Rapporto sulle Risorse regolari 2010

Page 71

Voices from the field Harena is a 16-year-old girl from

DJ to replay the programme that

Fenerive-Est and one of the approx-

Harena had listened to. After hear-

imately 10,000 young people who

ing the show and its testimonials

regularly listen to the JRC radio

from other youth on the impor-

broadcasts in the district. After

tance of testing, the young man

listening to a programme on the

was convinced. The next day the

importance of testing for sexually

two went to their local health

transmitted infections, she tried

centre, and they have encouraged

to convince her boyfriend to get

their friends to do the same. Today,

tested. Intrigued but not convinced,

Harena and her boyfriend tell us

Harena’s boyfriend went to the

that they listen to their local JRC

local radio station and asked the

programme every week for inspiration, information, and guidance.

the JRC has collectively produced an impressive

The value of RR in Madagascar

8,400 programmes. While UNICEF support has

The major portion of the funds used to support Junior

played an important role in the initiative’s effective-

Reporters Club activities comes from unrestricted

ness, the success of the JRC is rooted in the commit-

Regular Resources. In this way, UNICEF and its part-

ment and active engagement of a network of qualified

ners have been able to support Malagasy youth in

‘volunteer coaches’ and partner radio stations that

becoming agents of positive social change, allowing

broadcast the shows each week. They provide profes-

them to confidently deliberate on the challenges

sional and technical support to their respective JRC

facing them, and to identify strategies to more effec-

chapters in exchange for periodic advanced training

tively pursue their own goals and dreams. A shortage

from UNICEF and its partners.

of donor resources, however, has limited the reach of the initiative, curtailing its full potential in terms of youth participation, expression, and engagement. For this reason, RR funding has been and will continue to be a critical lifeline for the initiative.



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