Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine Fall 2016

Page 1

Celebrity Mom: Weather Network

Saphia Khambalia Parenting:

What the Danish Way Teaches Us Ages & Stages:

Children’s Eyeglasses: A Parent’s Guide Education:

Seven Ways to Give Your Child Well-Rounded Skills UrbanGuide:

2016 Car Seat Guide CONNECT WITH UBT




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FALL 2016 volume 14 • issue 3

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4 active families : Keeping Your Children Healthy: Join the Movement! 6 parenting: What the “Danish Way” Teaches Us 8 celebrity mom: Weather Network: Saphia Khambalia 10 lifestyle: Eight Steps to Buying Your First Home 12 nutrition: Nutritional Lunches: Three Simple Steps to Get Creative 13 in the kitchen: What Are You Packing? Bento Box Lunch Solutions

l et te r f ro m th e Ever notice how the to-do lists get longer and longer at this time of year? As a parent, you have lots on your mind getting the family back on track for school/pre-school and a myriad of activities. Our latest edition of UBT was designed to help you on that important quest. Looking for ideas on making nutritional lunches more appealing, then be sure to read our article on page 12. Picture this: Your child having a meltdown in public. We have all been there. Read page 18 for valuable tips on managing “stressful situations” gracefully and creating more family harmony at the same time.

2 2 education: Seven Ways to Give Your Child Well-Rounded Skills

EDITOR/AD SALES Lara Leontowich



CONTRIBUTORS Kristen Yarker, Emma Berg, Kim Vopni, Dr. Melanie Hennenfent, Julie Romanowski, Julie Hansen, Lindsay Coulter, Melissa Collins, Natasha Biem, Patricia Chan SUBSCRIPTION urbanbaby & toddler magazine is available for $25.00 per year (includes GST). Published four times per year by Local Kids Media, reaching 68,000 readers per issue. Material appearing herein may not be reproduced in print or electronically without written permission of the publisher, and without proper credit. Editorial opinions and viewpoints may not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

www.urbanbaby.ca On the cover: Simeon, 2.5 years old

2 8 UrbanGuide: 2016 Car Seat Guide

Location: Bopomo Pictures Studio

31 spotlight: UrbanMom: Heather

As always we value your feedback. Send your emails to the editor at editor@urbanbaby.ca

Good Luck!

26 things we like: Fall Products

31 on the town: Fall Family Fun

For those parents shopping for a car seat, be sure to check our 2016 Car Seat Guide on page 28-29.

You Could Win 1 of 6 Car Seats Featured ENTER TO WIN AT www.urbanbaby.ca

25 eco parent: Connect With Nature: Discover Together

3 0 UrbanKid: Life Lessons: Five Ways to Teach Kids About Money

Yes there’s always another to-do list to tackle but sometimes you need a relaxing break to enjoy your favourite refreshment while catching with the latest edition of UBT. Enjoy!

Ultimate Car Seat Contest!

16 prenatal: Labour and Recovery: Lessons Learnt from Second-time Moms

2 0 UrbanMarket: Products & Promotions

We all know about the importance of checking a child’s eyesight regularly and working closely with eye doctor when prescription eyeglasses are recommended. Our very informative article on page 14 is a must-read for all parents.

Check out the UBT UrbanGuide on page 28 & 29 for our

14 ages & stages: Children’s Eyeglasses: A Parent’s Guide

18 parenting: Q&A: Common Challenges, Collaboration and Staying Calm


Photo Credit: Bopomo Pictures www.bopomo.ca

urbanbabyandtoddler @urbanbabymag urbanbabymag urbanbabyandtot our mailing info:

Suite 378 - 255 Newport Dr., Port Moody, BC V3H 5H1 Canada telephone: 604.908.8835 email: info@urbanbaby.ca

a c t i ve f a m i l i es

| by Melissa Collins

Keeping Your Children Healthy: Join the Movement!

In Canada and across the globe, we are seeing an obesity epidemic. Children are exposed to too much screen time, too many junk food options and an overall sedentary lifestyle. Thankfully, there is an increased awareness about this issue, and people are creating new ideas and initiatives to combat it. Here’s an alarming statistic: according to the World Health Organization, 42 million infants and young children were overweight or obese worldwide in 2013, and if the trend continues, 70 million young children will be overweight or obese by 2025! This is a crisis, and without intervention, could lead to a range of serious health complications and illness. The Live 5-2-1-0 message is clear, simple and easy for children to understand. It states the following: • 5 servings of fruit or vegetables per day • 2 hours or less of screen time per day • 1 hour (at least) of active play • 0 sugary drinks

It is easy to get started. Visit the interactive website at www.live5210.ca to view the various resources available. In fact, many communities are engaging in the Live 5-2-1-0 initiative, and utilizing the online, downloadable toolkits; tip sheets; checklists and even colouring sheets. Service providers can use these resources (activities, materials and information) to share and support the Live 5-2-1-0 message. The Toolkit is useful for a wide range of people including daycare workers; early childhood educators; teachers; coaches; community health workers and most importantly, parents.

The Live 5-2-1-0 Play Box

and stay supported by a healthy community environment. The goal is to ultimately make healthy choices easier for children! For more information on this initiative and a list of resources, visit www.live5210.ca. We challenge parents out there to familiarize yourself with the Live 5-2-1-0 initiative, and implement those practices in your daily life! Learn about innovative ways to make the commitment by simply visiting www.live5210.ca/resources/families. While there, check out the Family Live 5-2-1-0 Pledge, Weekly Tracker Sheet, to help your family take a giant leap towards a much healthier lifestyle. Together we can make a difference! It all starts with awareness. • In many municipalities across BC, you can find the Live 5-2-1-0 Play Box strategically placed in parks and outdoor recreation areas. Watch for these large, industrial-strength, weather-resistant steel boxes wrapped in the Live 5-2-10 logo. Communities can get access to a wide variety of playthings free of charge. The play box is locked and can be opened with a code that is available either by registering with the Live 5-2-1-0 community website, or by visiting the recreation centre where the box has been positioned. Inside the box, you can find soccer balls; small pop-up nets; frisbees; capture the flags; basketballs; street hockey items; hoola hoops; skipping ropes and more! Abbotsford was the first to launch their play boxes, and now many other municipalities in BC are joining the health and fitness movement. These communities include:

• New Westminster • Hope • Delta • Chilliwack

• Nanaimo • Comox Valley • Coming soon: Surrey!

The Live 5-2-1-0 initiative is part of the SCOPE program, which is a BC advisory and research group made up of pediatric doctors, public health officials, dieticians, research partners and more. Their vision and mission — in collaboration with Live 5-2-1-0 — is to create a future where children eat healthy, are physically active

fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 5

p a re n t i n g

| by Melissa Collins

What the “Danish Way” Teaches Us Is it possible that we, as North Americans, are making some fundamental mistakes when it comes to parenting? And is it possible that striving to overachieve and pressuring our children to be the best, win at everything and beat out others to succeed, is actually “ineffective”? Ever wonder why aren’t we just letting kids be kids instead of scheduling them into every activity out there? These questions – among others – are addressed in the informative book The Danish Way of Parenting which I recently had the pleasure of reading. I have always been fascinated with the Scandinavian way of life, from their highly-regarded outdoor schools, to their effective social programs, including an elaborate social safety net; free education and amazing healthcare programs. Most importantly, I have always marvelled how the main countries that make up the Scandinavian region – Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden – are consistently ranked in the top 10 happiest in the world. Fortunately, Canada is usually ranks well too. The book is set up using the word PARENT as an acronym to categorize chapters that shed light onto best practices as parents. Here are some examples:

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P – Play: Stop over-scheduling your kids and let them play. That’s how they learn. Don’t succumb to that unspoken pressure to enroll your child into every activity under the sun. Just let them play.

