Agribusiness for Africa’s Prosperity

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Agribusiness for Africa’s Prosperity. Country Case Studies Upgrading component of the Integrated Programme (IP); National Industrial Upgrading Office; IP components on clean technologies, maintenance, productivity, and sub-contraction; linkages with the EU-UNIDO-UEMOA Quality Programme; Technology Parks in Senegal, Dakar Technopolis (DTP). South Africa: Training of Trainers for the Promotion of Emerging Agro-Processing Clusters (project in the pipeline); Automotive Component Supplier Development Programme; Environmental Benchmark of the Automotive Component Suppliers; Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement; Support of HCFC phase-out investment activities (and management plan); Comparative Analysis of South African Motor Industry Development Programme (MIDP); Assistance for the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) - Sector specific Projects; Establishment of a National Cleaner Production Centre; UNIDO Business Partnership Programme; Industrial Upgrading and Modernization Programme (for SADC countries); Diagnostic study of rooibos and honey bush tea for product value addition and promotion of exports; Durban Industry Climate Change Partnership Project; UNIDO SPX (Subcontracting and Partnership eXchange) for establishing a network of Regional SPX Centres. Zambia: Renewable energy based electricity generation for isolated mini-grids; Trade Capacity Building; Assistance for the total Phase-Out of Methyl Bromide in tobacco, cut flowers, horticulture, and post-harvest uses; Renewable Energy powered rural Pilot Demonstration Tele-centre; Renewable Energy Entrepreneurship Development for augmenting Youth Employment; Support Programme for Employment and Sustainable Livelihoods; Rehabilitation of industrial enterprises; National Industrial Statistics Programme; National Leather and Footwear Industry Scheme (as part of the Regional Africa Leather and Footwear Industry Scheme/RALFIS); Projects for the Refrigerator Sector; Development of Small-scale and Micro Enterprises; Development of Mosquito Coil Manufacturing; Analysis for the Promotion of Indigenous Vegetable Oils and Protein Cake; Dissemination of Appropriate Food Processing Technology among Women; Improved Exports through Quality improvement. Source: Various UNIDO sources were used for this overview; however, the data are only used for the purpose of showing the profile of UNIDO activities in the respective country, and so this is not a complete presentation of all UNIDO projects and programmes. It is not an authorized description of UNIDO projects and programmes.

What are the perspectives of agro-industrial development and of the work of UNIDO in these case study countries? From the profile of UNIDO activities as presented above (Box 10.1) it is possible to conclude that UNIDO can take a lead role in agro-industrial development in Africa – in cooperation with other international and regional organizations and bilateral donor agencies – and as well in agribusiness promotion. However, the analytical insights and the recommendations of the most recent UNIDO study on the issues (UNIDO 2011) and of the present study have to be considered. The policy context for agro-industrial and agribusiness development has changed fundamentally; a New Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) should guide agro-industrial development and has to be worked out in cooperation with national governments and regional economic communities. The New Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) has to be formulated, first of all, in such a way that the contribution of the private sector is maximized through investment in business opportunities, and by minimizing the risks of public sector-generated policy initiatives for private sector development while providing for the needed level of public goods (see especially UNIDO 2011, chapter 10). This means that all major agro-industrial development initiatives have to be designed, promoted and executed in dialogue between public and private sectors and donor agencies. UNIDO has started in some of the case study countries work on forums for such a dialogue (see Box 10.1). This trend should be strengthened, improved, and even accelerated. Climate change and need for environmental sustainability lead to another component of the New Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF). Second, a new emphasis on renewable energy and on environmental protection is needed and has to be incorporated into a NIPF. Focusing on green technology industrial growth and on clean energy to increase resource-efficiency and a low carbon growth trajectory are important policy elements for African countries too when they are developing their industry, and especially so their agro-industries. Oil-exporting countries, like Nigeria, and African countries with capital-intensive and large-scale energy projects have to move more quickly in this direction (UNIDO 2011, chapter 10). UNIDO has already directed many of its projects and programmes in the case study countries towards these objectives of promoting renewable energy and environmental protection.


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