Umbrella Issue One

Page 47

It’s It’s It’s not not not original original original unless unless unless it’s it’s it’s aaTimex. Timex. a Timex. Ever Ever since since Ever oursince our watches watches our watches moved moved from moved from thethe from pocket pocket thetopocket the to the wrist, towrist, the Timex wrist, Timex defi Timex defi nedned how defihow ned thethe how the world world told world told time. time. told By By time. thethe end Byend of thethe ofend the 1960s of1960s theevery 1960s every third every third watch watch thirdsold watch sold waswas sold a Timex. awas Timex. aInspired Timex. Inspired Inspired by by iconic iconic by Timex iconic Timex styles, Timex styles, Timex styles, Timex Originals Timex Originals Originals telltell a vivid a vivid tellstory a story vivid dating dating storyback dating back to 1854. to back 1854. to 1854.

©2010 ©2010 TimexTimex ©2010 GroupGroup USA, Timex USA, Inc.Group TIMEX Inc. TIMEX USA, is aInc. registered is aTIMEX registered istrademark a registered trademark of Timex trademark of Timex GroupGroup ofUSA, Timex USA, Inc.Group inInc. theUSA, inU.S. theInc. and U.S.inother and theother U.S. countries. and countries. other countries.

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