A – Authenticity: This is all about being honest and real with your children. It means forgoing that image of a Disney-esque happy ending to everything in life (that teaches them that everything always works out in the end) and forgetting about equality across the board when it comes to skill and reward. Everyone gets an equality medal for participating in a sport, instead of 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. This isn’t authentic, nor is it a reality of life in adulthood. By sugar coating things to children, we are not getting them accustom to the reality of life’s ups and downs. On the other hand, if you can be honest and authentic with your child and model a role of emotional resilience instead of perfection, your child will likely grow up to be the same. For example: if your child is doing a task such as colouring, instead of saying “Wow! You’re such an awesome artist!” (Which can lead to the child seeking for praise in perfection all the time), you could reword your praise and say “I really like your use of colour here” or “You did a great job with those lines and circles.” The more praise you give to your child for being “perfect” or “smart” may backfire – your child may start to believe that



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intelligence is a fixed trait and that they already have it – thus preventing them from working hard to achieve anything later on.

to “get cozy around together”. The word’s roots originate in Germany, and means “to think or to feel satisfied together as a group”.

R – Reframing: This was my favourite chapter. I learned about how we tend to label things in life in order to make sense of them. Unfortunately, these labels can have long-lasting damaging effects. Think of it as a new approach to optimism. It’s an ability to look at the most negative situation and always know that there is another side to the situation.

This may seem like a foreign concept to the North American ideology, which puts much merit on individualistic nature and philosophy of self-reliance. It’s truly remarkable what can happen when you put your “I” aside and come together for the “we”. This is taught in Denmark by encouraging children to work in teams from an early age, and engage in team projects at school.

E – Empathy: In a society that is obsessed with “survival of the fittest”, we shy away from vulnerability – because we feel it will actually disconnect us from others and show us as weak. The truth is that vulnerability actually connects us and bridges a gap between those moms who reveal how tough parenting is and how hard life can be. The result of shying away from vulnerability, and striving towards “being the best”, is that we end up in a culture of shame. But imagine how much more connected we could be if we supported each other in our vulnerable moments instead of judging and shaming. In this chapter we learn how being vulnerable, and learning to connect and support others, actually develops empathy in children. The Danes teach empathy by using language that encourages empathy, allowing children to be less judgmental, and encouraging them to get along with others.

N – No ultimatums: Did you know that spanking is illegal in Denmark? And imagine the concept of parenting with respect – treating your child as a human capable of thoughts, emotions and ideas, just like you and I have. For example, children are directly involved in the making of rules at school. At the beginning of the year, they set up their own code of conduct based on what those children in the classroom find ideal and respectful. They avoid power struggles and labelling children who are difficult as “troublemakers”, because they know how damaging those labels are. Offering other options is recommended instead of ultimatums, when an undesirable behaviour is happening. For example, they use humor, distraction or other options instead of an ultimatum.

Another way of encouraging Hygge is through singing. Research shows that people who have strong social networks of “togetherness” have lower life stress, and as a result, die later in life rather than those who have little to no social supports. Overall this book was an incredible read, and I’ve been referencing it constantly after finishing it. I have discussed these principles with my friends and used those same principles during tough parenting moments to understand my children better. Most of all, the book just reinforced my desire to travel to the Scandinavian countries one day to see what this incredible lifestyle is all about. • Melissa resides in Langley and is a freelance writer and mother

T – Togetherness:

of two young girls, ages three and five years-old. When she’s not

This is perhaps the cornerstone value in this book. “Hygge” (pronounced hooga), it is a core value in Danish life. It means

cleaning up Barbie shoes and Shopkins, she’s likely to be found curled up in her hammock with a good book.

fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 7

ce l e b r i t y m o m

| by Urbanbaby & Toddler

Weather Network: Saphia Khambalia

Saphia Khambalia has been welcomed into thousands of Canadian homes from coast to coast. Viewers rely on her to tell them what jacket to wear and if they should grab their umbrella as they head out the front door. Khambalia is a National Weather Anchor for The Weather Network. She is also mom to Jacob, age two and daughter Layla, who was born May 15th, 2016. Khambalia says the weather is the one thing that touches all our lives every single day and it’s pretty cool to be able to share that with Canadians. “Nothing compares to Canada’s weather. From coast to coast, there is an incredible story to be told and I am so lucky to tell it to viewers across the country every single day.” Urbanbaby and Toddler Magazine recently had the chance to talk with Saphia about her broadcasting career and life as a busy mom.

half moon dentistry for children UBT: How do you balance work and parenting? SK: There is no balance. There is no perfect recipe. There is no “one size fits all”. Things change day by day. You have to make a semblance of life that works best for you so you can honour all of those priorities and easily shift from spending time at home in your track pants building LEGO castles to making sure you have the village behind you, so you can continue your career path. And you want to make sure your kids are happy and healthy at the same time. I honestly think it comes down to just trying to live in the moment and stay grounded. There is no right and wrong. There is no balance. There is no comparison to somebody else. It is really about looking at your own life and really doing what makes you love every single second.

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Dr. Vertel

UBT: Is there one moment you can say that has been the most memorable one for you as a mom? SK: It is a hundred thousand little moments. Every minute of every day you are just in awe about these little people with bigger-thanlife personalities. Jacob is sweet and funny and has the biggest

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8 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016

heart. Layla is a gentle, sweet soul with strong conviction. It is like a gift watching them every day. UBT: Do you have any funny stories to share? SK: One day Jacob helped me get ready for work. I didn’t realize he had taken things out of my work bag including all of my reporter earpieces, little microphones and little technological gadgets needed to go live when out in the field. Jacob took them out of my bag replacing them with his LEGO and Elmo. And he actually hid my stuff around the house. UBT: What is it like sharing your pregnancy with a television audience? SK: A lot of viewers commented on social media and loved watching the pregnancy day by day. It’s so special being able to share such a beautiful moment with a lot of people who really care. When you talk about your kids on television, viewers really get to know you in a special way. UBT: What advice would you have for a new or soon-to-be parent? SK: Trust your gut. I think you should rely on your instincts when you are really unsure of where to go. As parents, when we follow our instincts, we will always know what to do. Trust your gut with no regrets, because there’s always a different way to do things, and in that moment, you did the best you could. UBT: Do you think being a mom has changed your perspective on your career path and being in the spotlight? SK: The minute you get propelled into that deep end of love, everything changes. In some ways it makes your career skills stronger. You grow up a little bit quicker. You know what is important in life. You learn not to sweat the small stuff in so many different ways, which I think helps your career path as well. It also helps you realize you don’t have an infinite amount of time and energy to spend, so you really pick and choose the things that make your day great. You learn to really prioritize the important stuff. •

Read past celebrity parent interviews at


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l i fes t y l e

| by Emma Berg

Eight Steps to Buying Your First Home Your family is growing, and you’ve decided to trade up and finally gain a foothold in the Lower Mainland’s rising housing market. Purchasing a property is one of the biggest buying decisions that you’ll make, and there’s much to consider: What kind of neighbourhood do you want your kids to grow up in? What are the nearby schools like? How much time will it take to commute to work? It can all be a bit overwhelming. Add that to the several steps involved with buying your first home, and you may feel intimidated. While it’s true that there are many details to buying a home, the process doesn’t have to be difficult if you know what to expect. Knowledge and preparation (especially in Vancouver’s competitive real estate market) are the keys to a smooth home-buying process. Being well-prepared reduces your stress and allows you to actually enjoy your home hunt!

