

answer was always a confident “yes!”

sharing our unique school culture

confidence in our identity that allows

but it sometimes is a more complex

allows the admission professional to

me to be transparent in sharing all

discussion. It does not suggest that

be a resource far beyond discussing

aspects of our school culture.

schools shun the appreciation of

grade level placement and tuition fee



In October 2014 all British

and rear cameras, a powerful

will not necessarily be

part of their use – but it’s all

School of Brussels (BSB)

Intel processor and 128

used within all schemes

about using technology to

students in Year 7 received

gigabytes of storage space

of work, nor will it replace

enrich a student’s learning

their own electronic device

running the latest Microsoft

traditional methods of


to enhance their learning

Windows 8.1 update

learning, i.e. putting pen to

experiences - not only

operating system, explains

paper. “The introduction

David has worked at BSB

throughout the school day,

David Hindley, Deputy Head

of 1-1 devices at BSB has

for 20 years and is now

but at home too. A Dell

of Secondary School at BSB.

been debated at length,” he

Deputy Head of Secondary

explains. “They’re great for

School with responsibility for

Venue 11 Pro to be specific, with a 11” touch screen,

But David is keen to

independent learning and

Curriculum and Learning. He

detachable keyboard, front

emphasise that the device

for research – that’s a big

is at the forefront of BSB’s

The International Ideas Bulletin


Technology for Learning

choose from including Mary

There will be a focus at the

a selection of titles in e-book

development plan and

Rebelo, a UK trainer who

conference this October

format from October.

speaks with passion about

has worked with dozens of

on the school’s new Virtual

Students are just like us –

the doors to learning that

schools. Rebelo’s workshop

Learning Environment and

some of them can’t bear the

technology can open. And

will explore digital literacy,

Intranet, eBSB. With this

idea of reading from a tablet

the school is certainly aiming

augmented reality and how

new VLE, students will

or device, whereas others

high in this area: by 2020,

best to use ICT creatively

have access to electronic

don’t want to have to carry

BSB aspires to be known

across the curriculum. “The

planners and homework will

home a heavy bag full of

as students’, parents’ and

idea is that our students

be set electronically. Ease of

books. We decided to give

professionals’ first choice

can use an app like Aurasma

engagement and access for

students some choice over

of a world class learning

themselves,” continues

students will be greater than

how they can access fiction

community for enhancing

David. “Children will have

ever before.

and non-fiction texts. And

learning through leading

a worksheet to solve say, a

edge technologies. “A bit of

mathematical problem, and

Of course, one challenge BSB

a mouthful,” admits David,

Aurasma might demonstrate

faces is ensuring that the use

“but we live the mantra every

alongside the worksheets

of technology is appropriate.

Asked what he thinks the


how to actually solve the

David is well aware of the

future will hold, David is


danger that technology,

adamant in his response.

when misused, can inhibit

“Whatever we do needs to

And living that mantra

keen readers can have 24hour access to the library!”

cannot be done without the

Other external presenters

imagination. There are lots of

be sustainable, so there is

required investment and

include Kurt Klynen who is

applications for mathematics

a lot of long-term thinking

staff training, of course.

an Apple trainer based in

to check or manipulate

going on,” he says. “As we

October 23 and 24 2014

Belgium, as well as media

algebra equations and

move in this direction,

will see BSB’s third ICT

guru Tom Barrance who will

mobile devices are great

we must reiterate that

conference, attracting

be leading some hands-on

for independent learning

technology must enhance

delegates from destinations

sessions about creative film-

and research, but for the

learning. There are lots of

around Europe. We have a

making including adventures

humanities, for example,

questions and the learning

fabulous 2-day programme

in sound and image. Of direct

writing skills remain

styles of students now are

combining external speakers

relevance to our A Level

paramount. Saying this,

different, but if we don’t

with our very own trained

Media Studies and IB Film

we have introduced a new

explore options and try them

and motivated staff. This

course, staff and ultimately

e-library, having signed up

out, we won’t know. We’ll

means they can give their

students will experience the

with providers Overdrive.

be communicating much

views on what works and

benefit of these sessions.

“BSB will remain dedicated

more intelligently with each

what doesn’t from a very real

David is confident of the

to the importance of

other, it’ll be much more


impact speakers such as Tom,

literacy and will continue to

personalized and we’ll have

Kurt and Mary will have.

foster a love of reading in

to change the way we work –

Across the two days are

“These external trainers are

our students,” says David.

for the better!”

40+ different sessions to

truly inspirational,” he adds.

“However, we will introduce


REFLECTIONS ON ADMISSIONS AT SCHOOLS IN KOREA, SPAIN AND BELGIUM Robin Berting was hired recently as the new Admissions Manager at the International School of Brussels. He discusses how each school he has worked at, first in Korea, then in Spain, and now in Belgium, has provided him with different challenges. Furthermore, he reflects on how the recent transition he has gone through will help him empathize, even more than before, with the expatriate families that come to visit his school.

