Campus Resident March 2014

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Published monthly by the University Neighbourhoods Association Published monthly by the University Neighbourhoods Association

Volume 5, Issue 3

MARCH 17, 2014

‘Meet-n-Greet’ Gets Seniors Project Started

UNA Funds Playground up to $12,500 Directors were asked for $100,000; $250,000 in total is sought for playground at new Norma Rose Point School

Fifty seniors living on campus attended a meet-and-greet event at the Bristol building in Hampton Place March 1. The University Neighbourhoods Association brought the group together to launch its seniors’ needs-assessment program. Over 2,000 senior residents call campus home, and the UNA has committed to ensuring enough programs are dedicated to their needs. Campus senior Li Shize demonstrated his artistic abilities at the meet. (For more on Mr. Li, please turn to Page 5.)

UEL Residents Reject Highrise Proposal at Public Meeting Meeting attended by 60-70 residents; no hands raised in favour Sixty to seventy people—most of them University Endowment Lands residents—attended a public meeting called to discuss a proposed high-rise project February 17th at University Golf Club, and not one person appeared to favor the project. A company called Infinite Premier Properties would build the 15-story complex of 94 condominium units partly on Toronto Road and partly on King’s Road in the UEL. Current housing stock at this site (55195549 Toronto Road and 5506-5533 King’s Road) consists of aging, two-storey rental buildings. Infinite Premier Properties displayed sketches and plans for its proposed highrise at the meeting, but this display did nothing to drum up even one favorable vote in a straw poll initiated by a resident who asked, “Who’s happy with this 15-story building?” Summing up feeling against the project, Ron Pears, president of the volunteerCommunity Advisory Council (CAC),

said, “I think what we’d like to see is something softer.” Steven Petersson, acting as facilitator of the meeting on behalf the developer, explained that if the development were to go ahead, it would only do so after a successful application to UEL administration to change the land use designation (zoning) on the King’s Road property. “No application has gone in yet.” Mr. Petersson, of Petersson Consulting, said. “This is our first presentation. We are here to get the views of the community.” Two days before the Feb 19th straw poll, the CAC had included the 15-storey King’s Road proposal by Infinite Premier Properties as an item on the agenda of its monthly meeting. Six councilors joined in approving a motion—proposed by council member John O’Donnell—asking the UEL administration (a branch of the provincial government) to accept no more rezoning applications until a new Official Community Plan (OCP) is created and adopted for the UEL. Should the government adopt this policy and apply it to the proposed King’s Road project, it might keep this projectassuming its developer applies for zoning change—in limbo for two years.

Metro Rep Raises Hope for Broadway Line “… a clear route to a decision…short timeframe for it to be made.” Metro Vancouver director Maria Harris says a decision appears imminent on the proposed rapid transit line along Broadway. Ms. Harris, a member of the mayors’ council on regional transportation, said at a meeting of the UNA board March 11th, “There now appears to be a clear route to a decision on rapid transit on Broadway, and a short timeframe for the decision to be made.” Ms. Harris bases her optimism on two key developments in February: a letter from the minister of transportation and infrastructure to the mayors’ council, and agreement by the council to develop a detailed transportation vision for Metro Vancouver. She said, “The Minister’s letter confirms and expands upon the provincial government’s conditions for obtaining new revenue sources for TransLink in the near term.”

Directors of the University Neighbourhoods Association agreed March 11th to provide support of up to $12,500 towards the cost of a playground at the new Norma Rose Point School. The parent advisory council (PAC) of Norma Rose Point School had bid the UNA provide the larger sum of $100,000. The PAC has calculated the cost of playground site preparation along with the purchase and installation of playground equipment to be $250,000. So far, the parents have donated $20,000 to the project themselves, received a $50,000 grant from the Vancouver School Board (which does not include capital cost of playgrounds in new school budgets) and - now - received a pledge of up to $12,500 from the UNA. Directors embraced the idea of supporting the PAC playground project (up to $12,500) on the grounds that it would highlight the UNA’s continued support in building a viable and inclusive community. The fact the school does not sit on UBC land—rather it sits in the University Endowment Lands (on the site of the old University Hill Secondary School)—did not faze them. As stated in a UNA staff report, “As there will be children residing within the UNA neighbourhoods who will attend Norma Rose Point School, it would be appropriate for the UNA to take part in supporting this initiative.” Norma Rose Point School is a new K-8 school serving the UBC community. Currently housed on the grounds of Queen Elizabeth School in West Point Grey, it will move into its innovative, LEED-certified, new building on Acadia Road in September of 2014. PAC member Eagle Glassheim said, “The parents, teachers and administrators of Rose Point are committed to making the playground inclusive and accessible for all children. “Our playground would become only the third playground within the city of Vancouver accessible to special needs children and families. “Given the high concentration of children in the Acadia Park area and the lack of a fully accessible playground at UBC, Rose Point playground will significantly add to UBC’s quality of life.” For more info, or to make donation, contact

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Last Man Standing Makes For Stirring Reading

Glen Lockhart of Hampton Place, has written a fine book about War Hero Smokey Smith.