Here is an overview of the main steps to buying your first home: Step 1: Get your Mortgage Pre-Approval It is crucial to know what you can afford before you start shopping for your new home. Knowing how much you can afford makes your search more efficient because you won’t waste time looking at homes that are out of your range. Secondly, in today’s fast-paced market where many properties are selling within days of listing, your mortgage pre-approval puts you in a better position to make an offer. Thirdly, when you talk to your lender about your mortgage pre-approval, you will learn about your lender’s requirements before you can make an offer.

Step 2: Make a Wish List of your Must-Haves and Deal-Breakers What location do you like? How big do you want your home to be (i.e., number of bedrooms or square feet). What kinds of restrictions matter to you (i.e., do you have a pet that you will want to bring with you?). The list is just a starting point that can change as you begin looking at homes.

Step 3: Shop Around This is the fun part! The goal here is to look at properties, neighbourhoods and go to as many open houses in the area you want to live in.

10 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016

Step 4: Make an Offer /

Include Subject Causes

Your real estate agent will help you determine a fair market value of the property you are interested in buying. Recent comparable sales in the same or a similar neighbourhood will give you an idea of market value so you can make an informed offer. In today’s market, don’t be surprised if you have to pay more than the asking price. Purchasing a home can involve specific subjects that set out a specific condition which must be fulfilled before the sale can go through, such as “subject to financing” or “subject to inspection”.

Step 5: Do Your Due Diligence Once your offer is accepted, your realtor will guide you through this step. Doing your due diligence includes having a satisfactory professional building inspection, reviewing strata documents and getting final approval from your mortgage lender.

Step 6: Remove Subjects When you’re satisfied with all the work, you’ve done in Step 5, you can proceed with your purchase and remove subjects. With subject removal, you will need to submit your initial deposit, which is usually a bank draft of about 5% of the purchase price (up to $500,000), held in trust by your realtor’s brokerage.

Step 7: Complete the Sales Once you’ve submitted your subject removal, you can choose a lawyer or notary to perform the conveyance. Your lawyer or notary will disburse funds to pay the seller as well as the register title in your name. He/she will also make adjustments to ensure that you and the seller each pay your prorated share of any costs like property tax and maintenance fees.

Step 8: Moving In Home Sweet Home! Your realtor helps you to obtain the keys to your new home, and now it’s time to move in! Welcome to your new home and happy unpacking. • Emma was born and raised in Vancouver and is the mom to two children. As a realtor, her knowledge of the Lower Mainland provides a huge benefit to her clients. With over 20 years’ experience in marketing, sales and entrepreneurship, she is passionate about helping families with their next move. www.teamberg.ca

fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 11


| by Kristen Yarker

Nutritional Lunches:

Three Simple Steps to Get Creative If you are like many parents I know, one of your least favourite activities is packing lunches. If it feels like a thankless task that must be done day after day, you are definitely not alone. In our super-connected social media world, it’s easy to feel that unless your child’s lunches look like a miniature piece of art, you must be an inadequate parent. The aesthetic quality of your child’s lunch shouldn’t be a reflection of how much you love your child.

• Deconstructed sandwiches. Instead of stacking everything

Let me tell you point blank: You don’t need to make Pinterestworthy lunches to be doing a great job. Your primary goal is to provide lunches that meet your child’s nutritional needs and instill lifelong healthy eating habits.

between the two slices of bread, serve the deli meat, cheese, and bread separate and let your little one build his or her own sandwich. Leftovers. If you are cooking dinner consider making a little extra and pack it in a thermos for your child’s lunch tomorrow. Cookie cutters are not just for baking. Re-purpose your cookie cutters to cut fruit, veggies and sandwiches into fun shapes. Lots of picky eaters are more willing to try cucumbers and watermelon when they are cut unto cute little hearts and stars. •

Here are three practical steps for packing simple, healthy lunches: Use the Food Groups as a Guide: Each food group is high in certain nutrients, but no single food or food group can give your child all the nutrients needed. This means it is important to include a variety of food from each food group. Use Easy-to-Open Containers and Foods in Small Sizes: A child who struggles to open a container or chew a particular food is more likely to just give up and not eat it. I’m a big fan of bento-style lunchboxes because they keep foods separate; are easy to open, and make food visually appealing. Mix it Up Every Other Day: Ensure that you are not fostering your child’s picky eating habits by serving the same thing every day. Alternate between two different items on sequential days. Get creative. Make lunch unpredictable so your child won’t get into the rut of only eating those boring ham sandwiches and apple slices for lunch. Once you’ve got the basics covered, it’s your choice if you want to take your packed lunches to the next level. Remember, this step is completely optional.

Easy Ways to Up your Lunch Game: • Switch up the bread. Keep the filling the same but switch up your bread. Tortilla wraps, pita pockets, rice (or puffed-grain) cakes, mini bagels, crispbread, and crackers all make great sandwich alternatives.

Banana Roll-Ups: A modern, sushi-inspired face-lift for the classic peanut butter and banana sandwich. Does your child attend a peanut-or nut-free school? There are a number of fantastic peanut-free and nut-free “butters” available now, made from ingredients like chickpeas and sunflower seeds. If you pack these, either include a note or tell your child’s teacher so the food doesn’t get taken away under the assumption that it’s a banned food.

Ingredients 1 banana 1 small whole wheat tortilla wrap 1 tbsp peanut butter, nut butter, or nut-free butter Directions:

1. Spread the tortilla with nut butter. 2. Place peeled banana on the tortilla, butter-side up. 3. Wrap the tortilla around the banana. 4. Slice into bite-size pieces.

Kristen MSc, RD is a child-feeding expert who helps parents support their picky eaters to try new foods on their own. Since 2008, she has been working with families to provide good nutrition for their kids today and instill a love of food that lasts a lifetime. www.kristenyarker.com/kids-nutrition

12 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016

i n t h e k i t ch e n

Helping you

| by Urbanbaby & Toddler

What Are You Packing?

find home in YVR (So you can focus on what really matters... like family!)

Bento Box Lunch Solutions

A Bento Box is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese culture. These convenient containers allow you to make a healthy, satisfying lunch with cleverly proportioned foods in one container. Bento Boxes are now available in a wide variety of styles, colours, prices and designs that appeal to children and adults.

• L u n c h b o ts Q u a d $5 6 . 0

aduates • Gerber Gmre O rganizer i t l a e M $ 15








•B reen • GoLG unchbox S et $55.0

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Easy Snack Ideas to Include: APPLE CHEDDAR





• U Kon s e

To-Go $ 24 vide i .99 D











Checkout UBT Pinterest for more bento box sets and lunch ideas

www.pinterest.com/urbanbabyandtot fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 13

*This is not intended to solicit property already listed for sale. E. & O.E.