It has been just over two months since

convince ex-pats to send their children

split between local and international

I started work here at the International

to a school with a mainly ethnic Korean

families. In fact, many expats moved to

School of Brussels. I first worked in

population – some were afraid of the

Barcelona quite simply for the quality of

admissions at Korea International

language barrier on the playground and

life there. Both schools, however, were

School (KIS), just outside Seoul, in 2005.

others were intimidated by the often

selective in the admissions process and

After two years there, I moved to The

highly competitive Korean attitude

very proud of sending graduates to top

American School of Barcelona (ASB)

towards education.

universities. Saying “no” to applicants

in Spain. Seven years later, here I am in Brussels.

because of their English or academic ASB, on the other hand, did not have

level – not to mention the need for

the facilities to match KIS, but it had

learning support or special education

KIS had beautiful, brand-new facilities,

a longer history and more established

- was a regular part of my job at both

and showing them off to visiting parents

reputation, with strong sports and


was easy. It was harder, however, to

service learning programs – and an even

The International Ideas Bulletin ISB is also proud of its strong academic

Just as my family and I are enjoying our

results too, but it is also well-known for

discovery of Brussels and Belgium, with

its inclusive programs. About 15% of the

its rich culture and traditions at the

student body receives learning support

crossroads of Europe, I am enjoying my

or is involved in special education

discovery of the world of admissions at

programs. There is a strong belief that

ISB, in all its diversity!


the school must serve the large Brussels international community in all its

Remembering how tough transitions

diversity and that the whole institution

are, even with lots of support

benefits from inclusion. In fact, the

The International School of Brussels

school is a world leader, having spear-

does a great job of helping new hires

headed “Inclusion: The Next Frontier”,

transition into their positions: among

around, choose a place to live, shop

a worldwide movement that aims to

other things, the school helps us ship

for furniture, and jump through lots

see at least one inclusive international

our belongings and travel to Brussels;

of bureaucratic hoops to get your

school in every major city.

they assign us a relocation agent in

residence permit, open a bank account,

But inclusion does not make working

advance to help us find housing in

get your health insurance coverage, and

in the admissions office easier! The

the city; and they give us a welcome

a new driver’s license, all while adapting

school´s mission “Everyone included,

package and an extensive orientation

to your new job. And, as a family, you

everyone challenged, everyone

when we arrive. In addition, a very

have to get to know your new physical

successful!” does not mean that every

helpful and supportive HR team guides

and cultural surroundings, start learning

applicant is accepted. There is high

us through the red tape we have to go

new language(s) meet your neighbours,

demand and, depending on the grade

through once we are in the city. And

make new friends, and figure out where

level, there are at times waiting lists

that is not to mention warm welcome

to shop... the list goes on.

for learning support and special needs

that I received from my new colleagues

programs - and managing waiting lists

David Willows, Sara Sulaimani, Sorcha

As Admissions Manager, the move (even

can be a challenge. Also, for these

Dempsey, Anne Capon, and Sophie

though it was not our first one) has

programs to work, the school must

Manana Ma Paka.

been a timely reminder of what many

have a full picture of each applicant´s

of the expatriate families we meet at

needs. Parents of children who

In spite of that support, transitioning is

our schools are going through. So when

qualify for learning support or special

never easy. Departures are harder than

you see a family walk through the door,

education programs must submit a full

expected. Paying your last bills, getting

tired, stressed out, impatient, and not

range of up-to-date documentation

rid of the furniture that you cannot

in the greatest mood, it is probably

(psycho-pedagogical reports, ILPs,

take with you, finding new owners for

because they are going through many of

occupational therapy reports, speech

your car and maybe your dog, “finishing

the things I have just described above.

therapy reports, etc.). In addition to

the job” professionally at your school

Don’t bombard them with information

being up front about their children´s

(especially helping your replacement

about your school right off the bat.

needs, parents must also “buy into” the

ease into your old position), saying

Extend them a welcoming hand, listen

school´s approach – and that usually

goodbye to your colleagues and friends,

to their story, and reassure them that

requires a meaningful meeting with

and, above all, reassuring your children

with patience and perseverance, they

ISB´s learning support staff. It is also

that everything will work out in your

will surely get through the transition

important for admissions officers to

new country, are all physically and/or

just fine – and that the best parts of

have a good understanding of the

emotionally draining.

their exciting journey as a family are still

nature of the programs.

to come! But that is just the first half. Even with

Still, the rewards in terms of personal

support from the school, in your new

and professional growth are worth it.

country you still have to find your way


“There was no rain for a very long time. The farmers had planted crops like maize and wheat and corn, but because it didn’t rain, all the crops died. Because there were no crops there was nothing for people to eat, and they became very hungry. Because they didn’t have enough to eat, many of them died, especially the children and old people.” (64 words) “The extended drought caused the crops to fail, resulting in a widespread famine and many deaths, especially among the children and elderly. “ (23 words) The above two quotes

current language profile

languages at home to

English language.

demonstrate the differences

and how might that affect

preserve relationships with

• The bilingual family: the

between social language (the

the education decisions

relatives and the option of

parents speak different

first example) and academic

you are making for your

future education in home

languages, but one of them

language (the clear and

children? Do your children


is a mother tongue English

concise second example).