Book is about life of war hero ‘Smokey’ Smith; author is Hampton Place resident By John Tompkins, Editor Hampton Place resident Glen Lockhart has authored a book about the late Ernest ‘Smokey’ Smith, who is remembered for one of the most valorous acts in the history of the Canadian Army. Mr. Lockhart befriended Sergeant Smith in the last years of his life, and he brings to the pages of Last Man Standing close personal observations to go with a wealth of detail about Canadian military history. The story commences with an anecdote about how Mr. Lockhart met Sgt. Smith, whose bravery ultimately resulted in him becoming Canada’s last surviving recipient of the Victoria Cross. “I met Smokey Smith in November of 1997 on a wet Saturday afternoon at the West Point Grey Legion in Vancouver. I was playing the piano when an old veteran called me over and asked my name. I recognized him from newspaper pictures I’d seen, and so I told him. He replied he’d known a man named Douglas who had the same name. I told him that Douglas Lockhart had been my father.” Sgt. Smith, who was interviewed at his home in Vancouver many times by Mr. Lockhart over the next seven years, died in 2005. Published by Friesen Press of Victoria, Last Man Standing is a stirring, story which outlines the heroic military victory of Allied forces in the Battle of Italy,

1943-45, and the extraordinary valor of Sgt. Smith (then Private Smith) who—as a member of the Seaforth Highlanders, 72nd Battalion, of Vancouver—singlehandedly destroyed multiple German tanks with projectile infantry anti-tank guns and—firing a machine gun—protected a wounded comrade from enemy forces on the night of October 21st/22nd, 1943, at the Savio River Bridgehead, near Cesena, Italy. Born in New Westminster in 1914, Ernest Smith grew up during the Depression on the 1930s. Like many young men at the time, young Smith ‘rode the rails’ across Canada in search of employment. He eventually volunteered and enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force to fight in the war in Europe in 1939. He proved to be an exemplary soldier whose bravery in the Second World War made him a legend.

Smokey Smith, legendary soldier

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Published by: University Neighbourhoods Association #202-5923 Berton Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6S OB3

Editorial Page A Civic Opportunity for Newcomers By Ying Zhou and Sabrina Zhang, co-chairs of the UNA Civic Engagement Committee Hello members of the Chinese community in the UNA! Are you interested in playing a role in your community, meeting your neighbours and becoming an engaged and involved member of your community? Do you have questions on how the UNA Board operates, how your property taxes are assessed, where your taxes are spent and how you choose your elected directors? Welcome to the Civic Engagement Committee for Chinese Newcomers, a committee especially designed to inform and engage our Chinese neighbours. Being new to Canada does not restrict your opportunity to participate in your community! There are many volunteer opportunities for Mandarin-speakers. Civic Engagement’s general purpose

is to enable neighbours to be part of a vibrant, inclusive, participatory and sustainable community. The Civic Engagement Committee for Chinese Newcomers will try to do this for our neighbours who are Chinese newcomers. Our conversations and meetings will allow us to recommend programmes to the UNA Board to make this happen. A very successful first meeting of the Civic Engagement Committee for Chinese Newcomers was held on February 28th. UNA Board Chair, Richard Alexander, gave an informative presentation on the history of the UNA and the uniqueness of living on the UBC campus. Our initial focus is to inform our Chinese community on how the UNA is managed and operated and demonstrate the opportunities for our members to play an active role in shaping and building our community. This is your chance to help shape our community! If you have interest in joining our committee, please contact

Civic Engagement Committee for Chinese Newcomers

Chinese translation of above article

Editor & Business Manager John Tompkins 604.827.3502

Democracy and Marathons “The health of the UNA community is at risk if we don’t make changes” By Charles Menzies Five years ago, folks greeted the idea that I would run a marathon with polite disbelief. Sometime during my 40s I started to say that I planned to run a marathon by my 50th year. It was no idle goal: but it did feel like an insurmountable goal at the time. I found lots of encouragement to maintain the status quo. Things seemed okay so why bother changing? Our society makes the consumption of health-destroying foods easy. Our workplaces provide very little real opportunity to remain active. For those of us who are parents, we become so immersed in the fine details of parenting that we often neglect our own needs. Yet, the idea remained alive. Today I have the modest total of three full marathons (42.2km), 6 half marathons (21.1km), plus several 10km and 5km races. I set no Olympic records, but as a 50s decade runner I am not doing so bad accumulating personal bests as my training and strength continues to build. I run most every day, when I don’t I either bike, walk or swim. I’ve changes my food consumption too. But this isn’t a story about my personal accomplishments, it’s tale about the capacity to set one’s sights on goals and achieve them. I set out to make a change in my life, my health, and my behaviour. I faced obstacles along the way. I encountered folks with good intentions, but a dim view of my goal. “Don’t make a radical change,” I would be told, “you’ll just bounce back bigger and heavier.” “Won’t running hurt your knees?” While the naysayers were distressing and even depressing, it was the support of my family, friends and colleagues who provided encouragement to keep going. The same can be said about our community and the need for real, effective democracy. The health of our community is at risk if we don’t make changes. We can’t always rely upon the good graces of those with power. It is important to take charge of our own lives and communities. It isn’t easy. The temptation is to focus on the short term and if things seem okay to ignore the important long term outcomes of our choices. There are many people who want a healthy democratic community, and those are the voices we need to listen to. Like taking the path to better personal health, we start with changing small things, and then move on to bigger more effective changes. Through the UNA, we have a modicum of representation. We have an agreement with UBC that gives us access—for a fee—to amenities and certain on-campus services. That’s a good first step. It’s

