UNDP Nepal Annual Report 2012

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U N D P ’ s D e v el o p m en t Pa r t ne r s h ip in N epal 2 0 1 2 K e y Re s u lt s in N u m b e r *

10.8 million Eligible voters registered with biometric profiling by Election Commission of Nepal with the financial support and technical assistance of UNDP, EU, DFID, Norway, AUSAID and Denmark. 23,006 people moved out of poverty with microenterprise schemes. 4,313 new entrepreneurs created with inclusion rate of over 60 percent. 3,871 additional jobs created because of new entrepreneurs hiring staff, among them 65 percent are women. 380 new micro-entrepreneurs’ groups received management knowledge and skills and 47 new cooperatives were established and registered. 17,284 households received start up micro capital grant. 70,000 deprived individuals have access finance in remote parts of Nepal. 168 new branches of Micro Finance Institutions were opened in remote parts of Nepal. 3,019 small but vital community infrastructures constructed or renovated. 16,747 formerly deprived households have access to modern energy with the installation of 394 Micro Hydropower Plants.

5 million liters of ground water recharged in ponds and communal courtyards. 3,000 community members trained on search and rescue, first aid, early warning system and disaster risk management. 1,208 masons trained in earthquake-resilient building constructions. 50 Village Development Committees (VDCs) have improved disaster resilience. 60 Community Based Disaster Risk Management Committees formed in 11 districts with involvement of more than 600 community members (51% female). 39 VDCs have allocated budget for Disaster Risk Management in their plans. 36 school blocks were constructed, and 64 schools were renovated or retrofitted after 2011 earthquake. 25 Armed Police Force officers trained in seven-week deep water diving for search and rescue during water-induced disasters. 263 leaders trained to help support dialogue initiatives in Janakpur and Nepalgunj. 50 percent reduction in backlog cases in National Human Rights Commission. 28 percent of National Human Rights Commission Recommendation fully implemented by the government.

9,343 toilet-attached domestic biogas plants constructed. 5 regional human rights resource centers established 24,120 improved cooking stoves, 4,000 rice-husk stoves, and 5,769 solar home systems installed 24,000 illiterate adults, mostly women, are now taking part in literacy classes

550 journalists trained on constitutional issues and new media * UNDP supports Government and People of Nepal in collaboration with other development partners. All the numbers presented here are part of either government-led and UNDP supported projects or projects directly implemented by UNDP in collaboration with other development partners.



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