need to return to your

Many types of bi and multi-


These two examples also

home country in a few years

lingual families relocate to

show why it is never too

or will you be moving on

the UK. Chiefly, there are:

the parents speak

soon to consider your child’s

to another country with

• The monolingual family:

different non-English

academic future in making

another language? Or


languages and moving to

decisions about current

do you and your partner

family moving into the UK.

the UK introduces a third


speak different languages,

The parents and children


What is your family’s

yet want to preserve both

all speak the same non-

• The multilingual family:

All of these may be

The International Ideas Bulletin


complicated by having

country and need to re-enter

tongue language and literacy

How are English and

nannies or au pairs who

that country’s education

should continue as new

mother tongue language

speak yet another language.

system or whether the

languages are developed.

proficiency assessed?

family may be moving to a

Ideally, there will be a

In greater London, many

new posting in a country

partnership developed

and timing of the mother

education choices are

with yet another language.

between the parents, child,

tongue lessons? Students

available for all of these

Additionally, each child

and school.

need lessons spread


within the family has a

• British national curriculum

unique language profile

Questions to be considered

school day, allowing them

schools where the family

based on the age of the

in selecting a school which

to develop and process

would continue mother

student, home language(s),

supports mother tongue

language as part of a well-

tongue literacy and

his/her previous language

literacy should include:

rounded and integrated

language at home or after

learning as well as how the

1. What is the goal of the

programme. This is


child acquired the language,

programme? A mother

preferable to a single,

whether sequentially or

tongue language and

weekly lesson after school,


literacy programme should

when students are tired

not merely update the

and missing out on sports

• National schools like the French Lycée, German or Japanese schools • Specialist international

3. What is the frequency

over the week within the

Ultimately, the decision

social use of language,

schools which integrate

depends on where the

but prepare students for

4. At what age do language

mother tongue language

family will be in the near,

possible future academic

lessons begin? Ideally,

and literacy into a

or far future. The language

studies in the language.

mother tongue lessons

curriculum taught in

required for a University/

Additionally, it should

begin when the student


College education needs

be incorporated into the

joins the school. Those

In assessing the many

to be considered even at a

school curriculum, so that

first few days are difficult

options, however, families

very early stage of a child’s

mainstream classroom

when a new country,

should think about what they


topics are reinforced in the

language and school are

mother tongue classroom.

introduced simultaneously.

would like for their children’s futures.

As research shows that

2. How is the transition

and after-school activities.

The mother tongue

new language acquisition

into an English speaking

teacher, available to

Considerations include

is built on the foundation

mainstream environment

assist in explanations and

whether the family will be

of the mother tongue, it

planned? Without losing

introductions, speeds this

moving back to the home

is important that mother

the mother tongue(s)?

process tremendously


whilst reducing student

and mother tongue

you are alone again with

them or insisting they

anxiety in a new

teachers, and not be

your child.

reply in your language.


perceived as a ‘special

5. What is the age range of

• Help them love your

for your children to read,

language(s) and culture(s)

7. What support is offered

view films and listen to

by making it fun. Find

Students need appropriate

to the family and the

programmes with you

games which you only

language grouping. It

student? Student mother

in your language. This

play in that language or a

would be extremely

tongue and English levels

helps develop not just the

special series of books that

difficult to progress a

should be assessed on

social use of language, but

you explore together as a

10-year-old academically,

arrival with appropriate

academic language and


in the same class as a

language classes



provided. Workshops

• Arrange opportunities for

and presentations for

your children to interact

lingualism is routine for a

the actual curriculum of

the parents focusing on

with others speaking the

very large section of the

the school? Clear goals

language issues should be

same language through

world’s population and,

and objectives should be

available for the parents.

friends, clubs, or Skyping

research shows it will not

with family.

inhibit your child’s learning,

the students in the class?

6. Is the programme part of

need ‘.

• Provide an opportunity

in place. Mother tongue teachers should be an

Whatever decisions are

• Provide opportunities for

integral part of the faculty

made, there are certain

your children to spend

and involved in lesson

things families can do to

time in the country(ies)

planning. They should

support mother tongue

where your language(s) is/

provide written reports

languages at home.

are spoken. Very quickly

on a child’s progress as part of the regular school

language fluency develops • Consistently speak in

as children play with their

report. Teachers should

your own mother tongue

cousins and interact with

be available to discuss a

to your children. It’s fine


child’s progress during

to use another language

school conferences. If

when in the company of

When in doubt:

the child is also taking

others, for instance, when

• Keep speaking your

intensive English or EAL,

having school friends or

this should be coordinated

house guests, but revert to

with both the classroom

your mother tongue, once

language(s) to your child. • Keep the conversation flowing by not correcting

Remember that multi-

but will actually expand and enhance their learning.

The International Ideas Bulletin



The International Ideas Bulletin



What is the “story” of David

How do ISB, Advancement and

Willows (100 words max)?

Admissions fit into the “story” above?

Wow! That’s a tough question for starters. The thing about the

It’s true that my path into

story of our lives is that they are

everyday life at ISB wasn’t

always in a state of flux and,

exactly by a traditional route, but

whenever you try and tie it down

I quickly came to understand

to a few words, there is always

that my role within the school

more to say. That said, once

was deeply connected to many

upon a time, I lived in Oxford

of the things that I had learned

and spent my days reading

along the way: to tell the story of

philosophy and thinking about

the school and help other people

how we come to know the Truth.

find their place in that story.