a g es & s t a g es

| by Dr. Melanie Hennenfent

Children’s Eyeglasses: A Parent’s Guide Young children don’t often tell their parents when they’re having difficulty seeing because the way they see the world is the only way they know! So how do you know if your child needs eyeglasses? The simplest answer is by ensuring your child receives a yearly eye exam by an Optometrist. In British Columbia, MSP (Medical Services Plan) covers annual eye exams for children up to 18 years of age. Like the rest of the body, a child’s eyes can change very quickly. During an eye exam, the doctor will assess your child’s visual acuity and function, and determine if visual correction is needed. If the Optometrist recommends glasses for your child, try to help your little one understand the benefits of their new tool such as being able to see more clearly, learn more efficiently, and perform their favourite sports with greater skill and confidence! Though it isn’t as simple as you may think, Dr. Hennenfent warns parents; “Glasses, when prescribed for children, often serve a different purpose than when prescribed for adults. Sometimes children have one eye that is weaker or “lazy” (known as ‘amblyopia’), in which full time spectacle correction is absolutely

necessary for that eye to develop properly and become capable of 20/20 acuity. If not properly corrected before a critical age of about 6 to 8 years, this decreased vision can become permanent and life-altering. Thus in children, glasses are not just about “clear vision”, (in fact your child may complain that their new glasses blur their vision), but rather about visual development, making it crucial that they continue to wear their glasses and you book follow-ups as instructed by your Optometrist.” When choosing a frame, be sure to pick one that fits comfortably around your child’s nose and ears. Children’s frames are specifically designed to be more durable and flexible than adult frames. Look for frames with spring hinges for added flexibility to suit your child’s active lifestyle. To ensure your child likes their new glasses and is compliant with wearing them, be sure to involve them in the selection process. “Children’s glasses have come

DR. MINI RANDHAWA 604.435.3931 Vision Source Vancouver, the Eye Clinic of Dr. Mini Randhawa, Optometrist.

Keeping your child ’s eyes healthy and their vision the best it can be, is our mission!

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Annual check–ups during this time are KEY in making sure that eye health, vision and muscles develop properly.

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80% of learning happens through vision. Children with perfect sight can still have an undiagnosed vision problem that leads to difficulties with learning.


FREE PAIR OF SUNGLASSES *Comprehensive eye health, vision and muscle examinations are free up to the age of 18, as it is covered by your child’s care card!


a long way in terms of colour choices and design,” says Dr. Hennenfent, “The goal is to complement durability and fit with trend and personal style.” Be sure to choose a frame that fits well and is adjusted properly, since glasses that slide down the nose will change the effective prescription, plus your child may be tempted to peek above the frame. As a parent, teach your child how to keep their glasses clean and how to store them safely in the case. Remember, children can be tough on their eyewear so a back-up pair is always recommended. If your child requires glasses full time, prescription sunglasses should be considered to provide protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

R e me m be r:

80% of a child’s learning is based on vision, making excellent eyesight critical to your child’s development.

For tips on how to detect symptoms of visual disorders and diseases in your child, download “Your Child’s Eye Health”, a PDF brochure that provides essential information on children’s eye exams and the importance of vision to childhood learning. • Dr. Hennenfent trained at the New England College of Optometry in Boston, Massachusetts and is now practicing at Optomeyes Eye Care (located in both Squamish and West Vancouver). Along with her colleagues at Optomeyes, she has a special interest in binocular vision and the development of the visual system in children. www.optomeyes.ca

How to Te l l i f You r Ch i ld Ne ed s Gl a s s e s • Squinting: The classic symptom of either nearsightedness (not seeing well far away) or farsightedness (not seeing well close-up).

• One eye: If your child closes one eye and it helps them see better, there could be a structural problem like astigmatism (problem with how the eye focuses light).

• Eye rubbing: If your child rubs their eyes, there may be some eyestrain and glasses can help.

• Sitting too close to the television: Moving closer to the television or lowering the head while reading a book are signs your child may be nearsighted.

• Frequent headaches: Frontal headaches or brow aches are often a result of uncorrected farsightedness.

fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 15

p re n a t a l

| by Kim Vopini

Labour and Recovery: Lessons Learnt from Second-time Moms

It’s easier to prevent a problem then trying to fix it later. Right? That was my philosophy when I became pregnant for the first time. I knew what pregnancy and birth could do to the body because my mom shared her struggles with me. Thankfully, her insights led me down a path of proactive learning. We all know that a first-time pregnant woman gets information overload about everything from due dates; health care providers; birth locations to gestational diabetes testing. The list goes on and on. The pelvic floor and the abdomen typically get minimal attention with regards to preventive care except for such advise as: ‘do your kegels’ and ‘I think you are supposed to stop doing crunches’. Second-time moms know there is much more to being well-prepared.

When reflecting back, many second-time moms wished they had prioritized differently (paying attention to their pelvic floor/ abdomen and doing the work to prepare their body for birth and recovery.

• Labour requires great mental and physical stamina. Many first-time moms train inappropriately or not at all during pregnancy. Forget the running, Cross fit or Boot camp. Instead, tone down the impact and work on ensuring your body is well-aligned. Strengthen key muscles so they can lengthen and release during delivery.

• Consider hiring a doula. First-time moms are often uniformed about how a doula differs from a midwife. Or they may think that they won’t need a doula because their partner will be with them during delivery. Many second-time moms discover first-hand how helpful a doula can be in providing extensive knowledge and support.

• First-time expectant moms are well-advised to learn about EPI-NO or perineal massage including the cost and processes involved. Many second-time moms can tell you about the

16 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016

benefits of connecting with pelvic floor muscles before birth and fully understanding the importance of the pelvic floor during delivery.

• Create a birth guide and a recovery plan. First-time moms often strive to be a supermom who can do it all. Second-time moms know all too well that the concept is unrealistic and many wish they had realized the importance of recovery and healing earlier on. You need knowledge coupled with an open mind so you can be prepared to adjust to the ever-changing situation during labour. A doula can be a great resource to you. Rest, nourishing warming foods and restorative exercise are must-haves during your recovery.

• Wrap your abdomen in the first eight weeks postpartum. Some first-time moms may not be aware of the positives gained from belly wrapping during those postpartum weeks. Some conclude that since they are fit going into pregnancy, they will easily lose the weight and get their pre-baby body back after pregnancy. Second-time moms are informed about changes to the body during delivery including abdominal muscle separation. They know from experience that optimal healing is in the first eight weeks postpartum.

• Your core goes through significant change during pregnancy and birth. First-time moms typically wait six weeks, get a green light to resume normal activities from their doctor and then go to the nearest Mommy Boot camp to ‘lose the weight and get their body back’. Going too hard too fast can lead to back pain; incontinence and prolapse. A pelvic floor physiotherapist can help in advising you. Check with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. Pregnant for the first time? Congratulations! Now seize the opportunity to connect with second-time moms, who are often willing to share their stories through social media channels. Second-time moms offer a wide perspective on common challenges so you can be well-informed and equally well-prepared for those delivery and recovery stages. • Kim is an author, doula and mom of two boys. She is also the owner of Pelvienne Wellness Inc, and co-founder of Bellies Inc. She helps her pregnant clients prepare for birth and her postpartum clients optimize healing and become confident moms. www.pelviennewwellness.com

p a re n t i n g Q& A

| by Julie Romanowski

Q&A: Common Challenges, Collaboration and Staying Calm Q: My husband and I are on two totally different pages when it comes to parenting our three children. We argue a lot about who is right/wrong. It adds to the high stress and nothing gets solved. What can we do? Sarah & Bryan S. North Vancouver JR: This is a very common issue for parents. It is easy to get into a habit of who is right and who is not. This can lead to a lot of tension and disconnect. My suggestion to parents is to take a collaborative approach in determining the best solution for your child’s development so your child gets his or her needs met. At the same time, this approach also honours the opinions, perspectives, points-of-view and personality style of each parent. Need more motivation? Keep in mind that your children are always observing family members. While doing so, they are learning how to problem solve; work as team and stay connected in times of distress. During these situations, it is critical to teach and guide your children about collaboration.

