UNC's The Claw Magazine Vol. 2 / Issue 1

Page 9

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Rebecca Hoover and Danielle Brown’s dorm room in Turner Hall is quite the home away from home. The walls are adorned with hand-­‐painted murals of beach life and strings of colorful lights create a soothing atmosphere that no one who enters the room can deny. Everything seems to fall perfectly into place; it had to be planned. Well, it wasn’t and that’s the best part.

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Rebecca says she bought most of her deco-­‐ rations at the Container Store. But let’s face it: Decorations can be expensive! Turn your creative side on and try making some of your own décor! Not only is it cheap, but it adds a personal touch and you can get some good roommate-­‐bonding-­‐time out of it, too.

“We combine what we have to make something pretty,” Danny says, a sophomore pre-­‐nursing major. Danny and Rebecca, who is a sophomore elementary education major, have been friends for eight years and ϐ will probably do so for the rest of their college stay. To-­‐ gether they helped create the beautiful paintings that highlight their dorm. Originally meant for their high school’s Hawaiian-­‐themed After Prom party last year, the murals are their pride and joy, especially the one of ϐ ȋ middle left).

Another unique aspect of their room is the riddle contest the gals do every week for their next-­‐door neighbors. After one is solved, they put it on the back of their door to see how many they had done and laugh at the ones that were particularly hard. It’s a great way to interact with your neighbors while also giving your mind a nice workout and having some friendly compe-­‐ tition. Another good idea is to put trivia questions out-­‐ side your door either on a small whiteboard or simply a piece of paper where passersby can write their answers. Here’s an example -­‐ See if you can solve it! ȋ ͵ʹȌ

Keeping your dorm clean can also add a homey feel as well as lower stress levels. For some, having everything nice and tidy makes studying easier because one can get distracted by things being messy or not having enough room for doing homework. Just take a few minutes every day to put things where they belong, and vacuum every couple weeks. College is already stressful – why not at least have a nice environment to work in?

You have a barrel of oil and you need to measure out just one gallon of it. How do you do this if you only have a three-gallon container and E ¿ZI KEPPSR GSRXEMRIV#



Photos by Natalie Stacker ϐ ϐ Ǥ


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