time to step up to the next level of democratic change. Today, the UNA and UBC are stuck in the “lets walk 20 minutes each day and skip every other brownie” mode of democratic life change. This period of stagnation arrives in all great transformations. We have hit a plateau. It’s hard to move to the next level of democratic activity, but it is not impossible. For starters UBC could allocate 50% of the development permit board membership to the UNA for developments that occur in the UNA area. The UNA should be able to select our representatives on the development permit board. We pay a large sum of money to UBC Athletics. Athletics tries hard to meet our needs. More can be done. The UNA should have a direct decision making role in the activities of UBC Athletics. If we were a municipality, we would be running our own athletics; let’s go halfway here and bring the UNA into decision making in UBC Athletics. These are two, simple, easy changes that would move us to a new level of democratic action in our relationship with UBC. But why stop here? Within the UNA we too should be making democratic changes. We need to expand the role and strength of elected resident directors. We need to move more of our processes into the public domain – no more closed-door meetings! Too many things that the UNA does are locked behind closed doors and in off-the-book meetings. That’s like sneaking a brownie when no one is looking! Just as I managed to take control over my life to become a marathon runner, so too can we become an active democratic community. Of course it will be hard work. But the rewards are real, achievable, and tangible. On my blog,, I have outlined a series of short, medium, and long-term goals to achieve real democratic governance in our community. I invite you to add your ideas as we work together to bring real democracy to our community in the university town. Charles Menzies is a professor in the department of anthropology at UBC, a resident west of Blanca since 1996, and an elected UNA Director. This is his opinion and does not represent the official position of the UNA in any way, shape, or form.

Letters to the Editor & Opinions

Include name, address and telephone number. Maximum lengths: Letters 400 words. Opinions 750 words. We may edit or decline to publish any submission.

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Nominations are Underway for the 2013-2014 UNA Volunteer Awards On this page, you will find the inspiring stories of four outstanding UNA volunteers; you will also find information about the nomination process. (Stories of more outstanding volunteers will appear in the April issue of The Campus Resident) Leah Ettarh

Brenda Stewart

Della Chen

Tim Dow

Leah has a background in leadership, education and international humanitarian assistance. She has taught in Canada, China, Bolivia, and Kenya.

Brenda is a volunteer instructor for the Intermediate ESL Book Club at The Old Barn.

Della is a Grade 11 student at U-Hill Secondary School, and is a volunteer leader of the Youth CRAZI Club.

Tim is a volunteer leader for the UTown Walk and Roll project.

1. What motivates Leah as a volunteer? Starting over in a new city can be difficult for anyone, but for those who find themselves taking care of children in the home, without a support network in their local community, life can be very isolating. This was the situation I found myself in when I moved to Wesbrook Village in 2013. I knew for the well-being of myself, and my children, I needed to get involved in the community and build connections with others. Quickly I found many others like myself, frequenting the Wesbrook Village playgrounds, and from there the idea for the Kids Club came about. With the support of the Welcome Center, we were able to build a program for children to explore and learn together, but more importantly, provide an opportunity for stay-at-home caregivers to connect and share with each other. 2. What is Leah’s vision for the UNA community? Building a physical community takes only a few years but community building takes significantly more time. My desire would be to see the UNA community sell itself as a place to make opportunities, rather than a place to gain opportunities - a place where all community members, regardless of their background, are encouraged to use their talents to help shape the ethos of the community. Our streets may be planned by others, but our spirit is not!

1. What motivates Brenda as a volunteer? Co-creating a positive result motivates me as a volunteer. My reward is to see people smile and for them to see improvements in themselves. I’m a VCC TESOL graduate and I created the ESL Book Club because I was concerned by the lack of descriptive words in the members’ vocabularies. Also, I felt the members could chat to native+ speakers because many people like to talk about books. I enjoy teaching the ESL Book Club because the members are enthusiastic and vocal. The members motivate me to do a good job as a teacher and I (hopefully) motivate them to continue to read for pleasure and to improve their English. 2. What is Brenda’s vision for the UNA community? When I came out west in 1994, much of the UNA community was comprised of parking lots and forests. There was housing, but not as much as there is now. Your community remains unique (forests, UBC, multi-ethnic). What I see is a community that’s becoming increasingly vibrant each year as people of different nationalities discover their similarities. As a non-UNA resident, I encourage the UNA community to join in the UNA activities; wave hello; smile a greeting; and to talk to one another. Keep your community an awesome place to live.

1. What motivates Della as a volunteer? By becoming a volunteer in the UNA community, my intention was to be able to adapt the new environment as a newcomer. Being a youth volunteer symbolizes a better opportunity to make new friends as well as a great way to temper my multiple capacities, such as leadership and team-work ability. The more I became involved in this community, the more passion I felt through volunteering. Soon I realized the warmth I received from the community could be returned in the same way, by helping people and contributing to the build up of community events. The more we take a contributing role, the more we can motivate others. This is why I established a musical club with the help of UNA community. To me, music is a significant element that can spread positive energy. I enjoy the feeling that comes with creating happiness in the community, and that motivates me to be a volunteer.

2. What does the UNA community mean to Della? From my perspective, as well as that of other newcomers, the UNA community is a second home. The diversity and multiculturalism in this community create a better place in which to live. In addition, the university atmosphere throughout the community triggers a favourable environment for studying and making friends. The UNA community means the connection between different races and religions, and it also indicates the happiness through residents, by building up events, celebrations and activities.