Q: My mother-in-law always adds her opinion about how to raise my children and it is really bothers me. Any suggestions? Simmone B. Nanaimo JR: Having someone judge and criticize us for any reason can be tough. Yet each member of a family has a unique and important role. Opening up the lines of communication (on a regular basis) about how things are going and how everyone is feeling about the children can be a healthy way to keep things more positive. This proactive approach is worth considering. Accepting the opinions of others can be challenging, especially if they don’t fit into what you think is best. Standing up for your own personal boundaries or considering someone else’s perspective, can lead to enriched learning and understanding. I always suggest to parents to just consider the possibilities as the first step. Sometimes we just need to try the ‘one-step-at-a-time’ approach.

Q: I feel like everyone stares and judges me when my son has a tantrum in public. Help. Petra W. Edmonton JR: You are not alone Petra! I believe at times, we may be judged although sometimes people are just observing as they don’t know what to do either and they are hoping you will give them some tips. Here are a few ways to curb the criticism and judgments when out with your child: • Tantrums happen with all children all over the world. It is a natural part of childhood development. You are not alone. Everyone has been through it. • Don’t hesitate to ask for help and/or delegate some assistance. For example, when you have to leave the store with a crying child, ask someone nearby to hold the door for you or put away your shopping cart because you have your hands full and have to go. • Strong leadership is required during these situations. Getting emotionally involved with your child in public generally escalates the situation and can make things much more difficult. Put your feelings on the back burner for now and remain neutral. Just get through the situation keeping everyone involved safe and healthy as gracefully as you can. Parenting has its challenges. Unfortunately there is a void in the training or education needed to help parents prepare for this massive role. Learning is part of the journey. Acknowledging the fact that you are doing the best you can, is a positive way to move forward. And creating a healthy support system can also be beneficial because it reassures us that we are not alone when times get tough. It really does take a ‘village’ to raise a child! • Julie is a mom, an Early Childhood Consultant and owner of Miss Behaviour: parenting coach and consulting services, the children’s behavior and discipline specialists! Learn more through her e-newsletter, tips and blog at www.missbehaviour.ca

Have a Question for Julie? Submit your questions at missbehaviour.ca/ask-us.html

18 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016

Bellies to Babies Celebration™ Sunday, October 2nd, 2016

Come celebrate motherhood with us at the Bellies to Babies Celebration™. BC’s best and original tradeshow for new and expectant parents. Whether you’re a rookie or becoming a mom for the second or third time, this day is just for you! See everything from stylish baby and children’s clothing; unique, baby gear; skin care; to postnatal classes and green baby products. It’s all at one show — under one roof!

Drop off your old or expired car seats at the tradeshow for recycling and help keep car seats out of the landfill. Sponsored by WCS Recycling.

Moms-to-be can participate in educational workshops. First-time Dads can take part in our Rookie Dad Contest. Varied support groups will also be on hand to answer questions for new and expectant parents.

Bellies to Babies Celebration™ supports “Breastfeeding is Best” and provides a breastfeeding-friendly environment.

Bellies to Babies Celebration™ will feature a wide variety of exhibitors and sponsors, over $3000 in door prizes. The first 100 moms in attendance receive a complimentary diaper bag filled with samples from Baby Gourmet, Aleva Naturals and Phillips Advent, to name a few. With even a bigger array of prizes attendees can enter to win the grand prize of a $1500 shopping spree to TJ’s The Kiddies Store.

Sponsored by: Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine, TJ’s The Kiddies Store, PrintPrint.ca, JRFM, Z95.3FM, Shop n’ Stroll Fitness

Join us Sunday, October 2nd, 11am – 4pm at the Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Dr, Vancouver. Donations collected for Vancouver Basics for Babies Program

Register online to attend:



FALL 2016 •




First 100 Moms In Attendance Will Receive




604 • 908 • 8835



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baby & children’s products cont.


Twinklebelle Designs

Time to plan another party? Need help? Let us do it for you! Theme parties, costumed characters, inflatables, face painting and more. We do holiday parties too! Fully licensed and insured. *NEW* adorable, affordable par-t-pets.ca Call: 604.628.7828 Online: www.par-t-perfect-vancouver.com

Wow any new parent with fabulous handmade baby gifts from local designer Twinklebelle. Practical hats, booties, blankets all ethically produced. Call: 778.232.7031 Online: www.twinklebelle.com

Little Threads Boutique An online infant and children’s consignment boutique – save up to 90% off retail prices! Currently accepting clothing and accessories for ages 0-10. Call: 604.516.9159 Online: www.littlethreadsboutique.com

Groovin’ Tots Dance Party We bring the party to you! Your party guests will be dancing and laughing while having fun! Choose from a variety of party packages. Ages 1-4. Call: 604.427.1687 Online: www.runnersandbootiesfitness.ca

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20 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016

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Angela Fennelow, BBA, CFP

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a complimentary diaper bag.

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Win a $1500 shopping spree

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Register: belliestobabiescelebration.com

BirthTalks Informative events to help you through your pregnancy, birth and beyond parenthood. Join us for workshops, monthly speaker series and yearly conference. Online: www.birthtalks.com

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products for mom Sick of Your Eye Bags and “Angry” Furrow Lines? Nerium’s patented, non-toxic, plant based products are for busy moms like me, who want to look & feel younger without plastic surgery or harmful drugs. With a 30 day “EMPTY THE BOTTLE” policy, it’s risk-free! Receive a NEW Instant Age-Defying Eye Serum (Value $115) for referring 3 friends

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gift for mom or anyone special in your life. Customize each ring with an initial, name or short phrase. Be on-trend with these charming stackable keepsakes. Handmade by jewelry designer Jennifer Wood in Surrey, BC Canada. Order online: www.JenniferWoodJewelry.etsy.com Email: riotdesigns@yahoo.ca

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programs for mom & baby Nubaby Wellness Take the guesswork out of parenting babies + toddlers and do it with confidence! Join us for our signature intelliPLAY™ program teaching you how to nurture your kiddo’s intelligence. Online: www.nubabywellness.com fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 21

e d uca t i o n

| by Natasha Biem

Seven Ways to Give Your Child Well-Rounded Skills To complement what your children are learning in the classroom, get them involved in activities that foster creativity, culture, and independence. The only way your children will be creative as adults, is to allow them time and opportunity to explore their creativity.

Let Them Play!

Teach Responsibility

At school, children spend the majority of the day “doing as they are told.” Creative thinking is crucial in today’s job market. Employers are looking for individuals who are able to think outside the box and can come up with solutions and resolve problems as they arise. Make sure your child has plenty of time throughout the week to play (that’s right —play). Equip them with building toys; Lego; clay; art supplies; journals; dress-up costumes, and all kinds of papers for drawing.

Knowing they are being counted on to help run the household makes them feel like an essential part of the family. My sons can choose from either cooking dinner or setting the table and clearing the table when the meal is done. If they cook dinner on their own, I set the table. If they help me cook dinner, then I help them set the table. We started this before they were in kindergarten. Chores should not be viewed as an opportunity for parents to tell children what to do. Instead, allow them to take ownership of their responsibility.

As your children grow older, encourage story writing, movie making, photography and activities that they can do alone or with friends. If they like video games, find games focused on creating and inventing.

Keep Them Socializing Having friends over not only allows children to engage in creative, undirected play, but allows them to build social skills. Meaningful

REGISTER NOW FOR THE 2016-17 PRESCHOOL YEAR Winner: 2014 BC Child Care Award of Excellence for outstanding quality and service.

The City of Surrey’s licensed preschool programs provide children ages 3–5 with high quality, tailored learning and social experiences that set the foundation for future success in school and life.

Spaces fill quickly. Secure your spot.