Once upon another time, I was

Working with a remarkable team

a mental health chaplain, sitting

of colleagues, I have spent the

alongside people whose lives

last ten years trying to work out

had been shattered by mental

what this means and there is no

illness. I was always someone

doubt in my mind that the school

fascinated by the power of story

has changed me far more than I

to make sense of the world

may have changed the school.

around us. In 2001, my own story took me to Brussels and

If you look back on your

connected me for the first time

professional life so far, what

to the world of international

would you say were some major

education; where I also worked


on a project that tried to narrate the school of the future.

The problem with looking back at

Eventually, after a brief time

anything is that there is always

working on a European public

a danger of romanticizing the

awareness campaign on the

story and forgetting that even

story of climate change, I joined

our successes and best ideas

the team at ISB in 2005.

were born of the grit of dayto-day challenges, seemingly insuperable problems, and dilemmas. I’m of the opinion

The International Ideas Bulletin


at least that creativity in our work

opportunity throughout my career to

us to stop having to reinvent wheels

occurs because, not in spite of, tough

work alongside and learn from some

that others have already carefully

situations. Most of the challenges I

extraordinary people.


have been connected to the business

If you were to talk about a person who

What would you say are the skills

of managing complexity, managing

inspired you, who would that be and

that are compulsory to a successful

people, and managing myself.


admissions manager / director?

I’ve always had this dream to meet

For a little while now, I’ve come to

It’s morning. The night was not the

Sting. I admire the music that he spent

understand the role as having three

best you’ve had, you have many things

his career creating. He is just one of

main components: telling a story,

on your mind and the day ahead is full

those people I’ve love to sit down with

managing a process, and connecting

of meetings you are not exactly thrilled

over dinner and talk about life and

with people. I believe that if we learn

about. It’s raining and cold and as soon


how to do these things effectively we

have faced in my professional career

as you open your eyes (because of the

will understand what it means to be

sound of the alarm) you see the post

You have to go into the witness

it you stuck you your clock: “Parent

protection program tomorrow and you

meeting at the school tonight, don’t

are allowed to take only 5 things with

Looking back on your ten years at ISB,

forget to go. Pick up flowers first.” You

you. What are those things and why?

is there anything that you would do

close your eyes and think “I just want

effective in our roles.


to go back to sleep.”

I prefer the idea of a desert island than

What makes you get out of bed and of

a witness protection program. But if I

Too many to mention. I have made

the house on a morning like this?

had to take five things from my house

so many mistakes I am constantly

right now, I take a photo of my children

surprised by the patience and long-

(I am assuming that taking my five

suffering nature of my colleagues. If I

What a great question! To be honest,

children would be cheating), a bottle

could turn back time, I would be more

my mind is immediately wondering

of good French wine, a book by Tony

focused on developing relationships

whether the flowers were for my child’s

Parsons, a piece of clothing designed

across the school, more understanding

teacher. To answer your question,

by Paul Smith, and an iPhone.

of colleagues who didn’t immediately

though, I think of two things. First,

get what I was trying to say, and

however stressful I find my life at

Why do you think it is important for the

more disciplined when it comes to

times, I love my life and am genuinely

ECIS to run an admissions committee?

concentrating on those ideas and

positive about the life that is mine to

initiatives that are likely to have

live. It’s no picnic at times, but I am

It isn’t. But it is important for

the biggest impact on the learning

determined to get to the end of my

admissions professionals to have

experience of students in our school.

own story and find out what happens

an opportunity to tell stories to one

in those final chapters. I also love

another and share best practice. The

what I do and believe that I am one

role of admissions professional can be

of the lucky ones – to have had the

pretty isolated at times and it is time for


The International Ideas Bulletin


For more information on this summer’s course check the ISM site: http://isminc.com/workshops/advancement-academy-2014


CHECK OUT THE NEWSLETTERS FROM THE ISM. The Admission Office in the Fall: Time to Reassess Vol. 39 No. 1220 days ago While the beginning of each school year may be the “low point” of admission activity, it can be the “high point” of reassessment and planning. Use this time to prepare for the coming admission season. Review the last three years’ inquiry-to-enrollment statistics. Have there been changes in the inquiry pattern? Are people inquiring at different times than in the past? Are there discernible grade-level or division trends? Should the admission events placed on the calendar last spring be rescheduled at times that match the new inquiry patterns? You may have to readjust your strategies to reflect changes in your market. http://isminc.com/ideas-and-perspectives?utm_source=E-Letter&utm_campaign=fab3920cb3-1014_ admissions&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3de90a5586-fab3920cb3-385613490


ADMISSIONS AT SAS Interview with Farouk Maricar, Senior Admissions Specialist at Singapore American School The Singapore American School

following a campus tour. In cases

to the availability of spaces. We do

(SAS) admissions team has 8 staff

where there are special interest or

have an enrollment report that is

inclusive of a receptionist. Our team

special needs for the child, the meeting

generated every Monday in the week,

members are: Mona Stuart – Director

could be extended to two hours.

which has a display of current students

of Admissions; Farouk Maricar –

We will reply to emails in between

and the wait list. This is a useful tool

Senior Admissions Specialist; Ylva

appointments or at the end of the day.

for conversations when families are

Bracken – Admissions Specialist;

So you can imagine that our day is

enquiring on immediate spaces.