1. What motivates Tim as a volunteer? When we started a family, my wife, Sylvia, and I decided that we didn’t want to out-source our child care. Instead, we chose to take turns staying home with our two boys. She was home with them for the first seven years of their lives and now it is my turn. Since the boys are older, they don’t require feedings and diaper changes. Thank, goodness! What they really need is a safe, fun, and vibrant community in which to grow up. That’s what motivates me to volunteer. I enjoy trying to enrich their school life with the Parent Advisory Council. I make sure that they have hockey and soccer games to play as a league, division, and team manager. In the spring, I make sure they can get outside with friends for a baseball game as president of Jericho Little League. I hope that by volunteering, not only my own kids benefit, but the entire community along with them. For fun and fitness, my boys have always walked or ridden their bikes to U-Hill Elementary School from Acadia Park. They arrived at school more alert and ready to learn after the brief physical exercise than they otherwise would have arrived. I was motivated to work on the Walk and Roll project as a way to help the kids’ schoolmates realize the benefits of human powered transportation. 2. What is Tim’s vision for the UNA community? I lived in Europe for 8 years and really appreciated the sense of community that arises in walkable, pedestrian oriented communities. I see the UNA moving in that direction and look forward to the increased sense of community that will grow from our sustainable transportation choices. Imagine how vibrant and connected UBC will be once effective, rapid, public transportation connects us with Vancouver and Richmond!

Nomination Process If you know of a volunteer whose contribution has enriched our community, we encourage you to make a nomination between now and March 31, 2014. The information on the nomination criteria and process is available on the UNA and The Old Barn websites. Nomination forms can be downloaded from The Old Barn website, and returned by mail or submitted to the front desk staff of The Old Barn Community Centre.

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Senior Voices A Talk with Mr. Shize Li By Qiuning Wang, Community Engagement and Volunteer Coordinator at The Old Old Barn Community Centre Mr. Shize Li came to The Old Barn Community Centre one day in February and asked if there was a Seniors Art Group in the community he could join. He showed us his paintings of UBC clock tower, we were amazed. He was then invited to do an interview with us and a painting demonstration at the UNA Spring Meet-nGreet event after two weeks. Can you talk about yourself? I am a retired associate professor from Kunming University, China. I taught in the Department of Math on Projective Geometry and Deferential Geometry very abstract subjects. My daughter and her family moved here as skilled workers, and we joined them one year ago. I live in Hampton Place. How do you like your life in Vancouver so far? I am not fully getting used to the life

yet, because of barriers such as language. However, after been living here for a year, I find Canada is a nice place with good mountain views, clean water and fresh air, and nice people too. Canadians are very friendly and I am very impressed by the level of respect people show to different cultures. Tell us a bit more about your painting. I started to learn Chinese painting in 2001 after I retired. Flowers and birds are the things I painted at the beginning. It was for fun and making my life less boring. Then I found that it is a good way to get closer to nature, to know things, and to express my feelings. After a few years of learning and painting, I joined the Kunming Artists Association. Some of my paintings were exhibited at the Chinese Cultural Research Society in Vancouver, and I was also invited to be a guest artist. Do you make money from painting? I am a retired senior, painting is a hobby for me, not a profession. I live on my pension, and I haven’t earned anything from painting. I like to draw when I was young, because it can express how you feel about the world. What do you think about art and art-

ists in China? There are many people practicing arts in China, but I think they are being too practical and commercial, and the degrading artistic tastes in general disappoint me. Who do you admire of Western artists? I like Renoir. His paintings show a great passion for people and human kindness. Another artist I like is Li Zijian, after I saw his work in a recent exhibition. His paintings have such strong expressions

of humanity and love that shock people’s minds. What lessons and wisdom do you want to pass down to younger generations? What I want to say is “never assume there are no more new things to learn in your life”. Learning will lead you to adventures and surprises. Interview was conducted in Chinese (see below), and then translated into English.

UBC Clock Tower painted by Shize Li

Chinese translation of above article

Feeling Good About Multiculturalism at UBC Group is set up to bring seniors and New Canadians together in conversation; meetings are held weekly By Jane Kang, New Canadian A line from a famous Chinese poem: “A lonely stranger in a foreign land, I miss my kinsfolk even more on a festive day.” We used to live with relatives and friends, and we called a ‘social circle’. Last year a very popular TV documentary “A Bite of China” spoke about Chinese food culture. Since coming to Canada, I have wondered about the culture of the new community in which I live—food culture

included. I feel lucky both to have met Pat Wakefield and had the opportunity to volunteer in the multi-cultural committee (MCC) under the leadership of Jim Taylor. I regard our UBC community as full of caring people and a spirit of selfless service. Pat Wakefield is a retired ESL instructor with a large and wonderful family. While enjoying life after retirement, Pat is willing to help me with my English, and, she hopes, to help more newcomers improve their English and move on in their new life. So we set up a group called “Seniors and Friends”. It meets once a week. More and more members have joined us, Margherita Repetto Alaia, Alice Bradley and Glen Lockhart among them. They are willing to share their experiences and their knowledge with other newcomers. They bring the spirit of their culture and

pass it on to newcomers who are full of energy and excited by a new environment. We enjoy every meeting. Helping and caring for each other is the core spirit of this community. Consider the case of Jim Taylor, who helped found the multi-cultural committee and who has supported new immigrants for years. Once, I talked with someone who immigrated to Canada ten years ago. He told me Mr. Taylor helped him then, and he is still thankful to him. I am moved by this kindness that comes from the heart and he does not ask for anything in return. We are brave new immigrants with the courage to live in a different culture. We are also lucky to live among many kind neighbours. We are striving to bring more vitality to our community. We learn; we feel; we get involved; and we want to give back something to our community.