BACK TO SCHOOL relationships are important for children of every age. Learning to understand others and develop skills such as empathy and negotiation, will serve them into adulthood.

Visit Cultural Events Together Going to a cultural event as a family is a wonderful way to expand on your child’s knowledge. Take your children to the theatre; symphony; music concert; museums and art galleries in your city or in cities nearby. Take your children to see talented street performers and artists during summer months and whenever you travel.



If your teacher tells you to bring something from nature for showand-tell, she does not want you to bring an alligator! What could possibly go wrong?

Learn About the World Together Study the world with your children, one continent at a time, then country by country. When you travel, learn about a place before you to go it. Allow each family member to choose a site to visit or an activity to participate in.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL RULES by Laurie Friedman

Character Percy Isaac Gifford explains his rules of success for getting the most out of the school year.

Read Together Read with your children and read to your children. And enjoy every moment your child reads to you. It’s been proven that reading boosts your child’s grades at school. It also increases your child’s vocabulary; provides valuable knowledge; fosters imagination, and allows them to learn about numerous subjects.

Shuffle Their Activity Playlist Learning to play a musical instrument is beneficial in other academic areas, including math. Let your child choose a musical instrument he or she would like to learn. Alternatively you can have your child try classes in art or acting.


What’s on the school supply list when Daddy goes shopping? Glow-in-the-dark glue sticks, an electronic garbage truck pencil sharpener, and neon paper clips.

We are all aware of the many benefits children gain from participating in regular physical activity such as sports or dance. Family hikes or visits to the park can work too so you don’t have to spend a great deal of money to keep them active.


A little girl senses her mom is sad that she is growing up so she invites her mom to spend a day in her class, but mom does everything wrong! She butts in line, shouts out answers, and uses her outdoor voice in the library. How will the rest of the day of kindergarten go?

Provide your children with rich opportunities not readily offered in a school environment. Getting them involved in creativity, culture and independence will go a long way in helping them develop well-rounded skills so they can be successful both inside and outside of the classroom. • Natacha is a world-renowned Early Years and Parenting Expert. She is an award-winning writer, speaker, teacher, and the Founder of the renowned CEFA Early Learning Schools.


Summer is almost over, and you know what that means—time to head back to school! But when a tropical storm ends A.J.’s vacation earlier than expected, he and his family have to stay at Andrea’s house. Ugh, disgusting!


fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 23

24 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016

e co p a re n t

| by Lindsay Coulter

Connect With Nature: Discover Together

You don’t need a Zoology degree or forest school training to enjoy the full benefits of family time in nature. Studies show that children who learn in diverse natural settings are more physically active long-term. Time spent in nature boosts creativity, curiosity and concentration. Chances are you’re already doing at least one of these activities with your children without really realizing how beneficial it is.

Make a Mud Pie Did you know digging in dirt — gardening or playing — can be a natural antidepressant? The microbe found in mud and wet soils, activates brain cells that improve mood, reduce anxiety and facilitate learning. No wonder some doctors are prescribing vitamin “N” for nature!

Learn About Bees Children can help make your backyard a bee sanctuary. The secret? Keep it untidy. Let veggies grow and flower. Besides being a great way to teach your child about a plant’s full life cycle, you can sit back and watch pollinators at work. Leave a patch of ground bare as 70 percent of Canada’s native bees nest underground. Unlike honeybees, mining bees don’t form large, socially-organized nests. Their ideal nesting sites are exposed, well-drained soils with little vegetation. Mining bees are not aggressive and rarely, if ever, sting. Forget about having a perfectly manicured lawn. Remember that you are providing a home for important pollinators. And don’t spread mulch — it covers up their burrows.

Build a Bug Hotel Bug or insect hotels attract beneficial insects that act as pollinators or natural pest control and provide overwintering habitat. 1. Place found materials — twigs, plant stalks and old sunflower heads — inside a reclaimed or repurposed box in your garden. 2. Build your own bird house-sized insect real estate (and piece of art) and fill it with natural materials like bamboo poles; pencil-sized paper tubes; small stones; pine cones and twigs. 3. Drill holes into an old log. Vary the size of the holes from half to one centimeter (0.2 to 0.4 inches) in diameter.

As a busy mom of 4, I loved being there for my children however, my choice to be at home limited my career options. I looked into several home based companies (party plan & MLM) but I wanted something more traditional. Today, I work with a manufacturing company and head up a marketing team. Most of us are moms and all of us work from home… around our family’s schedules! If the idea of earning additional income, while having fun with other moms, intrigues you…we should talk!

Watch the Sky Together Light pollution, a side effect of the industrial revolution, has our cities glowing at night. Plan a little pajama party in the family van and escape to the countryside to watch the stars together. • Lindsay resides in Vancouver with her two-year old son. As David Suzuki’s “Queen of Green”, she answers questions and offers DIY recipes and tips. She regularly appears as a “green expert” in the media and appeared on the Dr. Oz show.www.queenofgreen.ca

Roni McMillan

fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 25



things we like! 1.






Fall Products

Add some brightness and fun to your Fall with these colourful and convenient products.

1. Hape Alphabet Puzzle

3. The Dri-Pad

5. Herschel Pop Quiz Backpack

Great learning tool for young children! Sized just right for little hands, the sturdy, standalone letters makes it easy for children to practice their ABCs and form simple words.

The reusable change pads with vibrant colors and patterns make changing time easier and more enjoyable. Designed with a non-slip surface and made of leak-proof fabric.

Colourful and very functional too! This versatile Herschel Pop Quiz Kids backpack features an internal sleeve pocket and is made for children six and under.

In-Store: Mastermind Toys, Various Locations Online: www.amazon.ca

2. Hunter Rain Boots Designed for toddlers and small children, these rain boots are made up of functional, protective elements. A flatter sole and rounded-foot add stability. And the wider leg provides a comfort fit.

In-Store: Dandelion Kids, Vancouver & Port Moody

Online: www.www.softmoc.com

26 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016

In-Store: Active Baby, North Vancouver & Langley Online: www.drilinebaby.com

4. Newlie Diaper Bag This transitional diaper bag is stylish and double duty. The interior, insulated pocket can be used for baby bottles during the diaper years and for snacks during the toddler years.

In-Store: Chapters/Indigo, Various Locations

Online: www.indigo.ca

In-Store: Dandelion Kids, Vancouver & Port Moody

Online: www.lussobaby.ca

6. Funbites It is a must for every parent. Cuts your child’s food into fun-shaped bite-sized pieces. You will love the convenience and your child will love all the fun shapes. These handy tools are perfect for serving food for picky eaters and making Bento style lunches even more appealing!

Online: www.fenigo.com

enter to win at

u r b a n b a b y. c a Enjoy Grown-up Movies in a Baby-friendly Cinema! Stroller Parking • Reduced Sound • Change Table Dunbar and Vancity Theatres Alternating Wednesdays at 11:30AM


Visit Facebook.com/movies4mommies or moviesformommies.com for upcoming films, special events & prize giveaways


9. 7. Jack n’ Jill Natural Toothpaste

and Biodegradable Toothbrush

This unique brush is made with rounded, nylon soft bristles for superior cleaning and an ergonomic handle perfect for small hands. Use with flavoured all-natural toothpaste for babies, toddlers and children that is safe, if swallowed.

In-Store: Dandelion Kids, Vancouver & Port Moody Online: www.wells.ca

8. Native Shoes These shoes are flexible and lightweight yet extremely durable making them a perfect choice for a child’s long day tearing around the playground. Designed in cool classic styles and available in bright, fun colours.

