UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2010

Page 137

Figure 5.9

Violence against women Proportion of ever-married women 15–49 years old who ever experienced physical or sexual violence from their most recent spouse or co-resident partner, by country, 2008 or most recent survey. Source: Demographic Health Surveys, 2002-2008, excepting Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Japan, Kenya, Samoa, Serbia, Tanzania and Thailand (WHO Multi-Country Study on Women’s health and Domestic Violence, 2004).

5 12-20% 20.1-30% 30.1-40% 40.1-50% 50.1-60% >60% No data

Figure 5.10

Governments involving men in reproductive health programmes Percentage of countries in which governments report involving men in reproductive health programmes through information, education and communication, 2010. Source: Country Progress Reports 2010.







Overall (171) Caribbean (13) Central and South America (19) East, South, and South-East Asia (21) Eastern Europe and Central Asia (11) Middle East and North Africa (18) Oceania (13) sub-Saharan Africa (42) North America and Western and Central Europe (34)

Chapter 5: Human rights and gender equality | 2010 GLOBAL REPORT


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