If you see a mixed group of Western and Asian people getting along happily, then this is our UBC community and its culture – a synthesis of the diverse.

UNA Multicultural Committee members Florence Luo, Jim Taylor and Jane Kang.

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New Manager Makes UEL Debut Lots of issues to be faced; Jonn Braman is much-experienced The ministry of community, sport and cultural development has appointed Jonn Braman to oversee management of the University Endowment Lands. Mr. Braman began work at the UEL administration office on Chancellor Boulevard in early February.

In an e-mail, Mr. Braman commented, “It will take me some time to become familiar with all of the issues in the UEL, but I look forward to the challenge and appreciate the strong team at the UEL to support me.” Mr. Braman dons the managerial mantle at the UEL following the surprise resignation of Marie Engelbert late last year. Mr. Braman was previously the coast regional director for environmental protection with the ministry of environment.

Prior to that he worked overseas with the Red Cross and spent a number of years in various capacities with Metro Vancouver. He also served as regional director, tsunami debris, assisting the joint Federal / Provincial Tsunami Debris Coordinating Committee manage material arriving from the devastating Japanese tsunami. He has experience delivering fire services to a small northern municipality and worked in various capacities providing

public works-type services for a military station. Several major issues have emerged in the UEL of late, not the least among them a call by residents for the UEL to be granted municipal status. Some residents find the unprecedented rate of ‘densification’ in the area disquieting. For example, build out of the proposed Block F development in what was once 22 acres of Pacific Spirit Regional Park over the next decade would potentially give the UEL a population up 8,000—up from 4,000 today. Also, the volunteer Community Advisory Council (CAC) in the UEL has hit on a sensitive administration spot by moving to ask the UEL not to accept further applications for development until revision of the official community plan (OCP) is complete—a revision which should have started 3 ½ years ago.

Jonn Braman

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Try select classes for free!

Residents Rejoice in Tasteful Cooking UNA cooking workshop is attended by over 70 people; foods and good times are shared

UNA Parks and Recreation Program Guide

Spring & Summer 2014 Registration now open - new classes available! Classes begin April 7, 2014


6308 Thunderbird Blvd @ UBC

By Rowena Shi, Grade 11 student, University Hill School Learning and sharing your favourite home recipes; cooking for your neighbours; involvment in community events; and enjoying cuisines from all around the world! Do you know about the Let’s Cook! Club? Have you ever attended the events of this club before? Are you good at cooking? Do you want to learn more about other countries’ foods? Do you want to make more friends in the community? Be a part of this program to learn about dishes from other countries, and to have a wonderful evening chatting and connecting with friends while enjoying the food. During the latest event on February 25th, a charming French lady, Natalie Gonzalez, and her Italian husband Gabriele Toffoletti cooked a special Italian pasta recipe; many community members have longed to see this recipe for a long time, so there were over seventy people in attendance at the event. “I really love to come here and share my recipe with others. Since I moved here two years ago, this makes me feel as though I am getting involved in local events.” said Natalie. Gabriele and Natalie gave advice on

where to buy and how to prepare the ingredients for two pasta dishes: Pasta Winter Ragu (tomato sauce with ground beef and pork) and Pasta Al Limonde (lemon juice, cream, and black olives) which were secret family recipes from their ancestors. It was also a great feast for the people who attended this community event. “The events are great, I really enjoy them,” said a visitor from the U.S. A lady stated, “We really enjoy this program, and I come to join this program regularly with my family, because it is a very good opportunity to make more friends and to practice my English!” A smiling young girl said, “The desserts and snacks are good, I really like them.” Many youth volunteers said they can get experience and have fun by participating in this program. The founder of this program, Sabrina Zhang, told people that the original purpose of this activity was to meet more people and to get involved in the community as a newcomer, and of course, to taste various foods and to have fun. In order to have a larger variety of dishes, Sabrina encourages everyone who participates to bring a homemade dish with the ingredient list to share with others. The events, open to everyone, are free. The cost of ingredients purchased by the volunteer chefs is covered by a special UNA grant. Just register as a participant or as a volunteer chef; you will have a great time with everybody eating, chatting, and feeling the pleasure of sharing. Let’s Cook! Club is a workshop initiated by the UNA multicultural committee.

