On the Road to REDD+: The UN-REDD Programme's Support to REDD+ Readiness 2008-2013

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Thus, the participatory development of a national strategy for building REDD+ readiness, as captured in the R-PP, leads directly to a national-level dialogue on the strategy for implementing REDD+ itself, i.e. for achieving measurable reductions in deforestation and forest degradation. A first step in developing such a strategy is often the preparation of a REDD+ Readiness Roadmap (see Mongolia REDD+ Strategy). By the end of 2013, the UN-REDD Programme had successfully supported the development of REDD+ roadmaps in several countries including Cambodia, Myanmar and Mongolia. The development and approval of more comprehensive national REDD+ strategies—typically completed towards the final stages of an NP—represents a pulling together of the thematic strands of support described in previous sections. Here, the results of the various thematic efforts are combined into an integrated and coherent whole. Several countries, including Tanzania, Viet Nam and the DRC, have developed and approved detailed, national REDD+ strategies with support from the UN-REDD Programme (see Tanzania’s National REDD+ Strategy result areas).

taken by Viet Nam, as a result of a UN-REDD Programme NP and targeted support. The successful development of national systems needed to meet UNFCCC requirements for REDD+ represents yet another measure of national-level progress. These include Safeguard Information Systems (SIS), National Forest Management Systems (NFMS) and systems for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV), all of which were discussed under the relevant thematic sections above. Examples here include the DRC, which has developed its NFMS and MRV systems, Zambia its NFMS, Costa Rica its SIS, and many others.

Another indicator of national-level progress towards readiness involves the conclusion of bilateral or multilateral agreements for REDD+ demonstration activities, which represent Phase 2 of the readiness process. Countries that have taken this step successfully, with varying degrees of support from the UN-REDD Programme, include Indonesia, the DRC, Viet Nam and Mexico. Viet Nam in particular has successfully completed Phase 1 of the REDD+ process and moved into Phase 2, which has led a number of neighbouring countries to express interest, taking valuable lessons from this singular achievement. Figure 2 illustrates some of the key steps on the road to REDD+ readiness

Tanzania’s National REDD+ Strategy result areas 1. REDD+ baseline scenario, monitoring, reporting and verification systems are established 2. Financial mechanisms and incentive schemes for REDD+ are established 3. All stakeholders are engaged and actively participate in the REDD+ implementation process 4. All REDD+ schemes are well coordinated 5. All REDD+ financing options are well understood 6. Governance mechanism for REDD+ are in place 7. Training programmes and infrastructure for REDD+ are developed 8. Current knowledge and scientific understanding of REDD+ issues are improved through research 9. An effective information and knowledge communication system on REDD+ issues is developed 10. REDD+ strategy options for addressing drivers of deforestation and forest degradation are developed.


ON THE ROAD TO REDD+  The UN-REDD Programme 2008-2013

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