Bridget – Secretary to the Director of

rather filled with activities by itself !


We will also work with various school

It is sometimes challenging for us to

Siti – Admissions Assistant; Catherine

representatives like the Principal and

support families who move during

– Admissions Assistant; Eric – Data

Counselors in reference to student

the semester as we begin the school

Specialist; Sue- Receptionist

files, processes or any concerns or

year at maximum capacity in almost

changes in the grade levels.

all grades. While we may not have

Mona, Ylva and I would generally

immediate placement for the child,

meet families to orient them through

As one of the three non-profits

we encourage them to apply with an

the school and provide them with

schools in Singapore and having

application fee of $2500/- to be in

a campus tour. Our Admissions

been established since 1956, we

the applicant pool for consideration

assistants schedule the appointments

have recognition in Singapore as

in the new school year or the next

in our calendar via Google and we

a well-reputed school. While we

semester of the same school year.

typically could have four appointments

have a steady flow of applications

As admissions is based on a priority

in a day for each of us . On average ,

through the year, we do keep our

system, we are able to understand

we do meet about 3 families at least

marketing strategies alive as there is

where the applicant will be in the

in a day and that equates to almost 45

competition in the country especially

applicant pool that would provide a

families in a week. In addition to the

now with several other new school's

realistic feedback to the family. We

scheduled appointments, we do have

establishments. Our staff that is

know that families who are challenged

families that drop by the school for a

addressing the phone enquiries is

in having an immediate spot at

visit. Each appointment with a potential

always kept informed of strategies for

SAS, will attend another school in

family is scheduled for an hour and a

their communications with the families.

Singapore while being on our wait

half, which provides us with an ample

This allows them to be confident in

list. The families are willing to have

time to discuss the admissions process

their daily communications in relations

their child transfer to SAS when there

The International Ideas Bulletin


is availability. In some cases, we

to US citizens, 2nd Priority to Non

new applications, update the changes

encourage them to split the kids if we

US Citizens with US company , 3rd

on the data, tend to the enquires in the

have only a space for one child, as

priority to Non US citizens who is

general admissions mailbox, prepare

they would benefit from the sibling

exiting from International schools and

admissions packets, acceptance

priority when that child starts at SAS.

last is general applications. We will

letters, assist in providing the SAS

review the student reports cards and

student/family card.

Our peak enrollment period is January

supporting documents and will sign

through April as we replace almost

on the cover page of the application,

The office works closely as a team

750 to 800 new students with those

which acts as a checklist. Mona would

and supports each other at any given

who withdraw at the end of the school

then countersign them after looking

situation. This is vital in situations

year. Ylva and I will start reviewing

through the files. The files would then

when the same parent could be

applications for acceptance starting

be given to the admissions assistant

communicating with the different

in January and accept the first 30

who will email the acceptance letters to

team members so having the same

applications based on the anticipated

the families.

information is crucial. None of us in the

withdrawal at the end of the school

department has any non-admissions


We have a 3 admissions assistants

SAS gives first priority admissions

who have specific duties, input all the


duties or support classroom duties.

by Ellen Mahoney


MIAMI ADVICE by David Willows, ECIS Admissions Committee

decision-making process.

Key learning objectives for the course Admissions in the International School:

Share knowledge about how families evaluate and select

Reflect on the future of school

Think about the way in which

admissions, based on current

policy can bring clarity and


simplicity to complex procedures. •

Practice with some of the

Develop strategies for managing

essential 'nuts and bolts' aspects

difficult relationships.

of running an effective admissions

Understand the role of data


international schools.

and the importance of key

Consider how the admissions

performance indicators relating to

office can influence the family

school enrollment.

The International Ideas Bulletin


TAPPING INTO THE TRAILING TALENT by Mary Kay Hoffman, Director of Admissions , American School of Bombay

As admissions professionals, our role

ing parents. At the American School of

ing session facilitated by our staff and

extends far beyond ensuring families

Bombay, we embrace this responsibility

outside experts as well as through our

chose the right school for their children.

and have endeavored to provide a vari-

online academy. Lastly, we invite par-

Outside of the common connections

ety of opportunities to engage parents

ents to lead or co-facilitate programs

to marketing and development, we

in many aspects of the school.

for other parents and, in some cases,

play a critical role in helping families


transition into our schools, and in many

Over the past 6 years, ASB has aug-

cases, a new country and city. Embrac-

mented and enhanced its parent

ASB has evolved and changed in

ing and engaging parents, in particular,

engagement program beyond the com-

relevant and impactful ways because

non-working parents, is essential to

mon participation on the PTA, as parent

we empowered parents to lead or

this transition and the success of our

ambassadors and grade level Repre-

co-facilitate programs for parents and

students, and can impact enrollment if

sentatives, or as members of the Board

students. In doing so, parents develop

not attended to.

of Trustees. From our Parent Research

a deep understanding of our approach

& Development Team that works with

and philosophy and, with that deep

All the research indicates that fami-

the school to discuss and prototype

understanding, they have helped ASB

lies where parents are engaged in the

new approaches to learning and parent

evolve its programs. The following two

education process and school life,

engagement, to our divisional Parent

examples illustrate this point.

have children that are both happy and

Advisory groups that input into critical

successful. Schools that understand

changes in the day-to-day operations of

A former educator, Debbie was a

that they have a role to play in settling

the school, we leverage parent insight

member of ASB’s PTA Executive Board.

families into their context, and do this

for sustainable school improvement.