UNA and UBC residents watching a Let’s Cook! Club demonstration. Photo credit Ben Seghers

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UNA Community News Sustainability Corner

BC Product Stewardship Recycling Programs By Ralph Wells In February, in my column about the new Wesbrook Community Centre, I made mention of the UNA Recycling Centre which will be part of our new facility. One of the benefits of the Recycling Centre is that it will give residents local access to products that can be recycled through BC Product Stewardship programs. You may not have heard about these programs, and you might be surprised to learn that they are responsible for much of the expansion of recycling in BC. I thought it would be useful to give you information about these important recycling programs. BC Product Stewardship programs are designed on the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). EPR programs require producers

Ralph Wells, UNA Sustainability Manager

of designated products to take responsibility for the life cycle management of their products, including collection and recycling. Manufacturers and distributers are required to develop self-funded recycling programs for product classes such as personal electronics or fluorescent bulbs. You have likely noticed ‘eco’ fees on some products when you purchase them . These fees contribute to the operating costs of the recycling programs – and ensure that you, the consumer, take financial responsibility for the recycling of the products you purchase. Programs now exist for twelve different product classes. Some are likely familiar to you, including programs for bottles and beverage containers, personal electronics (computers, televisions and a/v equipment), cell phones and small batteries and small appliances. Others you might be less aware of include such items as fluorescent bulbs, paints and solvents, oils and antifreeze, and tires. There is even a program dedicated to recycling old thermostats. Finally, a medication return program allows you to return expired medications to your local pharmacy for safe disposal. Stewardship programs have the advantage of covering a wide range of products without additional burden to tax payer funded municipal recycling programs. However, because each program has its

Upcoming Changes to Parking Fees Hawthorn Place & Wesbrook Place New fee schedule implemented for Hawthorn Place and Wesbrook Place parking permits.

Current permits expire on March 31, 2014. New permits will be available for purchase at the UNA office starting March 3, 2014

University Neighbourhoods Association #202 – 5923 Berton Ave. Vancouver, BC V6S 0B3 Monday-Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm for full details 这是有关在UNA社区停车的重要 信息, 请将此信息翻译。

UNA 지역내 주차에 관한 중요한 정보입니다. 번역하여 읽어 주세요.

own collection system, it can be confusing for individuals to access. In some cases, items such as compact fluorescent bulbs can be returned directly to local retailers. In other cases, items can be returned to private recycling depots such as those run by Encorp. There are resources to help you access these programs. A useful online manual (and iphone app) is available online at www.bcstewards. com. The www.metrovancouverrecycles. org website is also an excellent online resource for finding product stewardship

and other recycling options. Fortunately, you will soon be able to return many of these products locally, at the UNA Recycling Centre. Until then, you can also recycle personal electronics locally though the UNA – UBC e-waste program ( or at one of our public e-waste drops (watch for information about our next one, on April 26). In the meantime, you can contribute to reducing waste and pollution by participating in the BC product stewardship programs available nearby.


Walk and Talk with Ben Seghers Most members of the Walk & Talk Club have lived at UBC for less than 5 years and as we explore the campus, the University Endowment Lands and Pacific Spirit Park, the sights and sounds are all quite new. Even for those of us who were students here long ago there is also much that is new; many old landmarks have vanished without a trace. When former classmates from out of town attend the annual UBC Alumni Weekend in May they hardly recognize the place and easily get lost! For me, many reminders of the ‘good old days’ remain in the places and names on campus. When we’re walking on Larkin Drive in Hawthorn Place I think of Peter Larkin who was my biostatistics prof and Head of the Department of Zoology. In Khorana Park in Wesbrook Village I recall a lecture by a young prof named David Suzuki where he described the Nobel Prize winning research of Har Gobind Khorana on the genetic code and protein synthesis. Berton Avenue brings back images of Pierre Berton’s visits to the campus at the height of his popularity as a writer, historian and TV personality. On Binning Road I think of a large painting by B.C. Binning that hung on the wall of the art class in my elementary school in East Vancouver. Binning founded the Department of Fine Arts at UBC. Also in Wesbrook Village we have Birney Avenue. Earle Birney mentored several of my friends in his creative writing program. But of all the sites we revisit during our walks it’s Cecil Green Park House that stirs the most memories, especially one good and one bad one. I’ll describe the bad one first. Shortly after obtaining my driver’s license at age 16, I was taking a

friend home on 4th Avenue in Kitsilano and showing off my dad’s new car. I got distracted searching for a side street and suddenly all the drivers in front of me were slamming on their brakes to avoid a pedestrian darting carelessly across the road. Unfortunately, my reaction time was just a little too slow and I rear-ended the car in front. There was serious damage to my dad’s car. I was in deep trouble! But then I noticed the crumpled license plate on the big green Rover I had just hit: B.C. number 8. A number that small was normally reserved for a VIP and sure enough, it turned out to be Senator Stanley Stewart McKeen’s car. Later I discovered that he lived at ‘Yorkeen’, the name he gave to the mansion that would later become Cecil Green Park House. Now for the pleasant memory: in the late 1960s there was a club for recent UBC graduates. It was called ‘YAC’ (pronounced ‘yak’) - the Young Alumni Club. On Friday nights dances were held at Cecil Green, sometimes even with a live band. But we had a problem: a shortage of women. Then someone got the bright idea to invite the nurses from VGH. Imagine the excitement when we received a phone call confirming that an entire busload of nurses was headed our way! It was quite a hot night to remember out there on the tip of Point Grey and for the rest of that summer I was invited to parties hosted by nurses. So if you catch me smiling as we walk through the beautiful gardens of Cecil Green Park House, you now know why! If you would like to walk & talk with Ben Seghers and other local residents, please phone The Old Barn Community Centre 604.827.4469 or visit the website

Top left and bottom- Walk and Talk Club walking throughout UBC Campus; Top right-Ben Seghers.

