1906 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 3 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 145

Alpha Delta Pi Sorority ROSTER Af, UMNAI·:.


L11cilc Fishrr (~ Ir s. Sinclair ) Rosa Forney Chri5tina Playfair Florence Zumhof Edna \\'ahl ~largarct Henderson

IJunter Winifred Clay~on i\larie Cuddy l\1ettie Dunbar i\1yra :\Ioody Cora Forney


Pearl \\'ick-.tr >111 JUXIORS.

\\'ini fred Calkins

Ethel :\Ioody SOPIIOMOR~:s.

F!orence \ Veber

Sydroc Reeves


Constance J lcnderson Kathleen l\Iagee


Sadie Stockton Mary llall UNCT.ASSEO.

T.ucy ;\l ix (~ Irs. Jerome Day) Kat~ Davis (~ Irs. Shehce) Ruth 11rowman J e&sie Rowton Harriet }\fulkcy 'l'oncnia Hosey Ethel Spurbeck (:\Irs. Louis Twcedt)

l'\ ell Park

1\ lice Swincrton


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