Needing a way to organize and con-

quickly and well, understand that the

We encourage parents to continue to

solidate the work of former PTAs, ASB

entire school is responsible for engag-

grow through in-person, active learn-

trained Debbie how to navigate the


Google Docs platform. Debbie, in turn,

as one of her driving forces, she now

has been an increase of our non-English

began training all parent volunteers and

has the support of the Leadership Team

speaking parent participation during

within three months, everyone was us-

to broaden the scope of the program

school events and responding to school

ing Google Docs to access previous and

and we are now looking to coordinate a


current parent work. When Debbie left

similar idea with our alumni throughout

Mumbai, ASB knew her skill set could

the world.

be used at a distance and she is now the

Finding ways to engage parents should not feel like a burden. It can be a really

Director of our ASB Online Academy

A former teacher, Laura, has solicited a

positive way to impact school pro-

that offers courses to parents, students,

group of other parents to help her teach

grams and enhance the structure of

and educators from around the world in

our non-English speaking parent popu-

your school. But, as you can see, there

dozens of subject relevant to students

lation. Now in its third year, Laura is our

must be a school-wide effort to involve

and working professionals today.

second parent to organize the begin-

parents at deeper, more meaningful

ning and intermediate conversational

ways than putting up bulletin boards,

A public policy professional, Julie had

English classes, which are held once a

laminate learning activities, or sort-

a passion for civic duty and community

week on campus. Classes are arranged

ing papers. Give parents meaningful,

support programs. Working with our

to help the parents learn to read, re-

impactful opportunities and ask your

Community and Social Responsibility

spond, and participate more within ASB

school’s leadership to consider ways

Coordinator, Julie launched ASB Cares,

communications and events. Adminis-

to tap into the skills of your “trailing

a parent-initiated program organizing

trators and teachers now include Laura


“play dates” between ASB families and

and her team in newsworthy items to

NGOs that work directly with children

better prepare our non-English speak-

Find out more here: http://www.asbindia.org/page.

across Mumbai. Identifying our mission

ing parent population. As a result, there


The International Ideas Bulletin

COACHING by Nivin El Aawar, Head of Admission, International School of London Qatar




During the last three weeks of June

to achieve on the trip, and steadily

were heavily laden with scores of blue

2014 we were lucky enough to have

their ambitions emerged: firstly, they

and white PE kits, medical supplies,

the opportunity to visit Bolgatanga in

wanted to see the difference that Best

lesson resources, play activities for the

Northern Ghana. We took a group of

of Both has already made in Bolgatanga;

students and stencils for the classroom

year 12 and 13 students with us, most

however, they also wanted to ‘get

walls, all packed up in donated

of whom have played an active part

their hands dirty’ and opted to plan

suitcases. Excited and a little anxious,

in the Best of Both (BoB) student-led

a programme of lessons they would

we were on our way.

charity work over the last two years.

deliver to the primary school students, as well as painting the classrooms

On arriving, the warm welcome we

The students set about designing their

at two of the schools. And so when

received from the students at Dachio

own programme of what they wanted

the time came to board the flight, we

School took us all by surprise. They ran

The International Ideas Bulletin


So what difference did it all make?

towards us excitedly and were keen

We set out to deliver a similar

to show us their dancing and singing.

programme of activities of teaching

After meeting up with the film crew

and painting at the other partnership

from tvbrussel, we toured the school

schools and, in doing so, teachers found

The fact that we visited reminded the

site and saw for ourselves the borehole

that our students constantly impressed

people we met that we are not just a

wells that had been installed with the

and to some extent surprised us. While

faceless entity sending them money; it

funds raised by those BSB students who

the majority of the group were teaching

demonstrated that we were passionate

cycled from Landsend to John O’Groats,

at the schools, I took a small group

about what they themselves were

as well as the flourishing vegetable

of medically-minded students to the

doing. More importantly, it sent the

gardens, the classroom resources and

local clinic closest to each school. We

message that we were keen to support

the ICT facilities. It was time to get to

saw first-hand the challenges of rural

them to do that.


medical care and our very kind nurse lecturers taught the students how to

The trip meant that we were able to

take temperatures, blood pressure and

bring back to BoB fresh information

prepare injections as well as answering

about what is or isn’t working with

the myriad questions our students

our charity and the suggestions from

had for them about the types of cases

community members about what else

they saw, the treatments available and

we could try to incorporate into our

This was a fantastic opportunity for our

the obstacles and challenges that they

support. It is now four years since the

students to take the lead in something


first visit of BSB staff, and two since

The students worked in a carousel teaching different skills to children from different age groups

they had planned from start to finish

the last student trip. Things move at

and they all acquitted themselves

This could be a possible further

different paces from school to school,

admirably. A few even developed a new

connection for BoB as both clinics we

so having that fresh information will be

found admiration for teachers saying

visited had a school health worker who

vital for the future of the charity.