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UBU ROI Unleashes A Hilarious Reign of Comic Terror at UBC! At it’s Paris premier in 1896 Alfred Jarry’s play UBU Roi provoked a 15 minute riot with its first word and was instantly banned. This is deservedly one of the theatre’s most remarkable plays, featuring some of its most unforgettable characters. With resonances of Macbeth and unflinching humour, UBU Roi, is an avant-garde satire of greed, stupidity and the abuse of power. This powerful play opens on March 20 at UBC’s historic Frederic Wood Theatre. Here is a Q & A with MFA Directing student Ryan Gladstone who is at the helm of the production, which features the work of students in the BFA Acting Ensemble and BFA Design: When did you decide to commit yourself to a theatre career? I’ve been a storyteller since birth! My brother and I wrote our first movie when I was about four, heavily influenced by Star Wars. In high school I discovered a place in Calgary called Loose Moose Theatre run by Improv guru Keith Johnstone, and from that point on I’ve been creating theatre. What compelled you to direct UBU Roi for your thesis? I’ve wanted to do this play for a long time. When I learned about the riots that followed the opening words at its premiere, I was so excited that theatre could have this kind of an effect. In 2002 I saw a production in Ottawa which was fun and wild, but I felt there was something missing. From that point I started thinking about how one could create a production of UBU that recreated the shock and outrage from the original production. Why do you think people should see this show? Our production of UBU is a high energy, fast-paced, chaotic, and hilarious take on Jarry’s original play. My guess is that many audience members will have never seen anything quite like it. The play was actually created first when Jarry was only 14 years old with some schoolmates to lampoon a teacher and performed with marionettes in an attic. We tried to cap-

ture this adolescent feeling by setting our play as if it was performed by a group of schoolgirls. It adds to the chaos of it all. What was your greatest challenge taking on this production? With my own theatre company Monster Theatre I’ve created over twenty original plays, none of which has featured more than three actors. This production of UBU has 16 performers playing over 40 parts! So, orchestrating that many humans on our huge set has been a new adventure for me. It’s been immensely fun and also challenging. What are your aspirations after graduation? Keep creating original theatre! I’ve already started work on Monster Theatre’s next play that I am writing and directing, a puppet murder mystery called ‘Who killed Gertrude Crump?’ Who are your theatrical heroes? (Your favourite director’s, practitioners, playwrights, directors and/or characters from plays) In Calgary I spent ten years working with Loose Moose Theatre and studying with Keith Johnstone and am hugely inspired by his ideas. Other theatrical faves are Bertolt Brecht, Mump and Smoot, Balinese mask theatre, and of course, Alfred Jarry. My two other main influences are not theatrical at all, Joseph Campbell the professor of comparative mythology, and Chuck Jones and the other geniuses who created the early Looney Tunes cartoons in the 30’s, 40’s and 50s. Those poor souls who rarely or never come to theatre – tell them what they’re missing? This UBU will be one they won’t want to miss. There is nothing pretentious or cliched about it, an utterly original production that will have them laughing out loud, and hopefully shocked by the end. (Courtesy, UBC Theatre staff) Tickets to UBU Roi are 2 for 1 for all UNA residents ($11) and the play runs from March 20 to April 1. For more about UBU Roi or to purchase tickets see www.

BFA Acting Ensemble members Sarah Harrison (left) as Mere UBU and Naomi Vogt as Pere UBU. Photo Credit: Tim Matheson

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Biodiversity in your backyard Where Did That Plant Go? (When Good Plants Go Bad) Douglas Justice, Associate Director, Horticulture and Collections Observant visitors to the Botanical Garden will have noticed that a very large broadleaf evergreen plant missing from the landscape south of the viewing platform (the “Ting”) at the end of the entrance boardwalk. The plant, an Asian avocado (Machilus viridis), came to us as a small seedling from the Washington Park Arboretum in Seattle in 1987. In the mountains of Southwest China where it is native, the species is a dense, suckering, domed bush that can eventually become a 25-m-tall tree. Machilus viridis has both long-lived foliage and branches that usually persist to the ground for a number of years. The copiously produced fruits of the Asian avocado are, like the more familiar American avocado, rich in oils, and they are much sought after by birds. Unfortunately, bird-transported seeds of this plant germinate readily in shade, in both irrigated and unirrigated soil, and seedlings have the ability to shade out other plants. This combination of traits— wide ecological adaptability, success in competing for resources (light, water and nutrients) and easily dispersed seeds— usually spells trouble. Other plants with similar reproductive characteristics, such as English ivy (Hedera helix), holly (Ilex aquifolium), European mountain ash

(Sorbus aucuparia), cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus), Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica), Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Scots broom (Cytisus scoparius), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and the annual Himalayan jewelweed (Impatiens glandulifera) are now so common around the campus and the region that each might reasonably be taken for native plants. Each was originally introduced for its significant ornamental value, but all have now spread out of control. Rather than waiting to see whether seedlings of the Asian avocado started showing up in Pacific Spirit Park, we made the decision to remove the plant entirely. As in the case of the Asian avocado, and despite significant ornamental appeal, we have been compelled to remove a number of species entirely, and to strongly recommended against their introduction as ornamentals. Development of an assessment protocol for invasive potential in the Botanical Garden is ongoing, as UBC continues to acquire exotic plants for its collections. Some of the plants we are closely monitoring include a variety of mountain ash (Sorbus) species and a small number of climbing roses and magnolia vine (Schisandra) species. Most of the plants on the watch-list are adapted to cool, shaded forest conditions and that produce fruits attractive to birds; however, wind-distributed seed producers, such

as the western American seaside daisy (Erigeron glaucus) and the magnificent Kamchatka meadowsweet (Filipendula kamtschatica) have also become locally weedy in the Garden and also demand our scrutiny. Some rhizomatous plants, including the normally rather frost tender mallow bindweed (Convolvulus althaeoides) from southern Europe have be-

