1990 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 88 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 154

. , . lder students who like a little more peace and quiet than the average dorms or Greek houses offer look to the Alumni Residence Center as an alternative. Each room, which accommodates a single resident. comes furnished with a stove, refrigerator and sink. While small, residents have the option of putting up their own personal items to make their room more homey. Living in the Alumni Residence Center means fewer restrictions than are found in the other oncampus housing options. "It's more like a mini apartment," said resident Cathleen Barclay said. Wit's a good place for people who want a location close to campus and also want the quiet, privacy and a little more independence." Students must be older than 21 in order to live in the Alumni Residence Center. This requirement makes the center very attractive to a lot ofgraduate students and people who are looking for quiet places to study and live and still be close to campus. The building is co-ed with women residing on the top floor and men on the bottom two floors. The residents share a bathroom on each floor. Wit's a completely different situation than the dorm and Greek experience, a lot less social but with a lot more independence. It's pretty unique I guess," Barclay said.


150 Alumni Residence Center

Neely Hall

Neely Hall. In Front - Margrite Rodrigues, Cassie Gray. First Row - MaryLou Snedden, Carol Anderson, Alissa Puckett, Krisin Dunn, Miki Wofford, Melissa Uphus. Second Row - Colleen Korezck, Melissa Munster, Dawn Wetmore, Wendy Swenson, Aletia Hardman, Heidi Diestelhorst, Jill Webber, Kristen, Kirkham. Third Row - Shelly Hall, KelU Ann King, Gieeta Menon, Jeanne Gibson, Veronica Riener, Trlcia Hadley, Angie Driscoll, Leslie Pickens, Lorene Irons. Back Row - Emmy Lou Saxton, Cameron Young, MarsaLee Clark, Jana Pintler, Stacie Crawford, Carie Witten, Shannon Albright, Cheryl Maiorana, Dawn Markovich, Gena Gibbens.

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