they had no idea how hard it would be

worked with students to help them

to keep a group of 15 students quiet

make healthy lifestyle choices. The

BSB students had a wonderful

and listening to instructions! Once the

clinics explained how the clean water

opportunity to see a new part of the

teaching week was over, we started

from the borehole wells were making a

world and to appreciate for themselves

painting classrooms; a fun task where

difference to people’s health, but that

the progress that can be made through

everybody worked hard, and a number

there was still more they would like to

thoughtful charity. I am certain that

of people from the local village came to

work on to improve the health of their

a number of the students we took

help us.


have been inspired to spend more


time volunteering in places similar

complain about anything related to

You can view the films made by

to Bolgatanga around the world and

teaching ever again! The people we met

tvbrussel (just 5 minutes long) of the

some are looking to go on and work

and the work that they do was truly

trip here http://www.brusselnieuws.

with charities or to become doctors or

inspirational, and it was an experience


nurses - taking the message and ideals

that has made a lasting impression not


of BoB with them wherever they go.

just on the students, but on the staff,

And me? Well, I’ve learned never to


The International Ideas Bulletin



The International Ideas Bulletin

by Debbie Eisenach, Finalsite



HARKNESS METHOD The Guivy Zaldastanishvili American

teachers to a modern, well-equipped

an oval shaped table with the aim of

Academy in Tbilisi (American Academy

facility that is designed for interactive

encouraging seminar like discussions.

in Tbilisi) is a private high school, enroll-

learning in small classes, and supported

This places students at the center of

ing 263 students, grades 9 through 12.

by sophisticated technology and labo-

the learning process and encourages


the construction of knowledge not rote

The mission of the school is to help


bring Georgia into the 21st century by

Essential to our teaching at the Ameri-

preparing its children to compete on a

can Academy is the Harkness Method.

Our faculty has had extensive training

global scale, both locally and in schools

This style of teaching was borrowed

in the use of this method and we feel


from the well-known Phillips Exeter

that it is essential to the high quality of

Academy in the US. Students of no more

teaching and learning at the American

than fifteen per class are seated around


We bring highly trained and well-paid


Regular Classroom - During test Harkness Table

The International Ideas Bulletin




What does a 16th century historic farmhouse have in common with a 21st century state-of-the-art Early Childhood Center? At American School of The Hague, they are one and the same.

Intentional Design

connects the restored farmhouse and

"As passionate educators of young children, we don't just want to think of the ordinary; we want to create the extraordinary. That's what our young children do every day." The ASH Early Childhood Team.

the new, barn-style classroom section. The renovated original farmhouse hosts the arts center, cafeteria and administration, while the new classroom section, designed to showcase the presence of the historic farmhouse, is partially underground. These daylight classrooms open on to green slopes

Working hand-in-hand with the Mu-

The Early Childhood specialists and

leading up to outdoor play areas, which

nicipality of Wassenaar, the historic site

their young students were instrumental

dot the grounds. The use of hedges,

of Boerderij Ter Weer (Farmstead Ter

in the design phase of the facility, con-

wooden fences and other natural ele-

Weer), located just a 5 minutes' walk

verting its present form into an inspira-

ments as boundaries enables the site to

from the main campus, was developed

tional learning center for young minds.

fit into the existing neighborhood in an

into a stand-alone Early Childhood

Learning spaces were designed from a

organic way.

Center (ECC), providing a purpose-built

child’s point of view, making each space

facility for its youngest students, includ-

a place of wonder and imagination. The

ing a daycare for staff children.

vision: to create a joyful, mindful and environmentally sustainable learning

The occupation of the new ECC also

environment for young students.

allowed for the restructuring and reassignment of space on the main cam-

The layout of the buildings and grounds

pus, thus improving space allocations

maintains the feeling of being on a

for nearly every aspect of the PS-12

farmstead. One enters the heart of the

academic and extracurricular program.

school through a glass atrium, which

" We can think of no better place for these 3 to 6 year olds from around the world to experience the beauty and history of the Netherlands than in the farmhouse and grounds of Ter Weer." Dr. Rihcard Spradling

The International Ideas Bulletin


The dedicated sport complex provides

additional play structures, designed by


unique gym facilities with plenty of

the students themselves, will be incor-

The Early Childhood Center is designed

natural daylight and the use of green

porated into the area.

as an eco-friendly learning facility.

character of the property, completing

The theme of the playgrounds and the

the sight lines connecting all elements

overall landscape has been drawn from

of the complex.

a well-known children’s fantasy book,

"We believe that science is everywhere and that the students should have every opportunity to investigate things they can see, hear, touch, smell and taste."

roofs accents the original farmstead

‘Where the Wild Things Are’, written Mindful of the environment, even the

and illustrated by Maurice Sendak.

adjoining parking lot is laid out as a green parking surface with trees and

The landscape and play areas close to

hedges forming natural divides.