Rubus armeniacus by Daniel Mosquin

come aggressive among the boulders in the E.H. Lohbrunner Alpine Garden. This pretty little ornamental species could be considered a threat elsewhere on similarly well-drained, exposed sites. In ponds in the same area, Eurasian water fringe (Nymphoides peltata) is now an increasingly visible pest. As a botanical garden, we take seriously the threat of exotic plants becoming pests. One of the Garden’s roles is to introduce new plants to cultivation, but we believe that an even more important role is to critically assess cultivated plants for signs of invasiveness. If readers have questions about invasive plants, or what the Botanical Garden is doing about these plants, please don’t hesitate to contact us. In the Collections: UBC Botanical Garden has a number of interesting spring workshops scheduled. Visit for more information. Join the Beaty Biodiversity Museum for special family-friendly, noon hour, hands-on biodiversity activities over Spring Break, March 15 - 30. Free with admission or membership. On until April 20th at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum is Remnants: A visual Survey of Human Progress features drawings by UBC Botanical Garden’s Artist in Residence, Dana Cromie. The museum is also recruiting summer volunteers. See the Beaty Museum website beatymuseum. for details.

Explore Spirit Park in the Dark at Night Quest The sun goes down, the stars come out and the forest is cloaked in darkness. For many people, it would be the least likely time to go for a walk in the park. But on Saturday, March 22, it will be the one night you definitely want to hit the trail – for Night Quest at Pacific Spirit Regional Park. It’s the one night each year when the public is welcomed to explore the park at night. If you’ve never been, it’s a must go. And even if you’ve been before, you’ll want to go again – whether to check out the fun new additions or revisit old favourites. The celebration takes place between 7 pm and 10 p.m. at the Park Centre on 16th Avenue (about 400 metres west of

Walking the 2-km lantern-lit trail is the highlight of the evening for many families

Blanca Street). Glowing swamp lanterns mark the entrance, where you’ll be greeted by a pair of mischievous raccoons and the green-robed Pacific Spirit. You might be tempted to start by visiting all of the displays and activities, but trust us, it’s better to start the two km Night Quest walk right away. Just follow the “fairy lights” that line the trail, past the Forest Oracle (who will share some forest magic with you) to the first discovery station. There, you can check out some of the mosses, lichen, evergreens and fungi that make up the forest. Helpers will be there to let you know some cool and fascinating facts about them. Following the trail farther will lead you to the Moths! discovery station, where you can find out more about those fluttering creatures of the night. And where you’ll need to use your nose to help a moth find its mate. The trail continues along a section with a new feature: Pacific Spirit: A Tree’s Tale, then loops around. Soon, you’ll meet a skunk, an owl and a shrew. They’ll tell you more about themselves and about the forest at night – in their own fun, inimitable way. Before you know it, you’ll be at the next discovery station: Bats! with the South Coast Bat Action Team. You’ll get to see just how small (and cute!) these often misunderstood animals are, and learn more about them (including what amazing mosquito eaters they are).

Not much farther is the Coyotes! discovery station with the Stanley Park Ecology Society. Here, you can stroke the fur of a coyote and learn more about these adaptable creatures, including ways to better co-exist with them in the city. The final part of the quest is the Shadow Walk – where you will be challenged to find as many night creatures as you can (by their reflective eyes). Once you’ve finished the walk, there is still tons of fun to be had. You can check out the Girl Guide concession offerings, maybe buy a cup of hot chocolate and s’mores and sing along by the campfire to warm up. You can tap out a rhythm at the drumming tent, brand a piece of wood at the Boy Scout station, try out a TrailRider with the BC Mobility Opportunities Society, or get your face painted. Learn about bioluminescence with the Vancouver Aquarium. There are also displays by the: • Beaty Biodiversity Museum • Camosun Bog Restoration Group • Musqueam First Nation • Pacific Spirit Park Society • Young Naturalists’ Club In the upper parking lot, there is even more. You can look through telescopes set up by volunteers from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (Vancouver). Meet a live owl (or two) and learn more about OWL (Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society) or watch – and maybe even take part in – Blacklight Star

Theatre. Before you call it a night, you’ll want to do one last thing. Sign the giant birthday card with best wishes for Pacific Spirit Regional Park on its 25th birthday! And just remember, Night Quest takes place rain or (moon)shine. If the weather is clear, you’ll still want to dress warmly, bring a flashlight, a mug (for hot chocolate) and some toonies for treats at the Girl Guide concession. If it’s rainy, dress warmly and wear good raingear, and bring that flashlight, mug and treat money. If you don’t manage to take in everything the evening has to offer, remember you can always come back next year. (Courtesy, Metro Vancouver staff)

A larger-than-life flying squirrel shows her shy ways at Night Quest

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