In-Store: Lussobaby, North Vancouver & Vancouver

Weekday Mornings at


Shop ‘n Stroll is a workout that turns your stroller into a portable fitness machine and takes baby along for the ride.

FREE TO ATTEND! Sponsored by your Local Shopping Centre

Coquitlam Centre

Kiddos Footworks, Coquitlam Dandelion Kids, Vancouver & Port Moody Momease, Victoria Online: www.lussobaby.ca

Willowbrook Shopping Centre

9. Bumbo Section Toys

Park Royal Shopping Centre

Designed for playtime and teething, this suction cup toy attaches to any smooth surface. The bead maze, rotating body and rattle beads help baby develop motor skills.

In-Store: Westcoast Kids, Richmond Online: www.oyaco.com fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 27

Sevenoaks Shopping Centre

Haney Place Mall Oakridge Centre




2016 Car Seat Guide 1. Evenflo • SafeMax All-in-One The SafeMax is the first rollover-tested car seat. This car seat offers a SafeZone headrest that is designed to absorb and dissipate crash forces, providing advanced protection where your child needs it most. Type: Convertible All-in-One Price: $399.99 Child Weight: Rear-facing: 5-40 lbs; forward facing: 22 to 65 lbs Booster: Converts to booster 40-120 lbs

3. Diono • Monterey The Monterey Booster is a full-featured, expandable high-back booster seat designed to fit growing children. Type: Booster Price: $139.99 Child Weight: 40 to 120 lbs Booster: Converts to backless booster Child Safety: Extra-deep side walls are reinforced with aluminum and lined with EPS foam

Child Safety: 5-point safety harness

Specialty: Energy absorbing AirTek foam provides superior cushioning and comfort

Specialty: Harness Protection System

Available at: Babies R’ Us & Baby’s World

Available at: Babies R’ Us



Extra deep, reinforced side walls

Angled, reinforced seat bottom prevents submarining

Adjustable width: expandable seat back width fits shoulders up to 20” inches

Adjustable height: 11 position headrest, adjusts up to 6.5” with one hand

Two recline positions for comfort and to fit all vehicle seat types

Integrated Steel Frame provides strength to absorb crash forces

Temperature-regulating fabric (Outlast Technology) that keeps your baby comfortable during hot or cold weather

10 year lifespan

2. Britax • B-Safe 35 Elite With superior safety, installation and comfort, the B-Safe 35 Elite is the ideal infant car seat from the #1 brand in safety technology.

4. Diono • Rainier RXT

Price: $249.99

Diono Rainier is the only car seat brand that offers convertible+booster seats with a full steel frame making it one of the safest car seats available today.

Child Weight: Rear-facing 4 to 35 lbs

Type: Convertible All-in-One

Child Safety: SafeCell Complete Side Impact Protection surrounds your child in a deep protective shell designed to absorb crash forces and shield your child

Price: $399.99

Type: Infant

Specialty: Click & Go System featuring a quick-release handle makes for an easy and secure attachment to any Britax stroller. Available at: Babies R’ Us & Lussobaby Features: •

SafeCenter LATCH Installation

Comfort foam provides an extra layer of padding to cushion your child

Ergonomic handle makes carrying comfortable for the hand or forearm

Extra-large canopy provides sun and rain protection

28 | www.urbanbaby.ca | fall 2016




Child Weight: Rear-facing 5 to 50 lbs; forward-facing 22 to 65 lbs Booster: Converts to booster 50-120 lbs


Child Safety: Full steel frame and 5-point safety harness Specialty: Aluminum reinforced side walls, energy absorbing EPS foam Available at: Active Baby & Lussobaby Features: •

Full steel alloy frame and aluminum reinforced sides

Adjustable head support, reinforced for complete side impact safety

Fits three across in a mid-size vehicle


Ultimate Car Seat Contest!

We’re Giving Away all the Car Seats Featured

ENTER TO WIN AT www.urbanbaby.ca 5. Safety 1st •

Grow and Go Sport The Safety 1st Grow and Go 3-in-1 Convertible car seat is built to grow with your child. Type: 3-in-1 Convertible Price: $244.97 Child Weight: Rear-facing 5 to 40 lbs, forward-facing 22 to 65 lbs Booster: Converts to belt-positioning booster Child Safety: QuickFit™ Harness System lets you adjust the height from the front in one simple step Specialty: Machine-washable and dryersafe seat pad removes easily, with no need to remove the harness. Available at: Walmart Features: •

Three-position recline can be adjusted with just one hand

Removable pillows allow the seat to grow with your child

6. Maxi-Cosi • Mico Max 30 The Mico Max 30 provides superior safety for your baby featuring maximum comfort, safety, and style. Type: Infant Price: $359.99 Child Weight: Rear-facing from 4 to 30 lbs up to 32’ in height

Car Seat 101:

Know the Type You Need Infant Car Seats:

Infant Car Seats are designed for babies from birth to 20 lbs. They help support your baby’s head and make it easier for them to breathe, while keeping them in the safest rear-facing position at all times. These smaller infant car seats are compatible with a variety of strollers.

Convertible Car Seats:

Convertible car seats are practical and allow the same seat to be used for rearfacing and forward-facing stages. Babies 5 to 45 lbs are seated in rear-facing position and adjusted to forward-facing position when they reach 22 to 65 lbs, depending on the car seat make and model.

British Columbia Car Seat Guidelines: Birth to 1 year and 20 lbs

Infant Car Seat,

Rear-facing position *Over 1 year and over 20 lbs

Infant Car Seat,

Forward-facing position

Under 9 years old and over 40 lbs

Booster Seat,

Forward-facing position

9 years+ and at least 4’9 ft tall

Seat belt,

Booster Car Seats:

Booster car seats are designed for forward-facing position for children 40 lbs and at least nine years old (depending on child’s weight and height). If your current car seat does not convert, you’ll need a Booster car seat. All Booster seats are forward-facing position, as either high-back or lowback. High-back Boosters provide extra support and protection for your child’s upper body. Low-back Boosters, also known as backless booster seats, are the last stage of a car seat for a child who does not yet meet the height and weight requirements for using a seatbelt alone. Backless booster seats provide extra height for your child, along with arm rest support.

Why Rear-Facing?

Rear-facing car seats support and protect the child’s head and spine in the event of a car accident. This is the safest position and it is recommended to keep your child rear-facing as long as possible, until they reach the maximum weight and height. A rear-facing position must never be used in a front passenger seat that has an active air bag. Death or serious injuries can occur if the air bag inflates.

back seat of car is the safest *A child may remain rear-facing until they outgrow the rear-facing weight and height limits of your car seat make and model. Check car seat manual for requirements and restrictions.

For Use in Canada:

Car seats purchased in other countries are not legal for use in Canada. All car seats made for use in Canada have a National Safety Label. Non-Canadian certified car seats are not covered by insurance companies in the event of a car accident.

Car Seats and Booster Seats: How Long are They Safe?

All car seats sold in Canada have an expiry or useful life date indicated in the car seat manual. Parents should not use an expired car seat and should discard it rather than donating to a charity or giving to a friend. Average useful life of a car seat is between 6-8 years.

Child Safety: Air Protect Side Impact Protection, Anti-rebound bar on base Specialty: Premium self-wicking fabric that is machine wash/dryer safe Available at: Babies R’ Us & Lussobaby Features: •

Reversible Cozi-Dozi insert to provide head and neck support smaller infants

Ergonomic handle for comfortable carrying even with canopy extended

Extra-large canopy with flip-out visor

Seat pads remove easily to wash without rethreading harness

Recycle Your Expired Car Seat Keep your car seat out of the landfill and bring to the Bellies to Babies Celebration Tradeshow on Sunday, October 2nd, 2016. Monetary donations will be accepted towards the program.