the farmhouse are more structured and

The objective was not only to create an

reflect farm life, while the area beside

environmentally friendly facility, but to

Where the Wild Things Are...

the sports facilities is a more of natural

ensure that all of the spaces, internal

Creating Imaginative and Playful

play area with hills, sand and water play,

and external, can be used as part of

Outdoor Spaces

and will eventually include a school gar-

the education program. Creating an

The area around the school buildings

den. The further away from the building

awareness of our environment amongst

was converted into a ‘play-landscape’,

one travels, the less structured (or more

these young students was an essential

where the youngest of students can

wild) the landscape.

element of the project.

utilize their imagination in wonderfully creative ways. The landscape reflects

Additionally, the School is now putting

the students’ own ideas and over time

energy back onto the grid in Wassenaar.


Some of the sustainability measures

this, regular community newsletters,

Grand Opening


written in both English and Dutch, were

Friday, September 5th, saw a large

distributed, and six different afternoon/

group of special guests, neighbors, par-

• photovoltaic (solar) panels

evening information sessions were

ents, students and staff join together

• grey water system, utilizing rain and

held for staff, students, parents, and

to celebrate the official opening of the

neighbors, celebrating each phase of

new Early Childhood Center at Ameri-

the construction project.

can School of The Hague.

The gymnasium and sports area has

Five colored ribbons were cut, each

been made available to the community

one carrying great significance for the

• a green roof

during non-school hours, providing

School. White as a reminder of those

• improved insulation

quality sports opportunities in the area.

lost in many tragedies near and far

canal water • the use of accoya wood sourced from sustainable forests • the use of recycled wood in the substructure

• an active lighting plan • heat pumps • floor heating and ceiling cooling Being a Good Neighbor A key component of the building campaign was to use the opportunity to enhance relationships amongst the School and its neighbors. To accomplish

in recent times and representing our

"We are excited by this significant step toward enhancing our partnership with our host community, which offers us an opportunity to demonstrate our deep commitment to Wassenaar." Dr. Richard Spradling

commitment to peace; green, denoting the School’s commitment to sustainability; and the three School colors of red, blue and yellow, which carried the School’s core values on them: Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Empathy and Communication.

The International Ideas Bulletin



Ninth grade student Valeria Cossich has

interface of visitors with LCS students

families about every element of LCS,

been at LCS for seven years and feels

would have, the Advancement Office

from the grounds to the art classes on

that she knows LCS campus like the

launched the student-led walking tours


back of her hand.

on Wednesdays in 2013.

She is one of eight Student Ambassa-

A total of 55 student-led tours were

it is given through a student’s lens and

dors who volunteer to give tours of the

organized in 2013-2014, many of

encourages student volunteers to be

campus to visiting students and parents,

the visitors were from multinational

creative, self-confident, communicators,

nostalgic alumni, and anyone wishing to

companies, while others were Embassy

thinkers and enquirers, some of the key

learn more about the school a tour of

and UN staff and Ghanaian nationals

IB Learner Profile traits. This year’s

the campus.

interested in the school as well.

group is made up of a dynamic and

The LCS Student Ambassadors, who are

confident group of 9th and 10th graders

Before the Student Ambassador pro-

a diverse mix of nationalities, wear spe-

- High School students who have been

gram was initiated, there were hap-

cially designed signature vests embla-

at LCS for at least two years and are

hazard drop-ins and requests for tours

zoned with the school logo and mascot,

familiar with the campus.

which administrators found disruptive

the Lincoln Lion. They can be seen

Valeria got into the program when she

on all levels. Valuing the impact that an

around campus chatting to prospective

volunteered to be an LCS tour guide last

What makes the tour so unique is that

The International Ideas Bulletin


year. “I offered to take a new girl around

All Student Ambassadors have to

lege Offices, the Health Clinics, School

and I realized that I liked doing that,”

become familiar with a tour script

Libraries and the Multi-Purpose Hall

said Valeria who is from Guatemala.

which includes information on the LCS

(MPH) where theater and sports activi-

She finds being a tour guide interesting

mission, demographics, the IB Diploma

ties take place.

because it’s about learning something

Program, Safety and Security Policy

new about the school every time there

Procedures as well as Student Conduct

Kingsford Brown-Dadzie, LCS’ Admis-

is a tour. “Add to that the fact that you

and the LCS Honor code. They are also

sion Office Assistant who mentors and

meet cool people,” she explained with a

provided with tips on how to answer

supervises students under the Student


Frequently Asked Questions.

Ambassador program explained that

The tour departs from the Advance-

the best Student Ambassadors are

Ninth grader Stefania Dracos from

ment Office in the main Administra-

those who show dedication, boldness to

Greece also recently joined the pro-

tion block and continues for around

communicate with respect and conduct


45 minutes around campus. The route

the tour with warm smiles, explained

takes them from to the MS, ES areas

Brown-Dadzie. “I see that in all our

“I think it’s great to have the privilege of

and the new High School building at the

Ambassadors,” he concluded.

getting to tell new parents what I think

far corner of the campus. Visitors are

about the school too,” she said.

also directed to the Counseling and Col-

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