See page 5 for more tradeshow information fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 29


| by Patricia Chan

Life Lessons:

Five Ways to Teach Kids About Money Children are natural-born entrepreneurs. As toddlers, they make homemade mud pies and “sell” them to Mom or Dad. As children get older, they start to understand that adults will pay them small amounts of real money in exchange for goods or services, such as walking the dog after school. Children typically quickly catch on to the concept of “earning” and the ‘Tween’ years are an ideal time to teach them about “saving and budgeting”

parent and then paying off the loan with money earned from chores done after school.

Give Them Financial Dignity Since many schools don’t teach financial literacy courses here are some you can teach your children about money, financial responsibility, and entrepreneurship:

A hot dog stand; car-care service; or lawn-mowing jobs provide much more than extra spending money. When children start small enterprises, they learn about earning, saving, budgeting and so much more.

Child who grow up in households where parents live under the constant threat of having their car repossessed or their utilities turned off often intuitively see the relationship between finances and dignity. No one should have to make a choice between buying food and paying the rent. Parents are well-advised to teach their children about the lifetime benefits that comes from managing money wisely. Get your child started with a youth savings account so he or she can see how saving five dollars month can soon add up to several hundred dollars saved.

Help Them Make a Budget

Talk about Earning, Saving and Budgeting

Teach your children how work and money are inter-related. Look for opportunities to demonstrate how family budgeting means having enough money for food; school supplies; clothes; birthday presents; sports/entertainment and tech devices.

Teach your children about the essential steps in making any financial investments and how to make investment decisions carefully. Watch for opportunities for “everyday teachable moments” to give your children ongoing tips on earning, saving and budgeting so you can encourage continuous dialogue and discussion. •

Support their Natural Entrepreneurship

Teach Them How Credit Works Children need to know about credit because it helps them understand how to plan for large purchases responsibly. A child with little or no money can acquire something she or he really wants. For example, it might involve borrowing money from a

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2764 Barnet Hwy. #103, Coquitlam, BC V3B 1B9 Canada

Patricia is an investment banker, mom of three children and resides in Abbotsford. She loves teaching sharing her knowledge about money management with her children and clients.



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Fall Family Fun!

August 2016 Aug 1-Sept 5, 10am-4pm: Dinotown Tour Cultus Lake One-of-a-kind dinosaur experience ziplines, paddle boats, mini golf, giant maze many other activities. dinotown.com Aug 1-Sept 6, Daily 10am-7pm: Playland at the PNE Pacific National Exhibition kiddy rides, live entertainment, food and musical guests. pne.ca/thefair Aug 1-Dec 31, 10am-5pm: Vancouver Aquarium Discover Rays Interactive touch pool to experience southern stingrays vanaqua.org

September 2016 Sept 3, 11am-10pm: Richmond World Festival Minoru Park, Richmond main stage multicultural acts food truck festival, activities for all ages. richmondworldfestival.com Sept 6, 11am-4:30pm: Labour Day Fair Burnaby Lake Museum Old-fashioned fun games, entertainment, market vendors. burnabyvillagemuseum.ca Sept 18, 2pm-3pm: Sharon, Bram and Friends Orpheum Theatre A sing-along concert featuring music favourites Tickets on sale sharonandbram.com

Sept 28, 10am-6:00pm: Raise a Reader Day Support this charity by purchasing a copy of the Vancouver Sun newspaper. canada.com/literacy/ raiseareader

October 2016 Oct 2, 11am–4:00pm: Bellies to Babies Celebration Croatian Cultural Centre, Van A one-of-a-kind event, for trendy baby fashions, décor and more Community resources and support services on hand. Admission by donation to Basics for Babies Win a $1500 shopping spree to TJ’s the Kiddies Store Register to attend: belliestobabiescelebration.com

Oct 8–31, 11am-5pm: Stanley Park Ghost Train Stanley Park Miniature Train Activities for the kids. vancouver.ca/parks/events Oct 9-31, 10am-4:30pm: Children’s Halloween Fair & Train Bear Creek Park Train, Surrey Train ride through Halloween display, crafts, games and pumpkins. bctrains.com/halloween Oct 15-16, 11am-4pm: UBC Apple Festival UBC Botanical Gardens, Van Apple tasting, entertainment, childrens’ area, crafts, face painting, games and storytelling. Admission: $4 per adult, kids under 12 free botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/ apple-festival

Opens September 17th Aldor Arces Pumpkin Patch 24990 – 84th Ave, Langley 604.888.0788 aldoracresfamilyfarm.ca

Ongoing Events Shop ‘n Stroll Fitness Various Weekdays, 9:30am Mom & Baby Fitness Class Sponsored by your local Shopping Centre Free to Attend Registration required runnersandbootiesfitness.com

Groovin Babies Every Wednesday, 11:00am Parent and Toddler Dance and Music Class Sponsored by Brentwood Town Centre Free to Attend Registration required runnersandbootiesfitness.com

Zumba for Mom & Baby Every Friday, 10:00am Dance Class for Mom & Baby/ Toddler. Sponsored by Lougheed Town Centre Free to Attend Registration required runnersandbootiesfitness.com

Movies For Mommies New Releases and Favourites Alternating Wednesdays, 11:30am Dunbar Theatre, Vancouver Grab bags and special guests. Stroller friendly, diaper change area. moviesformommies.com Please check websites to confirm event details

Opens October 3rd Pete’s Pumpkin Patch 9423 Gibson Rd, Chilliwack peteyspumpkinpatch.ca Opens October 1st Laity Pumpkin Patch 21145 128 St. Maple Ridge 604.467.4302 laitypumpkinpatch.com


Oct 27-30, 6pm-9pm: Haunted Village Burnaby Village Museum Halloween entertainment, trick-or-treating, carousel rides, ghoulish snacks and more. burnabyvillagemusem.ca

PUMPKIN PATCHES Opens August 19th Applebarn Pumpkin Farm 333 Gladwin Rd, Abbotsford 604.853.3108 tavesfamilyfarms.com


Opens October 1st Richmond Country Farms 12900 Steveston Hwy, Richmond 604.274.0522 countryfarms.ca fall 2016 | www.urbanbaby.ca | 31

Heather • Coquitlam Leo, 3.5 years old Isabel, 15 months old

1. What is the best part about being a Mom? When my kids show me spontaneous bouts of affection. 2. What is your favourite activity to do with your daughters? We love spending time together outside. We’re often at the playground, pool or biking around our neighbourhood. 3. What is your favourite television show? While I’m a little ashamed to admit it, I love the Bachelor. It is the perfect escape from reality because it’s so far from my daily life. 4. How do you find some “Mommy Time”? My favourite activity is playing soccer. It is great exercise and something just for me. 5. Do you work? If so, where and what do you do? I am working as a part-time realtor assistant, and my goal is to become an RN. I like my current job. My boss (also a mom) is extremely understanding. 6. Any advice for balancing work and being a mom? I find the relationships I’ve made with other moms, help me stay sane. The day-to day monotony can be trying, but it’s nice to know other moms maybe be going through the same thing. Having a very hands-on and supportive husband is amazing, and I couldn’t do it without him! And finally, wine time is my new favourite time of the day!

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UrbanMomorDAD email us at info@urbanbaby.ca

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*Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Valid until November 1, 2016. One coupon per family. Excludes strollers, car seats, high chairs, furniture. Cannot be combined with other promotions. Other exceptions may apply. See in-store for details.

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